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4.18.0-0.konflux-nightly-2025-03-18-191032 Download the installer for your operating system or run
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No tests for this release
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2025-03-18 19:21:26 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:3bc0db5929d6dcba8a336ddef9e8760302302327d86306edac43c27926d4c816
FeatureGate Changes
Default Hypershift
Default SelfManagedHA
DevPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
DevPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
TechPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
TechPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
NetworkSegmentation (37 tests)
Enabled (Changed)
Enabled (Changed)
PersistentIPsForVirtualization (12 tests)
Enabled (Changed)
Enabled (Changed)
Removed images
Rebuilt images without code change
OCPBUGS-52352 : Treat all aarch64 platforms as equals in tuned (#1303) (#1306) #1303
machineconfig: add support for various hugepage sizes. (#1299) #1299
OCPBUGS-51088 : E2E: Add configuration tests related to align cpus by uncorecache feature (#1298) #1298
e2e: common way to fetch poolName (#1255) (#1300) #1255
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-52429 : Remove tmp directory used for agent pxe files #9536
OCPBUGS-51211 : Fixes panic during GCP tags fetch due to unstable network #9513
OCPBUGS-49885 : [Nutanix] Install multi-NICs cluster failed with failureDomains #9440
OCPBUGS-50524 : Add cluster:master_nodes metric retrieval in docs #9449
OCPBUGS-49864 : handle runtime panic when validating ovnKubernetesConfig #9435
OCPBUGS-49320 : pkg/gcp/destroy: add waits to prevent leaks during heavy load #9402
OCPBUGS-50870 : PowerVS: destroy dhcp hack #9483
OCPBUGS-50877 : correct typo #9485
OCPBUGS-49792 : aws/edge/byovpc: subnets tag kube cluster tag to shared #9430
OCPBUGS-49842 : Disable IP Forwarding for CAPG Machines #9434
OCPBUGS-46548 : Update RHCOS 4.18 bootimage metadata to 418.94.202501221327-0 #9437
OCPBUGS-49735 : aws/byo-ip added required permission ec2:ReleaseAddress #9426
OCPBUGS-49599 : Envtest: Configure IPv6 service network for API Service #9418
OCPBUGS-46533 : Add note about additional networks using IPv6 #9324
OCPBUGS-49383 : [release-4.18] MGMT-19771: Convert IDS to proper IDMS manifest #9400
OCPBUGS-49148 : [Nutanix] Installation failed with timeout when uploading images to PC #9399
OCPBUGS-48757 : Add new tested azure arm instance type to doc #9390
OCPBUGS-48671 : Find instances by label GCP #9382
OCPBUGS-48581 : Run iscsiadm for agent-based iSCSI installations #9379
OCPBUGS-48611 : Destroy all private cluster backend service resources #9380
OCPBUGS-48451 : wait for at least 3 kube-apiserver instances #9372
OCPBUGS-48576 : azure: use separate /var to avoid growfs timeouts #9378
OCPBUGS-29201 : Update MCS Cert and Key files within bootstrap Ignition with UserProvisionedDNS #9348
OCPBUGS-46391 : node-joiner PXE artifacts should be prefixed “node” #9316
OCPBUGS-48240 : remove the types which failed by RHEL-59521 and add the new gpu vm type #9351
OCPBUGS-48187 : Allow more time for Service Account Creation #9347
OCPBUGS-48164 : Remove narrow timeout from etcd bootstrap member removal gate. #9344
OCPBUGS-48118 : Always set AllowCrossTenantReplication parameter to false #9345
OCPBUGS-46033 : Power VS: Create region-zone-sysType hierarchy #9303
OCPBUGS-45870 : Wait for etcd bootstrap member removal #9293
OCPBUGS-47502 : aws: fix perm requirement for edge nodes #9334
OCPBUGS-46475 : aws: include permissions for edge compute #9320
OCPBUGS-46594 : fix skew support for node-joiner #9327
OCPBUGS-46046 : aws: fix sts:AssumeRole perm requirement #9306
OCPBUGS-46355 : IBMCloud Fix VPC-COS IAM Auth #9311
OCPBUGS-45814 : Remove unused variable from ASH arm template 06_workers.json #9286
OCPBUGS-45711 : aws: add ec2:AllocateAddress perm requirement. #9283
OCPBUGS-45140 : aws: add missing ec2:GetConsoleOutput perm requirement #9246
OCPBUGS-45301 : capi/aws: use LB name when finding Hosted Zone ID #9288
OCPBUGS-45630 : Handle multiple mirror entries for source #9278
OCPBUGS-44327 : Update RHCOS 4.18 bootimage metadata to 418.94.202411221729-0 #9237
OCPBUGS-45485 : PowerVS: Listen to machineNetwork #9272
OCPBUGS-45255 : Ironic external url port should change based on protocol #9255
ARO-12457 : Include bootstrap docker config file in go module #9262
OCPBUGS-45081 : move GCP zone filtering client-side #9240
SPLAT-1851 : Bump API for Multi vCenter GA #9235
OCPBUGS-44922 : Power VS: SetDefaultPrivateServiceEndpoints mistakenly called for External deploys #9231
METAL-1136 : user defined additional provisioning NPT servers #8928
OCPBUGS-43625 : Bump Azure Machine Timeout #9226
OCPBUGS-44193 : Reduce Server Side Filtering of Resources #9202
MGMT-19292 : align image based extraPartitionlabel with var-lib-containers partition label #9217
AGENT-1022 : add node-joiner –config-iso flag #9214
AGENT-965 : add ClusterInfo report result #9213
AGENT-1028 : Day2 - Save and manage authentication tokens as cluster secrets #9210
CORS-3282 : IBMCloud: CAPI Machines #9200
CORS-2754 : ipv4.internalJoinSubnet Support #9212
OCPBUGS-44745 : aws: user right perm for untagging BYO IAM profiles #9222
OCPBUGS-43453 : permissions: add ec2:DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings req #9114
CORS-3741 : [Nutanix] support multiple subnets #9133
AGENT-901 : update agent docs for add-nodes workflow #9215
MULTIARCH-5161 : Power VS: Create VPEs as needed for Disconnected install #9165
CORS-3754 : AWS: With UserProvisionedDNS, keep resolv.conf on the bootstrap node updated #9207
CORS-3709 : GCP: Update Master pointer Ignition with API-Int IP #9085
CORS-3753 : Allow mocking of the Azure client everywhere #9201
CORS-3474 : IBMCloud: Add CAPI Ignition for bootstrap node. #9199
OPRUN-3588 : Add OperatorLifecycleManagerV1 capability #9196
OCPBUGS-34974 : IBMCloud: Add service overrides #9156
OCPBUGS-29067 : Prepend resolv.conf on the bootstrap node of GCP with custom-dns #8811
OCPBUGS-29109 : IBMCloud: RG delete failure details #8030
CORS-3282 : IBMCloud: CAPI Machines #9203
OCPBUGS-44312 : Power VS: Add new zones #9187
AGENT-950 : Implement Separate JWT Tokens for Different User Personas #9039
AGENT-999 : Agent doc changes for minimal ISO #9192
OCPBUGS-44580 : Agent handle IPv6 correctly in net.Dial #9208
CORS-3680 : update docs to include C4/C4A machine types #9193
AGENT-959 : iSCSI Boot #8886
CORS-3748 : IBMCloud: Setup IBM Cloud CAPI InfraReady step #9191
OCPBUGS-43439 : permissions: add ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes requirement #9106
OCPBUGS-44199 : Allow spaces in the aws tags #9197
No-Issue: Temporarily set none authenticator #9198
OCPBUGS-44171 : Validate aws userTags when supplied #9171
MULTIARCH-5162 : Power VS: Bump openshift/api to include #9190
AGENT-967 : Improve monitoring output for multi-node #9172
OCPBUGS-30292 : If agent proxy defined, add MachineNetwork to noProxy #9153
AGENT-965 : improve node-joiner create command troubleshooting #9146
AGENT-990 : Allow control planes with 5 and 4 replicas #9154
CORS-3571 : permissions: add new create command and asset #8704
AGENT-859 : Support for PXE files in day 2 #9097
OCPBUGS-39404 : Enable TLS by default between Metal3’s httpd server and the BMC (for serving virtual media images) #9170
MULTIARCH-5150 : Pass IAM endpoint override to PowerVS CloudProviderConfig #9143
OCPBUGS-43970 : bump CAPO to v0.11.1 #9151
OCPBUGS-42670 : Allow AdditionalTrustBundlePolicy to be set #9164
OCPBUGS-44167 : Ensure rendezvousIP is checked against host IP #9167
OCPBUGS-43048 : aws/capi: set CIDR block for Node Port Service ingress rule #9127
OSASINFRA-3516 : Document correlated observability #9046
AGENT-974 : Add integration test for agent minimal ISO #9139
MGMT-19191 : Provide a way to add coreos installer params for installation phase #9149
MGMT-19200 : Adding NodeLabels param for image-based-configuration iso #9161
OCPBUGS-39586 : Add C4A instance types #9122
OCPBUGS-36222 : OCPBUGS-35898: capi/aws: bump provider for LB DNS lookup fix #8927
NO-ISSUE: Add mresvanis to imagebased approvers #9168
OCPBUGS-44162 : PowerVS: Fix destroy persistent TG #9166
OCPBUGS-42544 : support additionalNTPSources in node-joiner tool #9108
no-jira: Collect bootstrap logs when control plane provisioning fails #9123
OCPBUGS-43513 : day2 set UserManageNetworking for none/external platforms #9129
OCPBUGS-44068 : PowerVS: Fix MissingSecurityGroupRules #9163
OCPBUGS-43768 : Log correct hostname for validation status #9137
OCPBUGS-44022 : PowerVS: Change CAPI verbosity level #9155
OCPBUGS-43923 : PowerVS: update capi ibmcloud 9b077049 #9148
OCPBUGS-43674 : ABI cluster installation fails for external OCI platform #9141
AGENT-1023 : support patch in curl_assisted_service #9061
CORS-3283 : IBMCloud: Add IBM Cloud CAPI Cluster manifest #9118
MGMT-19151 : Add ingress CN to cluster configuration for image-based installer #9128
CORS-3706 : allow to install an OCP Nutanix cluster using PC’s existing RHCOS image #9093
OCPBUGS-39585 : Add C4 instance validation #9121
OCPBUGS-43520 : Limit GCP API firewall rule for internal clusters #9113
OCPBUGS-43567 : pkg/asset/installconfig/azure: send full certifcate chain #9117
OCPBUGS-36670 : Update SecurityType for Image used by ConfidentialVMs #9101
CORS-3696 : Add AWS User Provisioned DNS option to install config #9069
OCPBUGS-43279 : Allow custom machine types #9094
AGENT-972 , AGENT-973 : Agent minimal ISO support for all platforms #9056
OCPBUGS-43518 : Power VS: Fix incorrect error handling for AddSecurityGroupRule #9107
OCPBUGS-39231 : add chrony.conf file when additional NTP sources are configured #9095
AGENT-966 : Reduce dependency from kube-system/cluster-config-v1 when generating the image #9066
OCPBUGS-41834 : Add agent installer checks for hosts interface table #9052
OCPBUGS-30292 : For agent installer, add RendezvousIP to NO_PROXY #9083
OCPBUGS-36532 : Agent installer wait-for, just test connectivity to host #9074
AGENT-988 : fix node-joiner integration tests #9100
OCPBUGS-42637 : Update RHCOS 4.18 bootimage metadata to 418.94.202410090804-0 #9088
OCPBUGS-36869 : Prevent race with provisioning-interface service #8985
OCPBUGS-36236 : IBMCloud: Handle pagination for subnets #8668
AGENT-904 : Output config-image from node-joiner tool #8321
OCPBUGS-43041 : fix slice init length #9072
CORS-3284 : IBMCloud: CAPI PreProvisioining #8235
CORS-3472 : Ensure that a region contains zones #9087
OCPBUGS-42717 : Power VS Ensure Metadata populated for CAPI/private cluster case on PowerVS #8826
OCPBUGS-42789 : Update forwarding rules destroy #9075
OCPBUGS-41785 : Validate MTU when controlPlanePort uses FixedIPs #9081
MGMT-18292 : in order to be able to import openshift installer we need to update assisted service as it requires new hive #9058
OCPBUGS-39339 : gather: simplify service regex for analyze #9073
OCPBUGS-33311 : aws: fix NLB creation in secret regions #8636
NO-JIRA: ignition/bootstrap/common: account for templated files when setting mode #8977
CORS-3601 : Bump api, client-go, library-go for k8s 1.31 #9067
AGENT-998 : allow node-joiner hack script to run in the CI #9064
no-jira: Capv bump to v1.11.1 #9059
OCPBUGS-42563 : machines: don’t sort mpool zones #9063
CORS-3702 : Add api and api-int ips to bootstrap node #9022
SPLAT-1829 : Removed usage of importx for ova upload #9062
OCPBUGS-42412 : add new tested azure instance types detected during QE 4.17 full function test #9057
OCPBUGS-41184 : GCP Validate Disk and Instance Type #9043
AGENT-889 : node-joiner integration tests #8976
no-jira: bump cluster-api version to 1.8.2 #9055
OCPBUGS-36670 : Azure CAPI: Provide Image ID while creating different image versions #9021
OSASINFRA-3615 : OpenStack: Add installation steps for single stack IPv6 clusters #9044
CORS-3598 : bump release image to 4.18 #9049
MULTIARCH-4813 : Make CPMS active by default for Power VS platform #8738
OSASINFRA-3614 : OpenStack: remove creation of IPv4 rules on Single stack IPv6 cluster #9038
OCPBUGS-37588 : PowerVS: Add support for persistent Transit Gateways #8774
OCPBUGS-42123 : Add GCP N4 Machine Series to tested instances for OCP #9029
CORS-3663 : Authentication tech debt for agent based installer #8902
OCPBUGS-42086 : update RHCOS 4.18 bootimage metadata to 418.94.202409162337-0 #9027
OCPBUGS-38498 : Set default release image to 4.17 #9017
OCPBUGS-39340 : Remove destroy search for regional target tcp proxies #9015
OCPBUGS-41538 : Remove bindings for XPN installs #8989
OCPBUGS-41184 : Add validation for gcp disk and instance types #8961
OCPBUGS-41895 : Log details when cluster validations fail #9004
OCPBUGS-41852 : add tested IBMCloud instance types in 4.17 test #8932
CORS-3457 : Remove pborman/uuid dependency #8250
OSASINFRA-3607 : OpenStack: validate combination of externalNetwotk with single stack v6 #9011
OCPBUGS-41938 : PowerVS update capi ibmcloud c6bcd313 #9010
OCPBUGS-38499 : Fix integration tests #8789
NO-ISSUE: docs/dev/dependencies: Mention install-config YAML generation #9014
OCPBUGS-36670 : Azure CAPI: Improve handling of security features configured on the MachinePools and OSDisk #9000
OCPBUGS-37506 : Azure CAPI: Update publicAccess for Blob Containers #9001
SPLAT-1750 : Add support for multiple NICs for vSphere day 0 #8890
CFE-1105 : Remove featureGate checks on GCP userLabels and userTags configs #8894
OCPBUGS-41776 : Add AWS c7g,m7g,r8g to tested instance types #8996
OCPBUGS-30811 : OpenStack: Install CI dependencies from rpm #8830
OCPBUGS-36861 : Updates GCP CAPI worker role #8938
OCPBUGS-32792 : update resolv.conf every time on bootstrap node #8430
OCPBUGS-41785 : Validate MTU for custom network #8988
OCPBUGS-41188 : Updating ose-baremetal-installer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #8962
OCPBUGS-38719 : Filter peering zones out #8978
OCPBUGS-36293 : aws: bump capa to fix EIP leak on bootstrap when BYOIP #8676
OCPBUGS-41174 : Updating ose-installer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #8960
OCPBUGS-36670 : Azure CAPI: Look for SecuirtyType in DefaultMachinePlatform #8982
OCPBUGS-37506 : Fix Azure storage account’s public access #8944
OCPBUGS-41257 : pass k8s version to kube-apiserver render during bootstrap #8973
OCPBUGS-40412 : Updating ose-installer-altinfra-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #8957
OCPBUGS-37628 : vSphere conversion log when deprecated and support fields are used #8845
OCPBUGS-36670 : Azure CAPI: Set SecurityType as a Feature while creating Gallery Image #8967
OCPBUGS-41262 : Updating ose-installer-artifacts-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #8965
OCPBUGS-41259 : update RHCOS 4.18 bootimage metadata to 418.94.202409050217-0 #8974
OCPBUGS-36196 : pkg/infrastructure/azure: set correct cloud for BYO vnet #8959
OCPBUGS-33324 : baremetal: wait before retrying ListWatch #8355
OSASINFRA-3571 : openstack: refactor ConfigDrive & add it for workers #8963
OCPBUGS-39402 : Fix IPv6 security group rule for schedulable master #8942
OCPBUGS-39081 : Bump extract-machine-os timout to 20m #8921
OCPBUGS-38070 : Azure: Add master and worker VM IPs to both the backend pools API LoadBalancer #8887
SPLAT-1744 : Bump capv #8956
OCPBUGS-37442 : azure: Pick the next available IP address for internal LB #8916
OCPBUGS-39431 : dropping this warning as the move from terraform is transparent to the end user #8945
OCPBUGS-19936 , OCPBUGS-20052 , OCPBUGS-23173 : update vault version to 1.13.10 #8941
OCPBUGS-38069 : Remove firewall rules created by CAPG #8869
OCPBUGS-36283 : Enable TLS for virtual media in initial ironic deployment #8819
OSASINFRA-3571 : OpenStack: enable config-drive for single-stack IPv6 #8940
OCPBUGS-35054 : capi/aws/byo-vpc/multi-cidr: fix group rules #8591
OSASINFRA-3559 : OpenStack: Enable single stack IPv6 install #8925
OCPBUGS-39285 : Fix var_files syntax to work on older version of ansible #8919
OCPBUGS-39299 : Fix to validation for GCP pre-created ServiceAccount #8930
OCPBUGS-36494 , OCPBUGS-38918 : vSphere - If template is defined skip downloading #8923
CORS-3599 : cvo: bump default channel to stable-4.18 #8907
OCPBUGS-38966 : Skip private managed zone creation for xpn installs #8908
OCPBUGS-38802 : Use infrastructure resource to retrieve platform type #8888
OCPBUGS-33308 : IngressController subnet selection in AWS #8906
CORS-3561 : Add new disk types GCP Control Plane nodes #8880
OCPBUGS-38235 : upi/aws: update lambda runtime python version #8820
OCPBUGS-38118 : failed to install Nutanix OCP 4.16 cluster with DHCP network #8806
OCPBUGS-38479 : ic: validate release arch is compatible with cluster arch #8842
OCPBUGS-38177 : install-status reflects day 2 services #8858
OCPBUGS-38722 : aws: validate public-only subnets configs #8883
OCPBUGS-37663 : azure: Fix empty route table being created. #8872
OCPBUGS-36196 : CAPZ USGovernmentCloud fixes #8876
NO-JIRA: Print the “export KUBECONFIG=…” command on its own line for easier cut-and-paste #8882
OCPBUGS-37543 : Azure: Disable shared key access when using managed identity #8844
OCPBUGS-38657 : upstream capv bug causes session timeout #8871
OCPBUGS-38070 : Azure CAPI: Add check for APIServer OperatorPublishingStrategy #8852
OCPBUGS-38571 : GCP Global Address failed to destroy #8860
OCPBUGS-38558 : Fix typo #8854
OCPBUGS-38599 : incorrect folder gen, workaround govmomi vm folder path bug #8861
OCPBUGS-38152 : Add roles needed for shared VPC #8815
OCPBUGS-38552 : Use ManifestListed Digest for multi payload installs #8850
SPLAT-1713 : Updated powercli configuration to allow multi vcenters #8853
OCPBUGS-37953 : pkg/infrastructure/azure: limit storage account to 24 characters or less #8835
OCPBUGS-38551 : only allow a single network in failure domain topology #8851
OCPBUGS-37945 : import failure when esxi config is not the same in the cluster #8799
OCPBUGS-37683 : Resource deletion is holding up deletion process #8810
OCPBUGS-35262 : Do not create firewall rules for xpn installs #8801
SPLAT-1713 : Enhanced vSphere UPI scripts for multi vcenter support #8829
OCPBUGS-38114 : aws: add support for clusters with public-only subnets #8807
no-jira: update vsphere owners locations #8833
OCPBUGS-37736 : vsphere, if secureboot is enabled, disable it in the template #8793
OCPBUGS-36327 : bump capa for instance register fix #8678
OCPBUGS-38436 : PowerVS: Fix mad system pool #8831
OCPBUGS-35947 : pkg/asset/machines: fix Azure zones #8817
OCPBUGS-37780 : aws: do not allow edge pools of different arch #8788
OCPBUGS-38241 : Update control plane tags to match CAPI networks #8822
SPLAT-1560 : set up ‘aicli’ & ‘qemu-img’ to use Assisted Installer to install OCP on Alibaba Cloud #8776
AGENT-938 : Enhance console logging to display node ISO expiry date during addNodes workflow #8804
CFE-920 : Update GCP userLabels and userTags configs description #8766
AGENT-944 : Enable assisted-service debug logging #8816
OCPBUGS-37770 : data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/bootkube: Pass CVO render –feature-gate-manifest-path #8813
OCPBUGS-37821 : Remove timed context for gcp client #8792
CORS-3575 : Azure: remove azure terraform code and resources #8764
OCPBUGS-37540 : Gather Azure Logs through load balancer #8812
AGENT-937 : Check Authentication Token for Node Boot-Up on day2 #8802
Revert “Revert #8221 “SPLAT-1553: Added multi vCenter support for capi installer.”” #8638
MULTIARCH-4770 : MULTIARCH-4776: bump o/api for MultiArchInstall FGs #8808
MULTIARCH-4098 : Power VS: Make CAPI the default deployment method #8814
CORS-3617 : Make Azure CAPI the default (& only) install option #8809
no-jira: PowerVS: Block disconnected deploys in 4.17 #8798
CORS-3608 : aws: deprecate field #8755
NO-ISSUE: Remove unnecessary code #8805
AGENT-890 : Simplify Agent ISO kargs setting #8513
CORS-3546 : Nutanix: add gpus and dataDisks support #8765
OCPBUGS-38055 : fix/aws/edge: IAM profile must be same of workers #8803
CORS-3594 : MOVE GCP CAPI to default feature set #8723
no-jira: doc: minor update to installation doc #8795
AGENT-870 : Update AUTH_TYPE #8108
OCPBUGS-37594 : pkg/infrastructure/azure: Set architecture when creating gallery image #8800
CORS-3609 : aws: support existing IAM instance profiles #8689
MULTIARCH-4828 : Pass ServiceEndpoints from install-config to CAPI for PowerVS #8781
MGMT-18364 : add image-based installation ISO integration tests #8797
CORS-3565 : CAPZ private clusters #8732
OCPBUGS-36361 : Azure: If credentialsMode is manual, pass the identity through #8786
CORS-3299 : Azure: Use Customer Managed Key to enable Storage Account Encryption #8736
MULTIARCH-4770 : bump o/api for MultiArchInstall TechPreview gates #8791
OCPBUGS-34953 : fix bogus analyze message when gather fails #8787
AGENT-928 : allow user to specify sshKey via config file #8779
OCPBUGS-35262 : Upgrade to latest cluster-api-provider-gcp #8780
AGENT-862 : Change day-2 monitor timeout back to 90 minutes #8783
AGENT-919 : Authenticate day2 operations #8717
OCPBUGS-35959 : azure: Fix Accelerated network enablement #8667
CORS-3209 : Set UserTags on CAPG resources #8691
no-jira: bootstrap: add shellcheck directives to follow sourced files #8741
CORS-3580 : Update GCP Disk Types #8773
no-jira: Azure: remove stale DNS migration images #8775
OCPBUGS-37217 : CAPI GCP - retry SetIAMPolicy #8763
OCPBUGS-37427 : bootstrap gather fails in vsphere, only ipv6 address used #8759
OCPBUGS-37356 : vSphere validation fails if dc is in a folder #8758
OCPBUGS-35366 : Update upi references to api-internal #8582
AGENT-862 : Extend monitor-add-nodes to support multiple nodes #8507
AGENT-854 : day2 add-nodes workflow validations #8740
AGENT-900 : enable fips for add-nodes workflow #8760
CORS-3568 : Support GCP pre-created Service Accounts for CAPG #8750
OCPBUGS-36302 : pkg/asset/machines/azure: Don’t set disk encryption set to nil #8756
OCPBUGS-36780 : ic: fix typo in warning message #8744
OCPBUGS-36913 : openstack: Fix security group tagging #8757
OCPBUGS-36390 : aws: do not require create permissions when BYO IAM role #8688
MULTIARCH-4814 : ic: add release arch validation for multi-arch clusters #8761
AGENT-922 : Remove misleading inClusterConfig warning #8715
OCPBUGS-36904 : aws: bump CAPA for subnet tagging fix #8730
no-jira: Replace Equal with ErrorContains for image-based nmstatectl unit tests #8762
OCPBUGS-37226 : Persist image-based config manifests from state instead of template #8752
MGMT-18364 : Add image-based config ISO integration tests #8737
OCPBUGS-36917 : openstack: Fix apiVIPs and ingressVIPs docs #8728
no-jira: docs/user/azure: fix byo vnet security groups #8485
CORS-3607 : Azure CAPI Installs within Tech Preview featureset #8754
MULTIARCH-4777 : gcp: support multi-arch nodes #8701
OCPBUGS-35406 : Use service CIDRs to determine bootstrap kubelet IP family #8681
AGENT-910 : node-joiner multi-arch support #8644
METAL-1039 : Allow baremetal platform without MAPI #8521
CORS-3569 : UDR for Capz #8731
MULTIARCH-4569 : aws: support multi-arch nodes #8698
no-jira: Revert “Merge pull request #8714 from r4f4/bump-default-release-4.17” #8753
OCPBUGS-37104 : openstack: Validate controlPlanePort has subnet #8739
OCPBUGS-37164 : Handle empty config for image-based create image #8745
OCPBUGS-37107 : Power VS: Disable SNAT when specifying imageContentSources #8697
STOR-1353 : Attempt to cleanup GCP Filestore instances on destroy #8699
CORS-3073 : azure: Allow for installs in existing vnets #8662
MGMT-17842 : Add image-based installer create config ISO #8514
MGMT-17226 : Add image-based installer create installation ISO #8679
OCPBUGS-35440 : capi/aws: bump provider for ingress rules fix #8596
OCPBUGS-34638 : destroy/gcp: set value for DiscardLocalSsd #8649
CORS-3302 : port forward SSH to bootstrap host #8669
OCPBUGS-36713 : CAPG use existing subnets and VPC #8722
MGMT-17226 : Add imagebased installer skeleton #8709
CORS-3485 : Azure: modify control plane outbound LB into submission as an API LB #8652
OCPBUGS-36378 : capi: start controllers after WaitGroup is created #8693
CORS-2775 : cmd: destroy: remove deprecated #8720
OCPBUGS-33973 : Openstack UPI - Reintroduce unique resource names. #8477
MULTIARCH-4568 : Print release image arch and default arch when the payload is multi #8515
CORS-3593 : go.mod: bump k8s dependencies #8713
OCPBUGS-35262 : Skip firewall rule creation if permission is missing #8706
OCPBUGS-36142 : azure: Fix HyperVGeneration for gen2 images. #8666
OCPBUGS-35542 : Cleanup capi artifacts #8599
CORS-3590 : releaseimage: update default version #8714
AGENT-875 : Authenticate agents #8395
OCPBUGS-34708 : CORS-3582: capi: remove unused feature gates #8703
OCPBUGS-36660 : CORS-3591: 4.17 default channel incorrectly points to stable-4.16 #8708
CORS-3296 : CAPG - configure Internal LoadBalancer in the provider #8421
CORS-3547 : Upgrade cluster-api-provider-gcp to v1.7 #8700
AGENT-876 : Authenticate systemd services and curl requests #8393
SPLAT-1670 : install pwsh from ci mirrored image #8643
OCPBUGS-36453 : PowerVS: add .ssh directory #8686
OCPBUGS-35262 : Fix shared vpc issues with capg installs #8583
AGENT-925 : retrieve ignition endpoint to add a new node #8650
OCPBUGS-35752 : capi/aws: disable EKS controller in CAPA #8628
OSASINFRA-3402 : Use Gophercloud v2.0.0 #8685
AGENT-871 : Authenticate wait for #8270
OCPBUGS-36318 : update RHCOS 4.17 bootimage metadata to 417.94.202407010929-0 #8690
OCPBUGS-36316 : Power VS: Allow pending network for internal publishing strategy #8677
OCPBUGS-36242 : vSphere - If the folder pre-exists do not tag #8671
OSASINFRA-3510 : Change ‘Generate’ to accept a context #8562
OCPBUGS-36284 : Remove etcd store when provisioning fails #8673
OCPBUGS-36092 : bump go-retryablehttp for CVE fix #8653
no-jira: Update documentation on libvirt installs for devs #8675
OCPBUGS-36176 : PowerVS: Add ibmcloud plugins #8661
OCPBUGS-35382 : CAPG marketplace image use for control plane nodes #8665
OCPBUGS-35852 : capi: shutdown local controlplane as the last step #8639
OCPBUGS-35188 : aws: remove terraform configs #8557
CORS-3435 : Create user assigned identity for Azure VM’s #8645
MULTIARCH-4515 : Add new files for agent-based installer (LPAR support for s390x) #8536
OCPBUGS-35420 : OSASINFRA-1962: openstack: Validate additionalNetworkIDs and additionalSecurityGroupIDs #8592
CORS-3483 : Update CAPI and CAPZ versions to set Machine DisableExtensionOperations #8627
OCPBUGS-34978 : Power VS: Ensure that VPC has prerequesite resources for private #8532
OCPBUGS-35547 : Configured logger for controller-runtime #8641
OSASINFRA-3465 : openstack: Update Gophercloud to v2 #8493
CORS-3562 : azure: Setting experimental MachinePool featuregate to false #8637
CORS-3434 : azure: Skip image upload if env var is set #8283
OCPBUGS-14963 : IBMCloud: Ignore failed VPC regions #8556
OCPBUGS-33735 : Remove GCP bootstrap ssh firewall rule #8523
OCPBUGS-31275 : gcp: Validate install-config examples #8198
no-jira: images: upi-installer image cleanup #8216
OCPBUGS-33702 : baremetal: bootstrap: bind icc to localhost #8445
Revert #8221 “SPLAT-1553: Added multi vCenter support for capi installer.” #8630
OCPBUGS-35426 : Update cluster-api-provider-openstack to v0.10.3 #8625
OCPBUGS-35523 : remove terraform libvirt from the installer #8610
OCPBUGS-30025 : fix: changed validation for olm and marketplace #8609
OCPBUGS-35430 : Support CAPI provider custom timeouts #8568
OCPBUGS-35533 : Fix ethertype for masters service router SG creation #8615
CORS-3265 : capz: Add Accelerated Networking #8418
OCPBUGS-35494 : capi/aws: allow 6443 for private cluster NLB #8620
OCPBUGS-35530 : capi/aws: retry SSH ingress rule removal #8616
OCPBUGS-35400 : For GCP, only configure kmsKeyServiceAccount if set #8597
SPLAT-1553 : Added multi vCenter support for capi installer. #8221
OCPBUGS-34037 : bump for CVE fix #8564
OCPBUGS-35511 : capi aws: append random string in caller ref #8593
SPLAT-1437 : CAPI/AWS/BYOIP: supporting Public IPv4 Pool #8175
OCPBUGS-35467 : capi/aws: disable CAPA’s TagUnmanagedNetworkResources feature gate #8602
OCPBUGS-33745 : save etcd data to its own directory #8424
NO-JIRA: Remove dulek from openstack-{approvers,reviewers} #8413
OCPBUGS-34819 : capi/aws: bump provider for fixes #8545
OCPBUGS-34618 : vsphere - allow network selection on cluster name #8505
OCPBUGS-35037 : aws: delete ignition bucket on bootstrap destroy #8584
OCPBUGS-35293 : Add ELB V2 permission to set security groups on API server load balancer #8572
OCPBUGS-34712 : add tested instance type for IBMCloud #8549
OCPBUGS-35315 : capi: use polling instead of exponential backoff #8522
OCPBUGS-35197 : capi/aws: do not set proxy for masters #8570
OCPBUGS-34005 : openstack: Attach a bootstrap FIP to the cluster network port #8578
OCPBUGS-35309 : Add S3 permission to allow attaching S3 bucket policy #8573
OCPBUGS-33661 : capi/aws: rename preserveBootstrapIgnition
OCPBUGS-35180 : Prevent multiple invocations on CAPI #8565
OCPBUGS-33681 : Cleanup bootstrap resources for capg install #8489
OCPBUGS-34713 : AWS remove extra tags from awsmachines for security groups and subnets #8567
OCPBUGS-35041 : capi: do not override KUBECONFIG #8542
OCPBUGS-34325 : Updating ose-baremetal-installer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #8559
OCPBUGS-35182 : write etcd and kube-apiserver logs #8441
OCPBUGS-34456 : bump envtest binaries version #8471
no-jira: hack: bump golangci-lint version #8535
OCPBUGS-34416 : Validate OnHostMaintenance and ConfidentialCompute #8541
OCPBUGS-35039 : PowerVS: Destroy DHCP in ERROR state #8544
OCPBUGS-34082 : baremetal: check if HardwareDetails is nil #8443
OCPBUGS-34368 : OCPBUGS-34325: OCPBUGS-34311: OCPBUGS-34221: Bump golang 1.22 #8473
OCPBUGS-34295 : wait for ip addresses to be present on machines #8450
OCPBUGS-35099 : OCPBUGS-4466: Prevent cluster installation with mismatched worker assets and worker replicas #8370
OCPBUGS-35038 : capi/aws: add BootstrapDestroyer guard #8543
OCPBUGS-34915 : Add network tags to capg control plane machines #8531
OCPBUGS-35020 : capi/aws: don’t use S3 stub for masters #8538
OCPBUGS-33662 : aws: don’t always require s3:Delete* permissions #8410
OCPBUGS-34969 : Power VS: Add ports needed for private clusters to security group #8530
OCPBUGS-34900 : Increase timeout for bootstrap complete #8534
no-jira: Minor updates to fix linting issues. #8529
OCPBUGS-34869 : PowerVS: fix AddIPToLoadBalancerPool #8508
MULTIARCH-4640 : Add 4 new regions for PowerVS #8484
OCPBUGS-34493 : baremetal: Don’t always enable provisioning-interface.service #8491
No-jira: Revert “Cleanup GCP Filestore instances on destroy” #8527
OCPBUGS-33793 : Make Ingress capability required for all baselines #8525
OCPBUGS-34692 : update RHCOS 4.17 bootimage metadata to 417.94.202405291927-0 #8516
OCPBUGS-33789 : [Nutanix] installer intermittent failed at uploading the bootstrap image to PC when CAPI enabled #8468
STOR-1353 : Cleanup GCP Filestore instances on destroy #7251
OSASINFRA-3456 : OpenStack: do not use trunk for the Machines by default #8497
OCPBUGS-33508 : capi/aws: fix setting custom AMI #8466
OCPBUGS-33793 : Make Ingress capability required for standalone OpenShift #8502
CORS-3523 , CORS-3524 : aws: terraform: add spot instance support for masters #8349
OCPBUGS-33410 : attach tag to folder,fix folder destroy #8373
OCPQE-22479 : add machine series ‘A3’ and ‘C3D’ to ‘Tested instance types for GCP’ #8504
OCPBUGS-33840 : Warn before trimming cluster name #8367
OCPBUGS-33234 : azure: bump profile used for network #8351
OCPBUGS-33925 : tfvars: change asset’s name #8464
OCPBUGS-33561 , OCPBUGS-33615 : capv - missing cores/socket,disk type #8446
no-jira: Removing unused users from owners aliases #8498
OCPBUGS-30860 : Use infrastructure API to detect cluster topology #8429
MGMT-17468 : Detect Release Image Arch in a Disconnected Env. #8378
MULTIARCH-4076 : PowerVS: Default region bug fix #7862
OCPBUGS-34243 : unique AWS HostedZone Caller Ref #8453
OCPBUGS-30516 : bump golang-protobuf for CVE fix #8379
no-jira: images: delete #8377
OCPBUGS-33570 : Nutanix IPI install with capi failed to set bootType #8454
OCPBUGS-34389 : aws/cluster: restrict SSH on private clusters #8462
OCPBUGS-34368 : Updating ose-installer-artifacts-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #8459
OCPBUGS-34354 : PowerVS: update capi ibmcloud to release 0 8 0 #8458
OCPBUGS-33926 : capi/aws: don’t modify BYO role’s policy #8457
OCPBUGS-33912 : PowerVS: Use random subnet #8420
OCPBUGS-34221 : Updating ose-installer-altinfra-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #8449
OCPBUGS-34311 : Updating ose-installer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #8455
OCPBUGS-34040 : Add –dir /tmp to #8444
OCPBUGS-30860 : bootstrap: hit readyz when checking LB status #8400
OCPBUGS-33877 : bump aws bootstrap destroy timeout #8427
OCPBUGS-33995 : PowerVS: Also fill out PlatformSpec for custom endpoints #8439
TRT-1674 : 4.17 capi revert 1 #8433
OCPBUGS-33493 : Enable leader election for baremetal operator #8391
OCPBUGS-33890 : SPLAT-1469: Remove vsphere terraform #8254
CORS-2840 : promote capi-installers to default feature set #8416
OCPBUGS-33668 : Changed folder name to match cluster name instead of infra-id. #8414
AGENT-903 : monitor-add-nodes should only show CSRs matching node #8376
CORS-3480 : aws/sdk: remove sdk provisioner #8358
CORS-3460 : Always collect clusterapi manifests #8411
OCPBUGS-33709 : GCP mixup when using the ignition shim vs the signed url #8342
CORS-3297 : Add GCP firewall rule to access bootstrap node via ssh #8374
CORS-2905 : capi-aws delete bootstrap ssh rule #8359
OCPBUGS-33370 : baremetal: always write masters file #8365
OCPBUGS-33531 : update RHCOS 4.16 bootimage metadata to 416.94.202405132047-0 #8409
no-jira: Vendor api changes for tech preview with capg #8407
CORS-3269 : Azure ignite control plane machines #8126
OCPBUGS-31017 : aws: add missing permission for IPv4 pools #8408
OCPBUGS-33649 : add quota support to ca-west-1 #8406
CORS-3460 : capi: collect generated assets in hidden dir and save into log bundle #8387
OCPBUGS-33006 : baremetal: aarch64-related fixes #8385
OCPBUGS-33610 : fix API detection, azure bootstrap disk size, and use get to verify endpoint #8371
no-jira: Removing unused terraform variables #8360
OCPBUGS-33502 : capi/aws: fix setting IMDSv2 value #8399
CORS-3516 : hack: do not execute cross-compiled binaries #8397
OCPBUGS-33578 : capi/aws: fix HostedZone ID lookup #8396
OCPBUGS-30860 : improve bootstrap logic to wait for at least 2 apiserver instances #8394
OKD-213 : Reference stream-coreos instead of centos-stream-coreos-9 #8356
OCPBUGS-33470 : use read/write cache on azure masters #8380
no-jira: AzureMachines: set disk caching to ReadWrite #8390
AGENT-863 : Change $@ to “$*” to fix shellcheck #8402
OCPBUGS-33481 : set the node tag used by CAPG for CloudProviderConfig #8386
OCPBUGS-23022 : Installer should not complain when API and API-INT are resolved. #7701
no-jira: vendor: capi-installer in tech preview #8372
CORS-2895 : capa/machines: fix zone placement for control planes #8347
OCPBUGS-32947 : Changed vsphere CPMS to not include fields controlled by failure domains. #8354
AGENT-872 : Generate JWT token #8110
no-jira: vSphere - update owners aliases #8384
AGENT-906 : Script to run monitor-add-nodes in cluster #8294
OCPBUGS-33430 : Fix CAPI installation typo #8375
CORS-3471 : standalone destroy bootstrap support with capi #8350
CORS-3477 : hack: build capi + providers by default #8357
OCPBUGS-33189 : OCPBUGS-33006: baremetal: correct libvirt defaults #8366
OCPBUGS-33157 : baremetal: pause provisioning #8346
NO-ISSUE: baremetal: disable bmo webhook on bootstrap #8340
OCPBUGS-33240 : avoid FAT32 error messages when generating the agent ISO #8353
no-jira: Private domains in survey for PowerVS #8303
CORS-3250 : images: use pre-built KAS/etcd binaries #8343
SPLAT-1599 : Convert storage policy id to SpbmStoragePolicy. #8352
no-jira: Power VS: Refactor InfraReady
to use metadata client #8337
CORS-3466 : CAPG set instance group name #8314
MULTIARCH-4633 : Power VS: Configure load balancers for the private scenario #8331
OCPBUGS-26216 : Fix parameter used to disable smt for ppc64 systems #8178
COS-2744 : update RHCOS 4.16 bootimage metadata to 416.94.202404301731-0 #8335
METAL-872 : baremetal: write masters.json file #8336
no-jira: azure: Add securityProfile to control plane machines #8334
no-jira: CAPI-Install Feature Gates per Platform #8311
SPLAT-1599 : Added support for secure boot and storage policies to UPI pwsh. #8328
CORS-2797 : images: move container images to RHEL 9 #8196
AGENT-864 : cleanup dnf cache after installing node-joiner reqs #8329
OCPBUGS-32981 : baremetal: use ControlPlane.Replicas #8322
AGENT-863 : docs fix #8325
OCPBUGS-33006 : baremetal: set bootstrap domain arch #8317
OCPBUGS-33024 : agent: escape ‘%’ in proxy settings #8320
AGENT-863 : fix oc dependency in installer images #8326
OCPBUGS-29968 : Generate ZTP manifests with correct Group/Version/Kind metadata #8068
CORS-3437 : infra/capi: add provisioning timeout #8307
SPLAT-1596 : Created new function to workaround issue with Set-HardDisk. #8315
CORS-3214 : capi-aws - Wavelength Zones network provisioning #8174
AGENT-863 : node-joiner cluster script #8242
OSASINFRA-3434 : Use cluster-api-provider-openstack v0.10 and CAPO v1beta1 manifests #8021
CORS-2893 : capi-aws: implement preserveBootstrapIgnition #8313
OCPBUGS-4466 : Add check for compact-cluster install on GCP, AWS & Azure #8226
CORS-3250 : images/altinfra: add etcd/kas binaries from containers #8309
CORS-2899 : AWS/CAPI Local Zones network provisioning #8173
OCPBUGS-32981 : baremetal: template the number of master nodes #8316
OCPBUGS-32519 : Fix appliance CI jobs #8297
OCPBUGS-31017 : fix ec2:DisassociateAddress requirement #8296
OCPBUGS-32292 : Remove deprecated replace directives #8271
no-jira: PowerVS: Update CAPI IBMcloud to 188d9e99 #8310
CORS-3076 : azure: Add additional tags to AzureCluster #8301
CORS-3294 : CAPA health check configuration for control plane ELBv2 #8223
CORS-3470 : capi/aws: add custom endpoint support. #8306
MULTIARCH-4111 : Updating CI image to include qemu-kvm #8312
MULTIARCH-4616 : Power VS: Add ServiceEndpoints for endpoint overrides #8292
no-jira: cluster-api/aws: bump capa to latest version #8288
OCPBUGS-32306 : GCP Destroy find regional and global addresses #8275
OCPBUGS-32517 : Ensure worker BMH’s get unpaused #8299
OCPBUGS-32591 : GCP Destroy target pools fix misleading log #8298
CORS-3260 : CAPI: Create GCP Internal LB #8151
OCPBUGS-15845 : Check host for compatibility with target cluster config #7566
no-jira: bump golangci lint to 1.54.2 #8291
OCPBUGS-32425 : Test for the presence of “provisioned” server #8289
SPLAT-1585 : capv - allow no auth to vcenter #8276
SPLAT-1208 : replace UPI terraform with powercli #7699
OCPBUGS-29765 : Fills CIS or DNS CRN in Metadata, never both #8057
OCPBUGS-32042 : fix usage of addtionalTrustBundle field #8253
METAL-872 : Remove terraform libvirt provider #8160
MULTIARCH-4549 : Logic for creating private DNS records for PowerVS CAPI #8246
OCPSTRAT-915 : Nutanix capi support #8211
OCPBUGS-32133 : GCP: Fixing GCP Bootstraping #8248
METAL-939 : baremetal: monitor bootstrap process #8181
no-jira: gather: replace deprecated errors package #8280
no-jira: azure: Update capz version to 1.14.2 #8268
OCPBUGS-31017 : aws: add ec2:DisassociateAddress
permission #8247
OCPBUGS-31563 : sdk/aws: add ssh security group rule for compute #8229
MULTIARCH-4550 : Power VS: Use a custom resolver when publish strategy is Internal #8243
MULTIARCH-2678 , OCPBUGS-14478 : Refactored updateIgnitionImg to use NewIgnitionImageReader from isoeditor to support s390x #8205
CORS-3050 : capi/aws: copy AMI to target region, if needed #8157
SPLAT-1592 : bump capv to v1.9.3 #8267
OCPBUGS-30774 : always save serial logs if they were gathered #8263
CORS-3261 : GCP cluster api add disk encryption #8222
CORS-3419 , OCPBUGS-30941 : Include baremetal IPI in openshift-installer #8161
no-jira: PowerVS: Open port 10258 #8261
OCPBUGS-31711 : AWS update explain docs #8258
OCPBUGS-27965 : escape ‘%’ in proxy settings #8265
OCPBUGS-32174 : save correct bootstrap public IP #8264
CORS-3420 : Remove libvirt platform from openshift-baremetal-install #8244
no-jira: capi: replace deprecated --metrics-bind-addr
arg #8251
CORS-3436 : capi: save log output to file #8218
no-jira: PowerVS: Add destroy Power Server subnets #8260
OCPBUGS-32091 : Add Top-level Context for Create Commands #8063
CORS-3063 : Support control plane disk encryption #8124
CORS-3269 : Azure CAPI Ignite Bootstrap #8255
no-jira: PowerVS: add AddIPToLoadBalancerPool #8257
SPLAT-1293 : Bump API version to promote vSphereStaticIPs from TechPreview. #7943
no-jira: capi/aws: bump controller log level to debug #8252
CORS-3254 : Update library version #8213
MULTIARCH-4111 : Update the CI image with virt-install #8259
CORS-3218 : GCP Remove the use case of users passing contents for json secret data #8234
OCPBUGS-27844 : Fix task for attaching IPv6 subnet to router. #8087
CORS-3270 : azure: tag installer-created LB resources #8236
OCPBUGS-31813 : AWS: bump CCO for permission fix #8233
CORS-3289 , CORS-3308 , CORS-3426 : Bump CAPA provider for various fixes #8232
OCPBUGS-32041 : update RHCOS 4.16 bootimage metadata to 416.94.202404101051-0 #8256
no-jira: docs: Fix typos #8245
no-jira:PowerVS: Wait for IPs #8239
CORS-3075 : Allow for installation in existing resource group #8123
CORS-3446 : Add instructions for obtaining correct binary #8230
AGENT-858 : Agent day2 ignition services #8093
CORS-3418 : images: move installer images to static builds #8215
CORS-3417 : capi/aws: support ignition proxy and CA bundle #8170
OSASINFRA-3365 : clusterapi: Add worker asset to PreProvision #8237
HIVE-2476 : OpenStack.MachineSets(): Allow nil Replicas #8227
CORS-3195 : Azure CAPI Supplemental Load Balancers #8115
no-jira: PowerVS: Set VPC service region #8217
OCPBUGS-12890 : Create bucket, signed url and use proxy info for installs #8056
no-jira: PowerVS: Fix COS region and VPC subnets #8219
OCPBUGS-31546 : azure: use filter when listing SKUs #8134
CORS-3245 : Azure CAPI rhcos image #8018
AGENT-874 : use AddNodesConfig asset #8080
no-jira: this clusterprofile isn’t actually used #8214
no-jira: pkg/asset/machines: remove static ip log lines #8190
CORS-2895 : aws/capi: setting zones to when creating cluster #8156
CORS-3071 : Create DNS entries for CAPZ implementation #8045
no-jira: PowerVS: Fix CAPI created service instance case #8212
AGENT-857 : Agent day2 use clusterinfo #8009
CORS-3431 : CAPI: Add firewall rule for worker nodes #8200
OSASINFRA-3421 : OpenStack: Customizable clientOpts for CheckNetworkEx… #8209
no-jira: infra: aws: move SDK provisioner to its own dir #8194
AGENT-868 : Generate ECDSA public private keys and pass it to assisted service #8105
MULTIARCH-4096 : PowerVS: Generate the cluster assets #8116
CORS-2901 , CORS-3428 : pkg/types/aws: limit additionalSecurityGroups to 10 #8184
OCPBUGS-27848 : If host is offline or disconnected don’t check ver #8206
METAL-855 : baremetal: remove ironic-inspector #8128
CORS-3280 : Bump cluster-api-provider-gcp to v1.6.0 #8153
OSASINFRA-3420 : openstack: Decouple OpenStack API calls from Machine generation #8187
CORS-2898 : capi/aws: configure IMDS #8152
CORS-2905 : capi/aws: destroy CAPA resources #8179
no-jira: capi/aws: reuse GenerateMachines for bootstrap #8193
OCPBUGS-31209 : CAPG - Fix setting ServiceAccount role bindings for GCP #8192
OCPBUGS-31050 : openstack: Honour worker server group policy #8180
OCPBUGS-26052 : aws: altinfra: fix role creation in C2S #7871
OCPBUGS-15941 : ABI - Validate release image arch, add cpu_architectures to RELEASE_IMAGES #7349
CORS-3256 : GCP destroy updates for CAPG #8113
Bug OCPBUGS-30154: OpenStack: enable 30000:32767 nodePort IPv6 traffic #8195
OCPBUGS-30882 : GCP capg distribute instances across zones #8176
CORS-3142 : capi: write manifests to disk during create manifests #8166
OCPBUGS-28870 : IBMCloud: Restrict CIS and DNS Service lookup #7987
OCPBUGS-31013 : Fix vsi image missing #8177
CNF-10170 : Render kernel boot arguments for SNO #8099
CORS-2894 , CORS-3051 : Create DNS resources and PHZ for CAPI/aws #8142
CORS-3417 : capa bump fallout #8169
CORS-3307 : add ‘A2’ as tested machine types on GCP #8148
CORS-2902 : capi/aws: add ext-LB as CAPA secondary LB #8149
CORS-3213 : Tweak GCPCluster Failure Domain Logic #8017
CORS-3215 : capi: implement bootstrap gather #8036
NO-JIRA: OWNERS: pkg/infrastructure/openstack #8165
OPNET-476 : GA Load balancer feature for vSphere and Baremetal #8101
no-jira: Power VS: Fix comment on default for wait_for_workspace #8158
OPNET-476 : GA Load balancer feature for Nutanix #8102
CORS-3303 : GCP: Add me-central2 (Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Middle East) region to the survey as supported region #8132
SPLAT-1390 : remove feature gate for vSphere control plane machinesets #7908
CORS-2892 : capi/aws: add user tags to CAPA cluster #8150
OCPBUGS-30836 : Power VS: Fix wait_for_workspace #8145
OCPBUGS-25462 : Validate control plane replicas #8082
OCPBUGS-30642 : pin google oauth2 version #8133
OCPBUGS-30600 : update RHCOS 4.16 bootimage metadata to 416.94.202403071059-0 #8121
CORS-3257 : Create GCP ServiceAccounts and assign to machines #8066
OCPBUGS-15861 : Use a static pure-go libvirt library #7252
OCPBUGS-29437 , OCPBUGS-30547 : Run kubelet directly #8131
METAL-871 : baremetal: remove ironic tf files #8117
OCPBUGS-30641 : Enable deploy by Service ID on PowerVS #8111
CORS-3288 : bump CAPA for LB scheme fix #8114
no-jira: machines/aws: fix subnet filter comment #8120
METAL-871 : baremetal: bootstrap: rename master label #8107
OCPBUGS-29388 : upi: aws: fix typo in worker templates #8112
OSASINFRA-3362 : Fix CAPI bootstrap deletion #8104
OCPBUGS-24415 , OCPVE-661 : bump openshift/api version #7546
MULTIARCH-4095 : Generate PowerVS machine manifests for CAPI #8020
CORS-2900 : CAPI AWS IAM #8031
OCPBUGS-30200 : Authn with platform-services-go-sdk for PowerVS #8025
CORS-3281 : IBMCloud: initial CAPI infrastructure #8090
CORS-2890 : Bump CAPA Dependencies for Secondary Load Balancers #8088
SPLAT-1460 : Make vSphere default ResourcePool formatting not contain double slash. #8044
CORS-3212 : CAPG Add ignition for CAPG machines #8027
METAL-871 : Remove terraform-provider-ironic #7649
SPLAT-1468 : Added log message for import vsphere ova progress during CAPI install. #8097
