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oc adm release extract --tools Team Approvals:
Blocking jobsaws-serial Succeeded periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.6-e2e-aws-serialazure Succeeded periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.6-e2e-azureupgrade-minor Succeeded release-openshift-origin-installer-e2e-aws-upgrade Informing jobs Upgrades from:
Upgrades to:
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2023-08-04 20:22:00 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:54dd3e0c77f4f05d5b9d29099685335158dc7f7f568141ed4103a1a654248f29
New images
Rebuilt images without code change
OCPBUGS-46994 : CVE-2024-45338: bump to v0.33.0 #282
OCPBUGS-46197 : CVE-2024-45337: bump from v0.30.0 to v0.31.0 #281
OCPBUGS-45562 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #280
STOR-2016 : Rebase to upstream v1.34.0 for OCP 4.18 #276
OCPBUGS-40959 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #277
OCPBUGS-37088 : UPSTREAM: 2108, 2115: Fix allocatable volumes count for vt1 and g4 #274
STOR-1598 : Rebase to v1.32.0 for OCP 4.17 #272
OCPBUGS-36943 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #273
OCPBUGS-34232 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #268
OCPBUGS-31101 : UPSTREAM: 1966: Add missing instances to instance store volumes table #261
OCPBUGS-30468 : CVE-2024-24786: bump to v1.33.0 #259
OCPBUGS-23260 : UPSTREAM: 1919: Add reserved-volume-attachments #260
STOR-1575 : Rebase to v1.26.1 for OCP 4.16 #257
OCPBUGS-25500 : UPSTREAM: 1877: CVE-2023-48795: bump to v0.17.0 #252
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #248
OCPBUGS-25549 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART #250
OCPBUGS-25197 : UPSTREAM: 1858: Bump otelhttp to fix CVE-2023-45142 #249
OCPBUGS-25126 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART #247
OCPBUGS-24867 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART #246
OCPBUGS-24072 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART #245
STOR-1400 : Rebase to v1.25.0 for OCP 4.15 #244
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump #237
OCPBUGS-19101 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #235
OCPBUGS-16491 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: Bump goproxy to resolve CVE-2023-37788 #233
OCPBUGS-17280 : UPSTREAM: 1711: Bump to fix CVE-2023-3978 #229
OCPBUGS-16783 : Chore: Update OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES #228
STOR-1167 : Rebase to v1.18.0 for OCP 4.14 #222
OCPBUGS-10816 : Volume unmount repeats after successful unmount, preventing pod delete #224
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #220
OCPBUGS-12297 : UPSTREAM: 1505: bump go + golangci-lint #223
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #218
STOR-1019 : Pin to v0.26.1 #217
OCPBUGS-6355 : Rebase to v1.15.0 for OCP 4.13 #215
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #214
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Remove .github files #212
STOR-860 : Rebase to v1.11.4 for OCP 4.12 #206
OCPBUGS-1574 : UPSTREAM: 1398: Add resolver to handle custom endpoints #208
Fix older dockerfile #207
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #202
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #201
Bug 2074279 : UPSTREAM: 1210: Update for CVE-2022-27191 #200
Bug 2050173 : Fix build on ARM after rebase #198
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #197
Rebase v1.5.1 #195
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #192
Bug 1988371 : Rebase to v1.2.0 for OCP 4.9 #190
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #189
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #188
Bug 1962415 : Rebase v1.1.0 #187
Bug 1955474 : Rebase v1.0.0 #185
Bug 1932152 : UPSTREAM: 809: Cap IOPS when calculating from iopsPerGB #184
Bug 1942883 : Rebase to v0.10.1 #183
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
Add BZ component to OWNERS #181
Bug 1932229 : Rebase to v0.9.0 #180
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #179
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #178
Bug 1913289 : Rebase to v0.8.0 for OCP 4.7 #176
Bug 1872251 : Upstream: 555: Vendor deps #172
vendor: bump aws sdk for sts webhook authentication #175
Bug 1876935 : UPSTREAM: 568: Apply extra volume tags to EBS snapshots #174
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #173
Full changelog
Revert “OPNET-629: Use HAProxy monitor endpoint instead of API” #342
OPNET-629 : Use HAProxy monitor endpoint instead of API #336
OCPBUGS-48194 : Bump logrus version #338
OCPBUGS-45431 : Updating ose-baremetal-runtimecfg-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #335
OCPBUGS-44694 : Extend haproxy-monitor fall time #334
OCPBUGS-39523 : Updating ose-baremetal-runtimecfg-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #333
OCPBUGS-38877 : Increase “fall” value for haproxy-monitor check #332
OCPBUGS-38281 : Handle errors in iptables healthcheck #327
OPNET-552 : Move to stream9 for local builds #328
OCPBUGS-38288 : Distinguish NotExist from nil for keepalived sentinel file errors. #326
OCPBUGS-32348 : Change mechanism of debug flag #309
OCPBUGS-32141 : Fix handling of ELB Node IP detection #316
OCPBUGS-34706 : Add support for OVN HostCidrs annotation #317
OCPBUGS-34136 : Updating ose-baremetal-runtimecfg-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #314
OCPBUGS-32141 : Handle scenario when VIP does not belong to L2 #313
OCPBUGS-29067 : Fix generation of DNSUpstreams on cloud platforms #308
NO-ISSUE: Fix wrong golang version, bump to 1.21 #311
Revert “OCPBUGS-32348: Make log level configurable” #310
OCPBUGS-32348 : Make log level configurable #305
OCPBUGS-29067 : Do not add VRRP config to Node on Cloud Platforms #303
OCPBUGS-29931 : Updating ose-baremetal-runtimecfg-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #300
OCPBUGS-29919 : Decrease log level when detecting node IP #301
OCPBUGS-29095 : Ignore egress IP when selecting Node IP #298
OCPBUGS-24865 : Updating ose-baremetal-runtimecfg-container image to be consistent with ART #291
NO-ISSUE: Upgrade k8s api and client-go deps #297
OCPBUGS-26765 : Add .snyk file to ignore vendor and test files #292
CORS-2818 : Adding ability to render Cloud LB IPs #286
OCPBUGS-23432 : Use shorter IP label for keepalived VIP #287
OCPBUGS-22204 : deps: upgrade x/sys #280
OCPBUGS-19492 : Increase timeout for bootstrap kubeapi #276
OCPBUGS-19098 : Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #274
OCPBUGS-18257 : Move haproxy firewall rule check earlier in loop #270
OCPBUGS-15947 : Don’t render config with incomplete unicast peer list #266
Remove old scripts #251
OCPBUGS-14403 : Use machine-config state instead of comparing roles #257
OCPBUGS-14936 : node: remove duplicate #260
OCPBUGS-12739 : Fix bug with IP conversion using net.IP #258
OCPBUGS-12739 : Use NonVirtualIP as a hint for selecting Peers #256
OCPBUGS-12739 : Use lazy match when getting IP from OVN #254
OCPBUGS-12739 : Dump whole Node object when failing to get node IP #253
OCPBUGS-12739 : Print error message when node annotation doesn’t parse #252
OCPBUGS-11691 : Verify kubelet version in upgrade check #247
OCPBUGS-12564 : Update x/net and parent dependencies #245
OCPBUGS-4370 : Add label to VIP via keepalived #236
OCPBUGS-12739 : In keepalived config print structs instead of pointers #241
OCPBUGS-12729 : Make nested dual stack VIP configs respect EnableUnicast #237
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #234
OCPBUGS-10695 : Use subnet mask to detect IP stack #227
OCPBUGS-5816 : Fixup isUpgradeStillRunning logic #230
node.go: remove no required check #228
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #225
OPNET-197 : Extend logic for detecting Node IP #218
OPNET-210 : Support preferIPv6 for IPI too #223
Extend utility functions for address manipulation #221
OCPBUGS-3127 : 5 minutes timeout for getSuitableIPs #219
OPNET-133 : Enabling remote worker feature only for baremetal platform #224
node-ip: fix user-managed-lb flag #222
OPNET-214 : node-ip: adjust logic for user-managed-lb #220
OCPBUGS-6004 : filter ovn fd69::2 ip from list of ips in case ovn #215
Add mko as reviewer and approver #216
OPNET-133 : Support remote worker in onprem installations #207
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #211
Remove creydr as a reviewer and approver #209
Add mandre and tsorya as approvers #208
OCPBUGS-2988 : If primary ip address was already created no need to choose new ip #200
OCPBUGS-2994 : Adding timeout for kubeapi calls for keepalived monitor #201
OCPBUGS-2512 : Improve IP address sort order for interface selection #199
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #196
Run go fmt #197
Adding node ip hint for all who want to use it #185
OCPBUGS-669 : Empty chosen list when retrying ip selection #191
Add list of Node configs to handle multiple VIPs #176
OCPBUGS-669 : Apply ipv6 bind check to non-VIP case too #188
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #184
Bug 2096226 : Check chosen node-ip can be used #181
Bug 2086483 : Update k8s dependencies to 1.24 #180
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #179
Bug 2069740 : Avoid kubernetes node port range #175
node: update IsUpgradeStillRunning() logic #173
Update OWNERS to reflect current team #177
Dockerfile: migrate repo to CentOS 8 Stream #174
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #168
Bug 2000236 : Disable printing usage help on error #165
Bug 1995021 : upgrade #164
Fix docker_test run #159
Bug 2021544 : Ignore VIPs in node-ip show #157
Bug 2022050 : Add delay after sending bootstrap stop and start messages #158
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #156
Bug 2012780 : Avoid dynamically allocated port range for haproxy #155
Bug 1998951 : retrieve only single type addresses for Keepalived ingress #154
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #153
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #152
Bug 1995468 : CoreDNS Corefile hosts - add support for dual-stack #148
Revert “Merge pull request #141 from yboaron/get_endpoints” #146
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg images to be consistent with ART #144
Bug 1974350 : HAProxy-monitor: send reload only if cfg file changed #145
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #143
Bug 1886572 : Calculate keepalived priority for ingress #141
Bug 1924476 : handle CVE-2021-3121 #139
Remove Brad from OWNERS #142
Bug 1949859 : Add Ironic healthcheck to bootstrap keepalived checks #135
Bug 1960716 : Log the output of render operations #138
Bug 1957708 : Keepalived- verify that unicast peers list isn’t empty on master nodes #137
Remove etcd name logic #134
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #131
Add node resolution to corednsmonitor #129
Bug 1939740 : sort AddressesDefault by ifindex and IPv4/IPv6 preference #130
Build all commands at once in Dockerfiles #127
Sort node-ip addresses based on default route priority #125
Delete DNS-VIP and DNSVirtualRouterID #124
Switch Dockerfile to new image registry #126
Add dnsmasqmonitor #118
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #120
Move to dhcp image to avoid Dockerhub limits #113
Bug 1915080 : add CloseIdleConnections for HTTP K8S API healthcheck #117
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #115
Bug 1905233 : get the correct VRRP interface in case of IPV6 overlapping subnets #112
Bug 1894539 : Allow node-ip to function without attachment to VIP network #111
Update “runtimecfg node-ip” for dual-stack #110
Set mac address as prefix for unique hostname #109
Bug 1894539 : Allow baremetal-runtimecfg to function when the node isn’t attached to the VIP network #108
Remove get boostrap IP code #107
Add image build and push to the Makefile #97
Bug 1885867 : Flip to unicast only when MCO set to desired version in all nodes #103
Add bz component information #106
Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #104
Change local Dockerfile to use CentOS 8 #95
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-52507 : v4.0.5 #823
NO-JIRA: Add dry-run on aws create-all command #818
NO-JIRA: add example of how to build from source #820
CCO-629 : Update modules to latest #817
NO-JIRA: docs: rotate oidc key to use less opinionated CLUSTER_NAME #816
CCO-631 : Upgrade to k8s v0.32.0 #814
CCO-626 : pkg/operator/utils: Log diff on CredentialsRequest status change #811
OCPBUGS-47466 : v0.33.0 #803
OCPBUGS-45699 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #796
OCPBUGS-41727 : Add AWS region to aws-pod-identity-webhook #789
NO-JIRA: docs: rotate azure key to use more accurate variable commands #797
NO-JIRA: Fix JSON for 07-block-public-access-to-oidc-bucket.json #762
OCPBUGS-44933 : Add retry to ccoctl gcp create functions #781
NO-JIRA: docs: rotate oidc key to specify azure storage account variables #790
OCPBUGS-44999 : v4.5.1 #782
CCO-602 : Docs: how to rotate the oidc bound service account signer key #779
OCPBUGS-36644 : Only attempt timed token credentials on supported platforms. #771
CCO-571 : Add GCP pod identity webhook #758
CCO-595 : Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.31 #763
CFE-1130 : AWS DAY2 TAG Reconcile #759
OCPBUGS-41229 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #753
OCPBUGS-39531 : List secrets in batches to avoid api timeout #752
OCPBUGS-38951 : Follow-up bug fixes for CCO-572 #745
OCPBUGS-37782 : update v1.65.0 #746
SPLAT-1718 : Remove alibaba #737
CCO-572 : STS OLM for GCP (WIF) #708
CCO-580 : Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.30 #725
OCPBUGS-37334 : SNYK ignore go-client misreporting #734
OCPBUGS-35016 : Update to azidentity v1.7.0 #716
OCPBUGS-34347 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #719
OCPBUGS-36032 : IBM/go-sdk-core update to v5.6.3 #715
OCPBUGS-36140 : GCP passthrough permissions check to ignore problematic permissions. #712
NO-JIRA: Fix Makefile for developer install #711
OCPBUGS-33566 : AWS STS should not error when a credentailsRequest does not have awsSTSIAMRoleARN #703
OCPBUGS-33621 : docs: Azure WI migration to extract only the credentialRequests needed by the cluster. #702
OCPBUGS-32948 : Update documentation to restart pods when enabling workload identity #701
OCPBUGS-32026 : Docs: Fix migration to azure workload identy to apply the webhook config #695
OCPBUGS-31290 : Dockerfile should keep prior rhel8 behavior for ccoctl default #694
OCPBUGS-31290 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #693
OCPBUGS-31290 : Add binaries for RHEL8 and RHEL9, defaulting to RHEL9 #692
OCPBUGS-31678 : aws: remove non-existent permission #690
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #681
OCPBUGS-30713 : update go-jose module to v4.0.1 #687
OCPBUGS-30478 : Update to v1.39.1 #688
OCPBUGS-25193 : Scope networkResourceGroup permissions to more operators #682
OCPBUGS-28787 : gcp actuator update check to consider custom roles #685
CCO-525 : Azure workload identity doc updates #680
NO-JIRA:docu change: fix find command #677
NO-JIRA: Fix #669
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #672
OCPBUGS-28388 : Fix the ClusterOperator watch of the status controller #665
OCPBUGS-27214 : ccoctl - use proxy when validating CloudFront URL #654
OCPBUGS-28535 : stop LoadInfrastructureRegion from panicking when being called on a non-AWS cluster #667
NO-JIRA: Fix user-facing typos #668
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #663
NO-JIRA: Keep up-to-date #664
OCPBUGS-27446 : Report manualpodidentity mode in metrics when using Azure Workload Identity #657
OCPBUGS-27445 : Use cached clients to avoid client side throttling #656
NO-JIRA: azwi doc: apply webhook manifest to cluster #652
CCO-454 : Bump go.mod k8s deps to 0.29.1 #655
OCPBUGS-16181 : Write manifests when AWS IAM roles already exist. #514
CCO-519 : Resolve all outstanding snyk vulnerabilities #648
OCPBUGS-26488 : Use live client for metrics #645
OCPBUGS-25533 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #642
NO-JIRA: Update docs/ #634
OCPBUGS-24807 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #639
NO-JIRA: Fixed typos #633
OCPVE-647 : annotate manifests with capability name #594
CCO-338 : cmd/operator: use correct kubeconfig for all clients #638
CCO-244 : gcp-ro-credentialrequest to use granular permissions #626
OCPBUGS-23178 : Enable GCP sync to undelete custom roles #637
OCPBUGS-13597 : Discover AWS dns suffix from partition and region. #596
CCO-372 : Azure Workload Identity info in CredsRequests creates a Secret #587
OCPBUGS-20478 : Explicitly set the vsphere secret credential data on sync. #628
CCO-440 : Bump k8s deps to 0.28.3 #614
CCO-192 : Use Leases for leader election #627
CCO-430 : Use per-project custom roles instead of per-cluster custom roles #611
snyk: exclude vendor/ #613
OCPBUGS-22369 : explicitly set azure oidc bucket to allow public blob access #610
Upgrade golang/x/net for CVE-2023-39325 #609
OCPBUGS-21745 : azure create-managed-identites to add cloud controller manager to network resource group #607
Removing andrew from OWNERS #606
Revert #592 “CCO-421: *: split pod identity webhooks from core controller” #604
CCO-421 : *: split pod identity webhooks from core controller #592
Docs: azure workload identity no longer requires TechPreviewNoUpgrade #603
CCO-437 : Document steps for in-place migration to Azure AD Workload Identity. #598
OCPBUGS-19123 : Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #600
OCPBUGS-18246 : Add networkResourceGroupName parameter for Azure #597
OCPBUGS-17719 : Double timeout delays for managed identity creation and role assignment from 2 to 4 minutes. #591
pkg/aws/actuator: Drop comment which suggested passthrough permission verification #590
CCO-363 : Adding azure identity webhook #559
OCPBUGS-16684 : Set cr.status.provisioned=false on syncErr path #583
OCPBUGS-17049 : update lastSyncGeneration in STS flow sync success #585
Revert “CCO-401: Add azure-workload-identity-webhook to image references.” #588
CCO-401 : Add azure-workload-identity-webhook to image references. #586
CCO-413 : Add dataPermissions to Azure credentials request. #584
CCO-402 : Create Azure AD pod identity webhook config secret manifest in create-all,create-oidc-issuer #573
OCPCLOUD-2012 : ccoctl: Plumb credreq.spec.cloudTokenPath override into Azure secret creation #580
OCPBUGS-16807 : ccoctl azure exit with error when OIDC and installation resource group names are the same #582
OCPCLOUD-2012 : ccoctl: Add –enable-tech-preview arg to azure create-all subcommand. #581
OCPBUGS-16614 : *: stop checking for the STS feature gate #579
Add DOCKER_CMD Makefile var to use podman when found. #577
OCPBUGS-16614 : go.mod: re-vendor openshift/api #578
CCO-233 : Add Azure AD Workload Identity doc. #566
*: use a global codec #576
OCPBUGS-16313 : pkg/operator: correctly fetch CA for AWS minter #575
OCPBUGS-16334 : Clarify updateActuatorConditions & update lastSync #568
OCPBUGS-16313 : manifests: allow list/watch globally on our config configmap #572
CCO-388 : manifests: add to HCP #571
Revert “manifests: manually amend resources that get laid down by CVO in HCP” #570
OCPBUGS-15365 : manifests: fix rbac #567
OCPBUGS-15906 : ccoctl azure delete to also delete role assignments #564
OCPBUGS-16088 : Adds [default] section header to STS Secrets #565
OCPBUGS-16036 : Set status on CR properly when STS provisioned #562
Revert “Merge pull request #398 from csrwng/exclude_config_ibmcloud” #561
OCPBUGS-15365 : *: use correct clients in the secretannotator #563
OCPBUGS-15365 : *: use a filtered LIST + WATCH on Secrets for AWS STS #545
reconcile status when the clusteroperator changes #560
CCO-353 : ccoctl to create azure custom roles #556
CCO-394 : Do not Add PodIdentityWebhook controller when InfraStatus.ControlPlaneToplogy is External. #547
CCO-366 Add ability to detect AWS STS and behave accordingly #542
Implement ccoctl command to create infrastructure required for Azure workload identity #523
PORTENABLE-526 : operator: use a partial metadata watch for Namespaces #546
manager: filter the cache of configmaps #544
Bump to go 1.20 in go.mod #536
OCPBUGS-13549 : Determine AWS partition based on region for readOnlyAnonUserPolicyTemplate bucket ARN. #537
Add a make target and stub for actuator e2e tests #535
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #534
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #533
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #532
OCPBUGS-11671 : ccoctl: Enable public anon read access to default OIDC S3 bucket #526
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #521
OCPBUGS-8666 : Correct pod-identity-webhook annotations for PreferredDuringScheduling. #522
SPLAT-950 : doc/aws-sts : steps to migrate from public bucket to private issuer URL #515
OCPBUGS-8666 : feat: add workload annotation to pod identity webhook deployment #520
Upgrade build-machinery-go: make vulncheck
Bump from v0.5.0 to v0.7.0 #517
OCPBUGS-6370 : Bump k8s dependencies from v0.25.3 to v0.26.1 #511
Add lleshchi to OWNERS file #513
OCPBUGS-6977 : Set pod identity webhook replicas=1 when infrastructure topology is SingleReplica #512
Make pod-identity-webhook deployment HA by default #492
OWNERS: add jstuever #510
azure: move away from ADAL and AD Graph #502
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #509
Bump to k8s 1.25 #505
Make ccoctl use regional STS endpoint by default #491
Changes generated from make update-gofmt with go-1.19. #495
Update OWNERS to reflect reality. #494
Add support for granular GCP permissions using custom roles #489
update to to match OCP 4.12 #490
Add ccoctl support to create OIDC endpoint with private S3 bucket #486
TRT-481 : fix: order conditions by type to limit un-needed updates #488
Bug 2118625 : Refactor Nutanix plugin to use external credentials structs #485
Bug 2117474 : Fix panic when the Provider spec is empty in credential request #484
Rename azure-mind-mod-removal to fix typo #481
Bug 2100964 : Make ccoctl work with credentials fetched from gcloud cli defaults #475
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #474
Bug 2101880 : manifests/00-namespace: Set empty #472
[Issue #452] Improving documentation #465
doc(aws-sts): add alternative to host OIDC configuration in a private bucket using CloudFront #468
Bug 2093986 : Make pod identity webhook comply to restricted pod security level #469
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #466
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #463
Add a check for no CredentialsRequest manifest in directory #462
Bug 2067800 : upgrade prometheus/client_golang to v1.12.1 #464
Minor doc updates #461
Update OWNERS file to reflect reality #460
Change the ccoctl generated nutanix-credentials secret data format #457
Skip directories when reading credentials requests #459
Add nutanix credentials handling with manual mode #450
Leader election migration 1: ConfigMap & Lease #446
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #449
Bug 2045591 : Fix reconciliation of aws pod identity webhook configuration #447
Bug 2035903 : handle resources with feature-gate annotation #444
add unsupported docs for migrating to STS #442
pkg/operator/status: Set an explicit happy reason/message #416
Bug 2037331 : Make ccoctl gracefully handle existing gcp workload identity resources #441
update sts docs to reference ccoctl where appropriate #418
Bug 2034484 : Library go bump #434
Azure passthrough docs #435
Bug 2039085 : Exclude operator config from ibm-cloud-managed profile #398
Bug 2037903 : Alibaba Cloud not required credReqDir in command delete-ram-users #439
Bug 2036827 : ensure GCP CredsReq has a list of ServiceAccounts #440
Bug 2035315 : fix passthrough test cases #438
Bug 2035328 : Make ccoctl ignore cred requests marked for deletion #436
Azure passthrough #433
Azure vendoring update #426
Support alibaba cloud manual mode #412
Add doc for ibmcloud #422
upgrade to controller-runtime 0.7.2 #409
Bug 2024613 : pod-identity-webhook starts without tls #421
Bug 2023832 : pkg/operator/status: Only bump lastTransitionTime on status changes #417
Minor corrections to gcp workload identity docs #419
Add usage docs for ccoctl gcp #375
Add documentation for gcp workload identity #376
internalcontroller not needed since controller-runtime 0.6.2 #407
go 1.17 changes #414
Fix small log typo for upgradable check #415
Add ccoctl gcp command to create all the required credentials infra #408
add alternative to disabling CVO entirely #406
Add ccoctl gcp command to delete credentials infra #372
Add ccoctl gcp command to create service accounts #371
unit test cases for the refresh-keys #403
Bug 2015133 : populate accountID when listing resource groups #402
Make ccoctl tool fetch default gcp creds in the same way as installer #393
Defensive nil check in gcp actuator #392
require spec.serviceAccountNames #386
Group nil checks in AWS client creation #391
Add ccoctl command to create workload identity provider for google cloud #369
ccoctl ibmcloud refresh-keys command #396
unit testcase for IBMCloudPowerVSProvider #400
Bug 1996624 : Check for aws status in infra platform status field before client setup #399
Bug 1977319 : cleanup orphaned Service ‘controller-manager-service’ #388
Add PowerVS support #389
Bug 2010341 : update alerts with summary and descriptions #395
Bug 2002152 : Stop putting CCO in degraded state when stale credentials are found #383
update OWNERS list #394
Add UT for the delete-service-id command #390
Add ccoctl command to create workload identity pool in GCP #368
ibmcloud delete-service-id command #380
Bug 1976674 : make azure and ovirt consistent when in manual mode #387
Bug 2006364 : fix(ibmcloud): Set policy attribute name properly for RG access #385
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #384
Bug 1991770 : The logLevel and operatorLogLevel values do not work with Cloud Credential Operator #379
Update CI build root image to golang-1.16 #373
Add ccoctl create key pair command for google cloud #367
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #381
update manual mode docs to cover new upgrade behavior #378
Enhance ccoctl ibmcloud command to create policies #374
Bug 1990975 : Enhance mechanism of reading ibm cloud apikey #365
Bug 1990970 : Remove debug test binary #366
ccoctl create-iam-roles should update policies for existing roles #364
Ignore ccoctl binary #363
Support gcp workload identity federation #359
Bump go.mod to 1.16 #362
Update build-machinery-go #361
Rename ibmcloud command to create-shared-secrets #360
Add permissions boundary support to ccoctl when creating AWS IAM Roles #346
Add code coverage script & make target #358
Documentation to add a new cloud provider #326
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator images to be consistent with ART #357
Add IBMCloud manual mode #356
Remove checks inside conditional and use require.NotNil instead #348
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #355
Bug 1970062 : use shared session setup in ccoctl create-all #354
Bug 1967531 : Fix ccoctl delete not removing iam roles #351
Bug 1970062 : delete client should also use shared session function #353
Bug 1970062 : enable shared config files for AWS SDK #352
Bug 1960176 : Make sure credentials have newly generated azure client secret #349
Bug 1957165 : Use gofrs/uuid for uuid generation #350
Bug 1957446 : v1beta to v1 for the CredentialsRequest CRD #336
Bug 1960176 : Recreate user when deleted in cloud providers #345
Bug 1962602 : Remove log statement in frequently called function. #343
Bug 1910396 : Add ErrorScrub utility to prevent infinite update/reconc… #342
Bug 1864116 : Fix “unsupported platform type” log spamming on BareMetal. #341
Bug 1958861 : back to no CSR permissions for pod-id-webhook #340
Bug 1953077 : rework GCP passthrough permissions checking #330
Bug 1954765 : v1beta1 to v1 mutatingwebhookconfiguration #333
Bug 1949862 : avoid referencing object after error #328
Bug 1954615 : do not assume result is valid after error #335
Bug 1954865 : add priorityClass to pod-identity Deployment #334
Bug 1952891 : Fix OpenStack clouds.yaml updating in secretannotator #332
Bug 1949866 : use initialization structure for ID provider #327
Rename workload annotations #329
Bug 1949218 : build and include ccoctl into image #323
Bug 1927017 : Use file observer for Proxy CA changes #320
Bug 1948628 : Fix ccoctl create aws iam-roles command and docs #325
Bug 1948628 : Add aws subcommand to ccoctl and additional UX changes #321
Bug 1946097 : oVirt credentials secret contains unnecessary “ovirt_cafile” #317
Add management workload annotations #319
Bug 1940142 : Correct incorrect CACert in secrets created prior to 4.6 #314
installer manifests and ‘all’ subcommand #311
CCO-73 : Add command to delete resources created by ccoctl #312
make docs reflect reality of parameter names #316
Ccoctl docs #307
iam-roles subcommand #306
add generate-only mode for ccoctl create identity-provider #304
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #313
Bug 1927017 : Context cancel on stopped leading #310
manifests/0000_90_cloud-credential-operator_04_alertrules: Drop CloudCredentialOperatorDown #308
no error when SecretRef does not exist #305
require annotation before upgrade when in manual mode #286
report STS as a submode of Manual #303
CCO-67 : Add command to setup OpenID Connect provider #302
Add service account names to credentials request manifest #298
Add a CredentialsRequest field to store service account names #299
new binary for setting up credentials outside of cluster #296
Bug 1927925 : spell fix user-visible string #300
Bug 1924477 : Tag gogo/protobuf to v1.3.2 #297
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #295
Add controller to cleanup stale credentials requests #285
specify Azure and GCP as supporting Manual mode #291
Add initial documentation for using AWS Security Token Service #290
Bug 1916081 : MissingTargetNamespace message fix #293
Bug 1920695 : Update OpenShift CI registry in Makefile #288
Bug 1916454 : checking 4.7 creds #280
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #282
Bug 1908747 : remove stale S3 CredentialsRequest manifests #278
Bug 1906880 : operator: remove odicdiscoveryendpoint controller #276
Bug 1903226 : exclude run-level 0 namespaces from MutatingWebhook for Pods #275
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #274
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #272
Bug 1880785 : Fix CredentialsRequest missing description in ‘oc explain’ #270
add new credentials field for AWS Secrets #264
aws: support custom CA bundle for AWS API #266
Bug 1889540 : manifests: Allow ‘for: 20m’ for CloudCredentialOperatorDown #262
Revert “Fix /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem permissions issue” #265
Add kubevirt platform #260
Fix /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem permissions issue #263
Redistribute new root creds in passthrough mode #242
move status calculation into its own controller #255
enable GCP read only creds to be used when root creds missing #259
Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #258
allow skipping leader election #257
Stop reporting mode metrics for unused modes. #256
Fix formatting in README #243
Full changelog
NO-JIRA: Keycloak e2e test improvements #714
OCPBUGS-51981 : fix: update starter path to account for mom integration #760
CNTRLPLANE-71 : update cao to manage rolebindingrestriction crd #748
AUTH-541 : OIDC structured auth config #713
CONSOLE-4434 , OCPBUGS-43610 : update login templates to use PF6 and add validation #751
NO-JIRA: OWNERS: update approvers #756
MON-4129 : adjust Prometheus classic histograms ‘le’ related selectors in relabel config to accommodate the update to Prometheus v3 #752
OCPBUGS-48177 : Exclude etcd readiness checks from /readyz to ignore temporary etcd hiccups #753
OCPEDGE-1306 : feat: change minimum for arbiter ha deployments #734
NO-JIRA: fix: resolve some integration tests #750
API-1835 : bring MOM up to date for testing and the like #744
OCPBUGS-23435 : bump library-go to bring in workload-conditions fix #739
API-1835 : wire controllers from the apiserver controllerset #736
NO-JIRA: update build-machinery for spyglass artifacts #735
API-1835 : Bump library-go to get update-free removestaleconditionscontroller #729
API-1835 : bump library-go and MOM to get labels in revision controller #733
API-1835 : use manifestclient.RecommendedRESTConfig() #731
API-1835 : Add input-resources #730
API-1835 : Bump openshift/build-machinery-go #732
API-1835 : first integration-tests #726
API-1835 : name all the runone functions #728
API-1835 : Use test-operator-integration target from build-machinery-go #725
API-1835 : Bump library-go to get SSA in multiple controllers #721
OCPBUGS-42932 : ensure annotations map exists before mutating it #727
API-1835 : adds output-resources
to cluster-authentication operator. #720
NO-JIRA: add relatedResources to authentication for collection if operator crashes #722
API-1835 : Bump library-go to get WorkloadController SSA #715
API-1835 : demonstration mutation recording client #710
API-1835 : Set Unknown conditions in WellKnownReadyController #716
API-1835 : Migrate WellKnownReadyController to SSA #705
API-1835 : Migrate a few existing controllers to ApplyOperatorStatus #698
OCPBUGS-42745 : manifests should not use APIs that are removed in upcoming releases #709
API-1835 : use the “normal” latest revision #704
OCPBUGS-42535 : when no type is specified, don’t make illegal condition #702
OKD-226 : Dockerfile.rhel7: Add ARG TAGS=ocp #687
API-1835 : operator client update #697
API-1835 : fix resync of operator informers #695
AUTH-546 : Direct external OIDC e2e test #684
API-1835 : Use dynamic operator client #694
create CRDs from openshift/api #696
OCPBUGS-41586 : increase oauth-apiserver failureThreshold #692
OCPBUGS-39037 : Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #691
NO-JIRA: Bump library-go #688
OCPBUGS-35828 : controller: set ownership annotation for webhook-auth secret #678
NO-JIRA: endpoint test: use httpbin #680
NO-JIRA: Several fixes for Keycloack IDP test #679
NO-JIRA: OWNERS: add ibihim, liouk, rm old #677
OCPBUGS-33654 : update OpenShift favicon to new brand standard #674
OCPBUGS-33654 : update OpenShift favicon to new brand standard #670
NO-JIRA: remove go-jose not to get flagged with its CVEs #668
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #656
OCPBUGS-24195 : the apiservice controller waits until bootstrap complete #662
OCPBUGS-22969 : Use v1 for flowcontrol API #640
NO-JIRA: e2e Keycloak: retry logging in as admin #666
OCPBUGS-32089 : wellknown-readiness: perform several attempts to connect before going unavailable #664
NO-ISSUE: bump to the latest version of openshift/api #663
NO-ISSUE: bump dependencies #659
NO-JIRA: test/lib: create SA on deploy #660
NO-ISSUE: oauth-apiserver: disable priority and fairness #658
NO-ISSUE: oauth-apiserver: enable shutdown-send-retry-after #657
NO-JIRA: _output - remove dir #651
OCPBUGS-18939 : manifest: drop slo latency metrics in favor of sli #632
WRKLDS-1004 : use AlwaysAllow UnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy in PDBs #646
OCPBUGS-24883 : Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #644
OCPBUGS-18115 : Remove “” annotation #636
OCPBUGS-24217 : Annotate certs with ownership information #642
OCPBUGS-21719 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #635
OCPBUGS-17987 : generate only >=0 number of random bits #629
OCPBUGS-19125 : Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator images to be consistent with ART #634
OCPBUGS-8093 : properly set the pod name and namespace in graceful termination lifecycle events #628
Add openshift-cli-client in NamesFilter #625
OCPBUGS-16501 : bump PSa, lib-go and storage-version-migrator to get rid of goproxy dep #624
AUTH-356 : Add openshift-cli-client OAuth Client #606
Correctly link oauth apiserver ServiceMonitor with its Service #616
OCPBUGS-2765 : Library go bump #613
OCPBUGS-14010 : increase timeout for probes #612
AUTH-363 : make proxy config check less obtrusive #608
OCPBUGS-10577 : update apf configuration to use v1beta3 #594
OCPBUGS-10041 : update openshift/api to include aesgcm provider in the default apiserver schema #601
API-1509 : Enable AESGCM encryption #598
OCPBUGS-6189 : art image update #596
OCPBUGS-3929 : update apf configuration to use v1beta2 #592
OCPBUGS-3440 : Restart authentication operator if console capability is enabled #589
OCPBUGS-3441 : Update cluster-authentication-operator not to go degraded without console [4.13] #587
make the custom route controller use server-side-apply to avoid stomping unknown fields #582
e2e: address PSa failures #581
Bug 2111842 : v/o/library-go - version-bump #576
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator images to be consistent with ART #575
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator images to be consistent with ART #571
Bug 2078287 : only ever include certificates in the oauth-serving-cert CM #573
AUTH-133 : bindata/oauth-openshift: specify pod security level #570
Update Links #568
Bug 1958198 : Avoid zero or low resync intervals #491
manifests: specify pod security level #565
e2e: Use Keycloak v18.0.0 #567
AUTH-89 : add audit options to oauth-server on oauth-audit-profile Variant03 #563
MGMT-9797 : Bump openshift/api
dependency to 04e1813ebb11
make apiserver readiness probe honor readyz #561
Bug 2063342 : vendor: bump library-go #558
Bug 2059515 : e2e: Use Keycloak v17.0.0 #554
Update OCP branding within oauth-templates #540
Bug 2040521 : routeName used as customSecretName #533
Bug 2039670 : Sync the library-go #538
Bug 2042038 : bump library go #537
Bug 2024841 : use latest keycloak for testing #534
Bug 2039670 : Create the PDB dynamically so it does not get created on the SNO topology #514
Bug 2034484 : fix:library-go nil pointer issue #525
Bug 2030961 : endpoints checker: check only the custom hostname if configured #528
e2e tests for keycloak #520
Golang bump 1.17 #515
Bug 1982726 : encryption-controller: sync secrets conditionally #506
test/library: Pin keycloak contianer label to 15.0.1 #512
for keycloak #508
Bug 1996647 : endpointsaccessible: clarify degraded message when DNS is broken #473
pkg/operator: set high inertia for all topologies except SingleReplica #504
Bug 2019832 : pkg/operator: configure high inertia for apiserver and OAuthServer #503
typo fix: enpoints -> endpoints #502
Exclude operator config for ibm-cloud-managed profile #496
pkg/*: wire context in newest library-go #501
AUTH-8 : sync group claims for OIDC IdPs #495
Bug 2013222 : pkg/operator: configure PDB high inertia #499
rm dead code: deployment readiness and route canonical host #493
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace #492
Bug 1948080 : bump(library-go): add shutdown detection during apiservice discovery #481
Update Go version in the images #480
Bug 1998031 : Deploy PDB to prevent more than one replica going unavailable #476
Bug 1996620 : manifests, bindata: explicitely set runAsUser for oauth-apiserver #474
Bug 1973005 : manifests, bindata: explicitely set runAsUser for operator and operand #472
Bug 1988576 : pkg/operator: Add deprecated stale status #470
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #469
Bug 1978193 : csr request: use generate names to prevent getting stuck waiting for a cert #468
distribute oauth-server trust via a openshift-config-managed configmap #464
Bug 1977027 : Remove not needed Prometheus Rule #461
encryption condition controller doesn’t reset previously set condition #466
clear encryption conditions when there is no work to be done #462
Custom Certs for OAuth Route #430
add dynamic audit policy controller #460
Bug 1977054 : observe api-audiences for the oauth-apiserver #458
bump library-go to get context fixes #457
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #454
readme: update references to developer guide #448
Bug 1969631 : encryption controllers wait for all informers before running the sync loops #453
Bug 1879182 : oauth-apiserver: audit policies now use ‘secure-’ by default #451
Bug 1965929 : bump lib-go to get improved performance for the CSR approver #450
Bug 1965929 : wire certs as the authentication means to openshift webhook authenticator #416
Bug 1967398 : operator: add OAuthServiceEndpointsCheckEndpointAccessibleControllerDegraded to stale conditions #449
Bug 1943804 : splits the encryption tests #447
Bug 1943804 : stub for splitting encryption tests #446
Bug 1950379 : routersecret: sync only the cert/key pair for the default domain #438
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #439
Bug 1953041 : manifests/deployment: bump cpu and memory resource requests #444
Bug 1955749 : OCP oauth translations for login pages #428
Bug 1939580 : wellknownready: delay going degraded on oauthmetadata changes #442
Bug 1954544 : endpoints controller: actually use the context-constrained request #441
Rename workload annotations #434
Bug 1946540 : fix configuring webhook authenticators on upgrade #435
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #436
Add management workload annotations #431
Bug 1946540 : only configure webhook authenticators when oauth-apiservers are ready during upgrade #433
e2e: fix the token names in tokentimeout test to match the new format #432
extends shutdown delay duration to 10 seconds #429
move the oauth-server deployment into a generic workloads controller #414
oauth-apiserver: add access token inactivity timeout observer #422
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #421
follow up changes to clean up endpoint accessible controller #404
Bug 1934107 : webhook authentication: fix oauth-apiserver IP for IPv6 environments #415
switch to v1beta1 for the p&f APIs #393
wire openshift authentication as a webhook authenticator #304
removes the encryption provider #409
e2e: Pin gitlab docker image to 13.8.4-ce.0 #413
Remove the ‘’ annotation from user,oauth apiservices #407
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #406
Support non-HA mode #391
Bug 1841039 : e2e: add a test for password grant checking with keycloak #401
Bug 1921275 : deploymentController: treat error retrieving authentication.operator/cluster #402
Bug 1917114 : proxyconfig controller: match URL to noproxy correctly #400
Bug 1916949 : manifests: exclude rbac resources in openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace from hosted profile #399
Bug 1905329 : oauth-apiserver deployment: add cpu and memory requests #395
Bug 1901774 : manifests: add liveness probe to the operator’s deployment #394
Bug 1887392 : bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #392
Bug 1901057 : proxyconfig controller: add router CA to the trusted pool #387
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #377
oauth-apiserver:workload: wait for storage urls before installing the api server #386
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #383
starts to manage the encryption configuration #379
always claim control over oauth and user APIs #380
add RBAC for the new useroauthaccesstokens #381
pkg/controllers/common: Fix “successfull” -> “successful” typos #382
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #378
oauthserver: grab unsupported overrides from a prefixed tree #319
Add a controller to report misconfigured proxy #355
picks up setting TCP_USER_TIMEOUT
socket option #372
Bug 1893386 : Fix wrong operator config informer #373
Restrict log permissions #366
Bug 1893386 : update ingress node available to handle custom placement #370
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #369
Bug 1891758 : deployment: update event spam #365
Bug 1887428 : add ServiceMonitor for the oauth apiserver #361
BUG 1888311: p&f: make oauth SAR/TokenReview traffic exempt #363
Bug 1888028 : bump library-go to stop waiting on kube-apiserver availability #362
pkg/controllers: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #358
BUG 1886449: p&f: assign oauth server traffic to workload-high #359
remove unused dependency #357
ingressnodesavailable: fix typo in message #348
flowschema for oauth server and its operator #356
Full changelog
OCPCLOUD-2500 : Update to recognize both upstream and openshift ScaleFromZero annotations #335
PODAUTO-266 : Update VPA dockerfile to 4.19 #334
OCPBUGS-25852 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: 🐛(metrics) Initialize metrics for autoscaler errors, scale events, and pod evictions #332
OCPBUGS-45686 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #331
OCPBUGS-45565 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #330
OCPBUGS-45075 : VPA OWNERS: Remove John Kyros, et al., add Max Cao #322
PODAUTO-257 : Update VPA Dockerfile for 4.18 #321
OCPCLOUD-2733 : rebase on upstream 1.31.0 release #319
OCPBUGS-38277 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #313
OCPBUGS-37498 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #311
PODAUTO-202 : Update VPA ocp/builder Dockerfile images to openshift/release images #310
PODAUTO-199 : Upstream rebase to VPA 1.1.2 #309
OCPBUGS-34242 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #304
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #307
OCPCLOUD-2616 : rebase on upstream 1.30.1 release #306
OCPBUGS-34428 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #305
OCPBUGS-33904 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #302
OCPBUGS-33592 : fix: scale up broken for providers not implementing NodeGroup.GetOptions() #300
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: 6796: Avoid expesive pointer copy in capi nodegroup #298
OCPBUGS-31421 : add check for taint.value == nil #292
OCPBUGS-28334 : update snyk file #287
PODAUTO-99 : Fix VPA e2e test failures #286
OCPCLOUD-2431 : rebase on upstream 1.29.0 release #285
PODAUTO-104 : Add downstream pod autoscaling team member jkyros to VPA OWNERS #283
OCPBUGS-27509 : Fix unstructured taint parsing in Cluster API provider #281
OCPBUGS-26504 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #279
OCPBUGS-25855 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #277
OCPBUGS-25625 : Add Snyk file to exclude vendor directory on scan #276
OCPBUGS-24783 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART #271
OCPBUGS-25579 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART #274
PODAUTO-91 : Add joelsmith to OWNERS for approving of VPA-only PRs #273
OCPBUGS-24974 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART #272
OCPBUGS-24146 : Updating ose-vertical-pod-autoscaler-container image to be consistent with ART #269
OCPCLOUD-2195 : rebase on upstream 1.28.0 release #265
Update OWNERS #264
OCPBUGS-18137 : UPSTREAM: 6066: Allow overriding the label set by the scale from zero methods via a new cmdline arg #261
OCPBUGS-19232 : Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #262
OCPBUGS-18852 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #260
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #253
OCPCLOUD-2060 Merge (d3ec0c4) into master #256
OCPBUGS-13228 : Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #255
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #252
OCPCLOUD-1851 : Upstream rebase to CA 1.26.1 and VPA 0.13 #250
Update OWNERS #251
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #248
Update OWNERS #249
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #246
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #243
rebase on upstream 1.25.0 #241
Bug 2001027 : update clusterapi nodegroups processor #240
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #235
Bug 1944065 : Have VPA ignore phantom containers named “POD” #233
Bug 2087037 : Rebase onto latest master from upstream #231
Bug 2087037 : Rebase Autoscaler onto upstream release-1.24 branch #227
added bindata.go in e2e/vendor to fix the e2e test failures #225
add user configurable cluster api version #223
Bug 2045561 : revert defaultCAPIGroup constant #220
Bug 2043675 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: Ensure ClusterAPI DeleteNodes accounts for out of band changes scale #219
Bug 2043043 : Rebase Autoscaler onto upstream release-1.23 branch #218
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #216
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #215
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Fallback to CAPI annotations #214
Bug 1991496 : add clusterapi build tags to dockerfiles #213
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #212
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #211
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #210
Bug 1992823 : rebase on top of kubernetes/autoscaler 1.22 #209
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #207
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #206
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #205
Bug 1948719 : updating CA version to 1.21.0 #203
Bug 1948719 : rebase on top of kubernetes/autoscaler 1.21 #201
Bug 1955324 : update testing scripts to use go 1.16 #202
Fix build with Go 1.16 #200
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #199
Housekeeping: add Chen to approvers, update to ci registry #197
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #193
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #192
add component and subcomponent to OWNERS #191
Bug 1913960 : rebase on top of kubernetes/autoscaler 1.20 #185
Bug 1906933 : Add upstream patch for update group identifier #184
Add upstream patch for –cloud-config option #180
Add upstream patch for node group autodiscovery #179
BUG 1854256: Bump to v10.1.0 #183
Add upstream patch to remove internal types in favor of unstructured #177
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #181
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
Bug 1891551 : Ensure the node template include up to date and informative labels #178
Full changelog
OCPCLOUD-2829 : Bump k8s 1.32 #339
OCPBUGS-45451 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #336
OCPBUGS-42132 : set max soft bulk taint count to zero #334
OCPBUGS-39543 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #331
OCPCLOUD-2739 : Bump deps to 1.31 #333
SPLAT-1719 : Remove Alibaba #330
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #329
OCPBUGS-35952 : add aws zone-id to ignore labels #328
OCPCLOUD-2617 : Bump k8s to 1.30 #327
OCPBUGS-34151 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #323
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #315
OCPBUGS-20565 : Set webhook minimum TLS version to 1.3 #320
OCPCLOUD-2493 : Add empty string as value for GpuType if GpuCount is empty 0 #317
OCPBUGS-31960 : Bump x/net to v.0.24.0 #318
OCPCLOUD-2493 : Update CAO to add upstream annotations #316
OCPCLOUD-2523 : add ExpanderOrderList api option #304
OCPBUGS-29863 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #314
OCPBUGS-28207 : update min/max memory limit documentation #313
MIXEDARCH-429 : Revert “OCPBUGS-18137: Provide the architecture of the control plane as argument to –scale-up-from-zero-default-arch” #311
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #312
MIXEDARCH-429 : Add the environment variable value for CAPI_SCALE_ZERO_DEFAULT_ARCH #297
OCPCLOUD-2432 : Bump k8s packages to v1.29 #310
OCPBUGS-25559 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #305
OCPBUGS-25633 : Add Snyk file to exclude vendor directory on scan #306
OCPBUGS-24911 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #303
OCPBUGS-24102 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #302
OCPCLOUD-2137 : Check scale from zero annotations on MachineSets #294
OCPBUGS-21791 : Bump x/net package to v0.17.0 #295
Update OWNERS #296
OCPCLOUD-2196 : Update dependencies k8s 1.28 #293
OCPBUGS-18137 : Provide the architecture of the control plane as argument to –scale-up-from-zero-default-arch #284
OCPBUGS-18954 : Ensure status reporter caches exit if they don’t sync #285
OCPBUGS-19411 : cluster-autoscaler-operator: clusterrole add clusteroperators watch #287
OCPBUGS-19169 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #286
OCPBUGS-18278 : Address long acquire times during upgrade #281
OCPBUGS-18338 : Fix CI by running tests natively by default #282
Reconcile when external process change the clusteroperator status #279
OCPBUGS-14356 : add nutanix labels that should be ignored #275
CNF-5642 make operator optional #269
OCPCLOUD-2061 : Rebase dependencies to k8s 1.27 #274
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #273
OCPBUGS-10105 : Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #271
Bug 1943194 : update GPU resource limits type to have validation #268
Update OWNERS #270
revert GPU label changes from pr 223 #267
: Update tooling in Cluster Autoscaler Operator #266
Add infrastructures resource to #265
Allow to be listed #264
Register configv1 types to schemes #262
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #259
: Update CAO to ignore platform related zone labels #260
Update OWNERS #261
: Set default container for operator #258
Add client certificate and key to service monitor #249
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #248
OCPCLOUD-1677 : add flag for duplicated events #253
Bug 1997396 : fix an error with autoscaler alert rules #254
OCPBUGS-1411 : Bump k8s deps to 1.25 #252
Bug 1997396 : update alerts for resource limits #250
OCPCLOUD-1427 : Expose autoscaler “–balancing-ignore-label” flag through CRD #251
Add verbosity option to ClusterAutoscaler object #247
Bug 2087039 : update dependencies to K8s 1.24, go 1.18 #246
Bug 2067803 : Bump prometheus/client_golang #242
Bug 2063194 : add leader election flags to autoscaler deployment #241
add capi version to autoscaler deployment #240
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #238
Bug 2034484 : fix: missed rbac and latest library-go #236
Bug 2026178 : update alerts to match style guidance #233
Library go bump #235
Update makefile to support podman #234
OCPCLOUD-1278 : add scale-down-utilization-threshold to CAO #226
update to Golang1.17 #227
update owners file #231
Bug 2025230 : Change ClusterAutoscalerUnschedulablePods severity to info #228
Bug 1943194 : add logic to detect GPU capacity and update accordingly #223
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #222
Bug 1994480 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.22 #218
Bug 1988032 : add cvo ha annotation to tombstones #216
Bug 1986090 : Do not recreate CA deployment when CA CR is being deleted #215
add alerts for memory and cpu core limits #213
add a tombstones manifest to the install directory #214
Bug 1973567 : add csistoragecapacities to cluster-autoscaler cluster role #212
Add related objects to ClusterOperator #211
Bug 1973567 : add csidrivers to the cluster-autoscaler cluster role #210
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator images to be consistent with ART #209
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #208
Bug 1947785 : Move all webhooks to v1 #202
Bug 1960554 : manifests: use v1 for RBAC #205
Bug 1948719 : update controller-runtime dependency #204
Bug 1948719 : update dependencies to 1.21 #200
Add management workload annotations #198
Bug 1948706 : Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #183
Bug 1938467 : Fix cluster autoscaler pod requests #201
Bug 1938467 : The default cluster-autoscaler should get default cpu and memory requests if user omits them #197
Bug 1947785 : Move webhook to v1 #199
install/90_alertrules: Drop ClusterAutoscalerOperatorDown #196
Bug 1923823 : Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy #194
Add dgrigore to owners #182
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #188
Bug 1907380 : Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #189
Bug 1909108 : Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #190
Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #186
Bug 1879777 : Remove namespace manifest #185
add machineset/scale resource to the cluster-autoscaler role #177
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #179
Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #181
update go mod vendor #180
Bug 1876469 : Update generated CRDs #178
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #176
add bugzilla component to OWNERS #172
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48821 : bootstrap API server should terminate only after API is HA #111
OCPBUGS-45351 : Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #110
OCPBUGS-39429 : Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #107
OCPBUGS-24975 : Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap-container image to be consistent with ART #103
OCPBUGS-24975 : Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap-container image to be consistent with ART #102
OCPBUGS-19235 : Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap images to be consistent with ART #100
OCPBUGS-16504 : bump(*): vendor update #99
Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap images to be consistent with ART #88
Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap images to be consistent with ART #82
OCPBUGS-3505 : Waiting for 2 masters in HA mode case #71
OCPBUGS-6234 : Bump dependencies and image #74
Add API team to reviewers #75
Add API team to the OWNERS #73
Bug 2006945 : extend hardcoded restmapper for cluster-bootstrap to avoid crashlooping bootstrap kube-apiserver #64
update golang version #65
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #60
Bug 1951639 : Add –tear-down-delay and –tear-down-termination-timeout #58
Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap builder & base images to be consistent with ART #54
Bug 1933263 : bump(library-go) #56
allow bootstrapping to create SCCs #55
Single Node deployment with bootstrap-in-place #51
Bug 1855628 : bump and switch to go-mod and build-machinery #37
Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap builder & base images to be consistent with ART #43
Full changelog
OCPEDGE-1643 : bump: ocp/api ocp/library-go k8s #431
OCPBUGS-45477 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #430
OCPEDGE-1308 : bump(api,k8s) #428
OCPBUGS-39572 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #426
CFE-921 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #423
OCPBUGS-34178 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #419
SPLAT-1630 : Bump API version to get new VSphereMultiVCenters featuregate. #418
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #410
OCPBUGS-24871 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #390
TRT-1581 : default to self-managed clusterprofile #414
NO-JIRA: change the customnoupgrade featureset to work as force enable and force disable #412
OCPBUGS-29576 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #408
NO-JIRA: add check to ensure clusterprofile matches for featuregates #411
OCPBUGS-28621 : Fix PSa labels #406
STOR-1700 : Bump(openshift/api): to get new VolumeGroupSnapshot API #405
OCPBUGS-28621 : Add required PSa labels #401
SPLAT-1400 : promote vSphere control plane machinesets from tech preview #400
OCPBUGS-26541 : remove duplicate manifests in image #399
Revert “OCPBUGS-26541: remove duplicate manifests in image” #397
OCPBUGS-26541 : remove duplicate manifests in image #392
OCPNODE-1671 : Update api,client-go to add imagepolicy api #376
Revert “OCPBUGS-19106: Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART” #388
OCPBUGS-19106 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #385
read featuregates from openshift/api #349
yield CRDs and empty resource rendering to api imge #379
CNF-10479 : Bump up api to pull mixed cpu allocation feature gate #386
NP-793 : Bump #375
create manifest directory during rendering #382
SPLAT-1272 : Update for Nutanix failure domains api changes #378
create parent dir for output #381
Allow split rendering between cluster-config and openshift/api #380
MON-3480 : Add MetricsServer FeatureGate #377
NO-JIRA: pkg/cmd/render/config: Remove ReadFeatureGateV1OrDie #361
MCO-813 : add MCN featuregate #368
SPLAT-1127 : bring in vSphere CPMSO API updates #342
OCPBUGS-21781 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #365
OCPBUGS-21744 : bump library-go to include switch to HTTP/1.1 #366
CFE-887 : Bump openshift/api to add DNSNameResolver. #364
Enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in TechPreviewNoUpgrade. #358
OCPBUGS-20164 : Remove Build CRD #360
Remove AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions feature gate #359
OCPVE-708 : feat: bump(api) #357
OCPCLOUD-1989 : Promote GCP CCM from TPNU to default #319
OCPBUGS-19106 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator images to be consistent with ART #353
CCO-412 : Bump API to promote azureWorkloadIdentity to defaultFeatures #351
Revert “Bump to enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in tech preview.” #346
Bump to enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in tech preview. #343
Bump openshift/api to add ValidatingAdmissionPolicy feature gate. #340
OCPVE-626 : bump(openshift/api@master) #341
CFE-689 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #335
OCPBUGS-16614 : go.mod: bump openshift/api #338
OCPBUGS-16614 : go.mod: update openshift/api #334
OCPBUGS-16507 : bump #333
OCPCLOUD-2010 : Remove feature gate for external platform #331
SDN-4024 : Vendor openshift/api to get ANP feature-gate changes #330
Promote privateHostedZoneAWS from Tech Preview to Default #328
Update openshift/api #327
OCPBUGS-13547 : Promote Azure CCM from TPNU to default #307
OCPBUGS-15877 : go upgradeable=false when latencysensitive is used and not corrected #325
Enable feature gate for externalCertificate on Route API #326
stomp the latencysensitive featureset for equivalent default #324
WRKLDS-757 : Sync with openshift/api to drop MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread from TechPreviewNoUpgrade #322
SPLAT-1099 : bump openshift/api for vSphere static IP feature gate and platform spec #323
remove dead flag for file #309
Changes to move to api@2d36f53 #321
OCPBUGS-12767 : Add CustomNoUpgrade CRD versions to payload #320
OCPCLOUD-2010 : Re-vendor api to support external platform #306
Update openshift/api to disable EventedPLEG featuregate in techpreview #317
update openshift/api for types and gates #316
Update to pull in evented pleg and sigstore feature flags #312
Update to pull in feature gates #311
OCPBUGS-6266 : Rename config-operator_00_namespace run level to 00 #303
Update library-go dependency #305
Add JoelSpeed to owners #302
Update API and library-go #301
Require consistency in rendered artifacts #299
specify all known featureGates in disabled #297
update render to handle directories of manifests #295
adjust to refined openshift/api types #296
update ordering and featuregates #294
add featuregate status #288
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator images to be consistent with ART #287
OCPBUGS-10037 : update openshift/api to get new apiserver schema #289
update openshift/api to get new techprevew apiserver schema #286
CFE-601 : Update openshift/api package version #279
OSASINFRA-3097 : update openshift/api to get External LB fields #278
OCPBUGS-6185 : Update go version and ART images #280
OCPBUGS-4207 : Revert “Increase verbosity level to track probe timeouts” #274
Update go.mod api,client-go to register crd #270
OCPBUGS-3123 : add –feature-set option to render options #271
NE-975 : Update openshift/api for updated ingress config loadBalancer fields #268
Increase verbosity level to track probe timeouts #267
Bug 1843043 : Update openshift/api for modified config resource description #264
update openshift/api for new ingress manifest #263
Update go.mod api,client-go to register crd #262
This is not the repo you’re looking for. #261
Bump k8s dependencies #260
Update images to be consistent with ART #253
Bug 2082763 : Drop the OperatorHub CR instance #245
bump openshift/api, client-go #251
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #248
Reorder the empty Node CR resource to ensure it is applied after the Node CRD #244
Bump(o/client-go); Add empty config/v1/node/cluster object #238
Bug 2074243 : Bump openshift/api
to c3bb724c28
Revert config/v1/Node crd.yaml #242
Bump openshift/api, openshit/client-go to add ImageMirrorSet CRDs #236
bumped openshift API to have node object related changes #233
Bug 2043709 : fix component-base logging flags #230
Bug 2034484 : feat: bumped library-go version #227
Bug 2033536 : vendor: update openshift/api to include alibaba CRD update #229
bump openshift/api #228
Bump golang to 1.17 #225
Bug 1986504 : bump openshift/api #223
OWNERS: add Abu as approver #221
Bug 1992592 : bump api #219
Bump openshift/api, openshit/client-go #220
Updating openshift/api, openshift/client-go, and openshift/library-go #218
Bug 1993002 : Bump API to fix kubebuilder directives #214
Bug 1984635 : use new default leader election values to handle SNO environments #213
Bug 1984635 : use new default leader election values to handle apiserver rollout on SNO #211
Bug 1986148 : Bump API for Ingress RequiredHSTSPolicies #212
Add missing include annotation for ibm-cloud-managed #210
bump: get updated operator API content #209
bump(openshift/api): to get latest CRDs #208
Add AzureStack support #186
Bug 1957822 : bump o/api to get the apiserver.TLSProfile doc update #206
Bug 1960339 : openshift-user-critical: unset globalDefault #205
bump(*): openshift/api to pickup updated CRD’s #203
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #198
Bug 1960339 : manifests: add preemptionPolicy for openshift-user-critical #202
Bug 1947803 : quota: switch to v1 crd #201
Rename workload annotations #194
Bug 1950113 : vendor: bump to the latest openshift/api #199
Bug 1878199 : remove log level normalizer #197
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #195
Bug 1947800 : Bump openshift/api (and Kube 1.21 release) #192
Add management workload annotations #190
Bug 1949145 : Add missing annotations to upc #193
Bug 1949145 : Add user facing priority class #191
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #166
pkg/operator/kube_cloud_config: Fix “kuberneted” -> “Kubernetes” doc typo #172
Bug 1901535 : Update openshift/api dependency #187
Mark operator pod as system-cluster-critical #184
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #188
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
bump openshift/api to support new field controlPlaneToplogy in #175
Bug 1920619 : bump(openshift): remove scheduler default profile from config #181
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #178
Bug 1890038 : update AWS platform status migration controller for all platforms #174
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #169
Bug 1905328 : Add warning of the consequences of changing bound token issuer #173
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
Bump openshift/api #168
Bug 1891952 : Bump API For Ingress AppsDomain Field #167
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #164
Add component to OWNERS #163
bump( support KubeVirt platform #160
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48700 : Bump to latest library-go #558
CNTRLPLANE-22 : Update to Kubernetes 1.32.1 #557
OCPBUGS-48700 : Bump library-go for static pod controller apply fixes. #556
OCPBUGS-45724 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #554
API-1835 : bump library-go #552
WRKLDS-1449 : bump(k8s): update* dependencies to v1.31.1 #547
API-1835 : operator client update #551
create CRDs from openshift/api #550
no-jira: Update OWNERS #549
OCPBUGS-41260 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #548
no-jira: Rename Dockerfile #546
NO-JIRA: update library-go #544
OCPBUGS-34367 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #543
API-1783 : bump(k8s): bump k8s version to v1.30.0 #540
WRKLDS-1168 : tolerate #539
OCPBUGS-30489 : bump( #538
WRKLDS-1071 : bump(library-go)=release-4.16 #536
OCPBUGS-29566 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #535
OCPBUGS-23900 : README: fix dynamicResourceAllocation field name #534
OCPBUGS-23900 : Profile customizations: dynamic resource allocation through TechPreviewNoUpgrade feature gate #532
AUTH-481 : add PSa labels to openshift-kube-scheduler-operator namespace #533
NO-JIRA: readme: describe mapping between logLevel and log level #531
NO-JIRA: README: add notes about dumping KS’s node cache #530
OCPBUGS-21846 : sync(library-go): revision_controller: update last revision only when a revision is completely rendered #526
OCPBUGS-23631 : Add .snyk file to exclude vendor and ignore unit tests #524
OCPBUGS-24915 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #522
TRT-1420 : Bump openshift/library-go to pick up revision_controller revert #521
OCPNODE-1890 : Bump k8s api to v0.29.0 #510
OCPBUGS-24915 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #519
OCPBUGS-24915 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #517
OCPBUGS-24106 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #513
OCPBUGS-24218 : Annotate serviceaccount-ca with ownership information #511
OCPBUGS-23463 : bump(library-go) #512
NO-JIRA: steps for enabling profiling, collecting heap and running go tool pprof #507
OCPNODE-1886 : Migrate from to v1 #508
OCPBUGS-21734 : Bump openshift/library-go to disable http/2 by default #503
OCPBUGS-21734 : Bump deps to address CVE-2023-44487 #500
bump(openshift/client-go,library-go) #498
OCPBUGS-16794 : installerpod: change pod manifest mode to 0600 #496
OCPBUGS-19175 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #493
Bump openshift/* libs #492
Update to Kubernetes 1.28.2 #491
STOR-1425 : Update to Kubernetes 1.28.1 #490
OCPBUGS-14052 : KubeSchedulerDown: set runbook_url annotation #489
OCPBUGS-15256 : Sync openshift/api to reduce installerpod configmap based file permissions to 0600 #488
remove loglevel in deploy #487
OCPBUGS-14323 : Change manifest directory permissions #485
Remove featureset flag and use only the manifest #484
STOR-1263 : Bump k8s 1.27 #472
use standard featuregate library from API #483
OCPBUGS-12074 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #479
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #466
OCPBUGS-10568 : migrate to using lease objects for leader election #476
disable debug pporf with unauthenticated port #468
WRKLDS-705 : Bump openshift/api to enable DynamicResourceAllocation through TechPreviewNoUpgrade #463
WRKLDS-649 : Guard pod set readiness probe endpoint explicitly #459
OCPBUGS-6261 : bump(k8s): 1.26.1 #460
Add client certificate and key to service monitor #434
remove use of deprecated klog flags #457
Revert “Drop log flags removed in k8s 1.26” #456
bump (openshift/api) for CSIMigration* feature gates #455
Drop log flags removed in k8s 1.26 #454
Drop flags removed in k8s 1.26 #453
OCPBUGS-3041 : guard controller: set an explicit hostname to avoid name collisions #446
bootstrap-kube-scheduler: specify resources.requests #445
library-go vendoring for installer cmd timeout #444
Bump openshift/api to bring the MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread enabled in TPNoUpgrade #442
trt-589 bump library-go #441
Bump go.mod golang version to 1.19 #440
k8s 1.25.0 #438
Describe how to increase log level of kube-scheduler instances #436
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #433
Update owners #432
Bug 2062459 : Introduce sync unit test #430
Bug 2086092 : bump to k8s v0.24.0 #420
Bug 2062459 : Fix bootstrap leader election config #428
Bug 2064024 : README: fix scheduler configuration formatting #427
Bug 2064024 : Update library-go to 80f9619c2 #425
Fix debugging information #424
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #421
[rebase v1.24] remove –port flag from bootstrap #422
Update OWNERS #419
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #406
Bug 2053582 : Track static pod lifecycle #417
Bug 2053582 : Track static pod lifecycle #415
Update resourcelock to configmapleases #412
Bump(openshift/api): to get CSI changes #411
Do not wait for a port which is no longer used by the scheduler #410
update cert injection annotations to beta #409
Bug 2029470 : update library-go to get rapid installer pod fixes #407
Bug 2035986 : Replace deprecated annotation #393
Bug 2042049 : Delete feature gates removed from #401
Bug 2039414 : Update KubeSchedulerConfig to v1beta3(default in 1.23) #395
Bug 2005901 : Sync the library-go #397
Bug 2033751 : Return Error when trying to use Scheduler Policy #390
Bug 2040132 : drop –port flag #398
Bug 2035927 : Replace NodeResourcesLeastAllocated/NodeResourcesMostAllocated plugins with NodeResourcesFit #392
Bug 2005901 : Bump library-go #396
Bug 2038968 : bump(openshift/api): to get CSI migration gates switched off #394
Bug 2005901 : Guard controller pdb #373
Bug 2034515 : bump library-go #388
Upgrade library-go version #387
Bump to k8s 1.23 #386
bump(library-go): to gather a fix for static pod UID version #384
Bug 2026352 : Sync with library-go to pick fixes for pruner panic #383
Bug 2002300 : Disable balancedAllocation and add weight for HighNodeUtilization profile #378
update scheduler metrics service selector #382
Fix gomod #377
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #375
bump(*): library-go #376
bump(openshift/api): to get fix for typo in feature gate #374
Bug 2010354 : Make alert consistent with the alerting-consistency guidelines #372
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-kube-scheduler namespace #371
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #369
Bug 2001856 : bump libgo and related deps #368
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #367
Bug 1984608 : Set kube-scheduler leader election defaults #365
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #364
Bug 1986003 : Bump to 1.22.0-rc.0 #362
SchedulerLegacyPolicySet: add 60 min wait #363
Fire SchedulerLegacyPolicySet alert when the legacy scheduler policy API is set #361
Start using embed module for assets #360
Bump openshift/api #359
operator: move target config controller to factory #358
bump library-go to get context fixes #357
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator images to be consistent with ART #356
Bug 1963730 : kube-apiserver failed to load SNI cert and key #354
Bug 1946479 : use manual service account tokens #355
Added more complete unit tests #352
Bug 1963079 : Add e2e test for preferred host #351
Bug 1953563 : Enable golang version verify target #349
Transfer root-image configuration to this repository #350
Bug 1954087 : added test for manage config maps in targetconfigcontroller #346
Rename workload annotations #347
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #348
Add management workload annotations #343
Bug 1949364 : Mention scheduling profiles #345
Bug 1948431 : Bump openshift/api to get the necessary CSIMigration feature gates #344
passing additional args to kubernetes-scheduler #336
servicemonitor: Relabel kube_podresource * pod/namespace labels #340
bump(*): 1.21 #342
Fix development readme to refer to actual pod/container #339
update library-go to fix tight loops #341
defines test-e2e-preferred-host job for running smoke tests to check if KS talks to Kube over a preferred host #338
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #337
Bug 1938468 : Specify cpu resource request for kube-scheduler-operator-container container #335
Bug 1934154 : Bump to v1.3.2 #333
Bug 1844989 : Set –tls-cipher-suites, resp. –tls-min-version only when the fields under servingInfo observedConfig are found #332
Bug 1844989 : Allow to set –tls-cipher-suites and –tls-min-version of KS instances through observed config #331
Bug 1926579 : Move warning about deprecated spec.policy field #330
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #329
Remove tnozicka and ravi from OWNERS #328
Bug 1920619 : bump(*): remove default scheduler profile #326
Bug 1920509 : Use ss instead of lsof when waiting for ports #324
Bug 1915304 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #321
Bug 1889488 : Have probes listen to secure ports #316
Bug 1891068 : manifests: add missing profile annotations #319
Bug 1887392 : bump kube to 1.201 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #313
Bug 1908145 : Change recovery-controller port to avoid conflicts #311
Bug 1907998 : Collect /metrics/resources from scheduler #283
Bug 1905327 : specify cpu and memory resources for initContainers #310
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #309
Switch to profiles #307
Bug 1881322 : Sync new kube-scheduler-client-cert-key on recovery #288
bump( to 1.20.0-beta.2 #305
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #304
Revert “Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork” #303
picks up setting TCP_USER_TIMEOUT
socket option #302
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #301
bump library-go for static pod uid #295
Bug 1890724 : Reduce OperatorStatusChanged event noise for staticpod controller #294
Bug 1889308 : Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork #293
Bug 1888015 : bump library-go to pick up static pod graceful timeout workaround #291
Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #289
Full changelog
OCPCLOUD-2832 : Bump k8s 1.32 #268
OCPBUGS-48056 : Fix race condition in CO status controller test #264
OCPCLOUD-2787 : Deploy CAPI manifests in CustomNoUpgrade #262
OCPBUGS-36404 : Filter CSRs by signerName #243
OCPBUGS-45434 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #247
OCPBUGS-45306 : Ensure trailing dots on DNS names do not block serving cert auth #253
OCPBUGS-45306 : Client internal DNS checks should ignore trailing dot #248
OCPCLOUD-2736 : Update to k8s 1.31 #240
OCPCLOUD-2703 : OWNERS: update subcomponent #239
OCPBUGS-39526 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #238
OCPBUGS-36871 : Client internal DNS checks should be case insensitive #237
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #236
OCPCLOUD-2602 : Update dependencies to Kube 1.30 #235
OCPBUGS-34138 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #232
OCPBUGS-33644 : check for machine crd before listing machines #231
OCPBUGS-29568 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #229
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #227
OCPBUGS-26116 : Add Snyk file to exclude vendor directory on scan #225
OCPCLOUD-2417 : Update to kube 1.29 and controller-runtime 0.17.0 #224
OCPBUGS-23544 : Increase concurrent reconciles to 10 #222
OCPBUGS-25582 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART #223
OCPBUGS-24985 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART #218
OCPBUGS-24154 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver-container image to be consistent with ART #217
OCPCLOUD-2277 : Ensure Cluster Machine Approver metrics are only available via HTTPS #211
OCPBUGS-21594 : Filter non node CSRs in metrics #208
OCPBUGS-21793 : Bump x/net package to v0.17.0 #204
Update OWNERS #205
OCPBUGS-19250 : Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver images to be consistent with ART #201
OCPCLOUD-2181 : Update K8s dependencies to 1.28 #203
OCPBUGS-17090 : Set logger for controller runtime #200
OCPBUGS-18338 : Fix CI by running tests natively by default #199
OCPBUGS-16156 : check if machine api present #198
handle situation when machine CRD is not present #191
OCPCLOUD-2044 : Update to Kubernetes 1.27 deps #195
OCPBUGS-10171 : Go 1.20 bump with fixed unit tests #194
OCPBUGS-11225 : Update node client allowed usages #189
OCPBUGS-11225 : Update isNodeClientCert to allow for new key usages #186
OCPBUGS-11225 : approver: fix ECDSA approvals in 1.27 #184
Update TLS Bootstrapping doc links in README #182
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver images to be consistent with ART #180
Update OWNERS #179
: Update tooling for CMA #178
OCPCLOUD-1805 : Port to ginkgo v2 #176
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver images to be consistent with ART #174
Update OWNERS #177
OCPBUGS-2621 : Update capi related CMA deployment ports #173
OCPBUGS-1411 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.25 #171
update to to match OCP 4.12 #172
ignore case when checking csr hostnames #170
Bug 2087039 : update dependencies to K8s 1.24, go 1.18 #165
Set default container for log retrieval #163
Define all flags before parsing flags #161
Bug 2047702 : Reconcile CSRs approved by other controllers #160
Add techpreview manifests for CAPI machines #159
Bug 1978303 : update approve condition logic #158
Allow to define several API groups #157
Shrink csr_check_test.go size #155
Make ‘reject_expired’ tests works in any time zone #154 Elaborate a bit more on node join #150
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver images to be consistent with ART #153
Bug 2028019 : Account for large scale simultaneous renewal on UPI clusters #152
Bug 2032926 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.23 #149
update to golang 1.17 #140
OWNERS: remove old team members, add new ones #145
Replace certificates with generated certificactes #144
Bug 2010359 : add summary and description to alerts #138
Bug 1860774 : Allow fallback to serving cert renewal accounting for egress IPs on SDN #137
Bug 2013528 : Ensure pending CSR count is valid post approval #135
add leader election options #133
add commandline flag for status controller #132
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-cluster-machine-approver namespace #134
add machine-namespace #131
Bug 2003788 : Prevent error loop when a CSR is queued and then approved externally #129
Add support for unstructured machines #114
Bug 1994480 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.22 #128
Ensure must-gather tracks related objects on failures #126
manifests/0000_90_cluster-machine-approver_04_alertrules: Drop ClusterMachineApproverDown #112
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver images to be consistent with ART #125
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #124
fixing the link in the of csr_check.go #109
Bug 1956609 : Use a direct client for uncached reads #123
Bug 1956609 : Bypass cache when reading Node and Machine objects #121
Bug 1948719 : update controller-runtime dependency #119
Add management workload annotations #110
Bug 1952282 : Ensure serving certs requeued #118
Bug 1940972 : Increase cache resync period to 10 min instead of 10 hours #117
Bug 1948719 : update dependencies to 1.21 #115
Bug 1949741 : bump golang versions #113
Bug 1947785 : Move certificates to v1 #111
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #93
Enable running make targets inside container #107
Refactor logging and error handling #108
Bug 1923823 : Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy #105
Refactor csr approver to use controller runtime #101
Bug 1909108 : Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #100
Bug 1907380 : Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #98
Increase test coverage in CSR approval #95
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #97
Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #96
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #94
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #92
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-52848 : Revert “OCPBUGS-45049: Adding mutex to func createSamples on handler.go” #607
OCPBUGS-52379 : relevant references to master renamed in #603
OCPBUGS-52346 : bump x/oauth2 to version 0.27.0 #602
OCPBUGS-45049 : Adding mutex to func createSamples on handler.go #601
OCPBUGS-30313 : Removing reference of #592
OCPBUGS-48182 : add shannon and aroyoredhat as owners #593
OCPBUGS-45597 : Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #591
SO-142 : Periodic sync of OKD samples #582
SO-139 : Update the k8s API version #584
SO-138 : Periodic sync of supported OCP samples #583
SO-137 : Support updating the library separately for OKD and for OCP. #581
OKD-225 : Add back mysql samples #571
OCPBUGS-42265 : Fix the rails template before the upstream accepts or PR #574
OKD-225 : Sync samples - OKD CI is completely broken currently due to removed containers #569
OKD-225 : update okd dockerfile builder and base images #566
OCPBUGS-38994 : Fix to handle renames in unsupported samples #562
OCPBUGS-38926 : Update Go version, API version and vendored libs to the same versions as in the openshift/api. #561
OCPBUGS-38273 : Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #559
NO-ISSUE: Only pick up the changes from the supported imagestreams and templates in #553
KUBESAW-162 : add mfrancisc and metlos as owners #549
SO-121 : Syncing the library for only S2i Samples for OCP 4.16 #543
Revert “SO-121: Resync Libray for 4.16” #542
SO-121 : Resync Libray for 4.16 #540
OCPBUGS-31303 : bump K8s version to 29.2 #536
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #535
OCPBUGS-26992 : Align builder and base for Dockerfile.okd with Dockerfile #531
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #532
OCPBUGS-24787 : Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #530
OCPBUGS-24787 : Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #527
SO-119 : Fix mariadb import url in OKD #525
SO-118 : Bumping the K8s to 28.2 and golang to 1.20 #524
SO-117 : Library Sync for OCP release 4.15 #522
OCPBUGS-22225 : Sync library to remove invalid dockerhub references for OKD #519
Use latest tag for network-tools imagestream #518
OCPBUGS-18857 : Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #517
manifests: Drop explicit runlevel from CRD manifest #515
OCPBUGS-16435 : Bump k8 to v0.27.2 for ocp 4.14 #514
OCPBUGS-16403 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.14 #511
reconcile status when clusteroperator changes #510
OCPBUGS-15754 : Update Jenkins and Jenkins Agent Base image versions #504
OCPBUGS-14491 : Updating to use Jenkins 4.13 images #502
OCPBUGS-12775 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraaies for OCP 4.14 #500
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #499
OCPBUGS-10910 : Add network tools imagestreams #495
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #493
Fix jira component #494
update Jenkins to use v4.12 imagestreams #491
OCPBUGS-855 : When setting allowedRegistries urls the openshift-samples operator is degraded #487
OCPBUGS-6811 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.13 #485
Change importMode to preserveOriginal for Openshift imagestreams #482
OCPBUGS-6579 : update sample imagestreams with latest 4.11 image using specific image tag reference #483
OCPBUGS-4357 : Bump k8s master #476
OCPBUGS-4166 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.13 #474
OCPBUGS-3426 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.12 #471
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #470
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #465
Add client certificate and key to service monitor #464
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #435
Bug 2086086 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.11 #433
update jenkins CPaaS image refs prior to 4.11 GA #432
Bug 2086086 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.11 #431
Bug 2095256 : Samples Owner needs to be Updated #429
Bug 2086086 : Update Cluster Sample Operator dependencies and libraries for OCP 4.11 #428
AUTH-133 : manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #425
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #426
JNKS-289 : pull in jenkins imagestream updates (add back maven/nodejs streams) #422
Jira SO-19: Make sure template and imagestream api version is groupified #420
JNKS-287 : remove imagestream manifest refs; remove override of jenkins images with payload images #416
Bug 2010364 : OpenShift Alerting Rules Style-Guide Compliance #419
Bug 2067823 : Taking care of CVE-2022-21698 #418
Bug 2064610 : Remove duplicate v1 from cakephp-mysql templates #417
manifests: Add #414
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #412
Bug 2027745 : Allowing ImageStream creation when config registry empty #406
Bug 2033720 : Synching SSO library #411
upd rhel7 Dockerfile in case still used for rhel7 worker nodes #410
Bug 2033720 : Bump k8 dependencies to v0.23.1 #409
Bug 2033720 : Library synchronization for OCP 4.10 #408
Bug 2027745 : Move openshift build-machinery-go dependency #407
Update OWNERS #402
Remove single node prod cluster profile annotation as it is not used #405
Bug 2007757 : Including Template in must-gather related objects. #399
Bug 2006947 : fix proxy portion of tbr inaccessible check #397
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #396
Bug 2002368 : acccount for image api returning invalid on imagestream create based on allowed/blocked registry settings #394
Bug 2003683 : fix recently introduced panic when conflict errors occur #395
Bug 1993840 : more avoiding immediate degraded on intermittent API errors #391
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #390
add david peraza as approver, clean up reviewers #389
BUILD-298 : Bump k8s to 1.22.1 #388
Bug 1993840 : avoid immediate degraded on intermittent API errors; set reason/message when Available=false #387
Bug 1995386 : don’t return err in wait.Poll on net.DialTimeout err; tweak time intervals #386
Bug 1990140 : add connection with timeout in TBR accessibility check to expedite ‘disconnected’ mode #384
Bug 1990988 : Refreshing samples for OCP 4.9 #381
Bug 1975539 : delete hello-openshift in payload imagestream via CVO annotation #380
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator images to be consistent with ART #378
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #377
seed relatedObjects in manifest yaml #376
Bug 1960334 : manifests: fix selector in ServiceMonitor #374
Bug 1955100 : Fixing Deprecated API in use #373
Rename workload annotations #372
Bug 1949481 : add DeepCopy to avoid SharedInformer cache mutation #369
Bug 1950236 : OKD: replace some images with #360
BUILD-249 : openshift/library sync for 4.8 #367
Bug 1948782 : revert single-node-production-edge annotation #368
bump(k8s) 1.21.0 #365
Add management workload annotations #366
Fix Typo #364
Add IBM cloud managed profile manifest patch #363
Remove hello-openshift imagestream #362
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #361
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #355
Bug 1930570 : Update Jenkins monitored templates names #357
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #352
Bug 1914723 : SamplesTBRInaccessibleOnBoot Alert has a misspelling #351
Bug 1766287 : Improve usability of hello-openshift imagestream #350
Bug 1907952 : BUILD-147: bump(*): k8s 1.20.1-rc.0 #349
Bug 1905319 : request required minimal mem resource per openshift conventions #348
pull latest openshift/library for updating samples for 4.7 #344
