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Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2025-03-19 01:18:19 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:a022803022057ee1d9396f7e65994916b7d3897f629f58c0f5b4f944e0c3aa32
FeatureGate | Default Hypershift |
Default SelfManagedHA |
DevPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift |
DevPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA |
TechPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift |
TechPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA |
ClusterAPIInstallAzure (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
ImagePolicy (0 tests) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
ServiceAccountTokenNodeBindingValidation (0 tests) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
ServiceAccountTokenPodNodeInfo (0 tests) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed) |
ChunkSizeMiB (5 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
ClusterAPIInstallGCP (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
ClusterAPIInstallPowerVS (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
GCPLabelsTags (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
ManagedBootImages (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
NodeDisruptionPolicy (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
ValidatingAdmissionPolicy (0 tests) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled (Changed) |
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
AWSEFSDriverVolumeMetrics (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
IngressControllerLBSubnetsAWS (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
MultiArchInstallAWS (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
MultiArchInstallGCP (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
SetEIPForNLBIngressController (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
AdditionalRoutingCapabilities (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
BootcNodeManagement (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
ClusterMonitoringConfig (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
MachineAPIMigration (0 tests) |
ManagedBootImagesAWS (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
MultiArchInstallAzure (0 tests) |
NetworkSegmentation (28 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
OVNObservability (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
PersistentIPsForVirtualization (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
ProcMountType (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
RouteAdvertisements (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
UserNamespacesSupport (0 tests) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
Enabled (New) |
or openshift
(#6411) #6411RunInstances
if IAM Allows It #528preserveBootstrapIgnition*
CVE #1968upgrade status
: control plane completion estimate #1742upgrade status
: polish alert insights #1787status/inspect-alerts
: handle non-200 by Thanos #1782eipAllocations
API in GA #1989IngressControllerLBSubnetsAWS
to GA #1966kubernetes-storage
rules #2377containerruntimeconfig
(#1100) #1100cluster
Build CR to runlevel 10 to match CRD
: privileged annotation in version
pods #1154UpdateEffectNone
errors from a MultipleErrors
message in the Failing condition #1114Oh no, something went wrong
error when trying to install operator. #14645Warning alert:Admission Webhook Warning
in PDB Create/Edit form #13935docs/helm
char to the RT kernel version. (#154) #154List()
PerformanceProfile status per NodePool #4585Role
to 4.17.0 #4044metricsclient_http_requests_total
metric #500Source code for this page located on github