no-jira: capi: aws: report all conflicting user tags at once #8085
OCPBUGS-29469 : fix Azure API SKU calls timing out - part 2 #8070
SPLAT-1423 : Added static ip support to CAPI installer. #8081
MULTIARCH-4159 : Updated libvirt installer to include multi-arch yq and symlink for backwards compatibility #8098
OCPBUGS-30058 : GCP: The CAPG bootstrap machine IP should be set according to the publish strategy #8079
OCPBUGS-30057 : Don’t auto create subnets for CAPG #8083
MULTIARCH-4153 : Incorporating Eltorito Boot Loader fix for Agent #8069
no-jira: Missing permission from vsphere docs #7789
OCPBUGS-30135 : fix “OpenShiftSDN deprecated” error message #8092
CORS-3274 : GCP: add africa-south1 region to the survey as supported region #8055
CORS-3251 : Create capz machine manifests #7969
CORS-3259 : GCP CAPI Infra: auth with service account #8077
CFE-857 : Apply user defined tags on created gcp resources #7279
AGENT-853 : Add ClusterInfo asset #7997
SPLAT-1173 : Enhance vSphere Installer to use IPAddressClaims for static IP #7501
CORS-3273 : capi system: don’t log env vars #8084
OCPBUGS-29860 : double looping of failuredomains breaks zonal #8059
no-jira: Remove v1alpha3 #8061
OCPBUGS-30005 : remove #8072
OSASINFRA-3363 : ShiftStack CAPO integration #7939
MULTIARCH-4158 : pkg/infrastructure/powervs: add initial CAPI provider #8060
OCPBUGS-29469 : fix Azure API SKU calls timing out #8046
SPLAT-1459 : capv machines only full clone #8042
OCPBUGS-29895 : PowerVS: Add debugging to ServiceInstanceNameToGUID #8058
SPLAT-1434 : aws: add support of BYO public ipv4 pool #7983
no-jira: images: libvirt: add oc to libvirt CI image #8008
SPLAT-1465 : capv - add additional extra configs #8054
SPLAT-1462 : capv - Remove unneeded auth env vars #8053
OCPBUGS-29429 : feat: add check for SNO bootstrap condition #8004
Bug OCPBUGS-29084: OpenStack: Fix dualstack with external load-balancer #8028
CORS-3259 : GCP: Create DNS records and internal load balancer for CAPG Install #8014
SPLAT-1198 : migrate vSphere installation to CAPV #7962
OCPBUGS-29587 : Power VS: Fix service instance list #8033
OCPBUGS-22410 : vsphere-fix convert if only provided name #7931
OCPBUGS-29584 : PowerVS: handle composite_instance #8029
OCPBUGS-29482 : Bump terraform-provider-ibm to v1.61.0 #8023
CORS-2890 : pkg/infrastructure/aws: add initial CAPI provider #8012
CORS-3185 : update default release image #7874
OCPBUGS-28590 : gcp: better error msg when service accnt missing #8002
OCPBUGS-28203 : Power VS: Add sleep to allow workspace to configure PER #7889
CORS-3220 : Initiate CAPG installation #8011
CORS-3213 : Create the GCP cluster manifest #7917
OCPBUGS-29441 : update RHCOS 4.16 bootimage metadata to 416.94.202402130130-0 #8015
OCPBUGS-29425 : PowerVS Fix next start search #8010
Bug OCPBUGS-29198: OpenStack: fix controlPlanePort validation #7998
SPLAT-1447 : Move MCO imports to API; update library-go, api #8000
NO-ISSUE: integrationt tests support for env vars substitution #7992
OCPBUGS-29114 : Fixed control plane machine set handling of static IPs when AddressesFromPools is not in use. #7985
OCPBUGS-29068 : GCP: Skip validation of public and private zones for terraform vars #7986
OCPBUGS-29067 : Copy GCP manifests within MCO bootstrap to the correct location #7991
OCPBUGS-20085 : IBMCloud: Handle disk delete errors #7515
OCPBUGS-28827 : do not rename boot.catalog for arm64 iso #7972
OSASINFRA-3371 : Pass rhcosImage and manifests to the PreProvision hook #7967
SPLAT-1387 : enable additional tags to be associated with vsphere machines #7905
CORS-3242 : PowerVS: Replace deprecated primary_ipv4_address with primary_ip list item #7861
OPNET-357 : Populate network configuration at install-time #7604
CORS-3240 : add OWNERS_ALIASES madhu-pillai #7733
CNF-10170 : Revert “ Render kernel boot arguments for SNO” #7979
CORS-3188 : Bump k8s deps #7970
OCPBUGS-2135 : Include CAPG objects in uninstall filter #7907
AGENT-848 : add node-joiner cli tool main #7958
CORS-3207 : Generate GCP machine manifests for CAPI #7944
OCPBUGS-24575 : ic: gcp: validate instance architecture #7850
CORS-3196 : capg: add infrastructure components #7968
CORS-3208 : Create the GCP infrastructure controller #7940
OCPBUGS-27156 : GCP Destroy cleanup correct zones/records #7932
OCPBUGS-27737 : aws-edge-zones preventing err before discovering #7945
OCPBUGS-28708 : update tested Azure Arm64 instance type on 4.15 #7965
OCPBUGS-28643 : PowerVS: Add dal12 region #7956
OCPBUGS-27263 : Bump golang 1.21 #7925
CNF-10170 : Render kernel boot arguments for SNO #7692
OCPBUGS-28705 : [azure] update tested x86 instance type on 4.15 #7961
CORS-3139 : Move CAPI behind infrastructure provider interface #7824
OCPBUGS-27507 : bump containerd for vulnerability fix #7942
NO-ISSUE: test fix to support slightly different nmstate error messages #7954
NO-JIRA: Minor fixes #7947
no-jira: azure: add metadata info to resource group tags #7725
OCPBUGS-25453 : duplicate failure domains in CMPS #7860
OCPBUGS-27788 : PowerVS: COS region configurable #7941
SPLAT-1345 : Remove alibaba #7832
OCPBUGS-27366 : set the –cluster-profile flag for openshift/api rendering #7924
OCPBUGS-27192 : remove retired serial NCv2 from azure tested instance type list on x86 #7911
no-jira: images/altinfra: allow CAPI ARG #7891
OCPBUGS-25835 : Validate baremetal capability is set for baremetal platform #7901
no-jira: Add AWS m6a to tested instance types #7851
OCPBUGS-24956 : Fix typo in CloudCredential validation #7915
OCPBUGS-24303 : Check provided sha for agent ISO download #7893
CORS-3203 : Fix depreciated
typo #7834
OCPBUGS-14257 : normalize ISO files extensions to three chars #7896
OCPBUGS-26434 : Redact platform passwords in agent-gather output #7873
OCPBUGS-27092 : baremetal: gather all recently refactored services #7854
OCPBUGS-25996 : baremetal: correct external_http_url for v6-only BMCs #7898
CORS-2950 : Remove openshift-sdn as an install-time option #7720
OPNET-415 : Upgrade o/api to include extended network config #7869
METAL-829 : Set node cpu_arch from bmh #7814
OCPBUGS-26399 : Support singular VIP in ACI for BareMetal #7859
CORS-3190 : GCP: Add load balancer info to cluster infra #7888
MULTIARCH-4072 : Power VS: Add eu-de-1, eu-de-2, sao04, and wdc07 as supported zones #7870
OCPBUGS-24956 : Add cloud credential capability validation #7884
OCPBUGS-25841 : preserve category name when trying to find tag category #7876
ARO-4744 : Do not run platform validation on ARO #7865
OCPBUGS-24956 : Add cloud credential capability validation #7875
OSASINFRA-3280 : OpenStack: clarify root volume size requirements #7698
OCPBUGS-26048 : Bump default channel to stable-4.16 #7867
OCPBUGS-24862 : Updating ose-installer-altinfra-container image to be … #7872
CORS-2852 : cmd/create: allow clean shutdown of resources #7864
OCPBUGS-24820 : Updating ose-baremetal-installer-container image to be consistent with ART #7817
OCPBUGS-24814 : Updating ose-installer-container image to be consistent with ART #7816
OCPBUGS-25600 : aws: validate instance arch #7835
OCPBUGS-25440 : ic: aws: add iam:TagInstanceProfile permission requirement #7843
OCPBUGS-25132 : Fixes for the OpensStack UPI playbooks. #7833
OCPBUGS-24853 : Updating ose-installer-artifacts-container image to be consistent with ART #7818
OCPBUGS-19054 : Warn that FeatureSet is not supported #7825
CORS-2315 : GCP: Skip populating Private/Public Zones within DNS manifest #7846
no-jira: build: drop vsphereprivate build workaround #7847
CORS-2870 : build: only rebuild terraform providers if needed #7688
OCPBUGS-24473 : IBMCloud: Set IBM TF visibility based on URLs #7805
CORS-3029 : GCP: Update DNSType within GCP PlatformStatus based on UserProvisionedDNS
OCPBUGS-24241 : Pin version. #7821
Revert “OCPBUGS-4038: bootstrap: Skip gatewayd units only on OKD agent-installer” #7651
no-jira: Revert “Merge pull request #7823 from patrickdillon/build-capi-altinfra” #7828
OCPBUGS-19303 : Changed OKD/FCOS workaround to also support Agent-based Installer #7484
OCPBUGS-25191 : ic: azure: fix retrieving marketplace image #7826
OCPBUGS-24995 : Revert “Merge pull request #7642 from AnnaZivkovic/azure_duplicate_im… #7822
CORS-2840 : images/altinfra: enable CAPI builds #7823
CORS-3003 : [ibmcloud] add key-protect plugin in ibmcloud cli #7811
CORS-2852 : Support installing OpenShift via Cluster API #7807
SPLAT-1272 : Modify the terraform variables to support Nutanix Failure Domains #7806
CORS-2934 : IBMCloud: Update MAPI for BYOK #7812
METAL-803 : Update vendoring for baremetal-operator #7809
no-jira: Fix base image reference #7810
CORS-2952 : GCP Set “ClusterHostedDNS” in the Infra CR based on the value of userProvisionedDNS #7796
CORS-2813 : Pass LB ConfigMap manifest as a parameter to MCO instance during bootstrap #7662
OCPBUGS-23140 , OCPBUGS-23305 : Soften VIP validations for external load-balancer #7803
AGENT-739 : Support for install-config baremetal host BMC fields #7645
AGENT-729 : Support generic platform name for external platform #7585
MULTIARCH-4042 : Reuse existing Transit Gateway in target Workspace, or create anew #7592
OCPBUGS-23473 : update RHCOS 4.15 bootimage metadata to 415.92.202311241643-0 #7770
AGENT-615 : Split create-cluster-and-infraenv.service #7364
no-jira: image: infra-providers: use base image instead of builder #7800
no-jira: hack: drop hardcoded -j8 in make invocations. #7799
OCPBUGS-23458 : force destroy bootstrap ign #7791
OSASINFRA-3261 : OpenStack: support dualstack in UPI #7727
MULTIARCH-2678 : Patch for Agent Based Installer to support s390x as supported architecture. #7712
SPLAT-1218 : AWS BYO VPC support for Wavelength Zones #7652
CORS-2525 : Azure: remove storage account with bootstrap destroy #7642
AGENT-337 : Set VIPs directly in api, instead of install-config override #7574
OCPVE-648 : gomod: bump api version with CloudCredential cap #7466
CORS-2852 : cmd/create: ensure proper cleanup on exit #7693
OCPBUGS-9066 : Retry image download on failure #7106
NO-ISSUE: Remove dead code from ‘networking’ asset #7798
PowerVS: MULTIARCH-4030: Reintroduce serviceInstanceGUID install option #7795
OCPBUGS-24191 : set vmType in azure cloud config #7793
no-jira: pkg/asset: safety nets to keep installer from crashing #7792
CORS-2934 : IBMCloud: Add support for BYOK #7738
OCPBUGS-23539 : Keep Machine manifests out of OpenShift Manifests asset #7753
CORS-3020 : IBMCloud: Bump IBM TF provider #7784
MIXEDARCH-310 : Enable the use of the multi payload for agent installer #7595
CORS-2775 : ic: azure: remove deprecated errors
package #7778
SPLAT-1126 : aws/clusterNetworkMTU config to change the MTU for overlay network #7765
CORS-2785 : images: decouple installer and installer-artifacts #7782
MULTIARCH-3793 : Power VS: Add mad and wdc assupported region #7773
CORS-2852 : Generate Cluster API Machine Manifests #7771
CORS-2854 : azure: Allow users to set visibility to components #7547
OCPBUGS-24008 : Remove sno_arm.txt integration test #7718
OCPBUGS-23947 : set client options when interacting with azure api #7768
CORS-2978 : enable AWS SDK Installation through feature gates #7715
CORS-2798 : GCP: User Configured DNS solution to update the bootstrap node with the Load Balancer Information #7631
CORS-2845 : azure: Enable storage account encryption #7520
SPLAT-1277 : unrevert PR 7418; implement vSphere control plane machinesets #7780
OSASINFRA-3303 : OpenStack: remove generation of trunks name #7772
AGENT-670 : Add assisted-db data to agent-gather #7719
SPLAT-1160 : AWS - Support Wavelength Zones with edge pool #7369
Skip cluster config #7666
OCPBUGS-24031 : Bump Fedora CoreOS to latest stable #7779
no-jira: destroy: azure: store session in the destroy object #7777
CORS-2975 : Add support for il-central-1 in AWS #7740
CORS-2428 : terraform: add build information to binaries #7763
OCPBUGS-24026 : Add owner for user provided client CA bundle #7749
SPLAT-1272 : Support Nutanix Failure Domains #7730
CORS-2775 : destroy: azure: remove deprecated errors
package #7761
no-jira: cmd/openshift-install: Remove “migrate” command #7601
no-jira: go.mod: remove unused terraform-providers-nutanix import #7762
CORS-2835 : pkg/infrastructure: remove ARO build tag #7745
OCPBUGS-21777 : baremetal: populate customDeploy in advance #7674
CORS-2933 : IBMCloud: Basic service endpoint override #7632
CORS-2852 : Introduce Cluster API Infrastructure manifest generation #7672
OCPBUGS-22840 : ic/azure: validate field Plan when for marketplace images #7721
CORS-2604 : tag user-provided azure vnet #7611
MULTIARCH-3964 : Power VS: Control SMT level with machineconfig #7704
no-jira: destroy/azure: fix dropped negation from error comparison #7758
no-jira: destroy/azure: avoid cancelling main context #7750
OCPCLOUD-2130 : Fix Failuredomains check on manifests test #7617
OSASINFRA-3295 : OpenStack: fix client used to list flavors #7723
OSASINFRA-3294 : OpenStack: fix script to update bootstrap ignition shim #7743
no-jira: images: rename terraform- > infrastructure-providers #7716
OCPBUGS-23376 : vSphere - when using RP network path is incorrect #7737
no-jira: Stop rendering networks.config CRD #7732
OCPBUGS-22453 : Fixed systemd-resolved’s split dns config in OKD/FCOS #7634
SPLAT-1218 : upi/AWS: Templates to provision resources in Wavelength #7722
AGENT-337 : Support both VIP and VIPs in AgentClusterInstall #7724
OSASINFRA-3229 : Remove support for Kuryr #7675
CORS-2830 : Provision AWS Infrastructure with SDK #7676
MULTIARCH-4009 : Prepare for varying SysTypes for new datacenters #7717
MULTIARCH-3789 : Power VS: Remove cloud connection support #7696
CORS-2876 : images/installer-altinfra: initial Dockerfile #7711
Bug OCPBUGS-19462: OpenStack: Fix dual-stack machines Spec to contain network #7694
MULTIARCH-3965 : Check if PER is enabled in the target PowerVS workspace #7683
OSASINFRA-3280 : openstack: document etcd on local disk #7664
OCPBUGS-23170 : Revert #7418 “SPLAT-1141: implement vSphere control plane machinesets” #7708
MULTIARCH-2590 : PowerVS create service instance #7695
SPLAT-1141 : implement vSphere control plane machinesets #7418
CORS-2428 : images: add Dockerfile for a terraform-providers image #7687
OSASINFRA-3237 : move controlPlanePort API to GA #7570
CORS-2835 : use build tags to produce installer with alternate infrastructure providers #7656
CORS-2877 : Install Config Feature Gate Validation #7413
OCPBUGS-22772 : return Terraform statefile on error #7671
NO-JIRA: destroy/aws: replaced deprecated sets syntax #7680
OCPBUGS-19398 : IBMCloud: Add eu-es region #7668
OCPBUGS-22830 : fix google cli verson to 447.0.0 #7663
OCPBUGS-22113 : Do not generate azure-cloud-provider in manual mode for aro builds #7608
OCPBUGS-22757 : update RHCOS 4.15 bootimage metadata to 415.92.202310310037-0 #7654
CORS-2852 : Introduce pkg/clusterapi, system, and local control plane #7630
OCPBUGS-20403 : OpenStack: add SG rules for compact clusters on UPI #7576
OCPBUGS-22773 : PowerVS: fix removeFromLoadBalancers #7653
OCPBUGS-13664 : Add KMS encryption keys if provided #7650
Bug OCPBUGS-22298: OpenStack: Fix IPv6 address configuration for bootstrap #7638
OCPBUGS-18387 : Add Azure ConfidentialVM capability and DiskEncryptionSet validations #7469
OCPBUGS-22489 : destroy: gcp: fix destroying regional disks #7643
OCPBUGS-22058 : Bump versions for golang modules to accommodate fixes for CVE-2023-39325 & CVE-2023-44487 #7590
OCPBUGS-18986 : Skip the deletion of instance profiles marked shared #7537
hack/go-lint: update golanci-lint to v1.53.1 #7635
OCPBUGS-22655 : Bump Fedora CoreOS to latest stable #7644 drop final mention of machine-os-content
update tested x86 instance type on 4.14 #7639
OCPBUGS-4038 : bootstrap: Skip gatewayd units only on OKD agent-installer #7629
CORS-2852 : Build and package Cluster API and providers #7620
AGENT-713 : Use BM hosts in install-config if not defined in agent-config #7531
MIXEDARCH-353 : Add yq-v4 to the upi-installer image for CI and copy yq3 from a previous stage’s manifest-list image #7567
openstack: dual stack UPI - create security group rules for IPv6 #7552
OCPVE-740 : bump openshift/api #7613
AGENT-718 : Add vSphere credentials to install-config overrides #7593
Revert #7428 “OCPBUGS-13664: Add KMS encryption keys if provided” #7625
OCPBUGS-10906 : check extracted base iso coreos version is in sync #7030
OCPBUGS-4038 : bootstrap: Enable gatewayd units only on RHCOS #7580
OCPBUGS-21720 : images/libvirt/ Use centos stream instead centos:7 #6813
CORS-2836 : Refactor Stages, encapsulate terraform #7488
OCPBUGS-20356 : update RHCOS 4.15 bootimage metadata to 415.92.202310170229-0 #7616
OCPBUGS-20364 : azure: validation: validate defaultMachinePlatform #7584
OCPBUGS-20525 : aws: use security groups from defaultMachinePlatform #7589
OCPBUGS-13664 : Add KMS encryption keys if provided #7428
OCPBUGS-5471 : Try to select rendezvousIP among non-worker hosts #7443
OCPBUGS-21781 : Rectify GCP label key validation check #7596
Revert skipping integration test agent sno arm #7561
OCPBUGS-20350 : vSphere,segfault on version check #7575
OCPBUGS-19093 : skip agent-tui on OCI #7512
OCPVE-675 : feat: bump api to add OLM capability #7495
Enforcing the serial execution of the integration tests #7591
images: Cleanup CI Dockerfiles #7507
OCPBUGS-20440 : Warn about host and target compatibility #7582
OCPBUGS-19444 : Use changes to AgentClusterInstall during loading #7506
OpenStack: Adapt nodePorts range sg rules #7577
Remove unused method #7438
PowerVS: MULTIARCH-3791 Remove cloud connection reuse functionality #7564
OCPBUGS-19552 : Fixed DNS issues in OKD/FCOS due to split dns in systemd-resolved #7516
docs: Described process of adding vGPU capable nodes. #6606
OCPBUGS-19086 : Check if nmstatectl executable exists in the system #7492
OCPBUGS-16666 : Change where AdditionalTrustBundle is set #7485
OCPBUGS-18455 : Unable to disable external CCM for platform external #7533
OCPBUGS-18552 : Truncate vlan names defined in nmstate if > 15 chars #7486
OpenStack: enable IPv6 primary dual-stack cluster #7259
OCPBUGS-20110 : Add an unit test - at least one interface must be defined for each node #7555
OSASINFRA-3199 : Configure User-Agent for OpenStack API calls #7548
OCPBUGS-17757 : check credentials type to handle different gcp authentication methods #7422
Docs: Fix openstack command for image update in upi installation #7556
PowerVS: MULTIARCH-3790 Remove zones that only have CCs with exceptions #7563
PowerVS: Remove deprecated errors package #7544
Disable pxe sno arm integration test #7557
Inefficient wait for all clusteroperators #7535
OCPBUGS-15844 : Enable FIPS in agent ISO #7540
OCPBUGS-20058 : Use updated ansible-core for Openstack image #7549
OWNERS: Remove obsolete agent reviewers #7545
OCPBUGS-5728 : Log “agent wait-for” commands to .openshift_install.log #7452
OCPBUGS-19092 : Enable serial console for external OCI platform #7511
OCPBUGS-18690 : ic: azure: validate NVMe-only family types #7500
CORS-2479 : agent: Ensure registries.conf is world readable #6745
add jbtrystram to coreOS approvers and reviewers #7464
OCPBUGS-19093 , OCPBUGS-19688 : Allow agent-tui to use serial console #7526
Tweaks to validateRendezvousIPNotWorker #7437
OCPBUGS-18986 : Tag aws instance profiles. #7510
OCPBUGS-19376 : GCP default value for service account #7519
MULTIARCH-3701 : Enable ppc64le for agent installer #7366
pkg/asset/installconfig/powervs: fix dropped error #7419
OCPBUGS-19699 : Remove warning about CPUPartitioning #7527
OCPBUGS-18187 : Increase bootstrap timeout for vSphere platform by 30 mins #7518
OCPBUGS-18830 : AWS terraform bootstrap destroy will not refresh state #7491
OCPBUGS-12707 : always write AWS cloud.conf #7514
AGENT-710 : Use invoker for bootstrap template generation #7508
OCPBUGS-18876 : Pass CPUPartitioning via install-config overrides if set #7513
OpenStack: fix IPv6 docs #7482
OCPBUGS-18945 : update RHCOS 4.15 bootimage metadata to 415.92.202309161058-0 #7499
LICENSE: Update #7502
OCPBUGS-19286 : Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #7496
SPLAT-1170 : enable cloud controller manager type to be defined #7457
OpenStack: Set external network for cloud-provider #7411
OCPBUGS-17724 : Graceful fail for AWS getUser on destroy #7429
AGENT: publish services diagrams #7323
OCPBUGS-19149 : Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #7494
OCPBUGS-19130 : Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #7493
OCPBUGS-17218 : Warn when firewall rull missing. #7417
OSASINFRA-3236 : deps: Bump gophercloud to v1.6.0 #7208
OCPBUGS-19037 : Handle agent tui failure gracefully #7490
OCPBUGS-19017 : Add Net capabilities to dnsmasq container #7487
OCPBUGS-18113 : Do not set FailureDomains on CPMS when in a single zone Azure region #7448
AGENT-702 : Generate minimal ISO for external platform #7450
OCPBUGS-18304 : for vsphere ipi add cluster domain to the uploaded vm configs so that… #7451
Implement workaround to allow SNO installations for OKD/FCOS #7445
OCPBUGS-18428 : Add ip=dhcp,dhcp6 kernel param for vSphere dual-stack #7467
OSDOCS-6999 : tested machine series ‘C3’, ‘C2D’ #7381
OCPBUGS-18450 : AWS permission missing for security group viewing. #7460
OCPBUGS-18365 : Fix defaulting of userManagedNetworking value #7458
integration tests: Swap order of diff arguments #7462
AGENT-693 : Support external platform #7442
OCPBUGS-18457 : Make extracting ISO kargs more robust #7463
OCPBUGS-18457 : Fix PXE integration tests #7461
OCPBUGS-17806 : gomod: bump openshift/api version #7421
OCPBUGS-17770 : azure: use marketplace image plan’s publisher #7426
OCPBUGS-7690 : azure: destroy: dns records leak if permissions missing #7433
OCPBUGS-17869 : azure: fix setting outboundType #7455
OSDOCS-6880 : Adding 64-bit ARM GCP instance types to documentation #7320
OCPBUGS-16204 : aws: attach additional security groups to controlPlane #7352
OCPBUGS-18046 : update govc version to v0.30.7 #7425
OCPBUGS-15659 : IPI pre-check for MachineAPI capability #7414
OCPBUGS-17860 : OpenStack: Remove NodePorts range rules #7405
OCPBUGS-17073 : Revert “Merge pull request #7205 from rna-afk/azure_managed_by_tag” #7412
OCPBUGS-17940 : Add COS endpoint to proxy server (Power VS) #7430
AGENT-692 , OCPBUGS-3860 : Update assisted-service dependencies #7439
OCPBUGS-17227 : gcp: fix validation of custom instance types #7388
OCPBUGS-17869 : azure: put NAT gateway behind TechPreviewNoUpgrade #7434
Destroy forever #7250
CORS-2660 : GCP: deprecate the licenses field #7397
CFE-858 : Update google terraform provider to latest version #7201
MULTIARCH-3676 : PowerVS TG terraform changes #7389
CFE-686 : Generate Infrastructure CR with the GCP user defined tags & labels #7138
CFE-687 : Apply user defined labels on created gcp resources #7153
OCPBUGS-11999 : upkeep: updated description to remove techpreview #7313
CORS-2700 : Make bootstrap S3 bucket optional during bootstrap destroy #7288
CFE-688 : Update install-config CRD to support gcp labels and tags #7126
OCPBUGS-16776 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202308032115-0 #7409
Add baremetal capability validation #7394
azure: validation: machinepool: sort slice before comparing #7407
OCPBUGS-13408 : Log message and add integration test #7408
PowerVS: Update listCOSInstances to continue querying #7404
maintenance: update openshift/api #7401
MGMT-13628 : add support for confidential VMs on Azure #7312
openstack: Test zero replicas in worker machine-pool #7400
OpenStack: Fix user docs for additional network with IPv6 #7395
gather: Use journalctl -o with-unit
SPLAT-1123 : Revert Alibaba deprecation warning #7396
OCPBUGS-15994 : Update core password after loading config-image #7338
OpenStack: Remove SGS created by CPO on destroy #7378
data/data/coreos: bump FCOS to F38 stable #7311
OCPBUGS-16912 : Ensure DHCPv6 client sends Solicit with mac address #7384
Bug OCPBUGS-16249: Add ip=dhcp,dhcp6 option to Kernel args #7367
PowerVS: Check whether Machine pool CIDR is /24 #6903
OCPBUGS-16292 : GCP XPN: clarify service account support #7347
OCPBUGS-6759 : Fix discrepancy with disk size master #7100
OCPBUGS-16959 : openstack/upi: add missing modules namespaces + doc #7373
CORS-2719 : Remove service account user permission #7291
OCPBUGS-17064 : always create a MachineSet #7380
OpenStack: Fix default for openstack_worker_server_group_names #7359
OCPBUGS-16692 : OpenStack: fix crash with empty platform in machinepool #7363
CORS-2445 : GCP add bootimage override in install-config #7215
CORS-2503 : azure: use marketplace images for all nodes #6890
MULTIARCH-3676 : PowerVS add transit gateway destroy #7294
CORS-1770 : Support pd-balanced disk types for GCP deployments #7337
OCPBUGS-15989 : vSphere - bump terraform provider #7354
OWNERS_ALIASES: Add new user to owners_aliases #7348
OCPBUGS-16515 : gcp: use zones available for both instance and project #7317
OCPBUGS-15852 : Single node cannot be installed if etcd appears in the hostname #7304
OCPBUGS-14877 : Validate that number hosts does not exceed replicas #7268
CORS-2628 : Allow users to set ManagedBy tag to resource group #7205
OCPBUGS-16380 : Add /etc/containers volume on create-cluster-and-infraenv #7332
OCPBUGS-16207 : ic: aws: validate max security groups #7345
OpenStack: Add steps to enable dual-stack clusters #7269
Revert “Merge pull request #7096 from r4f4/gcp-instance-zones” #7360
SPLAT-657 : AWS Local Zones subnets automation for edge compute pool #7137
OSASINFRA-3193 : Update openstack/ for ansible-core #7346
Include start-cluster.env in agent-gather #7350
Fix the deployment on OpenStack for worker pools with no replicas. #7356
OCPBUGS-16219 : Fix timing issue between network services #7355
OCPBUGS-16415 : Sync nmstateconfig script with assisted-service changes #7353
Agent: Allow additional kernel args to be passed to ISO #7306
Remove mentions of use-octavia #7335
OCPCLOUD-2036 : introduce External platform type #7217
OCPBUGS-16395 : openstack/upi: update doc for CCPMSO #7351
OCPBUGS-16245 : Make nmstateconfig.yaml optional in config-drive #7333
OSASINFRA-3181 : Volume Types for OpenStack CPMS #7300
CORS-2445 : GCP: Add default values for arm64 #7258
PowerVS: Replace deprecated key_id attribute with name for ibm_pi_key resource #7256
PowerVS: Handle empty serviceInstanceID in metadata.json #7328
OpenStack: Dual stack support with BYON #6797
MULTIARCH-3667 : Add support for CPMSO for Power VS #7226
OCPBUGS-15421 : Allow different service account for xpn installs in gcp #7308
OCPBUGS-15997 : openstack: add root volume AZ validation #7309
aws: drop hostedZoneRole Feature Gate #7327
Agent: clear service status once all services started #7316
AGENT-660 Display insert config image message to console #7299
PowerVS: Create new newAuthenticator function #7321
OCPBUGS-9404 : azure: skip LB creation when not needed #7063
Revert “Merge pull request #7289 from r4f4/padillon-settle-ops” #7318
Agent: Log kernel params when generating pxe assets #7314
OCPBUGS-15238 : GCP: ic: client: use a higher context timeout #7290
AGENT-648 : Remove validation check limiting None platform to SNO #7236
Allow destroy for C2S isolated (us-iso and us-isob) partitions. #7086
OCPBUGS-15999 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202307070025-0 #7310
OCPBUGS-14900 : Use correct SELinux label. Make rename atomic. #7307
create: add check for cluster operator stability #7289
SPLAT-827 : support static IP assignments with vSphere IPI #7179
AGENT-562 : Load config from config image #7200
OCPBUGS-15825 : Fix agent gather tui logs #7293
OSASINFRA-3155 : OpenStack: Create ControlPlaneMachineSet CRDs #7280
ic: gcp: validate instances against user-configured zones #7096
AGENT-678 : Fix concurrency issue in agent integration tests #7303
OCPBUGS-14762 : Use the same names for public LB in IPI and UPI Azure #7292
OCPBUGS-2324 : terraform: aws: bump version to 5.4.0 #7274
tls/root: Document this more and change friendly name #7232
CORS-2572 : azure: implement egress via NAT gateway #6933
docs: Add note about not configuring allowed address pairs for day 2 manila configuration #7287
OCPBUGS-14932 : specify azure cli version #7297
OCPBUGS-14932 : Update azure cli to 2.40.0+ #7216
PowerVS Add support for Capped processors #7286
CORS-2645 : AWS Cross-Account Private Hosted Zone: Add Further Validations #7253
AGENT-624 : Allow override of networkType #7223
Update hack/ to golang 1.20 #7270
AGENT-627 : Decompress kernel on ARM #7276
OWNERS_ALIASES: offboard ashcrow and bgilbert from CoreOS #7275
AGENT-558 Generate unconfigured agent ignition #7186
OWNERS: merge agent/installer #7278
OSASINFRA-3182 : openstack: remove portTargets #7239
AGENT-498 : Get iPXE script template kernel parameters from ISO #7150
OCPBUGS-15238 : GCP: ic: improve project validation #7267
Default dataStore is returned the name instead the inventoryPath #7261
Use the correct image name for agent-tui extraction #7266
OCPBUGS-13636 : new Aws secret regions support #6184
CORS-2372 : Azure: auth Installer with Managed Identity from VM #7108
OCPBUGS-11796 : azure: skip NSG creation when BYO vnet #7094
OCPBUGS-9435 : terraform: aws: secret regions now support ALIAS record #7184
SPLAT-1094 : warn users about deprecation of Alibaba Cloud #7257
OCPBUGS-14869 : Add timezone info in installer logs #7243
CORS-2656 : Remove context from cluster uninstaller struct #7169
openstack: document external LB #6920
bootkube: Drop cruft in MCO bootstrap #7244
Agent: run shellcheck on #7062
OSASINFRA-2168 : Docs: update OpenStack requirements #7015
OCPBUGS-15095 : Add kubevirt digest-ref in RHCOS boot images #7254
AGENT-563 : Create configuration image #7157
AGENT-510 : Support interactive network console when pxe booting #7185
Allow CustomNoUpgrade features via install-config #7246
MULTIARCH-3664 : enable multipath for powervs #7222
OCPBUGS-13960 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202306141028-0 #7247
CFE-829 : Remove Azure Tags TechPreview only indicators and checks #7187
CORS-2631 : Add additional security group ids in AWS #7151
AGENT-596 : use agent-installer-utils for agent-tui extraction #7212
AGENT-491 : Support pxe base url #6723
OCPBUGS-14917 : PowerVS: Cleanup service instances for destroy cluster #7173
OpenStack: add support to multiple subnets in the bootstrap #7111
Add ControlPlaneMachineSet for Nutanix #7119
OPNET-298 : Allow primary-v6 dual-stack on vSphere #7124
CORS-2613 : AWS: Cross-account Shared VPC Support #7225
OpenStack: support user provided dual-stack api and ingress Port #7133
OpenStack: configure IPv6 address in the bootstrap node #7128
SPLAT-995 : vSphere Add new template field #6995
OCPBUGS-14757 : images: installer: add xz to the container #7238
OCPBUGS-14818 : disable oVirt provider #7213
AGENT-556 : Wait for rendezvous host configuration #7068
OCPBUGS-14121 : Convert Rendezvous IPv6 address to canonical format #7234
OCPBUGS-14416 : Shorten SNO installation duration by releasing CPC lease #7219
OCPBUGS-14565 : Replace with govc docker image and fix ibmcli folder permission issue #7231
OCPBUGS-13108 : Log additional host info at warning level #7209
OCPBUGS-13662 : Ignore CPUPartitioning for ABI #7218
OCPBUGS-11736 : gcp use preconfigured private zone for installation #7155
Bump & vendor k8s 1.27 dependencies #7220
OCPBUGS-10342 : Check that number of replicas matches hosts #7059
OSASINFRA-3153 : move loadBalancer
API to GA for OpenStack #7127
OCPBUGS-10306 : [vSphere] Upi installation failed due to VMs for master and worker node creation failed #6999
AGENT-567 : Re-enable ‘create pxe-files’ command #7102
AGENT-555 : Move Rendezvous Host config to separate file #7061
OCPBUGS-13764 : Support /dev/disk/by-path root device hints #7192
OCPBUGS-1769 : Ignore IAM Roles that the Installer is not authorized to access #7180
OCPBUGS-14077 : MULTIARCH-3492: Avoid conflicting subnets #7145
OCPBUGS-14076 : PowerVS: Remove ClusterOSImage #6996
OCPBUGS-13094 : Use oc command in bootkube.service in a disconnected env #7178
OCPBUGS-7410 : Reject active VPC connections before service destroy #7101
OCPBUGS-7699 : CVE: go-getter vulnerable to denial of service via malicious compressed archive #6893
OCPBUGS-13552 : vSphere Add ova sha query; additional debugging #7171
OCPBUGS-13718 : ic: azure: validate diskTypes in AzureStack #7194
OCPBUGS-9378 : vSphere set bootstrap/master efi #7154
OCPBUGS-13535 : Set AdditionalTrustBundle in override when mirroring not enabled #7182
OCPBUGS-13547 : Ensure –payload-version is set for MCO on bootstrap #7160
OCPBUGS-13547 : remove special cases for featureset in rendering #7189
OCPBUGS-7978 : FCOS: bump to latest stable version #6902
OCPBUGS-13628 : Revert “remove special cases for featureset in rendering” #7183
OCPBUGS-13300 : masters on a single compute server group #7172
OCPBUGS-3542 : Add bootstrapExternalStaticDNS #6585
remove special cases for featureset in rendering #7158
OCPBUGS-13253 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202305090606-0 #7176
pass payload version and manifests to kas and kcm #7152
OCPBUGS-9081 : openstack destroy: account for BULK DELETE limits on object-storage #7168
OCPBUGS-7699 : terraform: google: bump provider for go-getter CVE fix #7051
OCPBUGS-13107 : openstack destroy: Limit Swift workers to 3 #7165
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #7122
OCPBUGS-11921 : GCP XPN: Pass instance service acct in manual mode #7117
OCPBUGS-12964 : Bootstrap on aws should have same metadata service type as on other nodes #7149
OCPBUGS-11792 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202304252144-0 #7135
pass featuregate args to config-operator to get rendered featuregates #6990
OCPBUGS-12904 : openstack: Add netcat to the Installer image #7142
OCPBUGS-12776 : GCP XPN Private Cluster Fails with no Public Zone #7134
OCPBUGS-12869 : fix nmstate related unit tests #7089
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #7121
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #7120
OCPBUGS-12748 : use python3 for cloud sdk #7118
OCPBUGS-12196 : bump CVO to stable-4.14 #7114
OCPBUGS-11999 : fix: remove feature flag for cpu partitioning no longer needed #7110
OCPBUGS-11801 : Fix agent-tui libnmstate dependency name #7095
OpenStack: enable ingress traffic for dual-stack installations #7099
OCPBUGS-10767 : Fix and improve locking session and AWS Metadata access #7070
OWNERS_ALIASES: offboard Sohan from CoreOS #7103
OCPBUGS-9081 : openstack: Bump Gophercloud #7098
OCPBUGS-11100 , OCPBUGS-11102 , OCPBUGS-11418 : CVE: bump hashicorp/vault version #7091
OCPBUGS-11788 : update RHCOS 4.14 bootimage metadata to 414.92.202304131328-0 #7092
OCPBUGS-8449 : Azure: don’t set default subscriptionID for disk encryption sets #7076
pkg: rhcos: use Errorf instead of Error #7074
OCPBUGS-4998 : Log additional info when status is pending-user-action #7060
OCPBUGS-10673 : [Alibaba] update the bandwidth value of EIP #7011
OCPBUGS-11636 : AWS - Remove ACLs from s3 ign #7081
OCPBUGS-11479 : Upgrade libnmstate version used #7075
OCPBUGS-10478 : gather: azure: fix collecting VM serial logs #6992
Add imageDigestSources, deprecate imageContentSources #6235
PowerVS: fix human readable group-id #7073
docs: gcp: upi: update obtaining RHCOS source image #7072
gcp: add confidential compute support for boostrap TF #7002
AGENT-275 : Add new agent graph command to output agent internal dependency graph #7066
OCPBUGS-7954 : openstack: Only check HTTPS certs on public endpoints #7057
MULTIARCH-2517 : PowerVS: create install-config improvements #6885
OCPBUGS-10845 : Use 100 GB as minimum disk size in validations #7025
openstack: Bump CI base image to v4.14 #7052
terraform: don’t run zip if building provider binary failed #7047
OCPBUGS-8449 : pkg/asset/installconfig: set subscriptionID #6975
OCPBUGS-11039 : remove container-runtime flag from kubelet config #7036
rhcos: Bump to 414.92.202303281555-0 #7038
update tested instance type on 4.13 #7042
OCPBUGS-11038 : GCP: add europe-west12 region to the survey as supported region #7033
OCPBUGS-7966 : Do not remove host default configuration unless network configuration is provided for it #6991
OCPBUGS-2130 : vSphere - finding networks use full path cluster #6973
OCPBUGS-7699 : bump terraform for go-getter CVE fix #6892
OCPBUGS-8349 : Kubelet Client Cert should include system:serviceaccounts group #7032
OCPBUGS-10728 add project filter to gcp usage api requests #7018
OCPBUGS-10638 : Properly handle invalid agent command #7005
OCPGUS-2363 : IBMCloud: Use direct COS endpoint #6952
OCPBUGS-9081 : openstack/destroy: BulkDelete more objects at once #7017
OCPBUGS-8035 : IBMCloud: Fix SSH Private bootstrap #6944
OCPBUGS-7973 : IBMCloud set dnsrecords offset #6924
OCPBUGS-8509 : baremetal: do not use port 80 for httpd #6945
OCPBUGS-9982 : bootstrap-pivot: skip pivot in SCOS Live ISO #6965
PowerVS: Add capacity checks before installation #6850
OCPBUGS-8237 : update terraform-provider-ironic to 0.4.0 #6956
OCPBUGS-6727 : Nutanix Hostname of the VM is not set when using DHCP network config #6981
AGENT-502 : add agent-tui it test #6978
openstack: Remove version info, update lb FIP -> API FIP #7001
OCPBUGS-10570 : openstack: No master primarySubnet control-plane if portTarget is set #6994
OSDOCS-5240 : doc/fix-aws-localzones: replace jq to aws –query #6993
OCPBUGS-10207 : Do not always output warning msg when releaseImage is digest #6971
OCPBUGS-7015 : vsphere, nutanix survey: relax vip in machine cidr #6967
OCPBUGS-9949 : Verify output file exists when oc image extract
is run #6960
OCPBUGS-7954 : openstack: Provide manual instructions for invalid certificates #6998
OCPBUGS-10313 : fix agent tui showing up multiple times #6977
Bump mongo-driver from 1.10 to 1.11.2 #6987
OCPBUGS-8540 : CVE: bump mongo-go-driver for fix #6950
OCPBUGS-10394 : Sort userTags in Machine and Machineset manifests #6976
Shorten SNO installation duration by releasing CVO lease #6757
OCPBUGS-2968 : bootstrap: Do not needlessly podman pull #6536
terraform: google: bump stringset dependency #6951
openstack-manifests: Export JUnit results #6966
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #6968
quota: gcp: replace deprecated monitoring package and fix linting issues #6896
OCPBUGS-8119 : CVE-2023-25173: bump containerd #6949
OCPBUGS-8468 : aws: bump aws-sdk-go version #6943
data: libvirt: increase volume size to 32GB #6963
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #6954
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #6953
refactor: replace
OpenStack: support multiple API and ingress VIPs #6940
update RHCOS 4.13 bootimage metadata #6886
OCPBUGS-8094 : In agent ‘wait-for bootstrap’ command, test ssh to Node0 #6919
openstack-manifest: Show assets dir if persisted #6929
OCPBUGS-7262 : Disable systemd status while TUI showing #6925
OpenStack Failure domains #6917
OCPBUGS-8203 : Don’t log password values #6922
OCPBUGS-5129 : Pass Capabilites from install-config to cluster #6923
OCPBUGS-8305 : Power VS: Add resourceGroup to infrastructure manifest #6928
AGENT-356 : Disable ‘create pxe-files’ command #6927
OCPBUGS-8258 : Specify filename for default registries.conf #6926
openstack: consistent TechPreview-only feature validation #6916
RFE-2782 : Create edge compute pool to support AWS Local Zones #6371
OPNET-199 : Allow v6-primary dual stack on baremetal #6881
Generate CSI driver manifests #6856
Azure: use managed storage account for boot logs #6848
OCPBUGS-7015 : Relax MachineCIDR check for vSphere, Nutanix #6915
ARMOCP-417 : enable arm64 for agent installer #6401
AGENT-502 : Enable agent tui #6898
GCP: conditionally create bootstrap service account #6853
vsphere: Remove bostrt from approver/reviewer group #6918
OCPBUGS-7860 : azure: session: fix unclear auth error messages #6901
OCPBUGS-7991 : vSphere - only create RP when cluster is not empty #6905
Support the new fields in NutanixMachineProviderConfig #6841
openstack-manifests: Option to run selected test cases #6908
AGENT-526 : Refactor Agent InstallConfig embedding #6796
OCPBUGS-7993 : hack/build-coreos-manifest: support OKD #6906
bump version of ovirt terraform provider #6883
OCPBUGS-7622 : Ignore CPMS file if not exist #6887
linter: enable reporting about exported names lacking comments #6880
CFE-757 : Fix issues reported by QE #6870
OCPBUGS-7579 : azure: fix certificate-based auth with passpharse #6871
Update alias for Metal Platform #6884
CORS-2496 : Default 2xlarge
instead of xlarge
in AWS when the control-plane is single-node #6814
OSASINFRA-3090 : External LB support for on-prem platforms #6812
Bug 1904573 : baremetal container modify /etc/passwd group writable #6872
SPLAT-823 : Zonal GA, single terraform, deprecate legacy platform spec #6770
openstack: Fix missing docs link #6852
OCPBUGS-7180 : update RHCOS 4.13 bootimage metadata #6861
Removes m1kola from azure-reviewers #6865
OCPBUGS-7495 : Convert platform type for AgentClusterInstall #6855
CFE-582 : Generate Infrastructure CR with the azure user defined tags #6310
AGENT-456 : Remove connectivity checks from bash script #6846
integration: Don’t pass host data in the install-config #6795
linter: bump version to sync with CI #6859
OCPBUGS-4954 : IBMCloud: Handle COS reclamations #6845
CFE-757 : Fix issues reported by QE #6820
CORS-2386 : IBMCloud: Add networkResourceGroupName #6613
IBMCloud: Add tests for installconfig metadata #6348
OCPBUGS-1048 : if tag categories don’t exist, the installation will fail to bootstrap #6327
CFE-586 : Apply user defined tags on created azure resources #6354
OCPBUGS-7356 : data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Default to stable-4.13 #6689
OCPBUGS-6777 : Fix file check for loading openshift manifests #6821
AGENT-505 : Embed agent files in initrd #6842
installer dev build settings to enable delve #6835
OCPBUGS-7261 : Update AgentConfig template #6840
OCPBUGS-4549 : azure: fix MS Graph calls on Gov cloud #6844
openstack-manifests: Add a debug option #6839
OpenStack: Fix distribution of zones on 32-bit systems #6834
OCPBUGS-6422 : CVE-2022-41717: bump net/http for fix #6801
CNF-6357 : feat: add CPU Partitioning flag into the install config #6430
SPLAT-820 : multi-zone is no longer tech preview #6782
destroy: vsphere: move API calls to client abstraction and add unit tests #6604
Add support for confidential compute #6799
Add Adam #6824
OCPBUGS-5234 : azurestack: upi: fix compute scale up #6735
CNF-6362 : feat: add support for nto rendering during bootstrap #6691
OCPBUGS-4997 : Set the configured proxy settings for agent installer #6827
azure: Add error message when authorizer fails. #6551
OCPBUGS-6486 : fixing ovirt installation on iSCSI #6816
OCPBUGS-6270 : Don’t require vSphere details for agent installer #6793
OCPBUGS-6722 : bootimage: move secure execution artifact to separate artifact #6811
PowerVS: Check for potential network conflict in existing CCs #6798
OCPBUGS-6663 : Check platform baremetal settings against default values #6809
AGENT-455 : Check registry and rendezvous host access at startup #6767
OCPBUGS-4549 : destroy: azure: handle nil
responses from msgraph sdk #6717
AGENT-505 : Embed agent-tui binary in the agent ISO #6786
PowerVS: Remove region requirement #6772
Bug 2072202 : Check for reachability of API and API-Int URLs later in bootkube #6611
Bug 2067847 : prometheus/client_golang: Denial of service using InstrumentHandlerCounter #6391
CORS-2479 : bootstrap: set 0644 mode for registries.conf #6789
GCP: Remove the BYOH code #6771
AGENT-453 : Create interactive console service for agent installer #6756
OCPBUGS-5959 : bump RHCOS 4.13 bootimage metadata #6790
CORS-2469 : upi: Document removal of CPMS for UPI installation #6727
Bug 2070744 : Fix infinite loop error #6515
CORS-1558 : Add uninstall complete after destroy code #6572
AGENT-504 : Agent extract binary #6777
OCPBUGS-5182 : validate additional confidential VM types #6733
OCPBUGS-5461 : Allow NO_PROXY to contain IPs #6776
OCPBUGS-3253 : Warn if agent assets detected when using non-agent waitfor #6740
OCPBUGS-4654 : azure: upi: use Image Gallery in ARM templates #6684
OCPBUGS-5184 : azure: validate Windows-only VM types #6734
CORS-2449 : gcp: Set pre-created CPMS to Active state #6752
OCPBUGS-1612 : vsphere: set default resource pool when missing failure domain topology #6409
Generate the cloudproviderconfig manifests for integration of nutanix-ccm to OCP #6269
CORS-2405 : Create ControlPlaneMachineSet CRDs #6632
OCPBUGS-5734 : make VIP noProxy in all clouds except Public #6761
OCPBUGS-1695 : Update FCOS to latest 37.20221127.3.0 stable #6487
OCPBUGS-5770 : CVE-2021-4238: goutils: update for randomness fix #6763
BUG 2110982: GCP skip public loadbalancer ip addresses #6755
AGENT-501 : Make it easier to change node zero IP and SERVICE_BASE_URL #6747
MGMT-12839 : Add Shielded VMs options to gcp mpool and TF #6698
OCPBUGS-5324 : CVE-2021-4235 go-yaml: Denial of Service in go-yaml #6741
OCPBUGS-881 : fail to create install-config.yaml as apiVIP and ingress VIP are not in machine networks #6469
SPLAT-901 : set default for variables that are deprecated by failure_domains #6750
OCPBUGS-1769 : Check for AWS STS installation before trying to get all IAM Roles #6666
GCP XPN: remove tech preview feature gate #6754
Expose Azure useImageGallery parameter in the MachineSets() call #6737
OCPBUGS-2088 : Validate that the rendevousIP is assigned to a master #6716
ARO-1796 : Update Azure SDK for go to v63.1.0+incompatible #6746
openstack: Revert Gophercloud workaround #6663
SPLAT-900 : provision VMs in to failure domains #6738
OCPBUGS-4874 : Remove order dependency for agent CLI string #6739
CORS-2449 : Create CPMS manifest #6695
OCPBUGS-2881 : Destroy the service and host project dns records #6534
Bug OCPBUGS-3921: OpenStack: fix bootstrap destroy cmd #6617
OCPBUGS-3706 : Improve error reporting from agent wait-for install-complete #6730
Better logic to derive vpcRegion/Zone from vpcName/Subnets #6665
update tested instance types on 4.12 #6731
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #6678
OCPBUGS-5151 : baremetal: Extra time for provisioning interface #6729
OCPBUGS-3032 : Report status on the console immediately #6697
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #6675
OSASINFRA-3057 : openstack: Document Image Registry migration to Swift #6710
openstack: Rely on Go’s stdlib for errors #6656
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #6693
cmd: update import of deprecated terminal package #6594
GCP: Tfvars will determine the user has create firewall permissions #6679
OCPBUGS-4941 : OpenStack: Force JSON content-type in Swift object listing #6707