more readme corrections stemming from skills transfer work #347
more README updates/fixes #345
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #343
add ‘single-node-production-edge’ annotations to CVO manifests #342
Bug 1898745 : deprecate ImageChangesInProgress, make sure it stays false #341
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #339
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #337
Bug 1898745 : actually set imagestreams in progress to false in imagestream event path #340
set progressing false on imagestream events as well if no active streams #338
BUILD-125 : move imagestream tracking out of operator config object #313
Add aarch64 support #335
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #334
Add hello-openshift imagestream #332
Bug 1886890 : Override jenkins-agent-base imagestream #331
BUILD-145 : store imagestreamtag to image mappings in configmap #321
Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #330
Sync w/ library for updating jenkins nodejs agent image #329
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-24588 : bump library-go #566
STOR-2252 : Bump all deps #554
CFE-1131 : Added token minter Sidecar for aws-ebs hypershift-deployments #528
OCPBUGS-50668 : fix Vsphere cluster Storage operator in Unavailable state #556
STOR-2078 : VolumeAttributesClasses typo in resources #550
OCPBUGS-45073 : Support HCP labels #551
STOR-2078 : Typo in clusterRole resources for VolumeAttributesClasses #549
OCPBUGS-45617 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #546
OCPBUGS-45737 : Remove unecessary resources from the guest cluster #544
STOR-2078 : Add RBAC rule for Volumeattributesclass #545
STOR-2078 : Add OPERATOR_IMAGE_VERSION var to AWS-EBS operator #542
NO-JIRA: Remove kustomize-related annotations from generated assets #531
OSASINFRA-3635 : Add manila csi to hypershift #527
NO-JIRA: Add openstack-approvers to root OWNERS #535
OSASINFRA-3632 : Rename expected config map for HCP management cluster #538
STOR-2017 : Bump all deps for 4.18 #523
OSASINFRA-3632 : Add Hypershift support to openstack-cinder #525
STOR-2078 : Add ClusterRole Volumeattributesclass for provisioner and resizer #534
OSASINFRA-3483 : Prepare for openstack-cinder Hypershift integration #510
OCPBUGS-43767 : Fix PodStartupStorageOperationsFailing alert #533
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #524
NO-JIRA: Remove redundant clusterrole rules #532
NO-JIRA: Add README to assets + remove redundant definitions #526
STOR-1823 : Remove shared-resource CSI driver from CSO #509
HOSTEDCP-2033 : Add ARO HCP environment vars to CSI deployment #517
OCPBUGS-41365 : add KUBE_RBAC_PROXY_CONTROL_PLANE_IMAGE to other neede… #522
NO-JIRA: assets: shared-resource: hypershift: add pull-secret to operator SA #519
OCPBUGS-41365 : add ability to control kube rbac proxy container image… #515
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #516
NO-JIRA: Remove OLMOperatorRemovalController #513
NO-JIRA: Always recreate manifests #511
NO-JIRA: create CRDs from openshift/api #505
API-1835 : bump openshift/api #504
STOR-1422 : Bump openshift/api to get EFS volume metrics #502
OCPBUGS-41138 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #500
OCPBUGS-37663 : include azure perms for route table #499
OCPBUGS-38183 : Use restricted-v2 SCC and remove runAsUser in Hypershift #497
STOR-1422 : Bump(openshift/api): to get EFS volume metrics #496
CFE-879 : Add TagUser role to creadentials request of GCP PD operator #490
OCPBUGS-37488 : Pass TOOLS_IMAGE env var to AWS EBS CSI Driver operator #494
CNV-44992 : HCP custom tolerations integration #493
OCPBUGS-37633 : Add permissions for vsphere_problem_detector to access clustercsidrivers #495
STOR-1767 : Disable vsphere-problem-detector alerts if ManagementState==Removed #487
STOR-1596 : Bump all deps for 4.17 #486
MON-2065 : manifests: add k8s storage rules #477
OCPBUGS-36169 : deactivate MultipleDefaultStorageClasses alert immediately after being fixed #483
STOR-1767 : add env var OPERATOR_NAME to vsphere csi operator deployment #485
STOR-1593 : add patch role to PVs for provisioner #482
OCPBUGS-34590 : revert vsphere problem detector controller name change #479
OCPBUGS-34291 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #476
STOR-1839 : VSphereDriverConfiguration feature Accessible-by-default #478
STOR-1839 : VSphereDriverConfiguration feature Accessible-by-default #475
OCPBUGS-34291 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #474
SPLAT-1555 : Added featuregate for vSphere Multi vCenter. #465
OCPBUGS-28230 : enforce termination message policy on all platform pods #470
OCPBUGS-29126 : vsphere-problem-detector: don’t set Available condition #456
OCPBUGS-28230 : enforce termination message policy on all platform pods #467
STOR-1804 : update ClusterCSIDriver CRDs #464
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #459
OCPBUGS-28748 : log default storage class names when collector is triggered #460
OCPBUGS-30498 : CVE-2024-24786: bump to v1.33.0 #463
STOR-1758 : Add azure file hypershift #454
OCPBUGS-28879 : Fix problem-detector proxy setting #457
OCPBUGS-29573 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #458
OCPBUGS-28765 : Remove master node selector from azure-csi-driver-operator deployment #448
OCPBUGS-29196 : Update AWSCSIDriverConfigSpec fields validation to accept all current AWS partitions #455
STOR-1574 : Bump all deps #447
STOR-1611 : remove ibm-vpc-node-label-updater #445
OCPBUGS-27159 : Allow vSphere CSI driver to be disabled #444
STOR-1289 : Move vSphere prometheus rules to CSO #442
STOR-1354 : Remove Alibaba Disk CSI Driver #440
STOR-1574 : Bump library-go #443
STOR-1722 : Azure disk hypershift #420
STOR-1714 : Release leadership on SIGTERM #437
OCPBUGS-22994 : Add UsernameWithoutDomain as a reason for triggering VSphereOpenshitConnectionFailure alert #430
OCPBUGS-22422 : Fix PodStartupStorageOperationsFailing alert #436
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #434
OCPBUGS-25564 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #435
CCO-251 : replace instanceAdmin role with specific compute permissions #429
OCPBUGS-24927 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #432
OCPBUGS-23852 : CVE-2023-47108: bump to v0.46 #431
OCPVE-789 : annotate credentials request manifests #418
STOR-1277 : Add Prometheus rules for SELinux telemetry #422
TRT-1376 : Revert #410 “CCO-251: use granular permissions for gcp credentails request” #426
CCO-251 : use granular permissions for gcp credentails request #410
OCPBUGS-24112 : Updating ose-cluster-storage-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #424
STOR-1487 : bump openshift/api to get IBMCloudCSIDriverConfigSpec #423
OCPBUGS-24027 : forbidden access to resource on shared-resource-csi-driver-operator #425
STOR-1402 : Chore: update libraries in all operators [4.15] #421
OCPBUGS-23120 : [IBM ROKS] cluster-storage-operator does not set upgradeable=True #417
STOR-1453 : Grant permissions to access apiserver
to CSI driver operators #415
OCPBUGS-22594 : CVE-2023-45142: bump to v0.45.0 #414
OCPBUGS-22357 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to master #411
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #404
OCPBUGS-13669 : skip Azure File installation on Azure StackHub #395
OCPBUGS-19073 : Move KAS access label to right place #403
update readme #400
OCPBUGS-19073 : Add KAS label to aws-ebs-operator #399
OCPBUGS-19184 : Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #398
STOR-1446 : Restart vsphere-problem-detector-operator
Pods if serving-cert
changed #394
STOR-1274 : use granular permissons for Azure credential requests #388
STOR-1432 : hypershift: pass through control plane images to AWS EBS CSI driver operator #393
STOR-1432 : hypershift: add independent refs for AWS EBS driver controller images #392
OCPBUGS-17356 : Fix PodStartupStorageOperationsFailing alert #391
Remove “get” verb from “events” resource of RBAC for provisioner sidecar #390
OCPBUGS-11359 : Remove unused versions from status #374
OCPBUGS-16783 : Chore: Update OWNERS #389
OCPBUGS-16265 : Publish csi sidecar clusterroles earlier #386
OCPBUGS-15940 : Revert revert of hypershift cleanup #385
Revert “STOR-1369: Start hypershift refactor” #384 #384
STOR-1369 : Start hypershift refactor #381
OCPBUGS-13696 : Warn about CBT enabled VMs via vsphere-problem-detector #371
OCPBUGS-14053 : decrease severity for MultipleDefaultStorageClasses alert #382
STOR-1065 : Publish ClusterRoles for csi driver sidecars #379
STOR-1167 : Add permissions needed by fast snapshots to AWS CSI driver #369
CCO-319 : Add serviceAccountNames to azure-disk and azure-file credentials #364
OCPBUGS-13187 : Make vsphere-problem-detector alerts configurable #380
CCO-324 , CCO-325 : pass version to azure operators #372
OCPBUGS-13914 : allow removal of vsphereStorageDriver field in 4.14 #378
STOR-1334 : update storage operator to read featuregates from API #376
Revert “update storage operator to read featuregates from API on standalone OCP” #375
STOR-1334 : update storage operator to read featuregates from API on standalone OCP #368
OCPBUGS-11617 : Bump #358
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #365
OCPBUGS-11729 : VSphereStorageDriver does not document the platform default #360
OCPBUGS-11493 : vsphereStorageDriver validation is misleading #357
OCPBUGS-8683 : Add management workloads annotations #350
OCPBUGS-11112 : Add missing workload label to openshift-manila-csi-driver NS #353
OCPBUGS-8691 : Hypershift: set control plane operand properties #352
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #349
OCPBUGS-8328 : assets: csi: hypershift: add pull-secret to aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator ServiceAccount #346
BUILD-571 : enable shared resource operator to run in an hypershift guest cluster #342
STOR-875 : Implement custom keys in AWS EBS CSI driver operator #338
OCPBUGS-5410 : add ReEncrypt KMS permissions #345
BUILD-407 : Revert “remove tech preview feature gate for shared resources” #343
OCPBUGS-6992 : Add UID to CSO Pod to be able to run with custom SCCs #344
MULTIARCH-3203 : Hypershift changes for CSO moved to CP on PowerVS CSI driver operator #331
STOR-1123 : Add alert about topology misconfiguration #334
STOR-1128 : Stop creating an in-tree SC for vSphere #340
OCPBUGS-7483 : Revert “Merge pull request #332 from bertinatto/default-sc” #339
STOR-1128 : Remove defaultstorageclass controller #332
BUILD-407 : remove tech preview feature gate for shared resources #335
OCPBUGS-7300 : hypershift: remove inject-proxy annotation from aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator deployment #336
STOR-1019 : Bump to k8s 1.26 libs for OCP 4.13 #333
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #330
OCPBUGS-4173 : Restart vsphere-problem-detector after credentials change #328
OCPBUGS-4508 : User real node name in failing mount alerts #329
Bug 2066664 : Remove wildcard use in rules for CSI operators and drivers #270
STOR-1039 : Make changes into CSO for hypershift #318
OCPBUGS-2880 : Fix panic on empty featureGate.spec.customNoUpgrade #325
Bug 2093016 : Add alert about attach / mount failing #324
OCPBUGS-1361 : Reword vSphere problem detector check alerts #322
Remove specific UID from cluster-storage-operator #316
OCPBUGS-1904 : Allow CSI operator to get CRDs #323
add storage capability annotation #303
Bump go to 1.19 #321
STOR-858 : Bump* and* #317
STOR-1050 : bump openshift/api to latest master #319
Remove in-tree AWS EBS and GCP PD storage classes #312
TRT-534 : Add client certificate and key to service monitor #306
OCPBUGS-946 : Resource added to powervs-block-csi-d river-operator-clusterrole #315
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #296
Bug 2112237 : correct sc error messages for ibm and alibaba platforms #310
Add PowerVS Block CSI Driver Operator #304
Bug 2108054 : Allow Prometheus to scan openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace #308
STOR-956 : Bump(openshift/api): to get CSI changes #307
Bug 2108054 : Add alert about unsupported CSI driver #305
Bug 2107043 : HTTPS_PROXY ENV missing in some CSI driver operators #301
Bug 2101645 : DefaultStorageClassController reports fake message on azure and openstack #292
Bug 2077599 : Fix vCenter / ESXi version alerts #290
Bug 2097400 : Allow Shared Resource Driver to operate validating webhook #288
Bug 2077050 : Un-Revert “OCP should default to pd-ssd disk type on GCP” #284
Bug 2081557 : Fix DefaultStorageClassController getting Available=False on error #277
Bug 2088533 : remove unused ‘-v’ for shared resource operator as part of klogv2/openshift api/ k8s bump #287
Bug 2086231 : BUILD-405: Install the Shared Resource CSI Driver WebHook #278
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #282
Bug 2077050 : Revert “OCP should default to pd-ssd disk type on GCP” #283
Bug 2077599 : Alert on vCenter < 7.0.2 #279
Bug 2077050 : OCP should default to pd-ssd disk type on GCP #273
Bug 2079197 : alert when more than one default storage class is detected #276
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #274
remove openstack in-tree storage class #271
remove azure in-tree storage class #272
Azure File CSI Driver Operator is GA in OCP 4.11 #266
Add missing ibm cloud annotations to prometheus rbac #267
no CredentialsRequests in ibm-cloud-managed #253
Bug 2060509 : Incorrect installation of ibmcloud vpc csi driver in IBM… #264
Bug 2049872 : cluster storage operator AWS credentialsrequest lacks KMS privileges #263
Bug 2043132 : Add metrics for vsphere operator #262
Bug 2050300 : Don’t set generation in object comming from cache #261
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #260
Bug 2044481 : update ClusterOperator relatedObjects to collect sharedresource CRD instances #257
Bug 2047025 : Add “patch” permissions to Alibaba CSI driver operator #259
Bug 2045112 : Add leases rbac for vsphere-problem-detector #258
Bug 2043130 : Update CSI sidecars to the latest release for 4.10 #256
Bug 2037856 : Update library-go to get leader election updates #255
Bug 2040880 : Do not replace unknown condition with true when we union conditions #254
Bug 1961317 : Add operator’s ClusterRoleBinding to RelatedObjects #251
Bug 2038389 : Union upgradeable conditions as well from ClusterCSIDriver objects #252
Bug 2033111 : IBM VPC operator library bump removed global CLI args #250
Bug 2034515 : fix: pull in latest library-go #247
feat: library-go bump #244
Remove invalid -v argument from IBM VPC operator deployment #246
Bug 2030364 : Setup port, mount TLS cert into CSI shared resource operator #243
Add IBM VPC Block CSI Driver Operator #242
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #236
Bug 2027363 : Fix reference to Azure File images #241
Add Alibaba Disk CSI driver #239
Replace images with quay #240
Add CredentialsRequest for Alibaba Disk CSI driver #238
Secure metrics for Shared Resource Operator #237
Bug 2001761 : Fix RelatedObjects when RBAC API is missing #215
Migrate additional yaml files from SRO repository #231
Credential Request added #230
Update Shared Resource Operator permissions #229
BUILD-284 : integrate shared resources operator #198
Bug 2015635 : Remove Azure Stack Hub detection. #228
Add missing RBAC rule for Azure File #227
Add missing env var for Azure File #226
Bump openshift/api #225
bump openshift/api to get #224
Add Azure File CSI Driver installation (TP) #223
Bug 2010310 : [vsphere] set summary and description for alerts #220
Bug 2009859 : Install vSphere CSI Driver by default (again) #221
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace #218
Revert “Install vSphere CSI Driver by default” #219
Install vSphere CSI Driver and Operator by default #217
Install Azure Disk CSI Driver by default #214
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #213
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #212
Bug 1999674 : Update prometheus rule to alert about esxi host versions #209
Bug 1992875 : Add azure credentials #206
Bug 1999853 : ControlPlaneTopology: Fix node selector for CSI driver operator deployment #208
Bug 1993931 : Storage operators use older kubernetes client #207
Bug 1991814 : Create namespace for manila on all OpenStack installations #202
Bug 1985391 : Add proxy support to cinder CSI #204
Bug 1992193 : Fix race when starting controllers #201
Bug 1948090 : Remove CSIDriverOperatorDeploymentAvailable condition when deploying CSI operator #173
Bug 1992857 : allow Azure CSI driver operator to read configmaps globally #203
Bug 1986557 : Install CSI drivers on all platforms #197
Bug 1990601 : Always run CSI driver controller for Azure Stack Hub #200
Bug 1948090 : Fix poddisruptionbudget RBAC rule for Manila #199
Bug 1986215 : Bump library-go to get leader election fixes #196
Bug 1982300 : Unify alert times #195
Bug 1972028 : Add RBAC rules for CSI operators to handle poddisruptionbudgets #194
Add service account names to gcp credentials request manifest #181
Bug 1969719 : Add trusted CA bundle to vsphere operators #178
Add permissions to vSphere operator to create ValidatingWebhookConfiguration objects #190
Add new driver permissions for vmware-vsphere-csi-operator #188
Remove ibm-cloud-managed annotation from operator deployment #186
Add alert about HW version < 15 #189
Support external control plane topology #187
Add permissions to get, list and watch pods for ovirt-csi-operator #185
exclude default storage class on Azure StackHub #184
Bug 1977389 : Manila CSI driver is not in must-gather #183
Use go:embed for static yaml files #179
Updating cluster-storage-operator images to be consistent with ART #177
Bug 1961317 : Adding static assets to related objects #175
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #176
Remove unused variables #172
Bug 1947402 : Add permissions poddisruptionbudgets in AWS CSI operator’ #171
Bug 1961120 : added permissions to service monitoring #167
Bug 1936871 : Add volumes with credentials to Cinder operator deployment #141
Bug 1961538 : manifests: remove namespace from cluster-storage-operator-role binding #168
Bug 1943719 : Add alert about vsphere-problem-detector unable to connect #166
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #165
Rename workload annotations #164
Bug 1949357 : Add missing RBAC rules to Manila operator #163
Bug 1948505 : Add missing RBAC rules for vSphere #156
Bug 1948721 : IBM Cloud manifest profile patch #146
Bug 1947360 : vSphere: set CPU/memory resource request #157
Bug 1949357 : Allow Manila operator to create ServiceMonitor in the driver namespace #162
Bug 1947866 : Add log level to Azure Disk CSI Operator #159
Bug 1948448 : Add log level to vSphere operator #158
Bug 1949554 : Pass KUBE_RBAC_PROXY to vSphere CSI driver operator #161
Bug 1924500 : Rebase to Kubernetes 1.21 libraries #160
Bug 1949041 : Update image-references for vsphere #155
Remove “vmware” prefix from CSI operator and driver #149
Add management workload annotations #150
Add vsphere syncer deployment #153
Degrade the cluster when an unsupported CSI driver is already installed #152
Add TokenReview permissions to newly introduced operators #154
Pass KUBE_RBAC_PROXY_IMAGE to CSI driver operators #151
Add AzureDisk CSI driver installation #148
Start tech-preview CSI driver operators when tech preview is enabled #144
Prepare for metrics collection in CSI driver operators #145
Add service account names to credentials request manifest #136
Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #143
Allow log level to be replaced #142
Prevent panic on webhook authenticator and authorizer timeout before response #139
Propagate log level to GCE and Cinder CSI driver operators #138
Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #135
Fix typo in #116
vsphere: don’t redeploy StorageClass in every sync #129
Bug 1923098 : Add replicasets to vsphere permissions #134
Bug 1883538 : Only include the relevant drivers in relatedObjects #133
Bug 1910581 : CSO shouldn’t overwrite clustercsidriver objects #131
Bug 1917551 : Change metric used in alerts for vsphere problem detector #128
Bug 1912945 : Add RBAC to allow operator to update CR’s spec #127
Bug 1904503 : Add prometheus alerts for vsphere #126
Bug 1914451 : Run CSO as non-root user #123
Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #125
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #106
Bug 1912944 : Set proxy env in vsphere-problem-detector, manila and oVirt deployment containers #122
Bug 1912945 : Add RBAC rules to read proxy resource #121
Bug 1907812 : Use separate RBAC objects for AWS CA bundle retrieval #118
Bug 1914119 : Add RBAC for status field #120
Bug 1904497 : Add vsphere problem detector deployment #111
Bug 1907329 : Add missing default cluster profile annotation #117
Bug 1904578 : Configure metrics scraping #107
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #102
Add YAMLs for starting vsphere-problem-detector as a deployment #110
aws: grant ebs operator permission to read configmaps #112
Bug 1902601 : Fix resources in cinder csi deployment template #108
Add missing default profile annotation #105
Bug 1902552 : Fix cinder-csi images #104
Add OpenStack Cinder driver startup #103
Add GCP-PD CSI Operator to CSO #101
Bug 1894025 : Add annotations to cluster-csi-drivers namespace #100
Remove OpenStack Cinder operator startup #99
Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #95
Add OpenStack Cinder driver startup #98
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #97
Bump OpenShift API to include Cinder CSI driver #94
Bug 1879365 : Move CSO namespace to lower runlevel #89
Full changelog
NO-JIRA: Updating openshift-ci-release-key for 2 years #70
ART-10934 : Move sigstore to release-3 key #63
OCPBUGS-41185 : Updating ose-cluster-update-keys-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #62
Revert “OCPBUGS-37770: Revert #58 “OTA-1304: manifests.rhel/0000_90_openshift-cluster-image-policy: New manifest”” #60
OCPBUGS-37770 : Revert #58 “OTA-1304: manifests.rhel/0000_90_openshift-cluster-image-policy: New manifest” #59
OTA-1304 : manifests.rhel/0000_90_openshift-cluster-image-policy: New manifest #58
OCPBUGS-35528 : keys: Update Red Hat keys to use SHA256 signatures #57
OCPBUGS-29570 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #54
OCPBUGS-24932 : Updating ose-cluster-update-keys-container image to be consistent with ART #53
OCPBUGS-24115 : Updating ose-cluster-update-keys-container image to be consistent with ART #52
OCPBUGS-19189 : Updating ose-cluster-update-keys images to be consistent with ART #51
Adding the new CI Signer public key #49
Clean up owners file as part of DPP-10343 #46
Updating ose-cluster-update-keys images to be consistent with ART #45
Updating ose-cluster-update-keys images to be consistent with ART #43
Update OWNERS #44
OWNERS: Prune crawford #42
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #37
Pack both keys in one verifier-public-key-ci entry #35
Adding the new Openshift CI Signer key #33
Bug 1919356 : Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #24
Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #26
Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
Add Apache 2.0 License #20
Bug 1915217 : readme: specify which keys are used in nightlies/OKD/OCP builds #27
Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #23
Full changelog
OTA-1427 : Reconcile all nodes via a special event #1164
OCPBUGS-52258 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Context around ValidateDirectory calls #1166
NO-JIRA: Use k8s.sets for the fields of ClusterCapabilities #1159
OTA-1427 : Recompute node insights when MC/MCP changes #1144
OTA-209 : Add ClusterVersionOperator
manifests #1161
OTA-1418 : Decribe informer->usc communication #1162
NO-JIRA: Rename fields in ClusterCapabilities for readability #1157
OTA-1427 : Polish reason and message in Node’s status insight #1145
NO-JIRA: Refactor for readability #1131
OCPBUGS-50498 : cvo: improve error handling on port collision #1160
NO-JIRA: Update ClusterOperator Status Conditions to listType=map
OTA-861 : Generate an accepted risk for Y-then-Z upgrade #1093
NO-JIRA: Fix a few AMD64-oriented tests on Non-AMD64 machines #1156
OTA-1418 : USC: Drop unknown insights after grace period #1150
NO-JIRA: status
: extract API types to a package #1155
OTA-209 : Bump
OTA-209 : Resolve lint issues #1148
OTA-1418 : Allow forcing health insights on CV #1141
OTA-1339 : USC: Pull latest UpdateStatus API code #1138
OTA-1427 : USC: Maintain status insights for Nodes #1136
OTA-1427 : Add hack/ to start testing USC in CI #1142
OTA-1411 : USC: Maintain status insights for ClusterOperator resources #1135
OTA-209 : Bump
OCPBUGS-45922 : Rename master
to main
OTA-1269 : USC: Add DevPreviewNoUpgrade
-gated manifests #1107
NO-ISSUE: Simplify the preconditions code #1127
OCPBUGS-45777 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #1123
OCPBUGS-44860 : pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion: New GiantHop update precondition #1112
OCPBUGS-45324 : deps: bump to 0.31.0 #1115
OCPBUGS-31462 : Set privileged
annotation in version
pods #1106
OTA-1307 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Drop the Job controller for release-manifests downloads #1105
MULTIARCH-4559 : pkg/featuregates: Fix statusReleaseArchitecture enablement #1111
MULTIARCH-4559 : pkg: Propagate Release.Architecture #1110
OPRUN-3588 : Update openshift/api to pick up OLM V1 v4.18 capability sets #1108
OTA-1269 : Scaffold Update Status Controller (USC) #1091
OCPBUGS-44018 : pkg/cvo/availableupdates: Preserve update advice on update-service failures #1098
OCPBUGS-22442 : Fix TestRunGraph/mid-task_cancellation_with_work_in_queue_does_not_deadlock
flake #1102
NO-JIRA: task graph: test speedup and code cleaup #1101
NO-JIRA: task graph: improve TestRunGraph tests #1100
NO-JIRA: task graph: comments and cleanups #1099
NO-JIRA: OWNERS: Update the username of David Hurta #1090
NO-JIRA: Simplify unit test TestCVO_UpgradeVerifiedPayload #1088
OCPBUGS-41111 : vendor: Update openshift/api to pick up v4.17 and v4.18 capability sets #1086
OCPBUGS-41132 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #1083
OCPBUGS-15200 : Filter out shallowly UpdateEffectNone
errors from a MultipleErrors
message in the Failing condition #1050
OCPBUGS-37770 : cmd/render: Add –feature-gate-manifest-path option #1078
OCPBUGS-37770 : pkg/payload/render: Include release image (Cluster)ImagePolicy #1076
OCPBUGS-37345 : Revert “OCPBUGS-35994: Revert “OCPBUGS-24535: pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: Allow previous version within z-stream”” #1072
no-jira: TestCVO: set known caps from configv1.KnownClusterVersionCapabilities #1075
no-jira: TestSetCapabilities: use KnownClusterVersionCapabilities for known keys instead of picking DefaultCapabilitySet #1073
OCPBUGS-32678 : Fix a panic caused by a data race #1070
OCPBUGS-33983 : vendor: Update openshift/api to pick up zz_generated.crd-manifests #1045
OCPBUGS-35994 : Revert “OCPBUGS-24535: pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: Allow previous version within z-stream” #1061
Revert “METAL-1053, OCPBUGS-33983: Remove baremetal dependency on MachineAPI capability” #1063
METAL-1053 : Remove baremetal dependency on MachineAPI capability #1051
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #1058
OCPBUGS-35464 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #1056
Revert “OCPBUGS-34287: Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17” #1055
NO-JIRA: typo change previousily to previously #1054
OCPBUGS-34287 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #1047
OCPBUGS-35236 : Revert: Add support for Custom Certificate Authorities for custom signature stores” #1052
OCPBUGS-24700 : Add support for Custom Certificate Authorities for custom signature stores #1030
OTA-1160 : pkg/cvo/reconciliation_issues: Publish ClusterOperator transitionStart #1044
NO-ISSUE: pkg/payload/task: Drop unused Requeued property #1043
NE-1318 : Add always-enable-capabilities flag and set Ingress as always enabled #946
OCPBUGS-9133 : pkg/cvo/metrics: Connect ClusterVersion to ClusterOperatorDown and ClusterOperatorDegraded #746
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #1038
NO-ISSUE: docs/user/tasks-*by-number-and-component.svg: Update to 4.15 #1042
OTA-1159 : pkg/cvo: Render status.Failure in ReconciliationIssues #1041
OTA-1210 : *: Add –update-service command-line option #1035
OTA-1159 : [2 ⁄3 ] Maintain ReconciliationIssues
condition #1032
OCPBUGS-29868 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #1037
NO-JIRA: Runbook URLs for ClusterOperatorDown and ClusterOperatorDegraded #1036
OCPVE-659 : bump openshift/api with new capability #979
OTA-1159 : [1/x] Refactor syncStatus for testability #1031
OCPBUGS-18454 : Avoid using risk names as condition reasons when invalid #962
OCPBUGS-7714 : yield lock while retrieving payload #1005
NO-JIRA: manifests: fix service manifest filename #1027
OCPBUGS-27468 : bump(openshift/api)=master to pick up new TechPreviewNoUpgrade features #1026
OCPBUGS-7714 : Refactor & improve SyncWorker lock code #1020
OTA-1169 : deps: bump openshift/api and #1022
OCPBUGS-25862 : CO health: only track current in-progress upgrade start #1011
OCPBUGS-26014 : clusterOperatorBuilder: Reconcile metadata on COs #1012
OCPBUGS-25708 : pkg/cvo/availableupdates: Only bump LastAttempt on Cincinnati pulls #1009
OCPBUGS-24535 : pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: Allow previous version within z-stream #996
OCPBUGS-24963 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1006
OCPBUGS-25055 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Verification-failure details for unforced updates too #1003
OCPBUGS-24963 : Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1004
OTA-917 : pkg/customsignaturestore: Implement signatureStores customization #994
OCPVE-646 : add cloud credential capability #963
OTA-855 : Create GET requests to the Prometheus API server #999
OCPBUGS-23290 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: ‘oc get …’ for CannotRetrieveUpdates #995
OCPBUGS-24138 : NO-JIRA: Updating cluster-version-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1000
OCPBUGS-23377 : to reduce log noise, only log sync_worker messages on retry or payload change #997
OCPBUGS-19391 : do not reconcile rules if aggregationRule is set #993
OCPBUGS-8079 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Drop $ from ${{ #992
OCPVE-740 : vendor: bump openshift/api #984
OCPBUGS-21933 : Bump http-related deps #983
OCPVE-673 : Bump API to Add OLM Capability #971
Revert openshift/api bump PR merged by mistake (977) #978
OCPVE-659 : bump openshift/api #977
OCPBUGS-19868 : pkg/clusterconditions/cache: Avoid panic on all-fresh-cache evaluation #975
OCPBUGS-19512 : pkg/clusterconditions/promql: Warm cache with 1s delay #939
OCPBUGS-18386 : Properly reconcile SCC resources #966
OTA-854 : Add configurable CVO knobs for risk-evaluation PromQL target #926
OCPBUGS-18984 : pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/etcdbackup: Drop precondition #968
OCPBUGS-19222 : Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #970
OCPBUGS-18567 : lib/resourcemerge/apps: Cover paused and other spec properties in EnsureDeployment #965
OCPBUGS-13308 : Simplify user-facing messages on risk evaluation throttling #955
OCPBUGS-17418 : Really handle DeletedFinalStateUnknown correctly #954
CNF-9385 : add ImageRegistry capability #950
OCPBUGS-17418 : Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown #952
docs/user/tasks-*by-number-and-component.svg: Update to 4.13 #949
Dockerfile: bump to 1.19 and use public UBI pullspec #944
pkg/payload: De-noise ‘excluding …’ logs #945
bump api version to add new capability #941
pkg/cvo/metrics: Doc from_version semantics for cluster_version{type=“completed”} #929
Code cleanups for golangci-lint failures #942
OTA-559 : Migrate to (*Manifest).Include(…, overrides) #934
OCPBUGS-9070 : Fix hotlooping on Cronjob resources #910
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #932
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #930
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #928
syncStatus: Reduce verbosity when syncing nothing of interest #922
Update dnsPolicy to allow consistent resolution of the internal LB #920
OTA-941 : pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: New precondition #918
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #911
OCPBUGS-5469 : pkg/cvo/availableupdates: Prioritize conditional risks for largest target version #909
pkg/cvo: code cleanups #902
OCPBUGS-7419 : Trigger new sync round on ClusterOperator Available changes #904
install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Add ClusterReleaseNotAccepted #906
OCPBUGS-6097 : CVO hotloops on ImageStream and logs the information incorrectly #894
OCPBUGS-6292 : Update for CVE-2022-41717 #901
Bug 2090680 : RetrievePayload: Improve timeouts and cover behavior with tests #896
pkg/cvo: Set ‘controller’ in our ownerReferences #900
pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Fix “The sync worker already has a pending notification” formatting #898
vendor: update openshift/api for NodeTuning capability #883
Bug 2089138 : CVO hotloops on ValidatingWebhookConfiguration #893
logging: consistently use RFC3339 in log messages #889
OCPBUGS-702 : Fix removing caBundle
field of CRDs when ...inject-cabundle=true
lib/validation: Drop “a previous version” from desiredUpdate validation #888
Adding David to approvers list and removing Jack #891
upgradeable: improve logging and refactor #886
start.go: simplify code for computing sync period #887
OCPBUGS-5505 : Set upgradeability check throttling period to 2m #882
Revert “pkg/cvo/updatepayload.go: timeout payload retrieval” #881
pkg/cincinnati: Set User-Agent for Cincinnati requests #839
Bug 2090680 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload.go: timeout payload retrieval #846
tests: fix rare nil dereference in TestCache
pkg/payload: code cleanups #877
OTA-817 : Support ClusterVersion spec DesiredUpdate Architecture field #860
OCPBUGS-4986 : pkg/payload/precondition: Do not claim warnings would have blocked #876
OTA-844 : pkg/cvo/metrics: Add ‘reason’ to cluster_operator_up #868
OTA-560 : Improve developer-oriented docs #871
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #873
OCPBUGS-1443 : Avoid using a lister before client caches sync #874
OTA-560 : Modernize to be user-centered #869
Build CVO from UBI8 instead of obsolete origin-v4.0:base
Bug 2089093 : CVO hotloops on OperatorGroup due to the diff of “upgradeStrategy” #862
update library-go to pick up feature-set annotation change #853
Add myself as approver and David Hurta as a reviewer #864
with LB address #851
pkg/cvo/cvo_scenarios_test.go: Remove status check from TestCVO_UpgradeFailedPayloadLoadWithCapsChanges #857
resourcemerge: cleanup deprecated function calls #858
OCPBUGS-2727 : Do not fail precondition check for UnknownUpdate #856
Bug 2033499 : Don’t overwrite accepted risks if local payload #852
OCPBUGS-2125 : Allow unknown capabilities during payload load and implicitl enablement checking #850
bump api version to add new capability #835
Bug 2033499 : Populate acceptedRisks in ClusterVersion History #841
Dockerfile: Bump to Go 1.18 #845
Fix ups from gofmt 1.19 #849
Revert “Fix ups from gofmt 1.19 and yamllint” #848
Fix ups from gofmt 1.19 and yamllint #844
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #842
OCPBUGS-1636 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Pre-create ClusterOperator in reconciling-mode too #840
Bug 1951835 : Handle report only sync errors #837
OCPBUGS-1402 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: remove Lock/Unlock #832
OWNERS: Prune vrutkovs #838
pkg/cvo: add test utility functions #833
allow more than one featureset #821
OCPBUGS-575 : lib/resourcemerge/core: Reconcile seccompProfile in ensurePodSecurityContext #830
Bug 2006611 : Upgrade takes too much time when upgrading via –to-image #808
OCPBUGS-569 : CVO History Pruner return not assigned to config.Status.History #828
bump api version to add new capability #801
lib/capability: Sort all slices after building them #827
Bug 1951835 : Propagate Degraded to update status #662
Bug 2010365 : OpenShift Alerting Rules Style-Guide Compliance #800
Restore ‘Pull arch from payload’ and fix #813
/pkg/cvo: improve CV history pruning #805
Bug 2117033 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Trigger new sync round on ClusterOperator versions[name=operator] changes #818
pkg/cvo/status.go: sort implicitly enabled caps #814
pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Consolidate all ClusterOperator errors by reason #577
Revert “Pull arch from payload” #810
Pull arch from payload #796
Bug 2110590 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Set ‘readOnlyRootFilesystem: false’ #807
Bug 2109374 : pkg/clusterconditions/promql: Cap PromQL queries at 5 minutes #806
Bug 2094174 : pkg/cvo: reset payload load status #788
Bug 2108858 : lib/resourcemerge: change SecurityContext reconcile #804
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #797
Bug 2100533 : remove local golang lint #792
Bug 2097067 : pkg/cvo: retain initial completed update history entry #791
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #779
Bug 2091770 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Guard against ‘rm -fR -whatever’ with ./* #783
Bug 2071998 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Event when forcing through a sig-verification failure #763
Bug 2081895 : lib/resourcebuilder: Drop Get from check*Health functions #780
Bug 2079789 : capability: Init prior known from CV status #773
Bug 2084331 : vendor: Bump library-go to pick up manifest checkResourceEnablement fix #781
Bug 2081895 : lib/resourcebuilder/apiext: Restore check for Established=True CRDs #771
Revert “admin-gates: Add ack-4.11-kube-1.25-api-removals-in-4.12 gate” #775
Bug 2080429 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Save overrides and capabilities #770
admin-gates: Add ack-4.11-kube-1.25-api-removals-in-4.12 gate #772
Bug 2079789 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Initialize implicitlyEnabledCaps #768
Bug 2072389 : Do not save desired update on load failures #766
Bug 2070805 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Restore shell for rm globbing #767
Bug 2070805 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Shift previous-download removal into the job #765
Bug 2070854 : syncWorkerStatus: Avoid saving stale status values #759
Implicitly enable capabilities on updates #758
Bug 2070887 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: set implicitly enabled caps earlier #761
pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Log only changed enabled capabilities #762
Bug 2070805 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Prune previous payload downloads #760
capability: disallow disabling, add enabling capabilities #754
Bump openshift/api to include new marketplace capability #757
pkg/cvo/metrics: Add a cluster_version_capability metric #755
vendor: update openshift/api #751
lib/capability: Sort status.capabilities arrays #752
pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: ensure all of SyncWorkerStatus copied #750
pkg/payload: Log load-time manifest exclusion at V(2) #749
Consume post install static spec capabilities #744
Bug 2062568 : lib/resourcebuilder/batch: Stop waiting on Job deadline exceeded #748
Get cluster version object earlier in startup #741
Bug 1822752 : pkg/cvo: Fix ups from separating load from apply #683 #745
Bug 1822752 : pkg/cvo: Separate payload load from payload apply #683
Bug 2050946 : Fix wrong informer for feature-gate-stopper #739
pkg/payload: Log manifest exclusion #712
vendor: Bump openshift/api to pick up capabilities #737
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #732
Bug 2050946 : pkg/featurechangestopper: Seed queue to guard against incorrect startingTechPreviewState #736
Bug 2009845 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Use current state, not suggested state, for guarding Initializing->Updating #733
pkg/cvo: Drop unused ‘workers’ argument from Operator.Run #719
Bug 2009845 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Log transition to updating #730
Bug 2027342 : Add notification for certificate changes #726
Bug 2009845 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Do not cancel sync workers on install-time target-version change #729
Bug 2009845 : Respect overrides changes during install (second round) #728
Revert “Bug 2009845: Respect overrides changes during install” #727
Bug 2009845 : Respect overrides changes during install #713
Bug 2034484 : Library go bump #716
Bug 2000938 : lib/resourcemerge/apps: Avoid hotlooping on implicit strategy #722
Bug 2034493 : *: Use –v=2 logging to drop client-side throttling noise #721
Bug 2033745 : pkg/cvo/availableupdates: Acount for default upstream in recent-change throttling #718
pkg/payload/precondition: File shuffling, drop ClusterVersion argument, etc. #708
Bug 2029785 : pkg/cincinnati: Fix panic for conditional edges overlapping with unconditional edges #707
pkg/start: Log and continue when we fail to retrieve the feature gate #706
pkg/featurechangestopper: Refactor to allow declaring work completion #704
Exclude featuregate.release.openshift/tech-preview=true manifests #694
Bug 2026560 : lib/resourcemerge/core: Merge volumeMounts by mountPath #703
Bug 2020107 : Remove run-level label #623
Bug 2028217 : lib/resourcemerge/apps: Default Deployment replicas to one #698
Bug 2027585 : pkg/cincinnati: Fix panic for conditional edges with risks after an invalid risk #697
Bumping the GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION to v1.43.0 #695
Targeted edge blocking #663
Bug 2005407 : Changing the ClusterNotUpgradeable alert to info #659
install: Add description annotations to manifests #686
Bug 2022509 : cvo: Compare manifest group in getOverrideForManifest #689
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #687
Bug 1990635 : Fixing the sync issue when desired version and channel changed at the same time #669
install/0000_00_cluster-version-operator_03_deployment: Set dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet #646
install: Drop single-node-developer profile #685
Adding docs to test CVO with custom update graph #681
Bug 1878925 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Drop history from target pullspec lookup #684
Adding seed to make rand.Float64() return random values #653
vendor: Bump openshift/api for targeted edge blocking #680
Bug 2014071 : lib/resourcemerge/imagestream.go: remove TagReference field dependency #677
Bug 2014071 : lib/resourcemerge/imagestream.go: Copy all data for new tag reference #674
Bug 2000938 : Ensure CVO applies appropriate Deployment strategy on update #650
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-cluster-version namespace #668
Bug 2011896 : pkg/cvo/upgradeable: Include messages for multiple-reason Upgradeable=False #670
Unset listen option while running CVO locally [doc/dev] #667
.ci-operator: Bump to Go 1.16 #665
Bug 2005581 : install/0000_00_cluster-version-operator_03_deployment: Explicit kube-api-access #660
OWNERS: Prune crawford #656
Bug 2002834 : lib/resourcemerge/core: Remove unrecognized volumes and mounts #654
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #655
pkg/cvo: Drop the explicit ‘upstream’ from our replacement ClusterVersion #640
Bug 1978376 : pkg/cvo/upgradeable: Enable admin-ack logic #645
Bug 1986707 : lib/resourcedelete/helper: Never-installed alternative in deletion log message #642
Bug 1997596 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Trim labels for UpdateAvailable #643
Bug 1997347 : Ensure recent etcd backup before minor-version updates #637
Bug 1978376 : Add admin ack Upgradeable condition gate #633
Bug 1985802 : Updating the lease, renew, retry duration #634
Move some approvers to emeritus_approvers #636
Bug 1989496 : Fix typo in ClusterOperatorDegraded alert #635
Update the doc links in Readme #632
Bug 1982046 : lib/resourcedelete: Always check delete progress #629
tombstone previous docs location with link to openshift/enhancements. #631
Bug 1984414 : Log resource diffs on update only in reconcile mode #628
Bug 1970421 : Do not check if Job has Failed count set #614
Added waitgroups for autoupdate workers to complete before stopping #613
Bug 1978749 : pkg/cvo: Respect noProxy #622
Bug 1978774 : pkg/cvo/egress: Load HTTPS proxy from Proxy status #621
Enable misspell linter #619
Added ownerReference to all objects created and managed by CVO #617
Bug 1976307 : add ImageStreams manifest delete annotation logic #618
Remove toleration of unschedulable #526
Fix more golangci-lint issues #616
Enable staticcheck #604
Enable deadcode linter #599
Enable gofmt #601
Enable govet #603
Enable unused #606
Enable structcheck #605
Enable errcheck linter #600
Enable gosimple #602
OTA-222 : Add a manifest annotation to be used for object deletion #438
Docs: Adding the update workflow #596
pkg/cvo/upgradeable: Soften “cannot be upgraded” to “should not be upgraded” #611
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #610
Fixed fake client for CVO scenarios test #597
Added golangci-lint with most linters disabled #598
pkg/cincinnati: Log the proxy/TLS settings used for upstream fetches #568
install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Alert summary/descriptions #547
Bug 1960559 : drop APIExtensions v1beta1 #566
Revert “prevent pod deployment deadlock due to custom SA projected volume injection” #607
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #608
Simplify the comparison between SyncWork references #592
README: Update the link to the rendering release image locally header #595
Correctly initialize service host and port when environment is missing #590
Bug 1879184 : Fixing the log message in rbac.go for clusterrole #588
Bug 1879184 : Log object updates and show existing/required diff #561
Bug 1946479 : prevent pod deployment deadlock due to custom SA projected volume injection #585
docs/dev: Fix code block brackets in #581
Bug 1881484 : Set defaults in deployment #559
Bug 1941901 : lib/resourcemerge/core: Fix toleration matching logic #578
Bug 1881514 : Prevent hotlooping in ImageStreams #579
hack/generate-lib-resources: Use library-go manifests #552
Bug 1947797 : Bumping openshift/api to vendor #567
Update a doc example to match modern OCP #524
Bug 1962882 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Set priorityClassName for the version Job #571
Bug 1927168 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Increment Attempt on failed reconciliation #569
Bug 1881481 : TargetPort should default to port in ServicePort if unset #563
Bug 1881520 : avoid hotlooping on RoleBindings with empty APIGroup #562
Dockerfile*: Bump to Go 1.16 #564
Bug 1960554 : Remove rbacv1beta1 support #565
Bug 1927168 : pkg/cvo/internal/operatorstatus: Replace wait-for with single-shot “is it alive now?” #560
Bug 1881481 : Only compare ServiceType when set in manifest #558
Bug 1957991 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Update ClusterOperatorDegraded message to 30m #556
Bug 1957775 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Shift ClusterOperator pre-creation into the manifest-task node #553
Bug 1957991 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Soften ClusterOperatorDegraded #554
Bug 1834551 : pkg/cvo/metrics: Ignore Degraded for cluster_operator_up #550
Rename workload annotations #548
Bug 1951339 : lib/resourcemerge/core: Clear env and envFrom if unset in manifest #549
Bug 1950430 : pkg/cvo/metrics: Drop HTTP, require HTTPS for metrics access #481
Add management workload annotations #543
docs/user/reconciliation: Add some English to the release image inspection #542
pkg/cvo/internal/operatorstatus: Drop deprecated failing/progressing handling #527
lib/resourcemerge/rbac: Reconcile ClusterRole.AggregationRule #544
docs/user/status: Mention channel-clearing for VersionNotFound #541
Bug 1938947 : Ensure automountServiceAccountToken is synced on service account updates #537
Document impact of upgradeable condition on the ability to begin an upgrade #538
Updating cluster-version-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #515
Bug 1871303 : metrics: serve metrics after leader lock acquired #528
pkg/cvo/metrics: Exclude unrecognized statuses from cluster_operator_conditions #530
Bug 1929917 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Skip precreation of baremetal ClusterOperator #531
pkg/cvo/internal/operatorstatus: Change nested message #514
Use profile from the installer to render CVO manifests #522
Revert “Merge pull request #523 from jottofar/cv-logging” #529
pkg/cvo: Add logging to track ClusterVersion #523
pkg/payload/task: Fix UpdateEffectType const comments #513
Bug 1927944 : pkg/start: Fix shutdown deadlock when die before getting a leader lock #519
pkg/cvo/upgradeable: Fix “Upgradebale” -> “Upgradeable” #459
pkg/cvo/metrics: Log metrics-server shutdown #453
pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Make expected/actual version mismatch fatal #431
Bug 1926310 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor.yaml: adjust “CannotRetrieveUpdates” to “warning” #509
pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Fix “verifcation” -> “verification” typo #511
Bug 1921413 : pkg/cvo/cvo: Guard Operator.Run goroutine handling from early cancels #508
Bug 1916384 : pkg/cvo: Use shutdownContext for final status synchronization #501
Bug 1884334 : UpdateError: enhance for ability to determine when upgrade failing #486
Bug 1903382 : pkg/payload/task_graph: Require firstIncompleteNode to have tasks #484
Bug 1921277 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Fix log statements to handle arguments #507
Bug 1768255 : replace Fraction with Done and Total #497
Bug 1918085 : Fixing the log message in WaitForJobCompletion() #503
Bug 1905221 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Ignore work changes during init #500
Bug 1905221 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: log work change details #492
*: Replace with #496
Bug 1906100 : use child context to verify payload signature on forced update #493
Bug 1907329 : Add cluster profile support #404
Bug 1879976 : pkg/cvo: Compare Cincinnati data by digest when merging metadata #490
Bug 1907313 : Don’t create ClusterOperator during precreation step if it’s present in overrides #488
Bug 1906916 : bump from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0 #489
Add ClusterProfile template variable #483
Modify to use library-go manifest and verify packages #443
docs/dev/clusteroperator: Fix “he” -> “the” typo #479
Doc fix for cluster operator creation step #478
Bug 1891143 : pkg/cvo/metrics: Abandon child goroutines after shutdownContext expires #477
hack/log-explainer: Don’t crash if run on truncated logs #475
Fixing go doc for equalUpdate() #474
Bug 1886900 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Demote “Status change: …” logging to v6 #472
Bug 1886900 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Drop “Manifest: …” logging #469
Updating cluster-version-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #468
Fix typo in goarch variable #466
docs: update cluster_installer description #447
Fixing spelling of notUpradeableCondition #454
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45705 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #66
NO-JIRA: Update downstream to v0.14.0 #65
OCPBUGS-41241 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #64
OCPBUGS-34355 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #62
OCPBUGS-34355 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #61
MON-3671 : add machine424 and rexagod to OWNERS #55
OCPBUGS-24912 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART #58
Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART #57
OCPBUGS-19171 : Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #56
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #52
OCPBUGS-10106 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #51
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #48
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #47
OWNERS: Add Joao and myself, and move former team members to emeritus #46
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #45
Bug 2067745 : Merge Upstream Master Branch #44
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #42
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #41
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #40
OWNERS: cleanup #39
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #38
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #37
OWNERS: update #36
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #35
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #34
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #33
vendor: fix inconsistent vendoring #30
Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
vendor: regenerate #29
Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
Full changelog
ODC-7775 : Update content in Getting started resources on cluster and project overview page #14829
OCPBUGS-52325 : fix Node Logs toolbar layout at mobile #14836
CONSOLE-4430 : Content Security Policy E2E testing with Puppeteer & Chrome #14675
CONSOLE-3414 : Replace Loading
with PF Spinner
ODC-7727 : Add hover effect to favourites icon #14839
CONSOLE-4504 : set LogViewer theme using console’s theme #14827
OCPBUGS-48491 : Namespace is not persisting when switching to developer view from the topology page of admin page #14812
OCPBUGS-49348 : Fix Secret form drag and drop issue #14798
OCPBUGS-37101 : Remove logoutOpenShift method call #14658
OCPBUGS-52316 : enable clicking outside NodeLogs Selects to close them #14826
OCPBUGS-52214 : add missing v5 patternfly-addons.scss and patternfly-charts.scss styles #14813
CONSOLE-4409 : Update monaco theming and sidebar logic #14835
CONSOLE-4503 : Replace custom Banner with PatternFly equivalent #14825
OCPBUGS-52298 : Add breadcrumbs to ODC Project details page #14824
OCPBUGS-51372 : Filter ‘Name’ on resource list page doesn’t align well when language is set to Chinese/Japanese/Korean #14822
ODC-7727 : Favoriting page in the Console admin perspective #14765
OCPBUGS-51355 : VolumeSnapshots are not displayed in OpenShift Web Console #14820
CONSOLE-4498 : Replace checkboxes with Switch in ResourceLog #14815
OCPBUGS-30973 : Remove @ts-ignore comment missed in #14680 #14814
CONSOLE-4496 : Replace custom Checkbox filter with PatternFly Switch #14807
OCPBUGS-51037 : Update the monitoring topic used by the console team #14781
OCPBUGS-50650 : Retain original path when detecting perspective #14810
CONSOLE-4407 , CONSOLE-4409 : Update monaco and YAML language server, use PF6 CodeEditor #14663
OCPBUGS-51076 : Console UI Displays Incorrect Subscription Values #14790
CONSOLE-4399 : Added ‘createdTime’ in Jobs.tsx #14786
OCPBUGS-48413 : Sorted Links based on OS in CLI #14819
CONSOLE-4484 : follow on fix to ensure Bottom ConsoleNotification are … #14806
NO-JIRA: Apply plugin-api-changed label on changes to the api package #14804
OCPBUGS-52180 : Fix notification drawer close button error #14809
ODC-7724 : Add guided tour in Admin perspective #14776
ODC-7769 : Add Getting started section in project Overview page #14792
OCPBUGS-30973 : Update @types/react-redux #14680
ODC-7725 : Show perspective preferences option if more than one perspective are available #14644
OCPBUGS-51202 : Fix Timestamp component #14793
OCPBUGS-46050 : Determine if disabled a11y rules can be re-enabled #14643
CONSOLE-4484 : Replace custom tabs with PF6 Tabs
component #14760
OCPBUGS-48642 : Check for unused modules in static plugins #14695
CONSOLE-4486 : decrease TertiaryHeading margins in Edit resource limit… #14782
OCPBUGS-50546 : Do not load CSRs if user does not have permissions #14771
OCPBUGS-36786 : Force async package upgrade. #14775
OCPBUGS-50670 : fix bold text issues and missing underline on inline link buttons on safari and firefox. #14766
NO-JIRA: Small demo plugin and plugin doc improvements #14779
CONSOLE-4489 : fix bug where dropdown menu can overflow #14780
OCPBUGS-49996 : add missing contextId to be able to inject tabs from plugins #14732
OCPBUGS-49778 : Linkify OLM operator uninstall message #14713
OCPBUGS-50693 : Show Observe section without PROMETHEUS and MONITORING flags #14697
CONSOLE-4467 : replace html heading elements with PatternFly components #14767
OCPBUGS-50847 : fix but where textarea can be expanded horizontally #14773
CONSOLE-4476 : Remove various upstream workarounds #14756
OCPBUGS-45141 : Store Topology sidebar alert in the localStorage #14700
NO-JIRA: Update Console dynamic plugin SDK doc and changelogs #14768
ODC-7735 : Edit ci tests to have step to enable developer perspective #14684
OCPBUGS-50665 : fix bug where Demo Plugin tab url is always appended #14764
CONSOLE-4079 , CONSOLE-4080 : Address tech debt in GenericSecretForm and KeyValueEntryForm components #14520
OCPBUGS-49381 : Workloads-DeploymentConfigs-Add storage: i18n misses #14747
CONSOLE-4480 : fix background color of Command Line Terminal tab #14759
OCPBUGS-48548 : The secret created with Basic authentication has an incorrect type #14691
CONSOLE-4464 : bump PatternFly 6 to latest available versions #14750
CONSOLE-4443 : Upgrade dynamic-demo-plugin to PatternFly 6 #14682
OCPBUGS-48637 : add support for “OpenShift Virtualization Engine” valid subscription filter on OperatorHub #14709
OCPBUGS-46088 : [Hypershift] Filter by Node type list is empty #14704
CONSOLE-4477 : more token updates #14752
OCPBUGS-49839 : fix run time error when no completed version exists #14742
CONSOLE-4475 : fix QueryBrowser tooltip styles #14751
CONSOLE-4469 : improve layout and functionality of Edit upstream confi… #14734
OCPBUGS-43061 : update the Deployment pod on change in imageStream #14523
CONSOLE-4474 : Unbold pf-v6 labels by default #14748
CONSOLE-4465 : add workaround for menu scroll #14745
CONSOLE-4473 : fix alignment issues with Bootstrap radio and checkbox … #14739
CONSOLE-4472 : fix QuickStart layout issues #14738
CONSOLE-4471 : fix bug where close button can overlap guided tour popo… #14737
CONSOLE-4470 : fix bug where Edit button is bold inside DetailsItem dt #14736
CONSOLE-4467 : replace html heading elements with PatternFly components #14726
OCPBUGS-49988 : Updating cypress config to have video enabled for the CI results #14731
OCPBUGS-46513 : Fix issue with bridge flag for conditional CSP features #14727
OCPBUGS-47722 : always show associated plugin name on CSV details page #14656
OCPBUGS-49718 : Fix Pipeline Repository overview page close button #14708
ODC-7726 , ODC-7767 : Expose Topology components and utils to openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk #14705
OCPBUGS-49919 : Catalog card label should be right aligned #14722
NO-JIRA: Consolidate YAMLs Directory into yamls to Resolve macOS Case-Sensitivity Conflicts #14712
CONSOLE-4381 : PatternFly 6 README updates #14729
OCPBUGS-49839 : fix run time error when no completed version exists #14719
OCPBUGS-49366 : fix bug where Search filter dropdown label isn’t i18n #14706
OCPBUGS-48635 : fix/remove broken codeRefs #14694
OCPBUGS-46513 : Add support for conditional CSP headers #14710
OCPBUGS-48608 : Render refresh popover after adding CSP directive to the ConsolePlugin CR #14692
OCPBUGS-45029 : dev-console cypress feature file test update #14685
NO-JIRA: update github username #14679
OCPBUGS-46438 : Pipeline visualisation shows all tasks as Failed and after that goes to Running state #14628
OCPEDGE-1346 : feat: bump api to pull in arbiter node infra #14469
OCPBUGS-45103 : update variable name for plugin name parsing #14650
ODC-7720 : Add dev perspective nav options to admin perspective #14588
OCPBUGS-48292 : allow copying of dependency assets #14677
OCPBUGS-45325 : Fix ns dropdown UI when web terminal is open #14609
CONSOLE-4379 : remove PatternFly 4 shared modules #14671
CONSOLE-4076 : Address tech debt in SourceSecretForm component #14633
CONSOLE-4077 : Refactor BasicAuthSubform to be functional component #14631
OCPBUGS-2956 : ‘create a Project’ button on Getting started page doesn’t work #14635
OCPBUGS-43661 : Limit payload size of GQL query #14429
OCPBUGS-46511 : fix navigation from non-General User Preference tab to… #14647
OCPBUGS-45371 : Authenticate user token in openshift Authenticate func #14578
OCPBUGS-21755 : Add catalog to operator installation route parameters and PackageManifest list request label selector #14632
OCPBUGS-45915 : prefer OpenShift release version in telemetry events #14579
OCPBUGS-47778 : Improving web terminal test failures #14657
OCPBUGS-46415 : Append new errors via string instead of list #14653
OCPBUGS-46555 : fix bug where two external link icons can appear in Op… #14648
ODC-7695 : Fix and enable web-terminal tests #14308
OCPBUGS-45213 : Fix BuildSpec details section heading font size #14554
OCPBUGS-47541 : Incorrect capitalization for Lightspeed
to capitalized LightSpeed
in ja and zh langs #14646
OCPBUGS-46452 : i18n upload/download routine task - sprint 263 #14629
OCPBUGS-46385 : fix alignment of Font Awesome icons #14630
OCPBUGS-32406 : Test Serverless function gives no response when function is not running #14610
OCPBUGS-46544 : Post TypeScript upgrade changes #14634
OCPBUGS-46461 : Test helm CI failures #14617
CONSOLE-4400 : Upgrade TypeScript to v5 #14620
OCPBUGS-43671 : Disable GQL introspection #14409
CONSOLE-4380 : Remove more already-migrated code #14614
OCPBUGS-41676 , OCPBUGS-41826 : upgrade axe-core and cypress-axe #14311
OCPBUGS-28206 : ERROR in search tool: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘state’) #14600
CONSOLE-4378 : remove orphaned PopupKebabMenu code #14594
CONSOLE-4377 : update to use new DropdownItemProps from PatternFly 5 #14593
CONSOLE-4376 : remove orphaned ClusterConfigurationDropdownField code #14592
OCPBUGS-45787 : Installing operator with a + in the version name doesn’t work #14602
OCPBUGS-37058 : i18n: Missing translations for “PodDisruptionBudget violated” string #14586
OCPBUGS-45468 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #14581
OCPBUGS-45104 : update release note link #14543
OCPBUGS-23924 : Render TaskRun results even when failed #14414
ODC-7710 : Remove @console/rhoas-plugin
OCPBUGS-45802 : fix Number input focus layout issue #14597
CONSOLE-4380 : Use AlertsRulesDetailPage from monitoring-plugin
OCPBUGS-45848 : Throw warnings when guessModuleFilePath
is needed to guess file extensions #14599
OCPBUGS-45319 : Add customData field to the HorizontalNav component #14575
OCPBUGS-45606 : ‘Channel’ and ‘Version’ dropdowns do not collapse if the user does not select an option. #14590
CONSOLE-3905 : (deps) upgrade to webpack 5 #14378
OCPBUGS-44059 : Run check-resolution
in parallel #14453
OCPBUGS-38543 : OCP web console show pod status as Init:0/1 after using Native sidecars #14313
OCPBUGS-44920 : save all window.windowError
s for easier debugging #14547
OCPBUGS-45198 : fix bug where ConsolePlugins list does not display if … #14583
OCPBUGS-45242 : fix runtime error when backend service details don’t e… #14582
OCPBUGS-45296 : Add Telemetry to the OLS Import to Console feature #14562
OCPBUGS-44254 : Bump pkijs from 2.1.89 to 2.1.90 #14470
OCPBUGS-36212 : Missing translation for ““Read write once pod (RWOP)” ja and zh #14565
OCPBUGS-43859 : Getting Oh no, something went wrong
error when trying to install operator. #14526
OCPBUGS-44800 : Add Dynamic Plugins nav item #14521
OCPBUGS-32033 : Fix Function Import: An error occurred Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘filter’) #14134
OCPBUGS-13685 : use default StorageClass for ServerlessFunction pipelineVolumeClaimTemplate #14130
OCPBUGS-44595 : only enable Save button in Console plugin enablement m… #14532
OCPBUGS-41974 : ImagePullSecret getting duplicated when editing DeploymentConfig in Form View #14531
OCPBUGS-44898 : i18n upload/download routine task - sprint 262 #14502
OCPBUGS-44265 : ReRun of Resolver based PipelineRuns fails from UI #14471
OCPBUGS-43830 : Expand “Rollback Helm Release” status width #14448
ODC-7698 : Replace CopyPipelineRunButton
with PF5 design #14413
OCPBUGS-39388 : Filter out empty params before Shipwright build creation #14514
OCPBUGS-39359 : Add optional build strategy params under ExpandCollapse #14540
CONSOLE-4272 : report csp violations to telemtry #14486
OCPBUGS-44305 : Unable to remove finally tasks in pipeline builder mode #14472
OCPBUGS-44658 : Move Events option above Event Source option on the add page #14506
OCPBUGS-39361 : Add help text for output image field in Create Shipwright build form #14510
CONSOLE-4355 : Add circular deps detection to ci/prow/frontend
CNV-35417 , OCPBUGS-28702 : Remove empty annotation from nad #13468
OCPBUGS-44657 : Add IBM Block Storage CSI driver support for RWX #14076
OCPBUGS-44576 : Address circular references in @console/internal
OCPBUGS-44643 : Community tasks are not persisting after cluster tasks are removed #14504
CONSOLE-4330 : Remove Developer perspective > Observe > Silences tab #14480
OCPBUGS-23080 : Add multiline support to template instantiation #14416
OCPBUGS-44567 : Address circular references in packages/pipelines-plugin
CONSOLE-4268 : add CSP violations to cluster dashboard #14475
OCPBUGS-43983 : update ConditionalUpdates release type #14452
OCPBUGS-44423 : Word “Meet” in “Meet OpenShift Lightspeed” should be traslated when language is Chinese #14484
OCPBUGS-44573 : Address circular references in webterminal-plugin
and console-app
CONSOLE-4269 : add custom ConsolePlugin resource details page #14487
OCPBUGS-44578 : Rewrite svg
and png
to use ESM import style #14496
OCPBUGS-44574 : Address circular references in packages/console-shared
CONSOLE-4292 : Console server configures CSP directives based on the console-config.yaml #14481
OCPBUGS-44566 : Address circular references in packages/knative-plugin
OCPBUGS-44369 : Event modal persists after Add option is selected if knative service is not present #14479
OCPBUGS-43717 : Should not show Hide/Reveal values button for binary type secret data #14437
CONSOLE-4291 : Consolidate shared Type definitions for CreateSecret in “createsecret/type.ts” file #14441
OCPBUGS-43360 : Start last run do not work in buildConfig details page #14407
CONSOLE-4266 : Fix CSP inline script tag error in Console HTML template #14400
OCPBUGS-31367 : include external labels so silenced alerts not displayed in notifications #14464
OCPBUGS-44014 : Cancelling the file browser dialog causes TypeError crash #14461
OCPBUGS-38860 : Collapse/Expand Feature Added, Removal Option Removed in Version 4.16 #14261
OCPBUGS-44049 : conditionally display MachineConfig details page Confi… #14468
OCPBUGS-43780 : GCP environment parament cannot shown on Operator subscription page #14446
OCPBUGS-42674 : Don’t request user settings configmap if no user has been loaded. #14455
OCPBUGS-41175 : Operator Hub does not show correct description when installing new operator #14347
CONSOLE-4125 , CONSOLE-4294 : Replace SelectDeprecated component in user preferences PerspectiveDropdown #14391
CONSOLE-4234 , CONSOLE-4297 : Remove deprecated PF Table from frontend/p… #14418
“OCPBUGS-44352: Fixed capitalization in OpenShift Lightspeed” #14474
OCPBUGS-44170 : clear PVC size doesn’t set input value to zero in PVC creation page and Expand PVC modal #14473
OCPBUGS-43925 : BuildConfig form breaks on manually enter the Git URL #14449
CONSOLE-4227 : refactor deprecated multiselectdropdown #14428
ODC-7684 : Increase e2e CI tests for shipwright package #14459
NO-JIRA: fix url in README file #14164
OCPBUGS-43266 : remove Architecture from workloads Metrics tab #14458
NO-JIRA: Update dynamic plugin sdk core package changelog for 1.8.0 #14463
OCPBUGS-43462 : Fix broken module references #14406
OCPBUGS-42298 : Remove ClusterTask dependency in console from Pipelines 1.17 #14349
CONSOLE-4289 : Start a Job from a CronJob #14415
OCPBUGS-43998 : add allRowsSelected and canSelectAll in the virtualizedtable #14447
OCPBUGS-43718 : Edit Deployment and Edit DeploymentConfig takes user to project workloads page #14434
OCPBUGS-43996 : Add flag to disallowed Pipeline edit URL in the pipelines-plugin #14450
NO-JIRA: Prepare to publish fresh Console plugin SDK packages #14451
OCPBUGS-43853 : Remove promql-expression-input and table-pagination #14442
OCPBUGS-41924 , OCPBUGS-43540 : Update and enable shipwright e2e test on CI #14252
OCPBUGS-42000 : use TaskRuns
annotation to get the logs #14303
CONSOLE-4234 , CONSOLE-4296 : Remove deprecated PF table from Cons… #14403
OCPBUGS-43813 : Unnecessary warning notification message on debug pod #14445
NO-JIRA: Update owners file after I changed my GitHub username #14425
OCPBUGS-43752 : Add flag to hide the pipelines-plugin pipeline builder extensions #14431
CONSOLE-4295 : i18n upload/download routine task - sprint 261 #14435
OCPBUGS-43538 : add onRowsRendered prop to VirtualizedTable in SDK #14421
OCPBUGS-43084 : While accessing the node terminal from UI observed ‘Warning alert:Admission Webhook Warning` #14432
OCPBUGS-43799 : Debounce tile view searches #14365
OCPBUGS-43640 : Show danger status if invalid #14424
OCPBUGS-41358 : While upgrading the cluster from UI observed Warning alert:Admission Webhook Warning
OCPBUGS-43652 : Filter dropdown doesn’t collapse on second click #14427
OCPBUGS-42985 : Update Console dynamic plugin SDK webpack dependency #14300
ODC-7680 : Migrate FilterTable
to PF5 #14340
OCPBUGS-43409 : ‘control plane’ option is missing on ‘filter node type’ list #14412
OCPBUGS-43530 : Searching resources with shortname doesn’t work on Search page #14420
OCPBUGS-42796 : Do not pass CSV name to operand list page when an exen… #14396
ODC-7655 : Migrate SelectVariant.Typeahead
s to PF5 #14305
OCPBUGS-43494 : Searching volumesnapshot and volumesnaphotclass with label doesn’t work. #14410
CONSOLE-4182 : replace DropdownDeprecated in SearchFilterDropdown #14390
ODC-7680 : Remove SeriesButton
, QueryTable
CONSOLE-4119 : Convert deprecated perspective dropdown to select #14328
OCPBUGS-31914 : Searching node with label doesn’t work. #14404
OCPBUGS-43039 : Broker form view by default throws error in Application name if an application exists #14399
OCPBUGS-43482 : add data-test attribute for Pod and Node logs toggle button #14408
ODC-7680 : Migrate ResultsList
to PF5 #14343
CONSOLE-4256 : (deps) update PatternFly to 5.3.0 #14242
CONSOLE-4125 : Convert language dropdown deprecated select #14243
ODC-7703 : Quick create actions in the masthead toolbar #14345
OCPBUGS-43110 : fix id issues with ClipboardCopyButton #14394
CONSOLE-4274 : i18n upload/download routine task -sprint 260 #14348
OCPBUGS-38717 : Telemetry userPreference results in empty nodes output to the DOM #14291
OCPBUGS-42819 : remove invalid resource name check for value ‘~new’ #14380
CONSOLE-4078 : Address tech debt in SSHAuthSubform component #14375
CONSOLE-4191 : update ContainerDropdown to use PatternFly Select #14362
OCPBUGS-42712 : Replace usage of containsNonPrintableCharacters
function with isBinary
function from ‘istextorbinary’ lib. #14364
ODC-7664 : Add subscribe form for Knative EventType #14304
OCPBUGS-42778 , OCPBUGS-42850 : Add missing plugin names to known plugins #14382
CONSOLE-4263 : Add initial Content Security Policy for Console web application #14156
CONSOLE-4236 : Migrate Dev > Observe > Dashboard Page #14192
OCPBUGS-41492 : show Samples tab when one or more exists #14350
OCPBUGS-38533 : remove axios as it is no longer in use #14379
CONSOLE-4139 : replace react-copy-to-clipboard with PatternFly Clipboa… #14327
CONSOLE-3761 : (deps) replace monaco-editor-core
with monaco-editor
and bump version #14172
OCPBUGS-42782 : Add missing pipelines plugin name to known plugins #14372
ODC-7655 : Migrate SelectVariant.typeaheadMulti
s to PF5 #14309
OCPBUGS-37705 : Decoded “auth” contains whitespace when create image pull secret with whitespace in password #14356
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS files #14255
NO-JIRA: Update README with instructions for running monitoring-plugin #14355
OCPBUGS-42574 : Project is “Undefined” on “VolumeSnapshot” create page #14357
CONSOLE-4125 : Convert user preference SelectDeprecated components #14225
OCPBUGS-35048 : make createdBy mandatory and auto fill with the current user #14336
OCPBUGS-38775 : add role exclusion to avoid unexpected triggering the namespace menu #14335
OCPBUGS-42418 : Solved the knative test issue when instances are not present #14325
OCPBUGS-36705 : Plugins that use very old PF4 dropdown or menu components with grouped items have bullets and padding that needs to be removed. #14324
OCPBUGS-41599 : i18n translations for tooltips #14299
OCPBUGS-32526 : Disable Pipeline if using Devfiles #14329
ODC-7691 : Operator availability check through CLI #14297
ODC-7655 : Migrate monitoring/dashboards/index.tsx to PF5 #14247
OCPBUGS-39561 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #14238
OCPBUGS-34595 : Clicking Size control in PVC form throws a warning error #14326
CONSOLE-4125 : Convert perspective selection components #14183
NO-JIRA: Add peteryurkovich to monitoring owners #14337
OCPBUGS-39573 : Enabling topology e2e tests on CI #14239
OCPBUGS-35744 : Fix JSON annotation parsing issue and harden related code #14260
OCPBUGS-35237 : Storage -> PersistentVolumeClaims -> Details : Diagram mouse hover text “xx.yy GiB Available” is in English #14330
ODC-7655 : Migrate SelectVariant.Single
s to PF5 #14287
CONSOLE-4119 : Convert PDB form deprecated component to Select #14310
OCPBUGS-42333 : change “Partial cluster update” to “Control plane onl… #14321
CONSOLE-4056 : Check if GettingStartedBanner capability is enabled #14285
ODC-7683 : Default Test User setup for packages utilising operator installation through CLI #14250
OCPBUGS-41613 : Various tests are failing due to missing content in <> element #14306
OLS-944 : Allow operators to enable monitoring by default #14228
CONSOLE-4179 : Show deprecated operators in OperatorHub e2e tests #14219
OCPBUGS-42235 : Disable resource row check for when auth is disabled #14315
ODC-7681 : fix flaking k-native e2e test cases #14180
ODC-7654 : Remove duplicate Operator checks from Shipwright package #14170
OCPBUGS-41610 : restore Spotlight removal on next click #14312
OCPBUGS-38350 : Improve hpa validation schema messaging for extreme values #14286
OCPBUGS-6589 : Workloads - Jobs: Completions column i18n misses #14253
CONSOLE-4125 : Convert Node Logs from deprecate components to latest Select components #14147
CONSOLE-4226 : (deps) prep for webpack 5 #14155
OCPBUGS-41613 : Various tests are failing due to missing content in <> element #14280
OCPBUGS-39476 : Fix of an ‘instal’ typo #14251
OCPBUGS-39325 : Add ConsolePlugin YAML example to yaml editor templates. #14236
OCPBUGS-41496 : incorrect access mode for provisioner: #14267
OCPBUGS-41858 : i18n upload/download routine task -sprint 259 #14269
OCPBUGS-38651 : i18n misses for some provisioner on Create storageclass page #14257
ODC-7655 : Migrate IntervalDropdown to PF5 #14223
ODC-7669 : Migrate PipelineMetricsTimeRangeDropdown to PF5 #14202
OCPBUGS-38907 : Increase login flow state paramater length/entropy #14186
CONSOLE-4126 : replace deprecated components in OperatorChannelSelect … #14153
ODC-7610 : Add light theme CodeEditor #14089
NO-JIRA: (chore) remove username from OWNERS files #13823
ODC-7671 : Migrate KindFilterDropdown to PF5 #14207
OCPBUGS-41228 : Console crashes when ssh is selected in add secret for starting a pipeline run #14282
OCPBUGS-41973 : disable shipwright e2e tests #14293
NO-JIRA: Add dynamic plugin project references to the README #14096
OCPBUGS-41637 : Disable Extension Catalog tech preview nav item #14274
ODC-7655 : Migrate TimespanDropdown to PF5 #14224
OCPBUGS-41620 : Fix access mode selection menu issue #14254
ODC-7663 : Add Knative Events catalog #14212
OCPBUGS-35396 : incorrect access mode for provisioner: #14166
OCPBUGS-37584 : Topology screen crashes when completed pod is selected #14113
OCPBUGS-38845 : Update vendor imports to include all PatternFly components #14246
OCPBUGS-39362 : Revert “CNV-39065: Display memory overcommit” #14218
OCPBUGS-39020 : Update i18n memsource project template ID #14199
ODC-7667 : Migrate SecureRouteFields to PF5 #14168
OCPBUGS-14118 : No need to supply ‘User workload notifications’ option on ‘User Preference’ page for normal user #13871
OCPBUGS-38633 : The description and name for GCP Pool ID is not consist #14201
ODC-7671 : Migrate NameLabelFilterDropdown to PF5 #14205
ODC-7671 : Migrate FilterDropdown to PF5 #14206
ODC-7672 : Migrate TelemetryUserPreferenceDropdown to PF5 #14217
ODC-7670 : Migrate MoveConnectionModal to PF5 #14204
OCPBUGS-39494 : Unit Tests for the new Ask Lightspeed Button #14232
ODC-7669 : Migrate PipelineQuickSearchVersionDropdown to PF5 #14203
OCPBUGS-38636 : improve layout and findability of Hide Lightspeed pref… #14171
ODC-7672 : Migrate TelemetryConfiguration to PF5 #14216
OCPBUGS-39118 : Update Lightspeed logo to new standards #14215
HELM-539 : owners file for helm #14189
OCPBUGS-39203 : Set default build option as BUILDS for Builder Image sample #14222
OCPBUGS-37560 : Console user settings resources misses ownerRef, removing a user results in remaining data #14176
CONSOLE-4127 : replace deprecated components in QueryBrowser #14157
CONSOLE-4127 : replace deprecated components in UtilizationDurationDro… #14154
OCPBUGS-35321 : Use vCenterCluster value from CM as primary resource #14178
CONSOLE-4124 : replace deprecated components in FilterToolbar #14137
OCPBUGS-38648 : add Create button to Console plugins tab #14182
OCPBUGS-38923 : remove nav psuedolocalization test #14200
OCPBUGS-38701 : update Events ChipGroup to use integrated close #14173
OCPBUGS-38734 : Expose EncodedExtension type via Console webpack SDK package #14167
CONSOLE-4117 : replace deprecated components in MastheadToolbar #14150
OCPBUGS-38011 : Need to allow blank for Project/namespace when setting SA Subject in ‘Project access tab’ #14142
OCPBUGS-29528 : List of default Camel K event sources disappears when adding a custom event source #13994
OCPBUGS-38172 : update README with info on yarn dev completion #14190
CONSOLE-4120 : remove orphaned GettingStartedGrid #14151
OCPBUGS-38923 : temporarily disable pseudolocalization nav test #14191
OCPBUGS-38789 : Networking section depends on networking-console-plugin #13675
CONSOLE-4124 : replace deprecated components in ResourceLog #14133
CONSOLE-4178 : i18n upload/download routine task - sprint 257 #14118
CONSOLE-4124 : replace deprecated components in ResourceDropdown #14128
CONSOLE-4118 : Convert DropdownDeprecated to use new Dropdown #14006
CONSOLE-4124 : replace deprecated components in SilenceForm #14138
OCPBUGS-37448 : fix namespace for networkpolicy #14165
OCPBUGS-35238 : Storage -> StorageClasses -> Create StorageClass -> Provisioner -> i18n misses #14100
OCPBUGS-38226 : Modifying helm e2e test to fix CI issue #14125
CONSOLE-4118 : Switch deprecated select for utilization card filter #14121
OCPBUGS-38051 : improve Lightspeed popup contents and navigation #14110
OCPBUGS-36967 : RWOP access mode is not integrated in the UI [ &] #14099
OCPBUGS-34956 : double k-native exec timeout #14043
OCPBUGS-38557 : Add support for GCP Workload Identity / Federated identity operator installs #14086
OCPBUGS-38111 : do not directly mutate links in useMemo #14116
NO-JIRA: Update Console plugin SDK package changelogs post publish #14135
CNV-39065 : Display memory overcommit #14122
NO-JIRA: Fix typos in Console dynamic plugin SDK README #14136
OCPBUGS-37988 : fix bug where cluster version text appears black in da… #14120
OCPBUGS-32773 : Values entered into the Instantiate Template form are automatically cleared #14026
OCPBUGS-38228 : correct casing in “Lightspeed” #14132
ODC-7625 : Red Hat Camel K Operator installation via cli #14010
OCPBUGS-34365 : Unrelated readme opened when opening CodeReady workspaces from Quarkus using s2i quickstart #14103
OCPBUGS-37453 : A value submitted in From view is wrapped with single quotation after switching to Yaml view. #14084
OCPBUGS-38236 : Add telemetry to Lightspeed console capability #14123
CONSOLE-4188 : Add the signals correlation to the app launcher #14097
NO-JIRA: Console PR Template: Fix position of colon #14047
MULTIARCH-4148 : Add the CPU architecture column to the NodeList and filter properties for all cpu archs #13718
CONSOLE-4187 : Dev console: Use Metrics page from monitoring-plugin #14105
CONSOLE-4185 : Export CSV option for Virtualized Table #14050
ODC-7631 : Add Shipwright Build create form #14106
NO-JIRA: Disable “Helm release status verification: HR-01-TC04” test due to CI outage #14124
OCPBUGS-38036 : Properly chain trap commands #14111
CONSOLE-4104 : Implement basic OLM V1 catalog view with filtering #14056
CONSOLE-3970 : add Lightspeed button #14030
OCPBUGS-37426 : No documentation covering how to translate plugin messages #14081
NO-JIRA: Update Console plugin SDK package changelogs post publish #14104
ODC-7632 : Combine Shipwright model pages #14029
ODC-7626 : Web Terminal Operator installation via cli #14009
ODC-7648 : Open Lightspeed Chat Interface by clicking a button on the YAML Editor component #14087
OCPBUGS-30889 : No access to list prevents from using Delete application form #13942
OCPBUGS-36872 : Add base path to locale init #14046
OCPBUGS-37802 : Build option is selected as Shipwright on edit if created the deployment using BuildConfig #14101
OCPBUGS-36619 : Switch to use annotations as labels from PipelineRuns created through Pipelines as Code is deprecated #14034
ODC-7634 : Test all current workflows, write Integration tests #14075
OCPBUGS-36816 : Include PatternFly-4 chart styles so they are available for dynamic plugins that still use PF4 react-charts #14080
CNV-41506 , OCPBUGS-37403 : Localnet NAD incorrectly displayed #13948
ODC-7640 : Remove Alerting Details Page from Console #14072
CONSOLE-4098 : Show deprecated operators in OperatorHub (Post-installation screens) #14048
OCPBUGS-35301 : add missing translation in TriggerBindingSection #14062
OCPBUGS-23332 : Fix utilization card limits/total display #14053
CNV-35124 , OCPBUGS-37401 : OVN Kubernetes multi-homing #14044
ODC-7621 , ODC-7633 : Add Shipwright as Build Options in Add & Edit Forms #14016
CONSOLE-4171 : i18n upload/download routine task - sprint 256 #14054
Add dynamic plugin SDK package changelogs & update plugin docs #14012
OCPBUGS-37054 : hide ‘View all steps in documentation’ for ROSA and OSD #14061
OCPBUGS-33801 : Manually create an API token for a ServiceAccount #14038
ODC-7639 : Remove alerts list from dev console codebase #14014
ODC-7624 , ODC-7628 : shipwright test improvement #13990
OCPBUGS-34387 : maintain session across tabs #14041
OCPBUGS-34901 : ensure correct API version for OperandDetails #14036
OCPBUGS-36801 : disable serverless tests till further investigation #14042
ODC-7620 : Modal submit button: show loading state #14007
OCPBUGS-35940 : Create RoleBinding will trigger Admission Webhook Warning #14021
OCPBUGS-34956 : increase namespace deletion timeout for k-native e2e tests #14039
CONSOLE-4060 : Show deprecated operators in OperatorHub (Pre-installation screens) #13961
OCPBUGS-34956 : disable failing knative e2e test #14019
OCPBUGS-35926 : Add debounce to PAC auto selecton in git import flow #14011
OCPBUGS-30841 : Redirects to new PipelineRun logs URL from old PipelineRun logs URL #14032
OCPBUGS-36260 : Tooltip on Pipeline when expression is not shows #14023
OCPBUGS-31047 : Reordered dependancy warning to fix the lint error #13993
ODC-7612 : Serverless Operator installation via CLI #13949
OCPBUGS-36339 : Fix “Auto deploy when new image is available” becomes unchecked when editing a deployment from web console #14024
CONSOLE-4140 : display URI decoded configuration files on MachineConfi… #14015
OCPBUGS-36424 : DeploymentConfigs deprecation info alert should not present on the Edit deployment page #14025
OCPBUGS-31685 : Revert - terminal: use username if uid is not present #13719
OCPBUGS-35284 : fix BMH restart annotation #13995
CONSOLE-4134 : i18n upload/download routine task sprint - 255 #13991
OCPBUGS-35879 : Fix TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘metadata’) in Topology view #14017
CONSOLE-3792 : Add extension point to enable customized create project modal for dynamic plugins #13825
OCPBUGS-33490 : Update Docs links for “Learn More” in Display Warning Policy Notification #14002
ODC-7581 : Gitea support when using Import from Git in Developer Console #13928
OCPBUGS-35928 : Improve control over PatternFly shared modules used in Console plugins #13992
OCPBUGS-35999 : Remove duplicate code in storage module #14004
OCPBUGS-35996 : remove orphaned i18n files #14001
ODC-7627 : Move test-cypress script into a frontend sub-folder to make it easier to approve changes #13937
OCPBUGS-35908 : fix flaking crd-extension tests #14000
ODC-7613 : Update the UI for selecting the Git Provider in the Import form #13936
CONSOLE-3824 : Remove kubevirt-plugin code #13769
ODC-7585 : Pipeline operator installation via CLI #13909
OCPBUGS-33136 : Fix invalid node filesystem query #13924
OCPBUGS-34316 : Manually Approve client CSR displays an unknown warning message #13939
RHSTOR-5836 : add info for ODF use-case (LSO LocalVolumeSet “Create” page) #13965
OCPBUGS-34937 : Violation warning is not displayed for minAvailable
in PDB Create/Edit form #13935
OCPBUGS-32550 : Fix placement of icons on WebKit #13987
ODC-7614 : Port exposed in Dockerfile not observed in the Ports Dropdown in Git Import Form #13953
OCPBUGS-35418 : Error with html escaping for Route helptext #13980
OCPBUGS-35497 : Update Go prereq in #13979
OCPBUGS-34986 : remove duplicate OAuth config #13957
ODC-7596 : Show Pod Disruption warning message in Topology page #13921
OCPBUGS-35492 : add info on obtaining first preferred language #13976
OCPBUGS-34516 : Improve catalog grid icon display and scaling #13901
CONSOLE-4115 : Add OLM v1 package #13960
OCPBUGS-25929 : Fix: Quick Start “next” button requires double click to move to next step #13934
OCPBUGS-22853 : Keep useUserSettings hook in the internal api #13967
OCPBUGS-29804 : Fix crash if helm chart metadata is nil #13963
OCPBUGS-30218 : fix pseudolocalization #13964
OCPBUGS-35376 : sessions: fix sessions pruning #13903
OCPBUGS-35287 : Alphabetize icons, alias httpd to apache #13958
OCPBUGS-29499 , OCPBUGS-29804 : bump helm to 3.14.4 #13816
(chore) Update tectonic builder image to use golang-1.22 #13932
OCPBUGS-29744 : Removed nested label component #13946
OCPBUGS-34752 : Forward selected key prop in IconDropdown component #13919
OCPBUGS-34683 : Ensure requiredVersion is set for Console provided shared modules #13893
OCPBUGS-33756 : Display of “Auth Token GCP” filter in OperatorHub should be conditioned #13867
OCPBUGS-35080 : replace global refresh sync lock in OIDC provider with per-refresh-token one #13655
NO-JIRA: Remove Edge from #13943
NO-JIRA: docs: update dead links in docs/helm
OCPBUGS-35031 : restore missing CloseButton styles #13941
OCPBUGS-34862 : Fix Inconsistent Capitalization of “Import from Git” #13925
OCPBUGS-34684 : i18n upload/download routine task - Sprint 254 #13910
OCPBUGS-29777 : RWOP accessMode is not available on OpenShift console UI #13829
OCPBUGS-34656 , OCPBUGS-34791 , OCPBUGS-34828 : disabling add-flow A-04-TC01 test and knative tests due to flakes #13931
OCPBUGS-34958 : Replace Red Hat catalog source with Community #13938
OCPBUGS-33539 : Add default sorting column for VirtualizedTable component of dynamic plugin sdk #13916
OCPBUGS-34533 : Fix updating the “Until” field on the Silence > Edit page #13926
CONSOLE-3662 , CONSOLE-4097 , OCPBUGS-34538 : Update plugin docs regarding Console 4.16 shared module changes #13900
NO-JIRA: revert “Add username/uid label and annotation for the user setting ConfigMap, Role and RoleBinding” #13917
OCPBUGS-33747 : console always query ‘openshift’ CSVs when listing namespaced operator details #13912
OCPBUGS-33733 : The s2i build strategy is not assumed for Serverless Functions #13889
OCPBUGS-19855 : Validate watchK8sObject query must have name and namespace for namespaced resources #13876
OCPBUGS-29215 : Update console cookies to use SameSite strict mode. #13878
OCPBUGS-33631 : show “Debug container” link for pods with status.phase… #13850
OCPBUGS-32698 : Remove TELEMETRY_DISABLED check from console telemetry… #13808
OCPBUGS-34170 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #13896
OCPBUGS-32321 : Add username/uid label and annotation for the user setting ConfigMap, Role and RoleBinding #13798
OCPBUGS-34222 : Fix for cypress local auth issue #13895
OCPBUGS-32950 : Restore user toggle when authentification is disabled #13797
OCPBUGS-34052 : Include English Translations text for Supported Languages in User Preference Dropdown #13877
OCPBUGS-34200 : fix bug where textarea is not resizable #13892
CONSOLE-4085 : Updated oc client link in readme #13888
OCPBUGS-34170 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #13886
ODC-7432 : Remove pf classnames from gitops integration test #13845
HELM-532 : Sort on basis of Chart Version #13846
OCPBUGS-32632 : Improve Pipeline list page performance #13842
OCPBUGS-33090 : UI inconsistency in topology when application grouping is collapsed #13858
OCPBUGS-32476 : Import from Git allow users to import an app with Build option Pipeline also when no Pipeline is available #13853
OCPBUGS-33383 : Fix Admission webhook warning for Route and BuildConfig creation via import flow #13828
OCPBUGS-32405 : Create Serverless form does not create BuildConfig #13775
NO-ISSUE: metal3: update OWNERS #13635
OCPBUGS-29510 : Fix console crash-loop with OIDC auth config #13713
OCPBUGS-33717 : Use bridge instead of cnv-bridge #13854
OCPBUGS-33636 : Updating the secrets using Form editor displays an unknown warning message #13852
OCPBUGS-33587 : Fix password set to Secret created through Start Pipeline form #13844
OCPBUGS-33869 : i18n - Download and merge French and Spanish languages translations in the OCP Console #13861
CONSOLE-4058 : add user-impersonation to QuickStartGettingStartedCard,… #13862
OCPBUGS-32631 : TaskRuns should not be fetched for Failed PLR’s #13806
OCPBUGS-33567 : Expose useUserSettings hooks in dynamic plugin sdk #13843
ODC-7576 : Pipelines plugin test fixes #13841
OCPBUGS-31901 : Patch PF dynamic module parser to exclude ‘next’ modules #13832
ODC-7574 : Add e2e tests for QuickStart from Masthead in CI #13837
OCPBUGS-33523 : restrict Masthead logo to max-height #13838
OCPBUGS-29745 : Fix Pipeline details page with when expression using CEL expression #13834
CONSOLE-4019 : Display a warning message from kube-apiserver when creating resource integration tests #13814
CONSOLE-3943 : Backup to segment public api key #13821
OCPBUGS-33352 : Fix PatternFly modules check #13817
OCPBUGS-33345 : Disable create button on NAD empty state for regular user #13805
CNV-36170 : Multi NetworkPolicies #13772
OCPBUGS-33219 : Fix StatusItem layout when no timestamp is present #13815
OCPBUGS-31558 : Fix NAD creation defaulting to the default namespace #13822
OCPBUGS-33222 : List DeploymentConfig triggers a warning notification which is not required for Display warning policy feature #13818
OCPBUGS-33199 : The filepath including leading slash makes error during parsing devfile using Gitlab #13812
OCPBUGS-33202 : Pipeline list page is crashed when navigating from Search page #13813
CONSOLE-3939 : Display a warning message from kube-apiserver when creating / updating workloads resource #13763
OCPBUGS-32707 : Fix React Router useParams in dynamic demo plugin #13803
CONSOLE-1756 : replace PodIP with PodIPs or HostIP with HostIPs if mor… #13774
ODC-7437 : Remove pf classes in topology package #13710
OCPBUGS-33011 : fix issues with Edit Route form #13799
CONSOLE-4014 , OCPBUGS-32791 : Consume telemetry CLUSTER_ID and use it together with orgId as segment identifier #13786
ODC-7435 : Remove pf classes in pipelines package #13739
ODC-7569 : Automation of the Recently Used Resources Section in the Search Resource page Dropdown #13791
ODC-7566 : Remove the Approvals Feature from the Console Repository #13789
ODC-7547 : Add e2e tests for QuickStarts in CI #13764
ODC-7438 , ODC-7535 : web-terminal automation improvement #13749
OCPBUGS-32741 : change OperatorHub filter FIPS Mode to Designed for FIPS #13790
WINC-1180 : Use record created for container_network metrics #13759
OBSDOCS-986 : Update the Monitoring topic used by the console team #13765
ODC-7433 : Remove PatternFly classes from helm integration tests #13777
CONSOLE-4020 : i18n upload/download routine task - Sprint 252 #13760
OCPBUGS-32725 : fix OIDC logging out #13755
OCPBUGS-32059 : Helm Plugin’s Catalog incorrectly renders a single index entry into multiple tiles #13776
OCPBUGS-32222 : Add warning about service binding operator will not be supported from 4.15 #13766
ODC-7554 : Update the UI according to the recent changes from UX #13723
ODC-7565 : Update owners files (remove reviewers and add Avik and Prabhu as approvers for ODC) #13773
OCPBUGS-13114 : Add visual connector between VMs and non VMs workloads #13617
OCPBUGS-31809 : Pipeline details page Metrics tab crashed due to no custom data #13733
OCPBUGS-30426 : Bump to 2.15.2 #13661
OCPBUGS-28723 : Improve Create serverless function error message #13591
OCPBUGS-32218 : fix runtime error on Pending pod details page #13768
ODC-7479 : automation of quick-starts-cluster-overview.feature #13715
OCPBUGS-12857 : Add NaN handling for Stacked Graphs #13712
OCPBUGS-26073 : setting correct image trigger annotation #13492
CONSOLE-3944 : Disable segment analytics when cluster telemetry is disabled #13677
OCPBUGS-32019 : Handle loading issue for PLR status in PLR list page #13747
OCPBUGS-29377 : Routes created by devfiles do not always use HTTPS #13725
OCPBUGS-32307 : Increase Max node limit for topology page to 300 #13761
OCPBUGS-22405 : Add a button to enable autoscaling for a deployment that is scaled to 0 #13711
OCPBUGS-32189 : Fix PatternFly version resolution check script for MacOS #13757
CONSOLE-3759 : Update file-loader pkg #13743
OCPBUGS-31430 : Re-enable Pipelines e2e tests #13700
OCPBUGS-32175 : Update i18n docs : Change “traditional Chinese” to “simplified Chinese” #13754
OCPBUGS-32117 : Add flag to hide Output tab contributed by pipelines-plugin #13751
CONSOLE-3997 : Bump Yarn to v1 latest & add script to check PatternFly modules #13706
OCPBUGS-31745 : TaskRun status is not displayed near the name #13746
CONSOLE-3916 : Direct OIDC tech debt #13647
OCPBUGS-31082 : Remove deprecated resources from spec of the Pipeline #13741
OCPBUGS-31759 : Update i18n docs on how to update Phrase Project Template #13730
OCPBUGS-31843 : Use UserInfo username field when logging out as kubeadmin #13740
OCPBUGS-31680 : Correct the button text for VolumeSnapshotContent #13742
WINC-1182 : [node] Modify filesystem queries to include Windows metrics #13662
OCPBUGS-31703 : Resource yaml with create #13722
CONSOLE-4014 : Consume the telemetry parameter ORGANIZATION_ID and pass it as organizationId parameter to segment #13728
OCPBUGS-23319 : fix bug where paused MCPs were incorrectly unpausing w… #13717
OCPBUGS-31744 : Add fr and es languages to i18n script for Memsource upload #13729
OCPBUGS-29616 , OCPBUGS-29823 , OCPBUGS-31613 : Add validation for vSphere fields #13726
OCPBUGS-23480 : Improve PipelineRun list view performance #13676
OCPBUGS-31732 : Hide the cluster configuration for analytics #13727
OCPBUGS-31482 : oidc: use our own pre-configured client for token refreshes #13716
OCPBUGS-31695 : Use bearer-token for local dev with auth #13720
OCPBUGS-31355 : add readOnly option to ResourceYAMLEditor #13694
ODC-7436 : shipwright test package update concerning pf5 update #13660
OCPBUGS-31431 : Hide dev perspective Pipelines nav option if dynamic plugin nav option is enable #13701
ODC-7431 : dev-console test package update concerning pf5 update #13685
OCPBUGS-31315 : i18n upload/download routine task - Sprint 249 #13692
OCPBUGS-29479 : fix asynccache improper initialization #13703
OCPBUGS-24830 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART #13454
Revert “OCPBUGS-19640: Dont render ARN mode role field and warning for HyperShift clusters” #13705
CONSOLE-3883 : Improve local plugin development docs #13679
OCPBUGS-30958 : Upgrade Pipeline trigger resources to v1beta1 #13702
OCPBUGS-30824 : Remove react-helmet from Console provided shared modules #13687
CONSOLE-3971 : add impersonate action to Group list and details pages #13671
OCPBUGS-28585 : remove generics from use*Modal docs #13689
OCPBUGS-24637 : Fix storage request unit dropdown to display any valid unit #13620
OCPBUGS-29992 , OCPBUGS-30584 : PatternFly upgrade to 5.2.1 followup to… #13693
CONSOLE-3972 : add Last Status to Pod details Container list and Conta… #13674
ODC-7531 : Added the ApprovalTask List Tabbed Page #13651
ODC-7546 : Fix that the UI doesn’t load on non-openshift clusters #13408
ODC-7498 : Show an opt-in / opt-out option to the user depending on the cluster configuration #13587
ODC-7434 : Knative test package update concerning pf5 update #13562
OCPBUGS-24049 : Add option to enable/disable tailing to Pod log viewer mobile screen issues #13394
CONSOLE-3949 : Add support for returning response.header in consoleFetchCommon function #13623
CONSOLE-3969 : Enable French and Spanish in the OCP Console #13665
ODC-7519 : Update the Pipeline Topology to adjust the new node design for the CustomRun #13613
CONSOLE-3922 : Convert legacy ListPage to dynamic-plugin-sdk ListPage- components in Console VolumeSnapshots Storage #13560
ODC-7489 : automation for getting-started-tour-dev-perspective feature file #13531
OCPBUGS-30052 , OCPBUGS-30575 : PipelineRuns in Console show wrong status or load indefinitely #13659
CONSOLE-3965 : i18n upload/download routine task for version-4.16/ sprint-248 #13652
ODC-7492 : automation for sample-card-add-page feature file #13589
OCPBUGS-30567 : Remove wrong arguments in K8sCreate method instance for Create YAML editor #13658
OCPBUGS-30297 : TaskRun with same name in different project don’t show 2 entries when listing in all namespace #13650
CONSOLE-3931 : replace existing CloseButton with one from @patternfly/… #13588
OCPBUGS-30805 : fix Configure link in AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigur… #13666
OCPBUGS-30762 : Fix bugs in Console dynamic plugin SDK webpack code #13657
ODC-7539 : Update devfile library to v2.2.2 #13045
OCPBUGS-26415 : Application creation fail when manually entering input scaling value in local setup #13487
OCPBUGS-30551 : Switch to service to get the PLR and TR logs from the Tekton results summary API #13654
OCPBUGS-29513 : Update the Pipeline List and Details Pages to acknowledge Custom Task #13614
OCPBUGS-29365 : Requesting for country codes in localization of openshift - webconsole #13612
OCPBUGS-25931 : fix for execute inline markdown syntax issue #13580
RHSTOR-4130 : Cross storage class clone /restore #13549
OCPBUGS-27469 : “Deploy Image” with “Serverless Deployment”, Scaling “Min Pods”/“Max Pods” should set “”/max-scale not minScale/maxScale #13534
OCPBUGS-30073 : Upload Jar form’s Clear button is not functioning #13644
OCPBUGS-21800 : Dev console buildconfig got [the server does not allow this method on the requested resource] error when not setting metadate.namespace #13544
OCPBUGS-30046 : Missing dependency warning error in console UI dev env #13640
OCPBUGS-22894 : adjusting documentation links for 4.15 #13634
OCPBUGS-30077 : Add additional search filters in the toolbar #13233
ODC-7480 : Recently Searched Section in Search Resource Page Dropdown #13389
CONSOLE-3907 : add actions extension point to Events #13554
OCPBUGS-22487 : Fix operands list endpoint. #13632
CONSOLE-3948 : rename ‘supported but not recommended’ to ‘known issues… #13622
OCPBUGS-29701 : Use selfsubjectreview API from frontend #13605
ODC-7478 : Gherkin and automation of “Install Red Hat Developer Hub with a Helm Chart” guided tour #13511
CONSOLE-3924 : i18n upload/download routine task - version4.16/sprint247 #13608
CONSOLE-3776 : Add GCP token auth to Infrastructure features filter section in OpertorHub #13559
OCPBUGS-29816 : Switch to service from external result route endpoint #13624
OCPBUGS-29757 : Use HTTP proxy configuration from environment variables in dev-console proxies, so that our backend proxies works fine on airgapped clusters #13619
OCPBUGS-28967 : ‘Oh no somthing went wrong’ shown on Image Manifest Vulnerability page after create IMV via CL #13578
CONSOLE-3921 : Remove Disks/NICs page from Node details #13552
CONSOLE-3883 : Update dynamic plugins README #13598
OCPBUGS-29760 : Dev console: Observe > Dashboard page should be called “Dashboards” (OU-260) #13597
CONSOLE-3774 : Enable OperatorHub filter by TLSProfiles annotation #13555
ODC-7477 : automation of quick-start-access-code-snippet.feature #13494
OCPBUGS-29423 : update TableData doc to use PatternFly 5 classname #13606
OCPBUGS-29363 : TaskRuns list page is loading constantly for all projects #13604
OCPBUGS-29355 : Output image url link leads to 404 for Shipwright Builds #13602
OCPBUGS-29601 : Disabling pipeline tests to restore CI health #13611
ODC-7476 : automation for getting-started-serverless gherkin #13476
OCPBUGS-27473 : Error in displaying BuildRun logs in Console #13583
CONSOLE-3883 : Update Console vs. dynamic plugin SDK package compat table #13586
OCPBUGS-9714 : Any namespace after deletion is still visible on UI if it is the default selection in namespace dropdown #13411
OCPBUGS-28718 : Revision tab and routes tab in serving details page showing no resource found #13556
OCPBUGS-26566 : Page fails to return to the Secrets list after clicking ‘Cancel’ on any Secret creation page #13504
OCPBUGS-28383 : Activity card event has expanded content that is not correctly left aligned with the rest of the card content #13547
OCPBUGS-27247 : improve empty state message for Machines and MachineSets page #13577
OCPBUGS-25942 : make sure folder is encapsulated with quotas #13477
OCPBUGS-27246 : Unhealthy conditions table should put Type as first column on MachineHealthCheck details page #13576
OCPBUGS-22749 : Adjust NAD name to “network-xxx-xxx” when creating #13568
ODC-7490 : Add TaskRun tab in PLR details page using plugin #13527
OCPBUGS-28856 : make getGroupVersionKindForResource null safe #13574
OCPBUGS-27908 : fix i18n for Remove volume modal #13550
CONSOLE-3377 : Add Cypress integration tests for ConsoleYAMLSample CRDs #13567
OCPBUGS-28836 : AUTH-440: fix usersettings identifier creation #13557
OCPBUGS-27310 : Source column header not displayed in PVC > VolumeSnapshots tab #13565
CONSOLE-3853 : Optimize module federation of PatternFly packages #13521
CONSOLE-3909 : i18n upload/download routine task - chore(i18n): update translations #13519
CONSOLE-3818 : Remove Chrome from the console builder image #13539
OCPBUGS-28216 : Adjust width and spacing so that warning icons are not clipped. #13546
OCPBUGS-26236 : VolumeSnapshots data not displayed in PVC > VolumeSnapshots tab #13485
OCPBUGS-25936 : fix copy-execute-demo.yaml inline syntax #13471
AUTH-440 : OIDC: refresh sessions with a refresh token if present #13513
OCPBUGS-25843 : Fixed bug with user feedback where inform the direction of RedHat was not showing up #13483
OCPBUGS-25881 : remove “openshift-storage” namespace usage from the console #13418
OCPBUGS-27455 : do not deduplicate ImageManifestVulns in Overview popover #13529
OCPBUGS-27016 : fix resizeObserver limit exceed for dev-console #13502
OCPBUGS-27152 : Fix popover jump in Tables #13524
OCPBUGS-25788 : Add Node Maintenance menu actions to Node list/details #13506
OCPBUGS-27779 : fix bug where Expand PVC modal assumes pvc.spec.resou… #13532
CONSOLE-3430 : add Cluster Settings > Details integration tests #13515
ODC-7482 : Add flags checks to hide Pipeline static plugin List and details pages #13512
OCPBUGS-27498 : Update get method so it can display zero value when set #13533
OCPBUGS-16736 : Addition of optional chaining to prevent yaml crash #13510
OCPBUGS-27399 : Filter out Client CSRs for nodes which already exist #13522
CONSOLE-3829 , OCPBUGS-16814 : backend: use the k8s SelfSubjectReview API to get info about a user #13321
AUTH-440 : expand options for the OIDC authenticator #13276
OCPBUGS-26772 : fix bug where Clone PVC modal assumes pvc.spec.resourc… #13503
OCPBUGS-26039 : Make editor sidebar width consistent #13495
OCPBUGS-10851 : Add source maps to production builds #13497
OCPBUGS-25890 : Prevent complete page reload when changing perspective #13500
OCPBUGS-14481 : update check for the ‘provider’ label on the PackageMa… #13491
OCPBUGS-26554 : Fixed some problems in topology Chinese translation text #13458
OCPBUGS-18699 : add additional check to determine if file is binary #13496
ODC-7465 : Update Getting started section in Openshift UI to use expandable section #13466
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed OCP-4.15/Master Branch/Sprint 245 #13441
OCPBUGS-25722 : Add support for custom segment domains (to load JS and make API calls) #13459
OCPBUGS-26049 : Tab VolumeSnapshots crashed on PVC page #13481
OCPBUGS-25780 : add integration test to check that Update cluster moda… #13480
OCPBUGS-25898 : Fix PipelineRun Logs tab navigation #13470
OCPBUGS-25840 : make Azure warning title consistent #13472
OCPBUGS-25771 : Enable catalog source badge to truncate for long names #13474
OCPBUGS-25780 : fix bug where Update cluster modal will not open #13473
OCPBUGS-25934 : clean up icon color and sizes #13460
OCPBUGS-25927 : Fix config ini format #13210
OCPBUGS-25612 : Logs for PipelineRuns fetched from the Tekton Results API is not loading #13455
OCPBUGS-24592 : Fix CI tests in helm and devconsole packages #13464
OCPBUGS-25206 : Re-enable and fix pipelines e2e tests #13438
OCPBUGS-18844 : Replace the old sr-only class to the patternfly pf-v5-u-screen-reader class #13453
HELM-522 : bump helm version to 3.13.2 for OCP 4.15 #13410
OCPBUGS-25441 : fix Observe tab in Topology overview #13451
OCPBUGS-25530 : fix bug where filter at mobile could be empty on Searc… #13456
OCPBUGS-25396 : update the checks for showing Archived to Tekton results icon for PLRs and TRs list and details page #13450
CONSOLE-3874 : Refactor EventStream #13431
OCPBUGS-23299 : Replace checkbox with PF checkbox component to correct alignment #13397
OCPBUGS-23925 : Follow on logic for only showing VPAs associated with a deployment for a specific project #13445
OCPBUGS-24711 : fix preferredTab selection on Pipelines page #13430
OCPBUGS-24715 , OCPBUGS-25018 : Fix pipelineRuns loading on repository details page #13432
OCPBUGS-24830 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-container image to be consistent with ART #13434
OCPBUGS-24408 : fix runtime error on Node details Overview when Machin… #13422
OCPBUGS-23378 : Prevent text overlap with popover close button on Create NetworkPolicy form #13429
CONSOLE-3853 : Prevent PatternFly styles from being included in plugin compilation #13388
OCPBUGS-24280 : Add missing https:// check for an external link #13421
chore(i18n): update translations: : Completed OCP-4.15/Master Branch/Sprint 244 #13403
OCPBUGS-5113 : Date&Time values are not showing as per browser default language #12506
OCPBUGS-23925 : Only show VPAs that are associated with the selected namespace #13417
OCPBUGS-24186 : Strip ‘Server’ header from proxy response #13404
Console-3733: Add support for Azure Workload Identity / Federated Identity based installs in OperatorHub #13082
ODC-7389 : Update OpenShift favicons as well #13420
OCPBUGS-24582 : Updated functions list page to use new hook useParams #13419
OCPBUGS-18401 : add type and text filters to Events integration test #13407
OCPBUGS-13206 : Fix customPythonDeploymentConfig YAML script to create a Pipeline wasn’t working #13149
OCPBUGS-13204 : Fix that customNodeDeployment pipeline YAML script wasn’t working #13148
OCPBUGS-24252 : fix subscription page fields #13416
OCPBUGS-23764 : bump PF dependencies to the latest patch fix #13380
OU-286 : add test-id to panel charts to ease e2e tests when titles change #13340
OCPBUGS-23554 : Fix for monaco editor that happens with yaml is being edited #13414
OCPBUGS-23378 : Set min-width for PF popovers that are being overridden by an inline style #13390
OCPBUGS-23347 : fix vCenter cluster being empty #13209
OCPBUGS-24339 : Do not depend on a global installed lint-staged #13409
OCPBUGS-24399 : Update our overrides css rule to remove list bullet from PF4 ui elements #13406
OCPBUGS-23761 : PatternFly5 update: Fix quick search input background color in dark mode #13398
OCPBUGS-18401 : fix filtering issues on Events #13395
OCPBUGS-23263 : Update i18next-parser dev dependency in console #13330
OCPBUGS-24267 : Cluster configuration fields are not visible #13386
OCPBUGS-22976 : S2I Build Wizard should check for Containerfile in addition to Dockerfile #13378
OCPBUGS-24001 : Fix crash when ArtifactHub Task has no version #13379
OCPBUGS-18371 : Searching for items in quick search is confusing #13381
OCPBUGS-24280 : view sbom link redirection should be based on taskrun annotation #13387
OCPBUGS-24339 : Add note about git hooks and PATH env var to README #13396
OCPBUGS-18542 : Fixed topology package e2e tests #13136
CONSOLE-3852 : remove PatternFly classnames from integration tests #13337
OCPBUGS-24203 : ConsolePlugin metrics must no longer be grouped by the vendor #13383
CONSOLE-3732 : Add option to enable/disable tailing to Pod log viewer #13298
CONSOLE-3705 : Phase 1 of using OpenShift Dynamic Plugin SDK #13188
OCPBUGS-23779 : Fix crash when user clicks on Show tooltips #13382
OCPBUGS-19426 : Edit the secret and add the Chinese in the web-console, garbled characters will be displayed #13333
CONSOLE-3764 : Update husky to v8.0.3 #13320
OCPBUGS-23125 : add access review for impersonate #13345
OCPBUGS-23780 , OCPBUGS-23783 , OCPBUGS-23794 , OCPBUGS-23977 : Bring back the Decorators and Pod Rings around resources in Topology #13376
OCPBUGS-23956 : PatternFly5 update: Remove text decoration for task node on hover #13371
OCPBUGS-23786 : PatternFly5 update: fix code snippet color in quick start in dark mode #13366
OCPBUGS-23770 : After PatternFly5 update: Typology sidebar layout issue #13363
OCPBUGS-23248 : change Alertmanager form to create using matchers inst… #13358
OCPBUGS-23980 : Fix logs streaming auto scroll issue #13377
OCPBUGS-23778 : Apply the correct font-family for the page header action button and menu items. #13375
OCPBUGS-23756 : fix layout of Show tooltips in YAML editor #13374
OCPBUGS-23971 : remove pf-m-grid-md from tables so table headers appea… #13373
OCPBUGS-23927 : fix table layout issue with Identity providers table #13372
OCPBUGS-23769 : PatternFly5 update: fix Topologylist view hover effect #13368
CONSOLE-3793 : add uptime to Node pages #13312
OCPBUGS-23559 : Styling issue in functions list page after PatternFly upgrade #13356
chore(i18n): update translations: : Completed OCP-4.15/Master Branch/Sprint 243 #13253
OCPBUGS-23923 : fix PipelineRun task logs switcher #13369
OCPBUGS-23775 : After PatternFly5 update: Form error is missing when import a container image #13365
OCPBUGS-23765 : fix dark theme issue for helm release readme modal #13370
ODC-7359 : Fix shipwright build e2e tests #13296
OCPBUGS-23787 : PatternFly5 update: fix Quickstarts catalog item count alignment #13367
OCPBUGS-23776 : After PatternFly5 update: Add page > more button dropdown is too wide #13361
OCPBUGS-23768 : After PatternFly5 update: Navigation: Extra space after divider #13362
OCPBUGS-23912 , OCPBUGS-23918 : Add Vulnerabilities column and signed icon in PAC repository PLR list #13364
ODC-7426 : Deletion of pipeline run after tekton result installation should be user-friendly #13353
OCPBUGS-23388 : Pipeline Name gets changed to “new-pipeline” on the Edit Pipeline YAML/Builder #13344
ODC-7389 : Replace topology graphic with new version for openshift v4.15 #13350
OCPBUGS-23543 : Deployment option is missing in ‘Deploy Image’ #13354
ODC-7428 : Update quick start name and document links for getting started section #13348
OCPBUGS-22778 : Fix for yaml editor that crashes with MCE and ACM plugins enabled #13346
GITOPS-3575 : Added disallowed flag to gitops static plugin #13307
ODC-7419 : Feature new Quickstarts (RHDH on the admin dashboard and Pipelines/Serverless on the dev add page) #13303
CONSOLE-3693 : Upgrade to PFv5 versions #12983
ODC-7425 : Add serverless function icon in Add page group header #13338
OCPBUGS-20016 : account for useK8sWatchResource
returning {}
like it does f… #13347
ODC-7383 , ODC-7384 , ODC-7385 : Update the PipelineRun and TaskRun details page to use Tekton Results API to load all the info #13328
ODC-7424 : Add e2e tests for vulnerabilities column in pipelinerun list and details page #13335
OCPBUGS-23164 : Cannot Edit Shipwright Build #13341
ODC-7382 , ODC-7395 : add support for tektonresult api to load PipelineRuns #13311
ODC-7421 : Show vulnerability column in the pipelinerun list page #13329
ODC-7424 : add e2e tests for SBOM section and output tab #13325
OCPBUGS-23292 : Webpack-DevServer Hot-Reload Not Working #13331
CONSOLE-3823 : Split auth config to its own module #13261
ODC-7423 : move pipelinerun results to output tab #13323
ODC-7399 : Create getting started content in functions list page #13289
ODC-7422 : Add SBOM link and signed badge in PLR details page #13314
CONSOLE-3618 : Remove frontend multicluster code #13245
CONSOLE-3777 : Update NodeJS v14 to v18 #13213
ODC-7414 : Update Shipwright API from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 #13304
OCPBUGS-20016 : improve labels and annotations modal display and editi… #13295
CONSOLE-3695 : Add details item extension to console dynamic plugin SDK #13240
CONSOLE-3814 : Conditionally render “Users” and “Groups” nav items #13287
OCPBUGS-23110 : Disable Pipelines E2E Tests #13318
CONSOLE-3740 : Address memory issues in CI #13309
CONSOLE-3614 : Remove multicluster code from Bridge #13244
CONSOLE-3822 : Update obsolete deps #13294
OCPBUGS-22930 : remove expandable toggle for conditional update risk d… #13306
OCPBUGS-22749 : Adjust NAD name by using unique-names-generator #13263
CONSOLE-3781 : remove cypress.config comments #13301
CONSOLE-3819 : change Cypress’ default browser to Electron #13300
OCPBUGS-19916 : Fix MachineSetList capacity logic #13259
CNV-30298 : Add UI for OVN Secondary Localnet Network #13293
OCPBUGS-19875 : Fix plugin proxy handler #13272
CONSOLE-3808 : Remove Protactor from console-plugin-sdk #13283
OCPBUGS-22747 : Display “With Data upload form” in Create PVC drop down once #13292
CONSOLE-3811 : remove shared Protractor files #13282
ODC-7409 : Use @kubernetes-models/shipwright types in shipwright-plugin #13267
CONSOLE-3788 : remove local-storage-operator-plugin Protractor tests #13291
CONSOLE-3788 : remove network-attachment-definition-plugin Protractor … #13286
ODC-7386 : Ensure the Import Form gets submitted without errors if BC is not installed while Pipelines is installed #13145
CONSOLE-3788 : migrate console Protractor tests to Cypress #13257
OCPBUGS-22419 : Fix the forms when BC is not installed in the cluster #13241
CONSOLE-3788 : remove cnv console tests #13280
OCPBUGS-10562 : fix operator uninstall test #13214
CONSOLE-3740 : remove references to removed packages #13281
OCPBUGS-22213 : Fix links for CodeEditor component #13274
CONSOLE-3816 : Goodbye! #13255
OCPBUGS-19458 , OU-241 : Remove unused Observe > Metrics page code #13114
OCPBUGS-20295 : clarify Operator installMode error message #13232
CONSOLE-3740 : fix bug where renamed tests weren’t updated #13275
OCPBUGS-22284 : updating doc links for 4.14 GA #13266
OCPBUGS-22199 : Save also the and .hash values in localStorage to restore them after login #13268
OCPBUGS-22213 : Fix links for CodeEditor component #13265
OCPBUGS-19970 : Workloads-AddPage: upload JAR file’s i18n misses #13264
OCPBUGS-16756 : Cluster dropdown items are not marked for i18n when ACM/MCE installed #13238
OCPBUGS-20362 : Delete annotations before rerun the pipelineRun #13230
OCPBUGS-9422 : Telemetry- Current page was sometimes not tracked when reloading the current page #13088
CONSOLE-3740 : check that user dropdown is present to verify logged in #13260
CONSOLE-3812 : remove packages/ceph-storage-plugin/integration-tests #13249
CONSOLE-3809 : remove orphaned OLM Protractor views #13248
OCPBUGS-19783 : Channel page shows “Required” message for the default name when navigate to create channel page #13222
OCPBUGS-20229 : Service details page shows revisions and routes from other service also #13221
CONSOLE-3766 : Update i18next-parser dev dependency in console #13197
CONSOLE-3740 : follow-on fixes and cleanup for Cypress upgrade #13242
OCPBUGS-20305 : Extra space is in the translation text(Chinese) of ‘Create rolebinding’ and ‘replicate rolebinding’ #13236
OCPBUGS-19714 : hide page-specific doc links for ROSA and OSD #13229
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed OCP-4.15/Master Branch/Sprint 242 #13201
OCPBUGS-21616 : Fix empty editor error #13176
ODC-7401 : Remove protractor from dev-console and knative plugins #13247
ODC-7400 : Fix e2e for dev-console, knative, topology, helm and pipeline packages #13231
CONSOLE-3740 : Upgrade Cypress #13070
CONSOLE-3758 : add support for new features annotations while preserv… #13183
ODC-7396 : Add Pipeline metrics tab using plugin #13225
CONSOLE-3084 : frontend/packages/console-shared/src/hooks/useCanClusterUpgrade: Not ROSA #13184
CONSOLE-3675 : Dynamic Demo Plugin: Add dashboard card with chart using QueryBrowser component #13105
OCPBUGS-20270 : Add instructions to the README for running the monitoring plugin locally #13226
OCPBUGS-16736 : use setTimeout to allow model to be created #13195
OCPBUGS-4242 : Fix CSV list and details page managed namespaces for copied CSVs. #13194
OCPBUGS-19970 : Home-Projects-Default-workloads-AddPage: upload JAR file’s i18n misses #13208
OCPBUGS-19966 : Builds - BuildConfigs : i18n misses #13211
OCPBUGS-19437 : API docs content issue (additional fixes) #13198
ODC-7377 , ODC-7378 : Add Revisions, Routes and Pods tab for service details page #13174
CONSOLE-3763 : Update null-loader dev dependency in console #13154
OCPBUGS-7893 : show all the legends for Pipeline metrics in PipelineRun TaskRun Duration chart #13077
OCPBUGS-14322 : fix ResourceLog permissions when impersonating #13196
ODC-7391 : Add a new allowInsecure option to the internet proxy API #13175
OCPBUGS-19743 : Fix Invalid URL crash #13192
OCPBUGS-18267 : 404 - not found will show on Knative-serving Details page #13156
OCPBUGS-17676 : Enable white space retain in resource logs #13101
OCPBUGS-4426 : All Projects’ dropdown”: Roles and RoleBindings “before all” hook for “test Roles detail page breadcrumbs to list page restores #13190
OCPBUGS-8777 : Don’t redirect after logout from login error route #13102
OCPBUGS-9157 : ‘Create Pod’ button should be disabled for normal user … #13040
OCPBUGS-19640 : Dont render ARN mode role field and warning for HyperShift clusters #13191
OCPBUGS-19437 : API docs content issue #13180
OCPBUGS-19546 : Set unlimited line width in YAML editor #13182
OCPBUGS-19413 : Fix demo dynamic plugin dev mode cypress tests #13172
OCPBUGS-19367 : Console should not panic when no response is retrieved for plugin assets #13166
OCPBUGS-19394 : document kebab menu cell props #13177
OCPBUGS-13152 : fetch TaskRuns without selector and reduces the get TaskRuns requests #13065
OCPBUGS-9719 : Correct logout process #10177
OCPBUGS-18832 : change resource icon for FenceAgentRemediationTemplate… #13162
OCPBUGS-18996 : fix issues with refactored “Create StorageClass” form #13153
OCPBUGS-19173 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #13157
OCPBUGS-11286 : Check if filtered object contains name property #12810
OCPBUGS-18464 : Hide the Builds NavItem if BuildConfig is not installed in the cluster #13141
OCPBUGS-18494 : Upgrade DomainMapping apiVersion to v1beta1 #13133
OCPBUGS-19314 : Hide the DeploymentConfig option in the User Preferences if that resource type isn’t available #13130
OCPBUGS-6515 : address ConsoleExternalLogLink test flake #13110
OCPBUGS-9285 : Remove redundant break line #13109
OCPBUGS-5571 : Update API docs content based on docs review #13108
OCPBUGS-3403 : Fix resource table sorting crash #13103
OCPBUGS-17203 : mock apis for git repo in test serverless function tests #13064
OCPBUGS-19313 : Hide DeploymentConfig option from forms when it’s not installed in the cluster #13129
OCPBUGS-19311 : Unhide the Import From Git Tab on the Add page if Pipelines Operator is installed and BuildConfig is not installed in the cluster #13128
OCPBUGS-18188 : Added React Icon #13111
OCPBUGS-18485 : Monitoring: Fix display of silenced alerts in dev console #13151
OCPBUGS-6513 : Fixed Edit Application form for Knative Services #12832
OCPBUGS-129 : bump @patternfly/react-core to v4.276.11 to pick up Sele… #13092
OCPBUGS-18439 : use active namespace in Create cta href of create action for operator backed #13132
OCPBUGS-18686 : Fix incorrect export of useLabelsModal in dynamic plug… #13142
OCPBUGS-18604 : [knative] Don’t rely on openshift/hello-openshift as a sample image #13134
OCPBUGS-18094 : Remove cluster filter and menu group title #13137
OCPBUGS-18348 : Add deprecation alert for DeploymentConfig #12968
OCPBUGS-13359 : Fix crash when filtering the quick start catalog #13126
OCPBUGS-18306 : fix useDeleteModal Example formatting #13117
OCPBUGS-18406 : Builds navigation item is missing in Developer perspective #13124
OCPBUGS-17341 : OCP console mandate secret for repository creation #13084
OCPBUGS-16108 : Fix DeploymentConfig list performance issues by lazy loading their ReplicationControllers #13118
CONSOLE-3126 : Update cluster paused alert message #13106
OCPBUGS-17864 : Web console slowness on Project>Project access page #13099
OCPBUGS-17981 : Remove DeploymentConfig, Build and BuildConfig sections from navigation and use flags so they can be enabled by cluster admins #13089
OCPBUGS-9182 : Enable default-container annotation to specify the default container for logs and terminal. #13098
OCPBUGS-17913 : Typo in the OCP console menu #13096
OCPBUGS-17948 : Fix that Devconsole plugin show essential features like add page and topology also when Builds and DeploymentConfigs capabilities are disabled #13097
OCPBUGS-13892 : Remove spaces from prometheus queries #13043
OCPBUGS-15927 : Error page when fresh normal user visiting BuildConfigs page of ‘default’ project #13091
OCPBUGS-16374 : Fix topology crash when a console.topology/data/factory extension tries to resolve a resource with version from the CRDs which doesn’t exists #13093
CONSOLE-3327 : Expose useActiveNamespace within dynamic-core-api #13033
OCPBUGS-17595 : Updating YAML from console shows error #13090
OU-206 : Merge monitoring alerts with alerts from other sources in the dev console #12940
CONSOLE-3681 : Convert storage-class-form.tsx from class component to … #13036
OCPBUGS-17496 : Bridge NAD should set “preserveDefaultVlan”: false #13076
CONSOLE-3126 : Remove paused state since its no longer relevant due to 4.14 changes … #13072
OCPBUGS-17515 : Console UI is broken due to patternfly/react-core version change #13086
OCPBUGS-17504 : Dev console: Remove checkboxes on Alert Details page Silenced By list #13085
OCPBUGS-16717 : Fix name validation regex #13075
OCPBUGS-17410 : Fix that “Delete application” doesn’t work in topology when Pipelines operator is not installed #13074
OCPBUGS-14138 : Console fix #13078
OCPBUGS-15458 : Links for console-dynamic-plugin-sdk markdown docs are not working #13062
OCPBUGS-129 : bump @patternfly/react-core to v4.276.11 to pick up Sel… #13052
OCPBUGS-17234 : change Command Line Tools text #13068
OCPBUGS-17347 : Fix “View alerting rule” action URL #13058
OCPBUGS-15419 : Title on Overview page has changed to “Cluster · Red Hat OpenShift” #12951
OCPBUGS-13387 , OCPBUGS-16693 : Import page create button is disabled due to PAC validation #13046
CONSOLE-3683 : Convert FireMan component in list-page.tsx from class c… #13024
OU-231 : Add jgbernalp and zhuje to OWNERS for monitoring #13069
OCPBUGS-17196 : Fix nad ovn type - annotation and netAttachName #13053
OCPBUGS-16844 : external link icon in resource added
toast notification not linked #13057
OCPBUGS-15310 : Helm Chart installation modal “Documentation” field is always N/A #13032
CONSOLE-3686 : Convert SecretFormWrapper component in create-secret.ts… #13017
OCPBUGS-15008 : update the KnativeServing API version to v1beta1 for global-config extension #13059
CONSOLE-3679 : Convert instantiate-template.tsx from class component t… #12947
CONSOLE-3568 : expose DeleteModal via useDeleteModal hook in @console/shared #12974
CONSOLE-3677 : Convert edit-yaml.jsx from class component to functiona… #12973
CONSOLE-3678 : Convert EventStream component in events.jsx from class … #12989
OCPBUGS-16093 , OCPBUGS-16270 , OCPBUGS-9409 : Creation of GH webhook and attaching it to repo while importing from git using PAC #13021
CONSOLE-3682 : Convert components in cluster-settings folder from clas… #13011
CONSOLE-3676 : Convert app.jsx from class component to functional comp… #12952
OU-175 : Monitoring: Add “Silences” tab to Developer console #12900
OCPBUGS-10884 : propagate mpath device type to request data #13022
OCPBUGS-16656 : Devfile import fails on master branch #13050
OCPBUGS-9355 : Fix translation bug #13049
OCPBUGS-3495 : Add cacheBuster query string when requesting plugin entry scripts #13035
OCPBUGS-16599 : allow creation of v1beta1 APIversion Pipeline in Pipeline builder YAML view #13034
OCPBUGS-9285 : Add note to the extension regarding its usage #13044
OCPBUGS-14341 : Check operands deletionTimestamp to disable kebab action menu #13042
ODC-7336 : automation for customization-of-catalog-add-page-form feature file #12934
OCPBUGS-11285 : Dynamic plugin translation support for plurals broken #13028
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed Master Branch - Sprint 238 #12999
OCPBUGS-16433 : Fixes location update issues #13023
CONSOLE-3591 : Remove directory listing for /static/* #13001
CONSOLE-3694 : Convert tile-view-page.jsx from class component to func… #12942
ODC-7334 : Show ConsoleSamples resources in the samples catalog #12970
CONSOLE-3666 : Validate shared modules of dynamic plugins #12881
OCPBUGS-11971 : When removing the project owner from the project in GUI, instead of that user, the group (the default group added as project admin through the project template) will be removed. #13016
OCPBUGS-13808 : Console SDK components should be using GroupVersionKin… #13029
OCPBUGS-14837 , OCPBUGS-16025 : Hide the Duplicate Pipelines Card in the DevConsole Add Page #13007
OCPBUGS-8274 : Fix copy login command regression #13003
CONSOLE-3687 : Convert components in utils folder from class component… #12925
OCPBUGS-11219 : Fix incorrectly nested css rule for print styles #12991
OCPBUGS-11620 : Fix stop PLR option #13020
CONSOLE-3706 : Remove custom history.pushPath alias function #12873
CONSOLE-3431 : Allow building dynamic plugins without any exposed modules #12530
HELM-502 : Bump Helm to 3.12.1 #13014
OCPBUGS-15359 : Enable namespace dropdown selection when all namespace installation mode selected by default and… #12975
OCPBUGS-16174 : Update the VSCode extension link and descriptions on Create Serverless function form #13015
OCPBUGS-13142 : InstallPlan info cannot shown on Subscription tab for … #13012
OCPBUGS-14907 : Fix operator backed catalog page when copied CSVs disabled #12932
CONSOLE-3684 : Convert components in modals folder from class componen… #12941
OCPBUGS-16148 : disable Save if Use existing claim is active and no … #13010
OCPBUGS-16150 : Fix Start last run action in Topology sidepanel #13009
OCPBUGS-15458 : Links for console-dynamic-plugin-sdk markdown docs are not working #12993
OU-218 : Monitoring: Use useResolvedExtensions
instead of useExtensions
CONSOLE-3680 : Convert row-filter.jsx from class component to function… #12957
OCPBUGS-13808 : Console SDK components should be using GroupVersionKin… #12946
CONSOLE-3685 : Convert components in RBAC folder from class component … #12933
CONSOLE-3611 : User can configure the install of Operators that authenticate using STS #12779
OCPBUGS-9991 : Most of contents are lack of i18n on “Command Line Tools” page #12995
OCPBUGS-15021 : Use FLAGS.CAN_GET_NS to decide whether to show Route details > Metrics tab #12944
ODC-7341 : Show Build output in Shipwright Build list and details page #12972
OCPBUGS-8005 : Fix broken upstream doc link for cluster channel upgrades #12998
OCPBUGS-10884 : add multipath device type to LocalVolumeSet #12723
OCPBUGS-14434 : Running yarn dev
results in the build running on a loop #12990
OCPBUGS-10844 : fix bug where binary secret values are corrupted on edit and add test coverage #12986
OCPBUGS-15011 : Upload JAR file does not work if the Cluster Samples Operator is disabled #12917
OCPBUGS-12891 : check for valid OLM selector in K8sResourceWidget to p… #12887
OCPBUGS-15896 : STS label not valid according to kube #12980
RHSTOR-4533 : added a mutator property for the storage class extension #12886
OCPBUGS-7416 : get Kamelets from the camel-k-operator namespace as well #12710
OCPBUGS-14548 : only show pipelines doc link for downstream #12979
CONSOLE-3565 : Expose annotations modal in dynamic plugins sdk #12843
CONSOLE-3610 : User can filter on STS enabled clusters for Operators that claim support for STS #12778
OCPBUGS-15773 : The upgrade Helm Release tab in OpenShift GUI Developer console is not refreshing with updated values. #12966
ODC-7319 : correcting - missing package tag across gherkin files #12847
ODC-7313 : Run CI tests with non-admin user #12814
OCPBUGS-15427 : Remove access review check for PipelineResource from Pipeline section #12964
ODC-7325 : Improve BuildConfig and Shipwright Build list pages #12910
ODC-7340 : Remove Shipwright Tech Preview badges #12960
OCPBUGS-14548 : update pipelines doc links #12890
OCPBUGS-15572 : Fix bug where the install operator update approval radio button does … #12959
OCPBUGS-14959 : Error for DuplicateClusterRoleBinding and Edit ClusterRoleBinding subject in RHOCP4 Web Console #12939
OCPBUGS-14665 , OCPBUGS-14874 , OCPBUGS-14875 : Helm Chart installation form hangs on create if JSON-schema is using 2019-09 or 2020-20 standard revisions #12929
OU-198 : Revert “Disable broken monitoring-tests” #12943
ODC-7337 : Skip wait for authentication operator to start progressing when the secret already exists #12884
OCPBUGS-497 : frontend: fix kube-apiserver availability query #12928
OCPBUGS-15060 : “Duplicate RoleBinding” leads to “Unsupported value” error #12921
OCPBUGS-7794 : Image pull secret creation form doesn’t re-enable Create button once it is disabled #12609
CONSOLE-3616 : Revert multicluster server flags #12782
OCPBUGS-15299 : Create Serverless Function Form is Broken #12926
OCPBUGS-13120 : Serverless functions UI warning is misleading #12923
ODC-7329 : Subsequent PipelineRuns take initial PipelineRun name into account #12913
CONSOLE-3612 : User is warned when cluster is in STS mode #12777
ODC-7322 : Implement a proxy to hit the API end point #12905
MGMT-15023 : Add help text to vCenter cluster field #12912
OCPBUGS-11464 : Availability requirement update is initially disabled … #12918
OCPBUGS-15135 : Make knative routes copyable similar to openshift routes #12908
OCPBUGS-14909 : Disabling web-terminal tests in CI #12892
OCPBUGS-14015 : Create helm release page doesn’t show a YAML editor when schema isn’t available (httpd-imagestreams chart) #12914
CONSOLE-3372 , OCPBUGS-13648 , OCPBUGS-13833 : Console supports installing non-latest Operator versions #12743
OCPBUGS-7036 : Add Git Repository (PAC) doesn’t setup GitLab and Bitbucket configuration correct #12593
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.13/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 231 #12695
OCPBUGS-14354 : e2e: Enable Pipeline tests #12911
OCPBUGS-14915 : Remove entries from the menu that are now added by monitoring-plugin
ODC-7316 : Add discoverability of the IDE extensions from Create Serverless form #12846
OCPBUGS-14419 : Remove tech preview badge from Pipeline repository pages #12888
ODC-7326 : Align Build, BuildRun and PipelineRun details page #12898
OCPBUGS-14836 : Updated BuildConfig and Shipwright Build lists shows runs from another namespace #12896
OCPBUGS-14890 : Missing ‘View details’ link for several servicemonitors.spec.endpoints fields in YAML sidebar #12895
OCPBUGS-14002 : Correct the alignment of yaml toolbar links #12894
OCPBUGS-14660 : Helm Repository “Edit” button results in 404 #12891
OCPBUGS-14716 : add ROSA branding option #12889
OCPBUGS-13208 : Fix PVC metrics query #12867
OCPBUGS-12897 : Knative Route Details Page should show the URL of the route as it is shown in the Openshift Routes Details page #12853
OCPBUGS-8682 : Fix empty create dropdown on provided APIs page #12819
OCPBUGS-9214 : Create button is disabled in Git Import form when git repo url has hyphens in owner part of the url #12652
OCPBUGS-4496 : Fix Samples/Snippets tab #12642
OCPBUGS-7361 : support JSON schema 06 in the helm install/upgrade form #12644
OU-138 : Move QueryBrowser component to dynamic SDK #12841
OCPBUGS-9063 : Remove frontend validation from legacy operand form gen… #12788
ODC-7275 : Implement invoke serverless functions #12755
OCPBUGS-14964 : Disable broken monitoring-tests #12902
OCPBUGS-11219 : Include print styles to allow printout of full screen and … #12849
ODC-7306 : Show the latest Build status in the Build list view #12809
ODC-7277 : added v1 support for Pipeline #12729
CONSOLE-3660 : Introduce react-router v6 compatibility #12861
OCPBUGS-8274 : Do not request token URL if auth is disabled #12818
OCPBUGS-14668 : visiting Configurations page returns error Cannot read… #12882
OCPBUGS-14602 : selected project was not taking effect when searching … #12880
OCPBUGS-14550 : Use proxy with web socket connection and monitoring d… #12877
CONSOLE-3392 : Implement exact search for more precise result sets and add user prefs setting #12838
ODC-7288 : Add proxy to invoke knative services with a public route #12789
ODC-7320 : Gherkin for customisation of add page and developer catalog through customisation form view #12855
OCPBUGS-14424 : OVN Kubernetes multi-homing #12869
OCPBUGS-14262 : Fix Pipeline metrics page #12863
OCPBUGS-10411 : Edit deployment don’t enable save button if image stream is added #12673
OCPBUGS-14149 : account for single object in status.conditions instead… #12866
OCPBUGS-14352 : E2e tests fails because OpenShift Pipelines operator could not be found #12872
OCPBUGS-9909 : Could not import multiple resources via JSON (while YAML supports this) #12721
ODC-7317 : Update Terminal step of the Guided Tour to indicate that odo CLI is accessible #12848
ODC-7308 : Update test cases of web terminal configuration page #12825
ODC-7283 : Add Web Terminal tab in cluster configuration page #12718
OCPBUGS-6767 : Regression: OpenShift Console no-longer filters SecretList when displaying ServiceAccount #12679
OCPBUGS-13782 : Surface the message from Operator developer #12840
OCPBUGS-12896 : Corrected Labels for resolving the bug related to the Create Route Checkbox #12834
ODC-7315 : Change help texts in initialize Terminal page #12824
OCPBUGS-11668 : Fix kebab actions on Installed Operators page #12822
OCPBUGS-13693 : Fix RTE in bridge. #12817
OCPBUGS-11256 : Topology UI doesn’t recognize Serverless Rust function for proper UI icon #12816
OCPBUGS-11996 : Fixed Make Serverless Form Error #12815
OCPBUGS-13257 : propagate labels to pipeline resources #12808
MGMT-14527 : Add vSphere cluster field. #12806
OCPBUGS-12783 : Remove “Action” type from OLM descriptor readme #12800
CONSOLE-3623 : Add X-CSRF token to console request headers #12719
OCPBUGS-5453 : Add Pipeline metrics unsupported empty page #12435
OCPBUGS-1829 : use service port name instead targetPort in the Pipeline Event listener route #12148
CONSOLE-2501 : Upgrade TypeScript version to 4.5 #12821
ODC-7318 : Update ODC owners, May 2023 edition #12839
CONSOLE-2501 : Update builder image #12828
OCPBUGS-13361 : Update plural string dynamic demo plugin locales #12799
ODC-7309 : Remove dev console integration-tests reviewers #12802
OCPBUGS-12244 : only copy workload annotations to debug pod #12794
ODC-7279 : Correcting CI failures of ODC Packages #12700
HELM-484 : Basic authentication documentation update #12768
CONSOLE-3615 : Mark multicluster code for removal #12754
ODC-7300 : Change method name for labelKeyForNodeKind to getTitleForNodeKind #12733
ODC-7296 : Rename all instances of YAMLEditor to CodeEditor #12708
Bug 2176216 : VMs are listed twice in cluster inventory #12795
OCPBUGS-12267 : Fix OLM k8sResourcePrefix descriptor dropdown behavior #12758
OCPBUGS-11099 : add support for minimal status of tekton #12724
OCPBUGS-12732 : fix buildconfig form ns #12771
OCPBUGS-12637 : update helm release empty state text #12767
OCPBUGS-12286 : Fix missing console plugin control on CSV details page. #12766
OCPBUGS-7692 : Fix that helm details page shows an inf. loading indicator when api call fails #12578
OCPBUGS-11057 : Importing a kn Service shows a non-working Open URL decorator also when the Add Route checkbox was unselected #12726
OCPBUGS-6581 : Serverless - Eventing - Channels: Conditions column i18n misses #12641
OCPBUGS-7485 : When Creating Sample Devfile from the Samples Page, Topology Icon is not set #12725
OCPBUGS-11596 : Do not fetch catalog sources on CSV or Subscription details pages. #12717
OCPBUGS-10224 : Multiple instances of tabs under ODF dashboard #12635
OCPBUGS-6770 : Pipeline doesn’t render correctly when displayed but looks fine in edit mode #12722
OCPBUGS-11869 : Pod Status Overlapping in Sidebar #12732
CONSOLE-3600 : Filter operators based on nodes OS type #12707
OCPBUGS-9329 : update dynamic plugin info for development mode #12666
OCPBUGS-10562 : disable operator-uninstall.ts as the uninstall test is… #12731
OCPBUGS-3036 : Do not list subscriptions in all namespaces on CSV details page. #12716
OCPBUGS-5548 : delete associated pipeline, triggertemplate and eventlistener when deleting app #12587
Add the possibility login with different IDP and user credentials #12709
ODC-7270 , ODC-7272 : Improve telemetry: Add resource and tab name to the page title #12669
Improve useModal docs example #12115
Improvements on Web Terminal Operator Installation functionality #12713
OCPBUGS-10956 : Reduce metrics cardinality by grouping well-known and other perspectives and plugins #12684
OCPBUGS-9305 : add missing readOnly conditions #12685
ODC-7280 : Add PipelineRun tab to Dev perspective Pipeline page #12672
OCPBUGS-10562 : re-enable and fix operator-uninstall.spec.ts #12678
ODC-7282 : Add webhook informations on Repository details and summary page #12690
OCPBUGS-11382 : Update Dockerfile to use latest builder images #12655
ODC-7274 : Prepare a page and modal to invoke a Serverless function #12686
OCPBUGS-103 : Move operator install status to it’s own route/page #12704
OCPBUGS-11020 : fix runtime error on OperatorHub details pages #12702
ODC-7281 : Provide Column management option for the TaskRuns list page #12689
Remove andybraren as dashboard reviewer #11807
OCPBUGS-11197 : Rephrase vCenter connection tooltips #12694
OCPBUGS-10961 : Fix description for BuildAdapter SDK extension #12683
CONSOLE-3577 : Remove deprecated metering endpoint from backend #12692
OCPBUGS-5940 : Wait with CRD/model translation until i18n bundles are loaded #12697
OCPBUGS-10916 : fix translation string for Image pull secret created alert #12681
OCPBUGS-10836 : fix All projects selection on Pipelines page in dev perspective #12676
OCPBUGS-10950 : use PipelineRun template from ‘pipelines-as-code-pipelinerun-go’ configMap for Go runtime #12682
ODC-7271 : add duration for PipelineRun and TaskRun on details page #12659
ODC-7276 : Add cancelled status color in Pipeline metrics page #12662
automation of edit build config feature file #12622
OCPBUGS-10619 : Enable modal scroll for uninstall operator instances #12680
OCPBUGS-10562 : disable operator-uninstall.spec.ts as the previous fix… #12677
PF Update 2023-2 #12664
OCPBUGS-10562 : re-enable and fix operator-uninstall.spec.ts #12661
OCPBUGS-10655 : Do not show builder ImageStreams without sampleRepo
as samples #12667
OCPBUGS-10509 : Sync Debug in Terminal feature availability with 3.x pods in web console #12657
OCPBUGS-9956 : update the default pipelineRun template name #12660
OCPBUGS-7620 : Edit Deployment (and DC) form doesn’t enable Save button when changing strategy type #12608
OCPBUGS-8086 : Visual fixes for list items #12619
OCPBUGS-9907 : Fix alerts source display values #12632
OU-110 : Observe > Dashboards : Code Consolidation Fixes #12588
OCPBUGS-7484 : When there are 2 pipelines displayed in the dropdown menu, selecting one, unchecks the Add Pipeline checkbox #12650
OCPBUGS-8268 : OpenShift pipeline TaskRun(s) column Duration is not present as column in UI #12633
OCPBUGS-7632 : comment out suspected problematic test #12647
OCPBUGS-10345 : Fix backend runtime error #12654
OCPBUGS-10269 : Fix grammatical error in feedback modal #12634
OCPBUGS-8299 : CronJobs table/details UI doesn’t have Suspend indication #12638
OCPBUGS-7801 : taskrun ui fails when using object type results #12626
OCPBUGS-10230 : Fixes card sizes not even issue when commit info is not available on Environments page #12550
OCPBUGS-5360 : re-enable operator-install-single-namespace.spec.ts test #12424
OCPBUGS-10232 : Fixes argocd link for non-KAM added application envs #12558
OCPBUGS-7232 : Fixes resource status alignment issue #12429
CONSOLE-3393 : Proxy managed cluster monitoring requests through MCE c… #12360
CONSOLE-3425 : Expose ‘nameFilter’ prop to ‘ListPageFilter’ component #12438
OU-117 : No response for duplicate query with default disabled status when click ‘Hide all queries’ #12621
Update dockerignore. #12538
CONSOLE-3452 : Add patternfly customer feedback extension mechanism to console #12611
OCPBUGS-7446 : Show type of sample on the samples view #12548
OCPBUGS-7395 : Users don’t know what type of resource is being created by Import from Git or Deploy Image flows #12615
OCPBUGS-7178 : Add page title to Devconsole pages #12591
OCPBUGS-7632 : fix issue where project deletion fails #12618
ODC-7232 , ODC-7233 : Add new auth, serverconfig and usage metrics #12527
OCPBUGS-6994 : when ACM is installed and no previous perspective is set, default perspective to All Clusters #12542
OCPBUGS-6762 : Increase filter input width to accomodate placeholder text #12610
OCPBUGS-8066 : add checks for Pipeline in AddServerlessFunction form #12617
Correcting Knative Package Failures #12012
IR-267 : add details for submanifest to the ImageStreamTag #12549
OCPBUGS-5773 : Delete secret on async run error #12557
OCPBUGS-7970 : always close filter dropdown #12590
OCPBUGS-7971 : Monitoring: Fix “Label” filter on “Alerting rules” list page #12592
OCPBUGS-7031 : Pipelines repository list and creation form doesn’t show Tech Preview status #12541
ODC-6669 : rename edit-deployment routes and components #12400
OCPBUGS-7308 : remove ‘Download kubeconfig file’ from ServiceAccounts #12589
Bug 2076619 : Modified git import flow module to handle create button enable-disable issue #11493
OCPBUGS-7879 : fix devfile error #12594
OCPBUGS-7806 : Add NFS-export details for PersistentVolume details #12571
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.13/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 230 #12584
OCPBUGS-3450 : Missing containerd and wicd service logs in Windows nodes #12572
OU-110 : Observe > Dashboards page: Use datasource defined in dashboard definition #12422
OCPBUGS-7668 : Bump helm pkg #12582
Add additional alerts datasource extension #12436
OCPBUGS-4646 : delete application should delete all part-of resources #12567
OCPBUGS-7144 : fix alignment issue of info alert on Pipeline metrics page #12563
Serverless function creation with Pipelines #12552
OCPBUGS-7421 : fix missing i18n error and validateDOMNesting warning #12561
OCPBUGS-1706 : Switch to use labelPlural for heading #12585
OCPBUGS-7195 : E2E correct sample page clicking #12574
OCPBUGS-3372 : Fix create silence error message adding response from the backend #12577
OCPBUGS-7117 : Expose endpoint to obtain copy login command URL for each cluster #12553
OCPBUGS-7399 : fix pipeline selection in Edit flow in devconsole #12564
OCPBUGS-266 : add subject kind dropdown in the project access form #12418
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.13/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 229 #12568
OCPBUGS-7427 : Associate wait time with method to decrease run time #12559
OCPBUGS-7089 , OCPBUGS-7113 : move cluster menu to masthead to fix usability issues #12480
OCPBUGS-7418 : set default value for Scaling fields in Create Serverless Function form #12562
OCPBUGS-6610 : Developer - Topology : ‘Filter by resource’ drop-down i18n misses #12522
Bug 2115265 : Search page: LazyActionMenus are shown below Add/Remove from navigation button #12187
OCPBUGS-2479 : Right border radius is 0 for the pipeline visualization wrapper in dark mode #12501
OCPBUGS-1748 : PipelineRun templates must be fetched from OpenShift namespace #12537
OCPBUGS-7090 : Fix that Add to navigation does nothing when pinnedResource is {} #12536
OCPBUGS-5547 : Webhook Secret (1 of 2) is not removed when Knative Service is deleted #12517
OCPBUGS-5428 : Add missing SDK extensions descriptions #12431
OCPBUGS-6893 , OCPBUGS-7199 : Fix different CI issues #12554
OCPBUGS-4008 : Make sure console refresh toast notification pops up wh… #12470
OCPBUGS-6757 : Get the Event type value from the latest PLR of the Repository #12495
CONSOLE-3334 : Update copiedCSVsDisabled to contain managed clusters #12374
OCPBUGS-6967 : fix typeError while creating Serverless function #12520
OCPBUGS-6647 : Added translation to Last used in resource type dropdown #12504
OCPBUGS-5733 : Remove description field from the PLR parameters page #12434
ODC-7226 : update helm install and upgrade flow #12502
OCPBUGS-5948 : Better fix for runtime error in schema tab of api explorer when no schema exists #12499
OCPBUGS-186 : PipelineRun task status overlaps status text #12498
ODC-7234 : Provide option to configure PAC on importing app via import from git flow #12439
HELM-479 : Uninstall the Helm Charts Asynchronously #12465
OCPBUGS-6799 : Repositories list does not show the running pipelinerun as last pipelinerun #12497
chore(i18n): update translations: : Completed-7034-OCP 4.12/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 225 & 228 #12285
OCPBUGS-6098 : Show Git icon and repo link as per the Git provider #12456
OCPBUGS-4883 : Default Git type to other info alert should get remove after changing the git type #12384
OCPBUGS-5997 : Add Git Repository (PAC) showed empty permission content and non-working help link until a git url is entered #12445
OCPBUGS-6660 : make Uninstall Operator checkbox instructions optional #12471
add preferred tab per user for dev perspective Pipelines page and make PipelineRuns tab default for Repository details page #12426
Query browser: Remove unused wrapperClassName
prop #12464
OCPBUGS-2666 : Add RBAC check on Create a Project link in all-namespaces pages #12279
add create serverless function form and add action on add page #12396
Update ODC owner files #12430
ODC-7225 : Update Helm Releases list page and the details page #12432
Bug 2084452 : PodDisruptionBudgets help message should be semantic #12084
OCPBUGS-5948 : Fix runtime error in schema editor when theres no match for g/v/k in swagger definitions #12469
OCPBUGS-6049 : Do not show UpdateInProgress when status is Failing #12449
OCPBUGS-6634 : Enable building tectonic-console-builder on arm64 and fix the Dockerfile.product to work with no cached artifacts #12444
OCPBUGS-3228 : fix broken pipeline secret #12460
OCPBUGS-5851 : refactor descriptors test to remove interdependencies #12453
OCPBUGS-6053 : fix run-time error on Cluster Settings when availableUp… #12450
OCPBUGS-6272 : Start the pipeline with workspace #12442
OCPBUGS-4684 : In DeploymentConfig both the Form view and Yaml view are not in sync #12416
CONSOLE-3237 : Add opt out when Console deletes operands #12234
OCPBUGS-5851 : delete existing operand via CLI to workaround failing t… #12451
OCPBUGS-1598 : updates toast wording to Workload #12155
ODC-7210 : Create Serverless function using the Import from the Git with Builder Images #12411
OCPBUGS-5016 : Editing Pipeline in the ocp console should show correct information #12446
OCPBUGS-5851 : Using OLM descriptor components deletes operand #12433
CONSOLE-3389 : Use Cypress mock responses for multicluster cluster switcher and pod test #12421
Correcting Pipelines Package Failures #12073
Bug 2110565 : PDB Remove add/edit/remove actions in Pod resource action menu #12420
OCPBUGS-5542 : Project dropdown order is not as smart as project list page order #12428
OCPBUGS-1852 : Subscription tab for operator doesn’t land on correct URL #12336
OCPBUGS-4377 : Service name search ability while creating the Route from console #12383
OCPBUGS-5540 : fixes typo for milliseconds #12423
OCPBUGS-4894 : Disabled Serverless add actions should not be displayed for Knative Service #12379
OCPBUGS-4571 : Operator recommended namespace during installation incorrect. #12387
OU-121 : Monitoring: Convert Alerting list pages to use plugin SDK list filters #12399
OCPBUGS-5346 : Change vSphere connection health status icon #12410
OCPBUGS-3334 : Fix type inconsistencies and Readme for DynamicPlugins #12263
OCPBUGS-4047 : Fix secret CRUD test #12407
Bug 2083087 : Fix to provide an option to delete all app resources on delete-resource modal for D/DC/KSVC #12390
OCPBUGS-2145 : maxUnavailable and minAvailable on PDB creation page - i18n misses #12373
OCPBUGS-5287 : disable operator-install-single-namespace.spec.ts until… #12406
HELM-471 : Modify list releases response #12401
OCPBUGS-4047 : disable key/value secrets test as they fail at a high rate #12405
OCPBUGS-1606 : Do not filter spoke cluster operators by arch/os #12363
OCPBUGS-4701 : display ‘Control plane is hosted’ alert only when isCl… #12361
ODC-7188 : On importing application via import from git flow pac should be configured for the application #12335
OCPBUGS-4279 : Upgrade pf 2022 13 #12333
OCPBUGS-3033 : Make all feature flags available in perspective extensi… #12386
OCPBUGS-4700 : only show upgrade details if cluster not externally man… #12362
Health checks topology sidebar feature automation #12394
ODC-7184 : Show pre-pinned resources based on customization #12354
OCPBUGS-4781 : use /api/helm/release endpoint on helm release details page #12397
ODC-7185 : Allow admins to define pre-pinned resources using a form driven experience #12353
ODC-7183 : Provide a code snippet for adding pinned resources #12349
OCPBUGS-5164 : add support for version v1beta1 for knativeServing and knativeEventing #12391
OCPBUGS-5165 : Add DevSandbox specific telemetry config (to allow these cluster to enforce cluster type and opt-out) #12392
Monitoring: Convert Targets list page to use plugin SDK list filters #12342
ODC-7182 : add pinnedResources to server flags #12314
OCPBUGS-3373 : Observe > Metrics > Monitors, Error Message to indicate limited view due to user privileges #12319
OCPBUGS-3314 : Fix to use and set correct secretReference for build-config triggers #12375
OCPBUGS-2824 : The dropdown list component will be covered by deployment details page on Topology page #12369
adds support for timeout and custom image in cloudshell #12329
OU-122 : Monitoring: Convert modals to use PatternFly directly #12371
Bug 1948666 : Fix to show correct help texts for each git repo status error code #12237
Bug 2005232 : Pods list page should only show Create Pod button to user has sufficient permission #11999
OCPBUGS-4975 : Add missing translation in ceph stoage plugin #12380
OCPBUGS-3767 : fixed node maintenance plugin route configuration for BareMetalNodesPage #12359
OCPBUGS-2525 : improve newly migrated ConsoleLink test #12348
MGMT-12787 : Move MarkdownView to plugins-shared #12328
Bug 2100762 : Adding data-checked-state to radio inputs #12256
ODC-7177 : Add SBO label selector support for Topology page #12283
Sidebar-of-knative-revision-and-service| Knative Serverless #12351
ODC-7179 : Allow users to see which pods are receiving traffic #12272
OCPBUGS-3761 : close the guided tour modal before any action #12358
Domain-Mapping feature | Knative Serverless #12343
ODC-7172 : Update helm terms from install/uninstall to create/delete #12337
OCPBUGS-3033 : Update admin landing page if monitoring is disabled #12292
OCPBUGS-4691 : Fix that topology sidebar actions shows outdated data (Edit labels, Edit annotations, etc.) #12365
OCPBUGS-3951 : Do not disable dynamic plugin if extension coderef fail… #12347
CONSOLE-3371 : Add missing children prop to ResourceLink #12312
HELM-450 : Return secret for async install/upgrade #12289
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #12350
Bug 2110570 : Topology sidebar: Edit pod count shows not the latest replicas value when edit the count again #12332
OCPBUGS-3863 : Set proper return code for plugin handlers #12346
Update helm and dev-console tests file #12301
Monitoring: Convert remaining kebab menus to use PatternFly directly #12326
OCPBUGS-4540 : Fix NavSection bug #12344
OU-75 New Query Added to the Beginning of List #12275
OCPBUGS-2525 : migrate CRD extensions tests to Cypress to mitigate flakes #12331
OCPBUGS-4518 : Monitoring: Fix alert descriptions with duplicate resources #12341
OCPBUGS-4047 : delete each created secret in case first test attempt r… #12316
Bug 2077138 : update pf-quickstart version #12298
OCPBUGS-4252 : fix issue where node debug terminal doesn’t load #12322
OCPBUGS-4110 : fixes misaligned form footer btn controls for WTO #12306
OCPBUGS-4415 : Disable shipwright tests again #12334
Monitoring: Extract Alertmanager config related code #12324
OCPBUGS-3896 : Make aria-expanded state label reflect correct expanded state in the masthead navigation button #12321
OCPBUGS-3771 : Add managed cluster proxy endpoint env var to script #12280
OCPBUGS-4206 : fix getContainerStateValue i18n #12318
CONSOLE-3282 : add Dynamic plugins to about modal #12294
OCPBUGS-4203 : remove padding from debug pod alert #12317
Monitoring: Use PatternFly components instead of ActionButtons #12302
OCPBUGS-3761 : follow on fix to ensure Administrator perspective is se… #12313
OCPBUGS-3027 : Do not disable metrics when auth is disabled #12287
Monitoring: Use PatternFly components instead of Breadcrumbs component #12303
OCPBUGS-1305 : Re-enable Shipwright e2e tests #12049
Monitoring: Don’t import EmptyBox #12227
OCPBUGS-2281 : Re-enable serverless e2e tests #12243
OCPBUGS-3476 : Show Tag label and tag name if tag is detected in repository PipelineRun list and details page #12274
OCPBUGS-3432 : Re-enable pipelines e2e tests #12242
OCPBUGS-2500 : Pan nodes into view if all nodes are not visible on load #12260
OCPBUGS-4026 : Fix rerender loop/crash when bindable-kinds is found but has no status #12296
OCPBUGS-4022 : Fix react warning when open console, add missing keys in navigation #12295
OCPBUGS-3024 : Add support for other Service types in Service list #12232
OCPBUGS-4012 : disabled Serverless add actions is not displayed in topology menu #12297
OCPBUGS-3776 : Update the tooltip to trigger only on mouseenter to remove focus trigger #12290
OCPBUGS-2480 : Task delete icon is not align properly on the Pipeline builder page #12266
CONSOLE-3350 : Add a PR template for the console #12257
OCPBUGS-3648 : Fix more runtime error edge cases in ImageManifestVuln … #12293
Monitoring: Refactor silence dropdowns to use PatternFly directly #12196
OCPBUGS-3395 : show event source, event sink card on add and associated action only if eventing is enabled #12268
OCPBUGS-3235 : Fix for initial showing of topology contents #12264
OCPBUGS-3761 : migrate Events integration test to Cypress to mitigate … #12286
topology-headless-failures-correction #12057
OCPBUGS-2904 : If all the actions are disabled in add page, Details on/off toggle switch to be disabled #12236
Monitoring: Import from the dynamic plugin SDK where possible and minor imports clean up #12231
OCPBUGS-2579 : Helm Charts and Samples are not disabled in topology actions if actions are disabled in customization #12197
OCPBUGS-1604 : Add cluster to query params of websocket requests #12250
OCPBUGS-2551 : show 403 error when normal user check operands on All … #12267
Bug 2092289 : Don’t proxy CORS response headers #12269
OCPBUGS-3069 : add Release not accepted to Update status on Cluster Se… #12251
Monitoring: Add popover help text for silence form’s negative matchers #12218
OCPBUGS-3709 : URI encode subjectName in CreateRoleBinding #12223
OCPBUGS-3458 : improve display of RetrievedUpdate condition in Update status #12261
OCPBUGS-2306 : fix number spinner input #12219
Bug 2080260 : Fix runtime erros in ImageManifestVuln related pages #12229
Create-knative-service-from-deployment-or-deployment-config feature #12125
OCPBUGS-1671 : frontend: use UBI httpd for StatefulSet template #12195
OCPBUGS-2735 : Switch spacing for inline radio & checkbox elements #12253
Bump helm version to 3.10.1 #12246
CONSOLE-3120 : Allow operator to specify where to run with CSV suggested namespace template annotation #12217
OCPBUGS-3316 : Remove refs-heads
from the branch name for Repository pipelineRun row #12247
Monitoring: Move codicon font into monitoring/ dir #12230
OCPBUGS-2922 : Fix Console Plugin table sorting #12238
Monitoring: Don’t import CloseButton #12226
Bug 1993916 : Show tooltips for contextual information #11860
OCPBUGS-3172 : check that user can patch console operator config in s… #12222
add capacity action for SS CSV list page [OCP 4.12 & ODF 4.11] #12214
Monitoring: Fix type of bodyContent prop passed to PopoverField #12211
OCPBUGS-2961 : Change installed operator text when custom resource required. #12228
CONSOLE-3185 : Improve information available for Pending or Failed plugins so user can better troubleshoot plugins #12208
CONSOLE-3246 : Update i18next to version 21.x.x #12124
CONSOLE-3077 : Promote ConsolePlugins API version to v1 in console repository #12103
OCPBUGS-1061 : Monitoring: Fix permission check for Prometheus & Alertmanager pollers #12206
Create-Knative-Workload | Knative Serverless #12165
add tab extension to dev console #12109
OCPBUGS-2651 : Show focus border on pipeline run nodes #12157
OCPBUGS-2909 : Fix documentation link which leads to 404 #12181
OCPBUGS-2478 : Fix i18n issue in Remove component node from application modal #12180
Bug 2110256 : Storage -> PVC -> upload data, does not support source reference #12213
OCPBUGS-1950 : Devfile samples (in Developer Catalog) link doesn’t include the current selected namespace #12193
CONSOLE-3164 : Move main nav components #12123
CONSOLE-3224 : Expose errorMessage and errorCause for failed plugins #12151
CONSOLE-3336 : Make dynamic plugin dependencies optional #12078
Bug 2115347 : Monitoring: Add support for Alertmanager negative matchers #12139
CONSOLE 3250: Configure default behavior for “Wrap lines” in log viewers #12015
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.12/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 224 #12185
CONSOLE-3276 : Expose ErrorBoundary capabilities in the SDK #12170
Replace resource URI with inline yaml in devfile #12168
Bug 2110321 : Workloads list page has different PDB action items from details page when All Projects selected #12117
Update Devfile Import to use Kubernetes YAML definitions #12000
OCPBUGS-2654 : Update OperatorHub tests #12198
ODC-6786 : Add cluster configuration extension, page, and options for console customization #12159
MGMT-9085 Add vSphere Connection plugin #12068
OCPBUGS-505 : Input box aria-label and name wrong for editing PDB inside Deployments #12064
OCPBUGS-2455 : Pods and PDBs list page just reports ‘Not found’ when no Pod/PDB #12178
OCPBUGS-2100 : Fix warning icon color #12177
OCPBUGS-1916 : Workloads list page has different HPA action items from details page when All Projects selected #12120
OCPBUGS-548 : Tweaks to make the “Favorites” section heading consistent with project menu section heading #12119
OCPBUGS-1470 : i18n Incorrect plural for maxUnavailable pod count #12065
OCPBUGS-1776 : Remove duplicate start guide alert from devconsole Search page #12158
OCPBUGS-2430 : Add missing Quick Start translation #12171
ODC-6779 : Hide sub-catalog(s) in the developer catalog or the entire dev catalog based on customization #12067
OCPBUGS-800 : Name of workload get changed, when project and image stream gets changed on reloading the form on the edit deployment page of the workload #12024
OCPBUGS-1017 : Persist last cluster dropdown selection in session storage only #12179
OCPBUGS-2344 : Change annotation to be used for fake helm repositories #12141
OCPBUGS-1416 : Fix outdated, broken ODC add-page e2e test #12055
OCPBUGS-2438 : Monitoring: Fix help popovers #12166
OCPBUGS-1746 : Update the Github App events and permissions #12162
OCPBUGS-193 : Corrected kebab action overlapping issue in Helm page #11980
OCPBUGS-2369 : adds check for metadata as metadata is not required in template spec #12169
OCPBUGS-2075 : Hide silent switch for alerting rule if no associated alerts are present in devconsole #12152
Bug 2100334 : separate fetching of serving and eventing as they can be enabled independently #12080
OCPBUGS-2195 : fixes npe on topology #12156
Cards-display-on-serverless-operator-installation | Knative-serverless #12089
Updates flags and blocks migrated extensions #11992
Add resource quota alert to topology list view node #12143
OCPBUGS-1040 : Add checks for pods in hpaPodRingLabel #12118
OCPBUGS-2181 : updates test id for 3scale #12167
OCPBUGS-1105 : OCPBUGS-1106: Update dependencies to the registry library and devfile parser #12043
OCPBUGS-2265 : Allow passing documentation links for alerts #12059
CONSOLE-3190 : update OperatorHub filter to use nodeArchitectures instead of GOARCH #12072
ODC7127: Change node background color to yellow on zoom out #12142
Bug 2100843 : Fix selection on add connector context menu option opens the side panel of the node #12069
OCPBUGS-2102 : updates e2e to call resource type selection in advance option #12147
ODC-6771 : Add telemetry support #12140
ODC-6785 : Enable/Disable perspective(s) based on customization #12025
Refactor ResourceSection and move it under Advanced options #12052
ODC-6772 : Show resource quota alert in deployment side-panel #12029
OCPBUGS-194 : Switch api explorer filters to use PF toolbar component for structure and adjustments. #12111
Bug 2115522 : Strange padding in new Helm Chart Repository table row #12102
OCPBUGS-1678 : Use local test data to mock a devfile registry #12088
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #12121
OU-38 : Monitoring: Refactor silence duration dropdown to use PatternFly #12101
Action on Knative-Service | Knative Serverless #12081
OU-56 : Query browser: Refactor timespan dropdown to use PatternFly components #12076
Bug 2079249 : Find latest pipeline run without firehose selector #12071
OCPBUGS-1479 : PDB list page should only show Create Pod button to user has sufficient permission #12066
Update PL/PLR visualization to use new PF pipeline package #12046
Bug 2057972 : Remove space in Chinese translation for Duplicate {{kindLabel}} #12099
HELM 386:Chart Verifier api integration #11964
OCPBUGS-1827 : disable e2e for knative #12114
OCPBUGS-184 : Fix OperatorHub “View it here” link for installed operators #12105
Move some datetime functions to @openshift-console/plugin-shared #12037
OCPBUGS-183 : fix bug where line numbers greater than 5 digits overlay… #12093
OCPBUGS-803 : Handle fake helm chart repository #12096
Bug 1904106 : Fix Y-axis labels for minimal / no data #12087
Monitoring: Clean up use of ISO datetime helpers #12053
OU-66 Add a ‘Select/Unselect All’ button to Observe > Metrics Page > … #12033
ODC-6778 : add list of disabled dev catalog types to server flags #11984
OCPBUGS-1522 : Allow regular users to access debug pods #12098
add list of enabled/disabled perspectives to server flags #11993
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.12/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 223 #12083
Bug 2100860 : Use Alertmanager services for user-defined alerts from config #11712
YAML Editor with forwardRef #11997
OCPBUGS-1677 : Fix devfile registry assertion #12085
PF-2022 : 12 package updates #12063
OCPBUGS-1569 : add admin flag to disabled extensions #12027
ODC-6784 : Added Code Snippets for Hiding Perspectives in Dev Console #12075
Bug 2030406 : Remove nav override for fixed demo plugin nav component dom structure #12079
OCPBUGS-1570 : fixes issue with eventsources vis on topology #12074
CONSOLE-3183 : Improve console.dashboards/overview/detail/item extension #12058
Action on Knative-Revision | Knative Serverless #12034
Bug 2057972 : Switch to “verb kind” phrase so that Chinese translations do not have spaces between. #12039
Bug 2077138 : update version of quick-start library to latest #12038
ODC-6780 : Provide a code snippet for the console CRD for adding Subcatalogs in Dev Catalog #12047
OCPBUGS-1268 : Remove required flags from helm actions to show the HCR actions also if no helm repo is enabled #12042
Expose the NamespaceBar component in the dynamic plugin SDK API #12001
OCPBUGS-1141 : fetch shared resource imagestreams based on labels instance and name #12035
OCPBUGS-943 : Use the Deployment as resource kind and label also when importing a Devfile #12022
OCPBUGS-1256 : Improve OLM descriptors e2e tests #12044
OCPBUGS-1290 : updates description for kafkaSink #12048
OU-68 Add PodMonitors to Metrics targets Page #12008
Added resource quota warning message in topology and add page #11962
OCPBUGS-270 : Show already loaded catalog items after a timeout (3sec) #12019
OU-85 : Monitoring: Add runbook URLs to alert and rule details pages #12026
Automate DevConsole Interop WTO Scenarios #8814
Bug 2115899 : BuildConfig form: Change image repository to image registry #11938
OCPBUGS-548 : Changes to the application menu with search and favorite options so it is consistent with PatternFly menu and aligns with Project selection menu #11985
OCPBUGS-939 : Fix flaky CI and usability issue: Disable create button until Devfile is parsed #12023
Monitoring: Clean up and make more use of the dynamic plugin SDK #12009
OCPBUGS-238 : enable knative e2e in ci #12021
OCPBUGS-896 : Allows launching of modals from alert actions #12018
Pass className to HealthItem popup top-level component #11952
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.12/Master Branch UI Localization- Sprint 222 #11989
Update pf packages to pf-2022-10 #11981
OCPBUGS-869 : correct Azure product name for support link #12016
Migrates StorageClass Provisioner to dynamic-plugin-sdk #11931
Disable all OCS tests #12013
kafka-event-source & kafka-source-connection feature | Knative #11957
Bug 2112812 : Update registry library dependency to pick up proxy support #12011
Gherkin for “Cancelled” and “Stopped” status of pipeline run #11868
CONSOLE-3179 : Improve control over shared modules provided by Console to dynamic plugins #11700
OCPBUGS-704 : Disable knative test suite #12006
Bug 2109854 : Fix description for Max unavailable and Max surge #11867
Add support for param of array type when starting a Pipeline #11953
OCPBUGS-451 : show git icon in repository details page based on git provider #12003
OWNERS: add jerolimov to approvers #11998
OU-59 : Query browser: Remove the metrics list dropdown #11991
HELM-342 : Add basic authentication support for Helm repositories #11782
Add functionality to add kafka-sinks as subscriber, trigger and event-source sink target #11925
OCPBUGS-435 : Dropdown items on storageclass creation page need i18n support #11988
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.12 UI Localization- sprint 221 #11940
Bug 2102681 : Fix zh locale (greater than pod) #11802
Include ActionServiceProvider in dynamic-plugin-sdk #11923
create kafkaSink support in catalog #11948
ODC-6712 & ODC-6714: Add a build decorator for Shipwright Builds and builds section into topology sidebar for Shipwright Builds and BuildRuns #11853
correcting nightly failures: pipelines #11891
RHSTOR-3593 : Add basic support for Modals #11163
Bug 2091573 : Input values in Instantiate Template are disappeared randomly in the developer console #11967
Query browser: Use PatternFly components directly for Actions and kebab dropdown menus #11959
Bug 2091102 : Name of workload get changed, when project and image stream gets changed on edit deployment page of the workload #11758
correcting nightly failures: topology #11878
Bug 2080260 : Update OLM pages to use details and list page extensions for operands when they exist #11883
OCPBUGS-238 : enable knative e2e in ci #11963
OCPBUGS-180 : Change ‘Role’ title to ‘Roles’ #11960
Bug 2071792 : Support namespace of choice for the user that wants to use TLS verification #11571
Monitoring: Import enums from dynamic plugin SDK #11961
Bug 2117738 : reset ErrorBoundary state on location change #11955
CONSOLE-3179 : Add deprecation note for react-helmet #11876
Bug 2094502 : Fix bug where the create required custom resource button points to the wrong namespace. #11949
Bug 2091555 : - Sort function doesn’t work on “Namespaces” column on operator details page #11958
Bug 2109502 : improve bug report links #11874
Bug 2103090 : - Storage - StorageClasses - Create StorageClass - Provisioner: Upon selection of Provisoner i18n misses #11945
OCPBUGS-169 : Fixes E2E test #11956
Bug 2117367 : Include referenced .scss files when building core plugin SDK package #11951
Bug 2115280 : kubevirt-e2e-aws see two duplicated navigation items #11943
Monitoring: Clean up imports and types #11784
Capture telemetry event for Export application action #11921
Bug 2116415 : e2e: Disable Shipwright e2e tests #11947
Updated dynamic demo plugin instructions #11904
Allow editing of Repositories using the form-yaml experience #11866
CONSOLE-3244 : Make status.HostIP for Pods visible in the OCP Web Console #11919
Bug 2111686 : [OKD/nanokube] Fix NPE when project or build status is not defined #11791
Bug 2109511 : fix failed PipelineRun log texts color in light mode #11859
Bug 2102341 : Include min-width on operator icon img so that Firefox displays them correctly #11934
Bug 2114488 : Fix Monitoring Alert decorator icon color in Topology #11928
Bug 2110525 : Clear the error when switching between the Form and YAML editor #11871
improve export application flow #11915
Bug 2115799 : Fix Resource selection for import flow #11937
Bug 2107469 : Fix service-binding modal sub-title text when the target is available #11898
CONSOLE-3188 : Add alert with message for Console plugins page when console operator spec.managementState is Unmanaged #11897
Add Resource type dropdown on the User preferences page #11833
Gherkin for Builds v2 in Dev Console - Topology #11893
Added Repositories tab in Helm Page #11844
Add Cancel option and update the stop status for the PipelineRun #11920
ODC-6740 : Move Build v2 e2e tests from dev-console to shipwright-plugin package #11889
CONSOLE-3140 : Expose ResourceIcon to dynamic-plugin-sdk #11870
Bug 2084504 : can not silence platform alert from developer console #11895
Bug 2105918, Bug 2105303: specify namespace and index entry along with chart url to get the chart details #11838
Bug 2112481 : Fix visual inconsistencies across synched editor forms #11903
Bug 1951901 : incorrect Worker nodes number calculated when nodes have… #11896
Bug 2001211 : Resource usage measurement data display the concatenati… #11805
Bug 2099795 : README file for helm charts encoded in Chinese shows messy characters in the UI #11881
Bug 2112862 : Fix broken Namespace CRUD e2e test #11908
CONSOLE-3186 : Add shared-plugin to the SDK Packages tables docs #11882
capture telemetry for helmChartRepo creation to detect scope #11872
SDK - add plain yaml editor #11840
Bug 2070562 : Base64 data value for java keystore secret changing auto… #11890
Bug 2111205 : [CI Watcher] Add yarn config to dynamic-demo-plugin #11880
Bug 2112146 : Update pod YAML sample for restricted pod security admission policy #11894
Bug 2110927 : Remove zero from edit yaml page and clear errors when the user press the save button #11877
Bug 2075107 : consistency in web terminal headers #11858
bump codemirror and promql editor to the last version #11822
Bug 2092319 : [Firefox] multi-line node status formatting issue #11638
Bug 2089221 : Could not de-select a Git Secret in add and edit forms #11606
Bug 2084453 : - Edit PodDisruptionBudget page sometimes takes user to not synced YAML view #11845
Bug 2097026 : Administration - Cluster Settings - Cluster Operators : … #11742
Bug 2094240 : Update workload-pause.tsx to fix inconsistency between buttons in the notification and kebab action dropdown. #11677
Updates Ceph plugin OWNERS #11657
Bug 2109673 : Align Console plugin SDK package dependencies with generated code #11625
Bug 2106366, Bug 2106377: Use displayname for PHCR in the catalog page #11852
Bug 2108551 : [CI Watcher] Bulk Import e2e test flaking at a high rate #11863
CONSOLE-3181 : Deprecate useAccessReviewAllowed and useSafetyFirst #11851
support creation of helm chart repo using the existing PHCR form #11821
Bug 2037329 : remove redundant model check to prevent tab reloading #11862
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.11 UI Localization- sprint 220 #11846
Bump webpack dependency in plugin SDK and demo plugin #11771
Bug 2109469 : Fix create-namespace e2e test: cleanup useServiceLevelTitle hook usage #11855
Bug 2108638 : SDK - expose useLastNamespace #11828
Bug 2106805 : Enable running specific spec files with headless test-cypress #11818
add parameters tab on PipelineRun details page #11767
Bug 2079690 : Fix operand affinity form field #11834
Bug 2094558 : MetalLB: Creating ip address pool and community CR throu… #11728
Bug 2105344 : correct usePodActionsProvider and apply it #11816
Bug 2100640 : Adjust font size and alignment for show operands radio toggle #11850
Bug 2106866 : Fix flaky OLM descriptor test #11856
Bug 2092137 : Search doesn’t show all entries when name filter is cleared #11665
CONSOLE-3091 : Remove orphaned code along with consolidating some code to use PF instead of Bootstrap #11744
Bug 2090457 : openshift-debug-node- namespaces do not get deleted for … #11824
Bug 2102098 : There is no error message shown on node label edi… #11817
Bug 2106803 : mock call to /api/devfile in e2e #11831
Bug 2093597 : Added the spacing between advanced options #11739
Bug 2079214 : Switch default modal scroll behavior from inner modal body scroll to entire modal scroll to prevent bug and have consistent display of dropdown menus. #11835
Bug 2081674 : Added onSubmit for create a project function for Dev perspective #11781
Bug 2089773 : Added separate reducers for status and title for pipeline status #11678
Bug 2106866 : Fix flaky OLM test #11832
CONSOLE-3167 : Remove static plugin nav extensions #11825
Bug 2103981 : show last 3 build with option to view all in case of more then 3 builds #11837
Bug 2103224 : Update the side nav perspective selection so it has the correct background and border color when in dark mode #11790
Bug 2103972 : fix MultiColumnField header alignment used for Pipeline parameters #11799
Bug 2078769 : Added translations for filter group names #11594
CONSOLE-3067 : Adding Rollout Restart function to the OpenShift Console #11725
Bug 2091542 : - Error Loading/404 not found page shown after clicking “Current namespace only” #11743
Bug 2021297 : Implement dynamic plugin dependency resolution #11626
CONSOLE-3204 : Add missing api docs for *Icon and *Status components #11808
Bug 2098234 : fix broken update server link #11768
Bug 2105909, Bug 2105328: Fix create-namespace e2e test, ESOCKET timeout issue, and a11y violations to unblock CI #11809
Bug 2052662 : Fix null reference #11780
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #11789
Bug 2093593 : Updated selected strategy file as devfile when devfile is selected #11719
Bug 2100774 : add error color to required help text for image search field #11776
Update PF packages to pf-2022-8 #11766
CONSOLE-3083 : Update API docs for dynamic plugin sdk #11639
Update ODC owner files #11760
Bug 2096350 : fix bug where Cluster update modal errors weren’t displa… #11762
Automation of Eventing-broker-actions | knative - eventing #11503
Bug 2100669 : Don’t log usernames with the telemetry plugin #11759
Bug 2100159 : [dark theme] Fix build pending icon color in topology sidebar #11756
Bug 2099528 : Restore spacing between/below modal body content #11755
Bug 2099358 : Fix application group background colors #11752
Bug 2100356 : remove Condition tab and create option if the crd is not available #11750
eventing-channel feature | knative-plugin #11634
Bug 1948556 : Add check if model is defined to prevent RTE #11224
Bug 2099330 : Add accessReview to Edit application grouping option #11745
Bug 2094023 : Add correct pod template labels via add flows #11740
CONSOLE-3061 : Add failed plugins into the notification drawer #11732
CONSOLE-3062 : add Dynamic Plugins to Cluster Overview Status card #11664
Actions on Horizontal-pod-autoscaler | Topology #11642
Quota charts now show all resource types #11596
Bug 2099654 : Fix endless re-render loop when associatedDeployment is not defined #11749
Bug 2029797 : if linkTo is false, do not attempt to get path #11696
Bug 2062920 : Remove the namespace dropdown set menu height to prevent unneccessary… #11748
Bug 2087772 : Fix layout issue caused by badges in header of catalog details panel #11711
CONSOLE-3153 : Expose timestamp component as part of the dynamic plugin sdk API #11693
Bug 2093586 : Close quick-search modal on ctrl+space #11741
Bug 2072883 : Fix dashboard graph width tracking #11730
Bug 2094227 : Added Create Service Binding to the top of the action list #11702
Bug 2071747 : Fix the machine configuration docs link #11668
Bug 2096392 : [Dark Theme]: Add white background to node icons in Topology in dark mode #11699
Bug 2022611 : Remove BlockPools tab in external mode #11727
Bug 2015042 : Adding a template from the catalog creates a secret that is not owned by the TemplateInstance #11649
Bug 2077373 : fix dev perspective accessibility issue #11738
Bug 2099763 : update icons for eventSource and eventSink #11731
ODC-6660 : Render topology differently based on zoom level #11698
chore(i18n): update translations: Completed-7034-OCP 4.11 UI Localization- print 219 #11695
Bug 2099582 : Format and update the repository overview page #11737
Console 3155: Display Operator logos on a white background on dark them to prevent visual issues and consistency #11491
Bug 2096908 : [Dark Theme]: fix several issues in the dark mode. #11706
Bug 2093601 : allow project access page to update the settings twice #11713
eventing-create-sink-broker feature | knative-plugin #11717
Bug 2089405 : fix topology build decorator color #11722
Bug 1993916 : Visual feedback on OBC deletion #11415
Bug 2072793 : Update top consumer metrics #11721
Gherkin and automation of topology usability improvements #11566
Bug 2089675 : Fix for setting position of topology groups with no children #11723
Bug 2096394 : Switch from overriding dark theme pf-c-card background to increasing its boxshadow. #11707
Bug 2091029 : - Cancel rollout action only appears when rollout is completed #11648
Bug 2097000 : fix visualisation of kafka connection along with kafka sink #11718
Bug 2027603 : Fix arbiter zone selection issue #11692
Bug 2090895 : Support startsWith Nav Extension property #11660
Gherkin and automation of support builds v2 in Dev Console #11709
Bug 2043068 : <x> available of <y> text disappears in Utilization item if x is 0 #11617
Topology-workload-sidebar feature #11605
CONSOLE-3162 : Implement check for the new i18n annotation for dynamic plugins #11586
Topology-connecting-workloads and editing app | Topology Automation #11452
Bug 2036629 : Remove NooBaa Management UI link #11680
Bug 2093600 : Added create call before delete call #11704
Gherkin for add git repository in pipeline as code #11681
Gherkin and automation of dev usability improvements #11601
Bug 2097163 : Expose useURLPoll hook in internal SDK #11708
Add extensions for project overview inventory and utilization cards #11620
Bug 2093047 : Clean up duplicate entries in #11705
Bug 2090457 : openshift-debug-node- namespaces do not get deleted for… #11674
Automation of eventing-broker-trigger | knative-eventing #11576
Bug 2057251 : promql: Improve a few cluster-dashboard queries #11265