PowerVS: Defer cancel when calling contextWithTimeout #6700
linter: fix issues since revision 75173a17cf #6712
OCPBUGS-2996 : bump RHCOS 4.13 bootimage metadata #6703
CORS-2340 : hack: replace deprecated go-lint #6601
OCPBUGS-3706 : Wait longer for baremetal #6688
Fix import order using the gci tool #6643
Switch back to gp2 ebs volume type for bootstrap instance #6692
OCPBUGS-2891 : aws: destroy: delete ELB listeners #6528
Consolidate loadsdk debug statements #6686
OWNERS_ALIASES: Remove lucab #6696
OCPBUGS-4549 : azure: replace deprecated AD Graph API #6614
Save rendezvous IP in a file ‘rendezvousIP’ alongside the ISO #6683
OCPBUGS-3987 : Check nmstateconfig content in agent-config.yaml #6674
CORS-2147 : Add documentation for the client certs authentication #6505
OCPBUGS-4367 : Fix missing debug messages when getting baseISO #6662
Use backoff functions in PowerVS destroy logic #6591
OCPBUGS-3032 : Report agent installation problems on the console #6544
OCPBUGS-3668 : fully qualified username must be provided #6596
OCPBUGS-1560 : vsphere zonal, terraform depends on ova import #6498
Agent integration tests proposal #6598
CORS-2291 : terraform: save logs to a file #6532
OCPBUGS-3196 : Set ip=dhcp,dhcp6 for master nodes on dualstack #6626
OCPBUGS-2130 : import ova resource cluster path fix #6519
OCPBUGS-2498 : ose-installer-container: vault: insufficient certificate revocation list checking #6493
Wait longer for VM to obtain IP from DHCP in PowerVS #6651
platformprovisioncheck: fix shadowing of err
variable #6595
Alibaba: add the tags of the machine nodes #6535
Azure: use azidentity with adapter #6003
OCPBUGS-4125 : Enable CVO unmanage overrides in bootstrap-in-place installations #6649
openstack: Refactor TFVars generation #6465
Update OpenStack spec dependencies #6382
OCPBUGS-3164 : hold bootkube service until bootstrap has pivoted #6488
OCPBUGS-4355 : Fix return value from execute() #6646
OCPBUGS-4328 : images: updating images to be consistent with ART #6641
vSphere Zonal: validate dns and external load balancer #6612
GCP: remove private zone manipulation #6610
Replace deprecated io/ioutil package #6602
ibmcloud plugin “permission denied” #6627
Bug 2105570 : out-of-bounds read in leads to DoS #6389
OCPBUGS-3524 : data: azurerm: restore RHCOS SA access configuration #6583
OCPBUGS-3405 : Redact pull secret from agent-gather #6574
Adding aarch64 instance types for azure #6531
OCPBUGS-2931 : Azure Stack: use managed images for compute nodes #6540
OCPBUGS-3985 : Pass featureset to kas #6579
mv ibmcloud to /bin folder #6624
OCPBUGS-3278 : (Agent) Do not require host data in platform baremetal section in installconfig #6573
OCPBUGS-3277 : Restart create-cluster-and-infraenv.service if it fails #6577
OCPBUGS-3933 : OpenStack: Force JSON content-type in Swift #6615
add ibmcloud cli to image #6600
Update vSphere Owner files #6607
OCPBUGS-2384 : [Alibaba] fix the creation of public record #5671
docs: fix broken link to default kubelet.service taint #6593
OCPBUGS-3186 : IBMCloud: Confirm Zones and BYON Subnets #6553
OCPBUGS-3123 : Pass FeatureSet to cluster config render #6576
OCPBUGS-2738 : Uplift terraform-provider-ironic to 0.3.0 #6511
OCPBUGS-3382 : Fix cluster wide proxy #6571
OCPBUGS-3280 : Automatically retry install #6567
OCPBUGS-3304 : Always use first matching mirror in assisted-service #6563
OCPBUGS-2841 : (AGENT) only support amd64 archs #6546
OCPBUGS-3214 : Always add router CAs to kubeconfig, even if console is not available #6557
Update apiVersion for lso operator group #6558
OCPBUGS-2513 : Set PublicContainerRegistries for entries in mirror #6545
OCPBUGS-1627 : [vsphere-zones] Fix user folders #6412
OCPBUGS-1704 : gcp: fail during validation if service usage is not enabled #6516
OCPBUGS-3287 : agent ased installation fix for dual stack vips #6530
OCPBUGS-3096 : Static linking the terraform and providers binaries #6548
OCPBUGS-2911 : Use project after creation #6552
OCPBUGS-3110 : azure: Fix client certs authentication #6527
OCPBUGS-2847 : GCP XPN Featuregates #6522
OCPBUGS-2758 : Provide datastore as full path #6547
Bug 2074299 : update to address security vulnerabilities #6388
OCPBUGS-2966 : Add GCP CreateFirewallRules to tech preview #6533
OCPBUGS-1791 : add bootstrap configmap during the SNO reboot #6521
OCPBUGS-2290 : Power VS Check for existing DNS permitted network and public gateway #6481
Add linux/arm64 binary to installer-artifacts #6514
OCPBUGS-1033 : support multiple documents in the same extra manifest file #6492
OCPBUGS-3018 : Use result from List function after checking error #6541
OCPBUGS-2144 : Azure: Set appropriate architecture for gen v1 image #6517
go-fmt: apply formatting with golang 1.19 #6497
OCPBUGS-2895 : Azure: Fix DiskEncryptionSet regex validation #6513
AGENT-348 : Warn when information in install-config is ignored #6523
OCPBUGS-2837 : Reduce debug logs in agent wait-for commands #6520
Fix unexpected behavior from merging #6470 and #6500 #6526
AGENT-390 : Include CPU Architecture in ISO filename #6485
docs: feature sets #6506
Agent-321: Cluster and Host validations rework #6500
OCPBUGS-2327 : Add validation for releaseImage and registry.conf #6423
OCPBUGS-2086 : Detect failure in wait-for on transition back to ready #6470
OCPBUGS-2627 : agent-config: Generate missing AdditionalNTPSources in InfraEnv #6495
OCPBUGS-2338 : Don’t use error messages as default values #6486
OCPBUGS-1824 : enhance agent systemd service dependency #6408
OCPBUGS-1704 : Service Usage API is required, not optional #6504
Revert “create: add check for cluster operator stability” #6503
OCPBUGS-2301 : Search Network Project For resources #6499
OCPBUGS-2436 : Revert “Revert “[AWS] Add LB Type in the infrastructure cluster object via install-config yaml”” and fix OCPBUGS-2436 #6491
OCPBUGS-2174 : fix metadata tags not supported in certain regions #6475
Add initial support for OKD/SCOS #6443
Updating golang version to fix gofmt issues #6484
Bug 2117537 : validation rule for invalid rendezvousIP in AgentConfig #6474
create: add check for cluster operator stability #6124
Revert “[AWS] Add LB Type in the infrastructure cluster object via install-config yaml” #6490
Add LB Type in the infrastructure cluster object via install-config yaml #6478
Bug 2059491 : [Alibaba] fix the format of Name #5668
AGENT-284 : Allow user to choose platform type #6438
OCPBUGS-2262 : Update gcp explain for DNS zones #6483
OCPBUGS-1941 : bump RHCOS 4.12 bootimage metadata #6452
Bug 2072202 : Check for api and api-int resolution during cluster install #5816
OCPBUGS-2259 : Fix soft-anti-affinity known issue #6479
Removing jstuever from OWNERS #6480
OCPBUGS-1881 : vsphere/destroy: improve logs when folder is not empty #6456
Adding “syd05” as a choice for zones in PowerVS #6468
OCPBUGS-1856 : IBMCloud: Allow traffic to kube-api-lb #6458
update to to match OCP 4.12 #6476
AGENT-347 : generate OS_IMAGES dynamically #6441
OCPBUGS-1900 : Avoid SNO bootstrap jsonpath error #6463
OCPBUGS-1698 : multi-zone network slice validation #6422
OCPBUGSM-47893 : added validation rule for invalid mac address in AgentConfig #6473
populate vSphere infrastructure spec #6457
OCPBUGS-1896 : Validate Credentials Mode After Install Config step #6453
OCPBUGS-2029 : Fix agent installation InstallConfig proxy processing #6461
Add docs about IPv6 on the additional Networks #6435
AGENT-375 : generate FIPS annotation for ACI #6467
AGENT-349 : Allow console login to Agent ISO #6464
OCPBUGS-1913 : Agent Installer: Do not fail on deprecated apiVip and ingressVip values #6462
Power VS: Disconnected cluster support #6347
azure: create bootimages using image gallery #6304
CORS 2046: GCP Add base domain validation when DNS zone is specified #6300
Fixes #6451
pkg/types: add feature set support #6336
pkg/asset/releaseimage/pullspec: Include override pullspec in log message #6460
Bug 2104997 : Add additional fields to proxy manifest #6374
OCPBUGS-527 : Improve error message in case of failure during the agent image generation #6436
AGENT-271 : Generate kubeadmin-password with ISO #6313
AWS: destroy: move helper functions to their own file #6131
AGENT-369 : SNO validation #6444
Add host-config status to agent-gather #6442
AGENT-321 : Move validation failures to debug log level #6446
CORS-2073 : Remove terraform provider “random” #6387
Increase start timeouts for assisted services #6445
OCPBUGS-891 : aws: add explicit EIP dependency for nat gw #6379
images: UPI: update gcloud install on rhel8 container #6158
OCPBUGS-1490 : [vsphere-zones] Handle no set zones #6390
powervs: introduce manifest for OVNKubernetes configuration #6405
Power VS: Enable IBM DNS service for private cluster support #6228
AGENT-264 : validate agent-config macs #6434
Ensure installer created ControlPlaneMachineSets are active on install #6425
AGENT-330 : Add disconnected instructions to MCE integration doc #6424
OCPBUGS-561 : bump RHCOS 4.12 bootimage metadata #6403
Remove extra blank line in DHCP debugging #6439
Change PowerVS default machine CIDR #6428
Change error on execute() to a debug message #6427
fix agent-config-template emitted by agent create
CORS 2040: [gcp] Adding Public and Private Managed zones #6288
Bug 2116904 : Base generated NMStateConfig on InstallConfig name #6244
AGENT-354 : script for gathering install data #6402
AGENT-364 : Validate network type for SNO clusters #6419
cleanup unused types and constants after platform spec refactor #6370
AGENT-351 : Add MachineNetwork to agent-cluster-install for dual stack #6364
AGENT-319 : Set agent-config version to v1beta1 #6416
OCPBUGS-816 : Check that cached base ISP matches hash in release payload #6318
AGENT-365 : Set install invoker to “agent-installer” #6418
Bug 2055247 : pkg/asset/installconfig/azure: standardDDv5Family is not currently supported #6203
Verifying yq is installed properly in libvirt installer containers #6319
Agent installer: try to make systemd services more robust #6312
OCPBUGSM-47737 : Do not enable pre-network-manager-config.service #6323
Add documentation for agent networking #6400
vsphere: prevent duplicate validation check in multi-zone #6398
AGENT-288 Log rendezvous host IP when creating agent ISO #6393
AGENT-309 Display the rendezvous IP in motd and issue #6386
Agent: Don’t pass AdminKubeConfigClientCertKey #6373
hack: Use golang-1.16 image of origin-release #6367
OCPBUGS-1231 : disconnected machine-os-images info #6339
AGENT-325 Set NetworkType in AgentClusterInstall #6287
Bug 2094716 : docs: fully air-gapped AWS IPI install #6076
OCPBUGS-1489 : [vsphere] Loop over all folders for destroy #6378
AWS: resolve subnet-related FIXMEs #6140
go getter update for terraform & terraform providers #6352
GCP: Add me-west1 region #6359
aws: replace deprecated object in terraform config #6383
powervs-delete-named-dhcp #6365
azure: validation: avoid specifying capabilities twice #5952
CORS-2280 : IBMCloud: Add DNS Record for internal public traffic #6375
OCPBUGS-729 : vSphere 6.7u3 failing privilege validation #6293
Agent: Increase bootstrap-complete timeout #6384
aws user tags: set limit == openshift/api #6368
OCPBUGS-927 : azure: add sleep between zone and link creation #6349
Update power-go-client #6229
Fix generating Machine objects for PowerVS #6366
AGENT-328 : Add documentation for agent mce integration #6358
aws: allow clusters with public only subnets #6342
AWS UPI docs: remove control plane machineset #6346
OCPBUGS-705 : vSphere privilege checking failing when providing user-defined folder and/or resource pool #6281
GCP: allow environmental authentication #6330
AGENT: add ipv6 support #6328
OCPBUGS-1234 : [CFE-580] Fixed error condition for user tag validation #6356
OCPBUGS-717 : Upgrade python3.7 to 3.8 for AWS UPI #6270
OCPBUGS-963 : OpenStack: Lift validation for 14 chars cluster names #6309
OCPBUGS-1234 : [CFE-580] Extend user tags limit to 40 based on AWS limits #6345
OCPBUGS-1226 : OpenStack UPI: Create server group for Computes #6340
Power VS: use the new name field for the dhcp nw #6294
Add AWS r6i into tested instance types table #6337
vsphere zonal: platform spec and terraform updates #6329
CORS-2280 : IBMCloud: Add DNS Service permitted VPC #6325
CORS-2280 : IBMCloud: Add DNS Service destroy #6321
OCPBUGSM-47740 : No networkconfig needed with DHCP agent config #6317
azure: add support for arm64 instances (Dps_v5 instances) #6298
azure: Add client certification to terraform #6250
pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap/cvoignore: Add group/kind/name(space) collision detection #6247
Add additionalTrustBundlePolicy field to allow CA bundle propagation #6232
OCPBUGS-1247 : Restrict CPMS from being created with single node clusters #6331
GCP: Add createFirewallRules parameter to installconfig. #6338
CORS-2043 : GCP: Passsthrough installer service account to Terraform r… #6326
Bump Nutanix Prism Go Client dep to c8a2536 to include refactors. #6308
OCPBUGS-927 : Add depends to enforce order for azure terraform dependencies #6311
vSphere: Zonal Terraform #6064
Terraform go 1.18 #6257
Revert “AWS: Create ControlPlaneMachineSet CRDs” #6324
OCPBUGS-302 : bootstrap gather: fix panic when platform is “none” #6243
Add bind-utils in upi installer image #6277
download ‘aliyun’ #6265
AGENT-308 : Add 4.12 to OS_IMAGES #6315
OCPBUGS-889 : bump default channel to stable-4.12 #6302
vSphere: Add the ability to attach a tag to a mob #5357
Power VS: Machine CIDR #6264
AGENT-318 : Merge agent-based installer #6263
CORS-2280 : IBMCloud: Add TF support for private DNS #6282
vsphere: error checking while creating vsphere clients #6305
Correct the GCP machine series name #6296
add bind config for PowerVS publish==internal IPI #6227
Bug 2084471 : validate baremetal hosts names are lowercase RFC 1123 #6112
terraform: azurerm bump provider to v3.19.1 #6262
Power VS: Enable global routing for cloud connection and specify dns #6289
fix check for control plane suitability for default zones #6295
Bug 2070744 : Fix infinite loop when failing to untag resources #5995
AWS: Create ControlPlaneMachineSet CRDs #6172
Add dual stack API & Ingress VIP support for on-prem platforms #5798
OWNER_ALIASES: remove Saqib Ali from the coreos approvers and reviewers #6291
gcp: machines to use networkProjectID when defined #6284
Bump FCOS to latest stable #6290
Switch delete ordering of CloudConnect and VPCs #6280
gcp: specify network_project_id for network and subnets #6283
Bug 2117439 : Azure masters should publish on an internal load balancer #6230
Bug OCPBUGS-164: OpenStack: Update Kuryr storage requirements #6286
CORS-2271 : IBMCloud: Add DNS Service support - installconfig #6255
Bug OCPBUGS-164: OpenStack: Set minimum disk of a flavor to 100 GB #6268
validate vSphere privileges #5741
Add support for private DNS server to PowerVS #6157
GCP: Remove firewall rules when providing network project id #6219
GCP: Add missing regions #6259
manifests: Pass the NetworkProjectID to manifests #6242
support for multi-zone/region installation #5911
cmd/openshift-install/create: One shot console access #5336
IBMCloud: Pull in latest openshift/api changes #6056
OCPBUGS-268 : vSphere - enable steal time accounting #6215
Bug 2028474 : oVirt: Removed cluster name length limitation #6206
gcp: Add validation for Network Project Data #6207
Bug 2098072 : vsphere: fix default disk type when not speficied #6233
Bug 2061947 : IBMCloud: Handle missing RG #6152
CORS-1994 : Update Installer Dependencies #6175
Bug 2109538 : nutanix: allow creating manifests without Prism Central connection #6149
IBMCloud: Use unique mutex for Client retrieval #6241
OCPBUGS-262 : UPI image download govc rate limit failure #6047
Extract the image-references file from the release, pass it to machine-config-operator
powervs: allow VPC, Cloud connection, and NW re-use #6217
Bug 2109800 : IBMCloud: Allow metrics traffic #6208
IBMCloud: BYON Enablement #6183
IBMCLOUD Power VS: Updated Max and Min machinepool resource limits #6147
GCP: Added user specified tags on control plane instances #6199
Azure Stack UPI Docs: Remove Feature Gate CRs #5657
Bug 2115790 : bump RHCOS 4.12 bootimage metadata #6212
terraform: ibmcloud: bump provider version #6210
Revendor with golang 1.18 #6077
Update installer images to use golang 1.18 #6163
GCP: Add networkProjectID parameter to install-config. #6166
powervs: default to tier1 storage #6211
Download yq
in upi installer containers #6008
Remove LoadBalancer settings from cloud provider config #5834
Add SPLAT members to platform reviewer/approver aliases #6202
Alibaba: Use a static region list #6178
Power VS: Add Montreal as a supported region #6209
OWNERS_ALIASES: Add Adam Piasecki (c4rt0) #6181
Switch libvirt VM’s to vnc graphic mode #6062
GCP: Added user specified tags on compute instances in installconfig #6185
CORS-2009 : Update default release image #6180
Fix ineffassign #4866
Bug 2105933 : data/data/coreos: update FCOS to 36.20220716.3.1 #6108
Bug 2114754 : gather: properly delete serial log dir #6197
tls: only report error if one happened #6195
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #6096
Revert “GCP: Revert Instance Type from N2 to N1” #6058
CORS-2167 : Remove UPI Metal TF references #6174
Change defaultNetworkType to ovn-kubernetes #6014
PowerVS: Add 60 sec wait time after VPC creation. #6162
updated terraform-provider-ovirt #6169
Update vsphere permissions file #5387
Update kube components to v0.24.0 #6165
IBMCloud: BYON Enablement - SG Rule Cleanup #6143
BUG 2105341: Remove required check for control planes in boostrap gather #6168
BUG 2109388: Add AWS S3 Bucket Permissions #6150
added soundcard_enabled field to tf resources for master vms #6148
Update Installer approvers list #6151
IBMCloud: Update RHCOS image for VSI #6142
Bug 2102324 : Fix validation errors for instance type #6127
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #6085
As a developer I want to update installer to use propagateUserFlags for GA #5994
terraform: update azure provider to v3 #6000
Azure console logs gathering #5904
OWNERS_ALIASES: drop miabbott from coreos aliases #6123
Gcp console logs gathering #5902
IBMCloud: BYON Enablement - Terraform #6051
Bug 2095323 : Create security group rules for each MachineNetwork CIDR #6125
Bug 2106061 : bump RHCOS 4.12 bootimage metadata #6129
test: use T.TempDir
to create temporary test directory #5730
IBMCloud: BYON Enablement - InstallConfig #6050
Bug 2097691 : vsphere installconfig: use full dc path in network validation #6105
Terraform: Remove azureprivatedns provider #5983
Update OWENRS-ALIASES after changes in the team #6113
Bug 2106667 : OpenStack UPI: Allow setting external DNS #6116
Bug 2061947 : IBMCloud: Skip DNS Record delete #6013
Bug 2102228 : rhcos: Move to #6109
Bug 2082395 : Make azure baseDomainResoureGroup optional for private c… #6049
cmd/openshift-install/gather: Errorf for Available=False #5985
Bug 2070318 : Allow setting bootstrap kubelet ip #6042
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #6083
Bug 2098299 : Switch to perform normal marshalling with unknown fields #6039
openstack: Update base images #6082
AWS Destroy: Clean up endpoint services #6089
openstack UPI: Remove Swift example, use Glance #6091
Bug 2104578 : Remove unnecessary SG rule #6086
Bug 2090836 : Fixes CFE-489 - AWS installer should go through proxy for s3 bootstrap ignition call #5973
OpenStack: prompt FIP description #6075
Bug 1944365 : openstack: validate that VIPs are outside DHCP pools #6069
openstack UPI: clarify naming of RHCOS image #6081
Bug 2102324 : Fix panic when unknown region is provided. #6065
Bug 2103144 : openstack: validate apiVIP and ingressVIP to be semantically different #6067
Bug 2103236 : Provide proper error message for empty projects list #6071
BUG 2102632: destroy/gcp: Use min length for destroying disks #6068
Bug 2099401 : IBMCloud: Set regional URL for ibmcloud client #6046
openstack: Prepare for a UPI CI job #6055
Bug 2100841 : Print the “export KUBECONFIG=…” command on its own line for easier cut-and-paste #6018
Bug 1997704 : [OpenStack] Document in-tree limitation for external LBs #6033
Bug 2100496 : oVirt VM creation fails on empty affinity group description #6044
Bug 2064693 : Restore ability to use local clouds.yaml #5947
Bug 2047732 : [IBM]Volume is not deleted after destroy cluster #5962
Bug 2076646 : destroy/gcp: Disk names are filtered using kubernetes name format #5976
Bug 2095226 : Added changes to verify cloud connection and dhcp serviceinstance details of a powervs instance #5899
Bug 2097940 : PowerVS: Handle optional VPCRegion #6020
Bug 2082283 : Transition to the oVirt Terraform provider v2 #5867
Bug 2096905 : Swap Nutanix Prism Client #6002
Bug 2094694 : Nutanix cluster name validation #5991
Bug 2098243 : Adding error handling to powervs platform #5958
Bug 2096605 : vsphere: validate diskType if supplied #6019
Bug 2049108 : Fix network interface not found error #6016
Bug 2097260 : Fixes openshift-install create manifest failure of Power VS Platform #6007
Bug 2092107 : Re-add Power VS install-config DNS validation tests #5938
Bug 2092296 : Changed DefaultMachineCIDR of PowerVS to #5940
Bug 2097239 : Changed Lower limits of CPU for PowerVS Cloud #5929
Bug 2090816 : Increase bootstrap timeout, not k8s API timeout #6010
Bug 2095917 : Nutanix set osDisk with diskSizeGB rather than diskSizeMiB #5998
Bug 1859153 : IAM instance profile race condition #5982
OWNERS_ALIASES: update coreos aliases #5989
Bug 2096352 : Collect whole journal and netstat data #5988
Bug 2090816 : baremetal: wait longer for bootstrap to complete #5981
baremetal: static IP for bootstrap node #5787
Bug 2068180 : update doc for DNS and disconnected clusters #5974
Bug 2090049 : GCP Destroy resources that are owned by cluster #5965
Bug 2094902 : Simplify cross-compiling #5905
Bug 2085336 : based on 4.11 CORS-1916 add the vm family #5913
Bug 2089563 : Use Power VS machine provider spec from openshift/api #5873
Bug 2093368 : OpenStack: Fix LoadBalancer FIP deletion on destroy #5964
Bug 2057582 : Remove all occurances of packet_device from upi/metal #5969
Bug 2057582 : For metal upi update source and versions of terraform providers #5941
BUG 2075459: IOPS was not being set even when manually configured #5925
Bug 2084280 : Remove optional services from permissions check #5915
Bug 2085380 : azure: validate VM image and instance HyperV gen match #5918
Bug 2084580 : Add check to validate cluster name for dots #5931
Bug 2086791 : Azure: validate ultrassd instance types in multi-zone regions #5937
Bug 2090487 : SNO network type update #5927
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #5950
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #5908
Bug 2085187 : terraform: revendor #5896
Bug 2088660 : Fix for absence folder for bootstrap ignition iso #5935
Bug 2089682 : Ensure Presence of Overlay networks in cluster is handled gracefully #5939
Bug 1965468 : Revert “Bug 1909136: OpenStack: delete volume snapshots” #5923
Bug 1969794 : Correct typo #5922
Bug 2084441 : azure: proper premiumIO validation message #5924
Bug 2078431 : Set TF_DATA_DIR to the Terraform Dir. #5864
Bug 2086718 : Add destroy cluster support for PowerVS #5737
Bug 2086936 : vSphere: change socket back to cores #5914
Bug 2086056 : openstack: add doc for OVS HW offload #5886
Bug 2065893 : bump RHCOS 4.11 bootimage metadata #5887
Bug 2085721 : Fix name for customization controller image #5909
Power VS: Use bucket name from coreos stream rather than inferring it #5782
Increase Unit Testing Coverage of AWS Install Config to Include ValidateForProvisioning #5791
Added changes for validating the IBM Account Type for Provisioning Power VS resources #5734
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #5895
AGENT-40 : allow reading cert keys #5872
Power VS: Separating bootstrap resources to own stage for clean destroy #5901
Aws console logs #5807
GCP: Revert Instance Type from N2 to N1 #5898
Dynamic retrieval of GCP Regions for a Project #5815
Update to Golang v1.17 #5870
azure: move zones functionality to the client API #5844
azure: validation: dedup getting the capabilities #5893
update azure arm templates to support customer provided vnet #5880
machines: Set defaults for machine instance types #5841
Azure Provider: fix vmNetworkType defaults by checking vm capabilities #5846
OpenStack: fix SR-IOV documentation TOC #5881
Bug 2078875 : Delete all the ports from tagged Neutron networks. #5838
Bug 2082604 : Revert “image: set os name to red-coreos-stable-amd64” #5869
openstack: Add the Kuryr squad as approvers #5866
Update template for CloudProviderConfig #5875
Bump Azure Stack Terraform Provider for Go 1.18 #5865
Add -n argument to copy network config from install environment to #5795
Update SR-IOV & DPDK doc for OpenStack #5712
Bug 2080054 : Add ‘ARG TAGS=“”’ line for each build step #5794
Pull the OS Image for Nutanix via URL #5868
Power VS: fix terraform vars #5863
Update TF Provider Version to 1.40.1 #5862
Use neutral pronoun in doc. #5384
Change the default machine pool config for Nutanix #5857
Bug 2074210 : Add new Regions to the GCP Installer configuration list #5811
Update os name to correct value #5860
Update the comment explaining vCPUs on Nutanix #5859
Bug 2064170 : Fixed duplicate strings in explain #5836
Bug 2077662 : Fix AWS Platform Provisioning Check #5831
Support RAID and BIOS configuration for master nodes of baremetal IPI deployments #5196
Power VS: Create Remaining TF Resources #5780
Handle the mapi-provider-nutanix types moving to openshift/api #5812
vsphere: upi ignition leak #5850
vSphere: ignore bootstrap eagerly scrub changes #5848
Bug 2078895 : ovirt: fixing incorrect ‘format’ value validation #5847
vsphere upi: missing etc resolv #5842
vsphere: remove unused namer interface #5824
Bug 2029438 : Set rc-manager=unmanaged on baremetal bootstrap #5482
Unpack to install dir #5825
baremetal: remove redundant proxy setting #5598
Determine Nic name in Bootstrap VM for ARM and x86 #5698
Add bootstrap directory for Nutanix platform #5828
Provider Azure: Enable accelerated networking on control plane nodes #5309
Ensure that the /bin/terraform-provider-matchbox binary is present #5829
Bug 2074659 : Fix empty string usage in ValidateForProvisioning #5801
vsphere: upi, use community ignition provider #5808
Bug 2076393 : vsphere: no longer logout of platform client before finished #5818
Bug 2076880 : for vsphere ipi add cluster domain to the uploaded vm configs so that 30-local-dns-prepender can use it #5788
Ensure Nutanix API VIP is populated in the SAN for the MCS Cert #5821
Bug 2048451 : Fix proxy dial to pick all proxies #5743
update the vm types OCPQE-8674 #5704
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/bootkube: –rm all Podman containers #5803
libvirt: use el8 repo for Google Cloud SDK #5467
AWS IMDSv2 support #5793
Bug 2075873 : data/data/coreos/fcos.json: update initial FCOS to 35.20220327.3.0 #5817
Changing the machine-config service name #5707
Ensure ignition host is set to API VIP for Nutanix platform #5813
Add Power VS-specific fields to cloud-provider config #5809
Check for CVO failing condition before exiting as success #5745
Add in-repo documentation for user-selectable capabilities #5732
vSphere session cleanup #5796
Power VS: Add basic install-config validation #5779
Adding public&private zones to DNS config on PowerVS #5749
Revert “cluster: unpack terraform binaries into install directory” #5810
Bug 2064170 : Fixed Azure punctuation installconfig.controlPlane.platf… #5802
Repin libvirt-version #5797
Add IBM Power VS: tf data #5614
cluster: unpack terraform binaries into install directory #5715
azure: Enable HyperVGeneration setting for Azure disks #5721
pkg/destroy/aws: Log unfiltered pagination #5775
terraform: fix module name of terraform providers #5727
remove #5785
Lower severity of ListAWSDefaultServiceQuotas warning msg #5747
images: Update terraform version in UPI image #5762
Bug 2033482 : vsphere: ensure terraform variables are defined #5778
Add VolumeID testscases for Power VS machinepool #5742
Power VS quota asset #5748
MGMT-9797 : Set single-node none-platform clusters Ingress DefaultPlacement
to ControlPlane
Added platform validation testcases for IBM PowerVS platform #5708
Add cluster destroy logic for Nutanix clusters #5638
Add IBM Power VS: tfvars #5615
pkg/asset/manifests/operators: Set for cluster-config-v1 #5783
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #5590
Add exit code for infra, bootstrip and install failures #5702
Bootstrap-in-place ignition creation should also create a worker.ign
file #5786
Remove defaultStorageContainer from nutanix platform installconfig #5784
Update installconfig validation for Nutanix #5781
Re-update BMO vendor to use ipxe for iRMC #5662
Bug 2038774 : [IBM] add IPsec IKE UDP ports 500, 4500 to security group #5539
Update declarative assets for Nutanix #5636
Bug 2056460 : Preallocated disks for OCP nodes on oVirt #5594
gather: collect sssd journal logs #5771
Add nutanix-specific terraform variables #5637
Removing no-longer-needed DNS etcd stuff #5764
Add nutanix-specific customizations to installconfig #5633
Update default releaseimage to 4.11 #5774
collect machine state in bootstrap gather #5770
Refactor UltraSSD tfvars #5757
Bug 1918005 : vsphere: Use Managed Object ID for networks instead of potentially duplicate name. #5673
Azure: validate UltraSSD instance types #5759
OWNERS_ALIASES: Update current installer team #5766
Validate disk encryption sets #5692
vendor: update api to latest version to use AzureUltraSSDCapabilityEnabled #5756
vsphere: make cluster destroy more resilient to api failures #5556
Bug 2061891 : IBMCloud: Add br-sao region to static list #5760
Add Nutanix-specific customizations to manifests #5631
terraform: add terraform verification to ./hack/ #5675
Add nutanix-specific customizaitons to machines #5632
Bug 2047935 : bump RHCOS 4.11 bootimage metadata #5729
Bug 2066463 : IBMCloud: Patch IBM client auth #5736
Bug 2062998 : Update region check for coreos AMIs #5731
terraform: compress provider binaries faster #5739
Add nutanix-specific customizations for assorted assets #5634
Bug 2048067 : [Alibaba] fix location service endpoint #5664
Bug 2060687 : terraform: fix setting of zone in load balancers for non-zonal azure regions #5684
Doc: Update VIP number to 2 #5599
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #5591
Add the terraform plugin for Nutanix #5635
Add IBM Power VS: cluster assets #5651
AlibabaCloud: fix for bootstrap teardown removing slb backends #5682
Use powervs NewClient in GetDNSZone #5723
vsphereprivate: update to v2 terraform sdk #5716
Bug 2064969 : terraform: upgrade aws provider to v4.5.0 #5719
Revert “Merge pull request #5665 from r4f4/azure-azid-adapter” #5722
vendor: upgrade aws sdk to v1.43.19 #5710
Azure: Add ultraSSDCapability to control plane instances. #5701
Bug 2061549 : azurestack: create the api DNS record when publishing internally #5691
Set ignition string to sensitive #5720
Bug 2047670 : aws: remove validation check for internal publish strategy #5695
baremetal: refresh owners list #5713
include conn timed out err for bootstrap collection #5677
Bump gophercloud #5686
Add Nutanix-specific platform types #5603
vSphere: Update terraform provider to current upstream #5694
Add IBM Power VS: machine assets #5611
Bug 2060617 : fix(ibmcloud): Properly match regex for DNS destroy #5679
Add IBM Power VS: manifest assets #5610
Azure azidentity adapter #5665
Validate BMC driver supported and requires provisioning network #5458
terraform: build binaries on go.mod changes #5672
Add IBM Power VS: installconfig assets #5612
Add VPCRegionForPowerVSRegion function #5700
Azure disk encryption support #5641
Bug 2060508 : azurestack: fix backend address pools for internal publishing #5678
azure/validation: Skip “resource group empty” check for ARO #5330
Bug 2061527 : IBMCloud: Missing infra providertype #5687
Bug 2061544 : azurestack: stop pinning to Standard_LRS for disk type #5688
Bug 2060970 : data/data/coreos/fcos.json: update initial FCOS to 35.20220213.3.0 #5680
doc: terraform maintenance document #5670
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #5589
remove stray tmp/simple_log.log file #5606
GCP may also return Forbidden status when trying to check quotas #5649
Bug 2026356 : Fix bootstrap disk instance type #5515
Bug 2034147 : Validate num cores with vcpus #5656
Bug 2059213 : build all terraform providers and terraform binary locally #5666
Add IBM Power VS: types #5609
point 06_workers.json to azurestack version #5661
Bug 2021041 : vsphere: Not found TagCategory when destroying ipi cluster #5558
Render the CVO manifest with user-specified capabilities from the install-config #5645
isolate terraform #5507
Bug 2046181 : baremetal: reduce API timeout to 15 minutes #5639
Check for DeletePlacementGroup permission before destroying cluster #5655
OWNERS_ALIASES: Drop wking from approvers #5644
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Default to stable-4.11 #5621
Updated owners to current OCP on RHV members #5654
baremetal: use combined Ironic, drop MariaDB #5553
Bug 2047257 : openstack: Migration script should –force drain #5618
Tested instance type lists for AWS/Azure/GCP #5517
Bug 2047925 : Update BMO vendor #5588
cmd/openshift-install/create: Do not attempt analysis when we fail to gather logs #5582
Bug 2046181 : baremetal: wait for image-customization to come up #5579
aws: support the entirety of the secret partitions #5597
Bug 2050767 : vsphere: check that network exist in provisioning validation #5607
Bug 2048451 : Use proxy dial to validate endpoints #5600
Bug 2050146 : Don’t shortcut OpenStack scraping if quota is unavailable #5601
Bug 2048222 : Remove non-public AWS regions from list of regions #5595
Azure Stack: Add UPI Instructions for internal CA #5573
Remove Caleb Boylan from core installer reviewers #5593
Ensure removal of placement-groups during cluster destroy on AWS #5528
Bug 2047455 : Update custom image os type #5587
Bug 2047255 : [Alibaba] fix validation of resource group ID #5584
Bug 2046025 : [Alibaba] fix destory exist private zone #5583
Bug 2043003 : [Alibaba] fix destroy not exist security group #5580
Bug 2045916 : IBMCloud: Stop defaulting to dedicated storage profile #5578
Bug 2043297 : bump RHCOS 4.10 bootimage metadata #5577
Bug 2042370 : [Alibaba] fix installer index panic #5575
Bug 2042770 : [Alibaba] fix resource creation for existing network #5574
Bug 2040143 : [Alibaba] remove unsupport regions #5572
Bug 2035720 : [Alibaba] support internal publish strategy #5534
Bug 2025868 : Check HyperVGenerations for instance type #5509
Bug 2042036 : remove options for existing resources which are currently not supported #5568
Bug 2041765 : Adjust the startup order of httpd container #5541
Bug 2041750 : [Alibaba] fix endpoint error in some regions #5571
Bug 2047258 : Read GovCloud from RHCOS stream #5585
Bug 2045927 : Add proxy for ironic-agent.service #5569
Bug 2041694 : [Alibaba] fix system disk category of bootstrap #5564
Bug 2042655 : revert delay of bootstrap control plane teardown for alibaba #5550
Bug 2041319 : [Alibaba] fix VSwitch subnets overlap #5566
Bug 2041926 : [Alibaba] fix creating public record being skipped #5565
Bug 2023839 : Bump Fedora CoreOS to 35.20220116.2.0 #5567
Bug 2038166 : openstack: Fix invalid-https-certificate detection #5576
Bug 2037209 : update alibaba for provider spec api changes #5562
Bug 2037209 : vendor: update openshift/api to latest in preparation for alibaba machine provider changes #5563
Bug 2043731 : Add IP outputs for IBM terraform instances #5538
Bug 2037813 : [baremetal] networkConfig field now accepts yaml instead of string value #5545
Bug 2042315 : Fallback to External IP_OPTIONS when ProvisioningNetwork is Disabled #5548
Bug 2040160 : [Alibaba] fix EIP metering method #5547
Bug 2026321 : Remove allowed values for nodeVMsize #5532
Bug 2042438 : openstack/Dockerfile: add make and gettext #5546
Bug 2033271 : [Alibaba] fix deletion of resource group #5536
Bug 2041598 : Azure Stack remove CA bundle from CPC #5543
Bug 2017874 : Check quota for G and VT instances #5510
Bug 2038166 : openstack: Document legacy HTTPS cert validation #5544
Bug 2041361 : [Alibaba] fix load balance listener strategy #5540
Bug 2033524 : [Alibaba] support for list existing domains #5533
Bug 2035705 : Azure: Only attempt to destroy resourcegroups if present #5516
Bug 2039241 : [baremetal] use podman secret for image-customization server #5525
Bug 2035454 : [alibaba] fix deletion of the OSS bucket #5530
Bug 2039109 : Fix image-customization-controller image pull failure #5513
Bug 2039408 : Add northamerica-northeast-2 region to GCP validation #5531
Bug 2034527 : Pass different IP options to installed CoreOS image and IPA #5521
Bug 2039689 : Alibaba: fix payment method for NAT gateway #5529
Bug 1965969 : aws: Fix dns destroy logs #5494
Bug 2038384 : Azure: Update Default Instance Types #5519
Bug 2020480 : [vsphere] installation failure sometimes with error: the object ‘vim.Folder:group-v******’ has already been deleted or has not been completely created #5495
Bug 2033239 : Alibaba: fix the wrong default region #5490
Bug 2034537 : openstack: Update OWNERS #5503
Bug 2025788 : Check vCPUsAvailable for given instance type #5505
Bug 2019977 : Validate region provided in install config #5432
Bug 2028695 : Delete bootstrap profiles during cluster destroy #5506
Bug 2034245 : terraform: use the correct os for terraform providers #5501
Bug 2033749 : Azure Stack: Terraform Local Provider #5497
Baremetal: Deploy using CoreOS ISO from the release payload #5473
azurestack: Add a custom rhcos image field for ASH #5468
tf/stages: delete unused code around compat and gather, and improve comments #5476
Terraform: Unset TRACE-level debugging #5493
Azure Stack: fix versions for Terraform Upgrade #5492
Alibaba: fix: add the availability zone of worker #5438
AWS: Remove unused Instance Class Function #5335
tf/alibaba: fix name of alibaba tf provider #5489
azurestack upi : get VHD_URL with openshift-install coreos print-stream-json #5470
ibmcloud: remove resource group question from survey #5462
Remove GCP cluster api provider #5437
Bug 2032521 : vendor: address eventually consistency creating aws dhcp options associations #5488
machineconfig: Use KernelArguments field instead of kernel-args file #5439
asset/tfvars: use generic name for platform tfvars file #5477
Bug 1981941 : Upgrade terraform to 0.14.6 #4729
Azure Stack: add CA support in bootstrap ign stub #5430
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: public DNS validation #5189
owners: refresh baremetal-approvers/reviewers #5485
tf/stages: add resolution to stages for openstack and ovirt #5484
Alibaba: support existing VPC, VSwitchs and PrivateZone #5379
images/libvirt: provide specific version of google cloud sdk #5486
aws: Update our local zone filtering code #5483
OpenStack: Instruction on how to deploy on ovs-dpk #5390
Bug 1921627 : Shorten instance group suffix to ig #4828
azurestack: Fix cluster tag check for A record destroy #5362
Openstack: Split terraform into stages #5078
Alibaba: fix the validation of instance type #5480
Baremetal: Split terraform into stages #5064
ovirt: split terraform into stages #5034
aws: changing default EBS type on masters to gp3. #5239
openstack: Document Control plane node migration #5475
Alibaba: refactor validation of machine pool #5426
Alibaba: format the log of the destroyer #5435
Cleanup machine references to ibmcloud SG #5472
Azure Stack Bootstrap Destroy Bug #5443
Bug 2025464 : aws: get ips for all control plane instances for bootstrap gather #5465
openstack: Document credential rotation #5471
Azure Stack availability set #5442
aws-gp3 support: update vendor aws-sdk-go and terraform-provider-aws #5373
Alibaba: fix: destroy the records of the current cluster #5421
azure upi: get VHD_URL with openshift-install coreos print-stream-json #5469
rhcos: ami regions from rhcos stream at runtime #5466
Alibaba: fix: replace the ic.ClusterName in the validateClusterName #5461
Bug 2025093 : Remove The Default Value For The Disk Provisioning Type of Vsphere #5416
close a verify-codegen ci failure loophole #5447
azure: Fix terraform cluster IP output #5448
Bug 1964380 : remove privateDNSZoneName #5459
Bug 2027501 : bump RHCOS 4.10 bootimage metadata #5452
bootstrap: remove support for certs lacking SAN #5464
Alibaba: fix: rename the bootstrap output variable #5460
docs/dev/ update rhcos-stream.json example #5453
Bug 2020216 : replace public-access with sas token in bootstrap deployment #5457
pkg/types: Correct docs for deprecated options #5444
Revert “open cluster-policy-controller ports for metrics” #5451
Bug 1997059 : aws: Filter out local zones when generating a default list of zones #5392
Condense IBM Cloud SG names #5455
Bug 1968364 : azure: Update upi docs to remove mentions of sshKeyData #5456
Generate network config secrets for baremetal platform #5247
machines: Extract root disk sizes to constants #5169
Update URL from to #5137
azurestack: Fix gather bootstrap for azurestack #5382
installer-artifacts: add darwin/arm64 binary #5418
Alibaba: fix kubebuilder validation #5406
Bug 1999668 : Azure: Ensure destroy doesn’t panic when invalid credent… #5314
Bug 1964380 : azure upi: do not create etcd DNS records #5394
Alibaba: fix: remove the default value #5410
libvirt: add doc on a default load balancer configuration for libvirt #4930
vendor: update terraform-provider-google for rate limit fix #5417
Alibaba: fix: remove unused ResourceGroupID #5431
Bug 2027387 : fix(ibmcloud): Do not compute image file checksum #5436
Alibaba: fix: remove the master node records #5422
OpenStack: Parallelize port deletion #5429
Bug 1968364 : azure: fix upi bug preventing using ed25519 keys #5407
Add Kiran and Caleb into Installer reviewers #5433
Alibaba: fix: use EXACT search mode #5411
baremetal: add NetworkConfig field #5207
Alibaba: fix: update comment on ResourceGroupID #5415
fix/alibaba-slb: remove unused listeners, and set kube-apiserver to HTTP/6080 #5427
Alibaba: Update tag and API types to mirror other providers #5381
Alibaba: update tags for cloud resources #5385
Alibaba: fix: use the max function #5414
Revert “Workaround golang linux/arm64 link error” #5402
remove MCO manifests #5383
feat(ibmcloud): Support VPC dedicated hosts #5295
Alibaba: support to create a resource group #5378
Use openshift/api instead of machine-api-operator #5350
Bug 2015837 : openstack: unset OS_CLOUD for running Terraform #5398
Vendor: Bump API for Azure Marketplace Images #5393
alibaba: implement cluster destroy #5348
upi/aws/cloudformation: make bootstrap instance type configurable #5400
Alibaba Cloud Provider: remove the ingress record. #5396
vSphere: Set default disktype to thick not eager #5395
Update code and Dockerfiles for golang 1.17 #5397
update and origin images to 4.10 #5358
Bug 1960378 : Relax the imageContentSource validation #5346
IPI for vSphere w/ existing resource pool #5136
Bug 2016008 : aws: add newly supported regions for arm64 #5377
Alibaba: add metadata server IP validation #5360
Update image to 4.9 #5237
Bug 2021607 : Relax vcenter hostname check #5367
update Packet UPI for Equinix Metal rename #5014
Bug 1965969 : aws: Output public zone id correctly when deleting hosted dns records #5343
docs: correct spelling in docs #5165
Bug 2003113 : Improve host role management during assets creation #5205
openstack: Add stephenfin to owners #5354
vSphere IPI: Enable thin provisioning via the OVA import #4664
OWNERS_ALIASES: Removing Etienne #5363
Bug 2021364 : aws: remove invalid s3 permission #5232
Bug 1956776 : Fix network validation for UPI #5340
validation: Enforce strict unmarshalling of config #5307
Implement WithCustomExtractHostAddresses to gather bootstrap in stages #5355
openstack: Fix install config for openstack manifests #5349
azurestack: Fix destroyer to delete A records #5351
Alibabacloud recommitted and fixed #5333
Use Openshift Cluster API instead of MachineAPIOperator #5331
Bug 2004313 : azure: Skip making azure bootstrap ignition temp file #5296
Remove old RHCOS metadata (not stream metadata) #5252
Removes mjudeikis from OWNERS_ALIASES #5345
Bug 2016955 : Set AWS Bootstrap Type == Master #5334
Bug 1960378 : Relax the imageContentSource validation #5297
Fix broken data/unpack_test.go #5332
aws-ec2: add m6i as preferred instance type #5327
baremetal: fail if apiVIP and ingressVIP are set to the same value #5186
Bug 2013877 : Validate OpenStack supports resource tagging #5323
Vendor: Unpin kube-openapi #5324
Update OWNERS #5326
Bug 1956776 : Fix network validation #5317
Bug 2009253 : Add validation to check APIVIP is IPv4 in dual-stack for Bare Metal #5284
Bug 2006291 : baremetal: Prevent ProvisioningNetworkCIDR with host bits set #5233
Bug 2004596 : bump RHCOS 4.10 boot image metadata #5280
Bug 1917893 : bump oVirt terraform provider version which fix “Disk is locked” bug #5313
Remove kubevirt platform #5301
Bug 2012326 : gather-bootstrap: execute dbginfo script to collect debugging info on IBM Z systems #5281
Bug 2010921 : Azure Stack: add trust bundle to cloud config #5248
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Default to stable-4.10 #5312
vSphere: Split terraform into stages #5094
Bug 1956776 : Check if network is valid in install-config #4906
Bug 2012235 : IBM Cloud: Add RG to CP config #5294
baremetal: Move to 4.10 images #5290
docs/dev/pinned-coreos: pass --no-signatures
to plume cosa2stream
Bug 2011893 : baremetal: check that driver supports secure boot #5285
Bug 2012233 : IBMCloud: Handle 5 rule SG limit #5289
ovirt: update of upi playbook files #5222
aws: Remove shared tags from user specified IAM roles #5286
feat(VSphere): validation of cpus/coresPerSocket in config #5217
IBM Cloud: provider config zones #5275
ovirt: remove dougsland from OWNERS_ALIASES #5282
Bug 1999734 : fix(ibmcloud): Add CIS CRN to infrastructure manifest #5182
azurestack: Add subnet nsg group association in terraform #5150
openstack: Update affinity docs #5274
ibmcloud: fix terraform formatting error from #5147 #5273
Bug 2010665 : do not modify cvo ignores for bootstrap-in-place #5271
Remove instanceType option m4
from AWS IPI default deployment #5162
Record rpm-ostree status and history in log-bundle #5130
Bug 1949672 : Update UPI ignition version to 3.2.0 #5164
Bug 1992777 : ibmcloud: Possible fix for “ibm_iam_authorization_policy” error #5147
libvirt: split up tf files into stages #5119
Bug 2009791 : Fix IBM Cloud config usage #5263
Make bootstrap image asset depend on rhcos image. #5267
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #5221
openstack: Expose worker server group policy #5071
Bug 1955544 : Add ingress rules to master SG for compact clusters #5236
openstack: Move TFVars logic to own package #5264
Bug 2009699 : Fix RAM validation for openstack flavors #5260
Bug 2008119 : force cvo to ignore installer-provided resources #5258
Inject subnet names into IBM Cloud provider config #5234
open cluster-policy-controller ports for metrics #5105
vendor: Bump OpenShift API to Add Alibaba Platform #5216
Bug 2008599 : Azure Stack: Add Internal Load Balancer #5249
docs: libvirt: fix typo #5246
Bug 2000430 : bump cluster-api-provider-ovirt #5184
Block create cluster
if bootstrapInPlace is set in install-config #5218
images: Fix jq not found error #5235
terraform/openstack: remove unused extra_tags #5226
pkg/destroy: log when writing quota for visibility #5204
Bug 2004600 : Remove duplicate ramdisk log container #5219
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #5194
fix(ibmcloud): Delete COS in recursive mode #5211
OWNERS: Prune crawford #5214
fix(ibmcloud): Allow NodePort access from all subnets #5188
Update baremetal approvers/reviewers #5213
Bug 2002567 : OpenStack: Fix links in SR-IOV workers doc #5201
baremetal: Specify entrypoint when starting inspector #5208
Typo fixing from Github to GitHub #5206
pkg/destroy/gcp: report cluster footprint in quota #5158
Bug 1994142 : fix(ibmcloud): Add more cloud config fields #5152
Bug 2001317 : openstack: Inaccurate MissingQuota error #5197
Bug 1993364 : Consider all Networks on Router clean up #5193
Bug 1993364 : openstack/destroy: fix Kuryr/BYON #5191
bring example in line with the default value #4971
Update OWNERS #5172
gcp upi: clarify ROUTER_IP needs to be set #5167
UPI: Add yq to images for ASH CI #5160
docs: fix broken link to CVO/ in #5141
libvirt docs update when systemd-resolved is in use #5132
Add SRIOV Support for Kubevirt Provider #5088
Bug 1996501 : Remove worker disk types below 8GB #5166
Bug 2000352 : [CORS-1716] vsphere: set the imported ova hardware version #5163
Bug 1999421 : Fedora CoreOS: revert to 34.20210626.3.1 #5174
Bug 1998643 : Revert “bump RHCOS boot images for 4.9” #5180
Bug 1993207 : fix(ibmcloud): Set account ID for rg on destroy #5181
Bug 1999119 : bump to golang-1.16 #5120
Bug 1993207 : fix(ibmcloud): Set account ID for resource group look up #5177
Bug 1997790 : Azure Stack Hub UPI README & Templates #5135
Bug 1998311 : Azure Stack Hub Manual Credentials #5138
Bug 1969371 : Fix AWS destroy to not check us-east-1 #5170
Bug 1981999 : bump RHCOS boot images for 4.9 #5168
Bug 1972524 : baremetal: Ensure ipv6 bootstrap VM client-id is predictable #5110
Bug 1969371 : Stop searching other China regions for resources #5156
Bug 1996124 : version: display release architecture #5107
Bug 1976016 : Display proper error message on failure to delete #5157
Bug 1974640 : Write user credentials to specified env location #5155
Bug 1995655 : bump default channel to stable-4.9 #5159
Bug 1958154 : Restrict number of AWS user tags #5154
Bug 1978213 : openstack/quota: relax min ports #5153
Bug 1994103 : ibmcloud: Support Terraform stages #5116
Bug 1989973 : Fix Azure typo #5144
Bug 1992463 : libvirt: bump default memory and cpus #5069
Bug 1992876 : gather: Add OKD specific journal logs #5127
Bug 1987845 : openstack: relax port constrain by one #5145
Bug 1990206 : Fix invalid UPI AWS instance type #5139
Bug 1989917 : openstack: relax Security Group quotas #5140
Bug 1990617 : Update fedora-coreos stream to 34.20210725.2.0 #5117
Bug 1987845 : openstack: relax quotas with Kuryr #5133
Bug 1989604 : ibmcloud: GetVSIProfiles error handling #5129
Bug 1977129 : Remove runlevel label from openshift-kubevirt-infra #5106
Bug 1963132 : Fix us-east4 Ashburn description #5097
Bug 1978213 : openstack - relax value for minNetworkConstraint #5121
Bug 1987845 : openstack: relax quota checks in BYON #5113
Bug 1987279 : Delete AWS EFS AccessPoints with owner tags #5112
Bug 1987083 : Azure: cloud provider config excludeMastersFromStandardLB -> false #5111
Bug 1972776 : improve dual-stack install-config validation #5005
Bug 1986420 : GCP: make cluster_ip_address optional post-bootstrap #5108
Bug 1882490 : data/azure/master: Add dash to nic name #5082
Bug: 1947293 Baremetal: Validate provisioning network size #4950
Azure Stack IPI Support #5084
ibmcloud: Destroy cluster #5099
pkg/asset/manifests/dns: don’t create private zone in Azure Stack #5104
azurestack: Modify destroy code to handle public dns record deletion #5095
Destroy AWS EFS volumes #5092
Azure: Split terraform into stages #5032
Azure Stack cloud provider config #5042
Bug 1984576 : baremetal: reinstate provisioningInterface for provisioning CR #5100
ibmcloud: Update cloud provider config #5096
ibmcloud: Remove quota check placeholders #5072
Bug 1970179 : update boot images for RHCOS 4.9 #5049
vendor: update baremetal-operator v0.0.0-20210706141527-5240e42f012a #5061
baremetal: make provisioningNetworkInterface optional #5015
Delete storage policy ids when cluser is deleted #5075
Add documentation on setting cloud provider opts #5090
oVirt: must gather fix nil pointer panic #5080
Add OKD installer images #4453
baremetal: set default boot mode explicitly #4680
ibmcloud: Add Platform Provisioning Check #5063
ibmcloud: Update security groups and rules #5059
Fix build with multiple GOFLAGS #5062
verify-vendor: add go mod tidy #5076
vSphere: Add datastore and storagepod to category #5074
Bug 1969794 : Document how to use image registry with a custom PVC backend #4985
Bug 1969374 : document how to update domain for image registry in versions <4.8 #4979
Updated owner aliases because of GitHub account change #5058
OpenStack: explicitly disable octavia when using kuryr #5047
OpenStack: Open on NodePorts #5052
bootstrap: add –infra-config-file to kube-api render #5057
Bug 1980029 : Pin openstacksdk #5066
Bug 1925203 : add auto pin and hugepages support #4873
Bug 1979038 : oVirt: include master IPs when running must gather #5039
Bug 1972582 : Installing with an oVirt network with 2 vnics on the same network causes the installer to not create tfvars and fail with terraform error #5002
azure: Updates cluster-api-provider-azure package #5044
baremetal: Update IPI docs for latest version #5054
Ibm cluster creation #5023
OpenStack: Remove FIPs of LBs created by cloud-provider #5050
openstack: Expose master server group policy #5003
Bug 1962414 : FIPS: validate ssh public key type compatibility #5029
aws: move elastic ip permissions to create networking category #5045
Bug 1978213 : Run kuryr-specific quota checks for kuryr envs #5048
baremetal: Always use image cache #5008
Fix sanity check image metadata arches match error #5033
baremetal: add PlatformProvisionCheck dependency for TerraformVariables asset #5041
OWNERS: update vSphere-approvers #5038
azure: changes the way we get credentials #4789
kubevirt: removes dependency on a deprecated package #4953
Updating ose-installer images to be consistent with ART #5006
azure: don’t require BaseDomainResourceGroupName on ARO #4879
Azure Stack: type, validation, & infrastructure manifest #5024
Bug 1975475 : aws: block creation of bootstrap instance until ignition config is uploaded #5028
.yamllint: ignore cluster-networkconfig-crd.yaml #5030
doc/gcp: remove no-longer-needed etcd records #4849
Updating ose-installer-artifacts images to be consistent with ART #5009
Updating ose-baremetal-installer images to be consistent with ART #5007
azure: removes dummy outbound service #4880
vSphere: Switch from sockets to cores by default #5001
split infrastructure creation into multiple terraform stages #5010
ibmcloud: fix struct field json #5020
Bug 1974598 : OpenStack: Optimize cluster deletion #5004
OpenStack: Add Unit Tests for validation of platform.openstack.machineSubnet #4937
Add arm64 support #4870
azure: don’t use managed identity on ARO #4843
azure: divide machine CIDR into 2 networks for subnets #4748
pkg/asset/installconfig/kubevirt: fix dropped error #4856
Add linux-amd64 binary to installer-artifacts #4891
Bug 1971518 : Try deleting associated trunk after port delete failure #5000
IBM Cloud Provider Scaffolding #4923
Bug 1929136 : OpenStack: document Manila share mounting #4803
Openstack IPI: Validate API and Ingress VIPs are not the same #4946
OWNERS: add more core team members as approvers #4997
Remove Fedosin from Owners #4996
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #4999
docs/user/aws/install: Update cloud install links #4934
fixing a link #4899
doc/openstack: add a note about image registry in AZ #4833
Bug 1971068 : Updating AWS instance types #4990
Bug 1946079 : baremetal: pass IP_OPTIONS to os downloader #4989
Bug 1955697 : Revert “tfvars/vsphere: use explicit path for datacenter.” #4978
Bug 1925343 : upi/metal: add more configuration options for bare metal #4938
Bug 1970415 : Document SR-IOV use case: using network with port security disabled #4958
Bug 1969601 : manifests: link networking CRD from API #4984
Bug 1969578 : manifests: don’t use deprecated api in role-cloud-creds-secret-reader #4982
/pkg/tfvars/vsphere: add OWNERS #4980
Bug 1952604 : [baremetal] Fix port in external loadbalancer example config #4867
Bug 1963205 : rhcos: Use ART redirector #4928
Bug 1967623 : oVirt: Fix password input #4976
Bug 1820238 : delete manila shares and snapshots along with the cluster #4952
Bug 1965182 : update baremetal-operator to fix miss IPMI credentials #4965
Bug 1966862 : pattern removed from sed to prevent expansion #4973
Bug 1949859 : baremetal: stop provisioning services once control plane is deployed #4900
Bug 1965921 : [oVirt] High performance VMs shouldn’t be created with Existing policy #4969
Bug 1909136 : OpenStack: delete volume snapshots #4962
Updates azure-reviewers #4878
Bug 1946506 : Bootstrap no longer relies on mdns #4821
Bug 1951713 : docs/openstack/known-issues: add section for machine spec edits #4959
Bug 1962274 : oVirt move affinity groups validations to ValidateForProvisioning #4944
Bug 1957260 : gcp: add new region europe-central2 #4901
Bug 1956480 : Boot image bump for RHEL 8.4 GA #4942
Bug 1959920 : baremetal: Do not use ironic allocation #4941
Bug 1926547 : pkg/destroy/aws: Log errors untagging shared resources #4913
Bug 1959981 : oVirt: fix empty AffinityGroupsNames handling #4935
Bug 1954873 : CoreOS only supports three dns namservers #4939
Bug 1957597 : aws: using dotted domain when looking for public hosted zone #4933
Bug 1955697 : tfvars/vsphere: use explicit path for datacenter. #4894
Bug 1959703 : Avoid scp wildcard recursion with #4896
Bug 1955336 : Check cluster name for similarities with word ‘google’ #4925
Bug 1960323 : Address issues raised by coverity security scan #4932
Bug 1940159 : Fix Routers destroy with BYO #4919
Bug 1947067 : vendor/AlecAivazis/survey: Bump API to v2 #4895
Bug 1953019 : Baremetal: While deleting cluster, warn instead of exiting #4897
Bug 1953035 : Disallow publish internal for non-cloud installations #4905
Bug 1940337 : openstack: Report missing flavor #4924
Bug 1957809 : Validation of platform.openstack.machineSubnet #4917
Bug 1958884 : openstack: Fix error message typo when getting volume availability zones #4911
Bug 1957869 : vendor: update baremetal-operator to align irmc PowerInterface #4908
Bug 1953551 : Revert “Link ppc64le binary dynamically” #4890
Bug 1958420 : aws: restore setting aws platform spec in infra resource #4916
Bug 1956208 : openstack: add validation for volume types #4904
Bug 1948563 : Handle instance_info capabilities and update ironic-terraform #4903
Bug 1958216 : libvirt: Allow duplicate dnsmasq options #4852
Bug 1957951 : AWS: Periodically send shut down requests for stuck EC2 instances #4848
Bug 1956281 : crio: fix bootstrap given new crio config behavior #4898
Bug 1943175 : azure: set storage account tls default to 1.2 #4883
Bug 1931217 : add affinity groups to oVirt installer #4674
Bug 1956978 : install-gather: use names in pod logs too #4902
Bug 1956496 : Openstack SRIOV docs #4718
Bug 1949923 : apply defaults for root volume AZs if they aren’t set #4860
Bug 1951670 : Error gathering bootstrap log after pivot: The bootstrap… #4872
Bug 1956079 : gather: collect networking information in log bundle #4892
Bug 1953803 : aws: validate byo hostedzone is parent of cluster domain #4886
Bug 1955701 : Bump boot images for RHEL 8.4 Beta #4861
Bug 1878655 : aws installconfig: endpoint validation should be before others #4805
Bug 1943219 : azure: remove bootstrap ssh rule on private clusters #4864
Bug 1948359 : destroy: remove shared tag from byo aws iam role #4881
Bug 1953551 : Link ppc64le binary dynamically #4875
Bug 1952632 : data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.8 #4868
Bug 1950113 : manifests: populate aws user tags in infrastructure #4755
Bug 1948359 : aws: add permissions for untagging shared byo instance roles #4859
Bug 1948923 : aws: improve ami validation #4846
Bug 1951174 : Dockerfile: repin libvirt #4854
Bug 1909136 : destroy volumes and snapshots created by Cinder CSI driver #4858
Bug 1931974 : Prefer IPv6 hostIP on bootstrap IPv6 deployments #4756
Bug 1923786 : UPI oVirt - replace word in docs #4855
Bug 1949923 : OpenStack: validate root volume availability zones #4851
Bug 1936223 : [ovirt] Fix typo in connect to Engine #4719
Bug 1950007 : UPI image: use get-pip instead of easy_install #4850
Bug 1941759 : Make failure to fetch cloud info non-fatal #4733
aws: support for bring-your-own hosted zone #4772
update terraform-provider-ironic to v0.2.5 to get better error handling #4835
pkg/destroy/gcp: fix dropped error #4836
Revert “ Drop pip+pyopenssl installs” #4831
Bug 1945659 : remove ovirt_cafile from ovirt-credentials secret #4809
OpenStack: Availability zones for root volumes #4707
Bug 1945236 : add proxy params to bootstrap ignition #4804
Bug 1938131 : pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Add iam permission for destorying clusters #4825
Bug 1946307 : gcp: install google cloud sdk with yum the recommended way #4819
cmd: diagnose problems downloading release image #4751
Bug 1937722 : OCP 4.8: Passing oVirt certificate information to Terraform #4737
Bug 1946119 : aws: support setting IAM role in the default AWS machine platform #4818
hack: use yaml for coreos manifest #4814
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4781
pkg/destroy/aws: fix dropped error #4815
Baremetal: Remove the -openstack rename in the os image. #4725
Byo IAM roles for IPI install #4790
Test GCP versioned binary #4811
Bug 1944268 : aws: allow use of unknown regions in known partitions #4801
Fix ipv6/dual-stack validation with Azure #4766
installer-create: Provide user friendly error messages during failures #4800
data/bootstrap: Check if release image architecture matches host architecture #4592
installer/pkg/asset/installconfig/azure: fix dropped error #4793
Bug 1925216 : Bump gophercloud utils #4786
Inject CoreOS stream metadata as configmap via CVO manifest #4760
pkg/asset/cluster: fix dropped error #4770
Add and use stream metadata for RHCOS, add openshift-install coreos print-stream-json #4582
Bug 1931115 : Azure: Check Azure disk Instance Type for PremiumIO Capabilities #4726
Validate HotplugVolumes feature gate in Kubevirt #4650
Bug 1934557 : RHCOS boot image bump for LUKS fixes #4778
images: Add #4785
gather-bootstrap: Gather logs before bootstrap shuts down #4693
Revert “Check if VIP IPs overlap with machine CIDR provided during vsphere installation” #4779 Drop pip+pyopenssl installs #4784
Add resource filter that matches Label or ClusterID #4717
Update cluster-api-provider-ovirt, cluster-api-provider-aws and baremetal-operator #4700
Enable forward compatibility with kcmo rendering of signing keypair #4771
Bug 1939513 : KubeVirt platform: Add the immediate request annotation to the source PVC #4759
Bug 1918469 : Check if VIP IPs overlap with machine CIDR provided during vsphere installation #4754
Update owners with new Installer Team members #4774
asset/tls: fixes certkey unit test for Go >= 1.15 #4769
Baremetal: Explicitly set watchAllNamespaces #4709
README: change install to create #4747
gcp: add kubernetes owned label to master machines #4752
bootstrap: record progress of services #4742
gcp: divide machine CIDR into 2 networks for subnets #4749
Support configurable libvirt disk size #4757
IPI-BAREMETAL: document how to use external LB for api/ingress traffic #4765
Bug 1804230 : fix broken ETCD link in user docs #4764
docs/user/aws/customization: Fix KMS-key link format #4762
Bug 1933414 : openstack: Consistent port names #4734
Bug 1934557 : bump RHCOS image for LUKS fix #4745
Bug 1934123 : generate glance url considering the region #4740
installconfig/aws: validate connectivity to service endpoints. #4699
Bug 1937460 : Update gophercloud module from master #4741
pkg/asset/cluster/aws: fix dropped error #4727
Bug 1903055 : Set default values to machine pools before validation #4695
Add docs about issues on UPI with Kuryr #4649
Bug 1936443 : Revert “baremetal: send full ignition to masters” #4722
kubevirt platfrom validate permissions #4720
Transition responsibility for CEO asset creation and placement #4691
Bug 1930240 : baremetal: Set missing IP in clouds.yaml #4702
openstack: add networking quota checks #4481
docs/user/azure: add resourceGroupName customization #4728
cmd/openshift-install: fix dropped error #4681
: Removed ‘0’ from machineset name #4723
vsphere: Validate vcenter user input to match RFC standards #4708
Bug 1926364 : baremetal: update terraform diagnosis for API timeout #4715
Adjust master-update.fcc to the new ceo render secret structure #4712
Bug 1924474 : upgrade gogo/protobuf to v1.3.2 and to v0.20.1 #4716
Bug 1923038 : OpenStack: cache cloud info #4606
Bug 1894774 : openstack: Document setting affinity for workers #4687
Bug 1932799 : baremetal: always use API VIP for installer communication #4692
Bug 1880758 : Replace description to a more meaningful one #4636
doc: openstack/IPI - Provider Networks #4646
Bug 1868755 : vsphereprivate: tf plugin to no longer error if no network found. #4678
Bug 1932789 : Fix proxy validation when specified with port. #4694
Bug 1873079 : openstack: restrict SSH to machineNetwork CIDR #4659
Enable bootkube compatibility for ceo rendering improvements #4686
OpenStack: Stop using deprecated interpolation syntax #4679
baremetal: automatic UEFI secure boot configuration #4675
use vendored mockgen for generating mock clients #4662
docs/aws-iam: improving the concepts for Account root user and IAM user #4556
Make copies of machine pools in machines asset #4666
docs: fix small typo in ignition url #4685
pkg/metrics/builder: fix test errors #4028
Bug 1925291 : baremetal: include netmask in DNSMasq dhcp range #4639
baremetal: pass an sshKey to ironic #4677
openstack: Test AZ Machines generation #4473
Bug 1910067 : openstack UPI: Set the API microversion when operating openstack server groups #4375
baremetal: sync baremetal-operator #4669
Bug 1917931 : Fix GCP openssl not found error #4656
openstack: allow for fewer than 3 masters #4672
proxy: Check if proxies are in cluster and service networks #4670
update ci image references #4661
Bump bootstrap in place MCS master ignition to v3_2 #4668
bootstrap: Ensure temp compat for old and new ceo secret structure #4667
Stream metadata prep #4576
vSphere: mark imported virtual machines as template #4660
vendor/hashicorp: Bump terraform-provider-vsphere #4644
openstack: refactor getZones() to use gophercloud/utils #4462
Bug 1786314 : openstack: cacert does not require system trust #4647
Bug 1786314 : Bump dependencies #4561
upi/vsphere: Use Afterburn guestinfo for static IP and hostname config #3533
Bug 1928537 : bump ignition to v3_2 #4653
update iptables call with sudo #4623
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4631
Cleanup argument usage in for ceo #4609
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4630
Bug 1924701 : Fix FIP detach from Router #4637
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4629
aws/session.go: include another internal provider name for static creds #4655
Bug 1873649 : Validate noProxy input and add prefix for proxy urls #4632
asset: move common bootstrap ignition code into a helper type #4652
Add bootstrap-in-place files to bootstrap-in-place-for-live-iso.ign #4651
Workaround golang linux/arm64 link error #4243
OWNERS: Remove ehashman and asalkeld from azure reviewers #4531
vSphere: Updating Privileges, roles and permissions #4466
aws: support more auth options in manual mode #4596
Single Node deployment with bootstrap-in-place #4482
Bug 1916593 : OpenStack UPI: Tag all resources with clusterID #4622
Bug 1912571 : libvirt: support setting network dnsmasq options through the install config #4494
Bug 1924140 : fix a typo in an env variable name #4608
machines/openstack: re-enable external clientOpts #4638
vSphere: add missing destroy OWNERS & update OWNERS_ALIASES #4581
Fix OWNERS for openstack #4641
data/rhcos.json: Update boot images #4633
Add controlPlaneTopology to infrastructure manifest #4497
Bug 1924701 : Fix cluster destroy when byo is used with Kuryr #4616
Bug 1909978 : update ignore-volume-az documentation #4617
Bug 1916692 : OpenStack: Delete leftover LBs when destroying cluster #4563
Bug 1919407 : openstack/validation: enforce control plane size #4585
Bug 1909978 : update documentation for ignore-volume-az usage #4603
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4602
Bug 1921911 : Revert “Merge pull request #4589 from patrickdillon/bz-1896218-gcp-se… #4600
Bug 1921655 : OpenStack: fix error handling for cloudinfo #4599
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4589
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4546
maintenance: remove pools and volumes #3620
Bug 1810438 : oVirt: Add missing piece for gathering bootstrap IP info #4524
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4544
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4543
Bug 1920243 : disable anonymous auth on bootstrap nodes #4590
Bug 1917101 : UPI ovirt - remove RHCOS image from Network req #4577
Bug 1893117 : terraform/vsphereprivate: ignore hosts in maintenance mode #4566
Bug 1919072 : AWS cloudformation change protocol from ESP to 50 #4583
Bug 1916938 : tolerate equal APIFloatingIP and LbFloatingIP #4575
Bug 1907822 : Don’t panic on bad data in quota validations #4483
Bug 1912828 : Rebase on the latest terraform provider/go-ovirt #4562
Bug 1916373 : upi: allow IPsec ports #4552
Bug 1915460 : ovirt: validate cluster name during install #4537
Bug 1910244 : Go mod update for golang crypto #4569
Bug 1915617 : update boot images for various fixes #4540
Bug 1909502 : pkg/asset/manifests: remove etcd records from proxy config #4518
Bug 1915998 : Set Additional Control Plane Security Groups on Bootstrap Node #4551
Bug 1916271 : openstack known issues: ControlPlane anti-affinity #4548
Bug 1813949 : ignore local env variables when we create a service client #4426
Bug 1916505 : AWS IPI: Add IPsec master-to-worker flows #4554
Bug 1908468 : azure/validation: some memory values are float and not int #4530
Bug 1908583 : Set same additional networks on Bootstrap as Control Plane #4528
Bug 1914439 : OpenStack Port Create Typo in SRIOV Docs #4529
Bug 1909587 : openstack: Create Control plane nodes sequentially #4522
Bug 1910127 : ovirt: UPI doc improvements #4498
Bug 1913151 : KubeVirt user docs: change role example - add “update” verb to VM #4521
Bug 1910070 : Set termination_grace_period_seconds to 10 minutes #4511
Bug 1786314 : bump gophercloud/utils #4486
Bug 1911819 : Fix docs/user/kubevirt/install-config.yaml to pass ./hack/ #4519
Bug 1911819 : Add kubevirt user documentation #4516
Bug 1908743 : Add validation that the KubeMacPool component is enabled for the namespace #4509
Bug 1910049 : Revert “openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy” #4506
Bug 1882022 : installconfig: enable vsphere folders for datacenters and clusters. #4493
Bug 1908782 : terraform: Add rules to allow internal IPsec traffic #4491
Bug 1908171 : fix Terraform issue with GCP custom machine types #4496
Bug 1907947 : cloud-creds-secret creation with current context info only #4484
Bug 1907628 : OpenStack Documentation for MachineSets with Multiple Networks #4463
Bug 1906517 : OpenStack: Skip collecting info for empty subnet IDs #4474
Bug 1908280 : update docs for Cinder AZs #4487
Bug 1907621 : Bump cluster-api-provider-kubevirt version #4479
Bug 1890228 : pkg/destroy/aws: Pass destroy if HostedZone does not exist #4477
Bug 1906459 : openstack: fix quota checks when they’re unlimited #4470
Update GCP Customization doc to reflect CMEK additions #4468
Openstack: describes how to enable qemu agent for UPI. #4441
oVirt: update team members #4464
Bug 1904663 : Fix comparison in pointer ignition customization asset #4455
openstack: Test Nova AZ manifest generation #4459
do not generate the cloud cred secret when credentialsMode is Manual #4416
update gophercloud/utils & terraform/provider-openstack #4457
hack/ Fail early if error #4421
Bug 1899175 : data/rhcos.json: Update boot images for RHEL 8.3 #4414
Openstack primary subnet using machine spec #4346
Deprecate computeFlavor in OpenStack platform #4321
openstack: Test manifest creation #4431
openstack: Allow to skip pre-flight validations #4452
Bug 1900138 : Removed support for insecure mode for oVirt/RHV installation #4404
openstack: check quotas before creating cluster #4432
OpenStack: Adds clusterOSImageProperties to install-config.yaml #4401
Bug 1904125 : Ensure the bootstrap ignition libvirt pool defaults to <clustername>.<id>.bootstrap rather than ‘default’ #4448
Bug 1868748 : baremetal: rename JSON field for ClusterProvisioningIP #4053
Add KubeVirt platform as infrastructure for Openshift installation #4350
cloudproviderconfig: Refactor openstack #4447
Pass CLUSTER_PROFILE env var to CVO render #4444
vSphere Destroy: add log messages for tag destruction #4407
baremetal: send full ignition to masters #4427
asset/installconfig/Azure: Validate install-config instance types #4419
Update MCO doc references #4445
baremetal: Add ironic logwatch containers #4437
Create SR-IOV UPI Docs #4439
docs: update docs/design/resource_dep.svg #4443
Bug 1903277 : destroy/aws: remove rules from default security group #4440
Set default release image to 4.7 #4409
baremetal: make cluster provisioning IP optional #4429
pkg/asset/quota: Typo in warning message presented to user #4430
Create a machineconfig for IPI pointer ignition customizations #4413
vSphere Docs: Update to include Permissions #4393
OSASINFRA-902 : Update OpenStack Custom External LB and DNS Docs #4389
baremetal: correct the cacheImageURL when we don’t have a provisioningIP #4408
Bug 1895874 : Use oVirt Engine certificate verified by the user for installation #4387
Bug 1899853 : openstack: CP nodes port to use addtional SGs #4411
baremetal: Handle xz filenames for OKD #4392
Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #4373
pkg: validation for previously existing ovirt configuration #4354
Bug 1898194 : installconfig/gcp/validation: handle custom machine types #4386
baremetal: when networking is disabled make the bootstrap provisioning ip optional #4390
Bug 1898238 : Validate the the API and Ingress FIPs are not the same #4385
Bug 1848945 : OpenStack - Documentation for adding worker nodes using ansible #4205
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd discovery domain #4067
Bug 1894432 : oVirt, add timeout to tmp_import_vm #4341
baremetal: validate that macs are EUI-48 and unicast #4378
Bug 1855351 : standardize interrupt error messages #4360
Stop validating DefaultMachinePlatform #4391
Bug 1889779 : vSphere destroy: handle failed clusters #4388
openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy #4379
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4370
Correcting normal typos #4363
Bug 1891543 : openstack: remove platform flavor validation #4383
baremetal: remove root_gb from tfvars #4319
Cleanup: make conversion functions private #4376
Bug 1888464 : add tag:UnTagResource perm for aws shared networks #4371
Remove the secrets directory recursively #4369
doc/openstack: update quota reqs for kuryr #4362
Fix ‘troubleshooting’ typo #4365
libvirt: Bump bootstrap size (primarily for OKD) #4364
data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for us-iso-east-1 region #4367
Bug 1886435 : Fix azure UPI az group deployment deprecation #4366
asset/installconfig/gcp: Validate install-config instance types #4329
Use ‘’ instead of SecretTypeTLS which is not being substituted #4342
aws: support custom trust bundle for c2s regions #4335
pkg/asset/cluster/aws: switch to ec2 tagging API #4356
Bug 1867165 : baremetal: allow configuring bootstrap mac addresses #4052
doc/openstack/UPI: improvements #4355
Small corrections in ovirt/ #4353
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-gather: Tee logs into tarball #4345
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.7 #4347
owners: Add mdbooth to openstack-approvers #4348
owners: add dhellmann to baremetal-approvers/reviewers #4343
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Drop the explicit upstream #4112
Bug 1891543 : openstack: consider volumes for storage requirements checks #4323
Document how to deploy cluster with BM and VM workers #4336
Wrap errors after OpenStack creds validation #4338
Bug 1855351 : Handle CTRL+C in GCP survey #4334
Bug 1894144 : baremetal: pin libvirt to 4.5.0 #4339
cmd/openshift-install/create: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #4245
Bug 1888378 : Ignore error if resource group already deleted #4325
Bug 1887863 : Patch Flavor Not Found validation for OpenStack Install Config #4289
Use authentication for Ironic on baremetal bootstrap host #4256
Bug 1841381 : oVirt, add memoryMB validation #4309
Bug 1878374 : Adding more nitro and the AMD instance types (AWS, UPI) #4327
Bug 1866925 : display Azure destroy auth error #4331
openstack: fixup markdown #4328
Revert “[Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists” #4322
Add Encryption Key reference to GCP MachinePool API #4318
aws: block cluster destroy in c2s region #4316
aws: ensure users set ami id for c2s regions #4315
Bug 1891702 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: exit loop if pem.Decode() fails #4317
Bug 1888378 : [Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists #4320
oVirt: change owners #4311
Code cleanup and optimizations #4272
Bug 1889267 : oVirt, increase terraform template and release image timeout to 20m #4285
install-approvers: add staebler #4297
Bug 1880443 : allow providing client options when generating OpenStack MachineSets #4196
openstack: Update CI base image #4291
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Validate install-config instance type #4258
go.mod Update #4294
Bug 1836017 : Configure haproxy to check /readyz #4012
Bug 1870728 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: Display warning if certificates are expired #4287
Bug 1889852 : add new AWS regions #4288
Bug 1877116 : aws: use file for bootstrap ign when uploading to s3 #4281
Bug 1886553 : GCP - Increase worker NAT min ports #4273
cmd: split newlines in logrus stderr output to new entry #4282
openstack: Add a new team member #4290
Bug 1882649 : Determine Glance disk format based on file extension #4279
vSphere: Update dockerfile removing certificate #4274
Update - Broken Link - Spelling #4278
OpenStack: remove legacy image validation #4277
Bug 1882844 : vsphere destroy: delete tag category created by installer #4265
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Fix error messages in flavor validation #4269
OpenStack UPI: Custom API and Ingress vip addresses #4092
Bug 1888671 : openstack: Document Cinder’s ignore-volume-az #4271
Bump version to v0.19.0 #4266
destroy: return aws resources that could not be deleted #4270
install-complete: provide troubleshooting info when operators fail #4259
OpenStack: add clusterOSImage validations #3964
Bug 1887525 : baremetal: Wait for master-bmh-update script to succeed #4262
openstack: Bump Ansible to 2.9 in UPI #4261
Bug 1874248 : types/vsphere/validation: ensure vcenter is all lower case #4254
Bug 1884691 : types: allow manual cred mode for gcp and azure #4238
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4250
Remove dead code #4252
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4251
openstack privileges documented #4214
OpenStack: Rename lbFloatingIP to apiFloatingIP #4244
Bug 1882191 : Add GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 to systemd DefaultEnvironment #4248
Bug 1884435 : vsphere - add delay if resolv.conf is not available; wait for dhcp #4237
Bug 1777224 : pkg/asset: metadata to depend on ignition #4223
Bump RHCOS images for Ignition entropy fix #4241
Bug 1859174 : Upgrade Terraform provider OpenStack #4216
Fix json tag for GCP auth service account #4166
installer/pkg/quota/gcp/limits.go: fix minor typo in comment #4160
IP address should be specified without underscore. #3204
Docs: OpenStack: Remove mention of cluster failing to destroy #4208
Bug 1876815 : OpenStack: unset OS_CLOUD #4231
Bug 1884558 : do not use local cacert path in generated clouds.yaml #4227
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Allow for no FIP or router #4219
Bug 1876844 : openstack UPI: Ignition token needs Glance access #4236
Bug 1881703 : Revert “Have the MCO manage the ignition stub config” #4228
Bug 1882752 : openstack BM: Remove MachineSet on separate subnet #4230
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Skip validation for baremetal flavors #4222
Bug 1881532 : openstack: Only list external networks in prompt #4226
Bug 1882805 : Bump bootimages for ppc64le and s390x to 46.82.202009240941-0 and 46.82.202009241338-0 #4215
Bug 1881757 : tls: set mcs cert common name to not-valid-hostname #4210
Bug 1882810 : vsphere - local dns prepender not named with template #4220
Bug 1853418 : Ignore trailing dots in baseDomain #4146
Bug 1881487 : data/rhcos.json: Update to 46.82.202009220041-0 #4206
Bug 1877984 : Fix “OpenShiftSDN” to proper case when generating network config #4207
Bug 1879533 : oVirt UPI - Better explanation of the inventory #4180
Bug 1878789 : Add note about ignition certificates expiration #4171
Bug 1877854 : OpenStack: Support multiple subnets #4093
Bug 1879649 : oVirt UPI - Simplify create templates #4182
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Explain how to encode cert to base64 #4203
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Trim EOLs from the cacert trustbundle #4201
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4186
Bug 1879891 : Fix cluster destroy when fip less installation happened #4191
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4185
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4184
Bug 1876815 : unset OS_CLOUD during config generator #4177
Bug 1878108 : asset/quota/gcp: use GCP api to find CPU count for constraint and guess only on failure #4163
Bug 1877486 : proxy: allow * for noProxy #4172
Bug 1880132 : destroy/gcp: correct extract service account email from IAM policy binding member #4193
Bug 1861917 : Add cpc config to bootstrap #4178
install: increase timeout to 40 minutes #4181
Bug 1879081 : OpenStack: Switch to train/centos8 repos #4175
Bug 1877885 : oVirt UPI - Add Ansible playbooks download #4169
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Optional floating IPs #3755
Bug 1877763 : oVirt UPI - python code snippets without semicolons #4170
Bug 1874747 : ovirt: dont start the temp VM before template creation #4168
Bug 1878243 : openstack: Upgrade the CI build image #4161
Bug 1877440 : oVirt UPI Assets_dir set according to env var #4153
Bug 1874457 : Add support to clean custom router #4159
Bug 1877676 : OpenStack: Refresh documentation about ingress FIP #4059
Bug 1877436 : oVirt UPI RHCOS explanations, assets env var #4152
Bug 1877862 : oVirt UPI - Fix templates check and optimize image check #4157
Bug 1877741 : gather openshift-{azure,gcp}-routes logs #4148
Bug 1873125 : Fix python syntax for OpenStack UPI scripts #4154
Bug 1870038 : vmware upi: haproxy.service to rm haproxy pod on ExecStop #4132
Bug 1866925 : pkg/destroy/azure: fail fast if unable to list resources for any reason #4025
Bug 1873125 : OpenStack: UPI missing instructions to update apiVIP and ingressVIP #4133
Bug 1875855 : increase timeout for bootstrap ignition downloading #4145
Bug 1856928 : Fix Non yaml files in manifests/ or openshift/ directories preventing bootstrap from completing #4091
Bug 1876825 : generate lbFloatingIP in OpenStack config #4147
Bug 1876792 : oVirt UPI Move Network Requirements section #4142
Bug 1876783 : oVirt UPI fix python cmd #4141
Bug 1876562 : Small readability improvements to UPI on RHV documentation #4136
Bug 1871653 : baremetal: set root device hints on host resources #4088
Bug 1875932 : Update baremetal DNS design details #4101
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix JSON syntax #4140
Bug 1874656 : Bump RHCOS for s390x/ppc64le to fix SSH authentication #4124
Bug 1861917 : bootkube: add image for cluster-policy-controller #4131
Bug 1871712 : pkg/destroy/aws: Detach attached policies during destroy #4126
Bug 1867975 : aws: ensure users set ami id for us-gov and cn regions #4103
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ingition key error #4135
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4086
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4085
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4087
BUG 1872646: oVirt, remove tmp VM disk on destroy #4129
hack/update-rhcos-bootimage: update usage example #4097
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused flags previously needed for etcd static pod #4063
Bug 1842071 : Add ppc64le and s390x documentation links #4115
Bug 1873448 : Ensure proper tagging of compute nodes ports #4118
Bug 1872861 : Update cli container image for UPI #4098
Bug 1873712 : Add information about AZs limitations with Kuryr #4109
Bug 1871795 : bump RHCOS images to fix SSH authentication #4095
Bug 1873123 : omit deprecated parameters during config generation #4100
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd host service and endpoints #4068
Bug 1871030 : data/data/gcp: be pedantic about setting the region #4089
Bug 1856270 : Update known issues with info about provisioning state node bug #4083
Bug 1870082 : Use index in MachineSet names for Openstack IPI #4070
Bug 1813012 : Remove legacy code for unmanaged cluster-etcd-operator #4062
Bug 1863026 : docs/user/azure: remove newlines from base64 encoding in UPI install doc #4090
Bug 1871048 : OpenStack: dynamically set end of DHCP allocation pool #4077
Bug 1868773 : Libvirt: Bump bootstrap memory to 4G #4080
Bug 1862209 : aws: fix validation for user tags #4081
Bug 1871124 : OpenStack: Improve snippet for playbooks download #4079
Bug 1871124 : openstack UPI: Provide a way to get the playbooks #4078
Bug 1866534 : fixes bootstrap DNS failure on bare metal #4015
Bug 1862957 : bump RHCOS images for FIPS fix #4066
Bug 1870592 : openstack: Document MachineSet availabilityZone #4074 Remove experimental tag for OpenStack UPI #3982
Bug 1866693 : docs: drop kernel-devel from supported extensions #4030
Bug 1864092 : baremetal: copy the implementation of rootdevicehints from baremetal-operator #4002
Bug 1862290 : vendor/terraform-provider-vsphere: DiskPostCloneOperation patch carry #4060
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ignition v3 #4058
openstack: Known issue: no BMs on Kuryr #4051
Bug 1869329 : OpenStack: Place Bootstrap in one of the master AZs #4056
Bump rhcos images for s390x #4050
OpenStack: Fixups to BM workers documentation #4057
Bug 1868439 : openstack upi: fix Ignition key error #4047
OpenStack: baremetal worker documentation #3955
Bug 1866949 : data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for gov cloud partition #4043
Bug 1862044 : deleting servers using metadata-based filtering #4032
Bug 1867972 : destroy/aws: setup the resourcetagging api with correct region for gov cloud #4042
Bump rhcos images for ppc64le #4021
Bug 1867519 : make externalNetwork optional #4029
Bug 1867530 : mark deprecated parameters as optional #4031
Bug 1867853 : bump RHCOS images to fix the Ignition boot issue #4040
upi/metal: remove deprecated coreos-installer kernel arguments #4039
OpenStack: Document the MachineSet resource #4016
Bug 1865707 : [baremetal] Add host roles to hosts in baremetal survey #4005
baremetal: make provisioning network optional #3929
Bug 1867747 : bump RHCOS images to fix the booting issue from PXE #4036
docs/user/openstack: Replace with #4026
Bug 1862209 : types/aws: validate Name and* keys are not allowed #4008
Bug 1864120 : Clean Up OpenStack IPI AZ patch #4009
Bug 1866693 : docs: steps to enable RHCOS extensions during cluster install #4018
upi/metal: Add pxe_kernel_args, stop using pxe_os_image_url #3865
Bug 1866328 : use correct cloud name for tfvars #4010
Bug 1862111 : bump RHCOS images for CVE-2020-10713 #3983
oVirt: remove tmp template VM on bootstrap destroy phase #3949
replace error type assertions with errors.As() in the destroy
module #3971
Bug 1863917 : give unique names for machinesets in different AZs #4000
docs/customization: Clarify “day 1” MachineConfigs are supported #2834
Bug 1864677 : update cluster-config-operator to generate bootstrap configmap #3831
Bug 1864280 : set AZs default for machine pool in the right place #4004
Bug 1856142 : vendor: bump to v0.3.3 #4003
Azure: make cluster destroy code more robust #2753
Have the MCO manage the ignition stub config #3730
Bug 1862065 : aws: use default resolver for signing_region of global APIs #3990
Bug 1840705 : pkg/asset/installconfig/azure/validation.go: do not hide error from API #3979
OpenStack Availibility Zones #3918
Bug 1852112 : Ignore hostPrefix validation for non-(sdn/ovn) plugins #3888
Remove unused bootstrap etcd cert generation mechanism #3995
baremetal: ensure boot mode is set before introspection begins #3996
ovirt: docs - add info about ovirt-credentials #3992
Bug 1858342 : types: allow docker bridge network range except on libvirt #3980
types: capitalize CredentialsMode values #3968
OpenStack Validations and Doc Updates for Floating IPs #3970
baremetal: Make master-bmh-update script more robust #3969
Baremetal: Add diagnostic error message for ironic terraform errors #3950
aws: add additionalTrustBundle to bootstrap ignition stub config #3977
baremetal: set the boot mode for hosts based on the input #3952
Ovirt UPI: Start vms with async #3973
Flavor validations #3953
ovirt: fix typo in tfvars ovirt #3961
Bug 1846125 : deleting vsphere cluster tag after deleting the attached resources #3941
Ovirt Upi docs fix #3972
improve cloud info generation #3967
Migrate to Ignition config spec v3.1 and bump RHCOS #3871
Baremetal: Enable installer survey for baremetal platform #3910
README: add oVirt UPI link #3957
Metrics: Add push client to push metrics to endpoint #3762
Bug 1861088 : aws: skip quota checking for not supported regions #3965
Azure: Allow use to provide an empty resource group for cluster #3920
pkg/asset/installconfig/openstack: Cleaner and Tested Validation Code #3958
ovirt: docs - minimum permissions for installation #3956
destroy: means to obtain gcp blocked resources #3936
Baremetal: Add default storage pool at /var/lib/libvirt/openshift-images #3879
vSphere UPI docs: clarify folder naming #3959
Bug 1857158 : OpenStack: validate there is no . in the cluster name #3934
Bug 1855345 : ovirt: show more info about PEM file loaded #3940
gcp: use GCP Image published by RHCOS instead of creating per cluster #3808
Bug 1856467 : upi/aws: add m5 instances to allowed list for upi templates #3947
use correct base URI for other azure cloud environments #3946
baremetal: create machines and machineset linked to cluster #3935
baremetal: Prevent race condition when adding HardwareDetails #3809
types: add field to InstallConfig to force credentials mode #3919
Ovirt upi basic installation #3924
Masters-gather: Include the full logs of failed units #3942
baremetal: Only set BMC secret reference in Hosts when BMC details are specified #3938
ovirt: doc: Add TOC and oVirt logo to documentation #3930
Metrics: Add MetricBuilder to standardize metrics #3743
OpenStack: Create SG rules in parallel #3890
oVirt UPI: initial setup #3771
Bug 1857945 : ovirt: if TLS verify is disable raise a question to users #3909
data/data/bootstrap: prepend DNS VIP via NM script instead of dhclient #3777
OpenStack: Make externalnetwork and lbfloating ip optional #3822
Initial docs for ovirt/RHV UPI #3925
Bug 1858705 : assets/machines/worker.go: add vsphere provider scheme to load machinsets #3928
Bug 1857924 : ovirt: remove defer ovirtConfig.Save() #3908
Option to pass floating IP to ingress port #3855
Bug 1838682 : ovirt: document ovirt-config.yaml #3911
OpenStack: fix runtime error with machine pool validation #3915
asset/quota: warn and skip when all quota errors are type unknown #3916
validation: OVN requires a HostPrefix of 64 for IPv6 networks #3122
baremetal: populate TypeMeta for baremetal provider config #3907
Bug 1848885 : check if 404 returned before ask users questions #3874
Need to reset PasswordQuestionTemplate #3903
Bug 1857650 : oVirt, fix incorrect template removal condition #3894
OpenStack: get rid of ValidValuesFetcher #3864
aws: check quotas for services before creating cluster #3820
baremetal: Remove any references to the DHCP chain #3807
Bug 1857651 : oVirt, add condition for non existing tmp-vm #3897
Bug 1843587 : baremetal: verify that provisioning IP’s are not in DHCP range #3860
Bug 1847549 : gcp - add new regions in us-west, asia-northeast, and asia-southeast #3895
gcp: check quotas for GCP before creating cluster #3819
OpenStack: Deleting servers using tag-based filtering #3818
Bug 1854115 : vendor: bump to fix tf panic on mac OS #3885
Bug 1852545 : Add ResourcePoolPath to machines in vsphere #3863
docs/user/gcp/install_upi: Drop unused ‘region’ from compute #3847
Bug 1857188 : OpenStack: skip container deletion if it was removed #3893
Bug 1857169 : ovirt: Use NetworkManager instead of dhclient in bootstrap #3892
ovirt: remove template from the deploy #3872
ovirt: tag and remove tmp/bootstrap machines #3868