CONSOLE-3081 : Adjust darkest purple resource color to one PF shade lighter for better contrast on dark theme. #11685
Automation of event-sources-sink-to-uri | knative-plugin #11450
Bug 2084453 : - Edit PodDisruptionBudget page sometimes takes user to not synced YAML view #11494
Bug 2094239 : do not show NodesUpdateGroup if there are 0 nodes #11694
Bug 2095687 : fix issue with debugcontainer for build logs #11687
Bug 2095083 : Monitoring dashboards: Increase default graph samples from 30 to 60 #11667
Bug 2096053 : [Dark Theme]: Add white background to Builder Image icons in Git import flow #11689
Bug 2086521 : [Dark Theme]: fix Topology context menu icon to support dark theme #11688
Bug 2094152 : Filter alerts in virtualization overview status card #11653
Remove now unused function getPrometheusExpressionBrowserURL #11609
CONSOLE-3081 : Adjust pf-c-card background color, when on dark theme, so that it is discernible. #11684
Bug 2095247 : update fetch for dynamic channels in sink as done for source #11682
Bug 2091603 : move terminal tick & add phase handlers #11650
ODC-6694 : New service binding plugin with a list and detail page, updated topology package #11671
Bug 2094833 : Fix empty pipeline run template section for non-admin users #11670
Render icon as a svg instead of img tag to support dark theme #11663
Gherkin for console dark theme #11643
Bug 2095231 : Fix default sidebar for resources like Kafka sink, Kafka connection #11683
Bug 2095071 : Fix failing backend test after devfile registry update #11675
ODC-4981 : Add new plugin to support Shipwright Builds and BuildRuns #11641
CONSOLE-2321 : Allow operators installed globally to display operand instances for all managed namespaces in their details #8930
Bug 2094104 : Demo dynamic plugin image tests should be skipped when testing console-operator #11652
Bug 2085407 : Update Node details page to include inline edit labels button #11563
Bug 2065840 : redirect v1beta1 CronJobs #11662
Bug 2092414 : Display only running VMs in Virtualization Overview chart #11651
Bug 2091901 : fix bug where log stream pauses in Chrome #11646
ODC-6670 : Add –telemetry support to console backend (bridge) #11531
Topology-Toolbar Filter Group Gherkin Design and Automation #11610
Update pf packages to pf-2022-7 #11632
captures telemetry events for userPreferences, SBO, WTO and getting started #11579
Add pipelines as code Repository form #11627
Bug 2077138 : fix {{execute}} regex for multiline executables in QuickStart #11572
CONSOLE-3163 : kubeadmin notifier changes #11578
Bug 2063764 : Operators - OperatorHub : i18n misses #11583
Bug 2092408 : Change icon in virtualization overview permissions card #11623
CONSOLE-2977 : update MCP list page for control plane only updates #11502
Bug 2091746 : Check if spec is available in MCP details page #11613
Bug 2086546 : [Dark Theme]: update Service binding connector color to support dark mode #11600
Bug 2091218 : Update helm to 3.9.0 #11590
Bug 2088489 : fix app selection in list view #11608
Add console-telemetry-plugin #11549
Bug 2080387 : Pass contextSource to TopologyApplicationActionProvider #11615
Bug 2070000 : Add high priority alerts to overview #11614
Bug 2074635 : fix web terminal start #11597
Bug 2084438 : Change Ping source spec.jsonData (deprecated) field to #11548
Bug 2089996 : Don’t rerun yarn install when running tests #11517
Bug 2084615 : Fix Add to navigation alignment on search page #11516
Bug 2079685 : Kms details enabled in the StorageClass creation page #11498
[Dark Theme]: fix dark theme issues in pipeline task visualization #11575
Bug 2077386 : Replaced enum type with const to add translation #11419
Bug 2091854 : Add ‘Unavailable’ status to clusteroperator status filter #11612
Bug 2079818 : Remove duplicate padding from catalog side panel #11602
Bug 2063732 : Workloads - StatefulSets : I18n misses #11589
Prometheus hook returns loaded instead of loading - same as k8s watch… #11568
Bug 2084635 : Avoid using ‘gp2’ hardcoded storage class #11603
Fix Multiple instances of Object Bucket, Object Bucket Claims under storage section #11540
Bug 2087546 : Expose getting started card resources #11569
Topology-toolbar-filter feature #11529
ODC-6497 : Restore checks in environment e2e test #11598
Automation of eventing-camelk | knative-eventing #11577
e2e: Add package parameter to nightly cypress script #11507
Bug 2071617 : remove Kubevirt extensions in favour of dynamic plugin #11557
Bug 2090178 : Fix SSH command string #11599
Bug 2081201 : cloud-init User check for Windows VM refuses to accept capitalized #11591
Bug 2074767 : change metrics queries based on metrics level configurations #11449
Bug 2091030 : Expose boot mode field in BMH wizard #11585
Ocp 4.11 UI localization sprint 218 #11582
update helm catalog description #11562
Bug 2083154 : Fix missing params and formatting issues in dynamic plug in generated API docs #11501
Bug 2091087 : Adding new team members and removing users not in team #11587
Bug 2090993 : Handle missing BMH for Node gracefully #11492
Add React-Router Docs to our Extension docs #11570
Form based experience for creating Deployments #11262
Bug 2090621 : Handle medik8s node maintenance #11504
Bug 2090178 : Fix SSH command string #11567
Bug 2084459 : fixes topology list URI flow #11542
Change metrics autocomplete filter #11555
Prometheus poll hook can return undefined #11543
CONSOLE-3081 : swapped labels out for details view and modal #11376
Reposition low resolution alert #11468
Bug 2084287 : Fix NPE when consuming CSVs with missing informations #11544
chore(i18n): update translations : Completed-7034-OCP 4.11 UI Localization- print 217 #11462
CONSOLE-3081 : Include pf charts dark theme css file in app.jsx to ensure they are loaded last #11535
Bug 2088304 : Eliminate use of lookaside cache and move to Cachito #11497
Bug 2089271 : Virtualization appears twice in sidebar #11546
Bug 2064256 : Fix topology sidebar update issues #11420
Bug 2088248 : Create HANA VM does not use values from customized HANA templates #11534
Bug 2087944 : fixes kafka sink visualisation #11536
Bug 2079845 : fix catalog filter group getting removed on keyword change #11481
In-context-add-options feature | Topology #11496
Bug 2088161 : Match dockerfile image name with the name used in the release repo for demo plugin #11524
adds hint and updates helptext for PAC #11520
Bug 2020483 : Monitoring dashboards: Improve display text for interval variables #10472
Bug 2066782 : Attached disk keeps in loading status when add disk to a power off VM by non-privileged user #11521
Bug 2064239 : Overview page crash if no labels available #11514
Bug 2015356 : Different status shows on VM list page and details page #11512
Bug 2086542 : Fix that Service Binding could not be created via drag and drop #11511
Send activity tick by polling #11390
Bug 2069654 : Adding missing annotations to create VM from YAML #11518
Improve cross portfolio consistency #11470
Bug 2081377 : Remove pf-c-code-block__pre since pf updated allows classnames #11431
Bug 2086469 : Monitoring: Fix first panel sometimes not rendered #11505
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #10974
Bug 2067246 : Removing SSH service selectors to minimum required #11508
Gherkin for pipeline builder to support local tektonhub instances #11448
Bug 2076553 : fix rolebinding in DevConsole dropping all subjects when updating #11292
Bug 2054735 : Change learn more link in virtualization -> migration tool #11499
Monitoring: Add “fade out” horizontal gradient to Metrics page table #11474
Bug 2077943 : If there is a service with multiple ports, and the route uses 8080, when editing the 8080 port isn’t replaced, but a random port gets replaced and 8080 still stays #11464
Bug 2086417 : Fix start pipeline default value for GIT REVISION field #11495
change Event Sink and Event Source icons #11437
Gherkin and automation for PAC bootstrap form #11478
Bug 2055492 : The default YAML on vm wizard is not latest #11500
Bug 2082566 : Set dashboards timeout based on selected timespan #11477
ODC-6645 : Convert the ProjectHelmChartRepository create form into a form-yaml switcher #11440
Bug 2070457 : and PF-2022-6 PF update to fix Image vulnerability Popover #11489
CCXDEV-7974 : show error message when Insights Operator cannot process results #11399
Bug 2083756 : enable simplifiedAutoLink for ClusterNotUpgradeableAlert #11490
Chart-Area-Visual feature | Topology #11453
Gherkin Scripts and Automation for Web-Terminal | Dev Console #11378
CONSOLE-3136 : add conditional updates to Cluster Settings #11445
CONSOLE-3138 : add conditional updates to cluster update modal #11424
Bug 2084124 : fix upstream “Learn more” link in Update cluster modal #11480
Bug 2083641 : fixes apiversion for k8s svc and resource selection for sink for form yaml switcher #11475
Bug 2084292 : Add useDashboardResources hook #11467
Bug 2081067 : add help text indicating Cluster history may be excerpted #11472
feat: Add Deployment History Tab (#1950) #11439
Bug 2079062 : Update user from node to 1001 similar to console docker file user id #11473
E2E tests: wait for project list to load before creating #11443
Bug 2068181 : Fix Event source powered with kamelet type source to show associated resources in the sidepanel #11301
Bug 2075592 : add z-index to ocs-drawer to make box-shadow visible #11369
Bug 2078375 : Create VM from template that has sourceRef - will now reflect sourceRed at yaml #11457
Bug 2078769 : Added language translation on filter items #11435
Update QE OWNERS roles for integration tests #11455
[Dark Theme]: fix quick search bar and project selector in User Preferences page #11447
Bug 2076527 : Fix multiple Tektonhub Versions API call #11438
Bug 2070720 : Fix Filter Dropdown & Label Selection State Management #11428
Bug 2076544 : Added margin-bottom for the paragraph component #11404
Bug 2083149 : fix bug where “Update blocked” label incorrectly displa… #11459
GitOps-1941 fixed dark theme color issue #11426
Bug 2082380 : customize wizard is crashed #11458
CONSOLE-3081 : updated skeleton color definitions, updated sidebar shadow #11408
Bug 2060329 : show Limit exceeded state for large number of nodes in topology #11334
CONSOLE-2936 : Add support for PDB #10445
Bug 2013461 : Import deployment from Git with s2i expose always port 8080 (Service and Pod template, not Route) if another Route port is selected by the user #11355
MGMT-9862 : Add extension for dashboard’s Details card #11272
Automation of event-sources-installation | knative-plugin #11444
Bug 2072999 : Add params prop to HorizontalNav component #11343
Bug 2079961 : Fix bug where the search results accordion section has no spacing between sidebar. #11446
Document Console to SDK versions #11429
Bug 2074585 : fix kms issue for mcg standalone #11410
Bug 1990384 : Improve Alertmanager unavailable message #11397
CONSOLE-3090 : [Dark Theme] Convert custom row-filter to use PatternFly ToggleGroup component for styling that is dark theme enabled. #11384
Update topology to Patternfly topology package containing updates and styles. #11166
Expose UsePrometheusPoll in console-dynamic-plugin-sdk #11295
Bug 2081743 : disable kubevirt flaky tests #11436
Automation for quick-search-topology | Topology #11396
Bug 2080873 : Fix crash when stored topology layout isn’t supported anymore #11427
Automation for application and resource grouping | Topology #11395
Automation of knative-plugin | admin-perspective #11389
Monitoring: Add duplicate query option to kebab menu #11004
CONSOLE-3141 : Hide ‘Control Plane’ section in the status card for External controlPlaneTopology #11398
CCXDEV-5788 : render the “last refresh” timestamp in the Insights Advisor widget #11391
CONSOLE 3132: Introduce new console-plugin-shared npm package #11360
Bug 2071747 : Fix the machine configuration docs link #11417
Bug 2079062 : use xl timeout to verify the demo pull spec is accurate #11416
CONSOLE-3072 : Cluster overview page changes for HyperShift provisioned clusters #11366
Bug 2079673 : disable migrated components #11205
KafkaSink Visualization #11333
Gherkin and Automation of e2e support for event sinks #11276
Bug 2027613 : use the correct Alertmanager tenancy proxy #10818
Bug 2039161 : text visibility fixed #10978
Bug 2079663 : change default image features in RBD storageclass #11070
Bug 2079062 : Update the wait time for demo plugin to 60s #11414
Bug 2079216 : Update cluster update reference doc link #11407
CONSOLE-3081 : moved imports #11370
Bug 1994117 : remove orphaned Service Catalog and Chargeback code #11400
Monitoring: Integrate PromQL codemirror for better autocomplete UX #11143
Bug 2079062 : increase timeout to render toast notification for demo plugin test #11402
Bug 2075189 : Fix failed module resoltion errors in console sdk #11381
Filter out global configs when cluster is externally managed #11383
Bug 2077150 : Required parent class added so that margin spacing for breadcrumbs is applied. #11394
Bug 2042852 : Topology toolbars are unaligned to other toolbars #11160
[Dark Theme]: fix Topology empty state to support dark theme #11393
Gherkin and automation for project vulnerability #11325
Bug 2075117 : Added inline-flex styling for searchbar filter div #11379
CONSOLE-3074 : update notifications for HyperShift Provisioned Clusters #11375
Bug 2024708 : Don’t use lodash startCase on default operand field labels #11346
CONSOLE-3090 : [Dark Theme] This is to reassign the correct blue and orange heading colors that are used in the getting started sections on both Admin and Dev console #11385
Bug 1965934 : Fix Run queries button UX #11388
Update pf packages to pf-2022-5 #11372
Bug 2061918 : Fixed side-bar scrolling issue #11386
Automation of Service bindings | dev-console #11352
[Dark Theme]: fix mutilStream logs and pod logs viewer and console header to support dark theme #11357
Bug 2070731 : details switch label is not clickable on add page #11311
Make project access form discoverable #11349
CONSOLE-3071 : update Cluster Settings and ClusterVersion Details page… #11363
adds support for Pipelines as code #11336
Add Helm Chart repositories add action on Add page #11345
Bug 2075575 : Align url polling interval for Overview pages with other pages #11380
Automation of pipeline-runs | pipelines-plugin #11324
Epic Automation for ODC-4315 #11203
Bug 2073437 : Improve Firehose cache, so that it does not return unexpected data also if isList differs on two concurrent calls #11307
Bug 2039477 : Add a workaround to show the PF validation status also when the input field is autofilled. #11201
CONSOLE-3090 : [Dark Theme] Several dark theme fixes. Includes borders, hr, disabled form element, row hover, hint blocks #11303
Bug 2007340 : fix accessibility issues in topology list view #11251
Bug 2015555 : keep query table and chart in sync #11359
Bug 2073176 : Fix key/value pair removal issue in configmap form yaml switcher #11328
Bug 2065804 : Fix Web Terminal availability check to verify operator is installed #11202
CONSOLE-2925 : Add initial dynamic demo plugin tests #10644
Bug 2076614 : Expose ResourceEventStream Component as part of the Core SDK #11274
Gherkin for service binding enhancement- discoverability #11326
Add infotip and remove not bindable filter #11313
Bug 2071715 : fix 404 on Environments nav #11337
Bug 2074756 : fix bug where ClusterRole > RoleBindings did not display… #11353
Bug 2074100 : fix CRD name filter #11347
Bug 2074465 : Fix default branch param in pipeline import from git flow #11323
Bug 2061918 : Topology sidebar broken issue is fixed #11299
Update links to examples - descriptors #11342
use incluster tekton hub Api endpoint in pipeline builder #11335
Bug 2071578 : Add new MONITORING flag to hide dev perspective nav item and topology sidebar observe section if not available #11190
Bug 2071617 : remove Kubevirt extensions in favour of dynamic plugin #11273
Bug 2071617 : Stop disabling extensions with non-existing disallowed
flags #11344
Hide Upgrade Cluster Alert in About Modal When Externally Managed #11339
Bug 2075778 : Fix failing TestGetRegistrySamples test #11350
Bug 2073329 : fix pipelineruns name in repository details page #11338
[Dark theme]: fix Observe dashboard, Topology list page and web terminal tab view #11231
CONSOLE-3124 : migrate Cluster Dashboard test to Cypress #11332
[Dark Theme]: fixes quick starts, user preferences project selector, quick search, and help text color #11331
Automation of create-from-add-options feature file | pipelines-plugin #11291
add visual effects on dragging the pinned resource #11266
Bug 2065513 : Fix ResourceQuota dashboard card and ACRQ donut label #11340
Bug 2040180 : handle dashboards single column case #11327
Bug 2071691 : Update and scope our breadcrumb padding rule so it doesn’t effect a pure implementation #11321
Bug 2075149 : Fix translation of flag-enabled extensions #11305
add data test ids for MultiTabTerminal #11330
Automation of Pipeline-Workspaces | Pipeline-Plugin #11322
Bug 2074447 : cluster-dashboard: exclude iowait and steal from CPU Utilisation #10450
Bug 2071761 : - Translation Keys Are Not Namespaced #11284
Bug 2072805 : Monitoring dashboards: Add support for __range* variables #11289
Bug 2070160 : Remove custom classes pre and code element and apply using a custom class. #11263
Add form for PAC repository #11264
Update OWNERS for promql/ directory #11317
Bug 2074475 : fix kubevirt gating #11314
Automation of Pipelines-as-code(PAC) #11298
fix(modal): removed drop shadow, updated colors #11148
CONSOLE-2976 : add update mode to Update cluster #11053
chore(i18n): update translations - Completed-7034-OCP 4.11 UI Localization- Sprint 216 #11280
Update pf packages to pf-2022-4 #11261
Bug 2071719 : remove
override #11306
Automation of event-tab-in-pipeline-run | pipelines-plugin #11230
Automation of pipeline-task-runs-display | pipelines-plugin #11294
Bug 2015375 : Add IBM Flashsystem volume types #10285
Bug 2038244 : Use hostname from provided git url when making git api calls #10827
Bug 2056841 : Improve handling of /api/check-updates request failure in PollConsoleUpdates #11304
Bug 2068594 : disable Details Card test since it was flaking at a high… #11296
Bug 2058051 : Expose YAMLEditor to Core SDK #11244
Bug 2072570 : test: use stable test titles #11257
Bug 2072807 : Monitoring dashboards: Handle tables without panel.styles
attribute #11293
Bug 2071599 : fix bug where RoleBindings are not displaying in ClusterRole > RoleBindings #11285
Bug 2069760 : Added divider to developer console navigation #11283
Bug 2069914 : fix casing of ‘Red Hat Applications’ so all links appear… #11268
chore(OWNERS): remove rebeccaalpert #11188
Bug 2058282 : Fix WebSockets not reconnecting during upgrade #11288
Bug 2057183 : Only show operator detail page “Valid Subscriptions” item when it’s not empty #11287
create form for adding project helm chart repo #11227
Bug 2065840 : Fix CronJob resource version to batch/v1 #11216
Bug 2069577 : Update dynamic-demo-plugin readme #11286
Bug 2070020 : create correct apiversion: group/version for creating custom resource key for Resource Dropdown #11260
Bug 2046435 : improve import error message #10983
Bug 2071700 : Use ‘reportingComponent’ field for v1 Events #11277
Bug 2063753 : Translate Extensions On Each Language Change #11278
Bug 2069632 : fix ‘linkURL’ for ‘previous’ logs #11275
Bug 2069685 : Fix UI crash when pinned resource model does not exist #11249
Bug 2068594 : follow on fix to remove timeout value #11248
Automation of Pipeline Metrics #11220
Add synced form-yaml editor for routes #11156
CONSOLE-3081 : updated –pf-global–BorderColor—100 to –pf-global–BorderColor–100 #11234
add Event Sink option to broker and channel connector and context menu #11259
Add and Edit configmap form #11150
Add multitabbed terminal for cloudshell #11191
fix the quick search style to support dark theme #11254
Automation of Builder Page Pipelines #11258
Automation of Pipeline Actions #11238
update and add image vulnerability toggle group in IMV details page #11222
Bug 1997142 : improve performance of OperatorHub text input filter #11252
Bug 2067298 : Remove modelsLoaded
conditional rendering from ModelStatusBox #11245
updates text description for Event sinks #11214
Bug 2069577 : Update ConsolePlugin manifest #11247
Bug 2068538 : Visual formatting adjustments to popover. #11236
CONSOLE-3081 : [Dark theme] Update pages to use PageHeading where possible #11183
Bug 2069181 : Fix disabling community tasks in pipeline builder issue #11241
Bug 2068908 : Update getting started blog link #11239
support visualisation of internal deployment in topology view and sidepanel for event sink #11223
Bug 2069198 : Use pre-installed pipeline task in e2e test #11240
Bug 2068490 : change ‘kubectl’ to ‘oc’ to fix descriptors test #11233
Bug 2068594 : fix Cluster Dashboard Details Card test #11235
Updates and fixes for pipelines-plugin cypress tests #11172
Bug 2067180 : Completed-7034-OCP 4.11 UI Localization- Sprint 215 #11169
Bug 2068115 : Fixed the rendering of a Tab Extension when there is a version present #11228
Bug 2067776 : Update prometheus/client_golang to 1.11.1 #11232
Bug 2064744 : Remove duplicate app label on debug terminal #11229
Bug 2017001 : Bug fix context menu position on topology #11152
Console3080 - Add Control Plane Topology flag to console UI #11170
Update pf packages to pf 2022-3 #11158
Allow user to re-arrange the resources added to nav #11142
CONSOLE-3081 : [Dark theme] Additional skeleton updates for dark theme #11177
Add theme switcher in user preferences page #11115
Bug 2064607 : avoid pre-fetching tekton hub task versions in pipeline builder #11195
Bug 2063708 : correct JA translation for ‘Expand’ #11221
feat(theme): added theme file #11151
Bug 2066418 : correct ChannelDocLink url #11217
Bug 2041769 : Pipeline metrics: use prometheus-tenancy API to get data #10870
Bug 2057183 : Add validSubscription filter to OperatorHub #11219
Bug 2064553 : Remove reference to deprecated v2v-vmware
ConfigMap #11207
CONSOLE-3081 : [Dark theme] Changes to support the events and project select bar when in dark theme mode #11136
Bug 2058051 : Exposing service list table #11178
Bug 2066754 : Don’t delete core Cypress reports #11215
Bug 2063756 : - User Preferences - Applications - Insecure traffic : i18n misses #11213
Bug 2019564 : attach owner reference to resources created on creating a user to allow garbage collection #11130
Bug 2063699 : - Builds - Builds - Logs: i18n misses. #11211
Bug 2061755 : remove Breadcrumbs from Create Operand pages #11174
Bug 2063957 : fix bug where impersonating message was not translated #11212
CONSOLE-3081 : Integrate dark theme - fix(background-color): updated to –pf-global–BackgroundColor—100 #11167
Bug 2060583 : Remove internal-kubevirt Console plugin SDK package #11091
Bug 2060924 : Fix alert from showing an object #11185
Bug 2065338 : Fix VolumeSnapshot creation sort #11194
CONSOLE-3081 : [Dark theme] Updates hint block element #11155
Fix namespace and backing store table to show pre selected values. #11180
Bug 2064596 : [Tekton Hub] show read more link in the task quick search details pane #11187
Bug 2063897 : Change the tekton hub api endpoint to use v1 api #11179
Bug 2050637 : add a hardcoded blog link as fallback in guided tours #11120
Sort catalog filters and other enhancements #11161
CONSOLE-3081 : [Dark theme] Changes to horizontal-nav to enable dark theme support #11139
CONSOLE-3081 : Integrate dark theme - fix(background-color): updates to –pf-global–BackgroundColor—200 #11168
Replace GitTypes with the GitProvider type #11165
CONSOLE-3081 : Integrate dark theme - fix(borders): convert #ccc, #ddd, $pf-color-black-300, $color-row-filter-border to var(–pf-global–BorderColor–100) #11154
end to end flow for event sink #11138
CONSOLE-3081 : Integrate dark theme - fix borders updates #eee, #ededed, $table-border-color to var(--pf-global--BorderColor--300)
ODC-6495 Remove layout2 topology #11145
Bug 2062524 : fixes uri case for event sink #11171
fix(skeleton): updated sass var #11147
chore(vscode config): disabling the organizeImports functionality of … #11037
[Dark theme]Fix namespaced pages, add page and catalogs page #11144
Bug 2013144 : catalog category filters can be opened via ctrl+click now #11029
Bug 2009345 : Fix potential issues with namespaces that contains just numbers (crashes on 4.7) #11126
Bug 2061333 : Add optional chaining to avoid npe #11146
Bug 2061301 : Add tooltips why add and delete buttons in knative traffic splitting modal are disabled #11106
Bug 2060894 : Preceding/Trailing Whitespaces In Form Elements on the add page #11075
Bug 2059674 : Adjusts the Dynamic Demo Plugin and the SDK to meet on the usecases #11116
Fix CSS for edit bucket class modal #11046
Bug 2055702 : enable Serverless e2e tests #11124
Bug 2046156 : fix showing error in netpol affected pods #10934
Bug 2056496 : update upload jar flow for no builder image #11099
service binding discoverability labels in dev catalog #11035
CONSOLE-3087 : Fix ActionContext type warning in components/actions/types.ts #11128
Update PF Packages to 2022-2: Dark theme stylesheet #11083
Bug 2058623 : updates versions for kafka and kafkaTopic #11111
Bug 2002602 : remove returning of err if json fails to parse #11017
Bug 2054630 : Fix history stack handling when opening the silence alerts form #11107
Bug 2042838 : the status of container is not consistent on Container details and pod details page #11031
Bug 2052986 : fix console crashing in the edit deployment form #11052
Bug 2059654 : update ConsolePlugin proxy settings #10893
Bug 2044207 : Clear text on switching auth method #10995
Bug 2052956 : fix duplicate edit app action on installing virtualization operator #11076
Remove Mode from Topology view #11088
Bug 2058424 : Don’t pass Authorization header when not needed #11102
Bug 2054950 : Display correct disk size in Edit disk modal #11105
Bug 2046598 : Display disk size in correct units #11104
Bug 2057054 : Improves K8s Utils Return Type #11103
Clean up of CronJobSource code references #11086
Trim trailing whitespace in test names. #11100
Bug 2054285 : Show standalone resources as sink and not the one’s owned by other resource #11085
Bug 2042710 : Custom imagepullsecret reference information not found when creating pod using console in openshift #11058
Bug 2050005 : Fix webpack module federation runtime chunk ID clashes #11062
Bug 2046531 : Remove schema subdir from dynamic plugin sdk #11089
Bug 2048059 : fix proxy so requests to account management service work #11090
Bug 2014161 : Fix pipeline run logs autoscrolling issue #11056
Migrate ListPageBody to the SDK #10938
Bug 2052953 : clear dashboard variables for dev perspective on unmount #11066
Bug 2053501 : Decode secrets before authorizing repository #11071
Monitoring: Redirect Prometheus UI format URLs to query browser page #10963
Bug 2055980 : Expose more components/hooks/etc. needed by KubeVirt dynamic plugin #11074
Bug 2055814 : Support custom extensions in console-extensions.json files #11051
Bug 2053304 : Fix debug route and add testcases #11040
Bug 2046598 : Display disk size in GiB in VM customize wizard #11024
Bug 2037625 : Always show ResourceQuota charts #11022
Bug 2037542 : Fix sticky footer in pipeline builder’s form yaml switcher #10783
Bug 2046496 : Update the list Toolbar to use ToolbarToggleGroup when less than 769px width #11063
Bug 1934304 : Sum total memory of unnamed container only #11067
Bug 2051578 : fix ClusterOperator Status, Version col sorts #11061
Remove unnecessary polyfills #10016
Bug 2053168 : Fix dynamic plugin SDK typescript IDE errors #11034
Bug 2048442 : Disabling Vault SA based auth for storage class encryption #10998
Bug 2050902 : Fix to add labels to webhook secrets created during import #11032
Bug 2051775 : Allow custom template namespace #11054
Bug 2028821 : Misspelled label in ODF management UI #11047
Remove Console plugin SDK host-app package #11043
Bug 2050698 : fix bug where Cluster Settings shows 0 of N, 0% progres… #11038
Migrate checkAccess & useAccessReview to the SDK #10847
Bug 2039647 : Use namespaced links for dev perspective nav items #11007
Bug 2051657 : removed Tech preview
badge #11016
Bug 2051642 : Remove tech preview badge for web terminal #11012
Bug 2053685 : (Topology) Performance improvement by reducing rerenderings and deep-copy toJSON() calls #11001
Bug 2054238 : Update E2E to use 3scale operator #11044
Bug 2052595 : Revert “Add Dev Preview tag for IBM FlashSystem” #11033
Bug 2051558 : omit rolebindings with no subjects #11013
Bug 2049483 : Revert “fix annotations on updating workload” #11002
Bug 2052674 : Remove a couple of extra spaces #11021
Migrate impersonateStateToProps #10953
Bug 2052671 : chore(i18n): update translations #11020
Bug 2052095 : Fix auth redirect loop caused by duplicate state-token cookie #11014
Bug 2046498 : fix casing of project and application #10999
typo fixed #11009
Bug 2046618 : Add started-by annotation to pipelines created with “Start last run” #11005
Bug 2037628 : added test-id to kms flows #11003
createProject for non-admin users #11000
Expose useFlag as part of the Dynamic SDK #10872
Bug 2050011 : Query Browser: Fix widths of timespan text input #10996
Monitoring: Comment to explain how Alertmanager links are handled #10997
default apiDiscovery in SDK #10903
Bug 2046596 : Customized wizard PVC name #10977
Bug 2014640 : Cannot change storage class of boot disk when creating VM #10992
Bug 2041774 : defaulting to s2i if git type can’t be figured out #10966
Bug 2044421 : Allow topology list to select application group #10988
Migrate Status component to the SDK #10805
docs/helm: update documentation according reviews #10889
Bug 2030530 : Remove quotation marks surrounding VM pwd #10930
Bug 2007141 : pipeline-plugin scripts are updated #10329
Bug 2048221 : Capitalization of titles first-word-only rule #10980
Bug 2046601 : Dont assume its a pvc #10949
Bug 2014420 : Remove depracated v2v resources from plugin config #10954
Bug 2047277 : Add storage status to status card #10951
Bug 2046591 : Added support for customized wizard - new templates #10945
Bug 2006067 : Handle blank usernames in error message #10782
Bug 2047310 : Add empty state to running VMs card #10957
Bug 2046594 : “Requested template could not be found” while creating VM from user-created template #10952
Bug 2033492 : Highlight moves from Template to VirtualMachines while open template wizard #10941
CONSOLE-2999 : Switch the OCP branding logo and title to Red Hat OpenShift logo and title #10940
Bug 2044803 : buttons styles aligned #10935
Bug 2048276 : script: Add curly brackets around nightly var #10976
Bug 2022253 : fix web terminal resize layout issue #10948
Uncomment and edit the automation code for ODC-6361 #10967
Bug 2039462 : fix width of dropdowns in the userpreferences applications tab #10960
Bug 2038115 : Make namespace bar full width and sticky in console #10856
Bug 2047320 : Fix that new route annotations doesn’t work on Knative Services #10955
Bug 2039277 : fix topology list view #10883
ODC-5671 : Setup for nightly CI cypress runs #10927
Automation for Observe page features #10566
Add support for doc generation for Core API #10431
Bug 2046597 : Monitoring targets: Fix handling of duplicate service monitors #10942
Bug 2046601 : Createvm crash on null #10956
Add QuickStarts cta to create ProjectHelmChartRepository in the helm catalog description text #10904
set helm feature flag for project helm repositories #10860
Bug 2030305 : Fix that primer export download toast was not shown #10800
Bug 2009189 : fix annotations on updating deployment #10573
Bug 2047317 : Update doc helm OWNERS #10852
Bug 2039534 : Migrate project dashboard tests to Cypress #10834
Bug 2046517 : Recommendations notification header shows when there isn’t any recommendations #10943
Gherkin and automation for helm chart registry to be namespace scoped #10920
Implement multicluster console tech preview #10900
Add a new devfile telemetry event #10876
Bug 2023675 : Add warning alert when installing operator to non suggested namespace #10491
CONSOLE-2964 : Update ts-node to v10.2.1 #10014
Bug 2037203 : Add a scrollable legend to Running VMs graph #10928
Bug 2042274 : Storage API should be used when upload PVC #10939
Bug 2044724 : Remove namespace column on VM list page when a project is selected #10937
Bug 2040535 : Added support for customized wizard #10921
Bug 2015356 : Different status shows on VM #10922
Bug 2035602 : [e2e][automation] add tests for Virtualization Overview cards #10760
Bug 2045849 : chore(i18n): update translations #10887
Bug 2039619 : - [AWS] In tree provisioner storageclass aws disk type should contain ‘gp3’ and csi provisioner storageclass default aws disk type should be ‘gp3’ #10926
Bug 2044201 : Support for DATA_SOURCE_NAME and DATA_SOURCE_NAMESPACE fix #10924
Bug 2025821 : Make “Network Attachment Definitions” available to project-admin #10906
Bug 2044717 : improve test situation for upstream #10902
Bug 2044704 : Revert “Monitoring: Add runbook URLs to alert and rule details pages” #10919
CONSOLE-2280 : show support level #10551
Bug 2044201 : Support for DATA_SOURCE_NAME and DATA_SOURCE_NAMESPACE #10912
Bug 2042851 : Create template from SAP HANA template flow #10899
Bug 2037237 : Add “This is a CD-ROM boot source” checkbox to customize wizard #10896
disable helm on multi cluster environment #10916
Bug 2041671 : Redirect to list after template deletion #10917
Add user preferences to guided tour #10905
Bug 2042619 : Avoid runtime error when no CSVs #10884
CCXDEV-7039 : make severity links clickable in Insights Advisor widget #10875
Bug 2037772 : Use correct caps in ‘Service name’ & ‘System name ’ #10785
Bug 1986819 : fix string typos for hot-plug disks #9878
CONSOLE-2360 : Add debug terminal for pods #9578
Bug 2041093 : Changed validation of adding file content from not empty to not contain parsing errors #10895
Add KamletBinding Visualization #10892
update version of quick-start library to latest #10840
Bug 2042395 : Add prerequisites for active health checks test #10880
Include the namespace-scoped Helm Chart Repositories in the dev catalog #10885
Bug 2043117 : Make recommended operator links internal #10898
Bug 2026383 : Monitoring: Fix JS error when dashboard JSON cannot be parsed #10890
Bug 2030240 : Hide virtualization overview for non-admin users #10881
Bug 2043064 : Update patternfly-topology to include latest changes and improve topology performance a bit #10879
Bug 2039315 : Filter superseded helm secrets and fix firehose to support partial metadata #10812
Bug 2043068 : Show total text even if current utilization is 0 #10897
Bug 2042829 : Topology performance: Do not fetch HPA for each Deployment (Pod Ring) #10894
Bug 2036989 : Prevent route external link icon and copy-to-clipboard icon from wrapping separately from its associated inline text. #10865
Bug 2039868 : Enhance Insights widget empty states #10826
Bug 2041475 : Add function names to components which are wrapped in memo to get their name in the react dev tools #10858
Bug 2033098 : Conjunction in the ProgressiveListFooter is now translatable #10790
Bug 2039618 : Add validations to SAP HANA #10866
Bug 2031797 : Correct order and text of Boot source type input #10798
Bug 2038772 : Monitoring: Fix handling of ServiceMonitor’s matchExpressions #10877
ODC-6455 : Remove old labels from add page tests #10864
Bug 2041492 : Fix spacing between resource items in inventory card #10862
ODC-6453 : Allow multiple namespaces to be deleted as part of cleanup #10859
Gherkin and automation for workload sidebar entry for pipeline triggers #10837
Bug 2042567 : elaborate on CodeReady in readme #10835
Mock all the remaining github requests in e2e suite #10768
Gherkin and automation for specifying a name for service binding connector #10723
Bug 2042649 : Bump helm to v3.7.1 #10469
Bug 2042382 : kubevirt: only run smoke tests in CI #10878
Bug 2038879 : Check if name label exists before comparing #10874
Bug 2041763 : Fix handling of the defaultSortField
prop for tables #10868
adds support for host app to pass configurations for apiDiscovery , appInternalFetch #10707
Bug 1986302 : Check rbac before polling for rules silences #10725
Bug 2040616 : - rolebindings page doesn’t load for normal users #10867
Bug 2040783 : Show the new resource name, esp. when using generateName on the import status page #10850
Bug 2040653 : Fix topology sidebar warns that another component is updated while rendering #10842
Bug 2015420 : Add VMs resource to project’s intentory card #10839
Integrate PatternFly log viewer extension into Pods and Nodes #10486
Bug 2008235 : Fix to fetch imageStreamTag on reload in edit-deployment form #10771
Bug 2040782 : Fix that import YAML page blocks input with more then one generateName attributes #10849
Bug 2040655 : Fix that user settings update fails when selecting application in topology sidebar #10843
Bug 2013127 : allow catalog categories and cards to open in new tab #10853
Bug 2039798 : contextual binding should create service binding connector #10832
Bug 2039065 : re-enable Bulk Import e2e test and increase wait #10814
Bug 2037241 : Default cache ns store ttl to 0 #10861
Bug 2039743 : Fix react “missing key” warning when open operator hub detail page (and maybe others as well) #10822
Bug 2011368 : fix PipelineRun visualization tooltip to show duration #10806
Bug 1982662 : Fix localization issues in Add Storage page #10054
Bug 2040661 : Fix different react warnings when leaving topology #10844
Bug 2039619 : - [AWS] In tree provisioner storageclass aws disk type should contain ‘gp3’ and csi provisioner storageclass default aws disk type should be ‘gp3’ #10845
Bug 2038772 : Monitoring: Handle service monitors with undefined matchLabels #10854
Bug 2039776 : Monitoring: show a error message if wrong dashboard name is passed to the URL #10851
Bug 2039770 : Monitoring: use namespace to detect the active perspective instead of useActivePerspective hook #10836
Bug 2034362 : Update description of disk interface #10825
Bug 2041204 : Fix templates link in inventory card #10848
Bug 2038034 : non-privileged user cannot see auto-update boot source #10803
helm: support namespaced helm repository for helm API #10467
Bug 2035703 : - Roles -> RoleBindings tab doesn’t show RoleBindings correctly #10846
Bug 2040150 : Make changes to HPCS KMS component #10833
Bug 2039057 : Adjust kind column to target width in API explorer page #10811
migrate knative plugin models to resource metadata dynamic plugin #10330
Bug 2027563 : e2e tests wait for add forms to load #10654
Bug 2014420 : dont crash topology page #10272
Bug 2014464 : Fix navigation spacing in dev (generic) perspective #10830
Bug 2039781 : OBC navItem hidden for non-cluster admin #10824
Bug 2039678 : Check if ‘auths’ key when switching between create image secret subforms #10821
Bug 2039244 : Add null checks in ActionMenu to fix helm history page crash #10813
Bug 2027524 : delete channel and broker when deleting an application #10787
Bug 2034190 : unable to add new VirtIO disks to VMs #10748
Bug 2035146 : Removed not useful error #10819
Bug 2039056 : Fix alignment of the schema breadcrumbs … #10831
Bug 2037664 : Override the PatternFly default vertical alignment value within tables to correctly align cell contents. #10829
Bug 2037246 : Cusotmize boot source was missing DataVolumes in order to use new DataSource #10817
Bug 2015420 : Update SupportedExtension to include all dashboard extensions #10797
Bug 2039529 : disable Project Dashboard Resource Quotas Card test #10816
Bug 2039756 : Fix react warning on operator hub description component, used for example on the KnativeServing detail page #10823
Bug 2039586 : update centos8 to centos stream8 #10809
Bug 2038761 : Monitoring: Handle case where service.metadata.labels
is undefined #10808
Bug 2038832 : Add registry URL suggestions for centos stream templates #10801
HAC 374: Migrate last k8s reducer to SDK and revert sdkK8s back to k8s #10714
Bug 2039064 : Disable Bulk Import e2e test #10648
Bug 2021205 : fix git url change validation #10769
Bug 2038465 : Upgrade chromedriver to 90.x to support Mac M1 chips #10691
Bug 1987044 : [OCPV48] Shutoff VM is being shown as “Starting” in WebUI when using spec.runStrategy Manual/RerunOnFailure #10758
Bug 2038663 : Added Matan Schatzman and Aviv Turgeman to OWNERS file, removed some other inactive users #10778
Bug 2025431 : Provide specific windows source link #10796
GitOps: Add error handling (#1278) #10468
Bug 2035467 : Query Browser: Fix undefined
error when sorting the results table #10789
Bug 2035704 : RoleBindings list page filter doesn’t apply #10773
Bug 2018234 : Fix that user settings ConfigMap is also created for users with restricted access #10705
adds/updates jsdoc comments, expose useK8sWatchResource(s) hooks from SDK and adds typing #10779
Bug 2009754 : Fix sticky footer in the import forms #10776
Bug 1999903 : Changed This is cdrom boot source checkbox id #10775
Bug 2037182 : update the ping source apiVersion #10774
Move ResourceStatus to dynamic-plugin-sdk #10770
Bug 1957547 : [RFE]VM name is not auto filled in dev console #10763
Make ResourceIcon consume groupVersionKind #10762
Bug 1999796 : Add support for fetching partial metadata and fix helm list page crash #10754
Bug 2035348 : Fix two grammar issues in kubevirt-plugin #10727
Bug 2035321 : chore(i18n): update translations #10724
Bug 2034068 : updates tests for downstream #10685
Monitoring: Add Prometheus Targets UI pages #10625
Bug 2028170 : Remove whitespaces around mirroring card popover #10601
DevConsole refactor #10420
Bug 2032415 : Templates page - remove “support level” badge and add “support level” column which should not be hard coded #10706
Bug 2037801 : disabled serverless specs as serverless operator is not available in the operatorhub #10786
Bug 2035910 : Show manual approval options #10780
Update Event Sources Visualization and SideBar #10721
Bug 2010181 : Environment variables not getting reset on reload on deployment edit form #10170
Remove duplicate K8sKind type #10764
Bug 2023865 : Pull in css to support react-virtualized-extension and remove overrides. #10626
Bug 2035409 : Change catsrc name as the older is no longer published #10772
Read from tektonconfig to enable/disable the hub tasks in pipeline builder #10767
Bug 1994094 : Added missing translations #10749
Bug 2027132 : Changed Fedora and Centos icons in template screen #10761
Bug 2035772 : AccessMode and VolumeMode is not reserved for customize wizard #10743
Bug 2035141 : [RFE] Show GPU/Host devices in template’s details tab #10745
Bug 2035933 : volume mode and access mode are empty in customize wizard review tab #10744
Bug 2019645 : Create button is not removed on “Virtual Machines” #10752
Bug 2029579 : Fix TypeError when application has HelmRelease #10742
Bug 2033634 : fix modal list style type #10740
Bug 2034647 : missing volumes list in snapshot modal #10733
Bug 2019639 : “Take snapshot” should be disabled #10751
Bug 2034129 : Fix guided-tour popover title #10736
Bug 2029671 : VM action “pause” and “clone” should be disabled #10747
Bug 2033044 : Shift invalid devfile alert down #10688
Bug 1998241 : Support OB/C pages for Ceph Standalone Mode if RGW is present #10108
Bug 2034823 : Added RHEL 9 as pinned template #10741
Bug 2031057 : Topology sidebar for Knative services shows a small pod ring with “0 undefined” as tooltip #10715
Bug 2034248 : GPU/Host device modal is too small #10731
Bug 1992414 : Removed the check for windows machines #10738
Automation and gherkin for Serverless Usability Improvements #10702
Bug 2035146 : Missing T function for translation #10737
Add ability to modify the URL of the URL decorator in Topology #10728
Bug 2034170 : add support for new labels for serverless function #10717
Add webhook resources in git import pipeline flow #10709
Bug 2035264 : [RFE] Provide a proper message for nonpriv user who not able to add PCI devices #10732
Bug 1992580 : storageProfile should stay with the same value by check/uncheck the apply button #10720
Bug 2025770 : Added try and catch block to prevent crash #10734
Bug 2015422 : No conflict checking on snapshot name #10712
Bug 2030534 : Node selector/tolerations rules are evaluated too early #10735
add pipeline task hubURL link #10703
Show binding secret in service binding sidebar #10683
Bug 2034621 : show context menu for application group #10710
Show Create Service Binding modal on dnd of binding connector in topology #10627
Bug 2016296 : Windows machine can be created with import URL #10632
Bug 2019647 : “Remove favorite” and “Create new Template” should be disabled #10730
Re-enable test case which checks for “Import from Git” action #10700
Disable Features based on CSV annotations #10666
Add support to show platform supported tektonhub tasks in pipeline builder #10722
Bug 2034647 : missing volumes list in snapshot modal #10713
Bug 2034474 : Additional checks for PVC’s existence #10716
Uncommented automation code for Export app enhancements #10708
Bug 2025765 : It should not try to load from storageProfile after unchecking”Apply optimized StorageProfile settings” #10701
Bug 2018985 : The rootdisk size is 15Gi of windows VM #10697
Bug 2023090 : [e2e][automation] Examples of Import URL for VM templates #10456
Moving block pool cypress testcases to ODF console #9992
Bug 1977929 : Show NADs from openshift-multus #10676
Bug 2034257 : regular user Create VM
missing permissions alert #10699
Bug 2019636 : Actions in VM tabs should be disabled #10695
Bug 2023560 : “Network Attachment Definitions” has no project field on the top in the list view #10692
Gherkin for disabling tektonhub integration in pipeline builder #10689
Bug 2031006 : Application name input field is not autofocused when user selects “Create new application” #10675
Bug 2019360 : Create the Virtualization Overview Top Consumers card #10615
Bug 2034243 : regular user cant load template list #10698
Bug 2021632 : Fix OLM breadcrumb link #10485
Add new cluster utilization item extension #10523
Bug 2019634 : Pause and migration is enabled in action list #10696
Bug 2025525 : overview page consume high CPU #10693
Add encrypted RBD storage class during deployment #10563
Bug 2033693 : Support VM Descheduler integration in the UI #10668
Bug 2028885 : Add a message to all console errors which just logs an error object #10494
Bug 2033013 : Fix user preferences project dropdown #10684
Enable Secure Route option by default in Deploy Image & Import from git flow #10643
Add K8sServices as a sinkable resource #10598
migrate context menu actions of WorkloadNode and application group to use new action extn mechanism #10557
Bug 1911173 : Monitoring dashboards: Improve series titles when a label is missing #10655
Bug 2033407 : Fix secure route pre-filled issue in edit flow #10687
Bug 2033587 : Wait for the quota chart row to improve test stability #10686
Bug 2033403 : Show provider information for devfiles in catalog #10682
Bug 2033290 : Use TypeScript 4 when building SDK packages #10680
ODC-6443 : Add adv. option to customize route labels #10663
Bug 2032547 : hardware devices table have filter when table is empty #10661
Bug 2032421 : UI integration with new auto update images #10659
Bug 2032407 : UI will show the default openshift template wizard for HANA template #10617
Automation enhance export app ux experience odc 6296 #10582
Bug 2024262 : Sample catalog is not displayed when one API call to the backend fails #10569
Create new cluster inventory extension for custom components #10561
Cluster wide encryption - Service Account for KMS authentication #10559
Gherkin and Automation changes for topology usability improvements #10413
Bug 2019360 : Create Virtualization Overview Running VMs Per Template card #10311
Bug 2019972 : Update CSR model & fix approval/denial process #10624
Bug 2032732 : Fix styling conflicts stemming from console wide changes #10665
Export Application view log #10591
Bug 2033290 : fix sdk build #10679
Bug 2033215 : Do not render an empty button if it has no content to fix a11y check #10674
Bug 2032851 : Fix networking status in Status card #10673
Bug 2032516 : Add support for checking .devfile.yaml during strategy detection #10670
NETOBSERV-32 Use new CNO configmap to get network features #10640
Gherkin and Automation for dev console usability improvements #10554
GITOPS-1285 set equal width for details page card #10500
Migrate contextmenu for VmNode, Service Binding #10179
Bug 2031831 : Scope toolbar for specific left alignment use on list pages and remove… #10649
Bug 2033138 : No model registered for Templates #10681
Add Support information in the event source catalog side panel #10585
Create Service Binding CTA to topology nodes actions menu #10550
Remember the last selected node in topology #10547
Bug 2032831 : Fix an error to show Knative Services and Revisions also if the Service has no owner revision #10667
Bug 2026209 : Fix tektonhub task upgrading issue #10653
Bug 2015472 : Form and YAML view switch button should have distinguishable status #10671
Bug 2005902 : Add support for storage class selection for mcg standalone #10628
Automation of toast notification and route label for epic ODC-6266 #10650
Move kindToAbbr to the SDK #10622
Bug 2018094 : Monitoring dashboards: Allow tooltip width to extend further #10657
Monitoring: Add runbook URLs to alert and rule details pages #9376
Bug 2027311 : Fix k8s watch hooks to work with core resources #10571
Bug 2028160 : Remove i18nKey in network-policy-peer-selectors.tsx #10642
Add frontend OWNERS to demo plugin #10658
Bug 2026383 : Monitoring: Handle null ref.current in useIsVisible hook #10656
Bug 2024932 : Catch unhandled promises (to increase e2e stability) #10606
Migrate usek8sWatchResource(s) #10595
Bug 2009664 : fix edit ksvc in git import flow #10255
Bug 1992509 : Could not customize boot source due to source PVC not found #10613
Implement UI for IBM ROKS HPCS KMS #10475
Utilization Card updates #10470
Namespace store filesystem update #10564
Bug 2031040 : Fix topology error page when open not fully started or broken Knative Service #10647
Make the github API mocks runnable for all cypress test plugins #10646
Use clean PF components for building Overview cards #10410
Bug 2031502 : New common templates crash fix #10641
Bug 1998519 : Provide options to file fstype in create-local-volume-set #10115
Support custom builder image environment variables in edit flow #10593
Expose Overview status popover components #10590
Bug 2030556 : Monitoring: Don’t assume rules have Description & Message annotations #10639
Monitoring: Move monitoring Redux data to a separate store #10250
Bug 2030229 : Fix mirroring status card reflect wrong data #10634
Bug 2030228 : Fix StorageSpec resources field to use correct API #10630
Bug 2019284 : fix dynamic actions disabling conditions #10633
Bug 2029394 : missing empty text for hardware devices at wizard review #10614
Bug 2020904 : Add edge items in kubevirt topology data model factory #10584
Fix Ceph Block pool missing from ODF system level dashboard #10537
Update PF packages to release 2021-15 #10466
Bug 2019827 : Fix navigation display issue effecting demo plugin #10412
Bug 2021466 : [e2e][automation] Windows guest tool mount #10402
Bug 2029872 : Disable replacement procedure from ODF UI #10631
Bug 2028174 : chore(i18n): update translations #10592
Bug 2022880 : Fix pipeline builder edge spacing to avoid improper edge shapes #10623
Bug 2025295 : Add new option for VIRTIOWIN ConfigMap name #10616
Bug 2013996 : Project detail page: Action “Delete Project” does nothing for the default project #10588
Use dynamic add actions for topology context menu #10100
Bug 2029273 : Fix all-projects-wizard link #10610
Bug 2028949 : Remove unutilized css causing bug #10618
Bug 2029369 : Mock github API requests when importing projects in cypress tests #10599
Bug 2025823 : Add plugin seperator to admin nav #10476
Bug 2028141 : Catch unhandled promises when running tests (to support Node.js 15 and 16) #10594
Bug 2027288 : Devfile samples can’t be loaded after fixing it on Safari (redirect caching issue) #10570
Bug 2027563 : Wait for developer catalog to load in e2e-console cypress tests #10583
Bug 2020498 : Trim the strings before localCompare #10602
Bug 2028042 : Fix NodePort RDP bug #10608
CONSOLE-2975 : Migrate from Node Sass to Dart Sass #10149
update to pull samples from devfile registry #10394
Bug 2019948 : Improving console.extensions links and routes #10338
Bug 2018275 : show context menu for operator backed service #10589
Bug 2024448 : Yaml editor will not show empty ssh array #10600
Bug 2022399 : Fix troubleshoot link for MON_DISK_LOW #10487
Bug 2028106 : convert vm,vmi actions to dynamic #10499
Bug 2028162 : chore(i18n): update translations #10541
Bug 2024399 : Remove spaces from a couple of translations #10516
CONSOLE-922 : Support AppliedClusterResourceQuota for normal users #10137
Bug 2014352 : Could not filter out machine by using node name on machines page (temp fix) #10579
Bug 2025903 : - RoleBindings tab doesn’t show correct rolebindings #10587
Add filter by label in topology #10504
internal kubevirt 3 #10458
Bug 2027299 : The status of checkbox component is not revealed correctly in code #10578
Bug 2025304 : overwrite storage section of the DV spec instead of the pvc section #10477
disable most dev-console e2e/add-flow-ci.feature tests due to accesibility violations #10580
Bug 2027238 : (dashboard) Allow leading and trailing spaces in legendFormat #10565
Bug 2017466 : Warning shown in “Create LocalVolumeSet” window no longer matches actual behaviour #10449
Bug 2027512 : Reenable a few e2e tests, update Cypress to catch ‘> Unauthorized’ exceptions #10545
Bug 2024316 : Display correct annotation in Template support modal #10574
add support for form/yaml switcher for channels #10474
Bug 2024537 : Change text to refer to Win iso instead of cloud image #10562
Bug 2014497 : Optimize name validation regex for forms #10556
Bug 2002266 : Add subject name selector field to SinkBinding form #10527
add dynamic sdk support for model metadata extensions #9013
Bug 2019646 : Display permission error modal for view only user #10549
migrate useK8sModel(s) to SDK #10524
Bug 2013990 : use namespace instead of useActivePerspective hooks to get the variables in Observe dashboard #10526
Bug 2025481 : Update VM Snapshots UI #10510
Bug 2015660 : reword ‘patch’ to ‘modify’ #10534
Bug 2019360 : Create Virtualization Overview Permissions card #10530
Bug 1996630 : first ssh delete button is disabled on advanced wizard #10525
UI for dedicated nodes with taints #10323
update user preference namespace dropdown design #10277
Bug 2023638 : Add Dev Preview tag for IBM FlashSystem #10482
Move dev-console and knative dependencies out of console-shared #10158
Bug 2006067 : Fix OLM error handling #10387
Bug 2018272 : Open export details page from the resource link on the topology sidepanel #10529
migrate ws-factory to ts #10528
expose reducers from SDK and consume in console #10513
HAC 63: Split core API dependencies from console dependencies #10386
Add quick search to add page #10365
Bug 2022707 : use prometheus tenancy URL to load data in dev console observe dashboard #10460
Bug 2023077 : [e2e][automation] Home Overview Virtualization status #10455
ODC-6364 : Pipeline as code epic automation #10521
Automation: Add flows should allow user to pick from a list of pipelines #10520
Bug 2024750 : Fix OLM files in need of i18n #10511
Bug 2023607 : Fix blank page error for Installed Operators #10501
Bug 2022801 : chore(i18n): update translations #10451
Bug 2025837 : virt: warn users that the RHEL URL expire #10429
Bug 2025830 : virt: fix CentOS capitalizaion #10427
Add extension to provide custom builder image environment variables #10331
Bug 2015498 : Fixes add capacity for MCG standalone #10426
Bug 2024547 : Fix Noobaa resources broken details pages #10536
Bug 2025954 : Disable a few console e2e tests due to consistent Unauthorized flake #10514
Bug 2023356 : Devfiles can’t be loaded in Safari on macOS (403 - Forbidden) #10464
Bug 2024220 : Cluster monitoring checkbox flickers when installing Operator in all-namespace mode #10497
Bug 2019360 : Fix links on the Virtualization Overview Getting Started card #10465
Bug 2024665 : Fix k8sget import for bindable services fetch util #10509
clean up files for components which have been migrated to dynamic extensions #10352
Bug 2025266 : Removed exact on CreateResource route #10488
Bug 2024551 : KMS resources not getting created for IBM FlashSystem storage #10506
Bug 2019360 : Create Virtualization Overview Activity card #10301
Bug 2023228 : Remove Tech preview badge for the triggers component for triggers GA … #10473
Bug 2023592 : add mac spoof check for nad #10471
add toast for import #10290
Bug 1988406 : SSH Key will now move from simple to advanced wizard when clicking customize #10508
Bug 2016367 : prevent empty task box to show up for a pipeline without finally task #10498
Bug 2024515 : Fix backingstore and namespacestore table css #10490
Bug 2016925 : Monitoring dashboards: Fix switching from “All” option to other option #10447
migrate rhoas kafka and helm workload #10414
Bug 2024535 : hotplug disk missing OwnerReference #10505
Bug 2024493 : Monitoring: Fix destructure of undefined error on rule details page #10502
Bug 2019360 : Create Virtualization Overview Inventory Card #10495
Bug 2023781 : initial hardware devices is not loading in wizard #10480
enable redux store context in SDK from app host #10448
Bug 2018264 : Delete Export button doesn’t work in topology sidebar (general issue with unknown CSV?) #10457
Bug 2014471 : Open Helm Release notes tab automatically after installing a chart #10481
Bug 2022114 : Don’t log all proxy requests by default #10434
Bug 1985933 : Improved label matching, added more options for registry suggestions #10493
Bug 2023443 : Adjust Console plugin SDK dist pkg compilation #10444
Bug 2018279 : Edit and Delete confirmation modals for managed resource should close when the managed resource is clicked #10437
Bug 2017663 : Missing SSH text change #10478
Bug 2015549 : Fix localization misses in TablePagination and Metrics components #10274
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Add hardware devices to advanced wizard #10463
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - align hardware list rows #10453
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - add hardware to wizard redux #10452
Bug 2019360 : Create the Virtualization Overview Status card #10300
Bug 1815189, Bug 1997269: Improve API discovery for feature flags and operator details #10162
Bug 2019360 : Create the Virtualization Overview Details card #10297
Bug 2021016 : Monitoring dashboards: Translate “All” options to .+
regex #10446
odc-6430-Added jan as approver to all plugin folders #10428
Bug 2022502 : Remove old table class overrides causing display issue. #10443
Bug 2018380 : Update and migrate docs links to #10354
Bug 2019360 : Create the Virtualization Overview page #10233
Console 2250: Include Source labels on OperatorHub tiles #10132
Bug 2020428 : Adapt webpack 5 related code in dynamic plugin SDK #10433
internal-kubevirt npm pkg patches #10439
Bug 2017732 : Prevent creation of encryption enabled storageclass without KMS connection set #10347
Bug 2021693 : Set large width for modals with modal-lg class #10422
Bug 2020153 : Added support for common template change, now will update network device model #10430
Bug 2001617 : Disable sidebar navigation based on next button state #10333
Bug 2017130 : omit extension when code ref resolution fails #10421
Bug 2021048 : Added MAC Spoof check for NAD #10407
Bug 2015395 : Table head on Affinity Rules modal is not fully expanded #10418
Bug 2000628 : Fix creation of ibm storage system at backing storage step #10375
Bug 2021724 : Query browser: Add some transparency to line graph lines #9725
Bug 2021337 : Fix ResourceLink groupVersionKind #10411
Bug 2011038 : Render correct conditions for csv vs installplan and subscriptioncondition #10388
Bug 2015654 : Separate handler for i18n proxy requests #10378
Bug 2013109 : Refreshing console from toaster taking to Install Operator #10373
Bug 2017535 : fix broken Argo CD link image #10334
CONSOLE-2870 : Add notification drawer settings to User Preferences - add checkbox to filter user notifications #10226
Bug 1986338 : Error creating list of resources in Import YAML #9765
add kubevirt internal exports #10238
NETOBSERV-15 : list pods affected by a network policy #9953
Bug 2017879 : Omission of translation #9543
Bug 2002896 : Dispatch name filter value to redux #10392
Bug 2018884 : Adapting crw-basic.feature to changs introduced in OCP 4.9 #10359
Bug 2021031 : fixing the topology scripts #10405
Bug 2021017 : fix the serverless installation issues #10404
Bug 1992475 : Add translation key for ‘Disconnect’ button on vm console tab #10380
Bug 2020275 : Fix ClusterOperators link #10409
Show failed PipelineRun log snippet on the log page #10360
Bug 1992961 : Regular user cannot create VM because of an unclear error #10408
migrate refereceFor* utilities to dynamic-plugin-sdk #10303
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Add HW to create VM review #10406
Bug 2015115 : [feature] PCI passthrough - attach/detach HW modal to VM #10377
Bug 2019986 : Fix dynamic demo plugin build #10395
Bug 2014245 : i18n several aria-labels, external links, and labels #10245
Monitoring: Small refactoring of admin nav menu’s Observe section #10322
CONSOLE-2985 : Replace all instances of old variables controlling global grid widths and breakpoints with Patternfly variables for more consistency of spacing between elements and behaviors #10332
CONSOLE-2892 : Allow dynamic plugins to proxy to services on the cluster #10215
Bug 2020001 : Update demo dynamic plugin dockerfile to reflect dir structure change #10397
dynamic-plugin-sdk: Expose CreateResourceComponentProps #10309
Bug 2020257 : Validate exposed modules in shouldEmit hook #10306
Bug 2017050 : CONSOLE-2963: Update dynamic plugin SDK to latest webpack #10383
Bug 2019591 : Operator install modal padding vars assigned to correct class so that scroll shadows are positioned correctly. #10389
Bug 2019744 : suggest users to download newest RHEL version #10381
Update PF packages to release 2021-14 #10342
dropdown to select pipelines #10232
Bug 1928285 : Display loading message when PVs are being provisioned. #10348
Bug 2017656 : None admin users gan’t fetch api url, fallback gracefully #10371
Bug 2006060 : Redirect to object dashboard for MCG only #10362
Bug 2019717 : cant delete VM with un-owned pvc attached #10390
Bug 2018495 : Update i18n README #10363
Bug 2018428 : PVC is deleted along with VM even with “Delete Disks” unchecked #10382
Bug 2018042 : HorizontalPodAutoscaler CPU averageValue did not show up in HPA metrics GUI #10379
Bug 1998378 : Use reference to extension models instead of kind #10369
Bug 2018445 : enhance tests for downstream #10276
Bug 2014238 : increase yaml load wait to reduce test flake on yaml import #10372
Bug 2018449 : add test for network attachment definition #10358
Bug 2015952 : RH CodeReady Workspaces Operator in e2e testing will soon fail #10316
Bug 2015496 : Storage - PersistentVolumes Claim column value ‘No Claim’ in English #10310
Bug 2017872 : chore(i18n): update translations #10341
move target port out of advanced routing options #10271
Bug 2014488 : Fix operand details page conditions table sort order #10364
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Add Hardware devices list #10370
Bug 2018446 : move tests to different level #10355
make topology sidebar resizable #10325
Gherkin to pick from a list of pipelines in Add flow #10361
Bug 2002559 : User preference for topology list view does not follow when a new namespace is created #10356
Bug 2005179 : Pass pod toolbar filters to useListPageFilter
Bug 2016438 : adds feature flag for static extension for knative plugin #10357
Bug 2014248 : i18n several missed files #10244
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Add SelectFilter #10343
Update PF packages to release 2021-13 #10221
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Add VM/VMI selector #10349
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - Fix HWD page #10326
Bug 2015568 : Fix cores translation value #10350
Bug 2004073 : Fix memory units for selected nodes table #10345
Bug 2015806 : Fix resource metrics 403 errors for project admin users #10344
migrate k8s utilities to dynamic-plugin-sdk #10243
metrics: add /metrics endpoint and console_helm_install_count metric #10194
Bug 2017606 : add test to verify send key for VNC console #10302
Bug 2005014 : Use conditions for status in Storage System list page #10336
Bug 2007136 : Fix creation for BackingStore, BucketClass and NamespaceStore #10128
Bug 2013930 : Disable ODF BackingStore, BucketClass, and NamespaceStore tabs and OCS BlockPool tab. #10324
Bug 2015506 : Hard to select an item from kebab in default resource list #10321
migrate knative connector side panels to use dynamic extensions #10139
Bug 2016453 : Complete i18n for GaugeChart defaults #10317
Bug 2017141 : Remove inline style width from Namespace dropdown menu so it doesn’t effect width of menu #10318
Bug 2015115 : [RFE] PCI passthrough - add button #10307
Bug 2016951 : Update action provider dynamic Actions #10305
CONSOLE-2381 : Update dynamic plugin demo to add navigation and pages #9679
Bug 2017016 : Moving virtualization to a new menu section #9896
Bug 2008767 : Block MCG deploymeny when no storage class found #10292
Bug 2015557 : i18n DeploymentConfig error message #10280
Bug 2008779 : ODF tab is missing if user clicks on ‘Refresh web console’ #10284
Bug 2015535 : - Administration - ResourceQuotas - ResourceQuota details: Inside Pie chart ‘x% used’ is in English #10282
Bug 1990255 : Text filtering does not return all items when text box is empty #10256
Bug 2013545 : Check for resource in ServiceBinding spec’s service reference #10227
GITOPS-1438 display resources health and sync status #10196
Bug 2016438 : adds feature flag for all extension for knative plugin #10287
Bug 2016179 : chore(i18n): update translations #10283
add default Details tab for topology side bar #10127
Bug 2015115 : [feature] PCI passthrough - devices list page #10259
Bug 2006025 : Rephrases description to use an existing StorageClass #10263
Bug 2015115 : [feature] PCI passthrough - add API #10260
Bug 2015274 : Fix plugin-manifest JSON schema import code #10254
Automation of user preference in dev perspetive epic:ODC-5227 #10253
Add Karthik to the Pipelines Package approvers #10269
Bug 2015115 : [feature] PCI passthrough - template cards #10265
Bug 1992466 : Added missing translations #10264
Bug 2015416 : Updating topology scripts to execute in CI #10218
Console 2969: Changes to the project selector to allow system namespaces that are Favorited to be included in the Favorited list even when the option to Show default projects is unselected. #10174
Bug 2008490 : Fix edit-bucket-class action #10266
Bug 2005282 : Fixes storagesystem list to point to correct page #10262
Bug 2001337 : Service Name ODF should say OCS on Object tab #10223
Monitoring: Remove remaining uses of connect
Bug 2015115 : PCI passthrough #10251
Bug 2001612 : Bump axios dependency to 0.21.2 #10029
Bug 1964789 : Update patternfly/react-console version #10193
Bug 2013416 : Generate unique CSS filenames for yarn run dev
Bug 2002362 : Use only JSON files for dynamic plugin JSON schemas #10242
Bug 2013871 : Fix alignment of column headings with table cells #10236
Bug 2013203 : UI breaks when trying to create block pool before storage cluster/system creation #10228
Migrate context Menu actions for Broker, Channels, Trigger, Subscription to dynamic extensions #10167
Bug 2006861 : chore(i18n): update translations #10123
Console-2385 Add description and help text to create project/namespace modals #9786
Bug 2014486 : Fix failing OLM test scenario #10247
Bug 1998183 : Monitoring: Fix error message when Silences fail to load #10237
convert topology visual connector side panel to use dynamic extensions #10066
Bug 2013751 : Fix wrong in-cluster hostname on the Service details page #10234
Add Kubevirt internal SDK dist package #10202
Bug 2013787 : use NetworkAttachmentDefinitions instead of Network Attachment Definitions #10231
Bug 1992453 : don’t allow bad disk names #10229
Bug 1997967 : StorageClass is now saved moving between wizards #10217
Bug 2002870 : Added support for SSH keys for custom templates #10161
Bump go to v1.16 #10224
Bug 2007271 : updated knative smoke scenarios to execute on CI #9591
Bug 2009055 : Fix few of the rebranding issues #10230
Bug 2013431 : Namespace selector font size and positioning fixes #10225
Bug 2009298 : Delete ssh service when vm is deleted #10219
Bug 2012971 : Disable operands deletes #10220
NETOBSERV-55 Add data-test attributes on controls #10190
Bug 2003792 : Monitoring dashboards: Improve series labels ordering in tooltips #10213
Bug 2011809 : node page fail #10207
Bug 2012177 : Overview tab is missing under Storage after successful deployment on UI #10201
migrate dynamic event source , kamlets & kafka event source #10113
refactor(variables): updated theming vars #9594
CONSOLE-2946 : Expose all of core PatternFly for dynamic plugin use #9882
Bug 2012562 : Check for migration condition before default unknown status #10205
Bug 2009384 : update the BindableService CRD changes to align with BindableKinds #10181
Bug 1946232 : VM List can consume very high CPU #9978
Bug 2012317 : Fix ListPageCreateDropdown alignment #10203
Bug 2012407 : Improve console tests #10200
Bug 1998038 : Automation for Hotlpug disks UI #10151
Update plugin SDK publish doc #10199
Migrate ksvc & revision side panels to use new extension mechanism #10107
Bug 1956964 : upload a boot-source warning #10189
Bug 1999983 : No way to clear upload error #10178
Bug 1995493 : Fix alignment of 2 action buttons for add to secret and virtualization #10176
CONSOLE-2979 : Update Cypress to 8.5.0 #10164
Bug 2005854 : make SSH service opt-in instead of opt-out #10180
Bug 2003178 : Use topology sidebar details as a component #10187
Bug 2011411 : Managed Service’s Cluster overview page contains link to missing Storage dashboards #10197
Bug 2007322 : Fix to let the user create the application even if dockerfile is not detected #10182
Bug 2010342 : Increase memory limit for ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin #10188
Bug 1989502 : fix dev-catalog stuck in loading state #10184
ODC-6219 : Allow dynamic plugins to override static plugins #9744
Bug 2011443 : Ensuring Administrator Perspective for noisy/shared setup #9989
convert topology operator backed panel to use dynamic extensions #9998
Bug 2008859 : Fix generated dynamic plugin overridables #10185
Bug 2003145 : Duplicate operand tab titles causes “two children with the same key” warning #10079
Revert “Bug 2010342: Update fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin and raise memory limit” #10183
convert topology application group side panel to use dynamic extensions #10021
Bug 2009131 : kubevirt: add more test about vmi #10141
Bug 2009623 : Query Browser: Fix pagination menu style to not show bullet points #10165
Bug 2001817 : Failed to load RoleBindings list that will lead to ‘Role name’ is not able to be selected on Create RoleBinding page as well #10060
Bug 2010342 : Update fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin and raise memory limit #10173
Bug 2009420 : Use live regions for alerts in modals #8803
Upgrade yarn to 1.22.15 #10163
add dynamic plugin extension for HorizontalNavTab #10111
Netobserv-35 : network policy creation form - UX updates #10105
Ownership update on network policies #10160
Bug 2001577 : Quick search placeholder is not displayed properly when the search string is removed #10104
Bug 2008612 : HTTP method should be uppercased when proxying plugin request #10166
Bug 2001804 : Reload feature on Environment section in Build Config form does not work properly #10004
Bug 2001575 : Clicking on the perspective switcher shows a white page with loader #10110
Bug 2002362 : Improve dynamic plugin shared modules #10133
Bug 2009148 : kubevirt: test vm nic presets and options #10155
Bug 2004101 : When creating storageSystem deployment type dropdown under advanced setting doesn’t close after selection #10143
Bug 2008321 : Add correct documentation link for MON_DISK_LOW #10140
convert topology vm sidepanel details to use dynamic extensions #9778
Network policy form/yaml switch #9610
Bug 2008612 : Proxy browser cache headers from plugin asset request #10153
Bug 2005554 : Reveal the switch status of the button “Show default project” in code #10157
Bug 2008151 : Bump @patternfly/react-core package to v4.157.8 #10152
contribute actions , sidepanel for channel, subscription, broker and trigger #10077
use dynamic plugin for side panel and action provider for rhoas #10035
convert topology SBR sidepanel to use dynamic extensions #10055
Monitoring: CSS small cleanups #10142
Add proxy endpoint for Prometheus targets #9456
Bug 2003845 : change the Image Vulnerabilities tab to be project and not cluster scoped #10150
Network policy forms: hide unavailable features for admin users #9628
Bug 2002559 : User preference for topology list view does not follow when a new namespace is created #10030
CONSOLE-2972 : Upgrade webpack 4.x dependencies #10080
Bug 2003178 : Memoize knative filtered revisions for sidebar #10147
Bug 2007289 : add test for vm console tab #10121
Bug 2002125 : Network policy details page heading should be updated to Network Policy details #10112
Bug 2006060 : fix issue with standalone dashboards #10117
Bug 2008256 : Update Internationalization README with scope info #10138
CONSOLE-2967 : Expose CPU and memory in MachineSet list/details #9956
Bug 2006308 : Backing Store YAML tab on click displays a blank screen on UI #10119
Bug 2004736 : Fix create broker button in Add broker page #10086
Bug 2002362 : Rework dynamic plugin SDK dist packages #10130
Bug 1986502 : Fix state bug to eliminate duplicates in dragged files #10047
Bug 2007328 : Updated patternfly to v4.125.3 and pf.quickstarts to v1.2.3. #10090
Bug 2006329 : Allow web terminal to be installed in any namespace #10045
Console 2926: Bug 1995545: Update console page markup structure to closer align with Patternfly page component structure. #9974
Bug 1998235 : Set csrf-token cookie’s SameSite attribute to Lax #10124
Bug 1999836 : Add ‘Unavailable’ status for cluster operator #10120
Bug 1998087 : Active Health Checks cleanup chores #9823
Bug 2003120 : Prevent null references and “ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded” errors in IFrameMarkdownView #10114
Move Perspective logic to sdk #10024
Bug 2004459 : update gherkin scripts for 4.9 Release and few more fixes #10075
Bug 2001760 : BreadCrumbs and OCS/ODF naming fixes #10000
Bug 1979562 : Cluster operators: don’t show messages when neither progressing, degraded or unavailable #9790
Bug 2004796 : add test for vm scheduling policy #10081
Bug 2002238 : persist imagestream info when switching from yaml to form editor #10020
Bug 2005783 : Fix accessibility issues in Wizard Modes #9158
Bug 2005761 : Implementing crw-basic feature file. #9710
Bug 1990193 : Internationalize Search page ToolbarFilter props #10099
Bug 1981396 : Faulty BlockPool status after deletion #9514
Bug 2001617 : Disallow forward jumps for BucketClass Flow #10001
Bug 1999621 : Removed ssh_authorized_keys empty array #10102
Bug 1998377 : Fix file systems table styles #10095
Bug 2004578 : Add monitoring and nodes label for external storage platform #10078
Bug 2004962 : disable thread-loader in CI #10088
Bug 2000651 : fixes imagestream from reference for alias to existing IS #10083
Bug 1999091 : Console update toast notification can appear multiple times #10092
Bug 1989843 : ‘More’ and ‘Show Less’ chips are not translated #10091
Bug 2004870 : [External Mode] Insufficient spacing along y-axis in RGW Latency Performance Card #10085
Refactor ActionMenu and LazyActionMenu to use PF menu and flyout menu #10068
Add annotation to Web Terminals to enable Operator metrics #9752
Bug 2003496 : add test for vm resources requirment settings #10051
Bug 2004901 : improve kubevirt devconsole tests #10084
Bug 2004059 : fix current tests for downstream #10063
Bug 2003711 : Fix to fetch ocs csv in external mode #10073
Bug 1999619 : #cloud-config is now added to yaml #10057
Bug 2002007 : Enable error stack trace messages to scroll #10061
Bug 2004060 : Fix basic spring boot sample form crash #10013
Bug 2003651 : Storage class name not passed in CR #10064
Bug 2002588 : Use sentence case #10053
Bug 2002397 : Avoid using state for search page resources filter #10023
Bug 2003715 : Fix state of volume mode dropdown #10059
Bug 2003808 : chore(i18n): update translations #10058
Bug 2003251 : Explicit removal of list item bullets so they are not shown on several PF components. #10046
convert topology-helm-workload sidepanel to use dynamic extensions #9997
Bug 2001339 : Text updates #10052
Bug 2003357 : Remove 4.9 related epic tags #10049
Bug 2003426 : add test for vm details bootorder #10048
Bug 2001413 : add/delete nic and disk to template #9996
Bug 2001784 : show loading page before final results instead of showing a transient message No log files exist #10042
Bug 2003096 : check bootsource URL is displaying on review step #10026
Bug 2002763 : Fix creating two storage system for external RHCS #10038
Bug 2001810 : Fix list page route for build configs #10039
Bug 2001835 : Fix to show image-tag selector in s2i form and re-validate git url on git-type change #10031
Bug 1991573 : [NETOBSERV-29] Turn on strictNullCheck on network-policies files #9656
Bug 1997245 : Dont validate the install operator form when submitted #9976
Bug 2002027 : Use exact secret label match when creating HelmRelease topology node model #10012
Bug 2002133 : add support/virtualization and improve deleteResource #10003
Bug 2002443 : Fix disks undefined on create local volume set step #10025
Bug 1999076 : Page Not Found error when clicking on Storage link provided in Overview page #10018
Bug 2001855 : Enable add capacity if osd size is not matching #10028
Bug 2001578 : add tests for vm dashboard tab #9999
Bug 1961391 : Textual updates follow-up #10008
Bug 2002134 : add test to verify vm details tab #10017
Bug 1996023 : Fix select all nodes request #10015
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #10002
Bug 2001959 : Allow side nav borders to extend to left and right edges of yaml sidebar #10009
Bug 2000573 : Disable flexible scaling for internal mode #10005
Bug 2000096 : Git URL is not re-validated on edit build-config form reload #9960
Bug 2001337 : Update references to OCS in Dashboards #9985
Bug 1999669 : Add a wrapper around AddCapacityModal to inject StorageCluster #9938
Bug 2001288 : Kubevirt, use currect API when checking healthz #9993
Bug 2001292 : Hide the import vm action #9994
Bug 1993999 : Update helper texts #9941
Bug 2001263 : create vm from template list and action dropdown #9990
Bug 2000965 : remove login prompt check until it’s clearly needed #9982
Adding test cases for Pipeline run details page as part of PAC #9968
CONSOLE-2458 : Add checkbox for cleaning up operand when uninstalling operator #9142
Bug 2000607 : Add an alert for the domain mapping linked with other knative service #9977
Bug 1975391 : fix install operator description iframe #9929
Bug 1999627 : Fix to set required data when multiple strategies exist #9927
Bug 2000636 : reload entered data if any when switching strategies #9766
Bug 1999719 : persist last viewed tab on topology side panel #9945
Bug 1999723 : disable drag for QuickSearch when hovering over text input #9951
update gherkin scripts to include language preference #9988
Bug 2000873 : override list style for toast #9986
Bug 2000833 : Remove webpack missing type export warnings #9983
Bug 2000590 : Warning on topology context menu right click #9975
Bug 2000935 : add volume mode selection in storage creation #9971
Bug 2000633 : fix observer dashboard variables dropdown when screen size is reduced #9959
Automation to verify the href url’s from the quick starts #9727
Bug 2000858 : Add documentation link for MON_DISK_LOW #9984
Bug 1997108 : fix react warnings while loading topology page #9866
Bug 2000499 : dismiss toast if export cr gives 404 #9961
Bug 1999026 : detect managed ODF when operator is installed #9918
Created separate helm release spec for CI purpose #9972
Bug 1967934 : fix issues in add capacity modal #9330
Bug 2000576 : Change MCG only deployment payload #9980
Bug 2000391 : review kubevirt skipped tests #9967
Console 2271: allow for configuring upstream server for air gapped envs #9957
Bug 1999039 : Fix status of StorageSystem in list page #9954
Bug 1998616 : Add clusterwide hostname to Service details page #9979
Bug 1999648 : Remove remaining Storage Class string #9947
Bug 1998347 : fix user preference for language and sync with local storage #9902
Bug 1988905 : External mode deployments fails on parsing json in ODF wizard #9966
Expose list, table, ResourceLink componens and useK8sModel(s) hooks via plugin SDK #9925
Bug 2000689 : Expandable section in mirroring card is empty when no image found under a pool #9812
Bug 1999210 : add tests for VM wizard Cloudinit editor fields #9963
Bug 1999393 : Form / YAML switch makes unnecessary network calls to save latest editor type #9919
Bug 1998388 : User preference screen shows “Create Namespace” instead of “Create Project” #9890
Bug 2000491 : removes techpreview badge from RH Camel K integration operator #9973
Bug 1999404 : add test for rootdisk validation #9934
Bug 2000473 : Monitoring dashboards: Fix clearing variables when changing dashboard #9969
Bug 1998207 : Prune empty values before switching to yaml or submitting form #9897
Bug 1999422 : Guard display of supported vendors #9942
Bug 2000108 : fix devconsole metrics page #9962
Bug 1995148 : change secret key name #9780
Bug 2000259 : chore(i18n): update translations #9964
Bug 1999179 : Create BuildConfig webhook secrets before creating knative resources #9924
Bug 1994975 : fix validate endpoint before go next #9922
Bug 1998563 : Fix machine page columns visibility #9915
Bug 1998394 : add tests for RHEL9 template #9905
Override dynamic plugin sdk module in runtime #9432
Bug 1999656 : fix pipeline run count chart discrepancies with other chart values #9948
test cases for PAC #9933
Bug 1999075 : Pan the selected workload into the full view #9921
CONSOLE-2319 : Expose instanceType in MachineSet list/details #9575
Bug 1997422 : Missing translation addition to create volume snapshot form alert message #9928
Bug 1999614 : Add name field in edit deployment form #9911
Gherkin: Generic managed service flow - topology #9768
Bug 1999823 : Linkify condition and alert messages #9955
Bug 1999729 : Fix spelling of ActivityItem in plugin-api #9935
Bug 1999615 : Use target closest method only when available #9944
Bug 1997461 : Fixes LSO alert for StorageSystem installation #9940
Bug 1999658 : Disable import flow tests that are failing due to rate limiting #9949
Bug 1999631 : Fix to add help text for git repo url field #9943
ODC-6318 : Updated the owners file #9939
Bug 1999422 : Add feature flag for mcg standalone deployment #9937
ODC-6317 : Updated the gherkin lint rules to fix the errors #9936
Bug 1999266 : Fix click issue with topology context menu #9930
Bug 1998587 : Automatically update* annotations #9912
Bug 1998575 : Fix that insert yaml does nothing when yaml is provided via an extension (also hide samples when user edits a resource) #9909
Gherkin for export of application in topology #9887
Gherkin for event source catalog support community kamelets #9877
Bug 1996792 : Fix quick search modal missing icons #9856
Bug 1999292 : Use “default projects” instead of “system projects” #9931
Bug 1996159 : Show 404 page only after all dynamic plugins are processed #9926
Bug 1999093 : Fix pods page unmount on node update #9923
Bug 1999131 : adjust layout by cypress conventions #9920
Bug 1998408 : Avoid resetting dockerfile path when switching build strategies #9917
added support for cancel and restart in export app #9916
Bug 1991439 : remove < > from string #9854
Bug 1998058 : Remove extra white space from Kafka instance table #9894
Bug 1998413 : Fix helm dynamic form field accordion #9884
Bug 1993886 : Fix OLM descriptors getCompatibleCapabilities util function #9855
migrate perspective extension from static to dynamic #9685
Bug 1997929 : Update MachineSet page headers #9898
Bug 1997482 : Remove backdrop from Pipeline tasks search modal #9880
Bug 1995525 : Use fake model for StorageSystem to hide NavItems from Operators Page #9852
Bug 1998240 : Update helm side panel info and use support url #9899
User preferences for Create/Edit method #9830
Bug 1998047 : Missing UI flags after install creation #9891
Bug 1998168 : added support for components in toast action #9888
Bug 1997379 : add tests for showing multiple IP address on UI #9876
Update GitOps environment page for OCP 4.9 #9860
Migrate pipelines plugin static extension to dynamic #9842
Bug 1998431 : auto update resource name when internal registry details are changed #9745
Bug 1998411 : Detect repository name for URLs with trailing slash #9900
Bug 1998408 : Set dockerfile path to detected filename #9895
Bug 1998364 : Use the central i18n mocks for all tests and add support for variables #9901
CONSOLE-2462 : Add documentation for i18next #9886
Bug 1998319 : lazy load dynamic plugin route components #9875
Bug 1991566 : Disable protractor test in prow #9760
Bug 1998015 : Query Browser: Improve tooltip performance when many data points #9892
Bug 1996630 : Fix some issues while updating ssh keys from simple wizard and changing keys #9881
Bug 1997131 : Add Installed badge and update the alert content for upgrading task #9867
Bug 1997135 : Start new export if export CR is not found #9864
Bug 1997048 : prevent creation of duplicate domain-mapping in import with serverless deployment #9853
Gherkin for integration of tekton hub with pipeline builder #9747
CONSOLE-2383 : Hide system projects from project list #9279
Bug 1996158 : Honor nav extensions in the admin perspective #9885
Bug 1997102 : Update gherkin for observe tab in workload sidebar #9865
Bug 1987344 : Set openshift doc version to 4.8 #9889
Bug 1997655 : Remove unused data-test-id which logs a react warning #9883
Bug 1997168 : Remove unused variable from parser config #9869
Add new BuildConfig form #9834
Bug 1996094 : Fix missing key errors for pull policy messages #9847
Bug 1988904 : Arbiter details not present in ODF wizard #9769
Bug 1986699 : Differentiate between operators for install #9668
New virtualized table component #8829
Bug 1996116 : Disabling pool dashboard menu actions for default pool, external cluster and for deletion timestamp #9816
Bug 1997187 : Increase analyze script to 3.5 MiB #9858
Bug 1992820 : Move event sources add option to serverless add group #9785
Bug 1997267 : chore(i18n): update translations #9874
Bug 1997079 : Fix moitoring custom time range #9863
Bug 1988903 : Kms details empty in only MCG deployment #9859
Bug 1995116 : Pod logs shows incorrect lines number in the log window top banner #9857
Bug 1992744 : Incorrect spacing in ActionAlert component #9789
Bug 1995612 : Breadcrumbs link fix for block pool related pages #9772
Bug 1996914 : Check for internal redux store and return if not initialized #9873
Bug 1997029 : Hide OCS Overview when ODF StorageSystem Model is present #9861
CONSOLE-2422 : Add logs page to node details #9663
Converge Import from Git/Devfile/Dockerfile flows #9832
Bug 1992730 : Fix i18n for dynamic plugins #9791
Bug 1997179 : disable serverless operator installation in catalog #9868
Bug 1996566 : handles unknown kamelets with title, description, meta info #9851
User preferences language preference #9833
Bug 1996644 : Fix issues in horizontal nav match object #9850
Bug 1996539 : show only route resource id sidepanel if route exists and show external url if status is present and has url #9849
Bug 1963027 : Upload qcow2 to PVC too small #9848
Add psrna to integration-tests approvers. #9845
Console-2951: Prune unused styles from getting started card #9808
Bug 1996535 : Improve detect namespace hook and fix redirect loop and e2e tests #9844
Bug 1991977 : fetch kamelets form both current namespace and global namespace where operator is installed #9774
Bug 1975038 : Cannot delete user created vm template #9828
Gherkin form based edit build config #9840
Bug 1996156 : show a default sidebar for resources that doesn’t have sidebar #9841
Add topology data model factory for bindable resources #9713
Update helm side panel info in developer catalog #9825
Create user preferences extensions and a page to view and update them #9386
Bug 1995043 : Two storage systems got created while creating one from UI #9836
Improve git section performance in git import flow #9827
adds support for export app in topology #9817
consolidate admin dashboard in dev console #9644
Bug 1995901 : TS is giving warnings when re-exporting types #9795
Add tabbed view for Pipelines and Repository resources #9784
Bug 1995325 : Move useMemo before first return #9831
Bug 1995523 : Add checks for annotations in pipeline quicksearch utils #9820
Expose HorizontalNav as part of Stable API #9619
Bug 1994586 : Create local volume set step says “An error has occurred” #9818
Bug 1993148 : Monitoring: Memoize some components and other optimizations #9794
Add enhancements to GitOpsDetailsPage #9242
Bug 1995049 : fix resource dropdown tech preview badge #9822
Bug 1856355 : Improve table scrolling performance #9797
Bug 1991338 : Hide Network Attachment Definitions tab for non-admin users #9821
Bug 1986971 : Make customized template password a parameter #9753
Bug 1992974 : fixes styles for revision and route list #9792
Bug 1978649 : Block and File and Object dashboards should not be part of OCP Console for ODF Managed Services #9742
Bug 1975820 : Handle patches for multiple plugins #9813
Bug 1991548 : add test for disk preallocation #9759
drag and resize quicksearch modal #9751
Bug 1980531 : step 3 additionalHelpActions ‘HelpMenu’ ConsoleLinks not translated #9811
Bug 1994439 : Review page of ODF wizard does not follow console conventions #9815
Bug 1989887 : Fix issues in Storage System List Page #9724
Bug 1994253 : Kubevirt provided templates are supported #9814
Bug 1993147 : Add aria-label for axe issues (Internal Mode Dashboard) #9251