Bug 1848987 : Add hint to switch username #3880
ovirt: update approvers list #3884
Introduce bulk deletion of Swift objects #3784
ovirt: update documentation #3883
clean up the validations to improve readability and high level flow #3835
OpenStack: stop using custom cloud loaders for realValidValuesFetcher #3816
Set default values for octavia and trunk support tf vars #3877
baremetal: Add example of rootDeviceHints usage #3843
Baremetal: Re-arrange validations for provisioning network at cluster creation time #3851
OpenStack: Deprecate TrunkSupport and OctaviaSupport in the config #3286
Bug 1841135 : baremetal: increase default provisioning dhcp range #3768
Bug 1853859 : Add validations for IP inputs #3862
Bug 1813354 : OpenStack: Fix the cacert trustbundle parser #3840
Pass down release-image to the MCO on bootstrap #3870
vendor: update baremetal-operator for virtual media support #3850
Remove metal todo for install gather support #3866
Bug 1710981 : Default AWS instance type to ‘m5’ #3853
platformtests: Drop no-longer-used directory #3856
Bug 1854596 : vendor: bump terraform-provider-azure to version v2.17.0 #3852
rhcos: Bump to 46.82.202007051540-0 #3844
ovirt: populate again ovirt ca bundle in yaml #3845
Bug 1850417 : data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.6 #3848
bump the minimum version for building installer to go 1.14 #3723
Bug 1844320 : Master update terraform provider aws 2.67.0 #3837
baremetal: Allow rootDeviceHints to override Host profiles #3795
gcp: verify project services are enabled before install #3773
upi/vsphere: Make more verbose #3821
libvirt: support using the file:// URI scheme for OS image overrides #3717
Bug 1838559 : Bump go-ovirt #3823
vendor: bump gcp tf provider to v3.27.0 #3811
create cmd: Display command asset directories. #3703
Bug 1850714 : adjust Azure UPI disk size to the same used in IPI #3786
Bug 1851067 : rhcos/ppc64le,s390x: Bump to 46.82.202006241544-0 and 46.82.202006241639-0 #3802
destroy/gcp: bubble up errors after 5 minutes #3749
Docs: DNS VIP no longer exists #3803
baremetal: Start coreos-downloader before ipa-downloader #3806
Libvirt: Make master disk size configurable #3793
Bug 1826475 : baremetal: vendor: bump baremetal-operator to include latest hardware profiles #3581
Bug 1850235 : empty commit: dummy change to test new automation feature #3792
OpenStack: Use prepender script for bootstrap resolver #3789
Bug 1847705 : rhcos: Bump to 46.82.202006162207-0 #3763
Bug 1848988 : os UPI: Make down-containers idempotent #3776
pkg/asset/installconfig/azure: create reusable session #3767
destroy: provide way to stop aws uninstall using context #3765
gcp: Fix uninstaller for internal clusters on GCP. #3770
Bug 1848080 : dummy change to test new automation feature #3769
Bug 1846296 : openstack UPI: prune containers #3741
Bug 1846386 : typo in filenames #3760
docs/dev/libvirt: update libvirt/firewalld setup instructions #3677
Bug 1836018 : Use /healthz for mco #3757
vSphere docs: update UPI docs for folder name #3738
GCP UPI: relax cluster name #3713
GCP: Fix uninstaller to not use hardcoded base path. #3702
Bug 1846366 : ovirt: use pointer instead of struct for user/pass #3742 Specify the platform for UPI #3744
Bug 1734460 : OpenStack: Wait for router interface to create FIP #3734
Bug 1843314 : baremetal: bump ironic timeout to 3600 seconds #3721
BUG 1839896: ovirt: General Improvements #3692
Change block blob to page blob #3567
Bug 1836016 : use https for lb probes in Azure UPI #3720
azure: add OutboundType for controlling egress #3324
Bug 1823967 : Add the –pod-infra-container-image flag to the kubelet service #3712
support for other Azure cloud environments #3634
[UPI on OSP] make remove network and port more faster #3696
Bug 1844103 : allow OpaqueNetwork type in vSphere wizard #3718
Bug 1838032 : Better docs for using custom subnets #3647
validation/installconfig: fix the test to work with go 1.14 #3722
upi: Post TF 0.12.x migration fixups #3494
Bug 1841066 : OpenStack: Remove DNS VIP #3492
Fix re-generation of install config on wait-for install-complete command #3681
Add nested support for GCP #3430
Give a proper error when misusing OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_AZURE_EMULATE_SINGLESTACK_IPV6 #3172
upi: update upi/vsphere/ #2898
Bug 1836018 : upi/aws/cloudformation: Define healthcheck probes for LBs #3709
Upgrade Azure Terraform provider to v2.x.x #3526
baremetal: allow bootstrap vm to use libvirt nat networks #3691
bootstrap: restore 30 minute bootstrap timeout #3133
cmd/openshift-install: Drop unused ‘directory’ arguments #3532
bootstrap: Make crio-configure.service RequiredBy=crio.service #3683
Add reviewers to the OpenStack directories #3708
aws: update the bootstrap ignition fetching to use custom region endpoints #2854
cmd/openshift-install/gather: Recognize “connection refused” #3615
Bug 1842607 : update README with vSphere IPI docs #3701
Add links from to ovirt/ topic #3690
Add information about ovn-octavia #3594
openstack: Add numbers to disk requirements #3669
Warn about security risks of the recommended libvirt install configuration #3638
Bug 1841072 : [UPI] Rely on security group ID when deleting it #3682
Bug 1841913 : images: libvirt: add yq to libvirt CI image #3685
Bug 1841118 : add error handling to vSphere survey #3679
Bug 1823487 : openstack: Pass the master server group by name #3655
Bug 1759617 : vendor: update to use openshift fork of terraform-provider-aws #3621
vSphere docs: add IPI documentation #3672
Bug 1840710 : libvirt: Bump machine memory from 7G to 8G #3666
Bug 1840496 : [baremetal] Remove DNS VIP #3304
Add openstack reviewers #3667
Update libvirt approver and reviewer #3668
Bug 1838631 : Set validations for GCP disk sizes. #3639
Bug 1798498 : gather: enable bootstrap log gathering for baremetal #3617
Adding a few people to the ARO team to our list of reviewers #3645
OWNER_ALIASES: ensure there are atleast 2 reviewers for each platform #3640
Bug 1821151 : oVirt, fix rhcos os_type name #3654
Add oVirt OWNERS #3618
Bug 1839268 : pkg/destroy/gcp: ensure cluster service accounts and policy bindings are removed #3646
Bug 1837642 : installconfig: relax GCP cluster id restriction #3544
Bug 1837039 : rhcos: Bump to 45.81.202005181029-0 #3613
Bug 1836042 : set folder absolute path in vSphere cloud provider #3612
Bug 1838032 : Don’t create router to external network when BYO subnet is set #3632
Bug 1837564 : pkg/terraform: add diagnostics errors for terraform apply operations #3535
Bug 1804230 : Documentation Incorrect for OCP 4.4 RHV IPI Install #3183
Bug 1825323 : replace terraform-provider-vsphere with OpenShift fork #3603
Bug 1834966 : update vSphere UPI docs to remove machinesets #3619
Bug 1836337 : Azure: Add functionality to change Azure Machine Disk Types #3520
Bug 1836339 : GCP: Enable disk type and size customization #3595
Bug 1835867 : data/data/aws/vpc: create subnet sizes based on az count #3599
ovirt: Add ovirt to supported platforms #3610
Bug 1836368 : ovirt: return slice and not nil in instanceTypeID validation #3609
Baremetal: Bug 1801238: Pull data from ironic inspector and annotate BareMetalHost #3591
Bug 1815071 : check for api dns record before creating cluster #3601
Bug 1828382 : data/azure/vnet: switch to HTTPS probes for lbs #3600
Bug 1835438 : move vSphere folder validation to provisioning #3597
Bug 1820300 : Extend oVirt’s MachinePool #3399
Bug 1833483 : Revert “baremetal: send full ignition to masters” #3589
Bug 1828638 : set vSphere node diskSize based on machine pool #3584
load balancer health check for kube-apiserver #3537
Bug 1834177 : upi/azure: Use a single network security group for Azure clusters #3583
Bug 1834748 : os: Fix wait-for install-complete timeout in docs #3588
Bug 1833425 : pkg/explain/cmd.go: fix help text #3570
BUG 1831717: Ensure AWS PublicIP is omitted from MachineSet when empty #3550
BUG 1782516: Disable client side rate limiting in Azure. #3259
docs/user/power/install_upi: 2 compute and copy-edits #3499
Bug 1732124 : Azure: don’t allow installing with the same cluster name as an existing install #3120
Bug 1824172 : enable ppc64le & s390x bootimage support #3455
Bug 1794839 : data/azure: Use a single network security group for Azure clusters #3561
Bug 1830270 : cmd: add explain subcommand #3515
Bug 1828947 : cmd/openshift-install/create.go: return lastErr when waiting API fails #3518
baremetal: Fix broken link to example tfvars in docs #3560
baremetal: Fix a small typo in cp cmdline in docs #3562
docs/user: add troubleshootingbootstrap to define the bootstrap log bundle #3506
Bug 1816714 : ovirt - add vnic profile id to platform #3406
Bug 1814605 : openstack: Require three workers #3542
Bug 1831760 : Fix bootstrap certificate generation #3551
Bug 1807111 : terraform/exec: suppress the warnings from error to debug #3534
Bug 1826100 : vSphere allow users to specify existing folder #3498
baremetal: Clarify it’s the matchbox instance that needs to be public reachable #3552
Bug 1830995 : Add ModifyTargetGroupAttributes and Describe* to MasterIamRole #3540
baremetal: Link directly to getting-started guide in the docs #3541
baremetal: Clarify install config needs to be hand-written in the docs #3539
Bug 1831366 : upi/metal fix compact clusters after porting to terraform v0.12 #3531
metal: Fix matchbox link in docs #3538
Bug 1821151 : oVirt, add os_type to ovirt templates #3418
Bug 1829409 : Update vsphere machine api to beta #3523
Bug 1826317 : openstack docs: Add tagging as a requirement #3522
Bug 1827667 : openstack: Add jq to the CI image #3503
Bug 1794839 : Azure masters should correctly support service load balancers #3440
Bug 1826895 : rhcos: bump RHCOS boot image to 44.81.202004250133-0 #3509
Bug 1827067 : openstack UPI: Server group name to match IPI #3500
Bug 1823359 : baremetal: update provisioning CR to quote strings #3496
Bug 1824426 : tag primary OpenStack networks #3483
Bug 1827070 : openstack: Explain why awscli in the CI image #3501
Bug 1826414 : Added validation for GCP Project ID access #3484
Bug 1821932 : cmd/openshift-install/gather: clarify location of log bundle #3489
Bug 1826739 : openstack UPI: Fix step name #3495
Bug 1819492 : vsphere upi and metal: terraform 0.12.x update, general updates and reorg #3429 Add GCP UPI required binaries. #3462
Add instructions for UPI install on Power #3454
installconfig/ovirt: fix CA prompt and add warning #3479
Bug 1820434 : OpenStack: Allow Booting bootstrap node from volume #3434
AWS: support custom regions and custom endpoints. #3277
vsphere ipi: align with baremetal and remove DNSVIP #3470
Bug 1813422 : baremetal: validate no overlap between provisioning and machine nets #3358
update cloud provider to use folder from platform #3473
openstack: Mention Server group requirement #3447
Bug 1822701 : OpenStack: Set vrrp protocol number instead of name #3435
Bug 1825415 : ovirt: clean up prompts and logging #3474
Bug 1825286 : OpenStack UPI: Replace remote_group_id with remote_ip_prefix #3472
OpenStack: Custom subnets #3398
baremetal: add documentation for configuration validations #3471
Bug 1824287 : OpenStack: Replace remote_group_id with remote_ip_prefix #3461
pkg/asset/installconfig: add vSphere TUI wizard #3467
Baremetal: Support to send full ignition to masters #3276
Bug 1819746 : Add a note on slow installations #3464
Bug 1821667 : baremetal IPI: Document Virtual Router IDs #3463
OpenStack: Correcting the instructions to refresh a CA cert #3459
RFE-592 : Tightening IAM roles for master/worker nodes to match cloud-provider-aws requirements #3451
always atleast use the default SSH key for gathering #3437
Bug 1802526 : AWS Terraform: use machine_cidr instead of VPC main cidr … #3424
cmd/openshift-install/migrate: sub command for migrating azure legacy private zones #3343
hack/update-rhcos-bootimage: Drop the f-string #2972
docs/user/customization: Fix ‘clusterNetworks’ -> ‘clusterNetwork’ #2957
uninstall: allow for azure uninstall to succeed for missing rg #3416
Updates to fix DNS error for compact cluster worker nodes #3425
Bug 1823659 : os: Mention the bootstrap FIP #3446
update permissions list to cover new installer functionality #3444
pkg/destroy/ovirt: Cleanup VM logging #3445
handle the posibility that CCO will have no pod definition #3427
Bug 1822858 : vsphere ipi: tag virtual machine created when importing ova #3443
OpenStack: Docs: Fix a typo in the property name #3439
pkg/types/config: Remove unused directory #3438
Bug 1819461 : validate Azure regions #3421
OpenStack: allow to specify additional networks and security groups for masters and workers #3291
OpenStack: Custom API and Ingress vip addresses #3366
Print time for each step of installation #3263
Bug 1821653 : Fix LB deletion for lbs with same or status pending #3419
pkg/types/validation: Drop internal ClusterDomain #3401
docs(README): README build steps don’t require clone to GOPATH #3423
Bug 1821788 : libvirt: Bump bootstrap memory to 5G for ppc64le #3396
baremetal: validate hosts number #3392
Fix playbooks names #3411
OpenStack: Link to GH issue for glance image import #3404
Bug 1815518 : pkg/destroy/aws: delete versioned objects from s3 buckets #3393
Bug 1810840 : Quote user and password values for good UX and avoid co… #3373
OWNERS: include component for image tracking by ART #3400
Fix indentation on a UPI Playbook task #3402
Bug 1814172 : [ovirt] Cannot run openshift-install as a non-root user #3369
vSphere: Add IPI-specific validation. #3372
Bug 1816155 : OpenStack: Add retries to DeleteGlanceImage #3352
pass the manifests-dir param to CCO render #3381
OpenStack: Temporary disable image import #3394
Use “default-ingress-cert”, not “router-ca” #3380
openstack UPI: Small documentation fixes #3378
Enhancements to Kuryr documentation #3362
Bug 1819320 : os UPI Idempotent server group create #3390
baremetal: Validate os images exist #3363
Bug 1817201 : Fix intermittent deprovision loop on NoSuchHostedZone error #3359
Bug 1819132 : Convert ansible module to openstackcli #3318
OpenStack: Docs: Fix a typo in the property name #3384
gcp upi: document how to tag the masters and workers #3315
vsphere ipi: set vm name to extra config - guestinfo.hostname #3342
GCP UPI: document how to install into a Shared VPC #3278
Bug 1814651 : os UPI known issues: stale resources #3377
Bug 1818590 : openstack UPI fix order of steps #3370
Update Kuryr known limitations #3364
OpenStack: support “file” scheme for custom os image urls #3273
openstack: Detail the clouds.yaml cacert option #3356
Bug 1816995 : OpenStack: create server group only once #3355
Bug 1812950 : generate metadata before tfvars #3329
Bug 1759617 : vendor: bump tf provider aws to v2.54.0 #3323
Add AWS CLI to UPI image. #3292
Bug 1815133 : osp UPI machineset OS image name #3328
openstack: soft-anti-affinity policy for CP #3303
Bug 1814593 : OpenStack: Allow destroying cluster without trunk ports #3319
Add vCenter CA to UPI CI image. #3327
images/baremetal: save rhcos.json in container image #3330
baremetal: platform host validations #3232
OpenStack: remove ‘region’ from the examples #3326
data: Tune all cloud load balancers to have consistent intervals #3250
Add documentation for virtualmedia #3321
gcp upi: add bootstrap to instance group #3309
vsphere ipi: download ova and upload ova to vsphere #3299
aws: allow users to provide AMI for each machine pool #3308
VSphere: populate bootstrap dhclient.conf if user provides VIPs. #3268
Docs: stop using deprecated parameters #3311
AWS: replace aws copy for encryption with encrypted EBS volumes #3293
Bug 1810916 : openstack UPI: servers in group #3298
gcp upi: enable internal load balancers #3270
Bug 1805251 : Master azure terraform address prefixes #3247
permissions.go: configure crendential check with installer session #3295
images/baremetal: make /etc/passwd writeable #3301
images/baremetal: remove nss package as it’s no longer needed #3289
Bug 1809921 : Openstack UPI: Document use with Self-signed cert #3290
gcp upi: split templates to simplify shared vpc workflow. #2574
OpenStack: reuse the existing function to get glance public URL #3285
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.5 #3287
baremetal: Add nss mock, ssh to Dockerfile #3279
etcd: remove etcd DNS entries because etcd no longer uses DNS #3265
Add adduarte to openstack approvers #3272
Bug 1810916 : openstack UPI: Adapt the script to older Ansible #3253
Installs upi support on openstack-installer image #3210
Bug 1810489 : Ignore 401 error when deleting containers #3254
Bug 1794313 : Some cluster operators fail to come up because RHV CA is not trusted by a pod #3261
terraform-provider-vsphere: Switch to v1.16.2 from fork #3262
data/data/rhcos.json: Update bootimage to 44.81.202003062006-0 #3257
gather: ensure gather data is all in one directory #3249
OpenStack: Fail early when boostrap ignition shim is to big #3240
Bug 1809820 : gcp/platform: Allow periods in the cluster name. #3239
Replace –config with –kubeconfig for oc
command #3255
baremetal: update docs to indicate stable IP’s are required #3237
Bug 1810196 : Use RPM for UPI dependencies #3234
Bug 1809691 : baremetal: block 547/udp for DHCPv6 as well #3223
Bug 1809780 : OpenStack: pass all CA from cert bundle to bootstrap ign… #3226
aws: update the IAM role policy to remove hard coded partition ID #3227
Bug 1713336 : aws destroy: show warnings when things fail to delete after 5 minutes. #3196
Fix invocation of log.Errorf #3219
Bug 1809187 : OpenStack: return an error if load balancer deletion fails #3214
Bug 1786363 : filter out unsupported regions in Azure #3206
OpenStack: UPI: Glance for storing ignition configs #3203
Support xz-encoded images #3160
docs/vsphere: fix static ip reference #2095
Bug 1767066 : Vendor terraform update to fix symlink bug #3201
Bug 1775569 : Bump survey vendor for panic #3199
Bug 1806143 : OpenStack: start using image import when possible #3162
openstack UPI: soft-anti-affinity policy for CP #3128
Bug 1807169 : use localhost for bootstrap IP until bootkube is fixed #3175
OpenStack: allow to overwrite default os image in the install config #3170
add a more complete example of using libvirturi in metal docs #3187
Bug 1807103 : additionalTrustBundle IsCA check to warn instead of drop #3186
Bug 1806150 : Skip container deletion if the user doesn’t have the required role #3164
bootstrap: replace Ignition files if they already exist instead of appending them #3078
Bug 1779312 : pkg/asset/installconfig/aws/session.go: bump the retries to 25 for aws sdk #3159
hyphen missing in a command to punch the initramfs into the virtual reader #3171
Return the correct error after uploading OpenStack image #3163
Bug 1775873 : data/data/gcp,azure: block private dns zone on public record #3154
Bug 1806571 : bump rhcos for kubelet fix #3173
pkg/asset/releaseimage/default: Set default release image to 4.5 #3166
Bug 1779421 : Bump RHCOS to 44.81.202002211631-0 #3153
Bug 1804228 : ovirt-config.yaml not getting generated by openshift-install #3135
Bug 1766691 : go.mod: bump terraform-provider-aws to v2.49.0 #3140
Azure UPI: no need to manually associate workers with LB #3146
Baremetal: Be explicit that addresses must be in same subnet #3137
document bare metal ipi configuration parameters #3119
Add ovirt’s cluster api provider schemas to UniversalDecoder #2964
add iam:DeleteAccessKey and iam:DeleteUser to perm list #3134
data/bootstrap/files/etc/motd: Mention release-image.service #2884
Bug 1800746 : baremetal: only respond to dhcp for control plane mac’s #3079
Bug 1803321 : gather: to work with ipv6 addresses #3132
Replace –config with –kubeconfig for oc
command #3066
Go Modules Migration #2745
baremetal: add OWNERS to missing directories #3080
Make the location of Azure ARM templates clear in UPI docs #3131
Bug 1795625 : ovirt’s worker template is created with 1 CPU #3123
Bug 1804284 : Revert “RHCOS: bump to 44.81.202002071430-0” #3117
Bug 1791375 : gather: only show ssh-agent error when auth failed #3103
Bug 1802820 : SSH to bootstrap node in Azure UPI #3118
Bug 1803174 : OpenStack CI Install awscli from zip #3110
Bug 1801799 : openstack docs day 2 ssc refresh #3091
Bug 1791318 : Don’t fail on unavailable features on OpenStack. #3063
baremetal: expand baremetal IPI docs to include customizations #2931
Bug 1793591 : use ip=dhcp,dhcp6
by default on kernel command line #3062
Bug 1773910 : Vendor survey to fix typo #3098
ovirt: Add survey #3047
Bug 1802035 : openstack UPI: Document Ansible #3011
Remove the need for Python script in Azure UPI #3087
Bug 1801863 : Azure: fix must-gather in ipv6/dual-stack clusters #3094
Bug 1796347 : Move permissions check to cluster asset #3089
Bug 1801436 : baremetal: Fix bootstrap local DNS for IPv6 #2982
Add Azure CLI as a dependency in UPI CI image #3090
Remove the need for helper Python script in Azure UPI #3081
Bug 1799927 : baremetal: Update baremetal-operator #3072
Bug 1797806 : asset/manifests: add new installation config map #3065
Bug 1750338 : use region info when simulating permissions #3056
Bug 1798223 : Remove unused A and SRV records in Azure UPI #3068
Bug 1729362 : aws/permissions.go: add AttachNetworkInterface to required list #3055
Bug 1797638 : baremetal: Changes needed for IPv6 #2727
Bug 1793627 : gcp destroy: handle nil when evaluating dns response #2962
OWNERS for Azure UPI #3069
Bug 1742227 : destroy/gcp: also remove instances with owned label. #3059
Bug 1774465 : aws: pick instance types based on selected availability zones #3051
Bug 1784322 : Added Azure validation for cluster names #2961
Bug 1796189 : baremetal: Add the image URL to the baremetal CR #2987
Bug 1791400 : cmd/openshift-install/destroy: Remove terraform.tfstate in ‘destroy cluster’ #2433
Bug 1795436 : update error message when deleting default GCP routes #3049
Bug 1771564 : docs/user/customization: Document additionalTrustBundle vs. proxy #3039
Bug 1796322 : [release-4.4] docs: Docs for setting kernelType during initial cluster install #2992
Bug 1693951 : tls: extended lifetime of master kubelet bootstrap credentials #3038
Bug 1796926 : baremetal: don’t set default for provisioning interface #2976
Bug 1794755 : cmd/openshift-install/create: wait 60 minutes for baremetal #2979
Azure UPI #2822
Bug 1796996 : baremetal: map hardware profile to baremetal-operator default #2969
Bug 1769879 : remove self signed certs from known issues #3040
Bug 1769879 : Docs: openstack self signed certs docs #3009
Bug 1796627 : cmd/openshift-install/create: add env var to preserve bootstrap #2935
Bug 1796479 : OpenStack: dissociate api fips instead of deleting them #3025
Bug 1763936 : OpenStack: enable node ports between control plane and compute #3027
Bug 1794640 : OpenStack: Use dataurl library #2999
Bug 1763936 : gcp: enable node ports between control plane and compute #2985
Bug 1763936 : aws: enable node ports between control plane and compute #2983
Bug 1777516 : Quote values in vSphere INI config #2686
Bug 1791437 : asset/manifests: add openshift-install configmap #2929
OpenStack: Use correct type to unmarshal clouds #3000
Bug 1795776 : data/bootstrap: delay the removal of bootstrap mcs #3007
cmd/openshift-install: shift timeouts from api to bootstrap #3005
RHCOS: downgrade to 44.81.202001241431.0 #2996
Docs: update OpenStack documentation #2993
Bug 1794750 : cmd/openshift-install: use binary name for usage #2995
Bug 1763936 : aws upi: enable udp ports 9000-9999 and 30000-32767 #2984
Bump RHCOS to 44.81.202001241932.0 #2986
Add gather bootstrap for vsphere #2912 stop gcp-routes.service after cvo-bootstrap #2967
OpenStack: Add user CA certificate to cloud-config configmap #2932
Correct ignitionHost for vSphere UPI #2956
Swiftless OpenStack: store bootstrap ignition configs in Glance #2960
Bump RHCOS to 44.81.202001240222.0 #2971
Baremetal: Generate CR to configure baremetal. #2958
Add vSphere IPI destroy #2893
images: remove nested-libvirt #2920
Bug 1791280 : Bump RHCOS to 44.81.202001171431.0 #2945
ipv6: Fix joining IP and port number #2916
bootkube: Update to stable-4.4 channel #2940
vSphere: fix disk issues in TF, include default CPU & memory #2938
OpenStack: Add support to user provided subnet pool #2925
Bug 1786268 : Set GCP validation to precede domain validation. #2949
Azure: remove unused resources #2948
Add single and dual-stack IPv6 support to the install for Azure #2847
OpenStack: Add support to user provided service network #2926
pkg/terraform/exec/plugins: Switch to Azure 1.27.1 fork with Azure fixes #2924
Bug 1791993 : proxy: use explicit list of platforms for metadata addresses #2939
Add vSphere VIP support #2930
baremetal: make provisioning networks more configurable #2895
Add machines and machinesets for VSphere #2889
*: add groundwork for muiti-arch bootimages #2885
Add and vendor VSphere Terraform provider. #2897
OpenStack: Automate UPI with Kuryr #2746
docs/user/vsphere: Fix “vcenter” -> “vCenter” #2902
ovirt: Update to latest cluster-api-provider #2908
Adding terraform for vSphere IPI; changes to tfvars to support it #2841
images/libvirt: remove epel-release #2911
Bug 1773257 : pkg/version: Prepare of extract-time oc version injection #2682
Add ovirt installer provider #1948
Bug 1789746 : Ensure enough number of retries for cluster with Kuryr SDN #2899
Customize cpus memory for nodes #2838
Add terraform vendor path to shellcheck #2901
Generic libvirt installer image for CI #2853
Openstack UPI: machineCIDR machineNetwork.[].cidr #2896
Openstack UPI: Deprecate MachineCIDR #2892
types: Deprecate MachineCIDR, replace with MachineNetwork: [] #2829
Bug 1786675 : OpenStack: create security rules sequentially #2878
Add Support for Bahrain me-south-1 AWS region #2826
Update vSphere platform struct for IPI #2875
openstack UPI: Pin dependencies #2870
OpenStack UPI: introduce common playbook #2867
OpenStack UPI: Create API and Ingress ports #2858
images/openstack: Make cli stage overrideable #2850
: tweaks #2823
openstack UPI: Skip gathering facts #2852
openstack UPI: Remove unneeded allowed IP #2848
openstack UPI: Do not rely on auto_ip to create bootstrap FIP #2851
aws: add new vCPU limit to docs #2768
docs/baremetal: add additional troubleshooting information #2665
Bug 1783973 : Rename rhcos-downloader to machine-os-downloader #2821
rhcos: Bump to 44.81.201912121813.0 #2807
destroy: clean up tagged vpc peering connections #2814
baremetal: Enable the baremetal platform to override the default rhcos images #2757
docs: update OWNERS for baremetal and openstack docs #2802
OWNERS_ALIASES: add jstuever to aws approvers #2818
Adding optional AMI encryption step to the AWS UPI docs #2783
Bug 1780534 : create bootstrap floating ip after the bootstrap machine #2784
Bug 1775388 : rhcos: Bump to latest RHCOS #2776
*: Add platform owners #2782
Bug 1782583 : destroy/gcp/policybinding.go: identity deleted service accounts belonging to the cluster #2790
Bug 1778972 : Default new file and directory permissions to not be world readable #2787
Bug 1777232 : Add GCP-specific validation of cluster name. #2760
terraform/plugins: update libvirt provider #2786
baremetal: configure ironic interfaces for other boot mechanisms #2766
.yamllint: Exclude vendor/ #2774
Remove unused tests/ directory #2773
openstack: Remove dead code #2765 CEO: properly handle etcd endpoints on retry #2767
Include NFS configuration and control plane schedulability. #2772
Update #2770
OpenStack UPI: add a router to cluster network #2750 CEO: add cluster-config-file to parse sdn cidr #2761
OpenStack UPI: Set Default Compute Nodes to 3 #2759
openstack UPI: Automate Compute nodes creation #2602
Log credentials loading for AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack #2664
Bug 1779740 : vSphere UPI: set specific version of ignition provider #2749
Bug 1764812 : pkg/destroy/gcp/bucket.go: join multipe dashes when looking for cluster bucket prefix #2694
openstack UPI: Automate Control Plane creation #2591
*: add support for cluster-etcd-operator #2730
Bug 1776272 : OpenStack: fix getting service catalog #2726
Bug 1777804 : OpenStack: add Nova metadata service to the list of requirements #2729
Allowed address pairs for bootstrap and workers #2681
baremetal: Use accessDetails.Driver() in terraform config #2731
openstack UPI: Automate Bootstrap server creation #2592
Bug 1775728 : rhcos: Bump to 43.81.201911221453.0 #2714
align vendor to #2721
Bug 1776466 : use correct length for worker node configs #2718
data/bootstrap: Add -E option to make the functions inherit trap #2719
baremetal: update terraform-provider-ironic and use newer API #2571
openstack UPI: Automate Security Group creation #2593
Docs: Add info about RHCOS image uploading to UPI docs #2693
zvm/ #2706
openstack: Use an invalid domain for testing #2708
openstack: make dhcp files available to UPI too #2606
Fixed link to terraform/upi template #1765
Bug 1774388 : Stop setting non existent public target pool when InternalPublishingStrategy on GCP master machines #2709
Docs: OpenStack ss certs status update #2696
Bug 1774813 : Create a bootstrap instance group in GCP. #2697
Bug 1775279 : libvirt installer instructions need updating for Fedora 31 #2703
openstack: Minor fixes to the UPI docs #2691
Bug 1772154 : RHCOS: Bump to 43.81.201911192044.0 for CRI-O bug fix #2666
Add fips for bootstrap node; template ign machine config encap #2667
Bug 1773686 : GCP Gather: use bootstrap internal ip when missing external #2684
Bug 1771784 : cmd/openshift-install: silence the logs from klog by setting sterrThreshold to highest #2675
Bug 1762413 : destroy/gcp/cloudcontroller.go: cleanup the shared firewalls and health checks #2690
OpenStack CI: add awscli to the CI image #2663
Bug 1772599 : Handle compressed images for libvirt and baremetal IPI #2657
Bug 1773002 : baremetal: validate interfaces through libvirt API #2577
Bug 1772002 : manually prepare cloud provider’s config #2659
Fix projectID typo in GCP customization docs #2683
Add note on Kuryr not supported with RHEL 7 nodes #2674
OpenStack: Remove IPI instruction to upload RHCOS #2654
Bug 1772080 : Strip “.gz” suffix from baremetal image vars #2662
openstack: Install UPI requirements using yum #2648
openstack: Add ansible to the CI image #2644
Bug 1771431 : pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Serialize region and subnets #2656
Bug 1762618 : pkg/asset/ignition: bootstrap kubeconfig to use api-int #2647
Bug 1762413 : pkg/destroy/gcp: retry deleting previously discovered resources #2589
Bug 1768978 : RHCOS: bump to 43.81.201911081536.0 for FIPS support #2633
BZ 1770101: bootstrap: Ensure we’ve configured crio before it’s started #2651
Bug 1770441 : OpenStack: unpack compressed image data #2645
Bug 1770006 : Orphaned Swift resources #2642
Bug 1770406 : Azure: Add virtual network & subnet validations #2613
docs/ add snippet on setting kernel arguments #2635
openstack: Improve the Floating IP documentation #2638
nit: fix doc link issue #2643
Update README for OpenStack platform status #2641
pkg/asset/manifests/azure/cloudproviderconfig_test: node-subnet -> worker-subnet #2636
Remove temporary cached files #2625
OpenStack: Use UTF-8 locales in CI container image #2631
OpenStack: return correct error if no flavors were found #2626
Bug 1768564 : baremetal: Fix image URL generation #2618
Bug 1763927 : asset/cluster/aws: create resourcetaggingapi client with region #2619
Bug 1766739 : rhcos: Bump to 43.81.201911011153.0 #2609
Bug 1768639 : OpenStack Known issues #2620
manifests/gcp: add infra-id as prefix for external IGs #2604
OpenStack: Security enhancement: RHCOS image checksum validations #2528
openstack UPI: Automate Network creation #2583
openstack: Add detail to disk requirements #2605
AWS credential validation, preexisting networking #2586
Bug 1735192 : OpenStack Self Signed Certs Fix #2587
Add a fips
flag to install-config.yaml #2594
pkg/tfvars/baremetal: don’t hardcode external and provision interfaces #2395
Add Kuryr UPI Documentation #2575
pkg/asset/machines/baremetal: Drop unused networkInterfaceAddress from provider() #2598
Bug 1738360 : asset/installconfig: use new link to OCM pull-secret page #2582
openstack UPI: Ansible scripts #2580
OpenStack: do not interrupt the deletion process in case of an error #2561
Azure: Create clusters with no public endpoints #2521
OpenStack: document cluster destruction if its metadata has been lost #2585
gcp: Enable clusters with no public endpoints #2522
Azure: document custom VNets & cluster isolation #2573
data/rhcos: Bump to rhcos-4.3/ 43.81.20191028.2 #2547
Introduce gosec for security checks #2506
Libvirt: start using os.UserCacheDir to find the cache folder #2578
GCP: Add install-config.yaml customization doc & document cluster isolation #2565
Openstack external dns doc #2576
Update OpenStack Platform Comments to fit best practices #2572
Bug 1734539 : Openstack: Option to set multiple external DNS IP Addresses #2132
Openstack UPI docs #2531
pkg/validate: ‘%s’ -> %q for IP quoting #2564
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-gather: Make ${ARTIFACTS} #2560
asset/installconfig/aws: add API based validation for install-config #2539
openstack: Remove reference to tempurl known issue #2558
Fix OpenStack QCOW2 download command #2557
Fix Azure cloud provider subnet reference #2556
bootkube: Run before kubelet.service, start it during script #1768
GCP: restrict MCS access to control plane & nodes #2550
OpenStack: clean-up cloud provider config #2490
Use an internal ingress by default when the cluster is marked internal #2538
add cloud-cred-operator as static pod #2447
Bump golang version to 1.12 #2529
OpenStack: get rid of swift temp urls #2311
OpenStack: Image name validations #2492
pkg/terraform/gather/aws: fallback to private_ip when public_ip is empty for bootstrap instance #2540
Bug 1763927 : asset/installconfig/aws: configure region when listing subnets #2545
asset/manifests/infrastructure.go: Set the network resource group for the Azure cluster #2541
Adding docs on running via libvirt on Debian/Ubuntu #2503
Enable user defined default ingresscontroller #2523
AWS: Enable clusters with no public endpoints #2526
data/azure/vnet/variables: Drop *_master_endpoints #2533
asset/manifests/gcp: update the config to inlude master and worker node-tags #2530
docs/user/aws/customization: Document platform subnets #2527
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-*gather: Gather failed systemd units #2525
docs/user/aws/install_upi: Fix “machinesets” -> “machineset” typo #2495
OpenStack: Remove cloud-creds-secret-reader rolebinding #2474
pkg: AWS shared-subnet handling in Go #2477
vendor: update baremetal-operator to latest #2510
Update GCP internal load balancers to use custom-provided networks. #2520
Update terraform-provider-libvirt version to v0.6.0. #2501
cmd/openshift-install/gather: Fix ‘{}’ -> %s formatting #2518
baremetal: Update list of WIP items #2517
Document: podman was requested by local dev environment. #2511
BYO VPC Validation #2493
Bug 1754939 : cmd/openshift-install/gather: Gather ClusterOperator errors #2450
docs: clarify enabling GCP service APIs #2515
OpenStack: automatically populate RHCOS image #2473
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws/metadata: Store AWS metadata #2512
Azure: Allow customer provisioned virtual networks & subnets #2441
docs/user/aws/install_upi: Explain DNS-zone lookup #2420
pkg/destroy/aws: Untag shared resources #2467
cmd/openshift-install/gather: Guard against cluster-side artifact collisions #1836
pkg/destroy/aws: Fix fail-slow error handling in deleteEC2SubnetByVPC #2497
docs/user/vsphere/install_upi: Fix […][#…] references, etc. #2494
Bug 1754452 : OpenStack: reduce the timeout for deleting the cluster #2390
docs/user/aws/install_upi: Wait for install-complete after manual DNS creation #2496
Bug 1760425 : Change GCP UPI firewall rules for network LB health check. #2489
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Move to stable-4.3 #2491
data/aws/vpc/master-elb: Drop idle_timeout from aws_lb resources #2283
pkg/gather/ssh: Add logging for agent generation #2403
pkg/types/aws/validation/platform: Include eu-north-1 #2308
azure: set the os disk type based on machine objects #2476
data/azure/main: Set metadata to URL, not the string “var.azure_image_url” #2478
docs/user/overview: OpenShift-specific components before bootstrap control-plane teardown #2475
Bug 1759965 : data/gcp/network/ allow complete health check range for ILBs and NLBs #2480
Use PrivateDNSZones instead of DNSZones type Private for clusters #2470
libvirt: tfvars: propagate vcpu/ram settings #2399
upi/gcp: increase the NAT ports for control plane to 7168 #2469
data/aws/vpc: Lay the groundwork for bring-your-own VPC/subnets #2438
Fixes Bug 1757975: asset/manifests: Removes external api server from default noProxy #2425
docs/user/gcp/install_upi: “create … to” -> “add … to” typo fix #2466
hack/update-rhcos-bootimage: Require ART endpoint #2463
pkg/destroy/aws: Stop skipping direct network-interface deletion #2460
pkg/destroy/aws: Dynamic partitions, fixing hard-coded ‘aws’ #2453
Bug 1758306 : data/rhcos: Bump to rhcos-4.3 ⁄43 .80.20191002.1 #2455
bootstrap: Remove –allow-privileged from kubelet flags #2459
data/bootstrap: allow for missing keepalived image #2457
Add internal load balancer to GCP. #2448
Bug 1755073 : docs/user/*/install_upi: explicitly-set-control-plane-unschedulable #2440
Remove quotes from installer log. #2439
add customizable num_cpu for vsphere UPI installation #2444
upi/gcp: control plane to use pd-ssd #2445
docs/user/versioning: Drop obsolete versioning claims #2442
upi/aws/cloudformation/02_cluster_infra: “the External” -> “the external”, etc. #2443
data/aws/vpc: Drop new_az_count and vpc_id locals #2437
baremetal: Add validation for provisioning network IPs #2320
gcp/destroy: Fix typo on failure to create aim service. #2436
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-masters-gather: Gather MCD logs #2435
Bug 1748452 : data/bootstrap: Replace with cluster-bootstrap #1381
data/aws/vpc/common: Drop unused (private|public)_subnet_count variables #2432
Bug 1750494 : Use standard field validation in pkg/types/conversion/ #2434
gcp upi: allow nodePort between masters and workers #2430
Fix AWS storage size validation error message #2431
Destroy cluster fails for a missing FIP #2408
openstack: add note about compressed image format #2416
Fix openstack docs for swift temp url support #2422
asset/releaseimage/default.go: bump to 4.3 release image #2428
data/azure: remove the hard-coded ip for the ILB #2429
gcp: collapse the firewall rules #2419
docs/user/customization: Fix “utalize” -> “utilize” typo #2418
GCP: Add install-config and terraform support for BYO VPC #2406
Bug 1754070 : Allow setting root volume via installconfig #2394
Bug 1753930 : Adds support for trailing dot in noProxy domain names #2405
baremetal: Remove unused assets #2182
upi/metal/README: Fix Terraform link typo #2410
upi/gcp: templates to use zone paramaters #2398
Fixes Bug 1753930: Adds GCP metadata hostnames to default noProxy #2407
pkg/destroy/gcp: delete http-health-checks for LB #2387
baremetal: Remove spurious Type from ironic.service #2310
vendor: update to v1.8.7 #2297
data/gcp: Drop unused defaults for control-plane/bootstrap volumes #2383
docs/user/azure: remove the out-of-place sp creation instructions #2388
Bug 1754644 : vsphere upi: changes to resolve ci issues #2397
Document disk speed requirements #2385
Fix typo in GCP limits doc. #2386
Bug 1753187 : OpenStack: Permit choosing the volume type for instances #2382
update openstack owner aliases #2377
Bug 1752979 : data/data/gcp/network: increase the NAT ports for control plane to 7168 #2376
Bug 1751375 : Azure: bump disk size to 1TB for control plane #2367
docs/user/customization: Add a section on imageContentSources #2356
docs/user/azure/customization: Add azure availability zones #2371
OpenStack: bump image version for CI 4.1 -> 4.2 #2362
pkg/destroy/gcp/network.go: fix missing nextPageToken #2365
Update GCP user docs #2355
asset: Make warning message read for humans #2361
OpenStack: Install test dependencies into openstack-installer image #2358
Add g+w /etc/passwd to be able to collect proxy access logs in teardown #2351
Bug 1751905 : data/data/azure/bootstrap: ensure pool is only updated after machine is terminated #2353
Bug 1749714 : OpenStack: Open port 1936 on compute and tighten security groups #2347
OpenStack: clarify doc around computeFlavor property #2339
Bug 1747519 : pkg/destroy/aws: Do not failFast for deleteEC2SecurityGroupsByVPC #2346
Bug 1750636 : OpenStack: delete floating ips #2342
docs/user/metal: Fix link to SDN ports #2343
OpenStack: remove region from install-config #2332
OpenStack: Document Ceph RGW limitation with temp-url #2341
Bug 1748162 : Open GENEVE wherever possible #2335
Bug 1749276 : OpenStack: remove volumes along with other resources #2329
Bump libvirt resource from 6GB to 7GB #2340
Bug 1747474 : OpenStack: Escape special characters in cloud provider password #2337
openstack: Bump recommended memory in prompt doc #2228
Bug 1749816 : OpenStack: Validates cluster name length and document known issues #2270
fix typo for clusterversion #2331
data/openstack/topology: update security groups #2304
Bug 1747519 : pkg/destroy/aws: Delete security groups and subnets by VPC #2214
docs/user: Standardize install-config property documentation #2162
Fix reference links in GCP quota limit docs. #2333
OpenStack: troubleshooting: add broken machine deletion section #2305
Bug 1746748 : OpenStack: idempotent cluster deletion #2322
Bug 1746119 : GCP Terraform ignore changes to min_cpu_platform #2325
Adding a note about quota on GCP #2315
docs/dev/libvirt: update links in customizing install note #2312
docs/user: Bump vSphere and metal from v1beta4 to v1 #2321
Stop using deprecated options in documentation examples #2227
Bug 1749409 : update vendor of cloud-cred-op and add CreateNetworkInterface perm #2317
Bug 1740933 : pkg/destroy/aws: Terminate instances before other resources #2169
upi/gcp: clarify that Service Account Key Admin role is required #2313
CONTRIBUTING: Drop CoreOS disclosure anchor #2307
upi/aws/cloudformation/01_vpc: Drop PublicNetworkAcl #2296
docs/user/azure: Update Azure documention to be on par with AWS #2254
Bug 1745907 : upi/gcp: enable manual DNS entry for *.apps #2289
pkg/destroy/azure: Delete app registrations during cluster destroy #2262
Bug 1733867 : openstack: Open mdns port for workers #2295
Adds additional default proxy noProxy entries #2286
OpenStack: update troubleshooting docs #2288
OpenStack: Document Swift quota requirements in the user docs #2247
Bug 1746459 : destroy/aws: fix error expected when snapshot not found #2284
Bug 1746230 : Add target pools to gcp masters #2276
Bug 1715001 : hack/build: Use BUILD_VERSION if non-empty #1829
Adds support for leading dots in domain names #2272
Bug 1717604 : data/aws/vpc/master-elb: Bump load-balancer timeouts to 20m #2279
rhcos: update to 42.80.20190827.1 #2277
Bug 1745004 : baremetal: Clarify comment in #2281
Bug 1745004 : baremetal: Use podman inspect to check ironic service status #2249
Update error message when automatic gather boostrap fails on cluster fail. #2244 copy bootstrap-control-plane container logs #2275
Bug 1743873 : data/bootstrap: extract ironic images from release image #2234
Bug 1715635 : docs/user/aws/install_upi: Document bring-your-own-DNS #2221
Bug 1737802 : openstack: move swift container to the bootstrap module #2259
RHCOS: update to release 42.80.20190823.0 #2264
Bug 1719808 : openstack: change bootstrap_fip module for gather #2256
Bug 1737102 : vSphere UPI - Use template guest_id for machines guest_id #2145
Adding openssl for proxy ci work #2252
OpenStack: Better Docs Organization and Linking #2253
Bug 1744532 : proxy: add .svc and .cluster.local to default noProxy #2257
Bug 1740543 : Consolidate bootstrap resources to bootstrap module #2128
openstack: have gather bootstrap look for FIP #2212
pkg/destroy/gcp: ensure nextPageToken is present in response to correctly handle pages #2246
Bug 1743871 : vendor: update terraform-provider-ironic to v0.1.7 #2245
Bug 1743840 : data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/ Localhost keys for etcd-signer #2242 uses wrong route IP for CACHEURL #2239
Enhance kuryr documentation #2240
openstack: Update User Documentation #2218
Bug 1741637 : openstack: Add API Floating IP survey question #2195
docs/user/azure/ add section for requesting additional required permissions #2224
OpenStack: Add Kuryr information to the OpenStack README file #2223
fix typo in message with MastersSchedulabe #2222
hack: remove compile time RELEASE_IMAGE override #2217
Bug 1732858 : unhardcode the cloud name for openstack #2122
Bug 1713374 : Do not use machine role and in machineset matching labels #2153
baremetal: add libvirt-devel
dependency for building #2220
baremetal: Enable Ironic on the bootstrap VM #2079
pkg/destroy/gcp: Use email to destroy service accounts #2205
image: fix invalid yum commands in images #2206
docs/user/gcp/install: Link to the UPI install docs #2200
data/data/gcp: remove role binding to storage.objectAdmin #2201
pkg/asset/manifests/proxy: Do not inject empty-string noProxy #2198
pkg/destroy/gcp: Fix orphan service accounts #2184
gcp: include all hosts in the LB backend #2159
Bug 1737660 : data/azure/master: use ReadOnly caching for OSDisk #2186
OpenStack: Doccument Admin Requirements, Post Deployment Steps, and Networking Arch #2148
openstack: set up docs/design/openstack
OWNERS #2194
openstack: Add OpenStack to the platform selection #2036
gcp: correctly wire up the root volume type/size #2192
gcp: increase the ports per VM for NAT #2191
upi/gcp: initial deployment manager templates #2117
OpenStack: Add region to the cloud provider config #2189
docs/user/gcp: document required services #2188 remove duplicate –net args to podman. #2171
pkg/asset/machines: auto delete machine boot disks #2181
openstack: remove the service VM #1959
manifests/additionaltrustbundleconfig.go: move the config map to openshift-config #2173
docs/user: Add GCP installer user documentation #2168
baremetal: Validate VIPs are in MachineCIDR #2140
register baremetal hosts #2087
OpenStack: change provider API #2144
Revert “data/data/azure/dns: use public ip behind internal apis” #2164
pkg/destroy/gcp: Fix disk deletion #2163
OpenStack: update approvers #2167
Destroy service account role bindings #2161