Bug 1993920 : Improve sysprep helper text #9806
Bug 1991439 : i18n overlooked string #9809
Bug 1993788 : VM creation (customize flow): storage class mismatch between actual SC and “Edit Disk” screen #9805
Bug 1993955 : Fix margin issue with Details card on External Block and File Dashboard #9803
Bug 1992714 : use existing pvc hotplug crashes #9787
Bug 1989440 : Fix clusterNetwork only selection issue with OCS #9703
Bug 1993975 : remove kubevirt dependants #1 #9773
Bug 1993793 : Move from v1beta to v1 for CSIDrivers #9804
Tekton hub integration #9771
migrate static extension to dynamic for knative plugin #9764
Add Repository Details Page #9740
convert topology resource panel to use dynamic extension, #9647
Bug 1967316 : Sweep frontend/public folder for i18n support - part 3 #7741
Bug 1946232 : VM List can consume very high CPU #9761
Bug 1993306 : Disable broken Event Sources on default Developer Catalog test #9800
Bug 1978202 : Use list of supported templates instead of logic #9782
Bug 1992013 : Fill out the component name when catching a rate limit error #9796
Bug 1992004 : Fix flaky e2e test by updating a workaround for rate limit error by GitHub #9793
odc-6227-upgraded the helm scripts #9709
Bug 1992950 : create template from wizard #9638
Convert coFetch utilities to typescript and move to plugin SDK #9660
create component to show bindables resources as trapezoid shape and add support for relationship provider #9698
Bug 1992502 : Return loadError from use storage profile #9781
Bug 1990577 : Update Ingress to v1 API version #9776
Bug 1989610 : Don’t render incompatible descriptors on operand details page #9763
Bug 1983693 : Null check when pressing enter on import yaml page #9779
Bug 1967108 : Add name to coderef function. #9775
Bug 1989876 : Fix routing for ODF 4.9(OCS) Dashboard and link Ceph Block Pools #9722
Bug 1982765 : Networking - Services - Edit Pod Selector : An incomprehensible Japanese sentence #9701
Bug 1976072 : Ensure supported x-descriptors take priority in Operand details view #9530
Bug 1991095 : External Mode Dashboard shows incorrect deployment mode #9762
Bug 1969965, Bug 1969989: Bugs Related to StorageClass KMS flow #9409
Bug 1991942 : Fix aignment of (?) at sysprep and MTV button on FF #9770
Bug 1979116 : create vm from customize wizard using currect api #9758
Support code references at any level within extension’s properties #9070
Bug 1991519 : [WIP][e2e][flaky] fix kubevirt hco creation #9757
Bug 1940059 : Add ceph-dashboard link for OCS external cluster overview page #9398
Add Repository details to PipelineRun Details page #9678
Update PF packages to 2021-10 #9717
Bug 1990493 : [e2e][automation] test for storageProfile settings #9741
Bug 1984954 : normal user cant create vm. no v2v config map access #9704
Bug 1975038 : Cannot delete user created vm template #9478
Bug 1946232 : VM List can consume very high CPU #9696
Bug 1990018 : chore(i18n): update translations #9728
Bug 1988210 : Bump helm to v3.6.2 #9684
Bug 1990732 : Use Immediate
as the default volumeBindingMode
Gherkin:Manage user preferences #9636
Migrate workload resource actions to new extension based actions #9731
Bug 1990205 : Monitoring dashboards: Fix state transition during render #9736
Gherkin: Consolidating core dashboard with dev perspective- Monitoring #9537
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove remaining Bootstrap and Patternfly3 dependencies #9532
Bug 1986565 : [OCP48][WebUI] “How to seal boot source for template usage” link points to /foo #9738
Bug 1987171 : When customizing boot source, password is shown in default font #9730
Bug 1989842 : Query Browser: Remove null value entries from the tooltip #9720
Bug 1990024 : Fix typo #9729
Bug 1988406 : Added support for SSH key is now passed from simple to advanced wizard #9706
Bug 1989507 : replace configmap with storageprofile #9712
Bug 1989889 : Render 404 create page if CRD model is missing #9711
Bug 1989462 : MTV string changes #9705
Bug 1986297 : Windows guest tool is always mounted #9697
Bug 1986631 : Do not drop environment variables without name but with a value, also fix crash when ref is empty #9653
CONSOLE-2276 : Add relevant alerts to node and project overviews #9535
Bug 1975042 : added v2v config map to customize flow #9689
Bug 1985161 : Fix translation of incorrect addSecretDescription string within modal #9645
Bug 1989914 : [e2e][flaky] Increase timeout and adding non fail exit for delete resource #9721
Bug 1985850 : Default to the WaitForFirstConsumer volume binding mode for storage classes #9716
odc-6226-rename-the-tags-in-gherkin-lintrc #9707
Bug 1980531 : Remove check for two sections in help menu #9702
Migrate helm plugin to use dynamic extensions #9670
odc-6017-updated helm scripts with new page objects #9519
Monitoring dashboards: Add text filter to the Dashboards dropdown and the variable dropdowns #9431
Bug 1986495 : Add missing translation for deployment strategy #9643
Bug 1986502 : Fix previously deleted dragged files that show up in import yaml editor #9682
Bug 1989707 : Fixing Formik Promise.reject() issues by .resolve()-ing #9715
Convert task selection to quick search modal in pipeline builder #9583
Bug 1989143 : [e2e][automation] Add hostpath-provisioner-setup.yml used in release-4.8 tests #9699
Bug 1972966 : Virtualization is not available in Home Overview #9686
Bug 1988133 : Cypress - re-enable OLM globall install test #9681
Bug 1985164 : Regular user cannot restore VM snapshot #9693
Bug 1987169 : Cannot create network attachment definition while operator is installed. #9688
Bug 1986819 : fix string typos for hot-plug disks #9674
Bug 1985933 : Changed example label for image input #9626
odc-6192-updated the test-headless script in dev-console/package.json file #9579
Bug 1988812 : Delete test project after creating it #9691
persist dashboard selection #9545
Bug 1985724 : Added missing translations to Affinity rules and Toleration rules #9634
Bug 1988812 : [e2e][flaky] Don’t fail smoke tests if vm exist before test start #9687
Bug 1984807 : Move tooltip ‘Restore is only enabled for offline virtual machine’ to the button when it’s disabled #9673
Bug 1981399 : Fix failing KubeVirt Protractor e2e tests #9646
Bug 1983032 : localize the start guide and the impersonate banner #9542
Console 2537: Prompt the user to refresh on plugin change (API changes) #9265
Bug 1987047 : Open current console in new window #9669
Bug 1982653 : Internationalize Create Silence form time period dropdown #9665
Bug 1987152 : Deploy CNV for testing update #9580
Bug 1978202 : RH templates are always supported #9658
Bug 1965984 : Monitoring dashboards: Don’t load panels until they scroll into view #9677
Bug 1987289 : ODC-5030 - Gherkin Script Design #9662
Bug 1987199 : Fix to hide rollback action from action menu when there is only 1 helm-release revision #9625
Bug 1988092 : Cypress - disable OLM globall install test #9680
Bug 1978200 : use strict promoted template list #9661
Bug 1986803 : Add error boundary around each horizontal tab route (used in DetailsPage) #9659
Bug 1986676 : Fix Unique key warning issue in P/PLR details page #9639
Bug 1987198 : Fix to hide help text if helm chart install/upgrade dropdown is disabled #9612
Bug 1986754 : Internationalize chip group labels #9667
CONSOLE-2361 : update quickstarts to 1.1.0 #9650
Bug 1981272 : When deleting PVC inside PVC page the status in the heading doesn’t match the status field #9569
Bug 1986988 : Add button around pipeline builder icon to make popover accessibly via keyboard #9666
Bug 1986704 : add translation to Kafka Connection label #9631
Bug 1983091 : Logic for getting default pull secret incorrect on project page #9593
Bug 1986735 : Add inspect url to devconsole monitoring chart #9641
Expose Internal APIs #9230
Bug 1986729 : Mark sink title as required form field #9654
Bug 1986632 : Auto populate app name and resource name in deploy image form #9637
Bug 1986790 : Add disk modal gives error when not selecting storageClass #9590
Bug 1986680 : use patch over update for traffic split in serverless #9621
Bug 1986650 : Cypress: Globally installs Service Binding Operator operator fails at “Create Operand” step #9648
Bug 1986426 : Fixes for odf and ibm integration #9629
Bug 1972968 : “Add Disk” button should be disabled in common template disks tab #9622
Bug 1985846 : Adding ebs type “gp3” when create storage class from web console #9640
Bug 1976217 : Make resource details metrics tab cards fixed height and consistent styles #9633
Bug 1986493 : Change label from java commands to java arguments #9627
ODC-6008 : Automation of quick-start-devperspective #9474
Expose useResolvedExtensions as part of the stable API #9464
Bug 1986225 : add tests for vm snapshot feature #9589
Bug 1985895 : Fix table sorting #9635
Bug 1986253 : ODC-5584 - Application Groupings #9606
Bug 1982682 : Remove explicitly passed namespace #9623
Bug 1986127 : Fix topology crash while opening helm workload #9624
Bug 1985948 : (e2e)(flaky) vim fixture to import #9616
Bug 1977981 : Refactor OCS Dashboard to Support ODF Dashboard Abstraction #9603
Bug 1976939 : Interacting with CatalogSource page #9570
Bug 1985737 : Edit button boot order #9618
Bug 1985721 : Pencil button is missing at Scheduling and resources requirements fields #9615
Bug 1984297 : Description is now align and editable #9614
Bug 1985711 : Trimming whitespaces at container image input #9613
Add resource pages under ODF Nav Bar #9617
Add compression card to pool dashboard #9507
(feat) Add security and network step #9607
feature: add flashsystem external storage #9602
Show the Active Health Checks on OCS Dashboard #9426
(feat): Add create local volume set #9600
Add compression savings to pool list page #9457
CONSOLE-2912 : Convert resource.js to ts and add types #8947
Add list page for Storage Systems and Inject it via Horizontal Nav #9609
chore(OWNERS): add approvers #9611
ODC-6196 : Remove the serviceMesh folder and add OWNERS file to service-mesh folder #9608
Bug 1982727 : i18n misses in add trigger modal #9605
Support multi level json schema for kamelets creation dynamic forms #9576
Fix smoke action to pause VM via UI button instead of kubectl #9573
Migrate deployment list page and details page actions to use new extensions #9525
CONSOLE-2361 : Convert Bootstrap utility class show to PF equivalent #9515
Pool Dashbaord #9423
CONSOLE-2425 : Support localization of dynamic plugins #9196
Rebranding OCS to ODF #9604
Bug 1982692 : Fixes Knative Translation Confusion #9564
Bug 1982751 : i18n misses in move subscription modal #9595
ODC-5577 : Topology chart view automation #9399
Bug 1973565 : Add create resource extension #9395
CONSOLE-2838 : masthead changes to better align with ACM #9396
Replaced CDROM and rootDisk names, revised a translation #9584
Add unit tests using react-testing-library for edit-deployment #9461
CONSOLE-2904 : Allow disabling dynamic plugins via query parameter #9363
Create extensible git service utility #9341
Update @patternfly/quickstarts to latest version #9588
Add react-router react-router-dom react-helmet as shared modules #9586
(feat): Add capacity and nodes step and review step to ODF wizard #9581
ODC-6127 : Fix missing build status translation in topology sidebar #9572
fix source image test #9557
CONSOLE-2361 : tidy base styles #9556
CONSOLE-2361 : remove orphaned styles #9555
Fix Pipeline Download All #9533
disable duck type EventSource/Channel discovery in multicluster environment #9522
Pool list page #9252
(fix): Fix wizard requests #9585
CNV-11416 : Added MTV to virtualization screen #9568
Fix cypress olm flake #9567
(feat): Allow only object storage deployment #9563
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove orphaned Bootstrap and PatternFly styles #9524
copy shared hooks to kubevirt #9501
Add a tooltip to certified badge in helm catalog #9372
CONSOLE-2810 : Update react-jsonschema-form package #9261
Bug 1984156 : chore(i18n): update translations #9562
remove color variation spotlight wrapper #9413
create vm by using customize wizard #9497
Bug 1977936 : OCS deployment using Multus: UI allows StorageCluster creation with empty public and cluster network in “Internal - Attached Devices” #9541
Bug 1983707 : filter null yaml objects before validating to prevent undefined exception #9558
Bug 1978421 : String updates (typos, etc.) #9480
ODC-6159 : Update quickstarts to fix missing shadow when user can scroll content #9550
CNV-6071 : UI for VM disk hot-plug #9410
ODC-6128 : Fix form footer shadow #9527
(doc): Fix urls in contribution guide #9552
Bug 1984031 : Monitoring: Fix Created by field when refreshing Create Silence form #9551
Bug 1966499 : Switch Cypress OLM tests to use supported Red Hat operators #9420
CONSOLE-2805 : Improve visibility of Operator installation status #9346
copy pod types and resource utils to kubevirt #9548
copy shared patch builder to kubevirt #9505
CNV-11794 : Switch UI internal implementation to use SC profile resources instead of SC config map #9529
CONSOLE-2361 : Conversion of Bootstrap text alignment class to PF utility classes #9512
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove Bootstrap 3/PatternFly 3 button, button-group styles #9458
copy shared test utils to kubevirt #9503
Bug 1982997 : Add translation a page title for import yaml #9547
Bug 1982776 : Namespaces - RoleBindings - Edit ClusterRoleBinding subject : An incomprehensible Japanese translation #9546
(feat): Add an interface for external vendors to contribute the UI #9502
Add support for eventing broker creation #9394
CNV-11122 : Windows Sysprep #9351
Bug 1983220 : Fix pod terminal second scrollbar when user reduce the window size #9534
CONSOLE-2361 : Replace Bootstrap float utility class with PF equivalent #9517
CONSOLE-2361 : remove and replace Bootstrap close styles and consolidate close button code #9531
Bug 1981417 : Change OCM links from cloud. to #9469
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove Bootstrap 3/PatternFly 3 dropdown styles #9459
Remove TechPreviewBadge from Arbiter feature #9523
Bug 1982150 : Add a TechPreviewBadge for Multus #9511
Add RBAC check on view shortcuts actions #9434
fix crashing ui due invalid yaml structure for task workspaces #9282
Bug 1980704 : Web console doesn’t list all the registries credentials in a secret #9472
fix when expression tooltip for failed task #9498
Bug 1982659 : Workloads - Jobs ‘Type’ column’s Value ‘Non-parallel’ is in English #9526
ODC-5581 : Topology Filter Bar - Display Options Automation #9482
Move QuickSearch to Shared Package #9476
ODC-6064 : Update PatternFly to fix unexpected spacing below topology toolbar #9453
ODC-6023 : update devconsole-ci-tests #9361
Fix fuzzy text (pending task name) in pipeline run visualization #9520
Show evicted pods last in resources tab for topology side panel #9383
fix resource limit form validation #9489
Fix a11y file input form issue, for example when creating a Secret #9500
Fix a11y form errors when import a container image #9499
Bug 1982079 : Translate utilization card tooltip #9513
ODC-6147 : updating and frontend/package.json files #9490
Bug 1982376 : Remove modal box header override now that upstream issue has been fixed #9488
Bug 1982376 : Remove button overrides now that upstream issue has been fixed #9487
Bug 1982376 : Remove app-launcher alignment fix now that upstream supports position… #9485
Bug 1982376 : Remove update overrides now that upstream issues have been fixed #9484
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove orphaned Bootstrap 3 input-group styles #9462
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove orphaned PatternFly 3 notifications drawer, too… #9460
CONSOLE-2361 : Update react-catalog-view-extension to version that does not require PatternFly 3 #9419
Bug 1980257 : Remove kube admin notifier for kubeadmin crc user #9428
Bug 1982090 : Translate resource names in top consumers dropdown #9510
copy shared annotations and namespace key to kubevirt #9504
consolidate kubevirt cypress tests for d/s #9496
Making sure ISO flow is now working, both upload and import #9481
CONSOLE-2361 : Remove orphaned patternfly-react 3 styles and patternfly-react 3 depe… #9452
CONSOLE-2361 : Conversion of bootstrap table column and visibility classes to similar PF4 classes #9440
Bug 1972011 : Fix time range for drag & drop in devconsole monitoring #9314
ODC-6140 : Removed dotnet related gherkin script from this pipelines plugin folder #9493
Set add page background based on active namespace #9468
(feat): Setup create storage system wizard #9438
Remove NotStartedIcon as it is available in PatternFly #9494
use quickstarts library #9069
Bug 1964941 : Increase HTTP plugin proxy request timeout #9486
remove hard coded model versions from kubevirt #9349
move connectToFlags to avoid circular dependency #9483
Bug 1981882 : Update CatalogSource not found message #9491
Bug 1967047 : Add new HealthState to signify an operator is upgradable in the cluster dashboard #9475
Skip empty categories (id and label) in OperatorHub tab view #9479
CNV-6393 : [dev] add the status icon next to the VM name to the VM details page #9473
NETOBSERV-4 Create NetworkPolicy dialog #8655
change placeholder text for external registry input field in container image form #9411
import remaining kubevirt selectors #9466
Removes Pipeline Graph alignment setting #9425
Bug 1978429 : Swapped coma for semi-colon in error strings #9424
move ObjectEnum from console-shared to kubevirt #9444
Bug 1979996 : Monitoring dashboards: Support units for graph Y-axes #9455
Bug 1980548 : Add missing plugin locales folders to webpack config #9451
Update devconsole empty state pages #9362
Feature flag MultiClusterHub and disable Web Terminal #9340
add vm clone and migration tests #9296
Bug 1967979 : Masthead Dropdowns options are not accessible via the keyboard #9397
Bug 1977595 : pseudo translation missing on OperatorHub page #9450
Migrate Helm actions on topology to use the new extensions #9313
Bug ODC-6126- login function fix #9448
Bug 1978225 : add alert when new IDP is added #9446
Bug 1979114 : Don’t override template api in cusomtization wizard and demo yaml #9412
Rename monitoring tab to Observe #9418
Bug 1978222 : make Users list empty state message more clear #9437
Cypress: Updated isPseudoLocalized() to correctly process multiple elements #9385
Bug 1904155 : Make utilization chart domain match duration #9096
Bug 1979571 : end shell process when exiting the terminal #9443
CONSOLE-2828 : Convert Table to React.FC #8756
Small changes and fixes for the advanced tab #9445
Add an option to choose to use template size pvc or not #9441
implement console-shared utils and selectors in kubevirt #9433
Gherkin: unique url quick starts #9427
Bug 1977037 : VNC console stays in Connecting state #9400
Deploy versioned HCO for prow #9430
Add Monitoring i18n tests #9368
Bug 1978416 : convert tfunction to Trans function #9436
Fix NaN warning issue in request input size component #9415
Bug 1978724 : Add cypress tests for key/value secrets with binary, ascii, and unicode values. #9387
Bug 1970332 : Fix page disappearing issue while creating sc for rbd provisioner #9231
Bug 1978425 : Consolidate namespaces in plugins #9421
adds access-review on upload jar extension #9408
create topology side panel using dynamic plugin extensions #9306
fixes i18n miss in pubsub modal #9404
adds support for domainMappings to serverless deployment #9391
Don’t show error message when all add actions are disabled #9416
Bug 1978403 : Fix bracket regression #9422
Bug 1979620 : Parent descriptors don’t overwrite children #9417
Bug 1970011 : Fix edge case for “managed by” links #9331
Fix i18n issue for submit label in delete resource modal #9406
Show N/A when catalog side panel property detail is not available #9405
Fix i18n issue on edit health checks page #9407
Cypress: disable OLM single install (couchbase operator) test #9414
update the text for Knative Service to Serverless Deployment #9375
Bug 1978403 : chore(i18n): update translations #9384
CONSOLE-2829 : Convert list page to ts #8792
Add optional checks in health checks probes #9382
PF update packages to 2021.8 #9309
remove usage of digest from helm catalog item uid #9364
Use action group extensions for group/submenus and create new action menu components using PF menu #9365
Automation: Filter quick starts catalog #9347
CONSOLE-2152 : Improve upgrade messaging when ClusterVersion Upgradeab… #9329
Bug 1973333 : Adjust PO generation script #9393
Fix a11y issues and re-enable cypress ace checks again #9360
updated regex for resource name validation and convert to kebabCase if name is not valid #9373
Fix a11y warnings in External mode #9356
cnv-8975: follow up #9378
Monitoring: Add missing key
prop in PrometheusTemplate #9377
Bug 1977655 : Use double brackets for Volume Mode localization #9380
add popover to pod status in overview panel #9371
Show selected namespace in the Add page links #9374
Fix CPU Usage query in dev console monitoring #9358
verify virtio-win-image of windows vm #9369
Bug 1973065 : Preserve user annotations while editing an app #9315
CONSOLE-2403 : Add a UI for enabling and disabling plugins under Cluster Settings #8919
Fix that BuildConfig webhook URL overflows secret column #9366
Update class names for terminal to avoid clash with markdown code styles #9370
cnv-8975: Enable online VM snapshots in the UI #9367
Bug 1967516 : Adjusting to new reference models changes #9354
convert kubevirt topology extensions to dynamic #9355
CONSOLE-2386 : Add node types filter to Cluster utilization card on cluster dashboard #8800
Fix accessibility issue in Quick starts page-Buttons must have discernible text #9339
docs: improve README #9348
Bug 1974755 : i18n default status strings #9312
Fix full screen loading indicator when routes are loaded lazy (or components uses React.Suspense) #9297
tablecolumnclass updates public plugin PR 4 #9234
Bug 1964786 : Fix SerialConsole display bug #9352
Bug 1976582 : Supported Storage message link directs to Import from VMware #9350
Bug 1975696 : compareOwnerReference should not accept a reference #9336
Fix typo in const pedingPhases #9344
Bug 1968525 : Warning - Operator Details page duplicate keys #9171
Bug 1973160 : Query Browser: Gracefully handle string
type query results #9337
Bug 1975913 : fix optional workspace checkbox check/uncheck #9319
Bug 1970980 : Remove usage of i18nKey in Trans components #9226
Bug 1961391 : Textual Updates #9333
add KindResourcePage dynamic extension #9286
Sysprep for advanced editor #9338
Bug 1974611 : Boot source title #9316
Monitoring: Remove Prometheus UI link and SERVER_FLAGS.*PublicURL entries #9283
Bug 1974083 : When branding is not redhat, no need to explicitly mark community support. #9302
Bug 1972003 : Monitoring dashboards: Custom time range fixes #9288
Bug 1975232 : VM Create YAML page 404 error #9327
Bug 1973338 : Fix punctuation in pvc upload size warning #9295
Update example placeholder for labels section of odc add flows #9269
Monitoring: Clean up logic for whether to show Monitoring in nav #9328
Monitoring dashboards: Dropdowns default to “All” if present #9324
Bug 1975478 : Fix to persist YAML Editor success message #9320
Pipeline Builder recognizes ‘display name’ errors as form errors #9291
Bug 1972060 : Fix typo in olm message #9272
Bug 1973340 : chore(i18n): update translations #9292
Correcting gherkin script #9305
Update table classes for kube-virt, ceph-storage, bare-metal and network attachment #9053
refactor sorting utils from add-page-utils #9318
Bug 1971532 : remove title attribute when value is uid or same as name #9307
Fix HealthCheckProbeData type #9300
add kubevirt pvc upload test #9186
Fix that try sample and show adv option buttons could be clicked without Git URL in different import flows #9290
Bug 1974689 : In customize create vm wizard, warning on vm missing model #9311
Bug 1970604 : Add IDP menu items are not translated #9308
Bug 1973336 : Use double brackets for Volume Mode locales #9303
Replacing all cloudinit form #9304
Use different suffix for pipeline secret if annotation already exists #9260
add dynamic sdk support for topology extensions #9055
Remove declaration for DashboardOverviewUtilizationItem from all sdks #9205
fix storageclass issue in VCT form #9259
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #9281
update tableClasses in public plugin 3rd PR #9136
Update ProjectsLink to use link instead of button #9262
convert intervalDropdown component to use patternfly dropdown component #9285
Bug 1969546 : Set OLM install modal body padding to 0 so that our scroll shadows are positioned at the bottom of the modal #9278
Fix for protractor CRD ConsoleNotification & ConsoleExternalLogLink extensions test flakes #9289
Fix flickering by reducing the column count update with a threshold #9280
Bug 1890676 : Fix different a11y issues in catalog, quick starts, admin dashboard and pipeline builder #9189
fixes Link to
prop path for CatalogTypeSelector #9287
Bug 1967885 : Creating a VM from the UI on OKD 4.7 fails #9258
fixes: Serverless deployments are not shown in topology Consumption mode #9274
Bug 1963943 : Add terminal tab for BMN #9040
Fix the Git URL field in the Devfile form #9244
Bug 1964902 improve display of network policies #9157
Fix override of the style in monitoring custom time range modal #9267
Fix sample list flickering in the getting started card on the add page #9263
Bug 1971032 : chore(i18n): update translations #9223
Bug 1967047 : Console overview operators shown upgrading when still waiting on approval #9264
Fix for ConsoleExternalLogLink CRD protractor flake #9273
Fix catalog tile links and default behaviour with ctrl+click #9257
Bug 1972514 : KSVC - adds check for status in ksvc in util logic #9268
Unable to edit the default Health check probe values #9237
Capitalize help text for when expressions in the task sidebar #9235
Bug 1967658 : improve failure alert for copied CSV #9233
Bug 1912929 : i18n missed items in Storage overview #9239
Fix to mark required fields in PipelineBuilderForm #9255
fixes kafka connection sidebar resource to show secret resource if exist #9250
Upgrade PF packages to latest version #9249
fixes Loading indicator alignment on eventsources form #9248
Bug 1972016 : Fix time range issue for devconsole monitoring dashboard #9246
Add actions menu for Kafka Connection side panel #9243
Add error boundary in edit-flows #9253
Always use http protocol for gitlab host #9247
Fix monitoring error box alignment #9245
Bug 1908772 : Fix a11y violation: Dev Console Nav Menu UL contains non-LI elements #9215
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #9241
Enable import order eslint rule and fix related lint errors #9120
Bug 1971544 : adds check for kamelet source in provider #9236
Bug 1971499 : Do not render samples column and helm link when add page customization disabled them #9228
cnv-5162: [dev] change mouse cursor and add URL to results step #9112
Bug 1949019 : - PersistentVolumes page cannot sync project status automatically which will block user to create PV #8726
Bug 1967667 : Update translations for Sprint 202 (first half) #9135
No color change on Add card hover #9159
Bug 1965909 : Replace “Enable Taint Nodes” by “Mark nodes as dedicated” #9078
(fix): Hide RGW storage class in add capacity modal #9225
Update Web Terminal custom resources to use v1alpha2 #9144
Bug 1967639 : fixes: console whitescreens if user settings fails to load #9153
Block pool deletion testing - cypress #8661
adds feature flag for revision decorator plugin #9219
Fix quick starts label text #9218
Fix a11y issue in virtualized tables with sortable headers and redesigned add page #9217
translate the page heading in the edit flow #9214
Bug 1963027 : Upload qcow2 too PVC to small #9179
Refactor multiple-storage-class-selection tests #9123
Bug 1966672 : Update translations for Sprint 201 #9104
ODC-5922 : pipeline workspaces script fixes #9115
ODC-5918 : fixed the create from builder image feature scripts #9211
ODC-5920 : Fixing Pipeline runs scripts #9109
Install workflows - textual updates based on doc review #8197
ODC-5954 : Clean up code for 4.8 release #9212
Filter disabled add actions for topology menus #9210
Add support for default repo overwrites #9001
CONSOLE-1338 : Add support for multiple documents when importing YAML #8865
CONSOLE-2384 : Add metrics tab to select resources #8763
Bug 1970381 : Monitoring dashboards: Custom time range inputs should retain values #9204
Remove ' from the text #9203
replace storage cluster with StorageCluster in external dashboard #9202
CNV-6896 : New IP’s popover for multi ip’s #9201
show Stop
pipelinerun action if any of the tasks is running #9200
Gherkin updation for topology and pipeline #9195
fix guided tour spotlight #9193
Bug 1969891 : fix rotated pipelinerun status icon issue in safari #9188
Updating the quick starts gherkin scripts with respect to latest UX #9187
Update helm OWNERS #9181
Fix rendering of add-capacity modal for smaller screen #9178
Update hard coded colors to PF tokens and vars #9164
Bug 1933101 : Add chart URl to annotations during helm install/upgrade #9161
GitOps environment UI page validation #9150
Service mesh #9141
add vm creation to smoke tests #8997
fix(OCS dashboard): s/namesapce/namespace/ prometheus query typos #8863
Block pool update testing - cypress #8660
handles route decorator for revision #9209
Bug 1890678 : Fix different accessibility in developer catalog, topology and pipelines #9124
Bug 1955220 : Bump postcss #8838
Bug 1969951 : update cluster-local label for ksvc #9197
Bug 1969386 : deprecated metric kubevirt_vmi_storage_traffic_bytes_total #9182
Replace storage class with StorageClass #9176
Restructure Knative Plugin #9194
Deploy new version of FormWithEditor. #9191
Bug 1967275 : Prevent awkward wrap of icons with getting started links and buttons #9184
Fix issue with selected capacity donut chart #9156
kubevirt: Add ci scripts #9152
add unique name to the radio buttons to avoid name collision #9146
ODC 5908-Helm update test cases #9114
Bug 1966677 : Change comma to semicolon #9110
ODC-5917 : Fix the scripts for create-from-add-options feature #9103
Console-2857: port protractor Overview list tests #8967
Bug 1969900 : Move testing CRDs from v1beta1 to v1 #9131
Bug 1936788 : Fix for RBD + RWX Access Mode UI issue #8380
Topology - Connecting Workloads using Edit Annotations #9177
kubevirt e2e: Scroll dev console add+ tab to bottom #9175
fix pipeline graph height restriction issue #9173
Tier-1 test cases for KMS workflow #7683
Update gherkin files according to test defenition implementation #9151
Bug 1967207 : Update “Getting started resources” links #9121
Add pipeline annotation to secrets for private git repo import with pipeline #9058
Fix project access reload and form footer #8940
Bug 1967316 : Sweep frontend/public folder for i18n - part 1 #7720
Bug 1967234 : Console is continuously polling for ConsoleLink acm-link #9169
Bug 1963209 : Some strings in public.json have errors #9170
Inline Event Listener URL #9166
Bug 1966684 : Fix creating snapshot for claim <name> string #9163
update eventsources static model version to latest supported #9154
Update the name and value titles to primary texts #9132
Explicitly touch pipeline builder task fields when workspaces are changed #9130
add cypress automation script for pipeline builder #9128
Bug 1969284 : Query Browser: Fix resetting the zoom after dragging to zoom #9174
Add error boundary to topology page #9167
Omit bitbucket branch in URL if it contains slash #9111
ODC-5915 : update create from git feature scripts #9165
Block pool management page capitalization #9099
CNV-6685 : UI: Add preallocation option to advanced VM disk parameters #9079
Bug 1965391 : Skip to 3rd step when SC present #9077
Bug 1966077 : Don’t show empty hidden fields on operand details page #9168
Allow passing additional arguments to #9162
Bug 1966487 : Update IP address on pods list to show podIP other than … #9089
Bug 1967717 : Rename Insights to Insights Advisor and add missing paragraph #9139
Bug 1934229 : Improve performance of ToolbarFilter #8821
Resized Perspective Switcher to match height of side Nav Items #9160
ODC-5013 : Epic Automation #9155
Bug 1967713 : Show link to the OCM landing page when cluster ID is missing #9138
Add Codeready Workspaces feature files. #9113
Bug 1966675 : Update Image Stream to ImageStream #9137
Bug 1888517 : Text changes in expand PVC modal #8788
Bug 1961391 : String updates #9017
Remove tabIndex from scrollable containers to fix keyboard scroll issue #9140
Bug 1967276 : Remove tooltips from masthead toolbar #9134
ODC-5916 : Fix the pipeline triggers scripts #9106
Fix isSubmitting logic of formik forms #8984
Revert unintended changes during translations #9145
fixes: WebTerminal widget should send resize events #8909
pipeline builder cleanup #9143
Bug 1942125 : add i18n for serverless breadcrumbs #9107
fixes: multiline code snippet buttons doesn’t work properly #9105
CONSOLE-2769 : Remove console plugin on operator uninstall #8895
test: test pseudolocalization of all pages in CRUD tests #9129
Make string interpolated in PROGRESS_STATUS function for i18n #9147
Gherkin: customization of available roles in project membership #9133
ODC-5919 : Pipeline Actions script fixes #9108
fix terminal new tab redirect #9059
Block pool creation testing - cypress #8657
Bug 1957457 : Support secondary text in ResourceDropdown #8973
Bug 1967208 : Use semver to parse version for “Getting started” card #9122
Bug 1967316 : Sweep frontend/public folder for i18n - part 2 (was CONSOLE-2474) #7670
Allow installation storageClass as default in the add capacity modal #9084
Bug 1967197 : Fix 404 errors loading i18n namespaces #9119
handles check for kafkasource update with managed kafka #9116
ODC 5914 update addflow gherkin scripts #9098
Bug 1964902 : rework network policy details page #9102
Gherkin: Devfile samples should be included in Samples catalog & “searchable” via Topology #9062
Bug 1960612 : Make filesystem queries use all devices #8978
Bug 1938903 : Monitoring dashboards: Add “Custom time range” modal #8701
ODC-5910 : update kafka event source feature file #9092
Bug 1942736 : update Admin resource translations to new standard #9094
Bug 1966520 : Add button from ocs add capacity should not be enabled if there are no PV’s #9097
Bug 1935087 : Align Arbiter text with the new behaviour introduced by BZ #1928319 #9019
Disable portworx operator Cypress test until upstream version change is merged #9100
Update failure_domain field of block pool from storage cluster CR #9093
Fix traffic splitting modal crashing UI with no revision loaded #9091
updates kafka source gherkin script #9090
Update OWNERS for Insights Advisor plugin #9080
Fix keyboard scroll issue of namespaced pages #9068
remove visual fix that was breaking patternfly table #9049
update table column classes for pipeline, helm, revision #8936
Bug 1962429 : Images are now saved in redux and can be accessed earlier in vm creation #9065
Bug 1966401 : Revamp Ceph Table in Install Wizard flow #9087
Supplement: Add and update data-test for new add page #8998
show helptext for workspaces in start pipeline form #9081
Increase timeout for deployment created in OBC test. #9082
Missing parens in the Last deployment column (#5899) #9075
ODC-5859 : Add owners to web terminal features folder #9000
Bug 1951043 : Fix Pipeline Parameters in Modals accept empty string defaults #9074
ODC-5837 : Add owners file to service mesh features folder #8928
ODC-5898 : Configuring gherkin-lintrc file #9072
Bug 1926029 : Disable snapshot save button when save isn’t possible #8962
ODC-5895 : Fixed Gherkin linter errors in Dev Console folder #9071
Bug 1964756 : PVC status is always in Bound status when it is actually cloning #9067
Bug 1964472 : Make project and namespace requirements more visible rather than giving me an error after submission #9060
Fix the alignment of success ratio and pipeline run count chart #9022
ODC-5863 : github templates #9014
Bug 1965116 : Add max height to resource and filter drop downs #9061
Bug 1964997 : Removing library charts from the merged helm repo index entries. #9035
Bug 1963213 : Fixed bug in Memsource download script #9024
Add page loading indicator #8974
Add tooltips to masthead icons and remove hover state from notification #9041
PF Update to 2021-6 #8937
Fix git type dropdown reset issue #9056
PR 9051 review: Replace “RAW” by “Raw” in “Raw Capacity” card. #9063
show menuaction label over model label on multiTabListPage create options #9048
Change alignment of actions on the add page on small screens #9046
Fix git type dropdown showing while form is submitting #9045
Minor typo corrections #8982
CONSOLE-2223 : Past logs for selected container on pod logs tab. #8896
adding console.topology extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8847
Improve form validation and allow optional resources and workspaces #8832
Monitoring dashboards: Show dashboard’s tags in Dashboards dropdown #8728
fix react-refresh not initiating on dev server #9057
Force en_US locale for jest tests #9052
Added Test Case IDs #9050
Bug 1957756 : Missing already replaced condition in disk modal #9025
Gherkin Script Design: ODC-5013(Add Page Modification) #9026
Bug 1942614 : Externalization in storage menu navigation #8954
Use same icon in status and list #9043
fixes minimize/restore tooltip for web terminal #9037
Bug 1924916 : PVC reported as Uploading when it is actually cloning #9033
Bug 1962569 : Show NetworkPolicy egress rules #9032
Adds tests for namespace bucket classes #8721
Correcting some nits in gherkin #9039
Bug 1947663 : Disable BMN disks tab when LSO is installed #9036
fix kafka connections topology sidebar heading #9034
Bug 1908169 : The example of Import URL is “Fedora cloud image list” for all templates. #9031
Bug 1934304 : Change query for top consumer pods in Nodes Page Memory Pressure popover #9030
convert kubevirt dashboard extensions to dynamic #9029
fixes scrollbar issue over topology on file drag #9016
Bug 1963267 : Fix console warnings about classnames when rendering volumes table #9007
Removed references to Protractor tests which no longer exist #8993
Wording changes in vm status #9042
Add getting started section to the admin cluster dashboard #8951
fixes terminal loading screen height on safari #9027
Fix scrollbar height issue in pod terminal #9020
adding dynamic plugin sdk support for dashboard extensions #8837
Bug 1963211 : Kubevirt i18n typo #9009
Fix number spinner in NumberSizeInput without default values #9023
Bug 1957982 : Make disabled action items not clickable and focusable #9018
Bug 1963896 : Add PVC link to disk table #9021
converting yaml-templates extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8400
Bug 1963502 : Add tooltip to creat new template kebab action item #9011
Gherkin: QuickStarts-enhanced-capabilities #8927
Gherkin:Add certification filter and certified badge in helm catalog #8945
Bug 1947311 : Run discovery directly on nodes #8591
Bug 1963676 : Vm wizard choose os not template #9012
adjust styles of add page and getting started to align with UX #9008
Bug 1963159 : Add Sprint 200 translations #9004
Bug 1955803 : OperatorHub duplicate item details and empty infraFeatures #9006
Bug 1961897 : Remove history listener before console UI is unmounted #8969
Bug 1963219 : i18n ImageStreamTag page #9005
Auto focus first input field of import forms #8996
Bug 1945312 : Fix project deletion issue and reset active namespace #9003
Bug 1962153 : fix VolumeSnapshot routes #8979
Bug 1961829 : Fix quick start prerequisites getting truncated #8994
Gherkin: Implement the support needed for managed kafka connection, Visualisation of the serverless function in topology and Connection from kafka source to kafka connection #8891
ODC-5854 : updated helm automation scripts #8981
Add helm config export in oc-environment script #8910
Topology-Edit Workload and Resource Type #8988
Gherkin for making deployment/deployment-config serverless #8972
Bug 1960534 : Monitoring dashboards: Always allow custom format for tooltip entries #8986
Bug 1962256 : Use shiny new rhel8 image in yaml #8985
pipelinerun visualisation for status PipelineRunPending #8664
Fix golang detection regex to only match .go files #8992
Add getting started section to the add page in developer perspective #8950
Bug 1949338 : show the content of Insights widget when there are 0 recommendations for cluster #8989
fix dev-catalog type tooltip #8965
Bug 1908169 : The example of Import URL is “Fedora cloud image list” for all templates. #8920
Bug 1960129 : Add smoke tests to verify pages are able to load #8916
Redesign add page to follow masonry layout #8867
Fix duplicate helm charts not showing up in catalog #8983
Bug 1962256 : virt: use the new rhel8 image as an example #8980
Bug 1961363 : remove extra space in string #8977
Remove guards from Core OCS Operator API Pages #8976
Bug 1961675 : Hide TaskRun edit actions for rows in Pipelinerun’s TaskRun tab #8960
Bug 1949889 : Enables text input for volume count in backingstore page #8748
Bug 1962062 : Monitoring dashboards: Allow variable dropdowns to default to “All” #8975
Re enable customize boot source tests #8959
ODC- 5807-Update add flow automation scripts #8911
Bug 1961393 : Use K8sModel as kindObj if available #8888
Bug 1917328 : Default to current namespace for non-common templates #8939
remove quick starts check on Add page #8970
Bug 1961878 : Add Sprint 199 translations #8912
Bug 1932472 : Allow ManagedFields Code Folding on Form/YAML Switcher #8964
Bug 1961356 : Switch to double quotes in translation #8963
Bug 1961466 : Some dropdown placeholder text on route creation page is not translated #8961
Bug 1961452 : Monitoring: Remove “Alertmanager UI” link #8952
Fix pipelinerun and taskrun log snippet message for timeout issue #8907
Bug 1943238 : Display olm conditions descriptors in their own page section on operand details pages #8882
Fix tooltip on pipelineRunCount and TaskRunDuration graphs based of P… #8868
Bug 1924729 : Create Storageclass for CephFS provisioner assumes incorrect default FSName in external mode #8825
CONSOLE-2506 : Added ‘Advanced Cluster Management’ to Perspective Switcher #8199
Bug 1954460 : The status of “Used Capacity Breakdown [Pods]” is “Not available” #8955
Convert form field help uses of Popover to FieldLevelHelp #8856
Add tests for creating custom templates from common templates #8428
Bug 1950916 : added warning message when vm is paused on console page and the option to pause a machine from kebab menu #8957
Bug 1961336 : Remove the broken Devfile Sample for BuildConfigs #8948
Adding support to consume latest stable images of ocs operator #8924
Bug 1960683 : Fix hot loop in global config page #8934
CONSOLE-2855 : Cypress: port protractor Storage tests #8923
Bug 1897621 : Auth test.Login times out - Wait for Cluster Auth Operator to start and finish Progressing ‘test’ IDP before e2e tests starts #8820
Fix to hide object updated alert on reload in yaml view #8946
fix helm rollback form footer alignment #8933
Updated helm chart annotations namespace #8908
Bug 1960531 : Monitoring dashboards: Fix bug where panels could be duplicated #8943
CONSOLE-2527 : Sprint 198 translations #8720
Fix gitlab & bitbucket builder image detection #8879
fixes issue with create menuitems on serverless, pipelines nav options #8938
Bug 1961064 : Fix documentation link to network policies #8869
Topology - Delete Workload #8942
Bug 1954105 : Update Taskrun tab to make namespace based calls #8860
GitOps: Add Sync Status and Latest Deployment Time to List Page (751) #8931
Bug 1942117 : i18n Add Storage page #8932
Fix crashing of VM Templates page #8922
Bug 1960089 : CamelCase ImageStream related pages and breadcrumb #8917
Fix Uncaught TypeError for OCS Internal mode #8906
fixes monitoring nav route for dev perspective #8929
Pipeline i18n refactor #8894
ODC-5364 : Consolidate plugins/index.js file in cypress framework #8325
ODC-5803 : epic automation for workspaces #8836
Bug 1958753 : added a check on vmiProp #8899
Bug 1951486 : replace metrics queries #8904
Bug 1920307 : changed comparison type #8902
Bug 1959550 : Overly generic CSS rules for dd and dt elements breaks styling elsewhere in console #8901
Bug 1957756 : Fix key value in replacement object #8880
update dnd icon #8848
Followup to PR #8843 #8918
Bug 1960059 : Monitoring dashboards: Remove the “Grafana UI” link #8900
Added missing icons to VM states and removing popup when no actual message available #8886
Bug 1958868 : Depracte isvmready #8875
Bug 1926776 : “Template support” modal appears when select the RHEL6 common template #8905
Bug 1930007 : Allow multiple selection on resources drop down #8877
Bug 1940318 : Monitoring dashboards: Support colored text for single values #8921
GitOps- Convert list card view to table view #8804
Bug 1958811 : KubeVirt v1 GA api #8874
CONSOLE-2847 : Cypress: port protractor Filtering tests #8913
Bug 1935814 : Fix row heights when additional columns in the pod & node list page have long text #8851
CONSOLE-2508 : Memsource automation #8819
adds devfile provider for dev catalog #8812
Bug 1959916 : Make console works against api proxy #8872
Bug 1959519 : Fix typo in OperandDetails components #8893
Bug 1959041 : “Troubleshoot” link doesn’t exist after scaling down OSD pod #8898
Topology List View Automation #8884
Fix node-v15 pipeline test failures #8892
Add devfile samples to samples catalog #8794
Bug 1946243 : Fix pool creation timout issue when PG count is limit is… #8689
Bug 1958679 : Disable pool compression via UI #8897
Add Devfile Sample Endpoint #8687
Navigate user to respective catalog-page on pressing enter while focused on quick-add view-all link #8890
Bug 1957590 : Translation of cluster updating message #8889
Bug 1958439 : fixes issue with html5 required validation for dynamic forms #8887
give feedback when modal submit is clicked #8855
Bug 1952832 : Enable external mode for IBM cloud #8790
Bug 1942715 : Fix User Management i18n misses #8786
Fix that boolean values (esp. false) are not loaded and synced correctly #8885
Bug 1957561 : lack of pseudolocalization for some text on Cluster Setting #8883
Bug 1957895 : Cypress helper projectDropdown.shouldContain is not an assertion #8878
Bug 1950460 : Change Request size input to a number spinner input #8713
Adding login template strings for translation #8587
Bug 1885242 : Disables the clone button if no storage class available #8744
Update prow deployment script #8608
chore(OWNERS): add christianvogt to root OWNERS file #8881
Bug 1952487 : Template filter does not work properly #8843
Added an icon prop to the HealthItem component, can now override default icon #8876
Bug 1942117 : Fix Workloads i18n misses #8505
Bug 1957967 : Increase specificity of listPage.row.clickRowByName #8866
Make multus public network optional #8834
Replaces OCS with storage in storage overiew page #8849
SSH strings changes #8871
Bug 1924968 : Monitoring: Add some missing translations #8048
ODC-5592 : CI implementation for pipelines #8320
CONSOLE-2774 : Consolidate i18n namespaces k-m #8805
CONSOLE-2775 : Consolidate i18n namespaces n-r #8806
Show roles in project access page based on customization #8672
CONSOLE-2776 : Consolidate i18n namespaces s-z #8808
Fix noobaa-namespace-store and noobaa-backing-store dropdown #8675
Bug 1956920 : can’t open terminal for pods that have more than one co… #8853
Bug 1957756 : Device Replacemet UI, The status of the disk is “replacement ready” before I clicked on “start replacement” #8864
Bug 1937102 : i18n Pod Containers, labels #8441
Yaml editor with connected form fields #8862
add new approvers to console frontend OWNERS #8854
fixes default image for operator backed list view #8840
Add customized project access list to server flags #8502
Fix Dev perspective nav items #8861
externalize OCS #8857
Add functionality to edit d/dc via form or yaml interchangeably #8723
Bug 1940206 : i18n details page text #8407
Bug 1955803 : OperatorHub - console accepts any value for infraFeatures #8844
Make FieldLevelHelp button identifiable for testing #8858
Use latest WebTerminal plugin instead of 4.5.0 #8795
converting navigation extensions to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8438
Add popover to storage in overview status card #8835
Fix the add support annotations script #8846
Bug 1930007 : Filter dropdown doesn’t support multi selection #8802
Bug 1956353 : Fix analyze script #8845
Bug 1942548 : i18n translation of create route form #8747
adding console.dashboards extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8339
convert kubevirt page extensions to dynamic #8839
adding sdk support for dynamic page extensions #8826
adding console.pages extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8818
Plugin SDK: Improve TS diagnostics reporting when parsing TS files #8831
Reducer - convert extensions from static to dynamic #7854
Bug 1944761 : Use FieldLevelHelp component instead of Popover #8793
Bump SDK dependencies: ts-json-schema-generator, typescript #8828
multiline pipeline params: remove max height for multilined fields #8797
Remove spaces between Pipeline Kinds translations #8644
Provide add page customization config object as server flag and hide actions from the Add page #8643
CONSOLE-2773 : Consolidate E-I namespaces #8280
Bug 1954566 : Cannot update a component (UtilizationCard
) error #8833
Bug 1891696 : [LSO] Add capacity UI does not check for node present in selected storageclass #8754
show all visited tasks of quickstart, change icon of failed tasks #8757
Bug 1944674 : Project field become to “All projects” and disabled #8811
Add when expression in pipeline builder #8779
Revert “Disable Alertmanager e2e tests” #8824
Split cloud-init component to different logic and view components #8817
add support for login with normal user #8809
CONSOLE-2351 Add a “Wrap lines” toggle to log viewers #8683
CONSOLE-2772 : Consolidate A-D i18n namespaces #8279
Bug 1953703 : Enable tech preview badge for arbiter #8822
Bug 1941669 : Translate pinned resources when labelPluralKey is available #8816
Bug 1952759 : It was not immediately clear what the Star icon meant #8776
Bug 1947665 : Replace dashboard namespace with ceph #8764
Bug 1952732 : Users did not understand the boot source labels #8771
Migrate helm actions to use new action extensions #8629
Bug 1952214 : Save additional Devfile container parameters from build guidance container and drop it to fix ImagePullBackOff #8807
Bug 1952635 : fixes: Web console displays a blank page- white space instead of cluster information #8810
Add certification filter and certified badge in helm catalog #8662
Query Browser: Add seconds back to query browser tooltips #8815
adds samples to topology quick search #8789
Bug 1926131 : Adding i18n for missed HPA form #8272
Fix IO operations ChartTooltip (Performance Card, Object Dashboard) #8798
Pipeline Builder AutoComplete (Part 2 - Improved UX) #8752
Bug 1941625 : Add two missing translations for topology list view #8813
Bug 1945103 : Not showing user creds if vm isnt up #8791
Bug 1951858 : Unexpected text ‘0’ on filter toolbar #8733
Bug 1951212 : User/Group details shows unrelated subjects in role bindings tab #8799
Bug 1954248 : Disable Alertmanager e2e tests #8801
Bug 1952372 : VM stop action should not be there if the VM is not running #8766
Bug 1953418 : fix wizard validate tests #8769
Bug 1952325 : Check support modal in ssh tests and skip template parentSupport #8737
ODC-5786 : suppress focus outline on topology group elements #8785
Bug 1941798 : i18n kind on LimitRange and ResourceQuota list pages #8782
Bug 1941801 : Role bind toolbar dropdowns haven’t been internationalized #8781
Bug 1952730 : “Customize virtual machine” and the “Advanced” feature are confusing in wizard #8773
Add Trigger Param Auto Complete #8753
Bug 1952545 : Fix new selection after inserting a YAML snippet #8741
disable Quick Starts #8731
Bug 1939753 : Track and show error messages in modals #8439
Add .dockerignore file so that all node_modules are ignored #8026
Bug 1953691 : Remove unused mock file #8778
Bug 1952111 : Optimized imports from @patternfly/react-tokens #8777
Bug 1952728 : VM will be turned off when creating snapshots and a warning will be presented #8774
Bug 1952625 : Remove model and use Trans #8750
fix: Update token length #8770
Bug 1952367 : No VM status on overview page when VM is pending #8767
Avoid setting JAVA_ARGS if cmd args are not provided #8758
Bug 1921106 : A11y Violation: button name(s) on Utilization Card on Cluster Dashboard #8706
add data for quickStarts from configmap to window.SERVER_FLAGS #8695
fixes issue with kamelets not shown on catalog for sources #8772
Bug 1952495 : “Create” button on the Templates page is confuse #8765
Bug 1952394 : Not able to create a project in the wizard #8743
Bug 1926776 : “Template support” modal appears when select the RHEL6 common template #8739
Use catalog extension type for catalog item labels #8704
Added styling to vm status events #8746
Bug 1952310 : Added a create override options on useSecret hook #8738
Kubevirt plugin falcky tests #8768
Change tooltips for storage-efficiency-card #8755
Bug 1887849 : Fix for new storage pool failure_domain missing #8745
Add support for showing the dashboard based on components #8669
Fixes used capacity based on storage class selection #8647
QuickStart Actions #8622
Bug 1952958 : Gracefully degrade when Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
unavailable #8761
Add new customization snippet to list all available Add page actions #8717
adds DnD support to TextColumnField component #8715
Bug 1951169 : Change “Explore” to “API Explorer” #8682
Bug 1950219 : fixes issue with KnativeServing not shown in list on global config page #8740
fix Quick Search CTA in topology #8718
fixes issue with ksvc edit for upload jar flow #8759
Bug 1942086 : Fix Home i18n misses #8571
Bug 1928319 : Stretch cluster installed on 6 storage node cluster with 2 LSO devices on each storage node fails to utilize 8 LSO devices #8326
Bug 1952697 : Add Segment support for analytics #8638
Bug 1952585 : Enhance operator modal repo and container links #8703
Bug 1944763 : Fix tooltips to use common component <FieldLevelHelp> #8690
Add No Workspace value to Start Modal #8663
fix(rhoas-plugin): Design alignments, add strings, and fix bugs #8637
Workspaces and Resource dropdowns are FormSelect #8624
Pipeline Builder Param AutoComplete (part 1) #8692
Fixes time in cache bucket class review page #8667
Bug 1839101 : Add namespaced attribute to main navigation links #8249
Support user help for workspaces over resources in the Pipeline Builder #8735
Bug 1951221 : remove VMDisksFirehose component in favor of a hook #8711
Refactor Console plugin init code #8676
Bug 1949810 : adds check for templates #8732
Guard OBC from showing up in Attach Storage #8727
Bug 1948789 : Pass all queries for area chart #8697
Cypress: numerically naming cypress screenshot files #8408
Added a check for okd in ssh cypress testing #8722
Bug 1950532 : Include “update” when referring to operator approval #8712
Bug 1950196 : Added a check for enableSSHService before adding a secret to a machine #8724
Bug 1951209 : kubevirt-plugin: take into account Succeeded VMI Phase #8708
Bug 1942839 : Fix async return #8719
Support webpack ConcatenatedModule in ExtensionValidator #8705
Bug 1949404 : Fix label selector translation on pvc creation page #8688
build strategy i18n miss #8659
Bug 1942673 : Fix pipeline model label references not using keys #8628
Bug 1922063 : “Virtual Machine” should be “Templates” in template wizard #8691
Bug 1949384 : Localize Default Pull Secret modal #8680
Bug 1951214 : fix isEnvType null ptr and add missing volume types #8709
Bug 1922280 : No oVirt label in upstream #8698
Bug 1924728 : Add warning events to vm status and changed appearance to be more similar to cluster overview #8700
Bug 1950912 : kubevirt devconsole tests #8352
Moved isWinToolsImage function to a different file #8699
Bug 1862989 : [RFE]VM import wizard - storage class filter or a tooltip #8610
Bug 1924788 : Not clear error message when there are no NADs available for the user #8625
Bug 1949155 : correctly check for favorited or last namespace on load #8639
provide code snippet to customize roles in project access #8533
Fix dynamic demo plugin build #8677
Bug 1949411 : VolumeSnapshot, VolumeSnapshotClass and VolumeSnapshotConent Details tab is not translated - i18n misses #8684
Bug 1948788 : always link to metrics viewer even if graph is empty #8678
Bug 1949774 : force postcss to ^8.2.0 #8674
Avoid memoizing topology sidebar components #8671
Bug 1888517 : Implements increament when expanding storage #8257
Bug 1949410 : Fix “Create binding” link from Role page, RoleBindings tab #8653
Bug 1862084 : Consistent formatting of dates and times #8490
fixes multi-namespace bucket class page, table and dropdown sync #8656
Bug 1948427 : Fix issue where react-modal was removing Operator modal from the DOM #8679
Bug 1949935 : Fix start pipeline action access review #8670
Highlight only the navigation button when quick start hint clicked #8668
Insights Makes review page for multiple namespace bucket class consistent #8666
Bug 1926289 : create app-content div with modal-container as sibling #8617
Bug 1888521 : Add support for adding dynamic storage providers for a Deployment #8560
Topology - Workload Sidebar #8651
Update CTA and description based on design #8650
ODC-5698 : knative smoke test cases #8356
Bug 1888525 : Adding capacity to the storage cluster [RHOCS Usability Study] #8291
Bug 1949514 : make Location column visible at smaller screen resolutions #8658
Bug 1942858 : [RFE]Confusing detach volume UX #8652
Disallow executable permissions for all groups. #8649
Add files required for plow deployment script #8654
Bug 1916553 : Default template description is empty on details tab #8636
Remove noobaa package #8648
Bug 1949180 : Parse Pipelines kinds #8640
fixes issue with kn resources not shown if KS is created #8632
Bug 1946705 : Use search terms as separate words in quick add search #8572
Bug 1924916 : PVC reported as Uploading when it is actually cloning #8612
topology i18n misses #8603
Bug 1949093 : fix hover issues #8634
Bug 1948919 : change “desired channel” to “desired version” #8635
Bug 1948333 : Force glob-parent version to ^5.1.2 #8620
Support Embedded Task/Pipeline/Pipeline Resources #8630
Bug 1918785 : Update all resource request/limit queries based on new labels #8606
Bug 1946922 : Fix ingress details page to show referenced secret name #8623
Fix broken link document Sealing Virtual Machines on CNV #8626
Misc Pipeline Workspace updates #8604
Use active namespace for creating sample href #8621
Added missing styling and machine ready check #8618
Bug 1922065 : Rootdisk size is default to 15GiB in customize wizard #8615
imports sorting part 4 #8567
Bug 1942839 : Image is now pulled from config map data #8549
show type header for serverless function in topology #8516
converting pvc extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8162
Bug 1925207 : fix custom template cloudint disk #8611
Converting context provider extensions to dynamic #8156
Prow script point to deleted resource #8609
Improve generated dist/doc/ #8543
Edit flow for knatified workload for git import with buildConfig, Pipelines and Container Image #8607
Added plugin for delete block pool modal #8600
Use redhat-developer devfile sample repository #8585
Bug 1946320 : Fix empty state message for PVC dropdown #8561
Gherkin script for Pipeline Builder enhancements and parity with Tekton #8501
Support FormSelect for Pipeline Resources #8595
Fix for creation of visual connectors #8541
Create component to visualize copy/execute snippets in the Quickstarts #8527
fix: remove stray }
from end of aria-label in delete dialog #8484
Bug 1947828 : fix resource log download filename for long lines #8598
(fix): Remove i18nKey
for translation #8605
Add support to override and hide CSV Actions #8597
Pool management - delete #8550
CONSOLE-2379 : Add build config for dynamic plugin SDK #8378
Bug 1848151 : Don’t poll ClusterVersion when user doesn’t have authority #8602
Bug 1942193 : Override default PF Accordion blue border on the edit Operator form. Only target the field group heading when used to display dynamic form field groups. #8575
show modal for editing resource limits #8457
Bug 1910500 : Fixes CSI provisioner additional parameters #8337
Make multus behaviour common between two modes #8599
Adds support to edit bucket class with namespace store resources #8594
Gherkin script for Form based edit for Deployment & DeploymentConfig-ODC-5007 #8588
Gherkin Script for Enhancements for feature parity with Tekton-ODC-5151 #8555
Bug 1943449 : Bump hosted-git-info package as part of CVE #8481
Fixes inconsistency in tables in attached devices #8578
Bug 1866318 : [RHOCS Usability Study][Dashboard] Users found it difficult to navigate to the OCS dashboard #8496
Gherkin script for updating empty state of topology-ODC-5595 #8592
Bug 1866331 : Add tooltips #8590
Bug 1942557 : Remove cluster label from predefined monitoring queries #8519
Adds description in bucket class dropdown for OBC page #8589
add support for workspaces #8573
Add support for Alert Action in Dynamic SDK #8569
Kafka Source creation form to support bootstrap server host from KC #8518
View shortcuts on the topology list view #8515
Add support for conditionally task in pipeline visualization #8581
Fix remove trigger issue #8521
Bug 1942749 : standardize field level help to use FieldLevelHelp #8471
Adds support for creating multi namespace bucket class #8293
show kafka source connector #8415
Bug 1930015 : OS list is overlapped by buttons in template wizard #8579
Bug 1942716 : Fix different Image Manifest Vulnerabilities issues #8474
Bug 1940361 : enhance vm action test with storageClass HPP #8411
Reconcile resolved extension types #8224
Bug 1935176 : Indicate single node deployment on cluster overview page #8432
Replaces _.get with optional chaining in Ceph Storage Plugin #8161
Bug 1941915 : Added validation check for in progress custom boot source template name #8580
Add support for MultiColumnField to support multiline #8576
Adds UI support for creating cache bucket class #8497
update label and remove unused yamls #8574
Bug 1946449 : fix cloud init tests as UI changed #8566
Create Edit flow for Upload Jar Form #8458
converting global config extension to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8088
Fix for Protractor project details dashboard card (Labels) test #8586
cypress tests for ssh #8565
Fix skipped task status when using conditions #8577
ODC 5602: Added step definitions related to eventing features smoke test cases #8564
Updating openshift-enterprise-console images to be consistent with ART #8562
Test vm ssh connect - cypress #8554
Embedded Tasks in Pipeline Builder #8538
updates icon for serverless functions #8525
Pool management - Update block pool #8330
CONSOLE-2400 : Bump react to v17 #7736
Bug 1937941 : Fix wording for favorite templates #8570
Bug 1937717 : Set a kebab column in the template list #8568
Rework terminal to check if the operator is installed before showing the terminal button #8342
Create KSVC with min/max scale if workload has related HPA #8476
Monitoring: Tidy files & imports #8544
Bug 1936620 : Fix create operand form default boolean field #8504
Organize remaining files #8557
Monitoring dashboards: All optional “All” to variable dropdowns #8553
Bug 1945630 : Fix default resource log download file name #8559
ODC-5507 : Topology cypress cucumber setup #8530
part 2 of sorting imports #8551
Adds support for creating single namespace store bucket class #8266
Adding data test for ssh cypress tests #8520
organized kubevirt plugin imports files #8535
convert samples page to use catalog extensions #8492
Simplify Console extension types #8506
workspaces in pipeline start modal #8372
Bug 1916116 : Pf update to fix NavExpandable component #8534
Bug 1932673 : Virtual machine template provided by red hat should not be editable #8540
Support URLs in Result values #8522
Bug 1945637 : odc 5666 fixing pipelines scripts issues #8422
Changes according to UX requirements #8529
Align checkboxes #8510
Add extension types for console actions and topology details panel #8467
Bug 1933857 : Follow on fix to ensure operand details page 404s when no model is found #8443
CONSOLE-2524 : Add Kata container RuntimeClass to workload detail pages #8406
Bug 1932281 : inform user when channels are unknown #8392
ODC-5545 : cypress cucumber helm setup #8387
Bug 1943356 : change “UI extension” to “plugin” #8479
Bug 1942839 : Use digest for virtio-win container image #8514
ODC-5725 : Add owners file to topology folder #8539
Bug 1945146 : Remove pipeline Tech preview badge for pipelines GA operator #8526
Bug 1944602 : fixing-project-creation-and-updated-packageJson #8513
Bug 1939069 : Add source to vm template silently failed #8512
CONSOLE-2527 : Add translations from Sprint 197 #8404
changed ssh copy command to work with http and not only https #8532
Fix to show resources to filter by in Topology #8517
Query Browser: Switch colors to ChartThemeColor.multiUnordered
Adding aggregated services to catalog, topology and various views. #8146
The field name VolumeSnapshotContent is wrong on VolumeSnapshotContent detail page #8511
Bug 1942673 : Fix breadcrumbs, delete modal, and create for i18n in pipelines models (and other kinds). #8486
Bug 1944509 : Add context to translation strings #8508
Bug 1944273 : don’t use latest virtio disk image for downstream #8509
Bug 1943996 : Bump ua-parser-js to avoid ReDoS via malicious User-Agent header #8495
Pipeline Builder Validation Rework #8460
RHSTOR-1554 : Migrate object service dashboard tests #8270
adds topology actions to upload a jar file #8456
Bug 1941995 : fix backwards incompatible trigger api changes #8437
Added OWNERS file to frontend/packages/integration-tests-cypress #8451
Bug 1942641 : Fix build related i18n misses #8473
Bug 1943543 : Fix to include template and selected options for RC rollbacks #8482
Fix for topology sub context menus placement #8470
fix Task badge color in pipeline builder page #8478
Update Dockerfile.product for nodejs v14.16.0 #8427
Fix for topology crash on load when application group is selected #8472
Bug 1927902 : i18n Cluster Utilization dashboard durations #8332
Bug 1766287 : Use httpd in workload YAML templates #8459
quick search modal close on starting quickstart #8403
Bug 1938140 : Add ‘Roll Back’ action for Replication Controllers and Replica Sets #8381
Added thick-provision feature flag in Readme #8468
Bug 1942395 : Display Failed status for DeploymentConfig #8463
Bug 1942694 : decodeURIComponent for name in <title> so special chars… #8466
Bug 1915971 : Role and Role Binding breadcrumbs do not work as expected #8010
Bug 1927423 : Monitoring: Add warning to list pages when silences cannot be loaded #8461
Pool management list and creation #8254
Fix Add HorizontalPodAutoscaler page layout #8455
Gherkin Script:Add workspaces support for pipelines-ODC-3991 #8361
Bug 1924641 : Remove error message for “missing storage class” #8259
Bug 1909091 : Removed prefix check #8454
Bug 1941667 : fixes i18n miss in ProjectAccess #8447
odc 5670 code refactoring #8433
Adds resource page for creating namespacestore CRs #8223
ssh to vm #8263
Improve fetching LSO status during cluster installation #8159
Bug 1941990 : fix pipeline metrics endpoint for 1.4 osp #8445
Thick provisioned for Ceph RBD #8186
Implement Add Capacity Modal using PF #8178
Bug 1905627 : Warn using an unsupported IE browser #8384
Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #8449
Bug 1938321 : PackageManifest lists link to details pages #8444
Bug 1939606 : Attempting to put a host into maintenance mode warns about Ceph cluster health, but no storage cluster problems are apparent #8446
Bug 1937496 : Query Browser: Add timestamp date to tooltips #8420
adding console.resource-metadata extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8284
Bug 1939815 : Modified warning Alert for Encrypted PVs in Create StorageClass #8435
Fix BRIDGE_K8S_AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN env var in readme #8434
Monitoring: Fix list page default sort #8429
Bug 1928008 : Persist state on back navigation #8157
Update the catalog item filter for vm templates #8442
Bug 1824911 : Fix RBAC check when creating a resource #8440
CONSOLE-2389 : i18n translation of Storage section #7123
Bug 1937658 : Modified description for storage class encryption #8402
Fix LSO’s local-volume-discovery radio buttons #8426
Make customize form footer sticky #8409
Bug 1879140 : Set proper loglevel for auth errors #7217
Bug 1937666 : Fixes mouseover on headline #8430
Bug 1931279 : Bump lodash-es to latest v4.17.21, to remove security vulnerabilities #8247
GitOps Environment card title layout issue #8316
Fix for creating visual connectors to operator workload nodes #8423
Monitoring dashboards: Fix clearing queries when dashboard unmounts #8419
Query Browser: Fix cutoff for when to show X axis seconds #8418
ODC-5660 : fixing linter issues in topology gherkin features #8412
drag and drop jar file on topology graph / list view #8374
truncate select task text to prevent overlap with the dropdown icon #8328
Add provder and support fields when customizing source #8313
Bug 1940755 : Remove wrongly set namespace parameter when creating LocalVolumeSet #8421
Bug 1930546 : show error in RsourceDropdown on load error #8275
Bug 1925087 : Add i18n support to the Secret modals and add new hint for the servername #8047
fix autofill name field values #8414
Adds spinner for donut chart #8397
Bug 1939573 : Warn if git provider rate limits #8390
Gherkin Script:Getting Started - Spring Boot-ODC-4389 #8362
JAR upload from Add flow #8355
Pipeline diagram finally task #8399
Add form component for editing deployments #8401
Monitoring: Replacing connect with useDispatch / useSelector #8413
Remove unused Dex dependency #8340
CONSOLE-2494 : Bump node and yarn versions in docker builder file #7306
Add more space between template name and checkbox in Finish modal #8410
Add info about customize flow when adding source #8314
Feature: Taint Nodes #8218
add support for finally tasks in pipeline builder #8385
Update Dev perspective to show Add
page on first visit #8373
Query Browser: Show dates on X-axis when time range is over one day #8365
Bug 1926106 : i18n translation of create & delete project namespace modal #8204
Fix for a11y issue on monitoring page #8393
Migrate all usage of static catalog extensions to dynamic extensions #8405
Bug 1939869 : Add annotations to datavolume for HPP #8398
Remove “Tech preview” encryption label #8396
Bug 1926798 : Check undefined values for Arbiter dropdown #8388
RHSTOR-1643 : Fix Import Order #8131
Monitoring dashboards: Support grouping of panels into rows #8364
Bug 1937018 : Fix null handling in FilterToolbar_ to prevent possible exceptions #8391
adding navigation extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8171
Cypress: fixed skipping login when running locally #8341
Monitoring: Highlight {{ … }} tags in Prometheus templates #8333
bump react-refresh versions #8303
Bug 1924536 : Change link for not available state #8232
Update the scope of GitOpsService resource #8379
Monitoring: Add missing i18n for “Stacked” #8376
Update empty state for TopologyView #8370
create infra to execute commands in terminal #8302
Customize VM template boot source #8151
(bug-fix): Fixes donut chart loading #8383
YAML Editor Automation #8369
Update descriptor reference doc to remove fieldDependency sibling restriction. #8278
adding global config extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #8087
ODC-5622 : Create Namespaces script is failing on CI due to load issue #8375
(refactor): Fix handling of nodes in internal attached devices wizard #8256
Migrate all static AddAction extensions to dynamic extensions #8371
Bug 1937628 : Bump upgrade channels for 4.8 #8367
Update PF package versions to 2021-3 #8331
improve i18n parser to support console-extensions.json #8363
Bug 1937683 : Show plane image destination of output in buildConfig when the destination is a DockerImage #8368
Improve Console TypeScript type declarations #8343
Upgrade xterm v3.12.0 to v4.10.0 #8260
Adding useSSHKeys hook, core usage for ssh feature #8366
Fix ResolvedExtension type inference #8358
Add .eslintrc to dynamic plugin SDK scripts directory #8359
Bug 1929243 : override normal namespace hiding for pods view in node details #8253
Fix @console/active-plugins generation interfering with i18n #8344
Query Browser: Fix bug where lines briefly appear outside graph frame #8334
Monitoring dashboards: Fix bug where end time was not reset after zoom #8321
Bug 1926126 : Remove period in translation #8129
adding yaml templates extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #7935
Bug 1909091 : Pod/node/ip/template isn’t showing when vm is running #8350
Consolidate Noobaa and Ceph Plugin #8185
Bug 1936854 : Fix to show correct internal image-stream name in container image edit flow’s internal registry image-stream dropdown for kn service #8338
Bug 1936983 : Removed loaded prop and nested component #8347
fixes shadow and form footer for edit form #8346
Update console-extensions.json format #8252
Bug 1879638 : Support binary file type secret entries #7399
Bug 1935269 : Include jobs in operator backed sidebar & resource details page #8306
Bug 1928875 : Update translations #8101
fix helm nav item delay to show up on page load #8336
Improve plugin JSON schema generator code #8297
Add workspaces to Pipeline Details Page #8238
Bug 1931005 : include related objects without a name #8329
Bug 1931755 : Fix test about VM start via kebab action #8219
removes references of deprecated selfLink #8318
Migrate obcTest.scenario.ts #8061
ODC-5596 : Updated cypress extensibility related files #8305
Bug 1883587 : Adds volume mode selector when restoring a volumesnapshot #8136
display full quick start prerequisites in quick search #8308
adding pvc extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #7912
Install Web Terminal Operator #8319
support service binding operator version 0.5.0 #8309
odc-5564-select the builder image when git url is not validated #8295
fixes shadow and form footer for ksvc form #8285
odc-5571-fixed page details related smoke test case #8287
Bug 1888561 : Fixes MCG info #8281
Bug 1934329 : Bump sanitize-html version to 2.3.2 to improperly validate the hostnames #8294
CONSOLE-2380 : Add UI for enabling/disabling dynamic plugins during op… #8175
Bug 1857477 : Updates helptext for storage cluster creation #8237
Bug 1918729 : add hide/reveal button for kms token #8196
Monitoring dashboards: Allow zooming all graphs and sync their ranges #8273
Bug 1932453 : Update format for Japanese date/times #8242
Bug 1933857 : Fix uncaught exception in DetailsPage component #8271
CONSOLE-2758 : Bump webpack-cli and webpack-dev-server to latest version #8269
Bug 1928893 : Fix mismatched disk and memory pressure condition status #8268
Fix topology crash due to selfLink deprecation #8264
Monitoring dashboards: Add “Last” to the time interval descriptions #8258
Bug 1919406 : Update OperatorHub ‘Provider type’ filter to ‘Source’ #8251
Bug 1927941 : Fix frontend descriptor API edge cases #8145
ODC-5590 : segregated the knative test cases #8286
(bug-fix)Fix Object storage event filter #8283
Remove unused /frontend/public/components/operator-hub/operator-hub-community-provider-modal.tsx #8276
fix Create route text for import forms #8274
Bug 1933284 : Sort sample and snippets in the resource sidebar #8262
Bug 1852743 : Use consistent labels for CPU in node list #8250
test: clear the session token before login #8289
Update to PF4 Access Consoles #8169
Add single control point of all toast notifications #8227
Create workloads from Templates #8246
Gherkin: Improve knative & build integration #8235
Create ImageStream and other resources for samples step by step #8222
change addForm layout to make footer full length #8213
Make workload serverless #8200
Gherkin:Added topology regression cases: ODC-4179 #8228
Update topology quick search to include results from quick starts catalog #8225
gherkin for scaling advanced option for knative service ODC-4744 #8241
Migrate bucket class test into cypress #7652
visualize serverless function in topology #8233
Fix builder image version dropdown value in pipeline edit flow #8215
Bug 1929577 : Fix to avoid overriding of d/dc pod template container values #8201
(test): Unit tests for flexible scaling feature #7653
Avoid deep merging extension properties #8243
Advance Scaling options ‘Autoscale window and concurrency utilization’ for Serverless #8108
fix validation in number type input field #8198
Add support for workspaces in pipeline builder #8214
Improve standalone route page extension processing #8192
Add badges support in catalog items and make cta optional #8239
Remove offensive language #8206
Recently running pipeline should be listed first #8183
Monitoring: Add title
s to the alert and alerting rule list rows #8230
Bug 1924083 : Fix Noobaa events filters #8084
Bug 1866322 : Add prop to AlertItem to hide default link #8231
Consume KebabActions extension via standard API #8226
fix alerts notification layout #8181
move route section ‘after create a route to the application’ option #8189
Bug 1928045 : Fixes N+1 scaling info #8217
ODC-5474 : gitops cypress cucumber setup #8180
Bug 1917241 : Format UTC date in tooltips #8193
Console extension processing improvements #8202
refactor: Local volume discovery request and wizard footer changes for attached devices wizard #8158
Bug 1906304 : Fix NaN in Memory/CPU pod charts #7806
QuickStart highlight fixed for collapsed nav #8152
Bug 1908343 : Allow clicking on column labels to configure column management in dialog #7624
fix spacing for MulitColumnField component #8208
add text area for multiline task param #8195
Update the Task Results error message to be an empty state message #8194
Remove dead code related to old catalog extension #8191
Moved api types files to types/api folder, added index file #8023
Gherkin Scripts: Deploy Application using Templates #8207
Bug 1929803 : Hide pipeline section in container image edit flow #8184
Bug 1899587 : Fix RGW Total Used Query #8050
Bug 1925261 : Fix KMS validation error #8147
test: increase analyze script heap size #8203
Bug 1916450 : Alertmanager: add Title and Text fields to Adv. config section of Slack Receiver form #7921
add close [x] button in the pipeline task sidebar #8174
Bug 1920677 : fixes missing i18n for create a project #8069
Fix environment tests #8163
Gherkin for Alert details page- ODC-5485 #8132
odc-5518-cypress dev file[add flow] automation #8141
Bug 1929769 : Switch to correct perspective when loading non-shared routes #8182
Add dynamic extension for standalone pages #8170
ODC-5473 : Moved the pipelines scripts from dev console to pipelines folder #8124
make quickstart drawer resizable #8089
Fix issues related to loading plugins via SERVER_FLAGS.consolePlugins #8076
Bug 1924983 : localize components in utils directory #8049
Remove dead code for in context binding and fix wrong import #8168
Pipeline Results #8095
Bug 1930064 : Do not fail new VM wizard when no storage classes are available #8188
Bug 1928869 : remove css overrides for search component and update pf dependency to 2021.2 #8166
Bug 1888561 : Improve explanations and definitions for MCG #8179
YAMLs to install operator #8134
Refactor Ceph Plugin Dashboard Directory Structure #8111
Add default value to the runtime VERSION parameter in add flow pipelines #8127
Interop UI install helmchart #8090
Bug 1888519 : Links OCS page from dashboard #8148
Bug 1926154 : Fix pool replica for arbiter #8177
fix pipelinerun status icon rendering issue #8173
Bug 1924747 : InventoryItems aren’t internationalized #8040
Bug 1922264 : Fix rendering of access-mode selector #8055
Monitoring dashboards: Click a graph card to open the Metrics page #7437
Gherkin: Added all types of health check #8135
Bug 1926154 : Fix for creating new pool with arbiter - wrong replica #8117
Bug 1927882 : allow choice of binding type when creating RoleBinding #8167
Bug 1927797 : Add “Pod” in HPA pod donut label #8137
Bug 1926336 : Switch grid column responsive size to prevent breakage of Service port mappings content #8164
Bug 1905147 : Show multiple pre-requisites as unordered list in popover #8133
Bug 1924586 : internationalize control plane and operator status #8113
Add support for taskSpec in pipeline visualization component in the pipeline details page. #8106
Check for kindObj before accessing its properties #8160
odc-5475-updated setting.json in frontend folder #8082
Bug 1927898 : i18n Admin Notifier #8144
Bug 1901207 : Pipeline resources table not immediately updated after Name filter applied or removed #8142
Bug 1927465 : i18n Dashboard content #8143
Adds Christoph as an approver to DevConsole packages #8153
Fix tests for CNV 2.5 #8125
Bug 1926072 : Fix close button in the new ‘Storage cluster exists’ warning alert modal #8105
Bug 1891766 : Disable submit button for incorrect validations (LSO/OCS local volume set) #8092
Migrates backing store test to cypress #7617
add copy to clipboard functionality to EventListenerURL #8097
Remove dead code related to developer catalog and service catalog #8112
Use dry run options directly to remove bad dependency #8114
Bug 1920699 : retry co-fetch on 409 POST or 429 #8116
Bug 1926843 : Consider finally tasks when calculating task status #8110
Bug 1921227 : Avoid require()‘ing modules when generating @console/active-plugins #7919
Refactor constants in Ceph Plugin #5978
Bug 1925083 : IDP Creation not fully i18ned #8077
Fix flakes in Ceph CI #8122
Fixes inconsistent fonts on step 1 and step 2 of baremetal wizard #8103
Workloads on Topology Page Automation #8037
Bug 1921267 : i18n ResourceListDropdown #7955
Bug 1874931 : Add shortcut above YAML editor and tab toggle action shortcut to popover to improve accessibility #8115
Bug 1921227 : Improve code reference handling for Console dynamic plugins #7898
Bug 1927013 : update pf virtualized dependency to fix breakpoint prop missing in virtualized table #8119
Bug 1922992 : i18n missing items in YAML sidebar #8027
adding context provider extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #7882
Bug 1902003 : Clarification of Jobs completions column data when sorting #7760
Fix filname for multiple storage class test in cypress #8081
ODC-5076 : Updated knative-automation framework setup #7875
Model Feature Flag - convert kubevirt extension to dynamic #7881
Bug 1927075 : fix pvc string in pvc.view #8118
i18n: avoid 404 errors attempting to load en-US #8100
Bug 1921780 : Clean up Search i18n #7967
Bug 1926735 : add template support check if use it separately #8107
Remove Noobaa Operator Page as this is an Internal CRD #8102
Remove stale files and functions which are not required #8094
Bug 1921781 : i18n DefaultList #7968
adding reducer extension types to dynamic-plugin-sdk #7860
Document kubevirt DOWNSTREAM variable #8086
Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #8104
Bug 1925017 : Remove trailing comma #8079
Add storage.bind.immediate.requested annotation to golden image dvs #8085
Interop UI - actions on helm release #8091
Fix pipeline types #8080
Update OWNERS components #8073
Bug 1924585 : Fix translation for edit annotation #8075
ODC-5487 : Temp fix for search-input bug #8071
Bug 1924387 : Fix malformed ja/zh modal delete message #8070
Bug 1925596 : Text overflows Card boundary; Add Commit msg to details #8064
Bug 1921087 : Next quick start link update #7945
Bug 1925562 : Add new ArgoCD link from GitOps application environments page #7798
Bug 1891951 : Compression pool info message #8066
Bug 1925415 : waiting for VM importing before move on #8065
Bug 1925516 : Pipeline metrics tooltips #8062
Bug 1925200 : show warning when alert type cannot be recognized #8058
Bug 1924083 : Stop events related to Object Storage from showing up in Persistent Storage Dashboard #8039
Template provider tests #7995
Bug 1920367 : When creating localvolumeset instance from the web console, the title for setting volumeMode is Disk Mode
Multiple pool cypress test migration #7616
Bug 1905066 : Added smoke suite - monitoring test Scenarios #7984
Bug 1867400 : Not allow creation of second storagecluster #7829
Make OCS local volume set step responsive in wizard flow #8017
Bug 1923721 : Handle pipeline svg icon spin using a wrapped <g> element #8007
Bug 1925163 : Add info about dev catalog to boot source column #8059
Bug 1925024 : removes form validation from net(sasl/tls) section for kafkaSource #8051
Bug 1924955 : Fix that image containers are fetched from external container registries (which doesn’t work for private image containers) #8046
Bug 1924143 : Create application edit url based on git provider #8028
Bug 1915176 : Update snapshot API CRDs to v1 in web-console when creating volumesnapshot related resource #7801
Bug 1922911 : Query Browser: Fix graph crash after hiding and then showing a series #8056
Add check errors in add capacity tests #8033
Bug 1920677 : Fix for i18n for dev console guided tour #8032
CONSOLE-2539 : Add Chinese and Japanese translations #7981
Update gitops backend service namespace #7913
Add tests for VM template source and VM empty state #7842
Bug 1925039 : Fix Test - ID(CNV-5327) #8054
Bug 1925020 : Console demo plugin deployment image should not point to dockerhub #8052
Bug 1923911 : improve test for vm filter and details page #8014
e2e automation add wait for RDP data #8042
Bug 1921023 : Disable flexible scaling for internal mode #8043
Bug 1924046 : Avoid checking user settings if url has namespace #8022
Bug 1874192 : Add support for creation of GCP BS with a pre-created secret #8002
Bug 1907877 : Added cypress automation scripts for pipleline builder #7642
Bug 1923973 : Update dynamic plugin demo README to inform about how to enable the ConsolePlugins #8019
Bug 1797766 : Resource Requirements” specDescriptor fields - CPU and Memory injects empty string YAML editor #5525
Bug 1924583 : Deprectaed templates are listed in the Templates screen #8038
Reduce thickness of donut chart in selected capacity #7986
Bug 1924078 : Make Topology quick search View all results footer sticky #8029
Bug 1920981 : Add capacity changes for arbiter enabled #7996
Bug 1924480 : When creating Snapshoot blockOwnerDeletion is now false #8036
Bug 1891951 : Info message while creating pools with compression on #8013
Restrict ‘BackingStore’ name to 43 characters #7983
Bug 1924365 : Add blank disk when choosing network boot #8035
Bug 1915995 : - “Edit RoleBinding Subject” action under RoleBinding list page kebab actions causes unhandled exception #7846
Add noobaa sso test migration to cypress #7570
For ODC-5460: downgrade pf topology package to fix create of service binding connector. #8030
Bug 1923894 : Listing Subscriptions in OLM should also show them when ‘All Projects’ namespace is picked #8018
Bug 1924188 : Update language selector modal dropdown #8009
Bug 1920684 : Update language preferences modal #7936
Bug 1906118 : Fix Ceph Polling Issue by adding flag guards #8021
Bug 1923945 : Keep PVC name and namespace when os/flavor/workload is changed #8020
Bug 1923951 : fixes eveting menuoptions for create flow for all namespace selection #8016
Bug 1922911 : Query Browser: Show empty state when all series are disabled #8012
Bug 1922021 : i18n three Terminal terms #8011
Bug 1921949 : Fix source code URL for apps created using self-hosted repositories #8006
Bug 1910492 : Fix KMS details getting auto popluated due to incorrect state manipulation. #7998
Bug 1918438 : adds i18n for serving/eventing #7941
Bug 1891766 : Stop non-positive values from being entered by users for min disk size #7890
Bug 1915200 : [OCP 4.7+ OCS 4.6]Arbiter related Note should not show u… #7903
Bug 1923081 : Improve test for checking common templates #8001
Bug 1905338 : updated add flow test scenarios #7989
Bug 1916888 : Modifying OCS wizard Donor chart based on selected device type #7924
Bug 1908277 : Pipeline Actions scripts #7564
Bug 1921762 : Fix knative serving and eventing breadcrumbs #7885
Bug 1921556 : Modified certificate secrets key name as per rook #8008
Bug 1923003 : Update Insights widget state #7997
Remove anonymous exports in NADs plugin #8005
Bug 1919387 : Wait till the DOM is loaded when writing to the body localStorage issue #7925
update scenarios #7897
Bug 1913969 : Fix edge case exception for fieldDependency spec descriptor #7957
Bug 1921253 : i18n TextFilter placeholder #7953
Bug 1921774 : fix delete app modal error when resource not found #7948
Bug 1922015 : prevent catalog modal header from collapsing #8004
Remove Kanika from Maintainers file #8000
Bug 1916747 : Dont link to missing quickstarts #7999
Bug 1920200 : Throw error if ConfigMap creation fails with unexpected response #7918
Bug 1918639 : add missing trigger types and update the optional fields #7889
Bug 1908375 : added pipelines workspaces scripts #7574
Bug 1908367 : pipeline triggers scripts #7572
Bug 1920912 : Fix poweroff modal #7993
Bug 1921644 : [e2e][automation]revert endlines to backslach #7992
Bug 1922782 : Data sanity was false #7988
Bug 1922098 : project dropdown should close after user pick a project #7987
Bug 1922066 : Search for boot disk by boot order, not PVC value #7980
Bug 1922075 : Fix kubevirt flavor string #7978
Bug 1921836 : Internationalize AccessTableRows #7971
Bug 1919876 : Updated accessMode and volumeMode for common-template without source pvc from storage class if exist #7966
Bug 1921713 : Fix migration tests #7965
Bug 1921541 : skip guide page if it presents #7960
Bug 1920320 : Show link to common template in vm details view #7949
Bug 1920248 : fix pipeline rerun when pipelineSpec is embedded #7923
Migrate storageclass tests to cypress #7789
Bug 1921880 : Load all dynamic plugins enabled on the cluster upon Console startup #7972
Bug 1911129 : Fix Monitoring charts renders nothing when switching from a Deployment to “All workloads” #7659
test: don’t hard-code artifact dir path #7990
Bug 1922099 : updated Readme with QE code review and automation process #7979
Bug 1920655 : only show Cluster autoscalar on Cluster Settings if Clu… #7973
Bug 1921644 : [e2e][automation] tests errors with wrong cloudInit new line syntax #7964