data/data/bootstrap: use loopback kubeconfig for API access #2086
pkg/types/installconfig: Mention PEM and X.509 in additionalTrustBundle godoc #2141
Bug 1723798 : bootkube: run all podman commands in the host network. #2001
Bump openstack image to use cli 4.1 #2143
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/ Quote image expansions #2133
libvirt: Assign fully-qualified domain names to master & bootstrap nodes #2120
baremetal: Add dnsVIP to sample install-config. #2139
data/data: add service user role to masters #2134
pkg/asset/machines - add project id to machines #2138
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/ Drop OPENSHIFT_HYPERSHIFT_IMAGE #2131
pkg/assets/manifest: add subnetwork name to cloud config #2116
openstack: add tag and desc to bootstrap floating IP #2127
Azure: update install documentation to reflect current reality #2135
bootkube: use long flags for consistency #2130
pkg/destroy/gcp: Fix external and internal load balancer deletion #2129
Decouple bootstrap and cluster bootimages #2061
Deploy baremetal bootstrap services with MCO #2119
data/gcp/dns: fix resource name for internal dns zone #2121
libvirt: Delete volumes & storage pool directory #2082
OWNERS_ALIASES: update the installer-approvers #2113
scheduler: Use schedulable masters if no compute hosts defined. #2004
openstack: Add a floating IP to bootstrap node for must-gather #2083
azure: source Azure OS bootimage from RHCOS pipeline #2115
a few bootstrap spelling issues #2106
Bug 1734157 : data/bootstrap: Remove the unwanted backslash newline escape char #2078
Pass baremetal infra images to MCO bootstrap #2075
baremetal: Start coredns/keepalived after crio #2105
data/data/baremetal: disable introspection on masters #2100
set the cloud-provider-config for GCP #2107
data/gcp/masters: add roles/compute.securityAdmin to masters #2109
pkg/asset/machines: drop trustbundle MC #2099
Set GCP to pull boot images from RHCOS pipeline. #2084
Make ImageContentSourcePolicy objects available to the machine-config-controller bootstrap container #2097
azure: generate loopback kubeconfig to access API locally #2085
Fix string fmt bug in saving credentials message. #2101
Add Azure and GCP Boot Images #2094
Add AdditionalTrustBundle to InstallConfig #2055
pkg/destroy: handle deletion of lb related resources #2056
gcp: reduce the length of the names of machines #2088
pkg/asset/manifests: avoid creating an empty cloudconfig for gcp #2081 List baremetal and none as paltform types #2072
GCP client: pass scope when using default credentials. #2068
Sort GCP basedomains in installer prompts. #2059
azure: create an image for booting machines for the cluster from vhd blob #1976
pkg/destroy: delete disks #2054
Adds a customize doc for libvirt with tt0 bridge customization #1161
pkg/destroy: handle async call results, log delete info messages #2013
baremetal: Add ingressVIP to sample install config. #2062
baremetal: rename os_image to bootstrap_os_image #2044
baremetal: Add VIPs to status.platformStatus.baremetal #2041
Add static external ip address to GCP bootstrap node. #2042
Add load balancer UID asset to manifests and metadata #2045
OpenStack: Fix Octavia support detection #2052
asset/cluster: don’t record usernames #2046
Set resource group explicitly for machines #2019
GCP: simplify load balancing and relax bootstrap-complete #2050
baremetal: Note short-term requirement for ns1 DNS record. #2047
types: update the ImageContentSource to match ImageContentSourcePolicy #2048
gcp: move external health_check to http port 6080 #2029
Enable http /readyz for kube-apiserver bootstrap pods #2039
Promote azure machine types from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 #2034
docs/metal: worker host should have role ‘worker’ #2027
baremetal: terraform updates for baremetal platform #1999
gcp: use the zones from machine objects in terraform #1992
Baremetal: update networking documentation - API LB #2022
correct typo for Azure #2016
Add gather support for gcp #2023
OpenStack: Check octavia support #2017
vendor: update #2015
pkg/types/aws: allow specifying AMI ID for machines #2002
libvirt: simplify how bootstrap_dns is passed to terraform #1995
Add baremetal IPI platform #1873
Add Fedosin to OpenStack approvers #1997
gcp: Ensure terraform object names have max length 63 #2011
data/data/openstack: Add registry to coredns image #2018
Update docs for release mirrors. #2012
Add support for machineSets per az on azure #1949
Add capabiltity to specify sources for release image content #1910
data/gcp/dns: api.cluster_domain inside the VPC must point to internal LB for consistency #2000
gcp: limit internal load balancer during bootstrap #1994
Manage and use own storage pool #1956
data/data/openstack: set correct hostnames for machines during bootstrap #1980
OpenStack: Add subnet pools destroy #1953
assets/manifests: include scheduler asset in the manifests asset. #1989
gcp: workaround terraform dependencies with bootstrap destroy #1993
network: block ExternalIPs by default. #1991
destroy legacy HTTP health checks #1988
Add service accounts for masters and workers #1990
pkg/destroy/gcp - use debug for error logging #1972
destroy region backend services #1975
data/data: use gcs bucket for bootstrap ignition and expose bootstrap node #1970
data/gcp/network: create nat-gateways per subnet for egress from private instances #1983
add dns resources #1977
baremetal: Expand on networking documentation. #1981
gcp: Create public and private load balancers #1971
pkg/types/validation/installconfig: Fix platform value in error message #1969
pkg/destroy: call network destroy regardless of route delete errors #1968
data/data: fix machine var names #1967
bootstrap: add platform-specific configuration for baremetal #1960
Add terminal prompts for GCP: region, project id, & base domain. #1961
pkg/asset/cluster - add gcp metadata #1966
pkg/asset/machines: fix gcp machine decoding #1964
baremetal: vendor terraform-provider-ironic and provide initial terraform configuration #1958
Uninstaller for GCP #1950
data/data/rhcos.json: update the bootimage to 420.8.20190708.2 for CRI-O 1.14 #1941
Make terraform fmt
output diff #1957
pkg: create tfvars for gcp #1938
data/data/openstack: Generate master clustervars #1947
aws: allow GENEVE (6081) and OVN database ports (6641 & 6642) #1563
Add machine and machinesets for GCP #1937
Add cloud providers metadata ip address to no proxy #1945
Create GCP specific assets: infrastructure, cred secrets, & dns #1944 remove image refs for mco components #1875
google: create virtual machines #1940
google: create network infrastructure #1929
Bug 1725524 : types/aws/default: move ap-northeast-2 to m5 instance class #1935
Fix the build issue #1932
manifests/infrastructure.go: drop double assignment for .status.platformType #1934
manifests/infrastructure: Setup the platform specific status fields. #1930
Decouple Destroyer interface and registry from destroy command #1926
data/data/openstack: Open UDP 5353 (mdns) port #1925
OpenStack: fix cluster destroy #1920
openstack: Fix rhcos version wrong info in doc #1923
types/azure: allow specifying the disk size for pools #1917
openstack: delete loadbalancer resources #1496
azure: set default machine types by region #1868
issue-template: Make it easy to remove irrelevant platforms #1892
azure: reduce the install-config api to smallest set #1904
azure: public IP for bootstrap node #1867
align destroyers code base for better readability #1848
Add required GCP types #1889
asset/cluster: inject installer info when creating #1890
rhcos: Bump to 420.8.20190624.0 #1895
pkg/types/validation: fix proxy validations to drop incorrect requirements on scheme #1897
Add proxy configuration to bootstrap node #1832
Add conversion test when no API version is specified. #1898
bootkube: stop passing temporary image flag to kas #1896
Azure assets: set machine vnet and managed identity explicitly #1894
Remove gateway before delete router #1870
Bump worker resources #1863
pkg/destroy/aws: do not fail uninstall on absent s3 bucket #1888
pkg/asset/manifests/proxy: Create new proxy manifest #1866
bootkube: pass the hyperkube image as main image #1885
openstack:update gophercloud #1877
openstack:update doc link #1878
pkg/terraform/exec/plugins: vender google terraform provider #1869
bootkube: new image for kube-apiserver #1881
Sync definition of all imported actuator types with the latest changes #1872
pkg/gather/ssh: Attempt to use existing SSH agents #1879
openstack:Add log for delete unsuccessful action #1861
cmd/openshift-install/create: Drop “timed out waiting for the condition” #1614
Correcting UPI gp2 volumes to match IPI sizes #1712
bootkube: fix indentation of mco image option #1871
openstack: Generate cloud provider config #1729
machines/azure: Set subnets for control plane and compute machines #1833
bootkube: add mco image #1847
openstack: Retrieve namespaced credentials #1849
enhance doc for openstack readme #1823
restrict clustername validation to include DNS subdomain and DNS label requirements. #1846
Bug 1711533 : Remove unnecessary binding to system:discovery #1835
Add Proxy to InstallConfig #1827
libvirt,docs: Make console workaround a bit easier #1807
cmd: gather the logs from bootstrap instead of printing commands #1822
Refresh troubleshooting doc to use machine api #1826
data/data/openstack: Remove cluster name from servers #1820
update default Region name #1811
Fix /usr/local/bin/ if-conditionals #1808
Refresh openstack-approvers group #1818
docs/azure: include step to create vhd container in storage account #1813
docs/azure: add instructions for approving CSRs #1809
docs: add initial docs for creating clusters on Azure #1781
Text edits for the CloudFormation templates #1794
machines/libvirt: Drop volume paths #1628
data/azure: clarify that the password isn’t used #1806
README: remove experimental designation for bare metal and vSphere #1798
gather: add support for azure #1795
Bug 1715108 : data/data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Move to stable-4.2 #1801
data/azure: create explicit deps to internal dns zone before any resource in vnet #1799
data/ fix the exit condition to use correct file path for bootkube done #1803
asset/manifests/azure: update the azure cloud provider rate limits #1802
destroy: add destroyer code to destroy Azure clusters #1771
gather: update the state handling for terraform 0.12 #1763
azure: allow installer to consume AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION
env for credentials file #1785
README: Reference vSphere and metal from the platform section #1713
Bug 1713157 : pkg/types/aws/defaults/platform: Default us-west-2 to m5 #1786
docs/user/aws/install: openshift-install-linux-amd64 -> openshift-install #1782
Doc changes for libvirt backend #1776
asset/machines: set the instance type for workers on azure #1779
hack/build: Use SOURCE_GIT_COMMIT if set #1744
data/azure: make machine object name and VM name created by terraform same #1780
data/azure: create an explicit dependency on private zone before VMs are created #1778
docs/dev/libvirt: Add troubleshooting docs for libvirt console issue. #1371
aws/defaults/platform: Default to m5 in ap-east-1 #1755
pin to the 4.1 GA candidate RHCOS images #1774
azure: pass credentials provided to installer to terraform #1772
types/conversion: return no version provided error when trying to convert #1760
pkg/types: enable azure platform #1721
Bug 1711844 : Use pause image from payload #1761
feat: Add azure terraform #1454
bootstrap: update default release image to track 4.2 origin #1756
pkg/asset: Add filenames to “failed to unmarshal” errors #1754
data: add approve-csr service to approve CSRs until bootstrap is complete #1747
Transition to Terraform 0.12 for installer #1739
Remove httpcache #1697
Update vendor versions for cluster-api and libvirt cluster api. #1732
vendor: update terraform-provider-libvirt #1691
Bug 1709869 : tls: add openshift service to DNS names #1750
More robust deprovision strategy #1726
Bug 1707096 : gather: suffix container logs with container ids for uniqueness #1723
Fix the UPI’s Readme deploy-packet url #1738
openstack: fix comments from 1733 #1736
Bug 1708307 : bootstrap/files: to gather more rendered-assets #1735
openstack: use static .repo file for openstack client #1733
BUG 1707096: gather: collect secret names for failure analysis #1722
rhcos: Bump to 410.8.20190508.1 #1731
Bug 1706689 : asset/manifests: update infrastructure to set public apiserver url #1727
images/installer: update upi Dockerfile to fetch matchbox using releases #1730
Bug 1706689 : asset/manifests: internal api server URL for infrastructure #1718
Bug 1707573 : *: remove deprecated EtcdCA and promote EtcdSigner #1720
openstack: Rely on the cloud configured nameservers #1711
pkg/asset/manifests/azure: leave cloud-provider identity empty #1714
vendor: move to official openshift fork for cluster-api-provider-azure #1703
upi/aws/cloudformation: Cap InfrastructureName at 27 chars #1706
pkg/destroy/aws: Skip direct tag deletion for network interfaces #1704
Remove myself from reviewers due to pending absence #1707
images/nested-libvirt/Dockerfile: Fix build to builder typo #1699
Fix broken link in libvirt doc. #1702
vendor: fix inconsistent state #1700
cmd: fix some copy in the help text #1705
Drop AWS UPI control-plane Machines and compute MachineSets #1649
Update OWNERS. #1696
BUG 1702050: Add aws role labels back (revert #1474) #1686
pkg/asset/ignition/machine/node: Move pointer Ignition configs to api-int #1693
data/data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Move to stable-4.1 #1599
Add defaultNodeSelector annotation to openshift-etcd namespace #1689
Revendor for cluster-api #1688
images: Clean up image FROM to be consistent #1684
data/bootstrap: update etcd-signer-server to use certs for api and api-int #1670
description typo in data/data/libvirt/bootstrap/ #1683
data/aws: 20-minute create timeouts for routes and security groups #1682
data/bootkube: remove old control plane pod names from bootstrap required list #1680
libvirt/README: fix broken links due to doc move #1675
Setup ownership of libvirt code #1662
data/bootstrap: fix fetch master addresses when API is not up #1639
data/bootstrap: pass volume-plugin-dir to kubelet param to avoid flexvolume warnings #1681
gather rendered assets as part of install-gather #1646
docs/user: Drop compute access to etcd server from UPI docs #1671
pkg/terraform/exec/plugins: vendor in azure terraform provider #1664
data/bootstrap: update the mco bootstrap to include the cloudconf file path #1679
Bug 1702015 *: add etcd metric signer assets #1678
Bug 1702519 : rhcos: Bump to 410.8.20190425.0 #1674
images: add rhcos.json to the upi ci image #1673
images: add govc to UPI CI image #1669
tls: move irreplaceable tls resources to openshift-config #1666
etcd: move etcd service to openshift-etcd #1665
data/openstack: add api-int
DNS A record #1624
Revert “Add OpenStack team as reviewers” #1564
Remove clusterid tag #1580
Updating architecture diagram based on Dia #1647
bootstrap: don’t make openshift unit wait for kas #1659
pkg/asset/machines: add azure machine api scheme #1653
upi: update the registry patch command #1660
Add reviewers #1656
BUG 1685704: assets: use internal apiserver name for all internal clients #1633
Revert “openshift: update wait for kube-apiserver to correct namespace” #1657
openshift: update wait for kube-apiserver to correct namespace #1655
tls: remove kube-ca #1603
tls: update MCO to take client ca bundle #1651
docs/vsphere: add instructions for hostname and static IP #1642
tls: only write etcd certs into openshift-config #1650
data/aws/vpc/master-elb: Set thresholds back to two #1629
pkg/types/installconfig: Bump v1beta4 to v1 #1589
Drop unused machine labels #1474
upi/vsphere: use ens192 nic name #1643
controller-manager/scheduler: switch to secure ports #1576
Tags Worker resources to ensure succesful Destroy #1613
docs/user/aws/images: Dia source for UPI arch diagram #1525
New gather subcommand to assist debugging bootstrap failures. #1627
tls: remove serving capability from deprecated apiserver cert, also fix Complete ClientCA bundle for apiserver #1640
BUG 1698573: cmd: level-driven bootstrap complete #1645
docs: Stronger per-platform isolation #1587
move etcd connection information to openshift-config #1641
openstack: Remove FQDN from node hostnames #1618
openstack: add myself to openstack-approvers #1631
Bug 1684951 : pkg/destroy/aws: Use GetSession() to prompt when missing #1365
bootstrap/ update label for api pods #1626
pkg/asset/manifests/azure: adjust cloud provider resource names #1630
pkg/asset/manifests: add azure cloud provider config manifests #1606
*: remove the deprecated kube-system coreos-pull-secret #1567
pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap/release_image: Bump default to v4.1 #1622
data/bootstrap: add a script to collect info if cluster failed to start #1561
BZ1697236: Updating tags/names to use InfrastructureName #1620
vendor: update openshift/api. #1619
BUG 1685704: upi/metal: add the api-int dns #1605
create new serving cert for internal loadbalancer #1581
upi/vsphere: user short hostname #1610
BZ1697262: Add infrastructure ID to private HostedZone #1590
Update doc to clarify load balancer backends #1510
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws/basedomain: Use ListHostedZonesPages to collect public zones #1602
data/manifests: fill out cloud creds role for azure platform #1596
data/data: update rhcos to 410.8.20190412.1 #1612
pkg/asset: add azure installconfig, machines and manifests #1555
types: option to disable hyperthreading #1392
libvirt/ Add correct entry for api-int hostname #1608
BUG 1685704: data/aws: create an api-int dns name #1601
BUG 1696342: pkg/asset: include kubeadmin password in the IgnitionConfig target #1592
types/vsphere: simplify vsphere platform #1591
upi/vsphere: add the api-int dns #1604
upi/vsphere: improve robustness of ip reservation #1600
upi/vsphere: support user-supplied ips #1582
docs: vSphere installation docs #1545
bootkube: switch mcd ca-bundle for verifying kube-apiserver #1593
BUG 1696216: docs/aws/upi: add info on approving csr for manually added nodes to cluster #1594
cmd/openshift-install/waitfor: Rename cluster-ready to install-complete #1585
upi/vsphere: remove extra users #1573
openstack: don’t set the haproxy container name #1475
upi/vsphere: remove dependency on ipcalc #1578
Bug 1698210 : aws: allow udp services as well #1577
aws: fix ICMP ACL #1550
OWNERS: Add to pkg/destroy/openstack
upi/vsphere: manage ip address reservation #1565
OWNERS_ALIASES: Add vsphere-approvers #1572
Bug 1696085 : Allow using “-” in ClusterName parameter #1566
BUG 1686943: asset/store: include all assets to preserve when doing a fetch #1556
types/validation: enable validation of vsphere platform #1559
data/manifests: fill out cloud creds role for vsphere platform #1558
pkg/types: Add required azure types #1534
cmd/openshift-install/waitfor: Rename from user-provided-infrastructure #1552
Bug 1697644 : *: push pull-secret to openshift-config namespace #1554
pkg/asset: Do not generate Files() slices with nil entries #1548
pkg/destroy/aws: Log InstanceProfile name correct on delete #1549
Update upi.go #1544
asset/password: KubeadminPassword responsible for the password file #1539
asset/metadata: save metadata file in asset state file #1538
upi/vsphere: multiple terraform updates #1518
upi/vsphere: add vsphere to cloudproviderconfig #1516
images/installer: add matchbox provider to upi image #1530
rhcos: Embed full build metadata in binary #1423
BUG 1695860: upi/aws: Removing hardcoded names on TargetGroup resources #1527
vendor: Bump stretchr/testify to v1.3.0 #1515
pkg/asset: fix client cert key name #1526
hack/build: Update release-pin location to defaultReleaseImageOriginal #1522
upi/metal: update the instance location and size #1523
fix: Gopkg.lock after running dep ensure on pkg/terraform/exec #1472
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 0.15.0 #1519
Modify kubeadmin usage message, admins should not use kubeadmin via CLI #1513
image: Asset generation is required #1514
pkg/destroy/aws: Destroy NAT gateways by VPC too #1507
pkg/asset/manifests/infrastructure: Set InfrastructureName #1509
image: Add a production “installer-artifacts” image for Mac binary #1506
BUG 1670700: data/data/bootstrap: add –etcd-metric-ca to MCO bootstrap #1511
Bug 1659970 : data/aws/route53: Block private Route 53 zone on public record #1508
openstack: add image for openstack ci #1466
cmd: Report locked release image pull spec in version
command #1505
cmd/openshift-install/create: remove templates #1504
vSphere UPI - Use a folder for virtual machines #1470
types: move vsphere out of tui #1499
BUG 1670700: data/data/bootstrap: set metric-ca flags for kube-etcd-signer-server #1483 declari cli image as input image #1497
Openstack doc #1486
aws/permissions: Add s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration to pre-flight checks #1491
machines: fix machine asset for None, VSphere platform #1493
pkg/asset/machines/worker: Structured workers #1481
upi/vsphere: create apps dns entry #1476
Fixed DNS record description for OpenStack #1435
chore: Bumping protobuf version to 1.3.1 #1482
pkg/types/aws/validation: Require machine-pool zones in platform region #1469
*: use kube-etcd-cert-signer release image #1477
Add initial docs and example implementation for UPI bare-metal #1416
Bug 1659970 : terraform/exec/plugins/vendor: Bump terraform-provider-aws to v2.2.0 #1442
machines: add the authorized keys for a pool using a machine config #1150
Re-group the network operator crd. #1410
pkg/types: add vsphere platform #1458
rhcos: Bump bootimage to 410.8.20190325.0 #1459
Support for tagging workers #1453
Re-add support for trunk ports #1431
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 0.14.0 #1462
release: Allow release image to be directly substituted into binary #1422
Remove cluster-api cluster object dependency #1449
images/installer: add image that can be used to instal UPI platforms #1456
bootstrap: Work around systemd-journal-gateway DynamicUser=yes #1445
cmd/openshift-install/create: Log progress on timeout too #1447
upi/vsphere: support rhcos-latest template #1451
docs/user/customization: Catch up with “Creating infrastructure resources” #1425
upi/vshpere: Add initial support for vSphere UPI #1446
update vendor of cloud-credential-operator (allow use of root creds) #1448
pkg/destroy/aws: Remove lastError value masking #1439
libvirt CI Dockerfile fix #1414
cmd/openshift-install/create: Log progressing messages #1432
fixes a grammatical typo #1438
openstack: Always set the api DNS entry #1420
Adding initial user doc/guide & materials for UPI AWS installation #1408
pkg/destroy/aws: Add deleteEC2NetworkInterfaceByVPC #1434
Bug 1684670 : data/data/bootstrap: add kube-client-agent-image flag #1429
Switch api ELBs to /readyz for healthz checks #1421
Revert “data/data/bootstrap: add kube-client-agent-image flag” #1424
Bug 1684670 : data/data/bootstrap: add kube-client-agent-image flag #1401
tls: remove deprecated kubelet.kubeconfig #1335
create cluster: change Creating cluster to Creating infrastructure resources #1417
openstack: name swift container according to cluster_id #1415
cmd/openshift-install/upi: Add a user-provided-infrastructure subcommand #1393
pkg/version: Include the commit hash #1376
hack/build: Pin to RHCOS 400.7.20190306.0 #1407
pkg/destroy: data/aws: delete instance profiles even if they are detached #1268
pkg/destroy/aws: Destroy all instances not terminated #1403
asset/manifests: add Scheduler cluster config #1405
Remove unused/legacy boostrap etcd ports in master security group #1396
asset/manifests: redact the pull-secret from the cluster object of the install-config #1379
BUG 1684206: *: store etcd CA and client certs in cluster #1363
openstack: Use the right security group name for machines #1390
assets: no worker machinesets file for None #1388
openstack: Change default DNS resolvers #1386
update openshift/api for network config changes #1384
cmd/openshift-install/create: Use NewListWatchFromClient #1380
openstack: Set hostnames for nodes #1373
cmd/openshift-install: switch bootstrap-complete watcher to UntilWithSync #1375
update vendoring of cloud-credential-operator #1374
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 0.13.1 #1369
pkg/destroy/aws: 10-second lower bound for deletion period #1352
pkg/asset/machines/aws: Only return available zones #1210
Add credentials secret to AWS provider config in order to support CredentialsRequest #1281
types: rename network type to match #1356
pkg/asset/tls: add etcd metrics assets #1291
openstack: Prefix subnet name used in filter with clusterID #1366
openstack: Use external’s network DNS by default #1351
openstack: Prefix all openstack resources with the cluster name #1243
data/aws: explicitly create the network interface for masters to speed up DNS #1361
Update name of RHCOS #1358
Update code references to rhcos #1359
aws, openstack: open ports 9000-9999 between nodes on UDP too. #1334
Document entry-point for user-provided custom MachineConfig #1331
Revert “image: Take explicit dependency on util-linux for uuidgen and gzip” #1355
data/aws: create bootstrap machine in first public subnet #1348
Add infra-image to MCO bootstrap #1292
*: Wrapf(err, “…”) -> Wrap(err, “…”) #1347
destroy: delete snapshots used in ami copies #1346
openstack: Security groups update #1338
hack/release: Compute release.sha256(.sig) #1332
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws/permissions: If we can mint, skip passthrough check #1333
openstack: No neutron dns #1294
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 0.13.0 #1344
docs/troubleshooting: add sections to cover all post-create phases #1329
add ec2:DeregisterImage permission to pre-flight checks #1340
Rename labels from to #1263
openstack: Support setting network UUID via terraform variable. #794
data/aws: use azs for master set in manifests #1121
add ec2:CopyImage as a required permission #1328
data/aws/master: drop 2 unused outputs #1327
data/aws/bootstrap: Restore global SSH access #1326
Kubelet bootstrap signer #1311
aws: use the standard logger for creds checking #1323
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 8f08508 #1316
data/aws: Encrypt the AMI used by the bootstrap and master machines #1296
Removing unused/deprecated security groups and ports. Updated AWS doc #1306
pkg/types/validation/installconfig: Drop nominal v1beta2 support #1319
pkg/asset/tls: self-sign aggregator-ca #1275
pkg/asset/tls: self-sign etcd-client-ca #1267
pkg/types/validation: Drop v1beta1 backwards compat hack #1251
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/bootkube: etcdctl from release image #1315 do not hide problems with render #1274
data: route53 A records with SimplePolicy should not use health check #1308
tls: switch to self-signed admin.kubeconfig #1305
updating docs to include deails about VPC gateway endpoints #1299
libvirt: Pass correct InfraID prefix to destroy #1310
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.12.0 #1270
tls: create a client-ca bundle for the bootstrap KAS to use #1307
OWNERS_ALIASES: remove Rajat #1303 Print a final success message #1289
aws: include installer version in AWS api calls #1297
pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: bump etcdctl binary to 3.3.10 #1304 suppress podman output when pulling images #1293
tls: add kube-apiserver-complete-server-ca-bundle.crt #1298
metadata: include openshiftClusterID on AWS #1302
docs/user/aws: update network type string #1301
types/validation: validate cluster network CIDRs #1276
*: use a human friendly ID to tag and name cloud resources. #1280
Support regions without m4 machines #1163
update doc to use new customization yaml format #1285
*: increase resources for libvirt machines #1279
Create separate chains of trust for separate actors #1232
uninstaller: fix endless loop when no public route53 zone found #1283 fix cluster-config operator cp commands #1273
asset/machines: update API version of MAO objects #1249
Revert “Remove the double @sha256 in case the image name is already digest base” #1269
bootkube: pass –kube-ca to MCO #1266
pkg/asset/tls: self-sign kube-ca #1179
openstack: Switch yaml libs #1126
data/manifests: update the default update channel #1259
image: Take explicit dependency on util-linux for uuidgen and gzip #1262
openstack: Update machines namespace for OpenStack #1245
Move DNS records from base_domain to cluster_domain #1169
bootstrap: add new names for kube apiserver and controller manager pods #1253
*: support no worker nodes #1231
installconfig: separate control plane and compute machine pools #1157
data/aws/variables-aws: Drop aws_master_ec2_type and similar defaults #1128
Append router CA to cluster CA in kubeconfig #1242
openstack: allow external LB FIP #1226
openshift-install: add version string to logs #1256
types: validate cluster name in InstallConfig #1255
openstack: complete move of OpenStack under the downstream machine api #1246
credentials validation #1156
bootkube: remove duplicate CRD manifests #1254
Remove the double @sha256 in case the image name is already digest base #1032
pkg/destroy/aws: Ignore missing instances #1250
Remove public IPs from masters #1045
bootkube: render resources #1187
libvirt-howto: Less intrusive NetworkManager setup #1252
manifest: set the public and private zones for AWS #1233
docs/troubleshooting: update machines namespace #1244
openstack: Change MCO port #1240
Fix bug where list of masters contain all same object #1241
docs: rebuild dependency graph #1235
drop unused security group, fix naming of VXLAN rules #1238
change machine-config-server port #1180
pkg/asset/machines: Convert Master to a WriteableAsset #1211
create: When timing out, display last failing operators from CVO #1230
openstack: Use a service subnet for service-vm #1224
Change API version to #1223
Update machines namespace #1215
openstack: Remove hacks script from masters #1222
Libvirt machine api #1204
destroy/aws: guard against nils returned by aws #1151
Remove service CA #1208
Remove S3 access privilege from worker iam-instance-role #1206
aws/vpc: add CRI-O metrics sg #1201
pkg/tfvars: Pull from []Machine instead of InstallConfig #792
data/aws/vpc/sg-master: Fix 9990 -> 9999 metrics to_port #1202
pkg/asset/cluster: Don’t read empty-string state files #954
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 0.11.0 #1191
bootkube: Pass etcd images into MCO bootstrap #1194
Remove openshift-cluster-api namespace since it’s created by mao #1197
Trim down the worker iam role #1200
Openshift machine api #1175
pkg/asset/targets: Render the metadata asset before cluster #1199
openstack: add the API and wildcard DNS entries #1195
openstack: balane port 80 across workers not masters #1193
OpenStack: switch to CoreDNS #1186
Create a BDD Test Automation Framework with ginkgo #552
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: getCredentials profile handling #1173
pkg/types/installconfig: Drop PodCIDR reference from ClusterNetworks #1190
data/manifests: update the upstream Cincinnati URL #1182
bootkube: Supply machine-os-content to MCO #1149
assets: add tests for validating asset fetching of targets #890
OpenStack: Automatically update haproxy config #1185
pkg/types/aws/machinepool: Drop IAM-role overrides #1154
cmd/openshift-install: suppress glog output #1181
Validate provided addresses are network addresses #1065
openstack: make the local DNS service more robust #1162
data/aws/master: drop un-used base_domain #1171
pkg/destroy/aws: remove un-used cluster_name field #1170
asset/bootstrap: Remove ~core/.bash_history #1166
asset/manifests: update status of Infrastructure #1155
network: move from operator-specific CRD to cluster config #1013
data/aws/bootstrap: drop kubelet debug endpoint in security group #1165
openstack: open port 443 on the load balancer #1164
openstack: update CAPO’s vendor. Point to openshift’s fork #1160
openstack: Use openstack as a cloud name for our credentials #1153
openstack: Always set opts.Cloud #1096
openstack: fix the openstack creds secret name #1099
cmd: wait for the cluster to be initialized #1132
hack/build: Strip compiled binaries #1158
pkg/types/defaults/installconfig: Set defaults for null replicas #1146
vendor( switch back to version(1.8.1) constraint #1142
Update network troubleshooting docs for naming changes #1141
openstack: Create machine resources programmatically #1107
Set the default AWS disk size to 120Gb across both workers and masters #1137
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.10.1 #1133
pkg/destroy/aws: Set ‘matched’ on tag-pagination errors #1129
cmd/openshift-install: Stricter argument parsing #1125
Add a cloud credentials checker asset #1100
docs: add initial customization docs #1088
libvirt-howto: Add note about CentOS kvm-common repo. #1130
docs/user: ‘destroy cluster’ instead of ‘delete cluster’ #1131
overview: warn about install-config.yaml deletion #1122
tfvars/libvirt: fix installer keeping RHCOS OS Image in memory #1075
data/aws/vpc: Create DHCP options #1116
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.10.0 #1113
vendor: bump survey to fix slow input issue #1120
Revert “openstack: Del DNS from service VM update docs” #1094
data/aws/vpc: Add explicit dependencies on aws_internet_gateway.igw to aws_lb #1117 remove disfunctional –disable-phase-2 for scheduler #1091
docs/user/troubleshooting: Link Knowledgebase article #1118
pkg/destroy/aws: Use the resource-groups service for tag->ARN lookup #1039
aws/boostrap: add boostrap node only security group rules #1105
data/bootstrap: retry when reporting progress #1101
cmd/openshift-install/create: Add metadata.json to ignition-configs #1070
asset/ignition: remove SSH key from pointer config #1063
docs/user/aws/limits: Add a trailing period to the LB paragraph #1095
openstack: Added some steps to help troubleshoot #1048
Introduce a destroy state function that will clean up statefile #1086
Fix several typo #1090
Add size and type support for aws volumes #1079
pkg/tfvars: Respect install-config AWS machine pools #1076
aws: Increase the default master instance size to reduce etcd timeouts #1069
docs/user/troubleshooting: Link to MCD SSH-key docs #1072
Fix typo #1077
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.9.0 #1064
Simplify worker node troubleshooting steps #1050
openstack: update the machine templates #1042
openstack: Del DNS from service VM update docs #1056
Generate kubeconfigs during create ignition-configs
Doc: Adding user doc/guide for AWS account and installation #1030
openstack: one subnet for masters and workers #1028
types: hide OpenStack in the list of platforms #1054
types/validation: add version to install-config #1025
assets/installconfig: apply defaults to install config #1058
openstack: append to bootstrap ignition for the service vm config #1040
Remove clusterID from installconfig and move it to cluster #1057
data/aws: Tag IAM roles #1036
drop capability to specify image in install-config #1052
asset/installconfig: remove support for deprecated filename #1055
Add a
instance to the cluster #943
tls: increase validity of client cert used for boostrapping masters to 1 day #1044
*: add support for journal-gatewayd #967
openstack: Document creation of openstack-credentials. #1053
Add support for deprovisioning users on AWS. #1031
openstack: document shifting to external load balancer. #1034
[FIX #1006] destroy/libvirt: cannot destroy domain if it is already shutoff #1043
data/openstack/topology: Close ignition sg to outside world. #1035
data/aws/route53/variables: Drop unused extra_tags #685
cmd/openshift-install: Add support for bash completions #1019
pkg/destroy/aws: “log” -> “logrus” and use pkg/errors #1038
pkg/destroy/aws: Drop unused LogLevel #1037
Added more instructions to OpenStack deploys #984
data/aws/vpc: Use HTTPS for load balancer health checks #924
Providerspec #1027
Allow ssh to service VM. #1018
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Use NextMarker for domain pagination #1014
openstack: use trunks if available #895
pkg/types: Add cross-platform Networking.MachineCIDR #983
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.8.0 #998
docs/user/versioning: Document APIs covered by our Semantic Versioning #935
pkg/destroy/aws: Fix zone id in debug output #988
git: remove log from gitignore #996
libvirt-howto: reload NetworkManager for dns configuration changes #952
asset/cluster: various cleanups #993
*: add support for platform none #982
Squashed all commits into one for the SSH troubleshooting guide #986
libvirt: use host-passthrough CPU type for libvirt VMs #977
docs/user/troubleshooting: Fix master-node(s) reference #980
bootkube: remove unused config overrides #789
openstack: Add flavor selection support. #788
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.7.0 #971
Revert “pkg/asset/machines/aws/machinesets: Give workers public IPs (for now)” #970
*: Make libvirt support completely conditional (behind TAGS=libvirt) #955
*: change references to install-config.yml with install-config.yaml #959
add libvirt tag to libvirt-ci Dockerfile #961
pkg/terraform/exec/plugins/vendor: Roll back libvirt to 2ad0228349 #956
script for generating mock #962
asset/installconfig: fallback to freeform basedomain on aws on throttle error #960
terraform: only use embedded plugins when release
tag is set #949
data/data/aws: use vpc configuration block for route53 zone int
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Make base-domain a select widget #939
pkg/types/aws/validation: Move ValidRegions into this package #942
Gopkg: Lock aws/request #941
Add asset for DNS config #934
pkg/destroy/aws: Don’t give up on Route 53 rate limits #940
vendor all the required terraform plugins #919
README: Replace stale environment variable reference #936
openstack: Assign floating IP to service VM. #932
asset/installconfig: rename install-config.yml to install-config.yaml #931
asset/ignition: fix error when marshaling ignition config #922
openstack: Fix haproxy config. #916
pkg/asset/machines/aws/machinesets: Give workers public IPs (for now) #927
data/aws/route53: Drop unused public worker A records #928
pkg/asset/machines/master: Fix “worker” -> “master” error-message typo #926
terraform: remove tectonicClusterID tag on resources #835
Revert “OpenStack Destroy, tolerate temporary router delete failure” #920
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 5813f611 #917
asset/installconfig: improve validation of user inputs #711
Pin OS image for release builds #757
OpenStack Destroy, tolerate temporary router delete failure #911
terraform/aws: remove option to use an existing vpc in aws #654
Fix a typo in #913
CHANGELOG: Document changes since 2018-12-07 #906
image: Add a RHEL7 dockerfile and standarize format #903
docs: include dep version
command in Go section #914
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: Explicitly mention .openshift_install.log #907
cmd/openshift-install/create: Drop dead-code “no routes found” error #905
OpenStack Destroy, break after matching swift container metadata #912
Create temporary service VM and document the current state of experimental OpenStack support #904
data/aws/vpc: Add an S3 endpoint to new VPCs #745
destroy/bootstrap: explicit pass disable-bootstrap.tfvars
for libvirt #900
asset/installconfig: fix survey for aws access key id #897
libvirt/cache: Display target OS version #866
vendor: remove #896
Only copy credentials for the cloud used to deploy OCP #854
docs: Drop ‘OPENSHIFTINSTALL ’ prefix #892
cmd/openshift-install/create: Add “up to” to “Waiting for …” logs #894
pkg/asset/installconfig/pullsecret: Use survey.Password #893
pkg/asset/installconfig/pullsecret: Point to #886
cmd: drop terraform version from version subcommand #868
*: remove support for environment variables #861
Revert “Revert “data/aws: Switch to m4.large”” #882
reduce permissions on bootstrap kubeconfig used by masters #879
cmd/openshift-install/create: Fatal Kube API wait timeouts #786
asset/manifests: Load Openshift asset from disk #872 Pedantic capitalization nit. #869
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Suppress “Unrecognized” for empty region #864
log,return error if console URL is not obtained #859
docs: dns is required for libvirt clusters #875
Revert “data/aws: Switch to m4.large” #858
docs: Fix supported platforms link in #865
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.5.0 #841
*: mirror tectonicClusterID as openshiftClusterID #817
asset/cluster: clean up logging messages #840
Move variables to constants #834
hack/get-terraform: Remove obsolete script #853
cvo: remove packages apiserver override #851
cmd/openshift-install/create: Drop newline from “Route found…” log #849
README: Consolidate supported-platform documentation #793
Switch to vendored terraform codebase rather than invoking separate binary #822
Scheduler and controller-manager ports for metrics #791
Provide the correct console URL #832
docs/user/environment-variables: fix typo #850
add logs at end of install for kubeadmin, consoleURL #806
add go version check to build script. #621
Remove some unused OpenStack volume config. #777
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Ask for AWS access key and secret #798
pkg/asset/installconfig: Pull AWS region default from usual places #688
Remove openshift-web-console namespace #800
libvirt: Add Terraform variables for memory/CPU, bump master to 4GiB #785
Replace references to tectonic with openshift #644
fix typo with kubeadmin password #787
Install qemu-kvm as part of Libvirt flow #690
Add secret for kubeadmin pre-idp user #771
Log more verbosely when waiting for bootstrap completion #778
bootstrap: Resolve the release image to a digest early in install #780
data: do not use kubelet lock file and boost log level #781
CHANGELOG: Add a closing paren to AWS instance types #779
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.4.0 #772
pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: Add /root/.docker/config.json #775 switch to cluster-bootstrap start #760
Add validation and choices to OpenStack installconfig #766
Change the ApiVersion to the correct #748
pkg/lineprinter: Add a wrapper for Write -> Print #730
Drop legacy cvo overrides #739
*: Point at for pull secrets #663
pkg/tfvars: Drop unused libvirt.DefaultIfName and similar #759
data/libvirt: Single coreos_ignition for libvirt_domain.master #756
data/aws/vpc: Drop aws_route_table data blocks #769
aws: Increase default master disk size to 120GB for IO #737
bootkube: Clearly pull release image once #764
data/aws: Switch to m4.large #765
data/aws: Bump default instance type from t2.medium to t3.medium #724
pkg/asset: Rename ingress config #754
cvo: remove (ignored) network-operator override #735
Revert “cmd/openshift-install/create: Allow hung watch” #741
asset/manifests: fix filepath for ingress crd #744
vendor: Bump hive to 2349f175d #740
docs/dev/operators: Drop docs for the CVO approach #733
pkg/asset: Add asset for ingress config #717
data/config: Drop ignition_worker #734
asset/machines/libvirt: switch to secret as source of ignition #731
pkg/asset/manifests/tectonic: remove unused dependencies #729
OpenStack Destroy - retry router interface when subnet in use #726
OpenStack Destroy - retry port delete when in use #722
manifests: use selector for etcd service #714
CHANGELOG: Remove ‘create’ subcommands from “Changed” #719
hack/release: Tag before building #718
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.3.0 #595
cmd/openshift-install: Remove deprecated commands #715
assets: make cert users system: prefixed #703
manifests: add missing asset dependency #716
installconfig: change default network blocks #712
manifests: new host-etcd service #694
gitignore: Anchor /bin to the toplevel #713
pkg/asset/machines: Add load balancer refs to master machines on AWS #684
Add missing BaseImage to OpenStack tfvars #706
openshift-install: log debug output to file #689
data/aws/vpc: Drop unused depends_on variable #699
Openstack destroy support, clean Swift container #702
docs: add some networking troubleshooting docs #669
data/data/bootstrap: add –pull-secret flag to mco bootstrap in #674
bootkube: CA for configmaps should not be base64 #692
pkg/tfvars: Drop YAML tags #695
OpenStack Destroy Cluster Support #391
data/data/aws/vpc: Drop ‘current’ from aws_region #686
security: Open ports 9000-9999 inside the cluster for host network services #683
bootkube: Add info to /etc/motd and a bit to /root/.bash_history #666
*: Drop tectonic-system namespace #682
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: Ask for libvirt version information #678
docs/dev/dependencies: Nest “Go” under “Build Dependencies” #676
docs/dev/libvirt: Update to {cluster-name}-master-0 #673
docs/user/troubleshooting: Add generic advice for getting pod details #664
scripts for nested-libvirt ci #625
Skip generation of dependencies for on-disk assets #639
pkg/asset/installconfig: Push platform-specific logic into subdirectories #667
Fix typo in libvirt instructions #670
pkg/asset/cluster: Push InstallConfig -> Metadata into subpackages #665
pkg/destroy/libvirt: Use prefix-based deletion #660
pkg/asset/installconfig/platform: Drop *PlatformType for types.{platform}.Name #659
pkg/types: Push platform-specific types (AWS, etc.) into subdirs #657
asset: use temporary directory for asset store in tests #661
Read OpenStack creds from standard paths #588
Replace tectonic-network-operator with cluster-network-operator #600
validate: remove unused prefixError function #655
cmd/openshift-install/create: Retry watch connections #606
pkg/destroy/bootstrap: Remove bootstrap from DNS for libvirt #614
docs/user/troubleshooting: Drop ‘sh’ highlighting from error message #652
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: Link to the new troubleshooting docs #651
target manifest-templates #592
docs: add troubleshooting guide #638
Drop phase 2 for kube-scheduler. #648
add logging info upon installer completion #643
Pass cluster CIDR info to controller-manager render call during bootstrap #612
data/bootstrap: Pull content out of pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap #510
pkg/asset/cluster: fix typo #640
pkg/asset/installconfig/basedomain: Document cluster-name subdomains #630
pkg/asset/installconfig/platform: Remove libvirt image prompt #637
pkg/asset/installconfig/pullsecret: Help for single JSON line #629
Add OpenStack team as reviewers #618
pkg/tfvars/libvirt/cache: Remove .gz suffix handling #626
manifests: add config map for root-ca #624
fix issue template #623
bootkube: remove ctrl mgr –disable-phase-2 after default change #617
asset/machines/aws: fix num of machine objects created. #613
cmd/openshift-install/create: Allow hung watch #615
Remove kube-dns from installer #548
add configmap etcd-serving-ca.kube-system #551
data/aws: Consolidate pivate and public load balancer target groups #609
data/libvirt: Drop local.hostnames #607
data/aws: Move S3 bucket to bootstrap module #608
cmd/destroy: delete cluster asset after destroying cluster #547
asset/ignition: fix bootkube and tectonic retries #604
assets: The CVO object name has changed #605
pkg/asset/machines/libvirt: allow empty machinepool #601
cvo: Rename the API object for CVOConfig to ClusterVersion #549
cmd/openshift-install/create: don’t log nil errors #603
cmd/openshift-install/create: Destroy bootstrap on bootstrap-complete #579
OWNERS_ALIASES: Yifan has moved on to other things :( #602
add an API for machinepool -> machinesets #573
data/aws: use nlbs instead of elbs #594
add secret etcd-client.kube-system #581
bootkube: drop phase-2 for kube-controller-manager #580
data/data: remove old unused etcd srvs records #598
data/data: update etcd srv records to cluster-name subdomain #596
bootkube: decouple temporary kube-proxy from controller manager phase 2 #593
checkpointer: remove from bootstrap #591
README: Add more hints about cleanup and reinstallation #532
docs/dev/libvirt-howto: Masters lack the admin kubeconfig #585
pkg/asset/manifests: Remove unused dependencies #587
Add if kvm is enabled checking step #582
bootkube: remove unused kube-core secrets #571
rhcos: implement image discovery for new pipeline #554
cvo-overrides: remove pod checkpointer operator #584
bootkube: remove apiserver –disable-phase-2 after default change #583
Docs/installer:update directory explaination for repo clone to avoid confuse when build #528
pkg/rhcos/ami: Update name filter to “redhat-coreos-*” #572
allow missing creds file when getting data for aws-creds secret #562
bootkube: drop control plane phase 2 master node daemonsets #557
pkg/validate/validate: Move SSH validation into pkg/validate #563
pkg/asset/manifests: Drop oidc-ca.crt #568
vendor: bump #561
drop deprecated mao config #518
Revert “docs: update libvirt provider repo” #559
update master ign file list to single master ign file #553
add cloud-creds-secret #427
Add SRV records for bootstrapping etcd using DNS. #526
Add OpenStack to clustermetadata.go #544
docs/design/cluster-bootstrap-flow: Drop obsolete docs #555
Bump kube-addon #546
asset/ignition: Drop binaries in /usr/local/bin #533
cvo-override: disable checkpointer operator on new namespace #541
Re-enable cluster ingress operator (remove from overriden set) #467
asset/ignition: use sdnotify in kubelet service #539
asset/store: try to reuse assets from state file #536
pkg/asset/cluster: tectonicClusterID or<name> deletion #535
asset/store: clean up logging and logic #534
CONTRIBUTING: Update the security contact for CoreOS -> Red Hat #531
asset/ignition: properly signal bootstrap complete #525
pkg/asset/store: Use the asset directory in StoreImpl.Purge #527
add explicit machineset label #519
Update libvirt cluster-api provider config version #523
pkg/asset/manifests/operators: Drop worker-ignition dependency #529
pkg/destroy/bootstrap: Fix cross-filesystem tfstate recovery #509
cvo-overrides: fix namespace for openshift-pod-checkpointer #524
asset/ignition: remove bootstrap node from cluster #515
cmd/openshift-install: Push creation under ‘openshift create’ #513
Docs: update instructions to install libvirt and libvirt-devel packages #514
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.2.0 #504
docs: add IP forwarding to libvirt doc #512
Update libvirt how to guide. #483
manifests: stripe workers across machinesets in each AZ for aws. #501
dev-dependencies: Just use yum
on Fedora too #511
docs/design/resource_dep: Rebuild after kube-core removal #508
pkg/asset/manifests: Drop TectonicVersion #507
vendor: Drop kube-core #506
*/BUILD.bazel: Remove leftover Bazel files #505
docs: add initial documentation for end users #503
cmd/openshift-install: Add ‘destroy bootstrap’ command #493
Docfix: fix libvirt destroy link #500
pkg/asset/filefetcher: Only load files on demand #497
pkg/asset: Fix name of libvirt master machine #499
pkg/asset: Add asset for Master machines #491
hack/ Check that source is in GOPATH. #474
assets: disable pod-checkpointer-operator during bringup phase #498
data/aws/vpc/vpc-private: Set worker subnet availability_zone #490
Re-disable the cluster-ingress-operator #496
pkg/asset: Introduce Load() into the Asset interface that loads assets (from disk) #374
pkg/asset/cluster: Drop redundant os.TempDir() #492
Tag master machines for adoption by machine controller #479
data/aws: Drop the bucket name #489
replace kube-core rendering with openshift operators render #420
Drop unused vpcID from OpenStack install config. #481
pkg/asset: add OpenStack machines.Worker assets #480
pkg/asset: Add asset for Worker machinesets #468
bootstrap assets: remove secret copy for kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler #469
ignition assets: fix progress event creation #471
bootkube: remove wrong optional override files #457
asset/ignition: add event on bootstrap completion #459
cmd/openshift-install: Fix “intall” -> “install” typo #463
pkg/tfvars: Drop AWS.Profile #466
pkg/tfvars/libvirt/cache: Close before renaming #464
pkg/asset/store: Use ‘%q’ for formatting quoted strings #460
CHANGELOG: Remove redundant ‘emacs’ #462
CHANGELOG: Document changes since v0.1.0 #461
Save assets in a state file on disk #388
docs/dev/libvirt-howto: Fix “firewalld-cmd” -> “firewall-cmd” typo #456
pkg/asset/cluster: Pull metadata into the Cluster asset #454
stop creating cvo static pod #435
New doc on how to integrate an operator #377
add etcd prometheus scraping label and remove old etcd port #450
remove mao appVersion #445
bootkube: use etcd-client-ca as serving CA of etcd #446
assets/manifests: switch from image source for mco bootstrap #443
pkg/manifests: drop old operatorstatus crd #439
add graph subcommand that ouputs the installer’s internal dependency graph #432
Add the service-serving-cert-signer CA secret #437
assets/bootkube: add etcd service and endpoints for apiservers. #431
remove unnecessary scc #434
fix copy statement #436
update to allow openshift operator to run #430
Switch cli to #429
pkg/asset: update tectonic-operators to drop all openshift apis #421
Add OpenStack OWNERS #428
Revert “Adds egresses to the worker and master” #419
*: removed unneeded configuration #422
pkg/asset/cluster: Drop duplicate path from “Failed to read tfstate” #424
cmd/openshift-install: Log Terraform errors when not in debug mode #423
pkg/asset: remove asset stocks. store asset state in asset itself. #344
asset/manifests: disable olm api server #425
pkg/types/config: Break into pkg/validate and pkg/tfvars #412
Fix OpenStack platform survey prompts. #418
pkg/types/config: Drop ParseConfig and other Parse* methods #403
asset/tls: simplify generation of keys and certs #417
README: Add console and cleanup information #402
Render openshift-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator assets #381
hack/release: Make it easy to cross-compile release binaries #397
Start rendering assets using cluster-kube-apiserver operator renderer #322
Change default tt0 cidr #410
Wrap all errors with context #400
manifests: add cvo-overrides #415
libvirt: increase master memory to 3GB #408
openstack: Adds egresses to the worker and master #407
cmd/openshift-install: Add Terraform version to ‘version’ output #399
pkg/types/config/libvirt/cache: Cache unpacked files as well #395
Fix typo in docs/dev/ #405 Document supported platforms. #401
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: Bring this back up to speed #398
Remove glide and switch it to dep #380
*: improve logging messages #375
Don’t allow dot at the end of domain name #359
cmd/openshift-install: Add a ‘version’ subcommand #390
pkg/asset/installconfig/ssh: Fix OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_SSH_PUB_KEY injection #392
hack/get-terraform: Use ‘go env …’ to support other platforms #356
*: Copy route53 baseDomain advice to openshift-install locations #353
Add ClusterVersionOperator to render operators at install. #330
build: read go path from go env #389
OpenStack provider support #144
pkg/destroy/libvirt: Add behind a libvirt_destroy build tag #387
pkg/asset: Check survey.Ask*() for errors #383
Update libvirt how to doc #384
vendor: bump apimachinery to 1.11.3 #382
pkg/types/config: Prefix “pull secret” in validatePullSecret #357
.bazelrc: Drop this orphaned file #371
fixes missed in PR #372 #376
userprovided: change AskOne to Ask as it doesn’t run Transform #378
data/data/*/inputs: Drop terraform_remote_state #373
vendor: Bump hive to a050d77562a1ae37fc2358e047edef10623fc6f7 #379
installconfig: libvirt image prompt #372
pkg/asset/installconfig: Add _CI_ONLY_STAY_AWAY_OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_AWS_USER_TAGS #364
docs/dev/libvirt-howto: Reroll for openshift-install #369
*: Drop Terraform steps #362
images: Drop stale images #363
*: remove the old installer code #342
README add to run hack/ #358
data/*: remove unneeded terraform templates #360
asset/manifests: include worker ignition config #361
pkg/asset/installconfig: Add OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_PULL_SECRET_PATH #352
pkg/asset/installconfig: Add input validation #350
Include in the fatal log message the name of the asset that failed generation #349
docs/libvirt: Add dependency installation. #315
Use CentOS 7 base for CI images. #347
pkg/types/config: Get the region from the install config #346
images/installer: Copy binaries separately #345
images/installer: Rewrite tectonic-installer for openshift-install #343
docs/libvirt-howto: add faq & troubleshooting #297 fix path to #341
hack/build: Add the local vendor directory for generate #340
docs: rework documentation #328
libvirt_prefix_deprovision: Fix “for name that are” -> “names” #327
data: Allow Terraform module bundling via vfsgen #332
hack/ Add a helper for pulling Terraform #333
build: add build script for new installer #326
Destroy: based on openshift/hive/contrib: aws_tag_deprovision
asset/*: allow prompts to be read from environment #320
examples/aws: Show how to list public Route 53 zones #317
installer/workflow: don’t regenerate tfvars #321
*: fix new install core #310
asset/cluster: Invoke terraform in a temp dir. #319
steps/infra/aws: sync libvirt default for ignition_bootstrap to aws #313
asset/ignition: include tectonic manifests #309
Add cluster asset to launch an openshift cluster #289
installer/pkg/config/libvirt: Caching for libvirt pulls #280
tectonic manifests #304
config: Only determine AMI for aws platform. #307
steps/bootstrap: Merge into the infra step #268
assets/ignition: add all kubernetes manifests #302
*: clean up AWS ELBs #242
build: enable pure builds #300
Fix stats summary endpoint for kubelet #303
asset/manifests: remove custom password generation #299
asset/*: re-implement user prompts #287
Revert “pkg/ipnet: Add DeepCopy and DeepCopyInto for IPNet” #295
asset/manifests: bootstrap manifest generation #286
fixing cmd and typo on the libvirt doc #293
adding details regarding using firewalld instead of the iptables #284
tests/run: Destroy with –continue-on-error #283
pkg/ipnet: Add DeepCopy(Into) support to IPNet #276
config/validator/s3bucket: remove TNC references #285
asset: Add TerraformVariables asset to generated tfvar files #273
tests/run: Change required IMAGE_PATH to an optional IMAGE_URL on libvirt #282
asset/store: log asset creation #279
pkg/types: Add DefaultMachinePlatform #278
*: provide a default OS image for libvirt #271
Enable parallel image pulls in kubelet #266
libvirt howto fix #275
modules/bootkube: update operatorstatus to namespaced #272
hack/tf-fmt: Fix default-argument injection #270
asset/ignition: clean up templates #259
steps/infra/aws/main: Fix Terraform format for module.iam #269
Add Terraform module for IAM resources #265
examples: Remove ‘tectonic.’ prefixes #261
pkg/types/installconfig: Fix ‘tags’ -> ‘userTags’ JSON serialization #260
installer/*: Add –continue-on-error to destroy workflow #252
Revert “hack/tf-fmt: Add a workaround for origin/release’s hardcoding v0.11.7” #258
Bump Terraform from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 #218
modules/bootkube/resources/bootkube: Restore –tmpfs #253
pkg/asset/ignition: add initial implementation #206
switch to crio #251
CONTRIBUTING: Drop stale structure-check references #248
installer/pkg: Lowercase some capitalized error messages #249
Machine api mvp #119
modules: services shouldn’t remain after exit #247
pkg/types/installconfig: Add AWSPlatform.UserTags #239
modules/aws/bootstrap: Pull AWS bootstrap setup into a module #217
fully qualify mco images #246
tests/run: Add a backend argument and support libvirt #231
fix typo in lifecycle/ignore_changes for workers #245
Documentation/design/installconfig: Drop this file #238
modules: attempt to make bootstrap more robust #244
github: remove pull request template #241
pkg/types/machinepools: Replace platformConfig with platform #237
tests/smoke: build with bazel’s “pure” mode #243
config: bump operator images #240
pkg/executor: fix executable path lookup #224
Use MachineConfigOperator instead of TNCO #232
*: use podman instead of docker #207
modules/libvirt/bootstrap: Pull libvirt bootstrap setup into a module #220
pkg/ipnet: Provide an IPNet structure with CIDR serialization #222
*: Remove stale Container Linux references #233
update smoke test CI image #228
use official red hat tooling image #227
*: Drop Jenkins #230
*: remove support for container linux #221
builder-run: Drop unused script #229
add Dockerfiles for ci #223
steps/infra: serialize master and worker domain sets for libvirt #226
modules/aws/ami: Use implicit provider inheritance #213
.*: generate and embed Openshift’s InstallConfig from Tectonic’s Config #205
pkg/types/installconfig: Drop DNSServer #216
libvirt: switch back to upstream terraform libvirt provider #214
*: Replace PullSecretPath with PullSecret #208
steps: consolidate a few steps #211
tests/run: Inject the SSH key via the YAML config #204
pkg/asset/installconfig/ssh: Discover ~/.ssh/*.pub #199
OWNERS_ALIASES: Add steveeJ to installer-approvers #203
docs/dev/libvirt-howto: get GOPATH from go #202
Revert “installer/pkg/config-generator/ignition: Ignore etcd node pools” #200
*: Drop the Tectonic license #92
OWNERS_ALIASES: Add rajatchopra and staebler as approvers #197
asset: Only persistent data to disk for targetable assets and tests refactor #196
hack: Add :z to –volume mounts #174
OWNERS_ALIASES: Define aliases for reviewers and approvers #184
tests/run: Make IAM role changes optional #172
asset: Add asset generation for kubeconfigs #160
modules/aws/vpc/vpc-public: Tag NAT gateways #195
modules/bootkube/resources/ Fix SC2034 for the signer ID #193
*: Replace ‘$(pwd)’ with ‘${PWD}’ #192
tls: Generate TLS assets through dependency graph #145
fix and clarify tests READMEs #190
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: Update platform choices (drop azure, etc.) #191
Documentation: update installconfig #189
installconfig: Replace ‘KeyPairName’ with ‘SSHKey’, and fix golint, uuid #188
hack: Run Go tools over ./… #185
*: remove etcd nodes #168
Update core operators with changes for route image and default config #183
Fix gofmt across repo #181
hack/go-fmt: Make it easy to auto-format Go #173
installer: stop validating the etcd node pool #179
Create asset graph engine #120
steps/bootstrap/libvirt: add pty to bootstrap node #176 Bump operator containers to work with selinux #175
tests/run: Drop jq from get-caller-identity #171
tests/run: Set aws.extraTags.expirationDate #169
tests/smoke/BUILD.bazel: Drop the ‘smoke’ target #143
tests/run: Use one Python invocation (no jq) for editing the config #166
*: implement new bootstrap process #162
config: Remove gcloudsdk #148
modules/aws/vpc/sg-elb: Split out aws_security_group_rule #156
tests/run: Shift “Generating SSH key-pair…” message into if block #147
modules/aws: Drop auto-scaling groups (ASG) #88
modules/aws/vpc/sg-elb: Fix name for TNC security group #155
Create a pty by default #142
libvirt: hardcode memory and vcpus, boost vcpu default from 1 to 2 #163
Create a dependancy between the libvirt network and virsh command adding a dns record #150
*: Assorted fixes to get e2e-aws working again (Calico -> Flannel, etc.) #151
dep: Update resource dependency. #159
libvirt-howto: fix sshKey
section name #154
Add note about how to cache terraform plugins #152
Example of granting local users in wheel access to libvirt #141
Update .gitignore #133
Travis CI: Remove Travis. #140
Ignore the vendor and .build directories when running shellcheck. #136
*: unify handling of ssh keys #127
hack/ Drop unnecessary script #135
Prow: add golint hack script #118
.travis.yml: Prune moved-to-Prow tf-lint, etc. #123
.travis.yml: Drop BAZEL_IMG #129
gitignore: bazel-openshift-installer #131
Documentation/design: drop docs regarding phases #124
docs: show the dependency graph inline #130
Documentation/dev: Remove libvirt RHCOS resize #128
hack/test-bazel-build-tarball: Pass args through to bazel build #125
resource_graph: Update the resource graph. #116
Move bazel build tarball test to prow #117
Remove bazel from test process, use ‘terraform fmt’ ‘go test’ #97
Documentation/design: replace ingress ca with kube ca #115
design: Add resource dependency graph. #100
Documentation: add asset generation using dependency graph doc #105
Prow: Add Terraform lint #109
Added go-vet shell script #110
libvirt-howto: update url to rhcos image #107
Jenkinsfile: Drop Quay push #106
tests/smoke/cluster_test.go: Drop unused networkingEnv #99
Prow: Add shellcheck to openshift/installer #104
Added yaml-lint shell script. Updated travis file to use yaml-lint sh… #101
scripts/maintenance/virsh-cleanup: Add a ‘.sh’ extension #96
tests/smoke/README: Drop references to the QA suite #102
MAINTAINERS: Drop stale file #98
OWNERS: Fix ‘aaronlevey’ typo and promote abhinavdahiya and wking to approvers #103
service_account: Use go code to generate service account key pairs #89
docs: Note how to auth kubectl on the master #93
Add some warnings around virsh-cleanup #87
changes: Drop the old Tectonic change log #90
.travis.yml: Convert comments to job names #80
scripts/maintenance: Fix dates (tomorrow vs. today, etc.) #77
images/tectonic-builder/Dockerfile: Drop license-bill-of-materials #73
images/tectonic-builder/Dockerfile: Drop stale installer ‘rm -rf’ #72
steps/topology/aws: Remove container_linux import #83
Documentation/design/installconfig: Reword embedding subsection #85
modules/aws/ami: Add a new module to get CoreOS AMIs #84
steps/etcd/libvirt: Fix obsolete local.etcd_count reference #82
scripts/maintenance/virsh-cleanup: Help with libvirt cleanup #81
Add tls assets for the clusterapi-operator #79
scripts/maintenance/ Skip $tag_file for unset –tag-file #76
modules/aws/vpc/vpc-public: Tag new EIPs with tectonicClusterID #78
scripts/maintenance: Support ~/.aws configs for region #75
modules/aws/etcd: Add a README #66
modules/*/target-defaults: Consolidate default counts for etcd #74
modules/aws/vpc/outputs: Drop join/split comment #68
scripts/maintenance: Assorted cleanup (stderr output, drop –workspace-dir, etc.) #34
modules/container_linux: Add a README #67
OWNERS: Configure Prow with approver and reviewer information #71
Documentation/dev/build: “tectonic-installer” -> “installer” #53
installer/pkg/config/fixtures: Bump to version 2.2.0 #64
images: Remove references to CoreOS Terraform #35
modules/aws/etcd/ignition: Drop hard-coded ignition_etcd_keys #65
installer/pkg: Drop “ignition-” from “ignition-*.ign” filenames #63
Documentation/variables: Drop stale docs #62
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: Don’t Sprintf string literals #46
installer/pkg/workflow/utils: Simplify findStepTemplates path logic #39
installer/cmd/tectonic/main: List ‘full’ first among ‘install’ subcommands #41
installer/pkg/workflow: Change public ‘Step’ to private ‘step’ #37
installer workflow: switch tls generation from terraform to go #58
docs: add rhcos instructions #60
modules/ignition: add initial support for rhcos #59
installer/pkg/copy: Factor out Copy into its own package #38
installer/pkg/workflow/utils: Format quoted paths with %q #40
examples/ Fix ‘#’ -> ‘//’ in etcd hardware URL #55
Documentation/design: add launch design #51
Design installconfig #45
Documentation/design: add prepare design #50
README: Document console URL #57
BUILD.bazel: Explicitly set file modes #54
Documentation/design: add init phase design #47
Documentation/design: add high-level workflow diagram #44
Documentation/design: add render design #49
installer/pkg: Replace writeFile with ioutil.WriteFile #42
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: add kube + tnc tls certs #22
installer/pkg/workflow/workflow: Fix “taked” -> “take” comment typo #36
WORKSPACE: Get back to bazelbuild/rules_go releases #28
docs: Consistent sh vs. console syntax highlighting #27
DCO: Update Linux Foundation address (to Letterman Drive) #26
*: Remove remaining tectonic-torcx references #29
update tectonic-installer -> openshift installer in docs and builder img #24
Change workdir in Dockerfile for prow CI #21
config-generator: add etcd TLS #23
installer/pkg/tls: add missing cert flags #20
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: add certificate validity #17
update installer library path #18
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: generate ingress certs #16
installer/tls: more general generateCert func #14
Fix gitignore #13
installer/tls: Add isCA as a tls flag #12
disable killAPI test #11
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: generate intermediate CAs #10
cleanup names in jenkins files and in readme #9
update README #8 bump operator images #3321
installer/pkg/config-generator/tls: generate root CA’s with go #3316
modules/bootkube: explicitly depend on docker #3320
update readme #3317
installer/pkg/* clean up of the workflow function names #3315
update issue templates #3314
*: remove container linux specifics #3312
*: remove unused systemd units #3311
Update tests readme #3310
installer/pkg/tls: tls package for creating and signing certs #3302
Clean jenkins jobs #3309
extend timeout of KillAPI test #3308
Update console path #3307
installer: clean up use of Platform type #3301
Update README with travis run output banner #3303
Platform cleanup #3296
*: use HTTPS when serving Ignition configs #3294
remove old config files for tests #3300
Cleanup testing suite - remove rspec #3295
Cleanup smoke tests #3298
modules/aws/vpc - Better security for master nodes #2147
modules/tectonic/resources: add TNC key/cert pair #3293
Cleanup #3292
installer: golang cleanup #3291
remove contrib govcloud #3286
*: connect to API server on 6443 instead of 443 #3290
Add a new CI Dockerfile for testing with CentOS and prow #3267
add etcd to node counts #3287
installer/pkg: remove container linux pkg #3281
installer/pkg/config: validate aws vpc cidr block #3277 bump operator images #3285
docs: instruct libvirt users to expand OS image #3282
installer/pkg: vix govet errors #3280
installer/pkg/config: remove old platforms #3278
Fix some typos in workflow/workflow.go #3279
*: remove k8s-node-bootstrap.service #3275
installer/pkg/config/aws: fix merge #3276
Add spec_helper #3272
Spike opentonic green #3270
intaller/pkg/config/libvirt: fix lint errors #3271
*: remove tls_validity_period #3262
installer: validate libvirt #3265
installer: validate admin #3261
installer/pkg/validate: validate pull secret and license paths #3260
installer: validate container linux fields #3264
TNC: platform support changes #3243
Documentation,examples: remove proxy #3263
Do not show every removed file in logs #3266
*: remove external etcd #3250
*: remove custom CA list option #3256
*: collapse two endpoints booleans into one field #3258 bump node controller operator #3259,steps: cleanup tectonic_ca #3257
expect 3 etcd nodes instead of 0 #3255
inst-1093: fix rm-assets race conditions #3254
examples: add admin section to aws config #3249
fix docs for containerized builds on systems with SELinux enabled #3253
Readme deps #3244
*: remove ddns options #3251
*: remove unused s3 bucket name option #3252
Disable slack notifications from PRs #3248
Jenkinsfile: remove wrapper around slackSend #3245
Bazel output #3242
Gazelle cmd #3241
installer/pkg: validate s3 bucket #3238
move vendor to root folder #3232
installer/pkg/config: validate cluster name #3236
Remove public resources in private VPC deployment #3240
İmprove libvirt documentation #3237
images: Pin bazel to specific version in docker image #3239
installer: allow empty cidr to take default #3233
modules,steps: enable existing vpc #3231
steps/tls: Generate TLS certificates in a new separate terraform step #3162
steps/masters: add libvirt support #3230
steps/joining_workers: add libvirt support #3228
Scale test #3193
Docs: add libvirt terraform provider install instructions #3227
clean up obsolete config #3218
examples: add missing required variables #3171
bump alm to 0.4.0 #3212 Bump tco. #3222
Libvirt support for bootstrap + etcd phases #3213
modules: eliminate bootstrap cleanup race #3224
installer: Fix the plural definition of the aws struct. #3219 Bump operators to beryllium-m2 release #3215
steps: bootstrap cleanup #3211 Change kube-addon-operator repo. #3205
bump tnco,tuo; #3206
TLS bootstrap using tnc #3174
Install assets only via Ignition #3183
add yaml2json support for admin vars #3189
remove tectonic_dns_name input variable #3186
disable cl channel check until INST-1053 gets in #3187
add cl update comment #3176
cleanup stale variables and fix rm-assets ign bootstrap s3 path #3175
cli: plumb-through per-platform steps #3164
Tf break down #3140
bootkube: Add tnc operator to render and manage tnc. #3157 bump default channel to 1.9-production #3163
Moved update-payload module to tectonic-release-automation repo #3152 Bump tnc version, also update the ignitoin endpoint URL. #3151
Correct bazel invocation example #3147
Etcd tnc #3079
README: update readme for UT2 #3139
Documentation: add bazeless docs #3138
cli: add ignition support #3120
*: cleanup bazel rules #3137
Remove platforms - azure/gcp/govcloud/vmware/openstack #3134
Cli: get terraform binary from inside the package #3131
tnc-config: Fix typo in the config. #3127
cli: change default log level to info #3126
tests: add master and worker role #3074
tests: Append instead of write to log file #3122
Cluster id fix #3054
frontend: Remove GUI for Track 2 #3067
Fixes that were missed in #2972 #3108
README: add instructions to build using Docker #3113
modules/vpc: support re-apply of terraform when aws AZ number changes #3092
tests: Raise error on failed tectonic / terraform command #3112
installer: remove terraform-provider-matchbox #3095
installer/tests: remove leftover commented test #3101
tests: Remove GUI tests #3100
installer,tests: stub out node pools #3088
tests: Adjust log-analyzer-copy to missing build folder #3064
Sep root and intermediate CAs #2972
Add tectonic tarball instead of repo to tectonic installer docker image #3056
run TNC as a static pod before cluster having state #3077
Fix typos in README #3091
Add validate Go package #3085
Add Tectonic CLI cluster configuration examples to tarball #3087
frontend: Fix AWS custom subnet validation bug when AWS region changes #3078
tests: Sanitize user input via Jenkins parameters #3076
installer,tests: standardize CLI flags #3081
Tnc bootstrap #3053
tests: Optionally trigger pipeline with specific git ref #3061
installer: Remove installer/Makefile #3068
tests: Adjust log archive step to new cli folder structure #3063
frontend: Remove unused url
and schema
validators #3065
modules/tls: add uuid function to created certs #3050
frontend: Fix final Submit button to disable after being clicked #3038
frontend: Change DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONFIG to FIELD_DEFAULTS and make Field’s default optional #3042
cli: add unit for generateTerraformVariablesStep #3055
docs/frontend: Remove out of date note about Redux actions #3060
add bazel test suite for cli units #3049
modules/container_linux: avoid shell #3045
Ut2 integration #3039
frontend: Remove Etcd radio “required” validator #3044
tests/frontend: Add more checks to deep field dependency unit test #3034
frontend: Remove field default check in configActionTypes.SET reducer #3035
frontend: Remove Matchbox fields from DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONFIG #3037
frontend: Async fixes and improvements #3033
frontend: Use Redux action creators for all action types #3019
frontend: Fix confusing Cluster Name validation error message #3020
frontend: Remove some uses of DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONFIG #3026
Build: remove +x flag from #3027
platforms/vmware: Use NodePort for tectonic-lb service #3016
Cherry pick PR 2954 #3010
frontend: Clean up batchSetIn() action #3008
frontend: Remove unused parameter #3006
frontend: Remove old check for progress files #3007
Cherry-pick OpenStack PRs #2998
Cherry-pick offline changes #2999
frontend: Get current version info from /tectonic/facts #2976
tests/frontend: Add AWS GUI test for external etcd and custom CA #2977
frontend: Add AWS Paris (eu-west-3) region option #2996
frontend: Remove inFly updates from validate() #3000
tests: collect boot logs from azure #2988
tests: all pods should be in running and none in crashloopbackoff #2740
frontend: Add message when in progress install is detected #2979
frontend: Remove ignored “payload” parameter for COMMIT_SENT action #2978
installer: ensure reproducible build of bindata #2990
bazel: ensure incremental changes to Terraform config bust cache #2993
azure: add option to enable boot diagnostics for VMs in azure #2846
tests: Add delay to ssh and update cl channel to beta #2955
build doc updates #2957
tests/frontend: Test that platform select has expected default value #2952
frontend: Add loading indicator for AWS VPC subnets and clean up #2942
frontend: Add React Error Boundaries to handle errors more gracefully #2943
frontend: Fix AWS regions duplicated error and add loading indicator #2935
tests/frontend: Better tests for file upload fields and clean up temporary files when tests complete #2926
tests: Archive tarball for release automation to consume #2968
Fix symlink from ignition vars to govcloud module #2966
tests: Run rspec tests out of bazel build output #2907
frontend: Fix state restore console.debug statement #2964
frontend: Add progress bar for Terraform destroy actions #2962
frontend: Use monospace font for Terraform log output #2961
azure: Allow configurable root volume disk sizes #2944
Installer: Move tectonicVersion and buildTime to /tectonic/facts #2947
frontend & tests: Disable metal GUI option #2951
frontend: Add additional info for AWS VPCs and subnets #2914
Azure: add German locations to fault domain map #2368
Remove obsolete git-version script #2939
buildvars: BUILD_TIME in ISO 8601 format #2938
bootkube: Add ingress namespace creation. #2921
Installer API: Add buildTime and tectonicVersion #2915
installer: support declarative x-compile #2927
tests/frontend: Add “id” attributes to simplify Nightwatch tests #2934
tests/frontend: Fix GUI tfvars test to wait until diff is complete #2933
frontend: Use external link icons more consistently #2913
tests/frontend: Update Matchbox credentials for GUI tests #2925
aws/azure: bump terraform provider #2902
frontend: Remove CSS rule that actually makes vertical alignment worse #2912
tests/frontend: Ignore tectonic_containerlinux * tfvars in GUI tests #2909 remove etcd and kubernetes versions. #2900
Bazel docs #2903
tls: add aggregated apiserver certs. #2850
tests: using CL beta in master branch #2878
docs: remove tls docs from tectonic-installer repo #2678
frontend: Add IP range start and end addresses to CIDR tooltip #2895
frontend: Minor dependency upgrades #2893
api: Remove unused const bcryptCost #2892
Support multiple clusters per Matchbox #2863
Build smoke #2879
api: Remove support for Terraform versions below 10 #2883
frontend: Merge make-node-form.jsx into nodes.jsx #2876
frontend: Fix style of nodes form error #2853
bump tls provider to 1.0.1 to fix ca cert subject #2844
frontend: Remove getControllerDomain() #2856
api: Stop adding unused tectonickube * variables to tfvars file #2865
frontend: Change minimum AWS node storage size to 30 GiB #2875
frontend: Remove unused clusterKind option #2857
move dns api key to a variable #2836
tests: not fail the post operations and send slack notifications #2816
tests/frontend: fix ui tests. to use the session role in aws #2847
Update #2837
frontend: Remove old AsyncSelect component #2789
frontend: Remove LoadVars function #2824
tests/frontend: Rename test files so that input and output file names match #2823
frontend: Small Platform field clean up #2822
frontend: Fix default platform when all supported platforms are disabled #2821
frontend: Don’t prefix AWS VPC label with its Name if that Name is empty #2820
frontend: Remove non-TLS etcd support from GUI #2796
frontend: Output custom subnet tfvars if Advanced Networking is opened #2795
frontend: Add Analytics events for all docs links, make target=“_blank” links easier to maintain #2780
operators: switch to kube-core operator. #2794
modules: fix ca-certificates mount src #2813
tests: Temporarily disable bazel tests #2827
tests: Add bazel build tarball to Jenkinsfile #2810
config: update tectonic-torcx to v0.2.1 #2799
Bump monitoring #2783
frontend: Remove 3 unnecessary comments #2811
Add bazel folders to .gitignore #2774
tests: add max log file size (1GB) feature #2791
frontend: Fix AWS VPC skip validation optimization #2788
frontend: Fix 2 htmlFor attributes #2787
frontend: Rename REMOVE_AT action to REMOVE_FIELD_LIST_ROW and simplify #2786
platforms/govcloud: add s3 support include in CL alpha #2781
Add terraform fmt test rule to bazel #2775
Bazel docs examples #2762
frontend: Add space-before-function-paren eslint rule #2779
modules/aws: add ec2_ami_override to etcd, master, worker nodes #1426
Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.3.0 #2770
module/update-payload: Include TNO in the payload as well. #2741
reconcile govcloud modules inputs #2759
frontend: Clean up FieldList and fix AWS tags validation #2723
frontend: Simplify app initialization by converting to a promise chain #2744
frontend: Switch to babel-preset-env and upgrade browserify to v15.2 #2743
docs/frontend: Add some information about the other Redux entries #2732
frontend: Merge file upload handlers #2731
frontend: Improve Matchbox error message #2722
frontend: Remove 10 master nodes limit #2755
platforms/metal: fix iscsi variable in Matchbox templates #2748
modules/ignition,platforms/*: Enable install behind HTTP proxy #2663
aws: remove ecr permissions #2745
modules/ignition,platforms/*: Add option to start iscsid service => master #2713
modules/tectonic: clean up unused variables. #2721
frontend: Fix AWS VPC validation when no subnets are selected #2730
frontend: Upgrade to React version 16.2.0 #2727
frontend: Fix Google Analytics Next event and clean up Base / Wizard #2724
bump tf aws provider to 1.7.0 #2725
removed version from operators that are unversioned #2720
platforms/vmware: Add ability to map VMs to datastores #2644
operators: Pin operators to master nodes. #2699
frontend: Set the default assets download filename to “” #2690
frontend: Upgrade React to v15.6.2 and other dependencies #2675
docs/frontend: Add Frontend Architecture doc #2673
frontend: Combine some navigation logic #2666
frontend: Handle case where cluster state data is not populated #2637
Fix spelling of console zone id output #2696
Fixed calico bug #2698
Remove region specification in aws basic smoke test #2694
tests: optimize logstash upload script #2693
Replace network manifests with tectonic-network-operator #2618
bootkube: change cluster config component name. #2680
tests: Set platform and spec for bare-metal #2686
tests: add bare-metal log files to ELK #2684
. : Add TUO into the installation and payload. #2375
frontend: Merge etcd.jsx and aws-define-nodes.jsx #2640
frontend: Remove filterClusterConfig() #2668
frontend: Filter out some Redux state when saving to sessionStorage #2667
frontend: Minor - Fix comment to say “Select” not “AsyncSelect” #2655
frontend: Remove out of date comment #2649
frontend: Remove “blurry” property #2642
frontend: Remove unnecessary Errors tags #2639
frontend: Fix detection of an in progress install in Trail logic #2636
frontend: Hide Start Over button until Terraform step completes #2635
frontend: Simplify AWS_VPC.canNavigateForward #2633
split aws and govcloud modules #2671
remove vanilla kube and self hosted etcd from govcloud #2662
Add govcloud support #2608
remove vanilla kubernetes #2629
frontend: Prevent unnecessary “validate” API calls #2628
remove self hosted etcd #2648
Do not create etcd roles if one is provided #2646 Remove images that are already managed by KAO. #2625
rspec/lib: pulls test image before running it #2632
frontend: Minor - Use arrow function shorthand for toPath() #2634
examples: Provide tectonic_aws_extra_tags example #2565 tco to 0.6.2. #2624
frontend: Remove unnecessary try / catch #2619
Reconcile #2623
tests: Enable teams to run component tests via provided containers #2490
Alm #2621
tests/frontend: Add a page refresh on the last wizard page #2622
Added cloud provider to addon-operator config #2616
frontend: Fix AWS VPC subnets resetting to defaults after page refresh #2620
tests/frontend: Ignore fewer TF vars #2582
BUILD => BUILD.bazel #2610
frontend: Add help text for Download Assets button #2606
Documentation/tls: Document TLS topology, add user provided examples #2605
frontend: Remove installer progress self-hosted etcd step #2603
tests/frontend: Add GUI tests for invalid AWS credentials error handling #2583
frontend: Don’t output tectonic_dns_name TF var for bare metal #2566
frontend: Major Form / Field clean up #2518
frontend: Make autoFocus use more consistent #2602
frontend: Fix TF action title when action is neither apply nor destroy #2595
frontend: Minor - Whitespace clean up and put region lists together #2596
frontend: Remove unneeded exception when getting AWS hosted zone domain #2597
Build system using Google’s Bazel #2221
tests/frontend: Diff AWS GUI test output against smoke test input #2581
tests: Remove unused tectonic_aws_az_count var from smoke test input #2552
modules/platforms: move api to 6443 #2559 Bump TCO to 0.6.1 #2549
modules/update-payload: repair payload generation after #2486 #2575
platform/vmware: Revert vsphere provider version to 0.2.2 #2564
platform/vmware: Add missing ignition vars on masters #2563
frontend: Fix display of error message when AWS credentials are invalid #2572
tests: Add new GUI bare metal test that outputs tfvars for smoke test #2551
tests: Extend ReadMe to mention merge into target branch #2527
tests: add jenkins build status #2557
MAINTAINERS: update maintainers file #2555
Install addon operator. Remove addon installed components #2486
operator: Update kvo manifests for 184 kvo. #2546 Bump KVO to v1.8.4-kvo.3 #2536
tests: change logic for the kv filter #2530
Change GUI AWS test to output tfvars for smoke test #2457
frontend: Fix max value validation for instance count fields #2528
frontend: Remove unused updateField() parameter #2526
frontend: Fix so that Deselect checkbox triggers AWS VPC form validation #2525
frontend: Require use of ES6 object and function shorthands if possible #2524
tests/frontend: Support multiple GUI end-to-end tests runs #2511
aws: add etcd iam custom role #2520
tests: Exclude bare metal platform from gcp only trigger #2529
Change smoke test env docker image to debian #2479
Bump console to v2.6.2. #2516
tests: Run conformance tests on all platforms nightly #2506
Bump console to v2.6.1. #2509
modules/tls: make certs a list #2504
tests: Add comment for after
order #2491
tests: fix console tests #2501
Revert “modules/update-payload: fix payload gen failure introduced by #2465” #2485
tests: change jenkins git sb variable #2500
Bump OpenStack provider to 1.1.0 #2493
Bump console to v2.5.3. #2498
modules/tls/kube/self-signed: Make list explicit #2494
tests: Move logs to build folder #2425
tests/frontend: Rename some test files #2467
tests: make keypairs unique #2482
modules/tectonic: add network config to cluster config #2146
modules/update-payload: fix payload gen failure introduced by #2465 #2475
frontend: Fix bug where master’s volume IOPS was also used for workers #2478
tests: add git branches as attributes #2474
Removed addon operator managed manifests and added installation of addon operator #2465
modules,platforms: variables cannot be “version” #2471 Update Calico from v2.6.1 to v2.6.3 #2466
frontend: Remove progress file save / restore functionality #2448
tests/frontend: Test more fields on the AWS Nodes page #2468
tests: Build smoke test env image without cache #2470
platform/gcp: add more docs and diagram #2379
tests: Run forensic steps on any failure #2438
add ct into smoke test image for sandbox #2459
tests: add rspec_tap for output #2463
tests: change rspec output format #2458
frontend: Fix Nightwatch test diff output and make it more readable #2452
frontend: Small getExtraStuff() code clean up #2450
modules/net: Disable Calico termination grace period #2462
tests: log upload feature #2455
Revert “bootkube/tectonic: remove cluster-config.” #2456
tests: change logstash logic #2440
modules/bootkube: unify self-hosted etcd #2449
frontend: Remove unused getExtraData() methods #2444
frontend: Remove ClusterInfo.canNavigateForward hack #2416
Tests: Refactor var naming #2446 Bump kvo and kubernetes version. #2427
tests: Make sure create_resource
raises error on failure #2335
kube-flannel-cfg: enable hairpin mode #1640
sync var names for better coherency #2431 bump dex to 2.8.1 #2412
tests: Add comment for future reference #2426
modules/aws: detect-master assumes lb #2420
modules/ignition: remove comments to make user-data fit #2422
platforms/aws: Pass tectonic_self_hosted_etcd variable to bootkube module #2406
modules/ignition: introduce runtime-mappings.yaml #2039
platforms/metal: Add initrd argument to kernel cmdline #2346
*: Upgrade Tectonic Monitoring to 1.8 #2407
Bumping nginx #2370
frontend: Remove <option> “selected” attribute #2415
frontend: Combine toVPCSubnet() and toVPCSubnetID() #2414
frontend: Remove commitToServer()’s unused “opts” parameter #2413
tests: Bump conformance test timeout #2378
platform/aws: remove duplicated variables #2408
module/tectonic: Asset cleanup after successful installation #2358
modules/bootkube: be explicit about runtime #2396
bootkube/tectonic: remove cluster-config. #2376
Allow specifying of AWS profile #2320
frontend: Fix resetting the AWS existing subnet dropdown #2404
frontend: Don’t set custom subnets unless those fields have been edited #2403
frontend: Remove validator extraData param #2405
bootkube: fix up managed-by annotations. #2402 Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.2.5 #2401
Bump console to v2.4.0. #2390
fix wrong var generation #2386
test: fix typo / some error in frozen strings and save archiveArtifacts #2372
platform/gcp: add gcs support for upload assets #2364
platforms/aws: set fqdns correctly if internal zone is disabled #2392
modules: retry init assets #2384
tests: update dns names #2388
frontend: Remove some unused CSS classes #2385
frontend: Remove unused FIELD_TO_FORM #2387
frontend: Fix handling of errors when loading IAM roles from AWS API #2380
frontend: Remove redundant CSS class “wiz-dirty” #2383
frontend: Remove unnecessary entries when saving progress file #2382
frontend: Fix /terraform/apply error message display #2365
test: update azure regions #2373
frontend: Clean up CSS for input prefix and suffix #2367
bootkube/pod-checkpointer: remove -v=4 #2289
tests/frontend: Remove redundant tectonic_admin_password_hash deletes #2356
platforms/aws: fix missing tectonic_dns_name #2353
frontend: Fix to not clear “extra data” when dependencies are unsatisfied #2350
frontend: Check for “extra data” errors when doing field validation #2351
tests: Choose right commit sha #2337
ci: update scan repository trigger #2348
platforms: Standardize flannel-vxlan references #2202
module/tls: Make TLS validity period configurable #2314
modules/ignition: move metadata service to dropins #2308
frontend: AWS Credentials page validation fixes #2342
Fix variable naming for vmware networks, remove unused variable vm_network_label left over from PR #2282 #2297 Bump kvo to v1.7.9-kvo.5 #2330
openstack, designate: Remove unnecessary DNS zone variables #2340
platforms/openstack/neutron: Bump openstack provider to 1.0.0 #2339
platform/gcp: add iam support with service accounts and scopes #2324
tests: added the logstash upload feature #2296
tests: Host Azure base domain on Route53 #2331
frontend: Stop using field validators to achieve side effects #2312 Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.2.4 #2326
frontend: Improve Networking page column sizes #2317
Bump console to v2.3.4. #2307
tests/frontend: Change Nightwatch tests to output tfvars files #2316
tests: Run conformance tests with ruby logic #2291
platforms/vmware: Add missing etcd_count var #2304
tests: get overview of all env variables #2290
tests/ci: add more time to the PR trigger #2293
Bump console to v2.3.3. #2299
frontend: Strip protocol from external etcd URL #2301
frontend: Change etcd address field from host input to URL input #2270
fix external etcd cluster support. #2288
Send credentials when checking release version #2295
update vsphere arguments to reflect changes in 0.4.2 provider #2285
tests: Add docker client to tectonic-smoke-test-env image #2110 update node-agent. #2287
module/dns: aws now uses the route53 module #2177