Bug 1921572 : fixes form view for sources contributed via external sources #7962
Bug 1921258 : use sessionStorage for user-settings when impersonating #7958
Bug 1908353 : pipline run automation scripts #7933
Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #7830
Bug 1921610 : fix pipeline metrics font size issue #7961
Bug 1920390 : Query Browser: Fix X-axis being updated when no new data fetched #7977
Check PVC is in bound state before expanding #7975
Bug 1918826 : Adjust Insights popover icon to center align vertically #7934
Bug 1922050 : Improve kubevirt clone tests #7976
Bug 1918112 : Fix custom flavor editing when no template flavors exist #7922
Bug 1921921 : Fix “Global configuration” breadcrumb casing #7974
Bug 1920519 : fix kubectl permission issue in test #7928
Bug 1893889 : Update pf dependencies to 2021-1 to fix a117 issues with disabled dropdown items #7899
Bug 1880410 : convert pipeline visualization node to SVG #6676
Bug 1921823 : Internationalize CheckBoxControls #7970
Bug 1921806 : i18n APIResourceLinks #7969
Bug 1921580 : Test VM detail view actions dropdown does not pass #7963
Bug 1920771 : Internationalize Delete Persistent Volume Claim #7951
Bug 1918757 : added document ready state to fix this page loading issue #7950
Bug 1920674 : Fix missingKey errors #7937
Update PVC tests to use PersitentVolumeClaim instead of Persistent Volume Claim #7959
Bug 1919231 : fix topology quick search modal layout #7902
Bug 1920984 : [e2e][automation] some menu items names are out dated #7940
Bug 1920551 : Should not allow to edit boot order of common templates #7931
Bug 1920868 : fix cdi upload tests #7939
Fix flakiness in OCS Operator Installation test #7942
Bug 1918803 : adds details page and handles breadcrumb for knativeServing #7944
Bug 1919823 : Update zh-cn translation for Home #7952
Bug 1878086 : Disables filesystem name input field in StorageClassForm #7947
Bug 1908370 : pipeline secrets scripts #7573
Bug 1920524 : Fix topology crash on install of ODH operator to project #7930
Bug 1892896 : Disables the block radio input if the provisioner is cephfs #7537
Fix data-test ID used for selecting “Operator recommended Namespace” input button #7938
Bug 1919750 : Fix exception on InstallPlan list page #7932
Bug 1918019 : support rendering markdown inline instead of iframe #7872
Bug 1917239 : fix devconsole monitoring dashboard toolbar #7855
Bug 1919259 : Make ‘Add x’ singular in Pipeline Builder #7904
Bug 1920430 : Fix typo in deployment progress #7926
Bug 1919877 : fix sidebar error for ksvc resource #7909
Bug 1918185 : capitalize pipelinerun details #7877
Bug 1919945 : fix name field to avoid overwriting user input value #7914
Bug 1919851 : fix pipeline visualization with same pipeline & task name #7910
Bug 1917585 : Follow-on for NsDropdown placeholder i18n. #7917
Update .gitignore to include all cypress-a11y-report.json files. #7916
Bug 1919396 : Fixed a11y violation for Deployment Config Details Pod Status ring #7907
Bug 1909005 : CamelCase and externalize K8s resources #7277
Bug 1916524 : Removed template rootdisk #7915
Bug 1919260 : Fix styling issues in VM Template list #7905
Bug 1919097 : Close bracket “)” missing at the end of the sentence in the UI #7908
Bug 1918133 : improve 4.7 failure tests part2 #7876
Bug 1916882 : OCS 4.7 wizard does not show zone when zone’s are added manually #7888
Bug 1917372 : Monitoring: Change Prometheus UI link text to “Platform Prometheus UI” #7900
Bug 1916764 : Avoid setting application name in edit flow #7847
Bug 1918132 : i18n VolumeSnapshotContents #7906
Bug 1910753 : Check for devfile when context directory changes #7878
Bug 1915972 : Global configuration breadcrumbs do not work as expected #7871
Bug 1915898 : Drop “undefined” and keep empty lines in Pipeline log output #7828
Bug 1919379 : Update dotnet logo for ‘.NET 5’. #7373
Bug 1918785 : Use kube_podresource (request|limit) metric #7894
CONSOLE-2530 : Migrate labels CRUD tests #7834
Fix to show CRW icon when CRW operator is installed #7895
Bug 1911269 : hide “waiting for builds” info message when a build is present #7665
CONSOLE-2456 : Update OperatorHub detail view to include default catalog sources #7191
Bug 1915929 : CONSOLE-2503: Cypress bump to version 6 #7604
Update icon tooltip text from “Topology View” to “Graph View” #7896
Bug 1918748 : helmchartrepo is not http(s)_proxy-aware #7892
Bug 1905416 : Fix sandboxed links in MarkdownView iframe #7797
Bug 1918648 : Replace deprecated ‘installplan’ Subscription status field with new ‘installPlanRef’ #7891
Bug 1916834 : Pipeline metrics text updates #7850
Bug 1908573 : Make flavor strings consistent #7836
Bug 1910501 : Use absolute paths when resource creation is cancelled #7694
Bug 1913306 : quick-start-footer #7707
Bug 1917585 : Clean up olm i18n and catch some missed translations. #7858
Bug 1918068 : Fix flaky OLM Cypress tests #7874
CONSOLE-2464 : Automatically collapse metadata.managedFields #7144
Bug 1917117 : Template parameters are valid names #7880
Bug 1910409 : Add externalized strings for i18n for notification drawer #7649
Bug 1915674 : Get pvc storage size from template #7884
Bug 1918318 : show kameletbinding in eventsource list and filters #7883
Bug 1910666 : Apply var pf-global–FontFamily–monospace to the create secret textarea input #7873
Bug 1917660 : Dont use the /scale endpoint for Job resource #7867
Bug 1917656 : fix the url for context menu event source url #7864
Bug 1917124 : Use name parameter to every DVTemplate in VM Template #7870
Bug 1917814 : adds create option for broker from admin serverless eventing #7869
Bug 1916580 : Fix default VM Template YAML #7856
CONSOLE-2487 : Combine i18n namesapces into public json file #7831
Bug 1917658 : add tech preview badge for camel K operator instances #7865
Bug 1908997 : Add more provisioners with their accessmode mapping #7597
Bug 1917679 : hide double CTA in admin pipelineruns tab #7866
Bug 1899627 : Update project status icon and text in the dashboard Status panel to match health-item display #7849
Bug 1917272 : Should update the default minSize to 1Gi when create localvolumeset on web console #7857
verify os template test #7838
CONSOLE-2396 : Add skip to content component #6596
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize olm OperatorHub strings #7501
CONSOLE-2371 : Externalize olm nav items. #7809
Bug 1916642 : Remove period in Chinese key/value translation #7848
CONSOLE-2376 : Console plugins #7360
add Andrew Ballantyne as an approver #7844
Bug 1916099 : Allow replacing first boot disk in customization wizard #7840
Bug 1915939 : Resizing the browser window removes Web Terminal Icon #7832
Update web-Terminal-adminuser.feature with actual admin flow #7532
Fix broken olm cypress tests and add them to CI script. #7835
Bug 1915879 : Change Pipeline Details Dashboard tab to Metrics #7824
CONSOLE-2393 : i18n user management page #7098
Bug 1907660 : Render pod list cell height correctly when pod names are long #7821
Bug 1915220 : Drop localStorage workaround after namespaces are now stored in user settings, use favorite from user settings #7440
Bug 1880389 : fix skipped tasks in conditional pipelines #7833
CONSOLE-2522 : Migrate CRD CRUD tests to Cypress #7827
Bug 1915685 : Tweak message for not supported template #7820
Bug 1907480 : fix query browser prometheus URL for non admin user #7826
Fix redirect loop when running local bridge without valid auth token #7251
Bug 1915793 : Disable syncing of quick start all states #7825
Bug 1911212 : Monitoring dashboards: Support $__autointerval * variables #7823
Bug 1915694 : Add immediate request annotaion to auploaded dvs #7822
Bug 1915647 : adds check for drophint for eventSource connector #7816
Bug 1914941 : VM Template rootdisk is not deleted after fetching default disk bus #7793
Bug 1909043 : Show an info instead of warning for flexible scaling on internal mode #7762
Bug 1909027 : Modifying selected disk count based on selected disk type #7759
Bug 1912523 : Fix to update standalone pods and pods side panels for topology #7735
Bug 1913196 : handle resizing of browser for guided tour #7718
Bug 1912907 : Helm chart repository index can contain unresolvable relative URL’s #7711
Bug 1910805 : add translation for pipeline status #7657
Bug 1908687 : Use localstorage fallback when running a local bridge #7586
Bug 1913608 : Query Browser: Fix bug where None
table values were not cleared #7813
Bug 1886977 : show correct VM Import Provider in status #7725
Bug 1873480 : Fix accessibility issue on Topology page #7562
Bug 1904713 : Fix issue getting kubernetes cluster version from API Server. #7548
Bug 1915654 : Add a verification for Affinity match hint #7819
Bug 1915649 : template support message is not a warning #7818
Bug 1915624 : Template provider name is required field only for vm templates #7817
Bug 1915627 : translate all of guided tour text #7814
Bug 1915594 : add test for disk validation #7812
Bug 1915277 : [e2e][automation]fix cdi upload form test #7802
Bug 1888554 : Improve help text for label selectors on PVC creation form #7810
Bug 1913660 : update location and text of Pipeline edit flow alert #7733
CONSOLE-2521 : Migrate Role Binding CRUD tests to Cypress #7756
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize olm operand related strings #7500
Bug 1915187 : remove ‘TechPreview’ badge from VolumeSnapshot* #7808
Bug 1911307 : scale pods using the ‘scale’ subresource #7807
Bug 1915357 : Only show load error in catalog when no items are loaded with error #7805
Bug 1915379 : Make template provider mandatory. #7803
Bug 1909790 : fix pipeline yaml edit flow #7618
Bug 1915133 : Fix missing default pinned nav items in dev perspective #7799
Bug 1914926 : Upgrade Protractor to pick up webdriver-manager fix for… #7792
CONSOLE-2523 : Add resource requests to cluster and project overview #7786
Bug 1914257 : Fix test for NAD on ocp 4.7 #7771
Bug 1914196 : Use route port field for docker container port in Dockerfile import #7767
Bug 1913331 : Remove master as default branch and use only when ref is given #7730
Bug 1913332 : Fix pipeline visualization issue when taskspecs is used #7729
Bug 1910859 : breadcrumbs and nav doesn’t use last namespace #7714
Bug 1909836 : Re-enable and update operator-install-* tests to add catalog-source #7699
Bug 1914209 : Associate image secret name to pipeline serviceaccount imagePullSecrets #7769
Bug 1894020 : fix Internal registry deploy flow #7727
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize olm package descriptor strings #7498
Bug 1906898 : Missing User RoleBindings in the Project Access Web UI #7488
Bug 1910753 : Use context directory to find devfile #7655
Bug 1908296 : Fix pipeline builder form yaml switcher validation issue #7565
Bug 1891189 : Stop non-positive values from being entered by users for max disk size and limit #7783
Bug 1905370 : Fix catalog dropdown alignment for firefox #7794
Bug 1914938 : Selected PVC from short wizard is not passed to advanced wizard #7791
Bug 1914309 : Redirect user to root when terminal operator is not installed #7774
Bug 1913851 : sort cluster task in pipeline builder #7754
Bug 1912730 : create visual connector if service binding is not available for operator backed resource #7704
Bug 1912558 : Show pending status for taskRuns that haven’t started #7701
Bug 1867965 : Don’t override volumes and volumeMounts in D/DC #7515
Bug 1912852 : Show not available when storage is not available #7790
Bug 1914793 : HW devices dont need to be translated #7788
Bug 1913563 : Dont break h1 line in action dropdown #7787
Bug 1914427 : Use kube_running_pod_ready to exclude terminal pods #7779
Bug 1914301 : Use custom template provider as provider for source too #7773
Bug 1883388 : Show maintenance and power status in BMH status card #7764
Bug 1913807 : Show support badge only for Full support #7752
Bug 1914405 : Fix to keep quick-search modal opened with previous input on coming back from a selection #7723
Bug 1883614 : Warn user when restarting BMH #7765
Bug 1911465 : Fix humanize IOPS function #7784
Bug 1914642 : Customize Wizard Storage tab does not pass validation #7782
Bug 1911382 : If source PVC is selected, volumeMode changes to source volumeMode. #7749
Bug 1912852 : Use value of value for disk size #7781
Bug 1914212 : Add test to validate bootable disk souce #7770
Bug 1914060 : choose first boot disk when not using PXE #7780
Bug 1914183 : Link to NAD Quickstarts #7766
Bug 1914204 : Set TemplateItem metadata to default template #7768
Bug 1914349 : Fix alignment of plus and minus icon in number spinner #7778
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize strings in olm root components #7497
Bug 1914334 : Sort items alphabetically in samples catalog #7775
chore: add OWNERS files to locale folders #7772
Bug 1913585 : fix text for Create a Project
Bug 1913567 : Monitoring: Change stacked graph tooltips to not use cumulative values #7763
CONSOLE-2391 : Monitoring: i18n for kebab menus and silence create / edit form #7386
Bug 1913725 : Refactor Insights Operator Plugin states #7747
Bug 1911280 : Use context directory when selecting Builder images #7470
(bug-fix): Fixes warnings and errors for OCS in console #7761
Bug 1913864 : Update ImageStreamTag in sample BuildConfig YAML #7758
Bug 1913783 : To fix the merging pr issue, commenting the afterEach() block #7751
Bug 1886154 : - System roles are not present while trying to create new role binding through web console #7755
Bug 1913285 : VM list empty state links to virtualization quick starts #7724
Bug 1913951 : Swap Devfile Sample for an official repo #7757
Fixed issue: Not able to select access modes for snapshot and clone #7650
Bug 1913420 : Fix i18n display of seconds #7753
Bug 1913568 : Normal user cannot create URL template #7750
Bug 1895169 : VM Template does not properly manage Mount Windows guest tools check box #7745
Bug 1913685 : disable OS field when creating a VM from a template #7744
Bug 1909004 : make filesystem queries compatible with both RHCOS and RHEL nodes #7739
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize strings in ./packages/operator-lifecycle-manager/src #7496
Bug 1913560 : Make DataVolumes and DV pods optional when fetching base images #7748
Bug 1907908 : VM Wizard always uses VirtIO for the VM rootdisk #7746
Bug 1913209 : Adjust messaging in support modal for community supported templates #7719
Bug 1912938 : Update texts of confirmation modal for quick starts #7713
Bug 1912434 : update the guided tour modal heading #7698
Bug 1911434 : update Enviroment empty state icon #7674
Bug 1909276 : Fix for a11y errors in project dropdown #7608
Bug 1909236 : Fix for overlapping remove pin icon on long nav items #7606
Bug 1909207 : Fix accessibility issues on monitoring page #7603
Bug 1907307 : Check DV provider if PVC does not have any #7743
Fix for Storage cluster creation failed with ‘Cannot read property “protocol” of null ’ on adding& then cancelling Encryption #7688
Bug 1913297 : Remove restriction of taints for arbiter node #7726
Bug 1911474 : Delete Devfile Application Group without any errors #7677
Bug 1913292 : Fix flexible scaling when arbiter enabled #7734
Bug 1908650 : The title of customize wizard is inconsistent #7728
Bug 1907892 : Hide edit app action for apps created using devfile flow #7542
CONSOLE-2024 : Add popover for Unschedulable Pending, CrashLoopBackoff, ErrImagePull, ImagePullBackOff statuses #7302
Export zh-cn and zh-tw po files #7732
Bug 1913371 : Fix Administrator missing key error #7731
Bug 1913249 : Update info text alerting this template can’t be adited #7722
Bug 1911809 : [interop-ui-tests] update steps in install helm chart feature file #7680
Bug 1899725 : Reduce Quickstart side panel width when browser widths between 769 - 1600px to prevent usability display issues #7607
Bug 1912703 : Query Browser: Hide graph empty state when hideGraphs is true #7717
Bug 1913210 : fix failure test for 4.7 part1 #7697
CONSOLE 2505: Check in Sprint 193 translations #7578
CONSOLE-2479 : Add YAML Sample for QuickStart CRD #7457
Query Browser: Redesign tooltips and add stacked graph option #7408
Bug 1912381 : Add id to nad form inputs #7721
Fix error message title #7648
Bug 1912849 : Use default os variant label #7712
Cypress: Re-enable Monitoring test suite #7417
tests: fix timeout loading logs in CRD extensions test #7709
Bug 1887797 : asing masquerade to pod interface in VMware import #7706
Bug 1912536 : Put correct version on the console-demo-plugin CR #7700
Bug 1910829 : Cannot delete a PVC if the dv phase is WaitForFirstConsumer #7695
Bug 1878953 : Fix RBAC with upload form and golden images #7685
Bug 1784298 : Query Browser: Fix “reduced resolution” showing unnecessarily #7654
Bug 1909958 : Add QuickStart highlight labels #7625
Bug 1908983 : i18n Deployments/DeploymentConfigs dropdowns #7605
Bug 1906879 : Fix missing i18n key error #7529
Bug 1888036 : Only show latest version for each CSV and PackageManifest provided API. #7305
Bug 1889213 : The error message of uploading failure is not clear enough #7710
Bug 1766287 : Fix use of hello-openshift imagestream #7646
Bug 1907459 : The Boot source is also maintained by Red Hat. is always shown for all boot sources #7708
Bug 1912115 : Fix analyze command #7702
Selects the default class or the first item in SnapshotClassDropdown #7050
Bug 1905253 : update events timeline empty state and end messages #7467
Bug 1872124 : Adds a dropdown for device type selection. #6893
CONSOLE-2371 : [i18n] Externalize olm modal strings #7499
Bug 1911574 : Expose volume mode on Upload Data form #7691
Bug 1905128 : Fix prow’s e2e test script #7446
CONSOLE-2457 : Modify CatalogSource Details view and include new #7430
Bug 1907908 : VM Wizard always uses VirtIO for the VM rootdisk regardless what is defined #7696
Bug 1912115 : Increase heap memory size for analyze job to 8GB #7692
Bug 1910024 : fallback to localstorage for 404 on create ConfigMap #7628
Bug 1888544 : Stop OBC creation page from accepting whitespace #7693
Bug 1908717 : Monitoring Dashboards: Add support for $__rate_interval variable #7651
Bug 1911387 : Hit error - “Cannot read property value of undefined” while creating VM #7690
Bug 1911796 : uploading flow being displayed before submitting the form #7689
Bug 1911617 : Failure to add source to VM template when no default sc #7687
Bug 1911796 : uploading flow being displayed before submitting the form #7686
Bug 1911443 : Remove optional email from ssh key validation #7684
Bug 1908180 : Add source for template is stucking in preparing pvc #7681
Bug 1911443 : Validate SSH public key in cloud init form #7678
Bug 1911418 : default storage class is not used in rootdisk #7679
Bug 1907767 : update kubevirt-gating #7535
Bug 1911381 : Clone available operating system source to this Virtual Machine checkbox should hide select PVC field #7676
Bug 1894041 : VM import wizard: The target storage class name is not displayed #7675
Bug 1908180 : Add source for template is stucking in preparing pvc #7671
Bug 1911408 : Add autoClone cli tests and new flow of VM creation #7669
Bug 1909981 : Improve statement in template select step #7668
Bug 1908557 : Miss css id on bootsource wizard #7672
Bug 1890731 : Migration status title is now showing state of migration #7664
Bug 1895908 : virtio option is not available when modifying a CD-ROM #7673
Bug 1910829 : Cannot delete a PVC if the dv phase is WaitForFirstConsumer #7667
Bug 1910866 : Unify templates string #7666
Bug 1911213 : VM with default flavor should not show a pending changes warning #7661
Bug 1910870 : Translate create vm action label #7662
Fix Installation Tests for Ceph #7639
Bug 1909070 : Fix logs streaming issue in multistream logs #7598
Bug 1907989 : dataVolumeTemplates can be empty #7660
Bug 1908557 : Miss css id on bootsource wizard #7658
(bug-fix): Guard 4.7 fetaures for 4.6 #7633
Bug 1907989 : Added support for dataVolumeTemplate in yaml #7645
Bug 1910263 : Adjust wizard to make existing tests to be able to run #7627
Bug 1907793 : Show support info in VM template details #7644
Bug 1909096 : Fix missing key errors for noobaa and ceph #7626
Bug 1906896 : show empty message for no alerts #7523
Bug 1909821 : Fix flexible scaling enablement #7643
Bug 1910036 : Gherkin Script Scenario for epic ODC-4504 #7632
Bug 1909681 : Remove extension guards for feature detectors in Ceph Plugin #7619
Bug 1909815 : Internationalize Admin perspective in switcher #7622
Bug 1908746 : Fix for SVG filters in topology for Safari #7590
Bug 1907459 : The Boot source is also maintained by Red Hat. is always shown #7588
Bug 1907453 : Pod is now availble in Dev view , topology , machine detail #7575
Bug 1889213 : The error message of uploading failure is not clear enough #7567
Bug 1897003 : VNC console main window can auto reconnect when full screen vnc console tab is closed #7505
Bug 1908918 : Fix Pipeline builder yaml view layout #7595
Bug 1906356 : Unify Clone PVC boot source flow #7541
Bug 1853352 : update CDI version to v1beta1 #7640
Bug 1909792 : Internationalize details page empty states #7621
Bug 1885319 : Revise DataVolumeTemplate API field #6846
Bug 1907307 : Propagate provider and support annotations #7641
Bug 1910201 : Add capacity changes for arbiter #7638
Disable operator-install-* Cypress tests #7623
Bug 1894041 : VM import wizard: The target storage class name is not displayed #7634
CONSOLE-2381 : Support dynamic demo plugin deployment on cluster #7471
Bug 1866298 : Fix namespace labeling issue when storage cluster is created #7630
CONSOLE-2432 : Add i18n externalized strings for events page #7130
Bug 1908545 : Clone modal fails to open #7612
Add missing tooltips for KMS advanced modal #7582
Bug 1907888 : Fix pipeline list page loader #7547
Bug 1907518 : adds rbac for eventSource, KameletBinding and removes camelSource unwanted changes #7543
Bug 1909610 : Fix available capacity when no storage class selected #7402
Bug 1888551 : Fix review page for creation of bucket class flow #7620
Bug 1909739 : Arbiter request data modification #7613
Bug 1903164 : fix yaml editor from remounting #7609
Bug 1909198 : fixes move sink modal for sources #7602
Bug 1909116 : fix alignment of catalog sort dropdown #7601
Bug 1909092 : adds feature flag with channel CRD for add action and route #7600
Bug 1908960 : Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4791 #7566
CONSOLE-2467 : i18n localization for project dashboard #7474
Cypress: Remove OLM(full) test suite from console e2e tests #7614
Bug 1909067 : Keep pod terminal output after connection closes #7528
Bug 1908971 : Gherkin script for pipeline tech debt 4.7 #7596
Bug 1907896 : Update PF React Topology for new item placement issue #7557
Bug 1903255 : Add tolerations for ocs taint in localvolumeset and localvolumediscovery #7551
Bug 1908868 : add empty state message for Event sources and Chanels #7594
Bug 1908323 : Add create button for pipelinerun in devconsole search page #7568
Bug 1908437 : Fix to show default operator icon for topology OBS group node w/o icon #7580
Bug 1907863 : Update quick start actions to handle concurrent state updates #7553
Bug 1906118 : Fix polling issues in OCS feature detector #7593
Bug 1882658 : Add information realated to Volume Snapshots in Project Details Page #7563
Bug 1908716 : passes loadError message and handled same in pods-overview #7589
Bug 1908434 : Remove &apos from metal3-plugin internationalized strings #7583
Bug 1908641 : Show breadcrumb on empty state of catalog as well #7585
Bug 1908715 : Add fix to loop back to last quick-search list item on pressing arrow up key when on top #7576
Bug 1822744 : Cypress command updated to be a function from an object value #7587
Bug 1908598 : Fix events filter for persitent dashboard #6856
Bug 1908467 : Sentence case Zoom In and Zoom Out #7584
Bug 1908425 : - Create Role Binding form subject type and name are undefined when All Project is selected #7581
Bug 1908410 : Exclude Yarn from VSCode search #7577
Bug 1907893 : Fix nav items sort algorithm to work with latest node/browser versions #7556
Bug 1906866 : Add translation for sample-utils.ts #7495
Bug 1906872 : Fix Pipeline Tech Preview badge alignment #7461
Bug 1905074 : Added gherkin linter #7432
Bug 1906877 : Update name filter placeholder for vulnerability list #7421
Bug 1908381 : Update devfile handler #7424
Bug 1908035 : Fix issue with dynamic-demo-plugin webpack build #7516
Bug 1907972 : Update OCM UI link to open Insights tab #7391
Bug 1897830 : Fix cluster creation when using localvolume #7552
Bug 1908135 : move quick search modal inside topology container #7560
Bug 1907874 : Gherkin Script Scenarios for epic ODC-5057 #7554
Bug 1898679 : Fix .co-required class styling #7450
Bug 1907890 : Fix to show correct alert when required in pipeline parameters and resources forms #7486
Bug 1906871 : Fix white screen issue of devconsole monitoring alerts #7480
Bug 1822744 : Add Internal Mode Installation Test to Cypress #7265
Bug 1888551 : Show Backingstores as list in the review step of creation flow of BucketClass #7155
Bug 1907875 : Expand pvc should respond with an invalid size #7559
Bug 1906120 : - Create Role Binding’ form not setting user or group value when created from a user or group resource #7546
Bug 1907543 : Set “en” as default for Moment.js #7545
Bug 1907295 : Gherkin script for improve management for helm ODC 2994 #7536
Bug 1907883 : Fix Pipleine creation without namespace issue #7530
Bug 1906864 : Fix vertical spacing for quick start tour failed error box #7527
Bug 1905610 : Fix typo in export script #7431
Bug 1906685 : show sinkbinding as resources in sidebar if owned by source #7520
Bug 1904305 : add scroll for monitoring dashboard dropdown menu #7414
Bug 1907299 : Add badge for OCS Advanced Subscription #7489
Bug 1906835 : Improve no model detection in k8s watch hook #7358
Bug 1907399 : Do not reload page on a decorator click for internal links #7540
Bug 1903400 : Migration cannot be when machine is off or in error #7539
Bug 1894013 : VMware URL IP address is required without https:// #7533
Bug 1907310 : Rename pin action to favorite #7512
Bug 1907312 : Add misssing date info to source popover #7484
Bug 1907282 : fix topology page white screen, use ternary operator instead of logical operator #7534
Bug 1907305 : Tweak cdrom boot source messages #7525
Bug 1907304 : Update select template page style #7524
Bug 1907303 : Vertically align table items by baseline #7513
Bug 1906684 : handles application group issue with EventSource creation #7481
Bug 1906840 : Change ClusterOperator status ‘Updating’ to ‘Progressing’ #7531
Bug 1906766 : Truncate pod ring inner labels to prevent overflow #7447
Bug 1906770 : Hide topology shortcuts in mobile view #7518
Bug 1906745 : Upgrade Helm to 3.4.2 #7517
Bug 1906899 : fix offset in quick start highlight bounding box #7475
Bug 1905696 : i18n ClusterMoreUpdatesModal #7473
Bug 1906768 : Fix to correctly sort nav items dependent on non-plugin items #7469
Bug 1906760 : Fixes to prevent topology from unnecessary updates/renders #7465
Bug 1906689 : Fix user can pin to nav configmaps and secrets multiple times #7507
Bug 1905977 : Gherkin script pipeline metrics odc 3711 #7482
Bug 1906769 : Fix for topology load for users without access to all resources #7511
Bug 1905621 : Protractor login test fails against a 4.7 (nightly) Power cluster #7502
Bug 1906718 : Use chart repository spec name when available #7466
Bug 1906683 : fixes issue with kn resources if trigger goes to ksvc and IMC from same broker #7519
Bug 1906691 : Added doc for disabling helm chart repository #7509
Bug 1906679 : Fix QuickStartPanelContent style #7508
Bug 1905347 : Gherkin Scripts Scenarios epic ODC-1052 #7451
Bug 1906441 : fix keys for HorizontalNav and NavBar #7514
Bug 1906186 : use ‘the’ instead of ‘this/these’ in alert message #7510
Bug 1905941 : Add optional chaining to catalog source Status field #7494
Externalize the recent changes on kms and flexible scaling #7506
Bug 1888544 : Trim user provided name for OBC before attempting creation #7504
Bug 1879013 : Improve CD-ROM interface selection #7483
Bug 1906318 : kubevirt: use proper term for Authorized SSH Keys #7503
Bug 1866298 : Label namespace during storage cluster creation #7487
fix quick start catalog tile icon alignment #7492
Add missing OS name to details popover. #7485
Bug 1905348 : Gherkin Script Scenarios for epic ODC-4658 #7441
Use kubevirt sc config map #7170
Remove border rule since upstream fix has merged #7493
Fixed endless loading state for insights plugin #7491
Cypress Annotations tests #7448
Fix pipelinerun visualization inprogress crash #7438
CONSOLE-2399 : Update yarn to latest stable 1.22.10 #7280
Bug 1900377 : Add selector for active users on Overview tab #7462
Adds default label to snapshot class with the correct annotation #7052
Improve secret hostname hint #6873
Bug 1879419 : Improve boot source description for Container and URL #7479
Show error if common template does not have SRC_PV params #7459
Fix to not show misleading alert message in Project Access Page #7443
Bug 1905380 : Default to Red Hat/KubeVirt provider if common template does not have … #7453
Add feature guard for Multus #7419
Bug 1881268 : Image uploading failed but wizard claim the source #7458
add minwidth to taskBar #7460
Bug 1903192 : - Role name missing on create role binding form #7427
Show type badge on every tile in all catalogs #7468
Bug 1905542 : Replace ‘Baremetal’ with ‘BareMetal’ in the supported platforms for I… #7463
Bug 1905146 : Fix helm unit test failures #7455
Bug 1904244 : Drop usage of i18next.t from plugin.ts files #7454
Check certificate before uploading #7269
Hide scale buttons of pod donut for Pod resources #7444
CONSOLE-2475 : Check in Japanese and Chinese translations #7224
route eventsource from Admin to catalog for source and workload on create #7452
Bug 1904993 : Remove & in strings #7449
Bug 1882268 : Add snapshots integration test #6314
convert last used namespace local storage to userSettings #7433
Bug 1872166 : Fix Silences link redirection from developer perspective #7248
Bug 1905104 : Snapshot modal disk items missing keys #7442
CONSOLE-2477 : Improve OperatorHub -> Sources view #7259
Cypress: do not test for i18n pseudo-translation of timestamps #7445
CONSOLE-2391 : Monitoring: Add i18n for Metrics and Dashboards pages #7266
Bug 1892198 : Fix runtime error on operand details page. #7038
CONSOLE-2431 : i18n for home/api-explorer #7009
Bug 1902981 : Namespace is passed differently when using create vm from template. #7439
Bug 1904776 : Snapshot modal alert is not pluralized #7434
Cypress Automation - Pipelines for add options-odc-5188 #7375
(feat): Enable flexible scaling in storage cluster deployment #7416
Do not load topology resources when in all namespaces project is selected #7428
Provide code snippet for default console catalog categories #7297
Get customized catalog categories in dev catalog from server flags #7196
Revert “remove tech preview badge from web terminal” #7425
gherkin_usability_enhancement_for_quick_start-ODC-4653 #7409
Cpress automation scripts for Add Flow catalog scenarios-odc-5184 #7357
Cypress Automation - Add flow docker flow scenarios-ODC-5182 #7356
KMS flow for storage class creation #7330
Bug 1903172 : Background shadow appears under datalist in column management modal #7413
Save dropdown bookmarks and favoriteKey in user settings #7390
Fix sorting of nav section items #7379
Localize more kubevirt strings #7423
i18n for dropdown object enums #7422
add sc detection to vm snapshots #7418
Use extensions to add decorators to topology nodes #7410
Create stretch cluster with arbiter node. #7376
Bug 1856803 : Fix cluster monitoring link #7426
Move gitops code out into its own monorepo package #7420
Fix error state for Raw Capacity Card #7415
Gherkin Scripts for ODC-4181 and ODC-3954 #7401
Bug 1897354 : make CRDCard display consistent with tabs #7393
Bug 1897008 : Cypress: reenable check for ‘aria-hidden-focus’ rule & checkA11y test for modals #7382
Cypress automation add flow container image scenarios - odc 5181 #7354
convert last used perspective local storage to user settings #7407
Localize remaining kubevirt-plugin modals #7337
Move helm from dev-console into its own monorepo package #7412
i18n ocs day1 and day2 operations #7406
Gherkin display task runs associated with pipeline run odc 3712 #7377
Convert custom table column configuration from localStorage to user settings #7339
kubevirt i18n Actions #7394
Devfile Add Flow #7299
Add ArgoCD application links to GitOpsDetailsPage cards #7288
Allow cluster admins to create terminals #7145
Bug 1902595 : Fix to show alerts in topology list view #7392
Convert Pinned Resources local storage to user settings #7291
Bug 1874968 : Pressing escape key doesn’t exit the dropdown list #6907
Changes to Capacity Metrics in OCS Persistent Storage Dashboard #7404
Fix common template providers #7403
remove vm templates from template catalog #7398
Bug 1901531 : Fix runtime error in create CR form #7397
Bug 1903196 : Position Overview status popovers to display on top #7395
i18n for advanced wizard #7378
Helm chart list should not return helm charts if the repo is disabled. #7369
Added init state to insights plugin #7351
Update associated pipeline during the edit flow #7346
add pipeline metrics dashboard #7345
Localize the Bare Metal Hosts side nav name #7336
Validation on storage & nodes install step #7389
Bug 1899200 : - In Installed Operators page I cannot search for an Operator by it’s name #7319
Bug 1882057 : Fixes access mode support for PVC creation #6882
Standardize Capitalization knative , devconsole, pipelines, topology, console app, container security and console shared #7374
adds feature flag to catalog item provider #7400
add Kamelets- schema generated forms & yaml/form switching #7344
Add support for samples & snippets in pipeline builder yaml editor #7396
Enable quickstart hints in quickstart sidepanel #7281
Add missed i18n strings #7388
Bug 1903402 : Added isVMPage boolean to choose correct links for Nics and Disks #7387
setting storage class when selectedKey is set in storageClassDropDown #7383
Bug 1901594 : bump node-sass to 5.0.0 #7365
Localize Virtualization nav name #7335
Bug 1891314 : Return helm charts based on the installed kubernetes version #7012
gherkin script for quick search to add project in topology view- ODC-2925 #7240
Add VM Create to Dev console #7188
i18n ocs dashboards #7368
Metal3 i18n form #7333
Kms cluster encryption #7153
Bug 1896302 : Fix 4.6 test failures #7169
Update user settings hook to use bridge call to create ConfigMap #7327
Add i18n to topology package #7315
Custom support statement for templates #7311
GitOps- Renamed Application Stages in nav to Environments #7272
i18n overview dashboard health state messages #7372
Bug 1902969 : Added a check on the value return from getOwnerReferences #7371
Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4645 #7312
Gherkin script for Pipelines - Improve Pipeline Creation Process- ODC… #7310
Add ability to filter quick starts catalog #7223
Use User settings hook for topology layout data, topology view state (graph/list) and cloudshell terminal #7051
Bug 1901395 : Remove edit template link #7370
Bug 1898532 : Remove _.startCase from FieldSet title #7366
Import console i18n instance #7362
guest agent test: alert when delete vm while user is logged in #7355
Removing Protractor annotations test from e2e, crud, and all test suites due to flakyness #7322
Unify advanced/simple flow boot sources #7303
Edit backing store in bucket class modal #5439
Catalog-Operator Hub: remove local storage and user filter preference #7328
Add quick-search and add functionality in topology #7323
Bug 1902123 : Bump gorilla/websocket #7361
Generate assets on postinstall hook #7332
convert Topology filters localStorage to userSettings #7326
generic component to highlight any part of the ui #7131
feature flag Helm based on HelmRepository CRs #7035
i18n for kubevirt basic VM wizard #7349
Add event sources in catalog using catalog extension API #7338
Convert QuickStarts localstorage to user settings #7258
Use console.flag/model extension in console-app package #7231
Add API to create user settings #7095
Cypress: disable Monitoring test suite #7367
Bug 1901395 : Fix broken link of edit vm template of a user #7353
Cypress Scripts - Create from git add flow ODC-4976 #7103
kubevirt wizard custom flavort memory lable #7348
Bug 1901373 : Removed brackets typo #7347
Convert OperatorHub from localStorage to user settings #7314
Convert Guided tour data from local storage to user settings #7222
ODC-4372 : Gherkin Script - Viewing App Dependency vulnerabilities in Project Dashboard #7020
Convert Hide Alert Checks from localStorage to user settings #7282
i18n support in devconsole Gitops and Guided tour components #7137
Translated devconsole Getting Started text in order to pass Cypress login test #7331
customize dev catalog tile descriptions #7342
: Update web terminal to explain the reason why the workspace was stopped #7199
localize navigation #7341
allow providers to override catalog items #7334
Bug 1899128 : Show info message only when vmi not controlled #7320
create new test to verify logged-in users #7238
Updated test-prow-e2e file to accommodate ceph #7308
adds fallback to localstorage for usersettings if 403 for configmap #7301
CONSOLE-2405 : Allow Console static plugins to use dynamic extensions #7163
Unify create VM flow #7204
topology white screens when selecting a VM node #7329
Bug 1900022 : Search Page - Top Name/Label filter is not applied to selected Pipeline resources #7318
add non blocking pipeline creation flow #7241
add default workspace when auto starting pipeline from Add flow #7237
localize git-service package #7324
UI crashes on opening topology #7325
tests: Don’t run Protractor for olmFull suite #7321
Bug 1766287 : - “hello-openshift” template application wrong binary format #7186
Update clone OS message, add link to base PVC #7257
Show ‘Clone and boot’ if VMT disk will be cloned #7205
i18n support in devconsole helm components #7117
Remove customize link when creating VMs #7209
Update Dockerfile.product for nodejs v14.15.0 #7304
visualisation of KameletBiding in topology #7239
Metal3 i18n ii #7309
added form yaml switcher for eventSources #7181
Bug 1889724 : When LocalVolumeDiscovery CR is created form the LSO page , user must Disk tab #6986
Localize VM NICs and disks modals #7307
Metal3 plugin i18n i #7300
Bug 1899949 : Remove restriction on disk type selection for LocalVolume Set #7290
Maintain state in wizard flow for storageClass selected #7142
Move topology from dev-console to its own monorepo #7254
Add catalog controller and generic view components #7233
Bug 1900020 : Remove &apos from internationalized keys #7286
CONSOLE-2420 : Added i18n testing to cypress crud test suite #7213
Add Multus Configuration option for Attached Mode #7152
kubevirt i18n vm and vmt lists #7295
Bug 1879056 : Added eviction strategy support #7276
i18n main vm list #7292
Kubevit i18n overview page i #7271
Add support for Multus(Network) in storage cluster creation under configuration #6974
Remove PF3 components from metal3 and NAD plugins #7283
UI enhancement to support Quickstarts as CRs #6979
Bug 1888874 : Update yaml language server to 0.13.0 to allow for better support for hovering #7279
Add ability to specify nav section ordering by plugins #7275
CONSOLE-1916 : Make visual updates to inventory card #7289
add quick starts card on cluster overview #7150
Bug 1900010 : Fix i18n sentence fragment #7285
Add ArgoCD dashboard link to GitOpsListPage #7127
Bug 1900008 : Fix i18n sentence fragment #7284
Update IMV details page #7104
CONSOLE-2485 : Add Cypress descriptors test #7261
adds useUserSettings hook and associated HOC #7242
Query Browser: Add gap between graph legend columns #7235
New VM from template flow #6937
Add Subscriptions tab to Channel details page #7105
Bug 1893601 : fix filesystem queries #7201
More i18n for vm details page #7250
Bug 1895263 : Allow creating storage cluster irrespective of LSO namespace #7184
Add Encryption workflow for storage cluster creation #7062
Cypress: test for existance of ‘cypress-a11y-report.json’ before running ‘yarn cypress-a11y-report’ #7262
Fix UI crash on opening topology sidebar when a pipeline is associated with an app #7252
Add Pipeline Idle Icon & Add OnClick Start Pipeline Modal #7246
Correct the order of dev perspective nav for pipelines #7220
CONSOLE-2429 : i18n for namespace with table / col management titles #6953
CONSOLE-2447 : i18n for secrets #7047
Add Cypress OperatorHub test #7244
Fix pipeline builder sidebar crash #7253
Add Broker details page #6945
Bug 1896511 : Fix the request for lvs and lvd #7249
Fix issue using ‘byTestDropDownMenu’ in a chain #7243
Query Browser: Remove Y-axis ticks #7236
Cleanup OverviewItem removing unnecessary fields, retrieve data as necessary #7207
CONSOLE-2461 : Add infrastructure for Korean #7226
Bug:1898357 Address operatorhub image name overlap bug. Enable overflow-wrap on string. #7230
add translation capabilities to extensions #7234
Bug 1898320 : - Incorrect Apostrophe Translation of “it’s” in Scheduling Disabled Popover #7232
Add Cypress Operator global install mode test #7225
i18n support in devconsole Pipeline components #7143
Fix i18n file diff test #7187
Add Cypress Operator single install mode test #7214
Bug 1890235 : update Protractor’s checkErrors logging #7019
add error status popover in the pipleline, pipelinerun and taskrun list #7160
Hide edit icon for nodes without vcs URI #7216
show image vulnerability in status under project details #6934
kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7203
CONSOLE-2438 : i18n common components: environment tab #6891
Fix loading errors for i18n keys #7212
Fix continual poll for pod graph data in pod details page #7210
Cypress fixes: ‘Create Project’ timing issue and temporarily disable a11y check for ‘aria-hidden-focus’ #7193
Update i18n scripts #7030
CONSOLE-2437 : i18n common components: dropdowns #6993
Bug 1897423 : Update dc strategy type and rolling params #7200
CONSOLE-2439 : i18n common components: list view/details components #6888
Bug 1896296 : Ensure correct git URL for topology edit icon #7158
add i18n for kubevirt-plugin [details page] #7168
tests: disable Cypress colors in CI #7198
Refactor dev-console pipeline code into pipelines-plugin mono repo #7190
gherkin script- adding event tab in pipeline run and task run pages #7065
Topology, fetch jobs for cronjobs when necessary #7164
Remove reviewer Abhishek from the DevConsole packages #7197
Topology, fetch service and route data when necessary #7159
Add YAML switcher to pipeline builder form #7028
kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7195
add support for Operator Backed SBR through topology inContext #7084
Topology, fetch build config data when necessary #7162
Bug 1887651 : Add support for phase values of CephObjectStoreKind CRD used in OCS 4.5 #6977
Bug 1894810 : removes techpreview badge from eventing #7110
i18n support in devconsole health checks components #7115
Gherkin Script for epic ODC-3396 #7156
Add Japanese to language switcher #7189
CONSOLE-2445 : deploymentConfig i18n #7057
Add cypress integration test support for Ceph plugin #7165
i18n support in devconsole Project and QuickStart components #7151
CONSOLE-2390 : i18n build page and image stream page #6949
Update i18n json files #7185
Bug 1896732 : disable os upload if no os avaliable #7183
kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7182
Bug 1882660 : Show all operators that will be approved with manual ins… #7076
Fix i18n key in ResourceQuotas #7176
CONSOLE-2325 : Add machine translations for Japanese #7092
Bug 1889928 : add more tests for golden os #6967
Bug 1896229 : Hide empty cards #7174
Change PodRingSet to fetch pods, remove PodRingController #7077
Gherkin Scripts for scenarios in ODC-4419 #7101
i18n support in devconsole hpa components #7126
Bug 1894374 : prevent prevent loading by type #7099
Determine metrics status in list view nodes #7074
Add new catalog extensions and catalog service provider #7023
Bug 1888530 : [RHOCS Usability Study]No clear statement what rules users violated when failed the naming requirements #7173
Bug 1895372 : Tolerate missing status
on OperatorGroups #7172
Wait for models to be loaded #7171
Fix to use graph view for default for dev perspective topology page #7157
Bug 1888870 : Remove resolveCompletionItem from yaml editor since it’s not needed #7167
add support for customSchema in resource sidebar for helm charts #7154
remove tech preview badge from web terminal #7106
Consistency display resource details in a two equal column layout #7166
Bug 1896529 : Updates to the serverless quicks starts content to fix errors and update areas that have changed based on the new operator release. #7033
i18n support in devconsole Import components #7139
Bug 1890104 : update apiVersion for eventing resources wrt serverless 1.10 #7134
Bug 1896101 : Added negative tests for migration from VMWare and RHV #6249
CONSOLE-2444 : deployment i18n #7058
add expect library to kubevirt tests #7146
Fix to allow in context create after page reload #7129
i18n support in devconsole monitoring components #7124
Bug 1894860 : Correctly report errors when backend tests fail #7116
add to application support for required resources #7097
Add quick search button and keyboard shortcut in topology #7088
CONSOLE-2443 : pod i18n #7060
Fix application dropdown to fetch resources based on extensions. #7034
Bug 1893351 : Determine Secret type upon the save #7071
Bug 1891498 : Show additional machine config pools while updating #6992
Ensure Console plugin init logic is executed only once #6963
Add option for Deep Compare hook to use JSON.stringify. #6464
CONSOLE-2466 : Bump i18n dependencies #7128
Bug 1882653 : Convey automatic subscriptions in same namespace as a m… #7054
CONSOLE-2452 : i18n for replicationControllers #7042
add validation for RHV certificate #7100
CONSOLE-2453 : Hpa i18n #7043
Bug 1878701 : Filter out events from old VM with the same nam #7140
Bug 1894860 : fixed test “returned merged index file for all accessible helm repos” #7111
CONSOLE-2395 : Add language switcher #7094
Add tests for guest agent data #6871
Bug 1893944 : Update Multi Cloud Gateway brand name to Multicloud Object Gateway #7138
Bug 1895065 : Fix sample / snippet toggle in resource sidebar #7125
Bug 1894519 : Enable external mode for OpenStack and oVirt platform #7136
Fix typo in error message #7120
Fix edit flow in case of custom template application #7121
Bug 1894330 : update channels list #7096
CONSOLE-2392 : i18n: externalize strings in Compute nav section #6929
fix quickstart subtitle #7114
CONSOLE-2449 : cron jobs i18n #7031
update pipelinerun graph to show past pipeline structure #6960
Add Vulnerabilities tab in project details page #6854
Bug 1891047 : Access server API via kubernetes.default.svc from Helm endpoints #7112
Show custom builder image in edit flows BuilderImage section #7021
Make the ‘Reveal Values’ match the string from locales/en #7118
CONSOLE-2448 : i18n for configmaps #7045
Fetch pods when displaying pods resources in overview pages #7070
Add graph view to project overview workloads tab #6901
Knative Test Cases Rearrangement #7081
Console-2450: i18n for jobs #7036
Bug 1894503 : add automated test for Polarion CNV-5045 #7102
add pipelinerun watcher to add or remove the last run menu item #7037
Bug 1856354 : Keep swagger definitions up to date #6857
CONSOLE-2391 : Monitoring: Initial i18n for list & details pages #7067
not all disk types can be selected as the boot source #7080
TaskRun details and log page #6851
i18n support for knative-plugin package #6885
Create an extension to support inContext for import Flows #7013
Fix to maintain data on the graph element on a settings restoral #7093
Fix to warn user when creating an application grouping that exists #7029
CONSOLE-2442 : i18n for replicasets #7025
check for taskRef kind in the TR spec #7005
Bug 1878873 : cypress-cucumber-automation-framework #6776
Fix status icon size in topology and alignments #7041
i18n common components: PVC modals #6933
Create buildConfig or pipeline based on user input #6874
Add descriptions to flavor, workload dropdowns #7006
Add Eventing tab and Event Source, Broker, Channel pages under Serverless for Admin perspective #6939
Bug 1894110 : Handle values of 0 for maxUnavailable and maxSurge #7083
CONSOLE-2446 : statefulset i18n #7056
Bug 1893963 : Dont use lookbehinds regexp #7082
Update kubevirt-plugin OWNERS file #7079
Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4388 #6941
E2E test: Use KUBEADM_PASSWORD_FILE by default #7075
Add start button to fresh start pipeline from sidebar #6955
CONSOLE-2426 : Cypress & Protractor: Optimized shell and yarn scripts #7053
update pending Icon in Pipeline Run visualization #6970
CONSOLE-2451 : i18n for daemonsets #7039
add cloudinit doc link #7015
Bug 1889348 : Remove Project link from Application Details page #6969
Bug 1893724 : Use correct service account for operator monitoring #7068
Bug 1866087 : Fix crash when helm manifest yaml contains duplicate keys #7066
Remove Tech Preview badge from dev console monitoring #7048
Bug 1886766 : Changes ‘Persistent Volume’ to ‘Persistent Volume Claim’ for PVC dropdown in snapshot create page #6796
Monitoring: Fix graph refresh on alert and rule details pages #6881
packages/console-shared localization #6956
CONSOLE-2296 : Update node-sass version #7040
Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #6861
use FocusTrap for popover and remount StepComponent to remove the focus from Next button #7014
Bug 1891999 : Fix compression card metrics for Persitent dashboard #6989
Cover static and dynamic plugin SDKs with unit tests #6886
Fix po-to-i18n script #7016
Bug 1892358 : update feature gate for kubevirt-gating job #7017
Bug 1884629 : pf update to fix dropdown accessibility bug #7024
fix pod donut information #6864
CONSOLE-2390 : i18n build config page #6913
Bug 1887465 : Fall back to “all namespaces” when currently active namespace is deleted #6975
CONSOLE-2297 : Added Create Namespace option during operator install #6765
CONSOLE-2372 : i18n - Networking pages #6928
Bug 1856351 : Fix build details page charts #6879
Bug 1885676 : Minimal deployment warning message is corrected #7011
Add Owner Reference to VM Snapshots #6995
Bug 1889529 : Check for any CR name versus a specific name #7003
pass copied secret to the vmimport object instead of the original one #7000
fix cnv base images loading #6999
Bug 1812412 : Monitoring: Increase Prometheus query_range timeouts to 30s #7004
Bug 1891376 : Extra text in Cluster Utilization charts #7001
CONSOLE-2423 : upgrade yaml language server #6483
Bug 1875516 : - disabled scheduling is easy to miss in node page of OCP console #6900
i18n common components: logs #6890
Bug 1887864 : Update library-go and replace runc module for v1.0.0-rc8 version #6990
Treat console-extensions.json file as JSON with Comments (jsonc) #6799
Bug 1891419 : Wrong detail head on network policy detail page #6996
Made singulars for Insights plugin #6991
Query Browser: Small clean-up of legend CSS #6994
Bug 1883563 : Handle promise rejection error #6818
CONSOLE-1523 : Switch logging to klog #1862
(feat) : Updated baremetal install wizard flow #6976
Bug 1889515 : - Accessibility - The checkmark in the Node > overview page has no text description, label, or other accessible information #6971
Bug 1890145 : Add classname to decrease font size for Status Ready #6973
i18n common components: modals #6887
Bug 1889692 : Fix selected capacity to reflect correct disk size #6984
Monitoring: Add legend to alerting rule details page graph #6980
Add useResolvedExtensions hook and improve related code #6655
i18n common components: YAML #6889
CONSOLE-2394 : i18n administration pages #6883
Re-enable Snapshots tab #6807
Add missing key when mapping urls #6964
add details page for eventing trigger and subscription #6921
Save/Restore topology graph layout during current session #6919
Bug 1881881 : Replace route dropdown input with typeahead select menu in import/edit flow #6719
Fix edit app flow in case service not available #6952
CONSOLE-2428 : i18n for search section of home nav #6948
Only re-create pod donut if data changes #6899
CONSOLE-2378 : Add infrastructure for Console dynamic plugins #6101
Bug 1889698 : Fix form re-render on cancelling #6968
Localize the console-app package #6903
Bug 1885173 : Add VM next run configuration test #6829
Add Node qualifier to Affinity table #6865
Bug 1886452 : Fix for topology layout options style on select #6872
Handle missing labels as empty #6940
Move topology monitoring data fetching into Hooks #6875
Bug 1889630 : - Scheduling disabled popovers are missing for Node status in Node Overview and Details pages #6961
Bug 1886168 : Check if the label exists before comparing its value #6954
adds serving in admin to show services, revisions, routes as tab views #6848
Query Browser: Fix tooltips next to the edge of the graph #6959
Bug 1872923 : Fix cancel button to return to operator details #6957
Add events tab in pipelinerun and taskrun details page #6867
Bug 1887472 : Fix to allow shift-drag to regroup knative services in topology #6909
Cleanup unused topology resources #6897
Update TaskRun List Page Columns & PipelineRun Tab #6840
Bug 1883766 : Adjust tests due to UI changes #6850
Bug 1887375 : Add volumeMode to the create form and yaml of a pvc #6912
Query Browser: All pressing Escape key to cancel zoom #6914
Bug 1888985 : Fix Cypress test flake and accesibility violation: ‘Ensures buttons have discernible text’ #6951
(feat): Add wizard flow for internal mode cluster creation #6892
make KUBEVIRT_PROJECT_NAME customizable in kubevirt-plugin tests #6946
Remove cluster credentials download action for Internal Mode #6935
i18n: update namespace consolidator #6930
Bug 1888363 : log namespaces errors instead of crashing in dev #6926
Bug 1888150 : Format markdown text in Install Operand Form #6927
Increase timeout in dashboard test for better stability #6924
Bug 1887797 : asign masquerade to pod interface in RHV import #6925
Bug 1885702 : Cypress: Fix ‘aria-hidden-focus’ accesibility violations #6910
Bug 1887783 : PVC upload cannot continue after approve the certificate #6922
Bug 1886168 : Hide Terminal tab from the NodeDetailsPage if Windows on the Node #6876
add Channels, EventSources, OperatorBacked, HelmCharts menu action to Add To Project context menu #6838
Avoid traversing node_modules when running i18next on packages/* #6920
Fix topology to layout updated graph when application changes #6898
Rearranged Helm Test Cases and added E2E for Helm #6847
Bug 1885138 : Include CDI disk cloning to VM status #6916
Bug 1886524 : Change default terminal command for Windows Pods #6906
Remove notification drawer header override fix #6904
Bug 1887380 : Add additional provisioners to their AccessMode mapping #6902
Bug 1885706 : Cypress: Fix ‘link-name’ accesibility violation #6878
Bug 1886423 : New Affinities dont contain ID until saving #6870
Bug 1876701 : Fix some spec descriptor widgets inline edit behavior #6824
Bug 1854567 : Dont list Subscrition when matching CSV exists on the Installed Operators page #6862
i18n support #6194
Query Browser: Remove SeriesButton’s key prop #6895
Added Kanika(a2batic) to list of approvers #6896
fixes issue with containersource selection #6894
Don’t attempt to retrieve pipeline data in topology when unsupported #6842
Refactors feature enable code for OCS #6884
Bug 1847074 : PF fix for filter bar layout issues at some screen widths on search page #6771
Bug 1883847 : Fix subscription name issue for OCS #6860
Bug 1886397 : Move object-enum to console shared #6869
Bug 1885676 : Update trigger limit for Minimal Deployment #6845
Bug 1886353 : Add amd64 URL for virtctl binary in kubevirt-gating job #6868
update subscriber message if none exists #6863
Bug 1881898 : fix Quickstart subtitle block #6692
Bug 1878301 : Improve display of node unschedulable status #6852
Simplify topology component structure #6837
Added insights-plugin #6660
Append ‘\n’ to ssh private key, if it ends without one. #6859
Bug 1884654 : show vmi utilization data #6827
Bug 1885315 : specify full regex for jest transform #6841
update kafkaSource v1beta1 spec to remove resources #6828
Bug 1879282 : Update doc links in installed operators page #6820
test: Account osd sizing in add capacity tests #6826
Use better fix for messed JSON output in yarn analyze command #6577
Remove Snapshot related components from OCS Plugin #5968
Query Browser: Keep tooltip constrained to graph frame #6831
Bug 1884724 : quickstart update of serverless install steps #6823
Bug 1852743 : Show total cores in node list #6816
Bug 1884664 : Start the install status page as soon as subscription exist #6801
Bug 1885343 : Fallback to GQL HTTP on iOS devices #6778
Report actual vendors bundle limit #6579
Bug 1870800 : Explain namespace missing namespace column in column management #6825
add password type to StatusDescriptors #6697
Bug 1885218 : Add virtctl binary to kubevirt-plugin gating script #6832
Bug 1884613 : Fix runtime error for basic users creating Prometheus instance #6821
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-51256 : Custom route TLS should be optional when IngressController’s DefaultCertificate is set #965
OCPBUGS-51379 : Re-revert Report email_domain to telemetry + fix panic for uninitialized mail value. #964
OCPBUGS-45514 : Report email_domain to telemetry + fix panic for uninitialized mail value. #962
OCPBUGS-51156 : Revert #950 “OCPBUGS-45514: Report email_domain to telemetry” #961
OCPBUGS-45514 : Report email_domain to telemetry #950
OCPBUGS-48536 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.19 #956
OCPBUGS-48740 : Vendor the missing CSP directives #960
OCPBUGS-46513 : Add ConsolePluginContentSecurityPolicy feature gate to… #957
OCPEDGE-1345 : feat: add arbiter node support for HA #939
OCPBUGS-45722 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #946
OCPBUGS-45222 : Dont disable console when authConfig type is set to None #944
OCPBUGS-44953 : don’t set current clients when no OIDC providers are configured #945
OCPBUGS-44362 : Remove the v1alpha1 schema for ConsolePlugin CRD #942
OCPBUGS-44556 : console/status: set initial value of Message field #940
CONSOLE-4292 : Console-operator should configure console with the CSP allowed directives #938
OCPBUGS-43837 : Bump docs version #937
NO-JIRA: Update owners file: Update my github username) #936
OCPBUGS-41258 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #929
NO-JIRA: Remove unused code #934
OCPBUGS-42534 : Console-operator’s route healthcheck should have longer retry #933
CONSOLE-4055 : Have GettingStartedBanner enabled by default #930
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS files #931
CONSOLE-4055 , OCPBUGS-39357 : Vendor API changes #927
OCPBUGS-38549 : Get externalOrganizationID instead of the organizationID #925
CONSOLE-4163 : Add RBAC for console to GET PackageManifests #921
CONSOLE-4161 : Add Capabilities to config builder #920
OCPBUGS-35941 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.17 #912
OCPBUGS-36213 : Bump openshift/api to pick up removal of conversion webhook server reference #919
OCPBUGS-33715 : Add logging for determining the ORG_ID source #918
OCPBUGS-33715 : Cache organization ID when the ID changes #913
TRT-1733 : Revert #914 “OCPBUGS-29547: Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed” #915
OCPBUGS-29547 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #914
OCPBUGS-33787 : Add cluster wide trusted CA bundle to operator #911
OCPBUGS-33787 : Tolerate the absence of ingress capability on HyperShift clusters #886
OCPBUGS-33787 : deps: bump openshift/api #907
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #871
OCPBUGS-34364 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #906
OCPBUGS-31777 : Updates message verbs to use %q where appropriate. #902
OCPBUGS-33715 : Cache organization ID #904
CONSOLE-4047 : Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data #901
OCPBUGS-33505 : Add missing return statement to fix crash in healthcheck controller #900
OKD-214 : Dockerfile: Add ARG TAGS=ocp #896
TRT-1664 : Revert #895 “CONSOLE-4047: Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data” #899
CONSOLE-4047 : Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data #895
CONSOLE-3943 : Default telemetry values #890
CONSOLE-4014 : Pass OCM organization ID and OCP cluster ID to console-config.yaml #893
TRT-1623 : Revert “Merge pull request #889 from jhadvig/CONSOLE-4014” #892
CONSOLE-4014 : Pass OCM organization ID and OCP cluster ID to console-config.yaml #889
OCPBUGS-20129 : Fix triggering upgradenotification
in the cluster installation time #790
OCPBUGS-20466 : Tighten console operator permissions for cluster operators #873
OCPBUGS-32400 : base OIDC status updates on the ExternalOIDC feature gate #887
OCPBUGS-29547 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #868
OCPBUGS-30458 : Bump to latest #884
CONSOLE-3944 , OCPBUGS-31020 : Disable segment analytics when cluster telemetry is disabled #877
CONSOLE-3910 : Add quickstart to impersonate a system:admin user #865
OCPBUGS-31482 : oidc: synchronize the CM with a CA to trust the issuer, if configured #879
OCPBUGS-29331 : Update RHDH QuickStarts and add CR examples #878
OCPBUGS-24913 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #827
OCPBUGS-28541 : Remove Janus IDP and update RHDH quickstarts #862
OCPBUGS-29479 : Add startupProbe to console container. #869
OCPBUGS-29532 : ouathclients: further split oidc and integrated oauth handling #861
CONSOLE-3912 : always sync oidcClients in authn status if the field is present #857
OCPBUGS-28982 : oauthclients: fix oauthclients degraded condition that never gets removed #855
CONSOLE-3912 : OAuthClients: only add oidcClients
to authentication status if the field exists #847
CONSOLE-3912 : OIDC: setup the volume name properly when custom CA is configured #849
OCPBUGS-27335 : use InfrastructureTopology for clusters using external CP as the console deploys on the worker nodes #841
CONSOLE-3912 : Merge auth cert configmap deployment annotations into one #842
OCPBUGS-25484 : make it impossible double set conditions in a single loop #848
CONSOLE-3912 : Add secrets for session encryption/authentication in OIDC #839
OCPBUGS-27335 : The console-deployment should set the number of replicas based on the ControlPlaneTopology #838
NO-JIRA:(chore) remove unused loglevel #830
OCPBUGS-25484 : Bump library-go to deal with GET conflict #836
OCPBUGS-24041 : Prevent healthcheck controller from Available=False blipping #834
OCPBUGS-7656 : Remove service ca controller annotation from console-redirect service. #826
OCPBUGS-15827 : Revert #831 and fix cluster proxy annotation on console conversion webhook deployment #833
Revert #822 “OCPBUGS-15827: Update console conversion webhook server to use certwatcher” #831
OCPBUGS-15827 : Update console conversion webhook server to use certwatcher #822
OCPBUGS-25618 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.16 #824
OCPBUGS-24913 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #823
CONSOLE-3804 : Reapply separation of the oauthclients controller #814
CONSOLE-3652 : Create StorageVersionMigration for ConsolePlugin CRD v1 migration #816
OCPBUGS-24203 : ConsolePlugin metrics must no longer be grouped by the vendor #819
CONSOLE-3791 : Add “readOnlyRootFilesystem” to all console conta… #809
OCPBUGS-23300 : Disable route controller health check for NLB setup #815
ODC-7418 : Add Janus IDP and RHDH Quick starts #806
TRT-1361 : Revert #808 “CONSOLE-3804: split oauthclient controller from the common logic” #813
CONSOLE-3804 : split oauthclient controller from the common logic #808
CONSOLE-3613 : Update vendor bundle after removing multicluster code #810
CONSOLE-3613 : Remove multicluster code from console operator #799
OCPBUGS-21972 : Disable HTTP/2 for webhook #802
OCPVE-719 : feat: add support for olm capability #795
HOSTEDCP-1250 : remove redundant cert check #801
CONSOLE-3717 : Dockerfile.rhel7: Drop explicit runlevels from some CRD manifests #782
OCPBUGS-19173 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #794
OCPBUGS-19080 : Reset console operator’s conditions #796
CONSOLE-3438 : Switch to using assets #783
OCPBUGS-17424 : Really handle DeletedFinalStateUnknown correctly #786
OCPBUGS-17424 : Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown correctly #785
chore: manifests/09-console-link-*: Drop obsolete deletion manifests #784
CONSOLE-3624 : Add haproxy timeout annotation to console routes #777
ODC-7333 : Bump openshift/api to include ConsoleSample CRD #771
OCPBUGS-15893 : Add missing watch permission for helm-chartrepos-viewers #775
ODC-7333 : Add consolesamples to ClusterRole console-extensions-reader to give all users readonly access #776
OCPBUGS-14716 : Handle branding based on API changes #769
ODC-7339 : Follow up ticket for ODC-7292 #773
OCPBUGS-15499 : Remove managed cluster logic from the operator’s controller #774
ODC-7292 : Add new quickstart for installing Cryostat #770
ODC-7312 : Add OpenShift Quickstart for JBoss EAP 7 #760
ODC-7262 : Add QuickStart approvers and reviewers #772
CONSOLE-3278 : Add client certificate and key to service monitor #668
OCPBUGS-11751 : Remove multicluster conditions from console operator #763
OCPBUGS-12990 : Update command line tools URL with custom downloads route #761
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #756
OCPBUGS-5059 : Make enabled plugins unique #710
OCPBUGS-12165 : Proper cleanup of route sync conditions #757
OCPBUGS-12439 : Add new PrometheusRule to collect metrics for cluster-monitoring-operator #755
OCPBUGS-11298 : Disable multicluster tech preview #751
OCPBUGS-11531 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.14 #750
CONSOLE-3279 : Add node operating systems to console config #742
Revert “OCPBUGS-11164: Disable multicluster tech preview” #749
OCPBUGS-11164 : Disable multicluster tech preview #743
OCPBUGS-4009 : Console operator should report ConsolePlugins as relate… #706
OCPBUGS-7111 : Filter out managed clusters that are not available #724
OCPBUGS-10108 : ART image update #738
OCPBUGS-2783 : Distinguish between route conditions and remove the old ones #734
CONSOLE-2843 , CONSOLE-3394 : Add ManagedProxyServiceResolver for thanos-querier on all managed clusters #707
ACM-2781 : Have operator as a prerequisite #717
OCPBUGS-4008 : Add managed cluster config map resource version to cons… #723
OCPBUGS-6488 : Recover ConsoleNotificationSync after being degraded #725
OCPBUGS-6520 : Test if all tested resrouces are available before launching Unmanaged* e2e tests #726
PD-1365 : Add quickstart - Get started with multicluster engine #698
ODC-7182 : Export pinned resources to console-config ConfigMap #697
OCPBUGS-4008 : Add app: console
label to managed-clusters configmap #705
OCPBUGS-4630 : Bump docs docs link #704
CONSOLE-3355 : Console operator should sync managed cluster ‘copiedCSVsDisabled’ flag to managed cluster config #701
OCPBUGS-1617 : Remove unused toleration #696
ACM-2063 : Add host inventory quickstart #699
Bug 1770297 : State that odo is comunity supported #695
OCPBUGS-3109 : Change text colour for ConsoleNotification that notifies user that the cluster is being #694
CONSOLE-3286 : Set disabledCopiedCSVs in console #693
CONSOLE-3252 : Create a ConsoleNotification when cluster is performing an upgrade #687
OCPBUGS-2219 : Empty string should be valid for i18n loadType #689
CONSOLE-3337 : Dynamic plugin proxy reference issue #691
OCPBUGS-1708 : Set i18n LoadType to Lazy when v1alpha1 i18n annotation is set to false #684
update to to match OCP 4.12 #688
CONSOLE-3125 : Add cluster filtering by product and ocp version #677
ODC-6778 : Bump openshift/api to get devcatalog disable types cuztomization changes #676
CONSOLE-3069 : Handle new v1 ConsolePlugin api in the operator #683
OCPBUGS-785 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.12 #682
ODC-6783 : Export perspectives to console-config ConfigMap #678
CONSOLE 3096: Promote ConsolePlugin CRD to v1 #670
Bug 2100860 : Retrieve user-defined Alertmanager services from shared configmap #658
CONSOLE-3242 : Heterogeneous architecture clusters #669
CONSOLE-3220 : Add console capability to all manifests #665
OCPBUGS-457 : TestEditUnmanagedPodDisruptionBudget flakes #675
OCPBUGS-498 : Update with latest openshift/api changes #674
Bug 2117646 : Changing field on any of routes in the openshift-console namespace wont trigger sync loop #672
Bug 2117142 : update annotations for project-helm-chartrepository-editor #673
Bug 2117142 : Update permission for projecthelmchartrepositories with an aggregator role #667
Bug 2089950 : Deleting downloads deployment should not fail if already deleted #663
Bug 2093852 : InfrastructureTopology must be driving console affinity rule creation #657
Bug 2021297 : Pass RELEASE_VERSION envar into the console pod #659
CONSOLE-3063 : PDB for console pods avoid too many replicas down #655
CONSOLE-3162 : Implement check for the new i18n annotation for dynamic plugins #654
ODC-6670 : Sync consoleConfig telemetry annotations to console-config.yaml #653
Bug 2086519 : AUTH-133: manifests: comply to restricted pod security #652
Bug 2067155 : Modify the operator display name to match it with the name displayed in operatorhub #650
Bug 2075478 : Bump docs version to 4.11 #648
MGMT-9797 : Bump openshift/api
dependency to 04e1813ebb11
Bug 2046497 : Metrics e2e should not fail on first failed polling attempt #645
Bug 2057696 : Console operator should not block installation/upgrade process when set to Removed state #642
CONSOLE 3070: Console-operator should pass infrastructure config’s ControlPlaneToplogy to the console-config.yaml #639
Bug 2046497 : Re-enable TestMetricsEndpoint e2e test case #640
Bug 2048541 : ODF quickstart permissions check #634
Dockerfile.rhel7: add new Helm CRD, ProjectHelmChartRepository #635
Add QS for installing namespeced Helm Chart Repos #631
Implement multicluster tech preview #630
Add Jon Jackson to approvers list #625
Bug 2041605 : Fix plugin proxy path #628
CONSOLE-3005 : Provide alias for dynamic plugin’s proxy #613
Bug 2037635 : Fix setting of custom cert for default route #623
Bug 2033434 : clidownloads: add darwin/arm64 oc #620
Bug 2030574 : Console resources are using older ‘’ annotation #621
Bug 2036937 : Update download odo link to new mirror #622
Library go bump #615
Bug 2021400 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.10 #611
CONSOLE-2892 : Allow dynamic plugins to proxy to services on the cluster #603
Bug 2013632 : Correct grammar error in ODF quickstart #608
Bug 2018380 : Migrate docs links to #607
manifests: resources required for adding helm metrics in console #601
Bug 2013632 : Correction/Changes in Quick Start Guides for ODF #598
Bug 2008185 : Console operator go.mod should use go 1.16 version #597
Bug 2009454 : Change web terminal subscription permissions from get to list #588
CONSOLE-2768 : Update default and download deployments to use bindata #550
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #592
Bug 1999314 : Resync all controllers periodically #590
Bug 2001240 : Remove SimpleHTTP ‘server’ response header value #585
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #586
Bug 1994443 : console-operator should report Available=true when at least available replica exists #580
Bug 2000768 : Fix 4 Quick Starts #581
Bug 1989055 : Revoke usage of Default Ingress Cert for console route healthcheck #582
Bug 2000440 : OCS Quick Start should not be shown unless you have proper privileges #578
Bug 1989055 : logins to the web console fail with custom oauth cert #571
Bug 1986129 : Bump openshift/api to add missing ‘’ annotation to the ConsolePlugin CRD #573
Bug 1992508 : Update base doc URL to 4.9 #572
Bug 1980531 : Add annotation to consoleLink CRDs #565
reduce initial steps to setup project #533
Support External control plane topology #569
Adds ODF install tour #559
pkg/console/subresource/route: Drop GetCanonicalHost and IsAdmitted #568
Remove references to upstream UI components and config #562
Rename Monitoring tab to Observe tab in monitoring sampleapp quickstart #563
Bug 1975379 : Only use
for workload anti-affinity #566
fix: Update the Node.js quickstart example repo. #564
Bug 1975379 : Use hard requirement for anti-affinity rules on both console’s deployments #560
Bug 1966480 : Console-operator’s controllers are passed resourceSyncer which is not used #551
Bug 1975714 : Add policy-group label to the openshift-console namespace manifest #557
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #556
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #555
Bug 1971690 : clidownloads: ARM 64 is supported #554
Bug 1952405 : Console operator should report Available:False when it’s route is not accessible #552
Switching the URL of the default openshift helm repo. #545
Bug 1962698 : Console-operator can not create resource console-public configmap in the openshift-config-managed namespace #548
CONSOLE-2768 : Update the console public configmap manifests to use bindata #543
Bug 1960324 : quickstarts: remove “spec.version” #546
Bug 1959696 : Add warning log message when custom domain is configured on console-operator config #544
Bug 1957198 : Remove misspelled console-operator condition #541
Bug 1954866 : Add necessary priority class to downloads #542
Bug 1948524 : Update operator’s status with downloads deployment generation && pull route health check into a standalone controller #531
Bug 1956610 : Add missing cluster profile annotations to manage-helm-repos quickstart manifest #539
Copy AddPage customization object #527
CONSOLE-2793 : Implement console-operator changes to consume new CustomDomains API #522
Bug 1947794 : Pull HelmChartRepository CRD v1 #535
Update for MacOS #536
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #532
Rename workload annotations #530
update to non-deprecated NewCommand method #534
Bug 1948782 : remove stale annotation for single-node #529
Export quickStarts data to console-config ConfigMap #528
Add management workload annotations #523
Bug 1948524 : Remove ResyncEvery method from the operator sync loop #525
Bug 1947789 : Bump deps to pickup CRD apiVersion bump #524
Export project access details to console-config ConfigMap #514
IBM Cloud manifest profile patch #520
Bug 1945326 : Resync controllers every minute #521
Bump openshift/api to get project access role cuztomization changes #519
Add in get subscriptions to console service account #513
Add e2e test to check correct deployment replicas, based on the Infrastructure config TopologyMode #510
CONSOLE-2792 : Bump openshift/api dependecy in console-operator to get CustomDomain API for Ingress config #517
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #518
Bug 1937627 : Bump DEFAULT_DOC_URL for 4.8 #515
Bug 1935541 : Check for error when generating default and user-defined config for the console-config configmap #511
CONSOLE-2526 : Update console operator for single-node clusters #508
Bug 1931760 : Non-unified reference to OCS in quickstarts #509
CONSOLE-2366 : Move the operator’s controllers to lib-go controller factory #500
CONSOLE-2757 : Bump #506
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #505
Bump polling interval when checking for resource unavailability #507
RetryOnConflict should be fetching latest version of console-operator config #504
fix consistency issues with QS displaynames and incorporate highlight… #503
Improvements to the Install Serverless Operator quick start #502
New 4.7 Quick Starts focusing on the developer experience #501
Bug 1917759 : Dont panic after setting plugin that does not exists to the console-operator config #499
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #498
CONSOLE-2376 : Console plugins #478
Bug 1894216 : Improve OpenShift Console availability #483
Bug 1907280 : Adds quickstart for ocs install tour #492
Bug 1906713 : Logged user should be able to get consolequickstarts #496
Bug 1906798 : Export operator dev catalog customization to console-config ConfigMap #495
Update Serverless Quick Start #494
Bump openshift/api to get customize catalog categories changes #484
CONSOLE-2472 : Add initial quick starts #490
Bump(api) to get HelmChartRepository changes #489
Add ROKS profile annotation to recently added manifests #491
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #488
Move the consoleoperator controller to lib-go controller factory #487
Fix user settings role definition for console service account #486
Add namespace and role resources for user settings #479
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #482
Bug 1896645 : Bump DEFAULT_DOC_URL for ocp 4.7 #481
Bump openshift/api to get QuickStarts changes #480
CONSOLE-1523 : Change log level values to use klog types #250
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #477
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #476
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48190 : Ds merge 2/5/2025 #173
NP-1042 : Update owners #164
OKD-218 : install util-linux #165
OCPBUGS-32212 : modify to invoke SAST test #159
OCPBUGS-28559 : Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #150
USHIFT-2219 : Dockerfile for MicroShift #153
OCPBUGS-29888 : cherry-pick containernetworking/plugins#997 #154
OCPBUGS-24810 : Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins-container image to be consistent with ART #146
OCPBUGS-24810 : Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins-container image to be consistent with ART #145
OCPBUGS-24810 : Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins-container image to be consistent with ART #142
NP-807 : Upstream sync Nov 2023 #139
OCPBUGS-21906 : Bumps x/net + upstream sync november 2023 #128
OCPBUGS-19127 : Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #122
OCPBUGS-17681 : Default CNI binaries to RHEL 8 #116
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #108
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #107
Add rhel9 binary #106
OCPBUGS-14095 : Sync with upstream version v1.3.0 #98
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #94
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #93
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #92
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #80
Upstream sync Feb 2023 #73
OCPBUGS-5292 : Fixes tuning regression with vlan path fix #72
OCPBUGS-5292 : Revert “Fix path substitution to enable setting sysctls on vlan interfaces” (ocp 4.13) #70
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #69
Upstream sync, Nov 2022 #67
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #66
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #65
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #62
Check for duplicated sysctl keys #61
Sync with upstream for win-overlay V2 support #59
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins images to be consistent with ART #55
WIP: Tuning cni: adding interface level sysctls and sysctl whitelist #56
Sync downstream with upstream v1.1.1 #57
Bug 1897431 : Upstream sync sept 2021 #54
Bug 1989342 : host-device: Add support for DPDK device #51
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins-alt images to be consistent with ART #50
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #48
Bug 1926502 : vendor: bump libcni #45
Re-align with upstream VRF changes #39
Cherry pick commits related to adding the VRF CNI plugin #38
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins builder & base images to be consistent with ART #35
Sync with upstream v0.8.7 #36
Bug 1879244 : ipvlan - make master config as optional #37
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45467 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #131
OCPBUGS-39559 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #130
OCPBUGS-36454 : Rename Dockerfile.openshift.rhel7 to Dockerfile.ocp #128
NE-1721 : Merge 1.11.3 #118
OCPBUGS-33750 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Bump the version of ocp_dnsnameresolver external plugin #122
OCPBUGS-34619 : UPSTREAM: 6692: openshift: Fix OCPBUGS-34619 #121
OCPBUGS-34169 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #120
OCPBUGS-34169 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #119
CFE-963 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Move ocp_dnsnameresolver before cache in plugin chaining order #116
OCPBUGS-31768 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Address CVE-2023-49295 and CVE-2024-22189 #108
CFE-963 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Add ocp_dnsnameresolver external plugin #115
OCPBUGS-27928 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #111
OCPBUGS-27397 : UPSTREAM: 6277: openshift: Fix OCPBUGS-27397 #109
OCPBUGS-24957 : Updating coredns-container image to be consistent with ART #107
OCPBUGS-15755 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Fix OCPBUGS-15755 #105
OCPBUGS-21936 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Address CVE-2023-39325 #101
OCPBUGS-13968 : Merge 1.11.1 #94
OCPBUGS-19216 : Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #95
OCPBUGS-12494 : Address CVE-2022-41723 #92
Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #91
OCPBUGS-10146 : Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #89
OCPBUGS-7558 : Merge 1.10.1 #88
OCPBUGS-6228 : Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #83
OCPBUGS-240 : Remove bufsize hardcoding to 2048 on cache upstream refreshes. #78
Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #77
OCPBUGS-1731 : Merge 1.10.0 #76
Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #75
Bug 2090827 : Merge 1.9.2 #73
Added gcs278 to OWNERS #71
Bug 2043801 : Merge 1.8.7 #70
Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #68
UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift: Disable dependabot #67
NE-581 : Rebase to upstream v1.8.4 #60
Add alebedev87 to OWNERS #58
Updating coredns images to be consistent with ART #61
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #59
Bug 1961201 : plugin/kubernetes: Treat Endpointslices with a nil ready condition as “ready” #57
Bug 1947478 : Upstream cherry-picks and downstream dep bumps for kube 1.21 compatability #56
Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #55
Upstream #4430: Corrected detection of K8s minor version #54
NE-514 : Rebase to upstream v1.8.1 #52
Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #51
Add rfredette to OWNERS #48
Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #50
Bug 1906860 : Bump for kube 1.20 #47
addowner-candita #46
deps: Bump go autorest #44
Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
OWNERS: Add component #29
Update owners #43
Full changelog
NO-JIRA: Add warning about repository being obsolete #244
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS file #245
OSASINFRA-3529 : Bump Gophercloud to v2 #243
OCPBUGS-39471 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #242
OCPBUGS-29240 : Add missing healthchecks #239
NO-JIRA: Cleanup duplicated resources requests #238
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #234
STOR-1596 : Bump all deps for 4.17 #233
OCPBUGS-34090 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #232
OCPBUGS-34090 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #231
OCPBUGS-28230 : enforce termination message policy on all platform pods #229
STOR-1574 : Bump all deps #226
OCPBUGS-28934 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #227
NO-ISSUE: Remove local manifests #208
STOR-1574 : Bump library-go #225
OCPBUGS-23809 : Bump opentelemetry libs #220
STOR-1714 : Release leadership on SIGTERM #223
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #218
OCPBUGS-24226 : setting TLSSecurityProfile with no minTLSVersion crashes controller #217
OCPBUGS-23306 : Add annotation to CSI driver Pod preventing eviction from the cluster-autoscaler #214
OCPBUGS-24824 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #213
STOR-1402 , STOR-1453 : update libraries and specify TLS_MIN_VERSION #212
OCPBUGS-9331 : Fix selector for manila-csi-driver-controller-metrics service #210
OCPBUGS-22357 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to master #207
OCPBUGS-21940 : Update and #206
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #205
OCPBUGS-19166 : Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #204
Configure User Agent #191
STOR-1440 : Restart controller Pods if metrics-serving-cert changed #198
OCPBUGS-12499 : Bump dependencies #197
Remove unused file #193
Rework how we build the container image #194
OCPBUGS-14049 : Don’t cache OpenStack client #184
Revert “OCPBUGS-14049: Add secret informer” #192
OCPBUGS-16453 : Bump library-go #190
OCPBUGS-16783 : Chore: Update OWNERS #189
OCPBUGS-14049 : Add secret informer #187
STOR-1065 : Rework sidecar bindings to bind common ClusterRoles #186
OCPBUGS-14824 : Bump csi-driver-manila-operator library-go #183
STOR-1168 : Bump common libraries #182
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #181
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #180
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #179
OCPBUGS-8683 : Add management workloads annotations #175
OCPBUGS-8628 : Bump to v1.5.1 #173
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #172
STOR-1019 : Bump to k8s 1.26 libs for OCP 4.13 #167
OCPBUGS-6301 : Address CVE-2022-41717 #165
Bug 2106736 : Add multiplePVsSameID capability #164
STOR-1078 : Add hostPaths necessary for SELinux mounts #162
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #161
OCPBUGS-4347 : set TLS cipher suites in Kube RBAC sidecars #160
OCPBUGS-1904 : Only deploy VolumeSnapshotClass when CRD exists #159
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #157
Ensure files follow go 1.19 formatting #158
Bug 2057637 : Include secrets to VolumeSnapshotClass #156
STOR-858 : Bump* and* #155
Bug OCPBUGS-944: Fix RBAC race during initial deployment #154
Expose CSI_FSGROUP_POLICY as an operator option #142
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #151
Bug 2090662 : SWEET32: Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy (cont) #149
Bug 2083153 : Fetch application credentials #148
Bug 2090662 : SWEET32: Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy #145
Bug 2089973 : bump libs to k8s 1.24 for OCP 4.11 #144
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #143
Bug 2074274 : Address CVE-2022-27191 #141
Bug 2067749 : Address CVE-2022-21698 #140
ci: enable more tests #138
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #137
shiftstack: Update OWNERS #135
Bug 2043130 : csi-driver-manila: Add external-snapshotter permissions to patch snapshots #136
Bug 2038934 : Add custom CA bundle support #134
Bug 2038053 : Bump k8s to 1.23 #133
Bug 2034537 : OWNERS: Update ShiftStack members #132
Normalize the storage class name when ShareType has invalid characters #131
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #130
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #128
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #121
Bug 2001620 : Do not degrade cluster on failure to reach Manila #120
Bug 1993931 : Storage operators use older kubernetes client #117
Bug 1991814 : Move namespace creation to cluster-storage-operator #115
Bug 1948090 : Deploy multiple replicas of CSI Controller Service #112
Bug 1960152 : Use cluster Proxy when available #108
Generate default volumesnapshotclass for Manila CSI driver #107
Remove Fedosin from Owners #101
Use go:embed for static yaml files #179 #105
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator images to be consistent with ART #104
test/e2e/manifest: hardcode StorageClass #103
Add e2e manifest for testing #100
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #102
Create CI image for Manila CSI Operator testing #99
Bug 1820238 : add cluster id to share metadata #98
Bug 1947774 : fix imagePullPolicy to ifNotPresent #97
Bug 1949357 : Fix namespace in metrics collection objects #96
Manila: Add metrics scraping #95
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #94
Bug 1918564 : bump library-go #93
Bug 1933184 : Add maxUnavailable to DaemonSets #92
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #89
Cleanup: Remove serviceName from controller manifest #90
Bug 1917587 : disable Manila operator in case of 404 error #84
Bug 1918716 : increase Keystone timeout to 2 minutes #85
Bug 1918140 : Fix sync of informer #82
Bug 1917587 : disable Manila operator in case of 403 error #81
Bug 1915643 : revert setting metadata in the storage classes #77
Bug 1912948 : Include proxy ENV in CSI driver #79
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #78
Bug 1820238 : add metadata with cluster ID to generated storage classes #73
Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #71
go.mod: Remove unused dependencies #74
Bug 1894025 : Add annotation to operand’s namespace #72
owners: Add adduarte and mdbooth as approvers #70
Add a new ShiftStack team member #69
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-49805 : Fix the managed-by-label getting populated with invalid value #110
OCPBUGS-46727 : CVE-2024-45338: bump to v0.34.0 #109
OCPBUGS-46125 : CVE-2024-45337: bump to v0.31.0 #108
OCPBUGS-45735 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #107
STOR-2018 : Rebase external-provisioner to upstream v5.1.0 for OCP 4.18 #106
Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #105
STOR-1593 : Rebase to upstream v5.0.2 for 4.17 #104
OCPBUGS-34458 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #103
OCPBUGS-37455 : Revert 5.0.1 rebase #102
STOR-1593 : Rebase to upstream v5.0.1 for 4.17 #98
STOR-1573 : Rebase external-provisioner
to v4.0.1 for OCP 4.16 #95
OCPBUGS-30442 : CVE-2024-24786: bump to v1.33.0 #94
OCPBUGS-29971 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #93
OCPBUGS-27242 : fix or ignore snyk errors for ocp storage repos #88
OCPBUGS-25492 : UPSTREAM: 1132: CVE-2023-48795: bump to v0.17.0 #85
OCPBUGS-25532 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART #84
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #83
OCPBUGS-22528 , OCPBUGS-23812 : UPSTREAM: 1124: Bump OpenTelemetry to fix CVEs #81
OCPBUGS-25082 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART #80
OCPBUGS-24804 : Updating csi-provisioner-container image to be consistent with ART #79
OCPBUGS-23062 : UPSTREAM: 1047: Revert bump from 0.44.0 to 0.45.0 #78
OCPBUGS-22528 : UPSTREAM: 1047: bump from 0.44.0 to 0.45.0 #77
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #71
STOR-1404 : Rebase external-provisioner
to v3.6.0 for OCP 4.15 #70
OCPBUGS-19114 : Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #69
OCPBUGS-17264 : USPTREAM: 969: build(deps): bump from 0.9.3 to 0.12.0 #68
OCPBUGS-14811 : Chore: Update OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES #66
STOR-1169 : Rebase external-provisioner
to v3.5.0 for OCP 4.14 #65
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #64
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #63
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #62
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #61
STOR-1020 : Rebase external-provisioner
to v3.4.0 for OCP 4.13 #60
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #59
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #58
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Remove .github files #57
STOR-859 : Rebase to v3.3.0 for OCP 4.12 #55
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #54
Bug 2101343 : UPSTREAM: 2101343: fix: changed the csistoragecapacity check namespace #52
Bug 2097282 : Rebase to v3.2.0 for OCP 4.11 #51
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #50
Bug 2043130 : Rebase to v3.1.0 for OCP 4.10 #49
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #48
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #47
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #46
Bug 1993934 : Update CSI sidecars #44
Updating csi-provisioner images to be consistent with ART #43
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #42
Bug 1956768 : UPSTREAM: 620: Fix migration metric registration #41
Bug 1924439 : Rebase v2.2.0 #39
Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #36
Bug 1912237 : Rebase to v2.1.0 for OCP 4.7 #34
Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #33
Full changelog
[downstream carry] alert silence test needs update for silence end #109
add machine424
and rexagod
to OWNERS #105
OCPBUGS-5343 : bump hashicorp/consul dependency to v1.11.9 #101
OCPBUGS-4432 : bump dependency #98
Updating grafana images to be consistent with ART #83
Bug 2038419 : Bump grafana to v8.3.4 #81
Bug 2038419 : Bump grafana to v8.3.3 #80
update owners list #79
Updating grafana images to be consistent with ART #76
Bug 2011501 : Upgrading to grafana 7.5.11 #75
Updating grafana images to be consistent with ART #74
Updating grafana images to be consistent with ART #73
openshift: Add script to generate rh-manifest.txt #70
Updating grafana images to be consistent with ART #69
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #68
delete dependabot so it won’t create unnnecesary PRs. #66
Bug 1931277 : Bump v7.5.5 #57
Updating grafana builder & base images to be consistent with ART #56
Updating grafana builder & base images to be consistent with ART #55
Bug 1908592 : Bump v7.3.6 #52
Bug 1899152 : Bump Grafana to v7.3.5 #51
MON-1302 : Bump Grafana to v7.3.4 #50
Update OWNERS file #49
Updating grafana builder & base images to be consistent with ART #47
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45759 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #644
OCPBUGS-45702 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #643
OCPBUGS-39403 : Fix parseIPList to Continue Processing After Invalid IPs and Return Valid IPs #621
OCPBUGS-45290 : Reject All CA-Signed Certs Using SHA1 #642
OCPBUGS-47761 : Update default_pub_keys.pem to use SHA256 #646
OCPBUGS-43745 : Add support for IdleCloseTerminationPolicy #639
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS file to reflect current team #645
OCPBUGS-38078 : Validate HAProxy health check interval time value #618
NE-1815 : Add verifyhost to dynamic server slots for re-encrypt routes (DCM) #637
OCPBUGS-42972 : Support appProtocol: #627
NE-1815 : Activate dynamic cookies for dynamic server slots (DCM) #636
NE-1790 : Enable setting zero pool size for blueprint routes via environment variable #635
NE-1815 : Enable ALPN for reencrypt routes when DCM is enabled #631
OCPBUGS-26603 : Listen for stats connections on v6 addresses when relevant. #633
NE-1811 : Rename the allowlist route annotation #564
NO-JIRA: Add grzpiotrowski to the OWNERS file #629
OCPBUGS-41295 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #624
OCPBUGS-41237 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #623
OCPBUGS-38475 : Rename router Dockerfiles #616
OCPBUGS-38101 : Bump* packages to v0.30.3 #615
OCPBUGS-34351 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #602
OCPBUGS-34471 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #604
CFE-1020 : feature:route external certificate reference #565
OCPBUGS-29373 : generateHAProxyCertConfigMap: No H2 with dup certs #589
OCPBUGS-26498 : Optimize Upgrade Validation plugin by skipping unnecessary changes #587
OCPBUGS-26498 : Make ingressConditionsEqual more efficient #588
OCPBUGS-29690 : Count active services before setting weight to 1 #576
“OCPBUGS-26498: Add Upgrade Validation force arguments for running E2E tests” #575
OCPBUGS-26498 : Reject routes with SHA1 certs #552
OCPBUGS-26498 : Upgrade Validation plugin for SHA1 certs #555
OCPBUGS-32044 : Introduce ‘idle-close-on-response’ option for frontends #573
OCPBUGS-22739 : Properly handle rewrite-target annotation #534
NO-JIRA: hack/Dockerfile.debug: use ubi9 for base image #567
OCPBUGS-30314 : Refactor logging in DoHTTPProbe to avoid serialisation errors #566
NE-1444 : Bump HaProxy to the latest version 2.8 #563
TRT-1507 : Revert #551 “NE-1444: Upgrade OpenShift Router to HAProxy 2.8” #561
NE-1444 : Upgrade OpenShift Router to HAProxy 2.8 #551
OCPBUGS-26539 : Reject routes with MD5 certs #553
OCPBUGS-25546 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base-container image to be consistent with ART #550
NO-JIRA: hack - fix broken RPM link and use UBI image in Dockerfile.debug, use podman in Makefile.debug #544
OCPBUGS-25029 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router-container image to be consistent with ART #547
NE-1446 : Update to RHEL9 base image #548
OCPBUGS-24859 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base-container image to be consistent with ART #546
OCPBUGS-23743 : Bump* packages to v0.28.3 #542
OCPBUGS-21973 : Bump to v0.17.0 to address CVE-2023-39325 #529
OCPBUGS-21803 : haproxy-template: Add ‘no strict-limits’ to address HAProxy 2.6 issue #527
OCPBUGS-19287 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #513
OCPBUGS-19249 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #512
OCPBUGS-16707 : UniqueHost: Fix incorrect identification of conflicting route #508
OCPBUGS-17653 : haproxy/template: mitigate CVE-2023-40225 #505
NE-1141 : Adds logic for setting and deleting headers via Ingress Operator CR and Route Object. #438
OCPBUGS-16623 : properly handle weight=0 #499
RFE-3007 : Add the ability to enabled option contstats #449
OCPBUGS-3356 : Add support for tuning tune.http.cookielen #436
NE-1304 : container builds: switch to haproxy26 package #487
OCPBUGS-13969 : Bump vendors k8s libraries to 0.27.2 #486
OCPBUGS-6661 , OCPBUGS-9464 : Handle mTLS CRLs, and fix accidental CRL duplication #472
OCPBUGS-12610 : Address CVE-2022-41723 #475
OCPBUGS-12346 : Update 4.14 ose-haproxy-router-base image to be consistent with ART #473
OCPBUGS-10200 : Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #455
OCPBUGS-8646 : bump openshift/library-go to drop mongo-driver references #462
OCPBUGS-11595 : Revert “[NE-1267] container builds: switch to haproxy26 package” #467
OCPBUGS-10170 : Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #453
container builds: switch to haproxy26 package #466
OCPBUGS-10003 : Revert “NE-1115: Update haproxy container builds to use haproxy 2.6” #458
OCPBUGS-7542 : Bump vendored k8s libraries to 1.26 #451
OCPBUGS-6336 : Address CVE-2022-41717 #445
OCPBUGS-5073 : Count endpoints per port for weights and enabling active health checks #439
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #431
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #432
NE-1115 : Update haproxy container builds to use haproxy 2.6 #430
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #424
Bug 2107462 : Update CGO_ENABLED=1 #423
NE-1071 : Default HAProxy maxconn value to 50000 for OCP 4.12 #417
OCPBUGS-1730 : Bump vendored K8S libraries to 1.25.2 #421
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #411
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #410
Bug 2090829 : Bump OpenShift router to k8s 1.24 and go 1.18 #395
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #374
Bug 2093454 : HAProxy: enable PROXY protocol for all listeners #369
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #373
NE-882 : Support subdomain field when host is unset #357
NE-822 Don’t scale route weight on single service routes #377
Bug 2076297 : Fix gap in router’s handling of graceful shutdowns. #383
Bug 2074304 : generateRouteHostRegexp: Escape blanks #381
Bug 2025624 : Fix certificate reloader #379
BUG 2067778: Bump prometheus/client_golang to v1.11.1 #378
Bug 1928932 : Update deploy manifests to use stable apis #349
Added gcs278 to OWNERS #372
Bug 2043780 : Bump to Kubernetes 1.23 #370
Bug 1909906 : Exit immediately if stats port is taken #366
Bug 1894431 : Add missing newlines to default certificate and key #359
added support for syslog max length configurability #354
Bug 1826225 : Support edge-terminated h2 connections #328
Bug 1896474 : HTTPS redirect happens even if there is a more specific http-only route #343
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #347
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #346
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #345
haproxy-config.template: Use Unix sockets #326
router test: config template: don’t match against the whole file #311
Bug 1988801 : haproxy-config.template: Fix power-of-two balancing #323
Bug 1987238 : Validate ROUTER_INSPECT_DELAY env value generating haproxy config #322
haproxy-config.template: Make maxconn optional #304
Reload client CA and CRL when updated #175
reload-haproxy: Use curl –haproxy-protocol #277
Revert to haproxy22 #317
build: switch to haproxy24 RPM #313
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #314
Bug 1964482 : config template: accept IPv6 IPs for whitelisting #307
NE-472 : haproxy-config.template: Add ROUTER_CIPHERSUITES #284
Bug 1953113 : template config - HSTS header’s pattern accepts case insensitive and white spaces #298
Add alebedev87 to OWNERS #287
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #308
Hack: Add initial hacking instructions #299
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #306
Bug 1967228 : error pages - don’t use bootstrap/normalize #300
Bug 1964486 : template helper - generateHAProxyWhiteListFile, use right arg type #295
Bug 1955822 : cmd: Add option to source stats auth from file #291
Bug 1957584 : Revert ‘Bug 1896977: Enhance host name validation in router’ #290
Bug 1961550 : Add a condition to check if the Endpoints ID is duplicated #285
Bug 1947478 : Switch from discovery v1beta1 to discovery v1 #282
Bug 1924461 : Deps: Bump for kube 1.21 #278
Add errorfile stanzas and dummy default html files to the router #274
haproxy-config.template: Use power-of-two balancing #192
haproxy-config.template: Re-indent. #276
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #272
Bug 1925697 : Route admission should not use the override #258
NE-417 : Allow configuring HAProxy header buffer sizes #193
Bug 1937972 : router/template: Cache compiled regular expressions #268
Bug 1909906 : Exit gracefully if metrics listener fails #266
Bug 1903821 : contention: Contend over route ingress admission condition #240
template: Drop http-use-htx option #261
Switch to haproxy22 #259
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #256
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #255
Bug 1801407 : Omit brackets around IPv4 addresses in v4v6 mode #83
Add rfredette to OWNERS #237
Bug 1900989 : Move idle check from endpoints to service #225
Bug 1896977 : Enhance host name validation in router #238
Bug 1905748 : Prevent unnecessary reloads in router shards #243
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #244
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #245
Bug 1905100 : Add tunnel-timeout and hard-stop-after options to haproxy template #239
Bug 1906860 : Bump for kube 1.20 #236
Bug 1903821 : Pass stop channel to RouterControllers #233
Bug 1903206 : Add unit tests to verify NotReadyAddresses in EndpointSlices #231
Allow configuring HTTP header name case adjustment #224
Bug 1903206 : Check Ready condition status in Endpointslices #229
Revert “images/router: Update to haproxy22 package” #226
addowner-candita #219
Bug 1861383 : Clip annotation values to prevent bricking on upgrade #196
Address gosec G601 issues #210
Bug 1892338 : metrics: Rework template_router_reload_failure metric #209
images/router: Update to haproxy22 package #214
Bug 1889863 : Fix logging of namespace label selector #204
Allow configuring dontlognull/http-ignore-probes #174
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #198
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #197
Bug 1885414 : haproxy-config.template: Only enable HTX for HTTP/2 #194
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45522 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #100
OCPBUGS-38265 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #99
OCPBUGS-33892 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #98
OCPBUGS-25775 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #96
OCPBUGS-25526 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART #95
OCPBUGS-24788 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader-container image to be consistent with ART #94
OCPBUGS-18863 : Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #93
Binary should be compiled on rhel9 #89
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #88
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #87
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #86
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #85
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #84
OCPBUGS-478 : Install libguestfs-tools-c instead of libguestfs-tools #82
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #79
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #69
Copy go.mod to builder stage #71
Add go.mod #70
Build clearproxy in /tmp #67
Bug 1990556 : Clear proxy env variables if go would have #65
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader images to be consistent with ART #63
Make downloading the images using curl verbose #61
Sync OWNERS with ironic-image repo #64
Don’t compress the RHCOS image #60
Add symlink to help second-level image cache to correctly download the images #59
Remove unused env variable #58
Add support to download and cache live iso images #49
Do not succeed on HTTP failures #57
Use 4.9 base image #52
Bug 1972572 : Fix image incompatibility between 4.7 and 4.8 while upgrade #48
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #46
Bug 1946079 : Modify dhcp kernel args based on ipv4/ipv6 #40
Bug 1968754 : Unconditionally remove TMPDIR #44
Bug 1969969 : Use base image from new registry #42
Bug 1969969 : Use updated correct base image #41
Bug 1948513 : Add support for no_proxy #39
Bug 1906147 : Ensure curl uses the CA cert bundle instead of an insecure connection #37
Remove hardcoded -openstack requirement in image name. #26
Explicitly exit on retry failure #33
Allow uncompressed input URL #32
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #30
Full changelog
OCPTOOLS-525 , OCPTOOLS-527 , OCPTOOLS-535 : Bump Jenkins and plugins #1878
: Update jenkins dnf repo to art-ci #1882
Update Owner list #1880
JKNS-463 : Containerfile for Konflux #1874
OCPTOOLS-483 : Bump to jenkins version 2.462.3 #1866
OCPTOOLS-479 : Bump Jakarta plugins version #1860
JKNS-384 : Update Jenkins base images to RHEL9 #1769
JKNS-529 : Remove java 11 usage #1853
fix: updating to 5.32.2 to resolve OCPTOOLS-462, OCPTOOLS-463 #1852
Fix java alternatives #1846
Add JDK 17 #1842
Update Java to JDK 21 #1837
Revert “Bump Jenkins and Java version” #1832
Bump Jenkins and Java version #1758
OCPTOOLS-406 : Bump Script Security Plugin to 1336.vf33a_a_9863911 #1820
OCPTOOLS-357 : Bump from 1.1.10 to 1.1.12 #1797
JKNS-397 : Fix USE_JAVA_VERSION environment variable #1796
OCPTOOLS-280 : Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.22.0 #1788
OCPTOOLS-320 : Bump from 4.7.1 to 4.9.4 #1789
update OWNERS #1779
OCPTOOLS-322 : Fix CVE-2024-28149 #1776
OCPTOOLS-340 : Fix CVE-2024-23899 #1771
OCPTOOLS-393 : Revert Incomplete Template Update #1773
JKNS-398 : Bump Jenkins version to 2.440.3 #1770
add avinal, ramessesii2, ayushsatyam146 to the Owners #1775
OCPTOOLS-296 : CVE-2024-23900 #1772
OCPBUGS-28668 : Replace ‘coreydaley’ with ‘sayan-biswas’ in OWNERS file #1760
OCPBUGS-28378 : fix interop tests #1756
Update Jenkins version to 2.426.3 #1747
Update .ci-operator.yaml #1745
OCPBUGS-15530 : Update Jenkins version, bump plugins, update image versions #1739
Updating the oc client and jenkins templates for fixing the smoke tests #1706
OCPBUGS-21747 : Fix NPE when killing a process #1734
OCPTOOLS-249 : Mitigate CVE-2023-39325 CVE-2023-44487 #1713
OCPTOOLS-243 : Bump jenkins to 2.414.3 #1711
updating to go-1.20 and ocp-4.15 #1718
fixes for localdev #1717
JKNS-337 : Updating README and associated in-repo documents #1653
OCPBUGS-15646 : Updating imagestreams to use newest Jenkins and Jenkins Agent Base images #1698
git-init: fix NPE when killing a process #1692
OCPBUGS-14609 : Bump Jenkins plugins to latest versions #1691
OCPBUGS-14363 : Update Jenkins to 2.401.1 LTS and bump plugins #1685
OCPBUGS-14287 : Update plugins to latest available #1683
Docs: fixed behavior of OVERRIDE_RELEASE_MIGRATION_OVERWRITE env var #1667
OCPBUGS-14111 : Update to use 4.13 ImageStreams #1678
OCPBUGS-13869 : Mitigate CVEs and other updates #1673
Fixing/updating smoke tests with removal of nodejs and maven images #1668
Updating to the latest(ish) plugin versions #1666
Updating Jenkins Go tests to use Podman instead of Docker #1664
Second phase of self-verification process for Jenkins #1662
Verify installed packages against Dockerfile.rhel8 #1663
Remove all legacy pieces from Jenkins repository #1660
update verify-jenkins script to show version numbers in output #1656
OCPBUGS-11446 : Update config-file-provider plugin #1654
OCPBUGS-11158 , OCPBUGS-7572 , OCPBUGS-7575 : Various issues #1650
OCPBUGS-11253 : Fix dependabot security alerts #1646
OCPBUGS-11254 : Fix several open issues on github #1645
OCPBUGS-10917 : Bump Jenkins version to 2.387.1 #1629
Update OWNERS #1628
Add scripts/ file #1623
OCPBUGS-8295 : Define local env to suppress LOCALE warning #1613
OCPBUGS-2541 : configuration-as-code bumped to 1569.vb_72405b_80249 #1594
OCPBUGS-8437 : Fix labels for jenkins-slave-base-rhel8 #1593
OCPBUGS-8295 : Add glibc-locale-source package #1595
OCPBUGS-8346 : updating to use go1.19 #1590
OCPBUGS-7233 : Make Java 11 the default #1586
OCPBUGS-7239 : Add git-lfs package #1585
OCPBUGS-7030 : Mitigate CVE-2023-24422 - script-security #1578
Bump jenkins image version to use 4.12 #1588
OCPBUGS-6870 : Bump Jenkins version to 2.361.4 #1568
OCPBUGS-6579 : Update sample imagestreams with latest 4.11 image using specific image tag reference #1555
OCPBUGS-4694 : Handle OPENSHIFT_ENABLE_OAUTH properly #1516
OCPBUGS-4129 : various plugins bumps #1528
OCPBUGS-4819 : Handle routes properly in s2i/run #1541
OCPBUGS-4094 : Various CVEs September/2022 #1527
Update #1461
OCPBUGS-3329 : August/2022 CVE Fixes #1525
OCPBUGS-4520 : Update jenkins master branch to use 4.13 base image #1532
Update OWNERS #1519
OCPBUGS-903 : Bump openshift-login plugin to 1.0.29 #1508
OCPBUGS-914 : Add maven plugin dependency #1506
OCPBUGS-1870 : CVE-2022-25857 Mitigation #1502
OCPBUGS-2184 : Bump jenkins-client-plugin to version 1.0.38 #1500
Add Bharat as Approver & Reviewer #1497
OCPBUGS-2099 : Force git-server to an earlier version #1495
OCPBUGS-1942 : Bump Jenkins version to 2.361.1 #1490
OCPBUGS-1709 : Sync javax-mail-api with version required by jenkins 2.346.3 #1486
OCPBUGS-1357 : Fix to not override locked plugin versions #1482
OCPBUGS-655 : Update blueocean-autofavorite to 1.2.5 #1473
Jenkins CVE fixes 2022 08 22 #1470
Bug 2106260 : Fix multiple CVEs #1467
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 images to be consistent with ART #1448
Revert xmlstarlet usage #1465
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base images to be consistent with ART #1447
Bug 2096186 : Avoid double slashes trailing in remoting.jar #1444
Bug 2096207 : Add missing glibc-langpack-en for specified locale #1451
update imagestream image refs as needed based on recent CPaaS updates #1455
update contributing guide for e2e changes, payload removal and new process #1454
Bug 2088388 : refactoring test for interop testing failures #1450
Add user coreydaley to approvers list #1449
JNKS-289 : fix jenkins okd ‘2’ tag #1443
JNKS-289 : return agent-maven / agent-nodejs imagestreams #1442
Bug 1972451 : Correctly declare Jenkins URL with trailing slash #1440
JNKS-287 : cannot use specific image refs with okd; prunes too often #1438
JKNS-289 : complete switch from ocp payload to cpaas images for both jenkins and base agent ocp images #1434
Bug 2076430 : Mitigate multiple CVEs #1431
Bug 2076257 : Multiple Fixes #1428
Bug 2058794 : Bump Jenkins LTS Version #1427
JNKS-254 : update sample imagestreams with latest 4.10 image (using specific image tag reference) #1414
Bug 2066019 : set necessary JVM args to allow jenkins JVM to come up on a FIPS node #1421
JKNS-271 : Adding Test case Ids to ease polarion integration for jenkins #1396
Add support for websocket connection to Jenkins #1312
switch to ‘sort -d’ for consistent sort across linux variants #1404
JNKS-269 : Use the generated bundle-plugins.txt file while building the image #1384
Sort final plugins list alphabetically in make plugins-list
Bug 2058752 : 2022-02-15 Security Advisory #1402
Bug 2054816 : Bump openshift-client plugin to 1.0.37 #1395
Update OWNERS #1400
Removing non-blocker test for 4.10 interop #1399
Bug 2054822 : allow Pipeline Utility Steps (2.12.0) to start #1393
Bug 2055650 : Add xmlstarlet to handle JENKINS_PASSWORD properly #1365
removing reference to plugin class #1390
steps definition for sidecar-pattern-jenkins feature #1383
Bug 2054822 : Revert used plugins by the OCS team #1387
JNKS-269 : Adds git pre-commit hook #1382
JKNS-269 : Pre-compute bundle-plugins.txt #1374
Bug 2047839 : Upgrade Jenkins plugins to fix various flaws #1376
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 images to be consistent with ART #1378
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 images to be consistent with ART #1380
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven images to be consistent with ART #1379
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base images to be consistent with ART #1377
Bug 2041888 : bump openshift-sync to 1.0.53 #1375
Bug 2044942 : Jenkins Fixes for CVE-2022-20617 and CVE-2022-20612 #1368
testing sidecar pattern for jenkins pod template #1364
Bug 2034839 : bump sync plugin to 1.0.52 #1361
Bug 2003204 : Fix the admin startup on ephemeral volume initial password case #1352
Bug 2016058 : Bump openshift-sync-plugin to 1.0.51 and various dependant plugins #1358
Use groupified apiVersion #1350
JKNS-257 : add java/nodejs sidecar pod templates examples #1355
refactoring smoke test #1356
Smoke test for JENKINS_PASSWORD #1354
Change smoke tests so they can run in openshift-ci #1353
Bug 2003204 : Fix jbcrypt_path lookup and add openshift enable oauth env support #1345
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base images to be consistent with ART #1340
Fixes #1241 #1344
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 images to be consistent with ART #1341
Bug 2020610 : Update subversion plugin to 2.15.1 #1337
Bug 2020616 : update jenkins version to 2.303.3 (security update) #1332
Bug 2015085 : update git plugin to version 4.8.3 #1331
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base images to be consistent with ART #1318
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven images to be consistent with ART #1320
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 images to be consistent with ART #1319
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 images to be consistent with ART #1321
Bug 1972084 : Update Jenkins (2.289.3) and Plugins (CVE-2021-28169 CVE-2021-34428) #1317
Bug 1995727 : bump sync plugin to 1.0.50 #1316
Bug 1995727 : bump sync plugin to 1.0.49 #1314
Bug 1993195 : testing performance of sync plugin #1310
Bug 1974338 : Update with USE_JAVA_VERSION env var explanation #1307
Bug 1925524 : bump k8s plugin to 1.30 to enable 1.0.48 release of openshift sync plugin #1297
Test the data persistence of jenkins persistent template #1306
Bug 1981425 : update jenkins to 2.289.2 #1304
Deleting the old agent feature files & updating the README.MD #1303
adding persistent template test and updating some #1302
Update #1300
Refactoring template based install test #1299
Remove maven 3.5 dir to enforce maven to be version agnostic #1298
Move call to create_jenkins_location_configuration_xml after image_co… #1291
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 images to be consistent with ART #1286
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven images to be consistent with ART #1287
Bug 1971537 : Support cgroups v2 #1019
Bug 1972451 : Correctly declare Jenkins URL with trailing slash #1269
Upgrade various plugins to prepare openshift-sync 1.0.47 #1294
Nuke custom credentials for kubernetes-plugin #1268
Bug 1970962 : Remove dependency to acegi-security in favor of jbcrypt (because aceg… #1276
Bug 1972351 : Bump jenkins version 2.289.1 #1283
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base images to be consistent with ART #1285
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 images to be consistent with ART #1288
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #1278
Remove hard dependency on kubernetes-client-api #1275
[release 4.8] Bug 1960019: Bump credentials plugin to 2.3.19 #1271
Bug 1956220 : add proxy system properties as expected by kubernetes-client #1263
Bug 1952563 : bump config-file-provider to 3.7.1 #1264
Bug 1929052 : Add missing backslash to agent maven dockerfile #1226
Bug 1940558 : Update Jenkins to 2.277.3 and disable startup wizard #1258
Bug 1950175 : Build with Go 1.16 #1246
Bug 1950384 : Revert “Update jenkins to 2.277.2” #1257
Bug 1947358 : Update jenkins to 2.277.2 #1249
Bug 1940558 : Update matrix-auth plugin to 2.6.6 #1251
Add another folder for agent-maven #1239
Bug 1928845 : update openshift-sync plugin #1227
Bug 1928658 : update kubernetes-client-api #1225
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1215
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1218
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1219
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1217
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1216
Upgrade Jenkins to 2.263.3 #1207
Bug 1923036 : Fix monitored Jenkins templates display names #1208
Bug 1918623 : Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1199
Bug 1918622 : Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1198
Bug 1918625 : Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1200
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1197
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1196
Bug 1899111 : Update Maven version to 3.6 in maven agent #1195
Bug 1904307 : Update ant plugin CVE-2020-11979 #1192
Bug 1896404 : various fixes #1187
Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1164
Bug 1897584 : add casc plugins #1184
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1167
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1168
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1166
Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1165
Bug 1888900 : Align plugin version #1173
updating the scl_source enable from rh-maven35 to rh-maven36 #1169
Full changelog
NE-1908 : Add instructions for keepalived-ipfailover image testing #198
OCPBUGS-45452 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #202
NO-JIRA: egress: update OWNERS #203
OCPBUGS-45342 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #200
OCPBUGS-33629 : Only set the instancetype to master if the preempt strategy is not nopreempt. #197
OCPBUGS-39480 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #193
OCPBUGS-41231 : Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #196
OCPBUGS-41213 : Updating ose-egress-http-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #195
OCPBUGS-39544 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #194
OCPBUGS-38285 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #191
OCPBUGS-38286 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #192
OCPBUGS-34348 : Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #186
OKD-219 : add util-linux to base image #187
OCPBUGS-34152 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #184
OCPBUGS-34338 : Updating ose-egress-http-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #185
OCPBUGS-34103 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #183
OCPBUGS-33909 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #182
OCPBUGS-33908 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #181
OKD-40 : Revert #179 #180
OKD-40 : Remove centos-openstack-zed and add in rdo repo to get python-cinderclient dependency #179
Add dnf-plugins-core in scos to help with OCP image compat #178
OKD-210 : Add sig-cloud repository and enable rt repository #177
OKD-210 : Add the sig-nfv repo in the CS9 base #176
OCPBUGS-24850 : Bump OpenShift 4.16, RHEL9, and iptables package #175
OCPBUGS-24990 : Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover-container image to be consistent with ART #159
OCPBUGS-24800 : Updating ose-egress-http-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #156
NO-ISSUE: Add Scott and Mrunal as image approvers #170
NO-ISSUE: remove bparees from owners #169
OCPBUGS-29484 : update unit tests in egress/dns-proxy #165
NE-1444 : egress/dns-proxy: switch to haproxy28 RPM package #160
OCPBUGS-24861 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #158
OCPBUGS-24751 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9-container image to be consistent with ART #155
OCPBUGS-24723 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-container image to be consistent with ART #154
OCPBUGS-19261 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #153
OCPBUGS-19107 : Updating ose-egress-http-proxy images to be consistent with ART #150
OCPBUGS-19239 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router images to be consistent with ART #151
OCPBUGS-18860 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9 images to be consistent with ART #149
OCPBUGS-18853 : Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #148
OCPBUGS-10176 : 15143307: Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover images to be consistent with ART #132
OCPBUGS-10163 : Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router images to be consistent with ART #131
OCPBUGS-10181 : 15143312: Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #133
NE-1304 : container builds: switch to haproxy26 package #141
OCPBUGS-11385 : Removed chroot setting #137
egress: update owners #139
OCPBUGS-11595 : Revert “[NE-1267] container builds: switch to haproxy26 package” #138
egress/dns-proxy/Dockerfile: switch to haproxy26 package #136
OCPBUGS-10003 : Revert “bump RHEL8 egress-dns-proxy image to haproxy26” #134
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy images to be consistent with ART #130
Updating openshift-enterprise-base-rhel9 images to be consistent with ART #129
Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #128
Add jupierce as approver / remove Clayton #127
rhel9 base image: Fix build failure #126
Dockerfile: add RHEL9 base image dockerfile #124
bump RHEL8 egress-dns-proxy image to haproxy26 #125
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover images to be consistent with ART #122
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy images to be consistent with ART #120
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #123
Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #119
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #117
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover images to be consistent with ART #116
Add bparees as approver #118
Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #113
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy images to be consistent with ART #105
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #108
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router images to be consistent with ART #106
Bug 2062126 : ipfailover: Autodetect the “ens3” NIC #111
Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #109
Bug 2018188 : VRRP ID conflict between keepalived-ipfailover and cluster VIPs #104
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover images to be consistent with ART #107
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover images to be consistent with ART #101
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy images to be consistent with ART #102
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router images to be consistent with ART #100
Add jupierce to OWNERS #103
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy images to be consistent with ART #99
Add a script to remove all failover configurations. #98
Revert to haproxy22 #97
Switch to haproxy24 #95
Updating openshift-enterprise-base images to be consistent with ART #96
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #90
Bug 1960035 : Add iptables shims to ipfailover-keepalived image #89
pod: build with Go 1.16 #87
Use print() function in both Python 2 and Python 3 #9
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #79
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #81
Updating openshift-enterprise-pod builder & base images to be consistent with ART #80
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #83
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover builder & base images to be consistent with ART #82
egress/dns-proxy: Switch to haproxy22 #84
Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #77
pod process container: drop unneeded log line #65
ipfailover: Add component to OWNERS #62
Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover builder & base images to be consistent with ART #46
Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #63
Bug 1907924 : enable madvdontneed for golang #61
Update owners for Net Edge components #59
Bug 1896170 : Egress router: Add iptables package to Dockerfile #55
Revert “Merge pull request #52 from jupierce/bump_haproxy” #58
Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #51
haproxy22 is currently tagged in for 4.7 builds #52
Updating ose-egress-http-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #49
Updating openshift-enterprise-pod builder & base images to be consistent with ART #47
Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45383 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator-container i… #209
OCPBUGS-39457 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #207
OCPBUGS-34066 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #205
OCPBUGS-27929 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #203
OCPBUGS-24969 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator-container image to be consistent with ART #202
OCPBUGS-19227 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator images to be consistent with ART #199
bump(*): vendor bump to sync with kubernetes fork #198
OCPBUGS-10153 : Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator images to be consistent with ART #194
OCPBUGS-6231 : Update golang version and ART images #188
Bug 2090465 : golang version mismatch #185
Bug 2090430 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: run go-fmt 1.17 #183
Bug 1947801 : UPSTREAM: 93: Move description into yaml-patch to move around inability of kubebuilder to express that #177
Bug 1947801 : Add doc.go #176
Bug 1947801 : bump(build-machinery-go) #175
Bug 1947801 : Rebase to upstream 82e8a25 #173
Bug 1947801 : ci-operator: switch to Golang 1.15 before 1.21.0 bump #172
Bug 1947801 : Pre-rebase: squash commits #171
Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #168
Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-26046 : Replace genisoimage with xorriso in 4.15 to allow rhel9 bump #281
OCPBUGS-25630 : Add Snyk file to exclude vendor directory on scan #276
OCPBUGS-25173 : Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART #275
OCPBUGS-25101 : Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART #274
OCPBUGS-24833 : Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART #273
Add workaround for SLOF regression #263
client/domain: Remove spice as domain grahics #260
OCPBUGS-19187 : Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #262
OCPBUGS-18338 : Fix CI by running tests natively by default #261
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #259
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #258
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #257
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #254
Remove myself (frobware) from OWNERS #253
refactor: replace
Update vendoring master #251
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #243
Fix go fmt and update controller image tag #242
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #240
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #239
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #236
Bug 2018517 : fix the check that machine has been modified #235
README: Update libvirt configuration instructions #225
Set minimum golang version to 1.16 #229
Bug 2018517 : Create event only if the machine was modified #230
actuator: cleanup cloudinit and ignition volume on error, bump golang #223
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #221
Bug 1936488 : Update MAO and set metrics on :8081 address #218
Set firmware attribute in libvirt domain for aarch64 #214
Use SPICE graphics only for x86_64 #215
Full changelog
OCPCLOUD-2882 , OCPCLOUD-2889 : support AMD SEV_SNP and TDX confidential computing machines on GCP #1326
OCPCLOUD-2780 : Validate aws marketType webhook #1329
OCPBUGS-44671 , OCPBUGS-51373 : Updates GCP credentials request #1335
SPLAT-2000 : Added vSphere provisioning mode to data disks #1328
OCPBUGS-49413 : add image/read permissions #1330
OCPBUGS-51042 : Drop oVirt support #1331
OCPBUGS-49351 : Added vSphere check for max networks #1327
OCPCLOUD-2830 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.32 #1325
SPLAT-1800 : vSphere host zonal missing operator feature #1323
SPLAT-1811 : Add vSphere multi disk support #1290
OCPBUGS-43608 : add webhook for fields that are not working #1320
OCPBUGS-46433 : Add cluster-reader to controlplanemachinesets resource #1316
OCPBUGS-44130 : Add Azure permissions based on linked actions #1309
SPLAT-1800 : Add support for vSphere host and vm group based zonal #1285
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #1317
SPLAT-1940 : Refactored vsphere featuregate parameters #1315
OCPBUGS-45480 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #1310
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #1308
CORS-3741 : [Nutanix] support multi-subnets in Machine providerSpec #1301
OCPBUGS-44056 : Remove unneeded VNet permissions from Azure CredentialsRequest #1307
OCPBUGS-41502 : vSphere klog initialization preventing verbose log messages #1300
OCPBUGS-38724 : Fix misleading error messages relating to new yaml config #1277
OCPBUGS-43481 : fix: health probes paths and updated timing #1299
NO-JIRA: Bump cluster-api-actuator-pkg/testutils, use envtest –index #1297
OCPCLOUD-2693 : Added the AWS Capacity Reservation Webhook #1296
NO-JIRA: Updates MachineSet tests to use GenerateName #1295
OCPBUGS-42529 : Updates paused condition messages #1294
OCPBUGS-42388 : Ensure deletion annotation takes priority and oldestPolicy can distinguish longer ages #1291
OCPCLOUD-2738 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.31 #1292
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Adds paused condition to MachineSet #1287
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Adds paused condition to Machine #1286
SPLAT-1760 : Enable multiple NICs for vSphere #1276
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Updates operator to pass feature gates flags to Machine controllers #1275
OCPCLOUD-2703 : OWNERS: update subcomponent #1284
OCPBUGS-39578 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #1283
OCPBUGS-31777 : Updates message verbs to use %q where appropriate #1240
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Machine controller feature gating #1274
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Machineset feature gating #1273
OCPBUGS-37154 : Added Permisions for Azure Capacity Reservation #1272
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Updates vsphere feature gates #1269
CORS-3546 : Nutanix: add gpus and dataDisks support #1266
CORS-3580 : Add the hyperdisk-balanced disk type #1268
OCPBUGS-36469 : Update validation for placementGroupPartition to honour it as pointer #1267
CFE-1065 : Add range validation for placementGroupPartition #1265
CFE-1065 : Add support for PlacementGroupPartition of placement group #1242
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #1264
OCPBUGS-1735 : Vsphere: Handle cloned instance with lost taskID #1223
OCPCLOUD-2565 : Bump openshift/api #1256
OCPCLOUD-2610 : Update to Kube 1.30 deps #1255
SPLAT-1638 : Added multi vCenter support #1241
CFE-1051 : Adding validation for Azure capacityReservationGroupID #1250
OCPBUGS-34450 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #1251
SPLAT-1415 : Remove Alibaba #1200 Revert #1234 “CFE-1051: Add the webhook validation for \“CapacityReservationGroupID\” to \“AzureMachineProviderSpec\” in openshift/machine-api-operator” #1246
CFE-1051 : Add the webhook validation for “CapacityReservationGroupID” to “AzureMachineProviderSpec” in openshift/machine-api-operator #1234
OCPBUGS-34182 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #1244
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #1220
OCPCLOUD-2501 : Update to set GpuType annotation to remove hardcoded value #1226
OCPCLOUD-2493 : Bug fix in unit test #1232
OCPCLOUD-2493 : Add unit tests for the functions handling ScaleFromZero annotations #1227
OCPBUGS-31962 : Bump x/net to v.0.24.0 #1228
OCPBUGS-29956 : Azure MAO CredentialsRequest Contains Unnecessary virtualMachines/extensions Permissions #1219
OCPBUGS-29874 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #1218
SPLAT-1293 : Bump IPAM types to v1beta1. #1205
OCPBUGS-26119 : Add build tags to tools.go file to solve linting issues when running Snyk scans #1215
OCPBUGS-25193 : Add additional vnet join permission for Azure #1212
SPLAT-1386 : reconcile additional tags assigned to machine #1204
OCPBUGS-26119 : Fix formatting in snyk vendor exclusions #1201
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #1211
CFE-684 , OCPCLOUD-2430 : Rebase k8s 1.29 and update dependencies #1208
CFE-684 : Update GCPCloudCredentials with TagUser role #1158
OCPBUGS-27385 : Add useExternalIp gcp permission #1206
OCPBUGS-23544 : Set –max-concurrent-reconciles=10 for Azure machine controller #1203
OCPBUGS-23544 : Add AddWithActuatorOpts to allow overriding Machine controller options #1202
OCPCLOUD-1725 : Add GCP custom roles #1178
OCPBUGS-25580 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1190
OCPBUGS-25735 : Add Snyk file to exclude vendor directory on scan #1192
OCPBUGS-24980 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1187
OCPBUGS-18339 : Update reference URL #1184
OCPVE-778 : annotate cloud credentials request #1174
OCPBUGS-24151 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1179
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS #1183
SPLAT-1272 : Update for Nutanix failure domains api changes #1171
OCPCLOUD-2138 : Add module to work with scale from zero annotations for MachineSet #1169
OCPBUGS-18339 : Use docs URL instead of KCS article #1172
OCPBUGS-21815 : Bump to v0.17.0 #1170
OCPCLOUD-2194 : Update k8s dependencies 1.28 #1168
MGMT-13425 : Don’t fail when workers not needed #1165
SPLAT-1172 : Enhance machine status relating to IPAddressClaimed #1166
OCPBUGS-19241 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #1167
OCPBUGS-17872 : Azure MAO CredentialsRequest contains unnecessary network write permissions #1161
OCPBUGS-17090 : Set logger for controller runtime #1164
OCPBUGS-18338 : Fix CI by running tests natively by default #1163
OCPBUGS-17919 : [Azure] MAO Missing DiskEncryptionSet read permissions #1162
OCPCLOUD-2014 : Switch Azure credentials request to use explicit permissions #1152
OCPBUGS-16925 : only attempt to remove finalizers if staticIPFeatureGateEnabled #1160
install/0000_99_machine-api-operator_00_tombstones: Drop obsolete file #1159
OCPBUGS-16307 : default instance type for Azure based on the architecture (+ gcp) #1155
MGMT-13630 : Add Azure Confidential VM and TrustedLaunch for VMs webhook validations #1157
SPLAT-845 : add support for the capv NetworkDeviceSpec #1079
Fix data race conditions in unit tests #1156
reconcile status when the clusteroperator changes #1154
MULTIARCH-3693 : Add policies to operate on VPC loadbalacers #1153
Add feature gate for disabling the MHC controller #1151
Bump openshift/api package #1150
add capability annotation #1119
MachineAPIOperatorMetricsCollectionFailing to warning #1149
CCO-321 : Add support for feature-gating specific providers #1140
MIXEDARCH-129 : Adds the MergeCommaSeparatedKeyValues method in the util package #1147
updated to direct customers to open up issues on Jir… #1139
OCPBUGS-13132 : Golang update to 1.20 #1146
OCPBUGS-13956 : Bump controller-runtime to v0.15.0 #1145
OCPBUGS-13806 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.27 #1142
CCO-321 : Add service account name to Azure credentials request #1129
OCPBUGS-10165 : Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #1127
OCPBUGS-10591 : Fix empty component version #1128
OCPBUGS-7249 : Fix zone tag value reconciliation for vSphere machines #1126
OCPCLOUD-1778 : Add None and External platform type explicit handling #1122
OCPBUGS-6063 : Add missed permission for a pod deletion on vsphere platform #1121
Add Machine webhook to validate the new fields of NutanixMachineProviderConfig #1117
OCPBUGS-6063 : Forcefully delete unevicted pods within vSphere machine deletion procedure #1118
: Update tooling for MAO #1100
OCPCLOUD-1852 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.26; go 1.19 #1115
OCPBUGS-3275 : Update machinehealthcheck dropping log from Error to Warning #1116
Metal3 remediation backport #1075
OCPBUGS-6063 : Block machine deletion if extra disks are attached #1114
Add webhook validation for ConfidentialCompute on GCP #1112
Remove the openstack-machine-controllers image #1111
MGMT-12838 : add webook validation for shieldedInstanceConfig on GCP #1102
: Short circuit misfiring #1107
OCPCLOUD-1801 : Port to ginkgo v2 #1099
Add warning for unknown fields when unmarshaling the provider spec #1106
OCPBUGS-5018 : machine-api-termination-handler: run DaemonSet only on Linux #1101
OCPBUGS-4566 : Append annotations from machine template spec to the node #1096
Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #1095
OCPCLOUD-1769 : Make machine phases public consts #1088
: Set default container for machine-api-operator #1092
Revert custom role #1097
Add permissions for regionBackendServices #1094
: GCP Credentials req. using new API field permissions #1087
Fix lint issues reported by golangci-lint #1069
Increase timeout for machineset tests #1091
Use StringDeref from instead of custrom implementation #1090
docs: Add a reference to machine-config-server #1089
Allow to use API in provider specs #1085
Bug 2095274 : vSphere, fix network existence check for network devices during machine creation #1082
Show warnings if provider specs have invalid GroupVersionKind #1018
Update envtest #1071
OCPCLOUD-1131 : Add DescribeInstanceTypes permission for AWS provider #1062
OCPBUGS-2151 : Don’t degrade when workers not expected #1074
Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #1073
Update default Azure image to use image galleries #1076
OCPBUGS-1274 : add tolerations to termination handler #1072
Restrict creating Power VS machine with negative processor and memory #1067
OCPBUGS-519 : update error message for disconnected installation validation #1068
Update dependencies to K8s 1.25 #1070
Only drain a single control plane machine at once #1066
Add tag and category id to the caching client log messages #1063
Bug 2101736 : Ignore managed fields during finalizer removal #1061
Ensure the phase transition metric only updates when the phase changes #1059
Release leader election lease when shutting down #1060
Tags/categories ids cache implementation #1057
OCPBUGS-268 : vSphere - enable steal time accounting #1056
Bug 2111972 : operator NS manifest: Set empty #1053
Change the git command #1050
add a helper function to detect windows os #1055
Bug 2115308 : Ensure failed drains are subject to exponential backoff #1051
Bug 2087981 : Change “create” sequence with powering on the vm after clone #1047
update windows helper functions #1049
Bug 2110501 : Revert “Bug 2101880: operator NS manifest: Set empty” #1045
Bug 2109258 : add more support for old delete annotation #1042
Bug 2101736 : allow to remove finalizers #1037
Bug 2107578 : Fix while setting default processor value for Power VS platform #1040
Bug 2104642 : fix the Machine validation webhook for nutanix providerSpec #1038
Bug 2104642 : Add a validation webhook for Nutanix MachineProviderConfig #1034
Bug 2097153 : change ListTags call to ListTagsForCategory #1027
Bug 1994820 : Degrade operator on cluster bootstrap if not all Machines are Running #1019
Migrate delete annotation to match upstream CAPI annotation #1024
add utility functions for windows powershell tags #1030
Bug 2101880 : operator NS manifest: Set empty #1031
Add webhook validations for Azure boot diagnostics #1029
Update revendoring tool #1028
Bug 2082667 : Separate controller for the node draining #1023
Bug 2094196 : Added webhook support for PowerVS platform #998
Bug 2087039 : Bump go to 1.18 #1022
Bug 2087039 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.24 #1021
Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #1015
Bug 2059338 : Add template HW version detection during clone #1016
Bug 2083237 : Set vCenter client request timeout #1013
Skip validation if we just remove the finalizer #996
Don’t force a requeue after updating Status.Phase #1012
Remove unreleased AWS Placement Groups support #1009
Fix broken link to CVO run levels #991
AWS IMDSv2 machine spec validation #1008
Add DescribeRegions permission for aws controller #1007
Add Nutanix Platform to Machine API Operator #988
Add pd-balanced disks support for GCP #1006
Adding cluster api provider url(ibm) #1005
Refactor provider status to use metav1.Condition #1004
webhook: machine: add Azure Data Disks deletionPolicy validation #1003
Remove 30s wait before creating a machine #999
Make MAPO the default for OpenStack deployments #1000
Bug 2067852 : Bump prometheus/client_golang #1002
Machine webhook validation for Azure Ultra Disks #1001
Update govmomi to 0.27.4 #995
Bug 2060697 : Update openshift/api dependency #994
Fix MAPO image #993
Update OpenShift API to include placement groups #992
Replace broken image references #881
modify prometheus alerts to ignore pod #986
Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #983
Allow to remove ec2 placement groups #990
Validate AWS NetworkInterfaceType in webhook #989
Add IAM permissions required for AWS Placement Group enhancement #976
fix readme after migrating from cluster-api-provider-* #982
Bug 2041971 : Bump library-go to fix mutating webhook reconcile #981
Bug 2042366 : Update openshift/api to include list-map fixes for lifecycle hooks #979
Bug 2040620 : Rename MAPO image #978
Bug 1918005 : Use known vSphere cluster to uniquely identify networks. #961
Bug 2033390 : connect real MAPO images #975
Bug 2001008 : Change default cloneMode to fullClone. #959
Bug 2034563 : validate azure ephemeral storage location and caching type #974
Bug 2034879 : Enforce unique names for lifecycle hooks via webhooks #973
Bug 2034484 : feat: updated library-go #972
Bug 2032926 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.23 #971
Bug 2011668 : Improve powerOff task handling during machine deletion on vsphere platform #960
AlibabaCloud: adding alibaba cloud platform #926
Bug 2032296 : bump openshift/api #969
Bug 2031858 : stop using beta pre-defined role for compute.targetPools #950
Manifest syncing between install and vendored openshift/api #968
Machine API Provider OpenStack Feature Gate #966
OCPCLOUD-1252 : Add validation webhook for guestAccelerators on GCP #927
README: improve Controllers section indentation/naming #964
Remove unused files #957
Implement conditions for Machine Deletion Hooks reporting #946
Azure Marketplace Machine Provider Bump #956
Implement machine pre-drain and pre-terminate deletion hooks #945
Update for golang1.17 #951
GCP CI runs are complaining about APIs not being enabled #949
Add powervs-machine-controllers to images configmap #948
Rewrite rollout checks to requeue and not block reconciles #947
Bug 2005052 : Deny selector updates via webhook to prevent leaked machines #944
Migrate to openshift/api #943
Bug 1986237 : add avg_over_time to the MachineNotYetDeleted alert #941
Bug 2010368 : fix mispelled field in alert rules #942
Remove provider dependencies #938
Fix node in MHC unit test #930
PowerVS support #923
Fix flaky AWS provider unit test #931
remove kubevirt credentials request #940
Bug 2013895 : Bump Azure dependency to include new fields #935
Update Dockerfile with correct image and go version #939
Remove “kubevirt-machine-controllers” image permanently #936
Bug 1986237 : modify MachineNotYetDeleted alert to ignore pod #913
Bug 2010368 : modify alerts to contain summary and description #929
Bug 2012228 : fix(ibmcloud): Set resource group policy in CredentialsRequest #928
Update OWNERS to use aliases and delegate MHC to dragonfly team #885
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-machine-api namespace #924
Vsphere sessions check: fix log string formatting #922
Add logging for possible error during vsphere session creation #920
Bug 1999425 : MaxUnhealthy should not be a string type #909
Remove ironic-inspector reference in MAO #915
docs/user/nodelink-controller: Fix name/namespace order for #899
Adds ibmcloud mapi controller to image ref #892
Add service account names to gcp credentials request manifest #883
Add the IBMCloud cluster api controller #871
add a distinct status message for NoOp mode #914
fix time values in alert doc #916
Fix user-agent in vCenter sessions list #912
Add webhook to ensure that only ID references AMI #888
Bug 1957609 : Warn when an AWS tag name is duplicated #869
Bug 1994480 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.22 #906
Bug 1975296 : Respect MaxUnhealthy limit for external remediation #902
Bug 1990432 : Make sure nodes don’t have attached volumes before vm deletion #894
Bug 1989980 : Create event only if the machine was modified #897
Bug 1988032 : add cvo ha annotations to tombstones #893
Bug 1980930 : Update the default durations for MAO leader election operations #890
add alert for mhc in short circuit #886
Backport MHC pause feature from cluster API #887
add a tombstones manifest to the install directory #889
Bug 1977369 : Prevent machine from stucking in Deleting phase on vSphere if related node object not found #882
Add kubevirt images #875
fix logging message #803
add a nodelink controller doc to describe its basic working #880
Add related objects to Cluster Operator #879
Fixing label from clutserapi to clusterapi #864
Bug 1953063 : Update default AWS instance types #850
install/0000_90_machine-api-operator_04_alertrules: Use ‘!~’ for MachineWithNoRunningPhase #878
add in-container vendoring #831
add alert for machine with long deletion phase #807
Updating ose-machine-api-operator images to be consistent with ART #874
remove kubevirt images and references #873
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #872
Bug 1965080 : Update AWS permissions to reflect requirements for load balancers #870
Correct doc namespace err and misspellings #863
Bug 1967662 : change provider config to look at PlatformStatus.Type #868
Bug 1948719 : update controller-runtime dependency #866
Bug 1939054 : Disable startup timeout for Spot MHC #830
Bug 1954177 : add constant variables back into machine v1beta1 #862
Bug 1954177 : update AdmissionReviewVersions to v1 #855
Bug 1918101 : Fix deleting for machine stucked in provisioning state on vSphere #854
Bug 1955554 : Webhook filter should check for both mutating and validating webhooks #860
Add management workload annotations #844
Bug 1925276 : Make sure phase is always set before creation #857
Bug 1951029 : Drainer panics on missing context for node patch #851
Bug 1910318 : Ensure conditions are correctly copied before annotations are patched #849
Bug 1880757 : Add missing permission for target group de-registration #835
Bug 1948719 : update dependencies to 1.21 #848
Bug 1948471 : Add release inclusion annotations to external remediation cluster role #847
4019 fencing backport mhc external remediation template #795
Vsphere enable autoscaling from/to zero #839
Fix GCP default image name #842
Update with imagebuilder troubleshooting instructions #822
Update GCP default disk image to include ignition v3 #833
Don’t mount service account token in termination daemonset #836
Bug 1883993 : vSphere, detach virtual disks before virtual machine destroy if node not available #815
BUG 1932154: add warning for missing IAMInstanceProfile in AWS #824
Bug 1910318 : Ensure original conditions aren’t mutated during reconcile #829
Add service account names to credentials request manifest #802
Bug 1938493 : Revert “Add resource limit to pods” #827
install/0000_90_machine-api-operator_04_alertrules: Drop MachineAPIOperatorDown #826
Bug 1923823 : Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy #823
Add resource limit to pods #825
remove code #791
Bug 1921892 : Ensure manager stops before ending the test #809
Bug 1910318 : [OCPCLOUD-931] Add condition to show actuator exists output on machine status #810
Bug 1934216 : reuse mgr client in webhooks #817
Ensure daemonset conforms to standards #811
: Aggregate operator errors before failing to sync #691
Enable Junit reports for CI unit tests runs #806
Update capz for disk encryption #801
Makefile fix #799
fix the link to capbm #785
Return a valid error message when multiple templates are found #794
Machine: Set ErrorReason when entering Failed phase #701
Bug 1918524 : Update Makefile to work with containers #789
Bug 1915114 : allow machine-api-controllers to access configmaps in openshift-config-managed #787
Bug 1915962 : Add exclusion annotation for machine health check on ROKS #788
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #774
Bug 1907380 : Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging for operator #781
Bug 1905709 : Drain: ignore gracePeriod on unreachable kublets #780
Bug 1909108 : Upgrade dependencies to controller-runtime v0.7.0 and K8s 1.20 #705
Bug 1907380 : Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #776
Bug 1903733 : MachineSet: Prefer to delete non-Running machines during scale down #772
Bug 1805639 : Validate credentialsSecret #673
Bug 1882723 : vSphere: Create warning on invalid specs and remove defaults #732
Update kubectl dep #771
Refactor webhook syncronization to work with library-go implementation #642
add bound serviceaccount token to machine-controller #743
Bug 1882608 : Add warning when govcloud and spot are enabled in Azure #765
Add missing default cluster profile annotation #775
add mapi_machinehealthcheck_short_circuit metric #755
Update RBAC to enable access to machineconfig object for the baremetal controller #766
Bug 1880161 : Set retry timeout for actuator.Update() failures #759
Add missing default profile annotation #769
Don’t use external remediation on failed Machines #688
Ensure provider dependencies are up to date #768
Bug 1880787 : Remove changes required to deploy metal3 pods from MAO #767
Bug 1902253 : Ensure zero value of remediationsAllowed is printed #762
Bug 1902157 : Fix spelling of automountServiceAccountToken #761
Add Kubevirt provider #716
Add machine API hacking guide #726
add mapi_machinehealthcheck_remediation_success_total metric #754
update openshift/library-go #757
add mapi_machinehealthcheck_nodes_covered metric #752
add more FAQ information about annotations, labels, and taints #582
Bug 1890456 : Cleanup and refactor vSphere metrics #733
Add simple overview user document #731
Add remediationsAllowed
field to MHC status #652
Bug 1895838 : Remove extraneous code comments #745
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #750
Bug 1889620 : Warn MachineSet with publicIp set in disconnected install #749
Bug 1896704 : Inject cluster-wide proxy configuration in to machine-api-controller deployment #725
Update resources to allow termination handler to apply conditions #627
Bug 1889620 : Azure disconnected reject publicIP setting #746
Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #744
Bug 1820083 : configure metal3 metrics collection #671
OCPCLOUD-898 : Use klog/controller runtime-logger in mao #624
Validate AWS instance tenancy in webhook #742
Update Cloud Provider dependencies #741
Bug 1876469 : Fix link on MachineSet Spec Metadata description #739
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #738
vSphere: Enter Failed phase on invalid configuration #735
Add documentation section for ‘mapi_instance_OP_failed’ metrics #717
Bug 1884632 : Bump Azure dependency to include BYOK encryption fields #730
Add HistogramVector to track transition into different Machine phases #640
Add TroubleShooting Guide #721
Bug 1876469 : Fix MHC annotation and update generated artifacts #719
add tool for pushing vendor updates to consuming repos easier #687
Full changelog
Updating ose-mdns-publisher images to be consistent with ART #43
Updating ose-mdns-publisher images to be consistent with ART #42
Updating ose-mdns-publisher images to be consistent with ART #38
Bug 1989896 : Update miekg/dns package #36
Bug 1989896 : Bump Go to 1.16 #37
Bug 1979822 : Update zeroconf vendoring #33
Updating ose-mdns-publisher images to be consistent with ART #32
Remove Brad from OWNERS #31
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #30
Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
Bug 1915122 : Truncate long service names to 63 characters #24
Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #23
Bug 1898097 : Update zeroconf to pull in rate-limiting fix #21
Add component details to OWNERS #19
Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #18
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45601 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #92
OCPBUGS-41123 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #90
OCPBUGS-34283 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #85
NP-1046 : Update owners #86
OCPBUGS-32303 : Add .snyk file to fix SAST warning messages #84
OCPBUGS-32219 : Upstream sync 2024 04 #83
OCPBUGS-24864 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART #80
OCPBUGS-24864 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART #79
OCPBUGS-24864 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller-container image to be consistent with ART #78
OCPBUGS-20531 : Update cipher for security hardenings #76
OCPBUGS-21775 : Update master (with CVE fix) #70
OCPBUGS-19094 : Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #69
OCPBUGS-12640 : Bump from 0.0.0-20211209124913-491a49abca63 to 0.7.0 #67
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #65
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #64
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #62
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #57
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #54
Bug #2067863: Dependency Updates #53
SDN-3515 : Add the missing handler for tls metrics #52
SDN-3515 : Add an option to serve the metrics over HTTPS #51
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #50
Allows the optional use of a kubeconfig if the OS env var is set #49
Skip to add fieldSelector in case of empty namespace #48
Add flag for Ignore namespaces #46
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #45
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #44
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #42
Fixes pod not responding to sigterm #41
Bug 1924524 : Updates to protobuf for CVE-2021-3121 #37
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller images to be consistent with ART #36
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #35
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45037 : Bring in getpodcontext (fix cache miss carry) #258
OCPBUGS-43390 : Update net-attach-def client library to 1.7.5 for cri-o functionality #256
OCPBUGS-42236 : (CARRY) Graceful shutdown functionality for multus daemon #252
OCPBUGS-41875 : Bumps net-attach-def client library to v1.7.2 #249
OCPBUGS-41270 : always attempt a live pod get on miss to confirm its really not there #246
OCPBUGS-37991 : Downstream sync to address multiple interface returns in network-status annotation #245
OKD-218 : install util-linux #241
OCPBUGS-34911 : Update owners file #237
OCPBUGS-33559 : Thick plugin should not wait for API readiness on CNI DEL #233
OCPBUGS-33256 : Fix CNI cache update function to prevent nil access #230
OCPBUGS-32440 : Update snyk file to add exclude vendor #229
OCPBUGS-32393 : April 2024 #228
OCPBUGS-30449 : Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.33.0 #226
USHIFT-2218 : Dockerfile for MicroShift #222
OCPBUGS-29856 : Upstream sync to 2024 02 22 #221
OCPBUGS-28270 : Fix SAST scan issues for multus-cni-container #217
OCPBUGS-27429 : Reload bootstrap kubeconfig if cert mgr failed to load valid certs #216
OCPBUGS-29162 : Upstream sync to 20240207 #214
OCPBUGS-28270 : Remove unused webhook related yamls #213
OCPBUGS-28583 : Updating multus-cni-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #212
OCPBUGS-26222 : Adds a wait to account for the possiblity of a not ready unix socket #208
OCPBUGS-24863 : Updating multus-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #204
OCPBUGS-26397 : Revert #205 “Adds a wait on unix socket readiness” #207
OCPBUGS-26222 : Adds a wait on unix socket readiness #205
OCPBUGS-24863 : Updating multus-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #203
OCPBUGS-24863 : Updating multus-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #202
OCPBUGS-23475 : Fix to use lumberjack only for logging files #201
OCPBUGS-21915 : Upstream sync with go.mod update #193
OCPBUGS-19859 : Multus annotation permissions: Certificate duration should be configurable #191
OCPBUGS-18995 : Move chroot from multus main process to its child processes (#1161) #186
OCPBUGS-19364 : Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #183
Per node cert #184
OCPBUGS-18307 : Performance and efficiency improvements in daemon/server mode #180
Use container base image’s /etc/os-release to copy multus binary #179
Change /usr/src/multus-cni/bin to rhel8 based one #178
Cherry pick upstream fix #177
Upstream sync 202308 #176
This change introduces wait to generate config until API is ready #175
Upstream sync to 202307, 99c4481 #168
Add rhel9 binary for multus #173
OCPBUGS-13815 : Fix multus to support CNI plugin which does not create interface #162
OCPBUGS-12519 : Bump from 0.1.0 to 0.7.0 (#1039) #160
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #159
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #158
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #157
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #148
Multus entrypoint should regenerate kubeconfig if secret changes #153
Multus 4.0 upstream sync, strike back #146
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #142
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #136
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #133
Bug 2092839 : Fix missing device-info in networks-status annotation for chained plugins #131
Bug 2071799 : Skip status update in CmdDel if getPod is failed #130
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #119
Bug 2082360 : Bumps net-attach-def client library (for CNI v1.0 IP compatibility) #127
types: fix usage of strings.Split() for parsing CNI_ARGS (#836) #126
Bug 2071799 : Remove error handling for getPod to force to proceed cmdDel. #124
Bug 2038019 : Upstream sync for 4.11 #121
crio: mount /run rslave #120
Restore 112: with cni del warning #118
Revert “Merge pull request #112 from dougbtv/sync-nov12-2021” #115
Bug 2017882 : Upstream sync (includes handling for pod UIDs passed from runtime) #112
Updating multus-cni images to be consistent with ART #105
Bug 1973423 : Updates entrypoint to rebuild kubeconfig when service account token or ca changes #107
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #103
Added reviewer nicklesimba #100
Bug 1968625 : Use the default socket path in GetResourceClient when unspecified #102
Bug 1927264 : Vendor bump for client-go fixes #101
Bug 1957856 : Update net-attach-def client library #97
Change nil instead of error in case of no network annotation #96
Updating multus-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #93
Sync with upstream for OCP 4.8 #88
Updating multus-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #86
Bug 1900835 : Multus should exit zero on DEL when cache file is missing and pod cannot be found. #82
Sync for OpenShift 4.7 (includes Device ID changes) #83
Full changelog
NP-1041 : Update owners #57
OCPBUGS-28557 : Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #54
OCPBUGS-24721 : Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #53
OCPBUGS-24721 : Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #52
OCPBUGS-24721 : Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #51
OCPBUGS-18848 : Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #48
15393552: Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #47
15393552: Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #45
Revert ART changes to fix rhel9 base binary #44
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #43
Fix Dockerfile to use rhel9 #42
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #41
Add rhel9 binary #40
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #36
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #35
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #34
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #33
Dev/sync upstream #30
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #28
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #25
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #21
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni images to be consistent with ART #16
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #15
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #10
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-52415 : replace entrypoint #349
NP-1128 : Ds merge 2/25/25 #346
NP-1100 : Add nodeslicecontroller to dockerfile #341
OKD-232 : fix for new SCOS builds #322
NP-1110 : Allow go vet to be skipped #327
NP-1110 : Remove build from make test-skip-static #326
NP-1110 : <Carry> Add test dockerfile #325
NP-1111 : replace ls line #323
NP-1111 : Commit for test logs <temp> #321
<Carry> OCPBUGS-45854: Add test dockerfile #319
NP-1108 : <Carry> Add test dockerfile #318
NP-1107 : Ds merge 11/27/2024 #317
OCPBUGS-6869 : Ds merge 10/25/25 #315
OCPBUGS-33946 : Ds merge 10/9/24 #314
NP-1057 : Ds merge 08/02/2024 #307
OCPBUGS-33941 : upstream sync 23072024 #303
NP-1045 : Update owners #285
OCPBUGS-29648 : upstream sync 13062024 #290
OCPBUGS-24663 : upstream sync 2024/05/23 #284
OCPBUGS-33565 : Upstream sync may24 #278
OCPBUGS-32931 : Add .snyk file #254
OCPBUGS-28556 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #242
OCPBUGS-26986 : Downstream sync - includes configurable schedule for reconciler #227
OCPBUGS-26017 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #223
OCPBUGS-24608 : Downstream sync - includes assignment error fix #211
OCPBUGS-24720 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #213
OCPBUGS-24720 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #212
OCPBUGS-22075 : update to v0.17.0 #206
OCPBUGS-18893 : Rechecking pending Pods (conflict resolved) #196
OCPBUGS-18847 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #192
Bug 16002 : Change default binary to RHEL8 image #172
OCPBUGS-15905 : Denormalize IP name before checking if pod is alive [Backport 4.14] #167
Bug 16136 : Introduce to call ip-control-loop based on RHEL ver #147
Downstream sync july23 #137
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #150
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #149
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #148
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #146
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #143
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #142
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #141
Restores RHEL specific binary copy and updates to rhel9/8 #140
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #136
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #130
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #129
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #128
OCPBUGS-11324 : respect requested allocation range when exluding ranges [backport 4.14] #121
Upstream sync 2023 03 29 #119
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #115
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #112
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #111
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #110
Upstream sync: IP reconciler controller and dual stack #107
OCPBUGS-2948 : Excluded ranges bug (#282) #102
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #100
Fix commitish for non-default interfaces fix #96
ip-reconciler: Add all non default interfaces to Pod IP list #95
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #81
Bug 2065785 : Sync upstream for context improvements #87
Bug 2050409 : ip-reconciler should have known errors from api server on instantiation #84
Bug 2052055 : client-go bump to v1.22 #82
Configurable sleep_for_race parameter #74
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #66
Reconciler: kubeconfig update #73
build, ip reconciler: have configurable logging #72
Bug 2004632 : Sync for release on cancel #68
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #60
Downstream sync: July ‘21 #62
Adds Miguel and Nikhil to OWNERS #61
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-alt images to be consistent with ART #57
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #55
Fix IP address type size to 16 bytes #51
Bug 1919048 : Fix for IPv6 when leading hextets equal zero #48
The README should direct users to the upstream source. #46
Bug 1898670 : Removes error when deallocating IP errors out, instead just warns #39
Excluded subnet handling for ipv6 #36
Full changelog
CNF-16640 : Changes for FRR-K8s Deployed via CNO #479
no-jira: Remove davemulford from collection-scripts/OWNERS file. #481
: no-jira: Update Makefile and Add Testing Info #462
NO-ISSUE: gather additional MCO debug artifacts #468
OCPBUGS-44264 : Collect all clustercsidriver resources #464
OCPBUGS-45363 : Update to use 4.19 image #466
OCPBUGS-44857 : Separate resources with comma to fix malformed inspect #465
MCO-1418 : Add collection for MOSC and MOSB #463
no-jira: Remove RickJWagner from collection-scripts/OWNERS file. #461
OCPBUGS-42679 : Support gathering IPsec data #458
RFE-5765 : Collect etcd object count #435
no-jira: Update OWNERS #442
OTA-1177 : Gather OSUS data #416
OCPBUGS-41290 : Updating ose-must-gather-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #441
OCPBUGS-10957 : avoid monitoring routes and TLS #440
NO-JIRA: Expand the approvers for must-gather #439
MON-3108 : fix(collection-scripts/ set a default –sandbox-dir-root to ‘promtool tsdb dump-openmetrics’ for better UX #437
CNF-13837 : gather_ppc: fallback option when NTO image not found #436
MON-3108 : Add gather_metrics for Prometheus fetching #434
OCPBUGS-33959 , SDN-5066 : Remove needless multus log collection #431
NO-JIRA: Update dockerfile rename changes #433
NO-JIRA: Rename Dockerfile #432
NO-JIRA: Correct typo. #414
NO-JIRA: Adding the missing clusterresourcequota and Flowcontrol resources #408
OCPBUGS-34360 : Run ppc node collection in parallel #424
OCPBUGS-31037 : Collect PerformanceProfile Data From all Nodes #410
OCPBUGS-33959 : Network logs collection: skip unready nodes #425
OCPBUGS-34467 : Updating ose-must-gather-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #423
WRKLDS-1257 : Switch must-gather to RHEL9 as base image #421
WRKLDS-1251 : Use oc.rhel8 based on the target arch of image #420
NO-JIRA: Use oc rhel8 binary explicitly until base image is rhel9 #418
MON-3754 : Enable metrics-server audit log collection #413
OCPBUGS-32210 : Collect Assisted Installer Namespace Logs #417
CNF-9168 : MetalLB: adjust to support frrk8s and small fix #412
OCPBUGS-31900 : Updating ose-must-gather-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #409
SDN-4597 : Add cluster scoped ANP resource to collection #411
NO-JIRA: Add ARO support to must-gather client #392
OCPBUGS-30349 : Updating ose-must-gather-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #406
WRKLDS-950 : use must-gather since and since time env vars on inspect cmds #400
OCPBUGS-25054 : Updating ose-must-gather-container image to be consistent with ART #395
OSASINFRA-3290 : Remove Kuryr info gathering #393
machineconfig: always gather MCS-served config #380
OCPBUGS-20391 : Revert “Add must gather script for network observability” #390
gather_sriov: Fix typos and collect SRIOV cache at /var/lib/cni/sriov #369
sriov: Clean up ip netns
output #387
OCPBUGS-19280 : Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #381
ppc: explicitly add RuntimeClass to gathered resources #386
OCPBUGS-19761 : Removed workload partitioning annotation from ppc script #385
Use oc get daemonset to identify the NTO image #378
OCPBUGS-17907 : Revert “Added gathering script for SNOs with workload partitioning” #376
Split gather_network_logs into basics and extras #375
Added gathering script for SNOs with workload partitioning #373
Add csi-proxy logs collection in must-gather for Windows nodes #374
SDN-3687 : Support gathering DBs for OVNK-Interconnect mode #370
Collect information relevant to PerformanceProfile and low latency tuning #345
gather_network_logs: multus: Fix typo in error redirection #371
Collect from each namesapce #366
Create a generic “get_operator_ns” util function #368
Assert that only one subscription exists #367
MCO-608 : Gather MCO’s on-disk configs from degraded nodes #361
Gather ostree related bits #353
OCPBUGS-14984 : Collect Mellanox firmware information #365
OCPBUGS-14025 : Add gather_vsphere #363
NETOBSERV-987 : Add must gather script for network observability #357
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #358
OCPBUGS-10798 : Gather CSIStorageCapacity objects #356
OCPBUGS-11147 : network_logs: Gather multus resource yamls for namespaces #354
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #352
Revert “OCPNODE-1499: Add CMA gather script” #350
OCPNODE-1499 : Add CMA gather script #348
WINC-977 : Update kube-proxy log file name #347
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #343
WINC-958 : Collect WICD logs from Windows nodes #346
report correct version when multiple images invoked #327
Added hostsubnets to group_resources in gather_network_logs script #342
Remove no longer needed gather_admission_webhooks script #325
Added PodNetworkConnectivityCheck gather script #333
Bug 2000552 : Add apiservices logs gathering by default #332
OCPBUGS-1810 : fix ingress node firewall script permission #329
Add ingress node firewall must-gather collection script #328
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #320
Bug 2103283 : Add timeout to oc cp command to fix must-gather delays when routers are terminating #317
Stop collecting Docker logs on Windows instances #315
Bug 2097346 : Updates how gether_monitoring obtains SA token #313
Bug 2091658 : Improve the sriov gather script #305
Bug 2090730 : Adds collection of Multus log files #306
Bug 2023295 : fix getting deployment name #303
Bug 1999529 : Filter disabled resources in inspection to proceed others #296
fix gather_insights collection #301
Bug 2023295 : Add networking resources #300
Add SR-IOV gather script #297
gather_profiling_node: correctly manage NotReady Nodes #299
Add new metallb crds to the gather script #295
add capability for oauth-server audit logging #265
Simplify CRD collection #293
Bug 2062355 : Collect NMState resources when operator is installed #292
List the pods by label app=etcd to only list etcd pods #289
WINC-708 : Collect containerd logs on Windows instances #290
Bug 2054319 : Fix the namespace extract filter #286
RUNNING_ETCD_POD must not be a quorum pod for must-gather #276
collection-scripts: allow collection of CRI-O profiling data #285
Collect prometheus target details #277
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #281
Add script to collect kubelet profiling data #273
Bug 2041087 : Revert MetalLB speaker component label #280
Bug 2039382 : Add +x permission to gather_metallb_logs #274
Update MetalLB speaker component label #275
Add capability for MetalLB logging #272
Collect rotated log files #271
Add network logs gathering by default #264
Bug 1953563 : Switch build root to golang 1.15 #228
Adding automated insights archive collection #263
MON-1786 : Enable collection of prometheus-adapter audit logs #266
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #268
feat/monitoring: gather replica specific data #248
Add information about must-gather-clean #253
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #252
collection: gather requests/top20-{resources,users}-last24h #261
Add jq to must-gather image #262
Bug 2014995 : use single quotes instead of back quotes not to confuse shell #259
fix jsonpath usages #258
Adding soltysh as approver #257
Bug 2008223 : gather_audit_logs: fix oc command line to get the current audit profile #254
introduces a script for collecting kas static pod logs #251
Bug 1974364 : Change the way of gathering ovn db #245
audit: error out with audit profile None #246
Remove openshift-kni-infra namespace from gather script #238
Minor fixes for gather_network_logs #243
Updating ose-must-gather images to be consistent with ART #241
Gather more monitoring data #234
Bug 1958405 : add etcd health logs to audit #235
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #232
Bug 1958094 : gather_audit_logs: ignore .lock file #231
Bug 1907353 : Add ovs related services to GENERAL_SERVICES #225
Add multi-networkpolicy object in must-gather #226
gather multi-networkpolicy logs #224
Bug 1916809 : extend must-gather network log to include nodes’ ovs DB #218
Bug 1916392 : Gather API priority and fairness debug endpoints #204
Updating ose-must-gather builder & base images to be consistent with ART #210
Gather ethtool info from driver and offload #207
collect alerts from the cluster #205
Bug 1916417 : Gather Kuryr CRDs data #201
Bug 1906655 : Add openvswitch services to must-gather #199
Bug 1906968 : Add kubernetes-nmstate resources to must-gather #198
NE-356 : Add HAProxy config files to must-gather #189
Add Data collection for ovn-ipsec encrypted clusters #196
Bug 1862643 : Collect docker logs from WinEvent log on Windows machines #195
Remove namespace #194
Updating ose-must-gather builder & base images to be consistent with ART #193
Adding Bugzilla component information to must-gather #190
Split resources to named and groups #136
Enhance must-gather for networking #187
Add olm resources to default must-gather #182
adding collection script for validation and mutatin admission webhooks #124
Fix broken link #148
gather_network_logs: specfiy sdn container for sdn pods #180
Fixed core dumps message #181
Full changelog
Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon images to be consistent with ART #62
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-49845 : Prevent storage layer retries for methods with side effects. #128
NO-JIRA: rebase 1.31 #123
NO-JIRA: Bump 1.30 #121
NO-JIRA: apiserver: sanitize the generic config for the chained servers #122
OCPBUGS-39529 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #118
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <carry>: retrying etcd Unavailable errors for the etcd health and ready checkers #119
Update OWNERS #120
OCPBUGS-34446 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #116
OCPBUGS-34140 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #115
NO-ISSUE: openapiconfig: generate base config using DefaultOpenAPIConfig #111
OCPBUGS-30319 : bump lib-go to fix SAs acting as OAuth2 clients #108
NO-ISSUE: oauth-apiserver: allow disabling PriorityAndFairness #106
NO-ISSUE: oauth-apiserver: apply GenericServerRunOptions to the server configuration #105
OCPBUGS-29176 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #101
OCPBUGS-28658 : bump and others (master) #98
OCPBUGS-24954 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART #94
OCPBUGS-27094 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: retry etcd Unavailable errors #95
OCPBUGS-19214 : Updating ose-oauth-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #90
bump k8s to 1.27.3 #89
Updating ose-oauth-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #87
bump kube to 1.24.4 #81
bump kube to 1.23.1 #75
Bug 2049155 : fix printers to avoid panic from DeepCopy #71
bump golang to 1.17 #65
Bug 1986504 : bump openshift/api #63
registry: audit deleted access/authorize tokens #62
Updating ose-oauth-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #59
OWNERS: add stlaz,s-urbaniak,slaskawi #58
Bug 1955435 : Do not validate kube:admin user #54
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #55
Bug 1958097 : tokenreviews: improve errors on old-format access tokens #52
Bug 1949419 : Fix [SHOULD NOT HAPPEN] server-side-apply error for TokenReviews #53
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #51
Bug 1948311 : bump to kube 1.21.0 #50
forbid the old token format #44
prints flags at startup #48
loosen up username and identity name validation #47
Bug 1933599 : bump to 1.20.4 #45
add a custom authorizer to ensure kube-apiserver can always access tokenreviews webhook #41
Add token validation for OpenShift OAuth access tokens #9
Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
completeConfig: remove storage, storageErr state from config #40
Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
Bug 1913325 : bump kube to 0.20.1 #35
move username and groupname validation to apiserver-library-go #32
allow users list their own access tokens #24
Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #29
Makefile: prepare test-e2e endpoint #31
bumps kubernetes-apiserver #30
brings TokenReview client timeout #28
register api groups to legacyscheme.Scheme
early #26
pin to #25
bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #23
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48333 : Update dependencies to address CVE-2024-24786 #313
no-jira: OWNERS: add Krzys (ibihim) and Ilias (liouk) as reviewers #282
OCPBUGS-44319 : Fix oauth-proxy e2e-component tests #289
OCPBUGS-24791 : Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #270
OCPBUGS-21718 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #266
OCPBUGS-18858 : Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #265
OCPBUGS-16459 : bump kube and lib-go to get rid of goproxy dep #260
fix route apiVersion #257
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #251
APPSRE-7970 : Add support for configuring upstream timeout #258
OCPBUGS-14033 : Handle TERM signal gracefully #255
AUTH-373 : add audit-ID headers to TokenReview and SAR requests #252
Update logo #245
fix json examples for –openshift-delegate-urls #203
Use resourceName in Openshift SAR rule #243
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #241
Bug 2026860 : ocp provider: don’t fail client creation if oauth-server cert is not present #238
Golang bump 1.17 #235
Bug 1966298 : Update #223
Bug 1986810 : trust the oauth-server when constructing a client to OpenShift #220
Bug 1980235 : deprecate version #218
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #216
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #215
Bug 1874322 : add bcrypt as a supported hashing method for htpasswd passwords #186
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #202
Bug 1958158 : providers/openshift: remove logging of authorizer decisions #214
Bug 1879878 : remove logging when authz header is present but basic auth is not attempted #197
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #196
Bug 1884131 : fix e2e tests to use aws cluster supplied by the CI #148
Bug 1884565 : don’t segfault on wrong option combination #191
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-35294 : Add French and Spanish localization for login screen #154
OCPBUGS-44099 : escape spaces in oauth callback path #166
OCPBUGS-42772 : Fix login path for go1.22 mux pattern matching #165
NO-JIRA: Revert #157 #159
OCPBUGS-42772 : sanitize login path #157
OCPBUGS-30452 : Update to v1.33.0 and vendor dependencies #156
NO-JIRA: OWNERS: add ibihim (kostrows) #153
OCPBUGS-33695 : p/o/handlers - fix nil-pointer, if ResStatus is nil #150
NO-JIRA: bump go-jose to a newer version #147
OCPBUGS-32331 : Updating oauth-server-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #145
OCPBUGS-24987 , OCPBUGS-30319 : bump lib-go to fix SAs acting as OAuth2 clients #142
OCPBUGS-21671 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #137