tests: add with_retry and small refactor #2245
platform/gcp: add specs for HA cluster #2272
tests: Remove redundant container removal step #2278
Add ability to map VMs to network gateways #2282
platforms/vmware: Add ability to map VMs to port groups #2279
frontend: Remove unused “vcpus” attribute from instance types list #2277
frontend: Clean up “dirty” / “clean” actions #2275
frontend: Minor clean up to remove 2 unused consts and 3 unneeded exports #2274
tests/frontend: Add tests for AWS “Create a new VPC” network options #2268
README: Fix broken links to openstack and vmware #2271
platforms/vmware: Add ability to assign VMs to resource pools #2250 Bump kvo to bump console. #2267
platforms/vmware: Add ability to span virtual datacenters #2223 Bump kvo to the latest. #2238
Bump console to v2.3.2. #2261
frontend: Add warning if pod IP range might conflict with Docker Bridge #2079
platforms/vmware: Add ability to span VMware clusters #2229
Revert “modules/dns/designate: Fix buggy zone creation” #2247
tests: Remove unused param reference #2259
frontend: Improve bare metal Matchbox Address page spinner #2215
tests/frontend: Change GUI end-to-end tests to use same input files as the GUI unit tests #2217
frontend: Migrate AWS VPC page from WithClusterConfig to Connect #2257
frontend: Fix etcd address field to not ask for a port number #2253
modules/tectonic: change rkt->docker #2244
README: Fix RHEL link #2249
Bootstrap #2230
Bump console to v2.3.1. #2239
kube-dns.yaml, identity/services.yaml: Add targetPort parts. #2227
platform/gcp: improve tests support #2178
Bump console to v2.3.0. #2226 Bump tectonic version to 1.8. #2224 Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.2.3 #2222
Removed the CriticalAddOn toleration as it is not used #2195
frontend: Fix Cluster Info page’s next button after Start Over #2199
frontend: Remove 3 unused “validator” attributes #2206
platforms/openstack: Set apiserver advertise address to master LB FIP #2204
platforms/openstack: Bump provider version to 0.3.0 #2203
modules/dns/designate: Fix buggy zone creation #2201 Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.2.2 #2197
frontend: Clean up AWS regions #2133
docs: remove link to self-hosted #2196
platform/gcp: namespacing resources by cluster_name #2167
tests: do not check the host key when ssh #2192
tests/rspec/lib: ensure CL version is available #2193
Add check for see if bootstrap failed and then run Forensic script #2136
frontend: Migrate CIDR inputs to Connect #2182
frontend: Fix Tectonic license and pull secret errors to be strings #2190
frontend: Remove unused UPDATER field #2161
frontend: Remove “undefined” CSS class #2138
frontend: Fix label capitalization for 3 fields #2165
frontend: Couple of minor code clean ups for the nodes page #2173
Remove duplicate updateStrategy #2179
docs/bootstrap: clarify docker details #2181
frontend: Remove most DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONFIG initial entries #2166
*: bump tectonic monitoring to 1.7.0 #2194
azure/vnet: custom vnet error when using module #2187
platform/gcp: bump terraform-provider-google to 1.1.0 #2140
frontend: Fix to not modify state when saving progress #2135
frontend: Unify the AWS and BM cluster name inputs #2132
frontend: Add command line option to specify the secrets directory #2191
tests: Improve wait_for_bootstrapping #2176
tests: run kill-api-server test last #2168
tests: Fix ssh mount and pass tectonic email + password #2144
Increase Memory Limits #1977
tests: Bump wait_for_bootstrapping timeout #2142
tests: Remove PHONY flag from bin/smoke Make target #2143
CORS-326 update cluster config names to contain version #2145
examples/ #2131
test: refactor ssh creation #2137
tests: Make cluster base domain configurable #2040
modules/tectonic: rename utility config from ClusterConfig
to UtilityConfig
tests/rspec/lib: retry if ssh times out #2128 pin external provider to 1.0.0 #2107
modules/tns: extend TLS validity period to 3 yrs #2127
frontend: Automatically load Tectonic license / pull secret if they exist on disk #2062
frontend: Minor - Use configActions.set() in unit tests #2108
frontend: Upgrade some dependencies #2122
frontend: Remove unused “sequenceActionTypes” #2119
frontend: Remove unused serverActionTypes.COMMIT_RESET #2120
Extend testing for external contributors without admin rights #2060
Add MAINTAINERS file #2061
frontend: Clean up use of configActions’ set() and setIn() #2081
frontend: Clean up platformToFunc #2080
modules/ignition: ensure –cloud-provider is set #2087
tests: Clean workspace with root before any test execution #2076
Update nginx ingress controller to 0.9-beta.15 #2033
frontend: Fix platform dropdown default value when AWS is disabled #2068
frontend: Clean up Dropdown component code a bit #2069
Bump console to v2.2.3. #2074
frontend: eslint - disallow multiple blank lines #2073
tests: fix updated css in the console #2063
tests: Programmatically curl specific PR id #2054
Bump docker image versions in Jenkins jobs #2050
tests: Fix outdated test documentation #2056
Bump console to v2.2.1. #2057
updater: Add toleration and node selector for tco to schedule it to master #2052
tests: Improve testing documentation #2055
Fix Security Groups to correct node port range #2053
tests: Deduplicate code logic in Jenkinsfile RSpec execution #1839
Fix Tectonic builder Terraform version scheme #2047
tests: Remove unused + tfvars file #2036
modules/bootkube: Fix cluster-config object #2044
Bump Tectonic Console to v2.1.1 #2032
modules/bootkube: remove critical pod annotation #1702
Added addon config to cluster config #2014
frontend: Migrate BM_Matchbox from WithClusterConfig to Connect #1997
frontend: Add the ability to set IAM role for master / worker nodes #1994
frontend: DefineNode clean up #2026
examples: run make examples
tests/frontend: Increase timeout to account for slow test environment #2027
frontend: Minor radio label wording fix #2019
frontend: Merge Field’s isValid(), isValid() and validationData () #2018
aws: fix deprecated property name for iam roles #2012
frontend: Migrate CertificateAuthority from WithClusterConfig to Connect and use Radio component #1962
*: remove trailing whitespace #2003
frontend: Make dropdown “placeholder” style different from normal text #2000
modules/tectonic: Add cluster-config.yaml #1933
frontend: Remove experimental features and AWS entitlements code #1978
frontend: Remove commented out IP component code #1989 kvo v1.7.5-kvo.6 #1986 bump hyperkube v1.7.5_coreos.1 #1983
Bump Tectonic Console to v2.0.2 #1984
frontend: Remove self-hosted etcd option from GUI #1971 bump kvo, node-agent, and tco versions. #1946
frontend: Increase GUI test timeout to allow time for generating assets #1951
frontend: Migrate BM_Credentials from WithClusterConfig to Connect #1948
Update changelog with 1.7.3-tectonic.2 #1896 bump dex to v2.7.1 #1944
frontend: Upgrades plugin used to get the version of installer #1941
bootkube: fix misplaced managed-by label. #1937 bump dex to v2.7.0 #1936
modules/bootkube: add managed-by annotations. #1934 Update tectonic-cluo-operator from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 #1935
Remove accidentally-committed node_modules and yarn.lock. #1931
frontend: Some refactoring of Base, Pager and tooltips #1901
Upgrade Console to v2.0.0 #1927
bootkube: Rename kvo-config.yaml to cluster-config.yaml. #1928 Update tectonic-cluo-operator to v0.2.0 #1924
frontend: Fix AWS Terraform apply progress bar heuristic #1917
frontend: Fix Terraform destroy error message being too long #1919
modules/dns: Only create public DNS records if public IPs exist #1904
frontend: Remove gap between <textarea>s and their validation errors #1907
frontend: Upgrade GUI test dependencies #1899
frontend: Remove SubmitDefinition’s render state that is never executed #1900
Add kvo config configmap #1897
tests/frontend: Add some navigation tests #1886
tests/frontend: Add more Nightwatch tests for AWS #1891
ci/maintenance: Add more date formats to filter when using grafiti to clean aws resources #1890
tests/ci: update slack channel for hyperkube and nightly trigger #1882
tests/frontend: Fix GUI test flake, add more AWS Networking page tests, tests clean up #1884
tests/ci: fix dsl issue #1858
tests: fix hyperkube test description #1881
tests/ci: fix wrong job name #1879
tests/ci: Add trigger and code in jenkinsfile to replace Hyperkube image #1878
Improve UI for Tectonic Install failed case #1781
Tests: pin Ruby version for tools like rbenv #1851
tests: Add hint to README for license and pull secret path #1874
*: update etcd-operator to 0.5.0 and bootkube to 0.6.2 #1876
tests: add aws region tot he exported variables #1873
tests/ci: add 2 hours difference between tag and clean #1872
RSpec: recognize AWS profile and session token types of credentials #1864
frontend: Upgrade chromedriver to v2.32.1 #1870
frontend: Upgrade eslint to v4.6.1 and eslint-plugin-react to v7.3.0 #1871
Fix terraform resource churn #1826
modules/tectonic: remove updater enabled statistic #1612
tests: Enfore consistent name for local clusters #1861
frontend: Minor - Use mapDispatchToProps shorthand for SubmitDefinition #1860
Double dash flag consistency. #1829
tests: Extend README to explain how to run smoke tests locally #1863
tests/ci: add tectonic-conformance-tests to jenkins code #1681
tests: Transition AWS plan to RSpec #1837 Update flannel-cni to v0.2.0 #1796
tests: Update GitHub PR testing process #1833
tests/frontend: More Nightwatch improvements #1849
tests/ci: add azure cli to hard delete azure resources #1823
tests: Move aws network policy smoke test to RSpec #1838
Update nginx ingress controller to 0.9-beta.12 #1807
Spelling #1855
frontend: Add id attributes to the session token radio inputs #1853
tests/frontend: Fix and simplify setField() helper #1848
test/ci: fix issue in dsl #1850
test/frontend: add way to use Session token or normal aws cred in UI tests for aws #1844
tests/ci: Keep Jenkins build logs for at least one week #1846
tests/ci: add slack notification to #tectonic-installer channel #1845
frontend: Remove Pager’s loadingNext prop that is never set #1835
frontend: Fix sidebar “Boot Cluster” links for bare metal #1830
frontend: Upgrade Chrome Driver to v2.32 #1840 updated for tectonic 1.7.3 release #1817
frontend/tests: More Nightwatch test improvements #1813
frontend/tests: Add additional check to Nightwatch setField() helper #1821
frontend/tests: Increase GUI test timeouts #1832
tests/ci: fix the check boolean in the jenkins job #1822
frontend: Add some missing rel=“noopener” link attributes #1827
tests: reduce machine type and count #1795
Documentation/*: Delete files moved to tectonic-docs repo #1810
modules/openstack: Create custom sshd config #1073
tests: Correctly run rubocop #1815
tests/ci: add slack notify when azure destroy fails #1814
tests: Always run terraform_destroy in aws vpc test #1812
Doc/tut/sandbox/install: Download via form, not direct url #1806
frontend: Don’t expect cidrSize() to return undefined & whitespace fixes #1799
Create AWS subdir #1798
frontend/tests: GUI test fix #1805
tests: fix GUI test #1800
frontend: Add Start Over button back to install screen #1803
tests: add sleep when waiting for vpn connection #1802
frontend: Fix eslint react/jsx-no-target-blank warnings #1789
frontend: Add restore modal errors for unsupported or disabled platforms #1790
frontend: Move BM network config page after nodes config and add the CIDR size warning for BM #1792
aws: implement public endpoints option #1751
Add install guide to Sandbox overview #1797 Bump TCO to 0.5.3, KVO to v1.7.3-kvo.3. #1777
tests/maintenance: fix typo #1794
README: some minor tweaks #1688
docs: update the RHEL package version #1709 update for 1.7.1-tectonic.2 / 1.6.8-tectonic.1 #1700
Doc/tut/azure: Add Azure tutorial #1773
tectonic-sandbox -> sandbox #1785
Update version string to 1.7.1-tectonic.2 #1784 update TPO to 1.5.2 #1774 bump dex to v2.6.1 #1780
tests/ci: add multibranch tectonic-installer jenkins job #1696
frontend/tests: Add Nightwatch navigation tests & more test clean up #1762 Bumps console to v1.9.3 #1769
frontend: Better validation of email addresses. #1767
frontend: Add comma thousands separators for IP address count #1764
frontend: Remove Start Over link from Start Installation page #1772
frontend: Remove duplicate logic for determining Tectonic Console domain #1763
platforms/openstack/neutron: Revert DNS change for workers #1765
frontend/tests: Nightwatch tests improvements #1753
docs: vmware - manual step to support latest CL stable #1758 bump TEO to 0.0.2 for CRD migration #1757
Integrate CRD migrations #1748
Documentation: note that we support updates in beta phase #1752
frontend/tests: GUI Tests README fixes #1741 Copy old signature to sig.old if it exists already. #1749
modules/update-payload/payload.json: fix after #1699 #1746
frontend: Show error if retry tf apply fails. #1745
Updated for Tectonic - 1.7.3 Release #1699
modules/tectonic/resources: remove creation timestamp from console deployment #1739
Documentation: update lifecycle doc to be more accurate #1214
frontend: Add warning for small pod IP address ranges #1711
Update Calico to v2.4.1 release #1637
module/bootkube: Fix anti-affinity labels / selectors for controller manager and scheduler. #1719
modules/openstack: terraform fmt openstack #1727
*: separate etcd-operators, self-hosted vs as a service #1683
Azure: correct API endpoint FQDN when using external DNS #1725
modules/openstack/secgroups: Enable Port 80 for workers inside cluster #1716
modules/tectonic/resources: pin components to masters #1722 Fix the payload for kubernetes desired version. #1715
Revert “Use kubernetes version for anti-affinity.” #1718
Revert Change all AppVersion TPRs to CRDs.
modules/tectonic: fix CRD API group #1714
modules/tectonic/resources/manifests/updater: Change all AppVersion TPRs to CRDs. #1704 Include AppVersion’s metadata in desired versions. #1707
docs: vmware ssh-agent documentation #1636
docs: vmware - multiple DNS server use in vmware #1624
frontend: Install UI fixes and clean up #1695 update update channel to tectonic-1.7-production #1705
Documentation: fix documentation that is breaking PRs #1703
docs: fixing broken links. #1620
docs: clarifying bare metal requirements lists. #1654
frontend: Bring back tooltip for CIDR inputs with tests #1685
azure: Remove hardcoded Container Linux version #1668
Use kubernetes version for anti-affinity. #1667
platforms/openstack/neutron: Add LBaaSv2 for masters #1120
openstack: Restrict security groups for insecure and internal ports #1516
frontend: Fix “Go to my Tectonic Console” button for bare metal #1694
frontend/tests: Add BM test error for missing environment variables #1692
metal: Removing extra “[]” from metal templates #1691
etcd: tectonic_etcd_count is supported on cloud platforms #1662 update for 1.7.1-tectonic.1 #1525
Remove extra “[]” from OpenStack templates #1562
docs: moving Azure from alpha to stable. #1690
README: remove CI badge #1689
frontend: Fix tooltip preventing editing of CIDR inputs #1684
tests/ci: add missing label to restrict where to run #1676
tests: Refactor cluster logic to use inheritance for different platforms #1673
frontend: Add link to Bare Metal requirements doc #1674
Doc/install/azure/azure-terraform: Expand azure install doc & style cleanup #1680
tests/ci: fix missing paramenters and wrong bash syntax #1671
tests/ci: add tag/clean aws jenkins jobs as a code. #1564
tests: Add option to trigger PR with and without smoke tests #1658
aws: Retrieve all route 53 hosted zones #1641
frontend: Upgrade eslint-plugin-react to v7 and other eslint rules #1661
docs: tiny editorial pass. #1652
frontend: Switch progress bar to gray if Terraform apply fails #1655
installer/scripts/maintenance/: AWS tag and delete scripts #1239
frontend: Installation Complete page changes #1648
frontend: More .eslintrc improvements #1649
frontend: AWS access keys do not always begin with AK. #1653
tests: Trigger forensic scripts in rspec tests #1608
kvo: update to v1.7.1-kvo.6 #1646 update node-agent to c021a49 #1642
eslint v4 #1645
frontend: Improve Terraform apply progress bar accuracy #1619
frontend: Fix back button / stop storing current pathname in Redux #1631
tests: Add upstream terraform trigger #1444
tests: Enable concurrent PR builds #1609 bump TCO to 0.4.1 #1630
Fix typo in vmware docs #1628
Escape pipeline characters #1583
docs: Update version string to 1.7.1-tectonic.1 #1627
modules/update-payload: Make sure TCO always updates itself first. #1622
frontend: Start Installation screen - destroy UI changes and code cleanup #1602
frontend: Upgrade react-router to v4, advance to next screen when enter key is pressed #1377
kvo: bump to v1.7.1-kvo.5 #1611
Move docs from /tutorials to /admin #1593 Remove ‘alpha’ warning from doc #1581
Bare metal - Replaced hyphens with underscores in .tf files #1555
docs: updating bare metal install index. #1520
docs: editorial pass on Account page. #1577
docs: update rhel installer doc #1511
scripts: fix make dist
frontend: .eslintrc improvements #1603
frontend: Installation Complete screen - remove Back and Start Over links #1600
modules/bootkube: always deploy etcd operator #1598
frontend: Add JS error reporting. #1582
platforms/metal: disable etcd member when using external etcd #1599
modules/azure: disable TX checksum offloading #1586
docs: adding upgrade troubleshooting doc #1561
kvo: v1.7.1-kvo.4 & regenerate update payload. #1584
frontend: Installation Complete screen assets download and UI changes #1502
frontend: Replace Apply Succeeded info box with actions menu #1570
Makefile: add a structure check for the update payload #1528
kvo: v1.7.1-kvo.3 #1572
Update to tectonic-monitoring 1.4.1 #1574
azure: Add support for Azure managed disks #1542
Bump console to v1.8.5 #1571
frontend: Remove Container Linux Update Channel input #1260
vmware: Add VMWare LUN support #1082
frontend: Add progress bars to Start Installation page #1535
modules/update-payload/ fix shellcheck issue #1566
Azure - Replaced hyphens with underscores for Azure #1534
Update signing scripts #1512
Openstack - Replaced hyphens with underscores in .tf files #1554
ci/tests: fix build status in the #1485 Update S3 localtion for the payload. #1551
Update version strings to 1.6.7-tectonic.2 #1550
kube-version-operator: update to v1.7.1-kvo.2 #1548
frontend: Add quote char rules to .eslintrc #1541 update Console to 1.8.4 #1544
frontend: Update example files to fix frontend tests. #1537
Bump console to v1.8.2. #1532
frontend: Pass retry to backend. #1536
modules/dns/designate: Define admin_email variable #1521
frontend: Add eslintrc brace-style rule #1533
frontend: Minor - Remove unnecessary div #1530
troubleshooting/ add clean up steps #1440
Fix typo #1529, payload.json: Bump TCO to 0.4.0. #1513
kvo: 1.7.1-kvo.1, tco: 0.4.0 #1522 update for 1.6.7-tectonic.2 #1524
Revert “ update for 1.6.7-tectonic.2 / 1.7.1-tectonic.1” #1518
admin/ add documentation on self-hosted etcd on Tectonic #1435
Revert “modules/update-payload: Add an option to enforce payload.” #1500
config: Alphabetize lists for easier maintenance #1354
installer ux: add K8s client progress into installer status screen #1192
frontend: Fix Platform default to be AWS using GUI #1503
Bigquery test #1475
frontend: Four Bare Metal nodes validation fixes #1352
frontend: Add AWS and Bare Metal options under “Advanced Installer” #1292
Bump Tectonic console to v1.8.1. #1499
Fix undefined variables in upload-payload/ #1488
Changelog updates #1394
editorconfig: Use tabs to indent go files. #1491
frontend: Success.canNavigateForward() should just return false #1453
modules/update-payload: Add an option to enforce payload. #1473
Document resource tagging issues #1393
tests/conformance: bump conformance image tag #1486
docs: provide guidance for internal VPC installs #1450
Console configmap takes cluster name #1371
tests/ci: Wipe the workspace when finish the build. to fix the permission denied issue #1436
tests/conformance: update conformance script with tectonic admin credentials. #1470
Bump Tectonic Console to v1.8.0 #1472
Remove typo caused by pasting #1484
readme: fix broken step for running tests on local machine #1429
Run ‘grafiti’ as cleanup step after AWS smoke test failure #1263
kenc: bump to 0.0.2 #1451
docs: adding note for AWS VPC tagging. #1201
docs: updating to match TLS status. #1408
docs: adding AWS token expiration note. #1248 Update Container Linux Update Operator to v0.2.2 #1448
*: bump tectonic-builder to v1.35 #1447
modules/tectonic/resources: make console service ClusterIP #1441
images/tectonic-builder: Added ‘grafiti’ build step to image #1442 bump image deps (incl. hyperkube 1.7.1) #1403 Bump dex image #1438
installer/pkg/terraform: remove logs dir from #1434
docs: fixes command line errors for scaling workers … #1349
frontend: Add loading spinner to restore modal #1392
tests: Prevent permission denied errors #1400
tests/aws: Remove tectonic_admin_password_hash/email from the tfvars to use jenkins env variables #1421
Makefile: remove generated .terraformrc when running make clean. #1424
tests/azure: parametrize docker image for azure in jenkinsfile #1422
frontend: Add explanation text to restore modal #1395
Update nginx ingress controller to 0.9-beta.11 #1418
Jenkinsfile,images: bump to Go 1.8.3 #1413
installer/scripts/release: add Terraform license #1409
Add “react/jsx-indent” rule to .eslintrc and fix indent errors #1396
Smoke tests: Print logs if matchbox or dnsmasq fail. #1406
frontend: Clean up GUI tests. #1391
Use $(MAKE) instead of “make” #1387
frontend: Remove modal outline when focussed #1378
Makefile: Fix .PHONY directives. #1386 update tectonic versions #1372
modules/update-payload: Retain cluo manage-agent behavior #1250
frontend: fixes broken tests because of tectonic_aws_external_private… #1374
frontend: Upgrade react-router to v3.0.5 #1364
frontend: After restoring progress file, skip to next screen of wizard #1366
frontend: ignores the value of AWS_SPLIT_DNS in progress files #1373
baremetal gui tests #1215
docs: print platform lines explictly #1323
Update version string to 1.6.7 #1362
admin/ingress: /etc/host -> /etc/hosts #1359
frontend: fixes #1328… #1333
Docs: metal-scale updates #1307
tests: Make tectonic builder-image configurable #1338
frontend: removes split-dns off option… #1347
Doc/install/b-m/index: Update req’d CL version #1345
Revert “Merge pull request #1314 from estroz/autoscaling-group-tags” #1341
modules/*/etcd: pass client certs to standalone etcd #1337
aws: remove worker access from etcd nodes #1321
frontend: fixes #1327… #1332
AWS Internet Gateway tags #1294
Test deep validation #1322
Apply ‘extra tags’ to autoscaling groups #1314
Fix broken references/paths #1320
Test field extra data #1305
Jenkinsfile: bump smoke test timeout to 60 minutes #1283
frontend: add AWS to field label #1324
Jenkins: CI test using a flake-resistent Terraform build #1247 Bump kvo to v1.6.7. #1309
Test infly #1304
Test field ignores and friends #1298
Bump kube-dns 1.14.4 #1301
Bump hyperkube to v1.6.7_coreos.0 #1299
installer/tests/sanity: add a test that ensure all manifests are created #1066
troubleshooting/ add user documentation on using bootkube recovery tool #1290
tests/conformance: bump kube-conformance image. #1308
AWS Volume tags #1306
docs: add logic tree for troubleshooting general failures #1279
frontend: Adds width for the logo #1296
bootkube/etcd/tls: align certificates with etcd operator and bootkube #1276
tests/smoke/README: update smoke test docs #1291
tests: use a fixed, unknown password… #1289
Bump kvo and tco #1232
frontend: Adds version and platform information to labels #1287
frontend: If Terraform apply fails, stop later step spinners #1274
frontend: Fix next step tooltip & allow tooltips to apply to multiple elements #1281
frontend: Fix 3 Bare Metal UI typos #1284
frontend: Add links to assets zip docs #1264
platforms/aws: set controller manager’s timers to work around ELB’s TTL #1224 Bumps console to v1.7.2 #1270
frontend: Fix text on Bare Metal Define Masters / Workers pages #1261
frontend: Fix AWS starting up message typo #1262
installer/frontend: add git short SHA + dirty flag to the header #1254
docs: fix command syntax errors #1173
Refactor fe tests #1227
tests/conformance: update tectonic-builder image #1249
frontend: Change AWS docs link to open GUI installer docs #1237
Async invalid #1225
vmware: enable tls for staticly-provisioned etcd #1153
tests/conformance: avoid early termination of script #1238
tests/smoke/aws/: grafiti cleanup hook if smoke test fails #1198
tests/conformance: remove double quotes for docker run command #1236
tests/conformance: remove double quotes to make bash docker run happy #1234
tests/conformance: disable shellcheck for docker run command #1230
updater: Move operators and appversions into subdirectories. #1203
frontend/tests: adds a unit test for synchronous invalidation. #1216
docs: adding ssh-agent note. #1190
docs: adding rhel #1195
tests: add a script to implement kubernetes conformance tests. #968
frontend: Fixes logic to determine if a new version exists #1204
tests: increase smoke test timeouts #1213
frontend: adds form validator unit test #1205
Use shellcheck v0.4.6 #1206
Jenkins: print systemd logs #1177
release.groovy: make it to use ec2 workers and consistent w/ Jenkinsfile #1196
frontend: Don’t let users enter AWS creds with starting/trailing spaces #1197
frontend/tests: add a couple of tests for the validation framework… #1193
tests/smoke/cluster_test.go: increase timeout/delay for getting pod logs #1185
api: Pretty-print JSON tfvars. #1191
modules/bootkube: fix kenc.yaml indentation #1188
docs: first draft for modifying installer params. #789
docs: edits as a result of qa’ing #1182 bump images to latest available versions (incl. v1.6.6) #1128
Upgrade Node.js #1181 Bump console to v1.7.0 #1176
modules/aws/etcd/ change hardcoded value of IOPS to 100 #1166 Update CLUO from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 #1178
modules/tectonic,tests/smoke: make stats URL configurable #1172
Clean up smoke test code and begin automating QA tests #1150
Jenkinsfile: Keep up to 100 builds. #1160
frontend: Hide AWS provisioning form for metal etcd #1175
frontend: Adds helper text for etcd instances #1145
Jenkinsfile: change the AWS credential being used & assume-role in private VPC smoke test #1174
Move stats-emitter initContainer to final field. #1142
Jenkinsfile,images/tectonic-builder: use upstream BOM, don’t sudo install #1162
frontend: Consistent order of tectonic license & experimental features #1161
docs: updating VPC peering note. #1041
Tests failure was a false positive. Destroying ASG timed out. *sigh*, terraform. #1143
bootkube: Add required pod anti-affinity field with proper label selectors. #1129
m/tectonic/r/m/etcd/cluster-config.yaml: add resource requests #1146
*: add manifests for tectonic-etcd-operator and tectonic-etcd appversion #1124
*/etcd: enable tls for statically provisioned etcd #751
modules/tectonic: remove operators from experimental flag #1136
installer: Removes –version flag for the installer #1131
frontend: Fetches the latest release from github to display in the header #1064
frontend: Fix typo in GUI message #1130
Shellcheck everything #1126
update-payload: Fix “make payload”. #1125
frontend: Updates GA events to have send value as ‘platformType version’ #1110
platforms/vmware: make license and pull secret optional #1112
Fixed GUI Header Dropdowns Overlapping #1104
Monitoring fixes #1105
Move sanity tests #1091
There is a mistake in the kubectl delete line. #1108
frontend: This fixes the GIT_RELEASE_TAG undefined error #1097
docs: controller-recovery Tectonic 1.6 label updates #1045
tests/smoke/aws/vars: reduce test node count #1098
tests/smoke/aws: enable destroy retry for vpc test #1090
frontend: Ensures that GA events are sent only for release tags #1076
GUI tests: Use headless Chrome #1075
ELB Name is CLUSTER-api-int #1083
modules/aws/ignition/resources/ remove non-existing var #1089
contrib,tests: add private vpc smoke test #1059
frontend: correctly track async state changes… #955
Fix typo #1086
modules/aws/ignition/resources/ add retries to avoid races #1072
tests/README: change baremetal to bare-metal #1079
Doc/install/installer-win: Make links relative #1068
README: follow CoreOS writing style and other cleanups #986
docs: adding pointer to requirements doc. #1032
Jenkinsfile: retry destroy on AWS Smoke until #1017/#1054 are fixed #1077
GUI tests: wait for platform select to be visible, not body. #1074
Doc/install/installer-windows: Add doc to install from win/dockerCE host #1067
GUI Tests: show browser console logs #1063
Integration gui installer tests to run on jenkins #1024
Implement BYO node IAM roles #785
Doc/: Update versions in controller-recovery and workload-sep #985
{Jenkinsfile,tests/smoke/aws/}: Fail stage upon assume-role err. #1023
Retry fetching AMI list #1021
docs: adding security vulnerability reporting. #1019
to smoke tests #1022
vmware: Fix incorrect file modes #994
Fixed misspelling in #1016
git-version: always use commit as part of the version #967
Documentation: Document failure domains of dex for tectonic. #842
Add Bare-Metal smoke tests #521
Jenkinsfile,examples,tests/smoke/aws: add custom ca test #987
tests/smoke/aws: simplify updating test policy #1005
frontend: Validate lengths of AWS key/secret. #1006
Installer GUI tests #688
tectonic-installer/Documentation/admin/ add instruction on how to add a service account #957
modules/aws/ignition: template awscli #984
modules/aws removes most timeouts … #946
Compare latest/current release using semver instead of !== #983
Jenkinsfile: Fail tests if someone forgets to commit yarn.lock #976
Jenkinsfile,tests/smoke: assume minimum role #974
images/tectonic-builder: add awscli to image #980
Update Terraform to v0.9.6 #882
Provide masters access to s3:HeadObject and s3:ListBucket #796
Shellcheck #972
Send GA event for next #973
frontend: Adds header to the installer #963
installer/scripts: Use HTTPS in #969
frontend: Link to https versions of AWS docs. #971
Dockerfile: Download NodeJS over https. #970
modules/aws: add missing cluster prefixes in tags #807
modules/aws/master-asg: switch ELBs’ health checks to using SSL targets #964
installer/scripts/release: do not include . in release tarball #966
frontend: Move experimental features to new Connect UI. #965
frontend: Move cluster-type.jsx to new Connect/Form pattern. #956
Make more robust. #947
Test with long cluster names (28 chars) #920
tests: improve test directory structure #930
Enable timestamps for Jenkins output #944
modules/tectonic/resources: updating the identity deployment to be more resilient #856
Test with a max length cluster name. #914
frontend: Restrict AWS cluster names to 19 chars and all lowercase. #929 Add missing file extension to link target #913
docs: adding Scale cluster to terraform docs. #817
Makefile: parallelize frontend & backend tests. #917
Makefile: Remove extraneous CGO_ENABLED=0 #916
frontend: Only show ‘Passwords do not match’ error if user has entered passwords in both fields. #910
jenkins: timeouts #909
docs: add terraform version to install docs. #811
docs: updating image to match current Tectonic Console. #613
Documentation: Reference matchbox v0.6.1 release #883
docs: Changing page to folder index. #790
Documentation/*: Update version strings to 1.6.4-tectonic.1 #871
frontend: Don’t make poweron steps substeps. #906
tectonic-installer/Documentation/admin/ add instruction to add a user to a cluster / namespace #899
Makefile: merge frontend makefile into installer. Split linting & testing. #700
Jenkinsfile: test experimental features #862
docs: edit role list to reflect reality #898
installer/scripts: Exclude matchbox from tarball releases #901
tests: wait longer for clusters to come up #891
Documentation/admin/ Add instruction to assign an administrator to resources within a cluster /namespace appropriately #872 Bumps console to v1.6.3 #902 add a note about max size for the service CIDR #878 bump k8s version #890
frontend: Port credentials page to new forms. Add password confirmation. #884
jenkins: fixes typo #888
frontend: Use Alert component for styling errors. #885
frontend: Autofocuses on newly added tag input #870
jenkins: echo github release stuff #886
frontend: Sort ssh keys alphabetically. #879
frontend: Default to 3 nodes for AWS masters & workers. #881
testing: do not use ap-southeast-1 until we figure out why it flakes #877 bump etcd operator to v0.3.0 #867 Bumps console v1.6.2 #868
: IAM policy with permissions required by installer #756
frontend: Default to disabled value in dropdown. #863
modules/bootkube: fix kenc #860
infra: a janky delete script :-/ #858
Change many components to run as user ‘nobody’. #813
modules/bootkube: move kenc to experimental dir #827
frontend: split-dns-copy #836
README: remove link to jenkins #853
Replace all occurences of path.cwd #829
Jenkins: Fall back to build id if change id doesn’t exist. #852
Fix 838 (2) #843
Fix broken links in the RBAC/LDAP docs #845
monitoring: add cpu usage recording rules #839
frontend: Updates text for experimental operator #816
docs: remove reference to windows installer. #709
GitHub issue template #651
frontend: Adds a dropdown for disabling the creation of private r53 z… #788
Smoke test bail apply #823
Move licenses JSON file to root #673
docs: reformatting controller doc for consistency. #661
Documentation/admin/ add documentation for SAML integration with Tectonic Identity #513
release.groovy: minor updates to the release script #781
Jenkins tests: Don’t set tectonic_etcd_count to 3, as that currently breaks tf destroy. #753
Jenkinsfile: fail test if terraform destroy failed #747
installer/scripts/release: drop Terraform binary on Windows #730
frontend: Follow dependencies when validating forms #720
*: Revive release automation. #741
server: Log HTTP requests. #728
Revert “Always cache go builds with -i” #732
cluster names/bucket names #714
platforms/metal: Fix race condition adding workers #722
Always cache go builds with -i #721
Filter logs for credentials #646
docs: clarify ‘n’ in workload separation table #676
frontend: fixes some non-deterministic async/xhr #719
installer/vendor: Update terraform-provider-matchbox to v0.1.2 #717
frontend: fixes running async validation when we shouldn’t…
platforms/metal: Add NoSchedule taint to controllers #698
frontend: fixes error cycles… #701
update-payload: add signing script and require sig upload #697
Server: Don’t add an extra newline to logs about serving local files. #696
frontend: fixes master/tectonic DNS validation #685
frontend: move bm clusterinfo to framework #684
frontend: btns for bm nodes - previously passed tests #681
Move bcrypt(password) logic from backend to frontend #677
Make download assets work again. #674
Documentation: Fix links to logging manifests #675
docs: adding terraform get command. #669
License collection #540
frontend: bug fixes for fieldlists: #662
Docs: bump aws download installer url. #659
readme: update platforms #652
Legacy cleanup: immediate follow-up #655
frontend: Remove line about assets being required. They’re not. #654
installer: Remove dead code #325 add a bit more detail to changelog #638
frontend: Better define nodes for baremetal #603
builder-run: correct the path for tectonic-installer #641
Release script fixes #609
Fix link #635
docs: adding a page for manual boot. #594
frontend: Add doc link to dry run. Remove unused save-assets.jsx #633
config: Bumps console to v1.5.6 #631
restyles terraform failure btns #621
frontend: Destroy session in window.reset() #620
frontend: Fix JS error when choosing VPCs. #618
frontend: Add support for getDefault() in Connect() #615
frontend: Move terraform-related buttons & errors next to terraform step #614
Tolerate API errors while waiting for Pods to be ready #605
docs: updating text and images to match installer rc. #500
*: add a changelog file to keep track of changes in each release. #542 update tco version and correct tectonic version #496
modules/…/monitoring: revert label changes #580
frontend: Re-populate FileArea if file is the same. #578
frontend: Default subdomain to cluster name. #560
docs: add invalid tag node #600
Fix license and pull secret / reenable Pod logging test #590 Bumps console to v1.5.5 #588
Documentation/install/bare-metal: Minor clarifications for CLI flow #586
installer/scripts/release: add examples/ to the release tarball #546
Document build prerequisites #568
frontend: Make clickable area in nav links bigger. #555
frontend: Clean up styling of poweron page. #558
platforms: rename tectonic_metal_matchbox_http_*endpoint*
to url
Documentation/install/bare-metal: Document ssh-agent requirement #566
modules: fix typo in CLUO resource creation #559
Always destroy clusters after smoke #551
config: Updates console to v1.5.4 #549
config: Updates console to v1.5.3 #548
Metal UI cleanup #532
Clean workspace after build #544
Documentation: s/1.5.6 ⁄1 .5.7/ #543
Define master_count so that baremetal works again. Broken by PR #468. #539
*: standardize on k8s-app label #517
server: Calculate tectonic_kube_etcd_service_ip from service CIDR. #541
modules/update-payload/*: Add cluo into tco’s payload. #534
frontend: Scroll only if user is scrolled to the bottom of logs. #504
Documentation/install: Update bare-metal GUI docs #523
*: Add RollingUpdate strategy to DS manifests #516 Updates console #519
modules/tectonic: scale self-hosted etcd nodes #468
platforms/aws/route53: delete records before deleting the zone #526
frontend: Only send etcd tfvars if experimental operators are disabled. #533
frontend: Fix test that didn’t exist when region tfvar PR was merged. #530
frontend: Fix region list. #527
platforms/aws: configure AWS region #509
installer/assets: Bump node-agent #511
Various cleanups #490
frontend: remove unused legacy baremetal/aws stuff #510
Documentation/install/aws: update the tectonic installer run command #506
Document aggregated logging #424
Use /var/log/kubernetes for apiserver audit logs hostVolume #502
Run sanity tests #334
platform/metal: bootkube module etcd_endpoint takes no port now #503
installer/scripts/release: add terraformrc.example to release tarballs #498
Temporarily remove windows from release binaries. #495
platforms/metal: Fix missing kube_version_image that was stripped #497
server: Only list terraform platforms. #486 update dex version #487
Clean up git-version script. #433
server/terraform: create the executor next to the installer #442
. : Add ‘make payload’ and updating the payloads #418
Remove etcd gateway #443
Configure audit logging for kube-apiserver #314
frontend: Scrolls to the bottom of the logs when show logs is selected #481
installer/assets: bump dex to v2.4.1 #473
Documentation: describe workload-separation #407
images/: introduce the sources of a few container images used in the installer #429
tectonic: stop capturing 400x errors in default ingress backend #406
platforms/aws: apply tags to internal route53 zone #465
platform/metal: Add kubelet-env.service to workers #474
frontend: Bump console to v1.5.1 #472
Documentation/install/aws: specify go version 1.8 #475
platforms/azure: swap default instance size #385
frontend: Send subnet ids to backend in correct format. #438
Bump bootkube v0.4.2: new pod-checkpointer + cloudprovider in bootstrap assets #436
Extend timeout for terraform apply test #440
frontend: Bumps console to v1.5.0 #432
Documentation: update prerequsities in usage docs. #376
resources: add container-linux-updater #366
Only create minimum number of NAT gateways needed #415
server: Clean up error msgs for restoring execution session. #428
Update external links on the last success screen #425
baremetal-tf GUI #359 upload signature if present #421
frontend: Make placeholder values #aaa #420
Bumped gogo protobuf version to fix test dependencies #419
*: Update metal platform docs and links #412
modules/aws: Add kubelet-env.service to get the kubelet image version. #251 Fix the path for sourcing the helper script. #388
modules/aws/vpc: lock down security groups #408
Docs: clarify audiences and use-cases #383
platforms/metal: Add etcd_service_ip input to bootkube module #411
installer/scripts/release: bump matchbox to v0.6.0 #344
glide.yaml: Fix unpinned dependencies in glide.yaml #403
change terraform link to 0.9.4 #401
Use worker root_volume vars for worker module, not master vars #399
Documentation/*: Merge tectonic/Doc into tectonic-installer/Doc #394
Ignore AMI changing on worker launch config #375
frontend: Update yarn.lock file. #396
*: add self-hosted etcd experiment #135
terraform apply retry button #393
platforms/metal: Hack to allow a single terraform apply #378
Set default iops for master, etcd, worker root volumes to 100 #368
installer/…/success.jsx: Update links to kubectl install doc #391
frontend: Fix some tfvars in clusterconfig. #395
ingress config: Disable http2. #381
installer/server/terraform: add an option to retry terraform apply
manifests: add toleration to node-agent #365
scripts: Don’t require S3 to make a tarball. #324
Bump to k8s v1.6.2 + bootkube v0.4.1 #360
platforms/metal: Template versions into CL configs #361
platforms/metal: Rename some etcd inputs that changed #358
Revert using post block until cleanup script is created #343
server: Better error messages. #321
frontend: Upgrade JS dependencies. #326
installer/scripts/release/make_release_tarball: Revert breaking review #323
Makefile: Add ‘${BUILD_DIR}/.terraform’ to the dependency of ‘make destroy’. #322 Fix terraform fmt of #317
Update to use console v1.4.1. #313
installer/scripts: add TerraForm binary/templates to release tarball #283
Add bare-metal platform alpha #266
Add build status badge to #295
Ensure bin directory exist before building tools #304
Fix jenkinsfile #276
frontend: Fix protocol test after old PR was merged. #302
frontend: Hook up custom subnets for AWS Terraform installer. #287
frontend: Add basic protocol tests for AWS terraform. #300
frontend: Scroll to bottom of terraform output. #293
frontend: Updates console to v1.4.0 #292
Improve paths to license / pull secret #290
frontend: Hook up experimental operators in Terraform GUI. #285
frontend: Add reset button on bootup page. #291
fix leftover template_folder and make requirement #280
frontend: Adds styles for terraform logs on the poweron screen #284
frontend: Send more tfvars to backend. #271
Default to AWS Terraform in GUI installer. #279
README: remove make terraform-download #277
Migrate more manifests to k8s 1,6 #281
{modules/,platforms/}: fix TerraForm format #275
Fix .gitignore and add missing vendors #273
Catchup two commits since the open-sourcing #270
modules/aws: limit docker log file sizes #244
platforms/aws: by default create the VPC for the user #259
Documentation/install/aws: fix dead link to AWS variables #258
console: Add flags for token revocation in console and update dex. #231
aws/init-assets: fix systemd dependency #200 bump console to v1.3.0 #199
modules/bootkube: disable alpha API groups #171
*: Update kubelet-wrapper env vars and node-agent #179
Update Dockerfile and fix syntax checking #176
Add syntax formatting make targets #160
switch AWS names to Azure names #161
Use instead of #164
Docgen update #162
Improve AWS, Azure, Tectonic variable descriptions #154
docs: add next steps to access Console, kubeconfig #155
Documentation: regenrate variable docs #149
Restructure files for release #137
tectonic: more resilient tpr wait function #124
openstack: add example configuration #125
platforms/aws: hint using heredocs for CA in terraform.tfvars.example #127
Update Azure docs #129
Makefile: use a specific TerraForm release with terraform-download
Assortment of fixes #123
platforms/aws: add terraform.tfvars.example #119
Documentatin: aws: fix dns documentation #109
README: cleanup and reorganize #105
Docs: expand Azure & AWS guide, add troubleshooting #104
azure: rename “k8” resources to “api” #98
Docs: split up README by platform #89
azure: add note on how to scale workers #97
neutron: add ports and set up allowed_address_pairs #78
Azure: Make cloud_provider templatable. Set to empty-string for now. #83
Align Azure to standard layout / plug in bootkube #73
modules/tectonic: use base_address instead of domain #71
Makefile: introduce localconfig and installerconfig #69
*: make license/pull use paths #70
Move AWS specific variables ouf of the root config & Add missing container images #68
openstack: use generated assets, *: conform to directory conventions #65
Documentation: start documenting conventions and directory structure #63
add some more top-level config vars #47
automate input/output doc gen per platform #44
Add Dockerfile with Terraform #43
Extract node types and number of AZs from cloudformation #13
openstack/aws: automate generation of terraform variables #10
openstack/nova: replace cloud-init with ignition #7
network: move etcd and worker nodes to a private subnet #4
etcd: use etcd gateway, use etcd fqdn as provisioned by tf/route53 #2
WIP OpenStack prototype #1
NOTICE: Bump copyright year #9
update code of conduct copy #8
code-of-conduct: initial commit #7
Bump copyright year #4
CONTRIBUTING: add reference to golang style guide #5
Clean up and other bits of template-project #2
fix( Fix title case #1
Full changelog
UPSTREAM: 502: Upgrade (#502) #502
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Separate CA configuration for pulls vs catalogd services (#1673) #1673
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Revert “UPSTREAM: <drop>: Separate CA configuration for pulls vs catalogd services (#1673)” #1673
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Separate CA configuration for pulls vs catalogd services (#1673) #1673
Full changelog
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Separate CA configuration for pulls vs catalogd services (#1673) #1673
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Add support for SSL env vars to cert pool watcher (#1672) #1672
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Revert “Add support for SSL env vars to cert pool watcher (#1672)” #1672
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Revert “Separate CA configuration for pulls vs catalogd services (#1673)” #1673
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github