OCPBUGS-5233 : update osin to latest version #128
OCPBUGS-10887 : bump kube to 1.26 and lib-go for the groupcache fix #123
AUTH-357 : update osin to latest version #121
Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #119
OCPBUGS-2457 : don’t log request query and fragment on failed authn request #118
OCPBUGS-2457 : don’t log request query and fragment on failed authn request #115
OCPBUGS-6238 : update art image #116
Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #109
Bump library-go to b2073c41366aae78868b24e86d99021b79d754cb #112
fix linter findings #98
Bug 2086505 : Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #108
Bug 2086465 : External OAuth: create audit logs for auth events #103
AUTH-100 : Add request header authn auditing #106
Update external dependencies #105
osin: Import from the new openshift module path #104
AUTH-66 : turn on audit on oauth-server with PW-based flow #92
Bug 2038691 : groupsync: create annotations if not present before writing to them #96
Golang bump 1.17 #94
Bug 2020625 : oidc: allocate claims slice to 0 len to prevent empty groups #93
Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #84
oidc handler: add remote OIDC URLs to error logs #74
AUTH-8 : Add group synchronization from OIDC providers #87
Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #83
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #81
Bug 1970828 : fix projected service accounts as oauth-client #80
Bug 1958080 : Add missing error page strings #77
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #76
Bug 1958080 : CONSOLE-2535: Internationalize login page #71
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #75
base64-encode usernames when they contain ‘:’ or ‘/’ #72
Remove the legacy Dockerfile #73
Updating oauth-server builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
Bug 1892642 : metrics: move unlabeled metrics to Counters, initialize all #69
Updating oauth-server builder & base images to be consistent with ART #62
brings TokenReview client timeout #61
pin to #60
bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #59
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-44432 : Skip blocked registry check for registries with mirrors #475
OCPBUGS-49844 : Prevent storage layer retries for methods with side effects. #495
OCPBUGS-45861 : validate image property isn’t nil before using #483
OCPBUGS-45861 : move on to the next digest/tag during failures #480
OCPBUGS-45861 : prevent panic when no image and error are set #478
MULTIARCH-4558 : Set default for imagestreamImportMode based on observed config changes in the image config #443
OCPBUGS-34373 : Bump library-go to fix routes/custom-host permission for externalCertificate #459
API-1863 : Rebase 1.31 #458
API-1820 : Bump 1.30 #441
OCPBUGS-41136 : Pass expected type to deploymentconfig/scale object validation. #456
NO-JIRA: apiserver: sanitize the generic config for the chained servers #452
OCPBUGS-42215 : bump containers/image to v5.24.3 #449
OCPBUGS-35036 : fail image import when both image and error are nil #448
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <carry>: retrying etcd Unavailable errors for the etcd health and ready checkers #447
OCPBUGS-41266 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #445
OCPBUGS-34375 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #437
OCPBUGS-33574 : Bump library-go #434
OCPBUGS-31666 : Bump openshift/api for Route API godoc fix #433
CFE-885 : Feature route external certificate validation #407
AUTH-509 : remove unauthenticated group from any cluster role binding #423
OCPBUGS-31957 : Bump golang/x/net to v0.23.0 #427
OCPBUGS-22301 : make GarbageCollection supported for ClusterResourceQuotas as it is backed by a CRD #405
CFE-1048 : Bump Kubernetes to 1.29.2 #425
NO-ISSUE: go mod tidy && go mod vendor #420
OCPBUGS-30279 : vendor upgrade runtime-utils #419
OCPBUGS-27927 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #415
OCPBUGS-27094 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: retry etcd Unavailable errors #410
OCPBUGS-24895 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver-container image to be consistent with ART #409
API-1644 : add serviceaccount/patch to pull secret controller role #408
OCPBUGS-21735 : Enable HTTP/2 CVE mitigation #396
OCPBUGS-19145 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #390
API-1644 : add TokenRequest to pull-secret controller’s cluster role #403
Add internal-oauth-disabled flag to signal oauth APIs/apiserver disabled #395
OCPBUGS-18969 : remove image pruner cluster role creation #391
OCPBUGS-16514 : use import mode to manifest cache key #386
OCPBUGS-17674 : pkg/image: avoid unnecessary service lookups when registry is removed #387
OCPBUGS-5823 : remove unused service-ca roles #388
NE-1143 Adds route API changes to set/delete headers. #380
WRKLDS-728 : Disable apiservers #366
add comments about ownership of validation #384
add featuregates to server #382
idms migrations #318
Bump openshift/api to the latest release-4.14:head #383
Upgrade distribution to v3 #378
wire openapi v3 aggregation controller #379
OCPBUGS-11393 : Bump openshift/api #368
API-1586 : Bump k8s 1.27.2 #371
OCPBUGS-12813 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #364
API-1537 : Bump k8s 1.26.2 proof #360
OCPBUGS-8232 : Clear metadata.namespace on projects before write. #356
Bump 1.26 proof #354
OCPBUGS-7689 : Fix a project validation error due to empty string value #352
OCPBUGS-6197 : Updating ose-openshift-apiserver images to be consistent with ART #338
IR-270 : support creation of image objects representing manifest lists #349
API-1492 : Bump kube-openapi for openapi-gen determinism fix. #348
IR-269 : Support multi-arch images in ImageStreamLayers #309
IR-269 : Bump openshift/api #344
pkg/image: add myself to OWNERS #342
IR-270 : handle image metadata for manifest lists #340
IR-326 : support get of image stream images of a manifest list #341
Use remaining route/v1 defaulters from library-go. #334
OCPBUGS-501 : fix printer panic #333
Drop dependency on internal types from route default test. #332
move the deployer role and binding to the ocm-o #331
Use shared route validation and defaulting from library-go. #328
IR-259 : changing image stream importMode increments its generation #325
IR-258 : ImageStreamImport manifest list support #290
bump to kube 1.25.2 #320
OCPBUGS-2803 : Revert “projects: add rw mutex to auth cache” #326
Perform route host defaulting and update authz using v1 types. #321
Drop AllocateRouterShard from hostname allocation interface. #322
Use route/v1 types for route warnings. #317
Remove deps from route validation/defaulting. #319
Condense the route host allocator abstraction. #313
Move route host assignment code out of the route REST strategy. #315
Make route validation operate on v1 types. #312
make api team approver #316
Remove use of %w formatting directive from t.Errorf call. #293
add retry on imagestreamtag update #304
Add coreydaley as reviewer/approver for pkg/build #294
Stop unnecessary project auth cache invalidations. #295
Bug 2089402 : Validate Image labels correctly #292
Use #205
NE-882 : Allow route subdomains to be omitted #254
Bug 2041133 : Bump openshift/api to 271bd7e1834c62853f1646b1bcb29aa4ec79d7c1 #286
Bug 2049234 : Fix importing images that have dots in their namespace #279
Bug 2047335 : fix panic from printer #275
Bug 2047335 : fix panic from printer #272
projects: add rw mutex to auth cache #267
Bug 2032589 : Make OriginImageMutators aware of origin objects #268
Bug 2037075 : Add CSI VolumeSource to build types #264
Bug 2034957 : update openshift-apiserver to kube 1.23.1 #263
remove creation of openshift-infra namespace #258
Bug 1986504 : bump openshift/api #257
Bug 2000216 : Image policy should mutate DeploymentConfigs #250
OWNERS: add Abu and Lukasz as approver #252
Bug 1964112 : Fix for host name validation error #248
Bug 2004203 : no longer abort ICT induced builds because of spec last triggered image ID #246
Bug 1977414 : return correct reason and message from failed build #243
Bug 1986562 : Stop updating LastTriggeredImageID in spec #239
Bug 1990826 : routes without TLS are rejected for missing HSTS annotation #240
Bug 1986408 : NE-310 HSTS Route Admission Plugin #224
Bug 1971332 : revert incorrect ssh scp fix #238
remove openshift initializer pkgs out of pkg/cmd #234
expose config and route informers on informeraccess interface #232
Provide plugins access to openshift informers #231
Bug 1978627 : Validate secret name and configMap name #230
Remove Dockerhub image test #229
bump(openshift/apiserver-library-go) #226
Bug 1974651 : Remove client for Docker v1 API #222
Cleaning up some leftover packages #225
BUILD-87 : Add Build Volumes API with validation #208
Bump to Golang 1.16 #221
Revert to golang 1.15 as in o/release #220
Bug 1972383 : openshift authorization proxy: escape header key values #217
Bug 1956826 : add restriction note to docker strategy build args #213
Bug 1940057 : Use listers to find pod info for build logs #206
Bug 1964888 : bump( #212
Bug 1957584 : Revert ‘Bug 1896977: Enhance API host name validation’ #210
Bug 1957261 : BUILD-186 godoc cleanup #207
Bug 1948311 : bump to kube 1.21.0 and pick up the delegated AuthN fix #202
Bug 1923847 : Use #204
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #203
BUILD-186 : build lastTriggeredID needs to be in status #191
bump apiserver-lib-go for looser username validation #195
sets shutdown-delay-duration from OpenShiftAPIServerConfig #198
limit basic-user cluster role well-known access to oauth-authorization-server only #192
Bug 1895053 : Propagate new MountTrustedCA field #185
Bug 1933599 : bump to 1.20.4 #190
Updating ose-openshift-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #184
Bug 1912590 : Populate publicDockerImageRepository for new image streams #181
Bug 1896977 : Enhance API host name validation #167
Bug 1900989 : policy/unidling-controller: allow get/update on services #180
Bug 1915661 : update image-pruner role to include jobs, cronjobs and statefulsets #177
Bug 1910257 : bump( #174
Bug 1913325 : Bump to 1.20.1 #171
Bug 1867380 : When using webhooks in OCP 4.5 fails to rollout latest deploymentconfig #165
Updating ose-openshift-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #159
Remove the code serving the oauth and user APIs #154
Use imageapi with custom v1.SecretList type #158
bumps kubernetes-apiserver #160
brings TokenReview client timeout #157
pin to #155
bumps (library-go) #153
IR-113 : OCI Schema support for ImageStream import #145
checking conversions for upstream changes. #150
Bug 1866605 : metadata.generation not getting set/updated #149
bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #148
Bug 1884270 : bypass golang url parsing with scp styled ssh git URLs; refactor URL for older git clients #147
Full changelog
WRKLDS-1653 : bump(k8s): update* dependencies to v1.32.2 #366
OCPBUGS-47527 : Add team members to the OWNERS file #355
OCPBUGS-39432 : Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #330
WRKLDS-1492 : Update k8s dependencies to 1.31.1 #345
NO-JIRA: cleanup root and app OWNERS #341
OCPBUGS-42097 : user system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:serviceaccount-pull-secrets-controller in ns/openshift-infra must not produce too many applies #337
OCPBUGS-42089 : updating to 5.30.1 to resolve CVE-2024-3727 #340
OCPBUGS-42106 : Continuous pull-secret updates / slow initialization on build01 (test platform infrastructure) #338
OCPBUGS-30704 : replaces deprecated square/go-jose wtih go-jose/go-jose #327
OCPBUGS-35731 : Race condition when deleting ServiceAccount #318
Revert Revert OCPBUGS-36833: 4.16 “Bad” reconciliation loops can cause unbounded dockercfg secret creation #322
NO-JIRA: Revert “OCPBUGS-36833: 4.16 “Bad” reconciliation loops can cause unbounded dockercfg secret creation” #321
OCPBUGS-36833 : 4.16 “Bad” reconciliation loops can cause unbounded dockercfg secret creation #319
OCPBUGS-32873 : Replace deprecated #315
OCPBUGS-12699 : Whitelists lower-case proxy envs to pod proxydefaults #310
WRKLDS-1292 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.30.1 #313
OCPBUGS-33815 : openshift-controller-manager overwriting/undoing changes to ServiceAccount imagePullSecrets #306
OCPBUGS-33834 : filter delete events #307
OCPBUGS-33600 : revert revert and fix for hypershift #305
Revert #288 “API-1644: Use bound service account tokens when generating pull secrets” #304
API-1644 : Use bound service account tokens when generating pull secrets #288
OCPBUGS-33241 : panic in image trigger controller #302
OCPBUGS-30688 : bump go-jose to fix CVE-2024-28176 #297
OCPBUILD-9 : Adds roleBinding controllers to the controllerInitializers #296
OCPBUGS-32729 : Rollback state of managed image pull secrets after downgrade #300
TRT-1632 : Revert #298 “OCPBUGS-32729: Rollback state of managed image pull secrets after downgrade.” #301
OCPBUGS-32729 : Rollback state of managed image pull secrets after downgrade. #298
OCPBUGS-31213 : Unable to look up the service account secrets for build #292
BUILD-725 : Adds build & deployer controller #289
OCPBUGS-23848 : Bumps otelgrpc version & dependencies #293
BUILD-854 : Add adambkaplan as approver #290
WRKLDS-1016 : bump k8s to 1.29.1 #283
OCPBUGS-28665 : Replace ‘coreydaley’ with ‘sayan-biswas’ in OWNERS file #284
OCPBUGS-22471 : Mitigate CVE-2023-30551 (rekor) #280
API-1651 : Create separate controllers for default service accounts #272
API-1652 : bump go.mod go to 1.20 #267
OCPBUGS-19136 : Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #273
OCPBUGS-18498 : Disable Build and DeploymentConfig Informers if their caps are disabled #270
use constant controller names #265
OCPBUGS-16071 : Updating Kubernetes and other associated dependencies #263
update runtime-utils for idms migrations #243
OCPBUGS-14461 : Kubernetes 0.27 #261
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #260
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #259
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #258
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #253
OCPBUGS-10588 : mount build.Spec.Source.ConfigMaps for custom builder images #254
Add Divyanshu Agrawal as a reviewer #256
Add explicit license #248
BUILD-407 : Revert “remove tech preview feature gate for build csi volumes” #251
BUILD-407 : remove tech preview feature gate for build csi volumes #250
WRKLDS-594 : bump(k8s): 1.26.1 #249
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #247
update the deploy pod to provide failure in pod #246
OCPBUGS-978 : gracefully release leases in OCM #239
template namespace processing #242
bump to kube 1.25.2 #244
Remove route controllers #240
remove route controllers from OCM process (openshift-controller-manager start) #238
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #236
Bug 2117235 : separate route controllers to a new command #234
Bug 2116715 : remove GenericResourceInformer code because it is not used anymore #235
BUILD-417 : Rebase k8s 1.24 #226
Bug 2110617 : Split route controller #230
BUILD-433 : Run builds in user namespaces without seccomp if BUILD_PRIVILEGED=false #173
Add user coreydaley as an approver #224
NE-860 : ingress-to-route: add support for destinationCACertificate #218
Image trigger handler: Include the object name on error #221
Bug 2075584 : Bubble actual error message up to the build #220
Bug 2067868 : Update prometheus client_golang from 1.11.0 => 1.11.1 #219
Accept stop signal #215
Bug 2037075 : Add Support for Build CSI Volume Sources #214
Bug 2034484 : fix:library-go nil pointer issue #213
Bug 2034648 : Use –v Option to Set Log Verbosity for Builds #212
Bug 2034648 : Rebase k8s to 1.23.0 #211
Add metric to count event with reason needPods #205
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #209
Bug 2011293 : add Red Hat registries to the default registries.conf settings #207
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #198
BUILD-281 : wire in OCM feature gate config fields to allow eventual use of CSI volumes when BUILD-275 lands #199
Bug 2004127 : bump library-go and dependencies #200
Bug 2004203 : BC ICT still must check spec last triggered image ID in case BC was last processed when cluster was pre 4.8 #201
Bug 1977414 : fail Build if ConfigMap or Secret does not exist #197
Add OWNERS file to pkg/build #194
Bug 1989772 : Rebase to k8s 1.22.0-rc.0 #195
Bug 1986562 : Removed event when LastImageTriggeredID is emptied #193
Bug 1903519 : When creating a wildcard ingress the route is never created due to a mismatch in the host format in both resources.… #169
BUILD-87 : secret configmap volume mounts in builds #183
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #189
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #188
Bug 1954715 : Increase number of image-import controller workers #178
Bug 1925409 : Rebase to k8s 1.21 #184
Bug 1953798 : stop requeuing secret creation when namespaces are terminating #179
Bug 1935165 : fixed LANG for the builder container #176
BUILD-186 : build lastTriggeredID needs to be in status #171
Bug 1947793 : Deprecated API in use #175
ingress: Migrate to #172
Bug 1895053 : Instruct builds to optionally mount trusted CAs #154
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #174
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #168
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #158
Bug 1900989 : unidling: switch away from endpoints to the service #165
remove use of BUILD_ISOLATION env var (no longer inspected in openshift/builder) #160
Bug 1908459 : BUILD-148: bump(*): k8s 1.20.0 #151
Bug 1860136 : Fix for Annotation was not propagated to the route when changes made to existing ingress object #149
BUILD-187 : Detect if image trigger ID was cleared #150
Bug 1887745 : Listing All Events with Chunking #145
Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #148
Bug 1891362 : Remove the openshift_build_result_total metric #143
Add Build Result Counter Metric #125
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45624 : Updating openshift-state-metrics-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #119
OCPBUGS-41159 : Updating openshift-state-metrics-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #118
OCPBUGS-34298 : Updating openshift-state-metrics-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #117
OCPBUGS-34298 : Updating openshift-state-metrics-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #116
MON-3878 : Remove deprectated logtostderr #114
OCPBUGS-24878 : Updating openshift-state-metrics-container image to be consistent with ART #112
MON-3530 : Update OWNERS #110
OCPBUGS-23649 : bump dependencies #109
OCPBUGS-21754 : bump x/net
to v0.17.0 #103
Update Dockerfile to remove the maintainer tag #98
OCPBUGS-19120 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #102
OCPBUGS-12538 : bump x/net to v0.7.0 #101
OCPBUGS-6343 : address CVE-2022-41717 #100
OCPBUGS-12305 : Update 4.14 openshift-state-metrics image to be consistent with ART #97
OCPBUGS-10076 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #95
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #92
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #90
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #89
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #88
Updates OWNERS file #86
Bug 2067783 : Bump client_golang to v1.12.1 #85
Use service CA beta annotation #84
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #81
Adding the right build comment as per go 1.17 #82
OWNERS: cleanup #79
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #78
add label #75
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #77
Bug 1947740 : update k8s client-go to v1.22.1 #76
Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #74
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #71
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #72
Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #68
Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #67
Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #66
Update OWNERS file #64
Bug 1885249 : Replace klog with klog v2 #63
Bug 1885249 : Replace glog with klog v2 #62
Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #60
Bug 1886111 : Revert “Merge pull request #59 from paulfantom/klog” #61
Bug 1885249 : Replace glog with klog v2 #59
Full changelog
Merge into main #359
Merge into main #358
OCPCLOUD-2857 : Set infrastructureRef.Namespace in Cluster object #357
OSASINFRA-3707 : ⚠️ Manual sync from release-0.12 on main ⚠️ #352
OSASINFRA-3722 : Deploy manifests for CustomNoUpgrade feature set also #356
Merge into main #349
Merge into main #348
Merge into main #347
Merge into main #339
OCPBUGS-45387 : Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #345
Merge into main #336
NO-JIRA: manual git merge on upstream 0.11 #335
CARRY: add comment to .snyk about Glance #334
snyk: ignore md5 & SHA1 warnings for ORC images #333
Merge into main #332
OCPBUGS-43892 : manual rebase on upstream release-0.11 #331
Merge into main #324
Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #322
OCPBUGS-34072 : Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #317
Merge into main #316
Remove dulek from shiftstack-team #313
NO-JIRA: Bump to latest CAPO v0.10 #314
NO-JIRA: Bump to latest CAPO v0.10 #312
OCPBUGS-33170 : openshift: Set FallbackToLogsOnError on infra-cluster controller #311
OSASINFRA-3437 : Rebase on CAPO v0.10 #305
OCPBUGS-31277 : Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #301
🐛 Persist API FloatingIP immediately on creation #1831
:bug: Fix patching OpenstackMachine’s immutable spec during reconcile #1819
✨ Add flags for configuring rate limits #1817
:bug: Fix potential panic during instance create #1806
🐛 Revert “Move FloatingIP to Bastion spec” #1783
🌱 Import CAPI v1.6.0 #1780
🌱 Bump version artifacts for release-0.9 #1775
🐛 Verify success of parsing OpenStack cloud cacert #1770
📖 Fix network-related docs for API v1alpha7 #1764
🌱 Remove Containerfile and Dockerfile experimental #1760
🌱 Fix log message typo #1758
🐛 Update e2e testing image of CAPI version from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 #1754
🐛Fix missing endpoint type in OpenStack endpoint clients configuration #1744
✨remove flavor check to relief restrictions to CPU #1745
⚠️ Move FloatingIP to Bastion spec #1739
⚠️ Bump Go to 1.20.10 #1740
✨ Add ephemeral storage support to the AdditionalBlockDevices #1696
✨ Use kustomize new syntax for patches #1735
✨ Add cache on provider scope #1688
🌱 deps: Bump dependencies #1733
🌱 Enable k8s upgrade in self hosted test #1732
🌱 Use k8s v1.28 in tests #1723
🐛 Don’t remove BYO api server loadbalancer floating IP #1728
🌱 Replace kustomize vars with replacements #1726
🌱 e2e: dump cinder volumes #1722
🌱 Ignore go workspaces #1724
🌱 E2e: Use pre-build node images #1699
✨ Add option to customize private network MTU #1701
:seedling: ci: bump Flatcar tested version #1713
🌱 ci: Several CI fixes #1718
✨ Add server name for the Machine InternalDNS #1715
🌱 Bump devstack image to ubuntu 22.04 #1716
🌱 Add explicit dependency on #1712
🌱 Allow custom KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS_DIR in tests #1710
🌱 Ignore vendor directories in boilerplate check #1709
🌱 Build setup-envtest in hack/tools #1707
🌱 Bump ginkgo #1705
:sparkles: Additional data volumes for machines #1668
🌱 gitignore: ignore vendor/ directory #1690
🌱 Move webhook CA injection into webhook resource #1686
Update Gophercloud to 1.7.0 #1682
🐛 Only delete all ports when deleting cluster network #1680
:book: Clarify release notes content for releases and pre-releases #1678
🌱 Remove defaulter-gen #1677
:book: doc/development: add devstack notes #1569
🌱 Add test for getOrCreate #1673
Set failure only on instance error when no nodeRef #1637
🌱Fix various issues with CRD generation #1669
✨Allow changing allowAllInClusterTraffic in a deployed cluster #1663
avoid duplicate error event #1655
🌱Bump CAPI to v1.5.1 #1666
🌱Structured logging migration of instance.go, service.go, floatingip.go, and securitygroups.go #1631
Fix v1alpha6 -> v1alpha7 idempotence #1626
🐛 Don’t fail when deleting non-existing port #1660
🐛 Fix panic on delete before cluster is initialised #1657
🐛Fix failing clusterctl upgrade test (second attempt) #1661
🐛Fix failing clusterctl upgrade test #1659
🌱 Bump golangci-lint to 1.54.2 #1652
🐛 fix port cleanup when using CAPO-created cluster network #1651
:bug: Fix Port Leaks #1648
🌱 Update verbosity levels in instance.go #1635
📖 Fix APIVersion to use existing router with OpenStackCluster #1638
🌱 Migrate pkg/cloud/services/networking/network.go and router.go to structured logging #1624
🐛 Fix application credential support in env.rc #1646
🌱Remove APIServerLoadBalancer.Provider Up Conversion #1642
🌱Migrate controllers/openstackcluster_controller.go to structured logging #1630
:seedling: Migrating /pkg/cloud/services/loadbalancer/loadbalancer.go and /controllers/openstackmachine_controller.go to structured logging #1621
✨ Add --version
flag #1641
✨ Add support to IPv6 in Machine’s status #1633
🌱 chore: use capo cluster agent for API requests #1614
✨ Update to CAPI 1.5 #1600
🌱 Simplify types of Instance.SecurityGroup and Instance.Networks #1625
remove subnet from the output in kubectl get
:sparkles: Allow Use of Public CAs #1610
:seedling: ci: bump flatcar to latest stable #1607
📖 Add link to book in README #1602
🌱 Add metadata for release 0.8 #1601
⚠️ Update NetworkStatus ready for dual stack #1577
🌱 E2e: Unify machine log collection #1595
🌱 E2e: Bump the tested Kubernetes versions #1594
🌱 E2e: Implement LogCollector interface #1581
✨ Allowing update of OpenstackCluster API server fixed IP #1590
:sparkles: Add additional sec group rule for additionalPorts of LB #1592
do not set failure reason/message when LB not created #1591
🌱 Replace #1585
🌱 dependencies: Bump Go stdlib #1584
🐛 Fix deadlock #1579
🌱 Bump Kubernetes version used in e2e tests #1571
⚠️ Remove ProjectID from PortOpts #1575
🐛 Always filter cluster subnets by cluster network ID #1572
🌱 E2e: Bump clusterctl upgrade to start from v0.7.2 #1568
:warning: Transform Profile
into an interface #1560
🌱 Set provider ID through kubelet in ubuntu templates #1551
⚠️Remove last uses of TenantID and pagination filters #1563
:seedling: Deprecate v1alpha5 #1561
:seedling: bump docker distribution to 2.8.2+incompatible #1562
⚠️ Replace SubnetParam with SubnetFilter #1559
⚠️ Replace SecurityGroupParam with SecurityGroupFilter #1557
🌱Remove unused fields from ExternalNetwork #1555
🌱Remove PortOpts from Network #1550
🌱 Reduce the Bastion status to only fields which are used #1546
⚠️ Remove PortOpts.SecurityGroups #1516
Use instead of kubernetes-release bucket #1542
Fix OWNERS_ALIASES syntax error #1543
Update external approvers #1536
⚠️ Remove Networks #1518
Add lentzi90 to cluster-api-openstack-maintainers #1537
⚠️ Remove v1alpha3 and v1alpha4 #1527
Update linter to v1.52.2 #1534
🌱 Remove creation of 2 Events for the same event #1531
🐛 Patch: Backport Provider to v1alpha6 #1530
🐛 Improve env.rc
templates #1381
✨ Support propagate uplink status #1481
✨Infer port network from subnet #1519
:seedling: ci: bump flatcar to latest major stable #1524
🌱 bump docker to 20.10.24+incompatible #1525
:warning: flatcar: make external-cloud-provider-flatcar the default one #1522
:seedling: pull cluster-api@v1.4.1 #1521
⚠️ Deprecate In-tree Cloud Provider #1514
🌱 Bump gophercloud to v1.3.0 #1520
:sparkles: Add RouterName for use existing router #1370
Restore APIServerLoadBalancer.Provider on up-conversion #1517
📖 Document removal of OpenStackMachineSpec.Subnet #1515
🌱 Un-pointer PortOpts.SecurityGroups #1511
✨Add Octavia OVN Provider Support #1501
Add dulek to reviewers #1512
⚠️Remove OpenStackMachineSpec.Subnet #1504
🌱 Add fuzzy conversion tests for v1alpha6 #1509
:book: docs/configuration: add Flatcar to OS section #1503
:bug: e2e: refresh packages list before install containerd #1507
:sparkles: templates: add flatcar template #1444
📖 Add documentation for creating local test environments #1500
🐛 fix: allow using multiattach volume types #1498
⚠️ Add v1alpha7 #1497
✨ Support value specs for Ports #1452
fix: fix typo of worker rules and controller rules #1492
🐛 Switch to “4” instead of “ipip” for rules #1489
:bug: Fix Provisioning to Unavailable AZs #1479
🐛 uplift golang and x/net #1482
Fix “internal ip doesn’t exist (yet)” in e2e logs #1474
Remove the resource and machine tickers from e2e tests #1471
Fix boilerplate linter #1473
Download golangci-lint instead of building it #1470
🌱 Bump gophercloud to v1.2.0 #1463
📖 Add documentation about –ca-cert flag #1467
🐛 Return from reconciler after adding finalizer #1464
✨ Add Tags to API-Loadbalancer resources #1457
🐛 Fix Tilt by adding CAPO label in tilt-provider.json #1430
Add e2e remediation tests #1380
🌱 Add e2e self hosted test #1428
Envtest mocks #1236
🌱 Bump ginkgo to v2.7.0 and sync with hack/tools #1460
check flavor and reject CPUs less than 2 #1451
✨ add explicit securitycontext to controller #1461
📖 fix path for taggin and serverMetadata in OpenstackMachineTemplates #1454
✨ Add ca-cert flag to supply a default ca certificate for each requests #1440
🌱 Use newer containerd in e2e tests #1456
🌱 E2e: Use plain ubuntu cloud image #1441
🐛 fix nil-pointer in initial reconciliation loop with empty status field #1445
🌱Add log to provide more info in case error happen #1443
🌱Be more robust when checking gophercloud errors in IsNotFound #1432
🐛 uplift x/net to 0.4.0 #1427
🌱Bump CAPI to v1.3.1 #1424
✨Add lentzi90 to reviewers #1421
:book: Fix spelling errors on docs #1418
🌱 e2e: Change logging to avoid use of By #1417
🌱 Remove It block from clusterctl upgrade #1412
✨ Bump CAPI to v1.3.0 #1406
🌱Release 0.7 patches #1405
🐛 Update Ubuntu, CirrOS & Amphora image #1408
🌱 Add e2e clusterctl upgrade tests #1371
🌱 Bump Gophercloud to v1.1.0 #1402
🌱 scripts: replace apt with apt-get #1401
🌱 Tag current e2e tests as PR-Blocking #1390
🐛 Allow UDP traffic over nodeports #1396
🌱Ensure we capture early devstack logs #1399
🐛 Don’t enable router-ovn service in CI deployments #1400
🐛 Decrease initial backoff for Floating IP operations #1386
🐛 Fix Octavia versions endpoint #1385
🐛 openstackmachine: do not set transient error message and reason #1301
🐛 fix: improve load balancer health checks #1375
🌱 Synchronize versions between Makefile, Containerfile, e2e and go.mod #1369
:book: Add more infomation to run e2e test in locally #1362
Fix accesIPv4 checking #1366
switch version from float to int #1281
🌱 CI: Clean openstack volumes #1364
🌱 Bump CAPI to v1.2.4 #1361
✨ Enable additional linters and metalinter checks. Fix findings #1359
🌱 Remove unnecessary mock import aliases #1357
🐛 Don’t require cinder when not using volumes #1353
🌱 Add the cluster templates back #1354
🌱 Update golangci-lint (v1.46.2 -> v1.50.0), remove deprecated linters #1342
🐛 Don’t require an InstanceSpec for DeleteInstance #1350
ci: Pin to the yoga version of openstackclient #1352
✨ Allow for omitting AZ from control plane nodes #1318
🌱 Group Makefile targets #1343
doc: update calico location #1338
update doc to make it more clear #1335
🐛 fix nilpointer during clusterctl move #1340
update k8s to 1.25 #1330
🌱 remove apricote from reviewers #1333
📖 update README to include Yoga #1331
update devstack release #1329
🌱 add merge strategy markers #1325
🌱 loop over all GCP zones during instance creation #1324
:bug: Add security groups to ports only #1319
📖 Update PlantUML version (1.2020.16 -> 1.2022.6) #1321
✨ Conditions for OpenStackMachines #1288
🐛 Fix go1.19 linting errors #1313
🌱 Ensure that python and pip is installed for e2e and conformance tests #1309
not assign floating ip when there are multiple controller nodes #1276
🐛 Update calico manifest for e2e testing #1307
✨ Add re-creation of bastion host on change #1303
e2e test: add more dump output #1304
🐛 Fix conformance tests #1305
refactory sec group code (for additional CNI support) #1299
🌱 Bump CAPI to v1.2.0 #1302
🌱 Set ginkgo.timeout in our kubetest config #1297
🌱 bump to capi v1.2.0-rc.0 #1295
🌱 only reconcile loadbalancer member if machine is control-plane #1294
✨ Enable JSON Logging #1296
replace “4” with “ipip” #1290
✨ Bump to CAPI v1.2.0-beta.1 #1283
🐛 Fix logger arguments #1284
Fix generation of e2e-templates when running conformance tests #1287
📖 add v1alpha6 breaking changes book page #1285
🌱 Generate cluster templates with kustomize #1271
🐛 delete port left over by err openstackmachine #1260
Add Age column for osc/osm #1279
✨ Add v1alpha6 API types #1272
use 1.24 as test env #1277
update doc to reflect latest version, add helm link #1275
nit:make event to log for already associated FIP #1268
📖 Instance create timeout is in minutes #1267
🐛 Make failure domain optional for OpenStackMachine #1263
✨ Feature: restrict API Server LB access via IPs #1247
:sparkles: bump golangci-lint version to v1.46.2 #1258
cleanup: remove used file #1243
Passing security groups by specifying more options in addition to UUIDs on ports #1246
🐛 implement conversion for OpenStackClusterTemplate CRD #1249
refactory test code (reuse existing function) #1194
🏃 Add tests for cluster controller #1199
🐛 remove webhooks for old APIversion v1alpha4 #1240
🌱 Fix ginkgo warnings #1239
🌱 Remove macaptain from cluster-api-openstack-reviewers #1237
move chrischdi to emeritus_approvers #1233
:bug: Fix nil pointer reference during bastion deletion #1231
:seedling: Update process for release branches #1228
🏃 update PR icon template to match CAPI #1229
📖 allow up to 20 tabs in book #1224
🌱 Add release 0.6.x to metadata.yaml #1226
🐛Don’t set ImageRef on server when booting from volume #1225
🐛Fix conversion of boot from volume images #1223
🐛 always wait for active Loadbalancer after getOrCreate #1200
📖 Document CRD changes from v1alpha4 to v1alpha5 #1216
🐛 controllers/openstackcluster_controller.go fix nil pointer and dump openstack ports #1217
Improve log message #1202
🐛 bump CAPI to v1.1.3 #1209
🏃Remove prankul88 as a reviewer #1213
🏃 Add apricote as a reviewer #1212
📖 replace dead link for cloud.conf details #1211
⚠️ rename v1beta1 to v1alpha5 #1198
address CVE-2022-27191 #1204
✨ Support Application Credential auth #1189
✨Refactor CreateInstance and CreateBastion #1191
⚠️ move loadbalancer opts to struct #1187
🏃 Explain mutability of bastion configuration in CRD #1190
🏃 Enable controller tests #1183
🐛 Install sshuttle using pip instead of from source #1185
🏃 Add Scopes to pass data to services #1178
🐛 Address CVE-2022-21698 #1182
🐛 upgrade golangci-lint for go 1.18 support #1184
✨Export GetFloatingIP #1179
Add unit test for trunk #1172
📖update doc to talk about microversion #1161
🐛 Fix event target of floating ip operations #1177
Fix flaky UT on gate #1175
Remove internal
AZ special handling #1168
🐛 Clean up removed AvailabilityZones from OpenStackCluster.status.failureDomains
📖 add info about office hours to README and Book #1167
move CI to xena #1158
🐛 api/v1beta1/openstackmachine_types.go: change errorReason/errorMessage to failureReason/failureMessage #1150
✨Remove FIXME (adjust the comment and code both) #1157
🐛 containerfile: Bump Go version #1156
🏃 devstack: Allow empty private SSH key #1144
Make hidekazuna emeritus #1152
Avoid set failMessage when bastion creation failed #1138
🏃 OWNERS: satisfy the maintainers tool #1123
manager.yaml: enable metrics endpoint #1141
📖 Document external repositories referencing CAPO owners #1142
bump CAPI to v1.1.0 #1137
Add test for trunk feature #1128
🐛Bump CAPI to v1.0.4 #1136
✨ Ensure trunk deletion #1125
✨Service interface load balancer #1119
🐛 Prevent creation of floating IPs when reconcile load balancer in non ACTIVE state #1115
Remove duplicate tags before making API calls #1112
iamemilio resigns as a reviewer #1113
Document running CI devstack on CentOS #1108
✨Cinder AZ and volume type support #1030
✨ improve log entry for ReplaceAllAttributesTags #1110
🐛 Avoid replacing tags when no tags are provided. #1107
Delete trunk on failure #1095
Allow image uuid to be used in instanceSpec #1101
📖nit: update doc to include spec #1102
🐛update log to make it clear (LB member instead of LB) #1104
🐛 loadbalancer service: fix metric name for member list #1097
🏃 Migrate CI to Wallaby #1091
Fail fast without create port at all #1094
🐛 fix loadbalancer service to reconcile all ports instead of returning at the first #1089
Update .golangci.yml #1090
:book: Update documentation according to clusterctl sub command changes #1088
🌱 Standardize api import aliases #1082
Update OWNERS file #1084
🏃Fix generated clouds.yaml for local e2e tests #1069
🏃Add new maintainers and reviewers #1083
:sparkles: Port rework #1059
✨ Allow webhook changes to OpenStackCluster.Spec.Bastion #1070
images: use k8s-staging-test-infra/gcb-docker-gcloud #1068
🐛Cleanup ports #1063
:sparkles: Add tags on security groups created by capo #1053
🐛Fix conversion of IdentityRef converting between v1alpha4 and v1beta1 #1066
📖 Update configuration document #1056
✨Add unit tests for compute service #1061
🐛update logic to support more instance state #909
🏃 Delete unused annotation #1057
🐛Fixes for running E2E tests locally against devstack on OpenStack #1048
🏃 Fix conversion-gen in Makefile #1052
📖 Update version support #1055
🏃 Move sbueringer to emeritus maintainers #1058
✨ Bump golangci-lint to 1.43.0 #1042
📖 Update RELEASE document #1051
📖 Fix yaml example #1050
✨ Add v1beta1 API types #1047
🐛Pull Calico from instead of #1049
✨ Update CAPI to v1beta1 #1041
✨ Remove ensure kind binary script from repository #1036
🐛 Fix image push in Makefile for image-push jobs #1039
✨E2E error logging improvements #1032
Check trunk support before enabling trunk at port level #1014
✨ Change default branch to “main” #1031
✨ Add tags to portOpts #1027
✨Devstack on openstack and multi-AZ support #1026
🏃 Add unit tests for getOrCreatePort func #1020
Port Tagging Regression #1016
🐛 Fix typo in delete server log #1025
📖 Fix typo in OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64 example #1018
✨ controllers: replace context.TODO with real context objects #1019
🏃update e2e container to latest cluster-api #1010
✨Return all NodeAddresses in OpenStackMachine.Status.Addresses #1004
🏃 Bump calico from v3.18.1 to v3.20.1 #1015
🐛 Don’t make unnecessary REST API calls in getServerNetworks #994
✨Allow update for some param only first time update #1012
✨Add webhook of openstackcluster, no update allowed for now #1006
🏃 Standardize metrics in networking package #1003
:sparkles: Allow clusters without a floating IP for the API server #973
:sparkles: Implement allowAllInClusterTraffic flag #998
🏃 Move deletePorts back to compute package #1002
✨Add InstanceStatus.AvailabilityZone() #992
📖 Add book link to README #996
🏃 Refactor all network client calls into networking package #950
:bug: Add alpha3 Resources to Scheme #985
⚠️ Don’t overwrite on reconciliation #989
✨Document running E2E tests locally #982
:bug: Fix Conversion from alpha3 to alpha4 #986
✨Enhancements for running E2E tests locally #981
only use loadbalaner reference if needed #978
✨ Allow Trunk configuration at a Port level #934
fix gate lint issue #980
Update flavor usage of e2e test #977
Add gc for error instance’s port #975
:sparkles: Refactor: Don’t use infrav1.Instance internally #971
✨ Cleanup and refactor InstanceExists and DeleteInstance #960
getOrCreatePort: add support to configure port Profile #964
update from v1alpha3 to v1alpha4 in Makefile #970
🏃Return error if instance go error #967
🐛 bump controller-runtime to 0.9.6 to fix webhook tls errors #969
📖Add port security doc #958
📖 Add netlify.toml to publish our book #963
🐛 ignore Conflict status in order to make instance able to detach interface #962
📖Fix broken link #957
🐛 Fix failure to create server with specified tags #924
✨ Apply Port Security to Ports #921
✨ Add webhook readiness and health checks #955
🐛 openstackcluster reconciliation: reset .Status.failureMessage and .Status.FailureReason on success #953
✨ Do not update fip if its already mapped correct #947
✨ Add mock client and 2 tests for networking package #935
📖 improve release documentation #946
✨ Fix Webhook names for OpenStackMachineTemplate and OpenStackCluster #945
✨ Add OpenStackClusterTemplates Type #933
📖 Adjust to fit v0.4.0 and bump k8s to v1.21.3 #944
✨ Add conversion for SecretReference to string #937
🐛 Wait for ports creation in ports e2e test #938
Use the kubernetesversions package of the cluster-api repo again #905
🐛 Remove the ttl flag from sshuttle invocation #941
Revert “reassociate Floating IP if first associate fails” #939
Add failure fields in OpestackCluster status section #893
✨ Add GET gophercloud metrics #932
reassociate Floating IP if first associate fails #930
✨ add description and tag to floating ips #925
🏃 sync linter settings with cluster-api repo and fix findings #923
Rename master to main #928
🏃 use amphora image from GCS in e2e tests #922
✨Update CAPI to v0.4.0 #919
📖 Upgrading a cluster without LBaaS is not supported #915
🐛 Don’t log nil error when AuthInfo is not set #916
🏃 Add test for custom port options feature #908
🐛 fixup release targets and update doc accordingly #903
🐛 Fix doc about external cloud provider #904
Add resource shortNames #894
🐛 fix release staging target #902
✨ Upgrade CAPI to v0.4.0-beta.0 #901
📖 Document custom ports feature #900
:sparkles: add predicates.ResourceIsNotExternallyManaged to cluster controller #897
✨ Add feature to create ports with custom options #876
Fix error logging for OpenStack instance creation #891
🐛 Fix event of associate/disassociate floating IP #880
Add some events related to load balancer #869
honor server group ID parm #881
Add metrics of gophercloud (POST,UPDATE and DELETE) actions #863
🏃 Validate OpenStackMachineTemplate spec.template.spec immutability #872
🏃 Refactor: use Service struct field more #871
Add seanschneeweiss as reviewer #874
Add chrischdi as reviewer #873
🏃 Add some events and refactor related to instance #862
Add more logs for LB creation #867
📖 Add doc related to log level #866
Upgrade to latest CAPI version (2021-05-07) #861
✨ api/v1alpha4 remove obsolete UserDataSecret field #865
✨ Add gophercloud request logs, fix contexts #860
✨ adjust loadbalancer wait.Backoff #853
🐛 Fix polling deleting instance #852
set image param as optional for boot from volume #851
Delete watching Status when deleting #846
bump tests to Kubernetes 1.20.6 #849
Wait for instance delete #845
Cleanup docs changes #838
📖 add documentation about postsubmit and nightly images/manifests #836
📖Add book build process #822
🐛 do not propagate the cloud field to clientconfig.AuthOptions #829
🐛 fix conversion-gen #827
🏃 Refactor/cleanup load balancer related code #835
🏃 Optimize devstack setup on GCP, add a script to setup a devstack on AWS #800
🏃 upgrade to latest CAPI version and upgrade/cleanup some other deps #833
🏃 Refactor: event consistency #828
🐛 fix path of uploaded artifacts #830
🏃 publish nightly artifacts #819
🏃 Reorder function variables #820
🏃 Refactor: Make getLoadBalancerName function #823
📖 Remove note about CI #821
📖 Update supported version of k8s in Readme #818
🏃 Test openstack key in our e2e tests #815
🏃 Remove neutron lbaas support #813
🐛 Delete bastion if basion.enabled=false #817
🏃 Improve ci script patching #812
🏃 Add e2e tests for all flavors #798
fix post-cluster-api-provider-openstack-push-images and add post-submit manifests #811
🐛 Fix about bastion #810
🐛 fix post-cluster-api-provider-openstack-push-images #809
🏃 Update golangci-lint and fix most of the linter issues #797
📖 Update links for filing new issue #807
🏃 Remove unused release note section in the PR template #806
🐛 fix conversion gen #805
🏃 Implement conformance test via e2e test framework #782
🏃 Bump ginkgo version #803
🐛 InstanceExists should not do substring search on name #799
🐛 Make conversion-gen output location explicit #802
🏃 update yq commands to support yq V4 #792
🏃 Remove useOctavia from nonha template #795
🏃 Remove disablePortSecurity: false from template #793
🏃 goimports: fix import order, add local-prefix to linter #791
Update development guide #789
🏃 Add todos to PR template #786
✨ pkg/cloud/services/networking/securitygroups.go reimplement reconcilation #773
✨ Update klog dependency to v2 #779
🏃 migrate conformance test to Prow #759
📖 Update configuration doc #781
Initial impl v1alpha4 #748
Add support for failureDomain (AZ) for bastion #757
🐛Remove and #761
Fix gate issue (test failure) #767
🏃 Update OWNERS files #766
Fix a doc typo #762
🏃 Update pull request template to use /hold per default #758
:sparkles: AccessSubnetUUID: we can specify source subnet for access IP address #756
🐛 use APIServerFloatingIP instead of ControlPlaneEndpoint.Host for LB #755
Refactory network functions (router.go==>network.go) #751
📖 improve #747
Fix clusterctl config command #744
Update sync logic #736
Fix LoadBalancerMember creation #737
🐛 fix rbac aggregation manager role #743
🐛 Pass GOPROXY environment variable to Docker image build #740
🐛 Add NAMESPACE variable in cluster templates. #739
🏃 Revert Merge pull request #725 #733
🏃Remove unnecessary field in manager.yaml #729
Specify –metrics-bind-addr for CAPO manager #725
update openstack provider format from // to /// #727
🏃 Bump CAPI to v0.3.12 #724
🐛Ignore not found error when remove router interface #720
📖 Add instructions to use cluster template with load-balancer #703
Fix ca-file path in env.rc #716
move from 0.3.1 to 0.3.3 in the CI test #686
:bug: Fix domain_name and domain_id usage in env.rc #714
🏃 Refactor loadbalancer package #710
🏃Refactor create, delete instance #711
🏃 Move ncdc to emeritus status #708
:bug: Add SecurityGroup to Loadbalancerport when not using octavia #700
🐛 Fix SecurityGroupInUse error #705
Fix nil pointer error for Network #693
🏃 Add OpenStack version to bug report template #696
📖 fix getting log #697
🐛 Delete spec.disableServerTags of OpenStackCluster #692
✨ Align flag names with upstream Kubernetes components #690
update Make method to avoid mismatch #688
move to capi 0.3.11 #683
Add cluster-template-external-cloud-provider.yaml into release doc #682
Add openstack ussuri into support list #586
Switch CI from U to V release #680
Move log to creating place #673
set openstack cluster status for Bastion #671
📖 Update how to retrieve kubeconfig #677
✨ Add support for Tilt #666
nit: remove duplicate blanks #672
🐛 Fix to delete only automatically created floating IPs #669
fix location for env.rc file #665
Add doc update for boot from volume case #664
Add root volume support (put root volume into instance create param) #662
🐛 Update reference to the latest version of CAPO v0.3.1 #656
Remove USE_PYTHON3 #660
✨ Delete automatically created floating IP when deleting cluster #653
🏃 Cleanup unused variables #657
🏃 Delete spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.ntp.servers in cluster-template-without-lb.yaml #659
🏃 Bump Go to v1.13.15 in conformance pr job #658
🐛 Fix event message about port ID with associate Floating IP #655
Remove unnecessary colon #654
✨ My594 revised #590 #594 wrong parameter for a user provider network #610
📖 Update calico version in documentation #652
Add openStackMachine.Status.Addresses value #648
🏃 Bump CAPI to v0.3.10 #650
✨ Add events deleting resources #645
Add doc for how to move a cluster #630
📖 Update external cloud provider URL #646
Update configuration document #644
🏃 Bump Go to 1.13.15 #640
Add force move of secret cloud config #636
update cluster-api to 0.3.9 #639
Refactor creating/deleting instance #641
Add version into log #638
default concurrent reconcile from 1 to 10 #637
✨ Add bastion host to login the nodes and update non HA template #619
CI: Wget kubernetes binary be quiet #632
📖 Fix Link for external openstack template #629
Add tags to status #617
cleanup keys params #625
nit: update name of get
output for openstackmachine #624
🏃 Add CAPO version to github issue template #623
🐛 Fix get openstackcluster to show ENDPOINT value #620
Rename to capoerrors #618
Remove Tag creation for ports and add description for it #596
Add application cred usage #599
switch to no-admin for CI test #606
🐛 Fix e2e test Kubernetes official binaries version #616
🏃 Update template for the external cloud provider #611
update openstack CI test version from T => U #605
✨ Use OpenStack key pair instead of KubeadmConfig spec #607
🏃 e2e test uses official Kubernetes version #613
🏃 Bump Cluster-API to v0.3.8 #615
Update e2e test and document of non lb case #608
✨Add external network discovery #573
nit: replace return with exit #602
📖 Add reference to the external cloud provider doc #600
🐛Update mtu size in Makefile #598
🏃 Add hidekazuna to reviewer #597
✨ Use external cloud provider #595
Add more logs for debug purpose #593
nit: Add default egress rule description #585
Add event for seucrity group #592
report error if security group not exist #583
Add doc tip for floating ip #575
📖 Update Required Configuration #576
🐛 Fix #579
ignore router get return 404 error #571
Add generated security groups automatically #563
🐛 Invoke KUSTOMIZE in release-manifests #569
🐛 Show openstackcluster ENDPOINT #570
update doc about ssh security group #564
Remove APIServerLoadBalancerAdditionalPorts #561
🐛 Fix auto generate security groups #555
Make DisablePortSecurity compatible with platforms not using the port… #560
🏃 Update support for CAPI v0.3.5 #552
🐛 enable managedAPIServerLoadBalancer w/ existing network #548
🐛 Set up OPENSTACK_CLOUD environment variable in env.rc #550
reviewers: remove flaper87 #549
📖 Update Configuration doc #545
Add additional info when error occur #541
🐛 e2e test: switch to -bazel folder because bin folder has been removed #540
🐛 remove docker-build from build test #542
Add availability zone to be used by controller plane #537
🏃 Pr add prow test scripts #539
🐛 Fix updating to Cluster API v0.3.3 #538
🐛 Fix cluster-template.yaml #534
Add 1.18 support into list #536
🏃 Add Stein to v1alpha3 tested version #535
🏃 Add Zuul jobs for e2e conformance tests #491
🐛 use sec groups from the current project, wait for lb from last reconcile #523
🏃 Update to cluster-api v0.3.3, controller-tools v0.2.8 and controller-runtime v0.5.2 #532
✨ Delete router/network/subnet #522
✨ Add ServerGroupID to OpenStackMachineSpec #531
Fix cacert issue #527
avoid basename usage to avoid source action failure #529
Revert “Add kuryr support” #221
Full changelog
add further console customization types #743
opm: add multi-arch builds with goreleaser #710
opm alpha diff: generate a diff between two sets of catalog/bundle refs #696
Add command to generate DC dockerfile #713
Add list subcommands for packages, channels, and bundles #706
declcfg: move dc opm commands out of alpha #707
declcfg: improve and fix model tests to eliminate possibility of false negatives #709
Fix endless loop #705
feat(render): render sqlite database files #673
declcfg: validation should allow non-existent replaces value (re-apply #691) #702
Cleanup residual appregistry-server references #697
Add an option to store Gzip-encoded bundle data in ConfigMaps #685
Query related_image table when rendering DC from sqlite #687
bump kind to 0.11.1, print bundle unpack pod logs in e2e test #695
Declarative Config: output validation errors as tree #684
declcfg: validation should allow non-existent replaces value #691
allow out of order deprecate #688
check presence of all bundles before deprecate #656
declcfg: change LoadDir to LoadFS #680
Remove travis build badge from #627
Add declarative config .indexignore
support #679
Explicit bundle properties #671
fix example bundle dockerfile so that it copies the manifests folder #668
Remove opm alpha add
, declcfg.WriteDir
, and related now-unused code/tests #674
Add opm alpha init/render commands. #661
Add draft release info to opm release doc #670
fix(sqlite): upsert deprecation table entries #669
fix(containerd): drop xattrs during unpack #667
Elide channels starting with deprecated bundles #659
fix race in test with mockRepo/mockBlobStore #665
Consistently use latest go1.16 in all workflows #662
Support YAML formatting for declarative config #641
Fix/readd deprecated #652
Improve load func error handling to expose more information #647
Revert “Test for bundlepaths before deprecate” #655
Test for bundlepaths before deprecate #644
.github/workflows: Remove the e2e-minikube action job #648
.github/workflows: Add action that emulates tide commands #636
Move config serve and validate to opm alpha #646
Add optional go-apidiff test to CI #595
Force latest install of podman to fix currently broken e2e tests #645
Bug 1951387 : (bug) add after deprecation #642
Retry failures when pulling images #633
Replace codecov-action with vendored upload script. #639
go.*,vendor: Bump the k8s dependencies to v1.20.6 #637
Update api version, vendor & enhance testing #605
.github/workflows: Fix the podman installation in the e2e tests #635
Accept any property type in annotation #621
(feat) substitutes-for logic #612
(opm) move add from root to alpha #628
Add tests and fix bugs for declcfg server #625
feat(cmd): Add validate subcommand to opm cmd to validate config files #618
Delete the symbolically linked operator-registry.Dockerfile #626
feat(declarative-config): opm add creates declarative configs #582
Implement registry server for declarative config #601
bump api version to v0.7.1 #624
feat(declarative config): add base packages #617
.github: Separate the jobs in the test workflow into their own workflows #623
go.sum: Re-sync vendor dependencies #622
Remove appregistry-related tooling #608
opm registry add
: add --ca-file
to add a cert to the pool used by the command #611
Dockerfile: Add a symbolically linked release Dockerfile #614
test/e2e: Disable the bundle unpack opm e2e tests #613
.github: Add a sanity check for Go packages #596
Bump to Go 1.16 #607
test/e2e: Fix output log message when Podman is not found #598
Updating operator-registry builder & base images to be consistent with ART #606
Bump all Go binary builds to 1.15 #604
Deprecate initializer and registry-server #587
README: Address markdown violations #594
Update the vendor Makefile target and update the vendored dependencies #590
cmd,pkg: Deflate unnecessary conditionals #591
OWNERS: Update the owner file #593
.github,test: Re-enable Podman e2e tests #588
feat(opm): add alpha bundle unpack command #418
upgrade to use go 1.15 #565
Add details for starting a local server to README #557
doc: clarifies opm usage and what tool can help with bundles #564
fix: add apt-get-upgrade to ci script, skip podman tests #585
Bug 1921763 : add missing closes #570
Updating operator-registry builder & base images to be consistent with ART #576
docs/design: Minor documentation fixes #546
Fix typo in deprecate+truncate command help #580
.github: Use the pre-installed Podman dependency #579
Fix upstream example dockerfile #558
Add doc on opm v1.15.3 index add behavior #559
Bug 1921778 : Add build metadata version precedence #571
fix: use none driver without sudo in upstream minikube e2e tests #572
Bug 1920205 : use secure local registry for e2e tests #552
Bug 1904297 : Unexpected images left in related_images
after pruning #556
Bug 1915408 : load required docker images for kind cluster in e2e test #548
Bug 1909464 : Fix windows build with golang 1.15 #541
Bug 1907632 : Bump k8s deps to 1.20 #537
chore: move upstream tests from travisCI #536
Bug 1883560 : Avoid duplicate registry binaries across downstream image layers. #531
Disable broken ppc64le and s390x release builds. #530
Bug 1902824 : fix(index): account for default channel in index add order #528
Bug 1895367 : Include the bundle image itself as a related image. #527
feat: add opm support for optional validators and custom category validation #495
fix(indexing): respect strict mode #523
copy .git directory for build tag info #509
Bug 1885425 : fix(indexing): order bulk add by version field #503
fix the description of validation “RegistryV1” format #480
Add ConsoleYamlSamples to the supported resources #432
Updating operator-registry builder & base images to be consistent with ART #516
Bug 1889388 : Reconstruct replaces and skips for ListBundles from channel_entry. #512
Bug 1889721 : add skippatch unit test #505
Bump k8s dependencies to v0.19.3 #515
Fix Go version used by release job to 1.14.z. #508
Bug 1894278 : (fix) close connection to db #506
Build upstream releases with Go 1.14 instead of 1.15. #501
Produce opm linux release binaries for ppc64le and s390x. #500
Add Github Actions release workflow. #496
Completely populate test database before executing tests. #494
Remove unused file. #493
Add coverage report job. #490
Bug 1889388 : Set replaces in ListBundles query result using channel entries. #483
Start listening on test server port before running tests. #491
Bug 1889721 : Check prerelease version for semver-skippatch mode #486
Bug 1881527 : fix(opm): properly deprecate export flag ‘-o’ #485
Bug 1883773 : Fix path separator in generated bundle Dockerfiles on Windows. #481
Add writable workdir to configmap registry image. #475
Fix test flake based on random aggregate error order. #477
Make the inability to create /etc/nsswitch.conf non-fatal. #474
Bug 1883905 : (fix) concurrent writes during image pulls #464
Bug 1883560 : fix(dockerfile): clean out tmp directory after binaries are placed #461
update the help info of the export subcommand #290
Add USER for non-root image usage #425
fix the comments of LabelDependency in the type definition #454
OWNERS: add operator-sdk reviewers estroz, joelanford, jmrodri #469
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-24868 : Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver-container image to be consistent with ART #132
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #128
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #124
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #122
Bump go version #123
improved logging if no storage domain is found by name #121
updated go-ovirt-client #120
Added @Darth-Mera as approver #119
added k8s deployment files #114
update go-ovirt-client #113
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #112
Bug 2091567 : Upgrade go-ovirt-client to 1.0.0 #111
Added @engelmi as approver #109
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #110
Bug 2067871 : Bump prometheus/client_golang to v1.11.1 #108
Bug 2063795 : remove unused replace directive in go.mod #107
Updating OCP on RHV team members #103
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #102
Bug 2043035 : use proper error code #101
Bug 1882983 : check PV access mode #100
Add more controller tests #96
Bug 2016442 : fix creation on ISCSI storage domain #95
Enabled running tests on build #94
Added first test #93
fix s390x build bug #92
OCPRHV-596 : Port to go-ovirt-client #88
Bug 2013969 : Fix storage domain search string #90
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver images to be consistent with ART #87
Bug 1985965 : add GET_VOLUME_STATS capability to Node plugin #86
Bug 1973076 : Bug 1985795: Fix create volume, configure disk format based on storage domain and wait for disk to be ok #82
Bug 1989101 : Replaced Roy with myself as owner/reviewer #84
Bug 1983933 : CSI expansion should work in offline mode #83
Bug 1953674 : Add volume expand feature and update go mod to 1.16 and k8s21 #81
Add Creating a custom oVirt CSI driver readme #80
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #78
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
Update OWNERS and Registry ci #73
Bug 1918287 : pass ovirtClient to identity and remove redundant call to Test connection #67
Bug 1904385 : make ControllerPublishVolume idempotent #63
Revert “Abstract all NodeService tools call” #60
Abstract all NodeService tools call #59
disable metrics #53
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #54
Bug 1899565 : support raw block devices #57
Add bugzilla info to OWNERS #58
bump go-ovirt and run make vendor #55
Remove all deployment yamls and reffer to the operator #52
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45766 : Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #138
OCPBUGS-34075 : Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #134
OCPBUGS-24852 : Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #130
OCPBUGS-24852 : Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #129
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #125
OCPRHV-834 : set upgrade condition of operator to false #117
OCPBUGS-8683 : Add management workloads annotations #116
STOR-1019 : Bump to k8s 1.26 libs for OCP 4.13 #113
STOR-947 : support disabling default StorageClass via ClusterCSIDriver #111
Grant volumesnapshotcontents patch permissions to operator too #112
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #110
OCPBUGS-4347 : set TLS cipher suites in Kube RBAC sidecars #109
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #108
STOR-858 : Bump* and* #107
updated go-ovirt-client #106
OCPRHV-685 : added secret informer for daemonset #104
Added @Darth-Mera as approver #105
update go-ovirt-client #103
Add client certificate and key to service monitor #102
Bug 2088033 : Clear text password stored on disk #99
Update credentials automatically #101
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #100
Bug 2091567 : oVirt CSI driver operator should use latest go-ovirt-client #98
Bug 2089973 : bump libs to k8s 1.24 for OCP 4.11 #96
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #97
Added @engelmi as approver #95
Bug 2067821 : Bump prometheus/client_golang to v1.11.1 #93
Bug 2064613 : Recreate oVirt connection for every sync #92
Set fsGroupPolicy in CSIDriver #89
Bug 2006201 : Increase timeouts for CSI driver #86
Updated OCP on RHV team members #82
Bug 2049169 : Add custom CA bundle support #83
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #81
Bug 2043130 : ovirt: Add external-snapshotter permissions to patch snapshots #80
Bug 2028484 : CSI driver’s livenessprobe does not respect operator’s loglevel #79
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #77
Port to go ovirt client #75
Rearrange static files to prevent creation errors #73
Bug 2010946 : Align manifest dir with storage operator #72
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #71
Bug 1993931 : Storage operators use older kubernetes client #70
Bug 1948090 : Deploy multiple replicas of CSI Controller Service #66
Bug 1990146 : some controllers missing livenessProbe #67
Bug 1989102 : Replaced Roy with myself as owner/reviewer #65
Bug 1964266 : external-resizer side car container #64
Add Creating a custom oVirt CSI driver operator readme #63
Use go:embed for static yaml file #61
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator images to be consistent with ART #60
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #59
Update OWNERS #47
Bug 1940876 : add resources to csi-provisioner #57
Bug 1947774 : fix imagePullPolicy to ifNotPresent #54
oVirt: Add metrics scraping #53
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #52
Bug 1933184 : Fix maxUnavailable value to 10% #51
Bug 1933184 : Add maxUnavailable to DaemonSets #50
Run config informers when starting the operator #48
Cleanup: Remove serviceName from controller manifest #46
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
update manifests and README #42
Bug 1918395 : increase livenessProbe period #43
Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #34
Bug 1912949 : Set proxy config in CSI driver containers #40
Add bugzilla info to OWNERS #36
bump go-ovirt to 2020-10-23 #35
Bug 1896320 : Bail immediately if we failed to create an OvirtClient #33
check FollowLink errors #31
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-24925 : Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #177
OCPBUGS-24925 : Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART #176
15143237: Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #174
Fix swapped CPU socket and thread mapping #172
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #171
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #170
Improve logging #168
update go-ovirt-client #167
added wrapped klogr for unified logging #166
Remove duplicate MemoryMB validation #165
Ocprhv 681 automatic credentials update #161
Added @Darth-Mera as approver #164
Add validations tests #163
updated readme and custom capo docs #162
Refactor controller structure #160
Disable memory ballooning in high perf workers #143
Fix OCPRHV-789 #159
OCPRHV-788 : added check for high_performance to set placement_policy_affinity #144
added functional test for automatically updating credentials #158
set serial console enabled for high performance VMs #157
enable headless for high performance VMs #156
disable soundcard for high performance VMs #155
dedicated functional test run script #154
update envtest setup for CI #153
added generation of crds #150
removed test stage in dockerfile #151
OCPRHV-806 : added functional test for actuator #148
added first set unit tests for machine validation #147
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #146
Bug 2100496 : VM creation fails w. AG without description #145
Bug 2099293 : cluster API provider should use latest go-ovirt-client #142
Bug 2094806 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.24, go 1.18 #141
Added @engelmi as approver #137
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #139
Bug 2082535 : clone flag doesn’t work #138
Bug 2077597 : bump go-ovirt-client to v1.0.0-alpha4 #136
Bug:2076270 better VM deletion handling #134
Bug 2076277 : add Storage Domain Configuration to the machineset #133
Bug 2074710 : Transition to go ovirt client #131
Bug 2056454 : Preallocated disks for OCP nodes #129
Updated OCP on RHV team members #130
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #128
update to golang 1.17 #126
Bug 2024328 : detach non-bootable disks before removing the VM #123
Update machine-api-operator dependencies to latest version #122
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #119
Bug 1994410 : minor error changes #117
Bug 1984481 : correct IPAddress detection for OVNKubernetes #114
Add support for guaranteed memory field #113
Refactor Provider - part 1 #107
Updated owners because of GitHub account change #112
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #111
Bug 1972747 : allow auto pinning new names #110
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #109
Removing Roy, adding myself to the OWNERS file #108
Bug 1948719 : update controller-runtime dependency #106
Bug 1954177 : Update mao dependency for webhook v1 changes #103
move to go 1.16 #104
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #101
Bug 1948963 : add support for hugepages #102
Bug 1941334 : Add support for auto pinning policy #100
Bug 1917485 : Add validations to machine object #96
Bug 1937694 : providerIDController ignore nodes that have no machine #95
Bug 1931215 : Add support for affinity group #80
Bug 1920905 : extract node machine ipaddress from the engine instead using DNS . #85
credentials: handle error in the strconv.Parsebool #94
add custom capo readme #88
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #91
Bug 1926346 : move to go 1.15 and #87
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #83
Bug 1926278 : Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #86
Bug 1917872 : Rebase on latest go-ovirt sdk 2021-01-12 #84
Bug 1912567 : handle node removal from oVirt #82
Bug 1898487 : Node is not removed when VM has been removed from oVirt engine #77
Bug 1897138 : Port to machine-api-operator #75
Update OWNERS with bugzilla info #74
Update OWNERS #73
Update OWNERS #72
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #71
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45713 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #377
OCPBUGS-41253 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #376
MON-3972 : [bot] Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.11.0 #375
MON-3905 : [bot] Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.10.0 #373
MON-3897 : [bot] Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.9.0 #372
OCPBUGS-34362 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #371
OCPBUGS-34362 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #370
OCPBUGS-29980 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #365
MON-3725 : add machine424 and rexagod to OWNERS #358
MON-3698 : Update to upstream prom-label-proxy 0.8.1 #363
MON-3649 : Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.8.0 #362
OCPBUGS-24742 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #361
OCPBUGS-24742 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #360
OCPBUGS-24742 : Updating prom-label-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #359
OCPBUGS-18854 : Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #357
Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.7.0 #356
OCPBUGS-12293 : Update 4.14 prom-label-proxy image to be consistent with ART #355
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #353
Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.6.0 #352
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #351
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #350
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #349
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #347
Bump v0.5.0 #348
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #346
Updates OWNERS file #345
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #343
Bump openshift/prom-label-proxy to v0.4.0 #342
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #341
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #339
Bug 1808240 : Bump to v0.4.0 #340
Updating prom-label-proxy images to be consistent with ART #338
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #336
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #335
Bump to v0.3.0 #334
Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #333
Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #332
MON-1302 : Bump prom-label-proxy to v0.2.0 #329
Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #328
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-53025 : Scraping: Bump cache iteration after error to avoid false duplicate detection. #245
MON-4104 : Update to 3.0 #227
OCPBUGS-48273 : fix(main.go): avoid closing the query engine until it is guaranteed to no longer be in use #241
OCPBUGS-45586 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #238
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.1 #236
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.1 #235
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.0 #234
MON-4065 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.0 #232
OCPBUGS-43378 : fix(discovery): Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown in node informers’ DeleteFunc #229
OCPBUGS-41113 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #226
MON-3989 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.1 #223
MON-3989 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.1 #222
OCPBUGS-38622 : Restore Prometheus functionality to accept samples with different timestamps from the same series in a single scrape. #220
MON-3981 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.0 #219
MON-3981 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.0 #218
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.1 #215
OCPBUGS-37370 : backport of upstream fix #216
OCPBUGS-37244 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.1 #211
OCPBUGS-35483 : cherry-pick upstream fix to make PrometheusRemoteWriteBehind fire when remote endpoint is never reached. #213
OCPBUGS-36768 : cherry-pick upstream remote-write fix #210
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.0 #208
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.0 #206
OCPBUGS-34264 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #205
MON-3856 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.52.0 #202
MON-3856 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.52.0 #201
MON-3825 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.2 #200
MON-3825 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.2 #199
MON-3794 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.1 #198
MON-3794 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.50.1 #196
OCPBUGS-29981 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #197
MON-3673 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.49.1 #193
MON-3676 : move raptorsun out of reviewer list #194
MON-3673 : Bump Prometheus to v2.49.1 #192
MON-3633 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.48.1 #188
OCPBUGS-24745 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART #187
MON-3528 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.48.0 #186
OCPBUGS-22743 : bump Prometheus to 2.48.0 (manual) #185
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #181
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #180
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #179
OCPBUGS-21633 : update to v0.17.0 #173
update OWNERS file #172
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.0 #168
OCPBUGS-18846 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #169
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.46.0 #167
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.45.0 #166
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.44.0 #164
Dockerfile.ocp: update note about UI assets after switching to embed #165
OCPBUGS-12996 : Add missing assets after manual merge #162
OCPBUGS-12825 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #160
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.43.0 #158
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #156
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.42.0 #154
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.41.0 #153
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.7 #152
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.6 #151
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.5 #150
OCPBUGS-4273 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.4 #148
OCPBUGS-2873 : fix certificate reloads after rotation #145
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #147
Revert unwanted downstream patch #144
OCPBUGS-1718 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.39.1 #142
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #141
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.38.0 #140
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #139
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #137
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.37.0 #138
Bug 2099561 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.36.2 #136
Bug 2064984 : Update Prometheus to v2.36.1 #133
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #132
web/ui/.gitignore: unignore generated assets for downstream build #130
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.35.0 #128
Updates OWNERS file #124
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.34.0 #123
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.33.5 #122
Bug 2056802 : scrape: Fix label_limits cache usage #121
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.33.4 #120
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #119
Bug 2034192 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.32.1 #117
Don’t use dependabot #115
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.32.0 #104
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.31.1 #103
Update scripts/ replacing yarn by npm #99
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #102
OWNERS: cleanup #101
Bump v2.30.3 #98
Bug 1943860 : Bump 2.30.0 #96
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #94
openshift: Add script to generate rh-manifest.txt #90
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #93
Bug 1999397 : Bump 2.29.2 #92
Bug 1986243 : bump 2.29 #91
Bug 1934324 : Update to 2.28.1 #89
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #88
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #87
Bug 1964332 : Update Version to 2.26.1 #86
Bug 1931281 : Bump Prometheus to v2.26.0 #84
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #79
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #72
MON-1208 : Bump Prometheus to v2.24.1 #69
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
Update OWNERS #67
MON-1175 : Revert “web/ui: disable React-based UI” #66
Bump v2.22.2 #65
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #64
Bump Prometheus to v2.22.1 #63
Bug 1885235 : bump Prometheus to v2.22.0 #61
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #60
Full changelog
MON-4155 : Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.28.0 #98
OCPBUGS-45623 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #97
OCPBUGS-41157 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #95
OCPBUGS-34297 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-contain… #93
OCPBUGS-33686 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.27.0 #90
OCPBUGS-33686 : Dockerfile.ocp: use common-build target #91
OCPBUGS-29969 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #88
OCPBUGS-24718 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-container image to be consistent with ART #86
OCPBUGS-24718 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-container image to be consistent with ART #85
OCPBUGS-21771 : Bump to v0.17.0 #79
Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.26.0 #78
update OWNERS file #77
Bump v0.26.0 #76
OCPBUGS-18846 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #75
OCPBUGS-18250 : Update alertmanager to 0.25.1 #74
OCPBUGS-12506 : update #71
OCPBUGS-12289 : Update 4.14 golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager image to be consistent with ART #70
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #68
Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.25.0 #67
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #65
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #64
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #61
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #62
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #60
Updates OWNERS file #59
Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.24.0 #58
Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.23.0 #55
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #57
Bump openshift/prometheus-alertmanager to v0.23.0 #54
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #53
OWNERS: cleanup #52
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #51
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #50
openshift: Add script to generate rh-manifest.txt #48
Bug 1957157 : Bump alertmanager to v0.22.2 #49
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager images to be consistent with ART #46
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #45
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #43
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #41
Update OWNERS file #40
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
Full changelog
NO-JIRA: Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.80.1 #325
MON-4126 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.80.0 #324
OCPBUGS-18656 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.79.2 #321
OCPBUGS-45644 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #319
OCPBUGS-45736 : Updating prometheus-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #320
OCPBUGS-45453 : Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #317
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.78.2 #314
OCPBUGS-27250 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.78.1 #313
MON-4060 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.77.2 #311
OCPBUGS-30122 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.77.1 #307
MON-3994 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.76.2 #305
Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #303
OCPBUGS-41278 : Updating prometheus-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #304
MON-3994 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.76.1 #301
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #302
MON-3982 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.76.0 #297
OCPBUGS-38174 : feat: sync proxy settings in Alertmanager configuration #295
MON-3947 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.75.2 #294
MON-3889 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.74.0 #287
OCPBUGS-34153 , OCPBUGS-34308 , OCPBUGS-34459 : Updating prometheus-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #293
OCPBUGS-34308 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #289
OCPBUGS-34153 : Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #288
MON-3838 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.73.2 #286
OCPBUGS-31847 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.73.1 #285
MON-3793 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.73.0 #284
MON-3771 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.72.0 #281
OCPBUGS-29304 : fix: don’t fail metadata transform on unknown types (#6298) #277
OCPBUGS-28251 : fix: convert continue
field between v1beta1 and v1alpha1 #275
MON-3689 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.71.2 #274
MON-3689 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.71.1 #273
MON-3676 : move raptorsun out of reviewer list #272
MON-3661 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.71.0 #271
OCPBUGS-26147 : configure Snyk scanner #269
OCPBUGS-25560 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART #270
OCPBUGS-24947 : Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-container image to be consistent with ART #266
OCPBUGS-24914 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART #268
OCPBUGS-24914 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART #265
OCPBUGS-24872 : Updating prometheus-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #264
OCPBUGS-24323 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.70.0 #263
OCPBUGS-24126 : Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-container image to be consistent with ART #260
OCPBUGS-24073 : Updating prometheus-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #258
OCPBUGS-24105 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader-container image to be consistent with ART #259
MON-3479 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.69.1 #256
OCPBUGS-18707 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.69.0 #255
OCPBUGS-22946 : fix: remove verbose logging admission-webhook #254
OCPBUGS-21637 : fix: disable HTTP2 connections by default #252
OCPBUGS-21637 : Bump to v0.17.0 #246
update OWNERS file #245
OCPBUGS-19108 : Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #242
OCPBUGS-19204 : Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #244
OCPBUGS-19174 : Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #243
: Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.68.0 #241
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.67.1 #240
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.67.0 #239
OCPBUGS-14466 : bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.66.0 #236
OCPBUGS-14033 : cmd/prometheus-config-reloader: add SIGTERM handler #234
OCPBUGS-1626 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.65.1 #233
OCPBUGS-12324 : Update 4.14 prometheus-config-reloader image to be consistent with ART #230
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #229
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #227
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #226
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #225
OCPBUGS-10109 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #221
OCPBUGS-10137 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #222
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #220
OCPBUGS-6055 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.63.0 #216
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.62.0 #215
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #214
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #213
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #212
OCPBUGS-2778 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.61.1 #209
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.60.1 #208
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.60.0 #207
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #206
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #205
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.59.2 #203
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.59.1 #200
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #198
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.58.0 #197
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #195
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #194
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #193
Bug 2097716 : pkg/apis/monitoring/v1beta1: fix httpConfig conversion #191
Bug 2091595 : bump to Prometheus operator v0.57.0 #190
Bug 2079679 : pkg/prometheus: fix curl exec probe #189
Revert “Bug 2091595: Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.3” #188
Bug 2091595 : Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.3 #185
Updating prometheus-operator-admission-webhook images to be consistent with ART #180
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #178
Bug 2084288 : Revert “Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.2” #177
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #176
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.2 #174
Revert “Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.1” #171
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.1 #170
Add myself to OWNER file #166
Bug 2079679 : Revert “[bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.0” #168
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.56.0 #165
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.55.1 #164
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.55.0 #162
Fix typo in admission webhook bin output #163
Add Dockerfile and targets for standalone admission webhook image #160
Standalone webhook server #159
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.54.1 #158
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #155
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.54.0 #151
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #154
Bug 2030539 : Address race condition in recreate flow for statefulset #152
Bug 2036717 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.53.1 #147
Bump openshift/prometheus-operator to v0.53.0 #146
Release 0.52 #141
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #144
OWNERS: cleanup #140
Bump v0.51.2 #139
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #136
Bump to v0.50.0 #133
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #135
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #134
Bug 1977435 : Bump prometheus-operator to v0.49.0 #131
Updating prometheus-config-reloader images to be consistent with ART #130
Updating prometheus-operator images to be consistent with ART #129
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #127
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #128
Bug 1879495 : Bump to 0.48 #122
Bug 1939412 : Bump to 0.47.1 #120
Revert “Bug 1939412: update to 0.47” #116
Bug 1939412 : update to 0.47 #114
Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #113
Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #112
Merge 0.45 into master #109
Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #107
Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #108
Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #106
Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #105
MON-1302 : Bump prometheus-operator to v0.44.1 #102
Update OWNERS file #100
Bug 1893798 : MON-1302: Bump prometheus-operator to v0.44.0 #101
Bug 1885244 : bump to v0.43.0 #98
Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #96
Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #97
Full changelog
MGMT-19498 : Add configmap support to the accelerator’s collector #155
OCPBUGS-46498 : adding new NVIDIA accelerators to monitor #161
OCPBUGS-46498 : updating monitored accelerator list #159
OCPBUGS-45424 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #157
MGMT-19361 : Adding new device for accelerators monitoring #156
MON-4077 : Adding accelerators counter collector metric #154
NO-JIRA: update OWNERS files #153
OCPBUGS-39509 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #152
MON-3949 : [bot] Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.8.2 #149
OCPBUGS-34124 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #148
MON-3882 : [bot] Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.8.1 #146
OCPBUGS-34124 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #147
MON-3847 : Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.8.0 #145
OCPBUGS-20151 : [CHERRY PICK FROM UPSTREAM]: Take optional attributes into account for fibre_channel metrics #144
OCPBUGS-29976 : golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image… #142
OCPBUGS-24722 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter-container image to be consistent with ART #140
MON-3502 : [bot] Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.7.0 #139
OCPBUGS-21635 : upgrade v0.17.0 #133
update OWNERS file #132
OCPBUGS-18850 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #131
Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.6.1 #130
OCPBUGS-12714 : Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.6.0 #129
OCPBUGS-12507 : Upgrade to v0.10.0 to fix the CVE #128
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #122
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #120
OCPBUGS-6311 : addressing vulnerability GO-2022-1144 #119
Bump openshift/node_exporter to v1.5.0 #118
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #117
build(deps): bump from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 #114
build(deps): bump from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 #115
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #112
Align to upstream v1.4.0 #109
Fix a bug of metric format on AMD EPYC platforms #107
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #104
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #106
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #103
Updates OWNERS file #102
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #101
Bump node_exporter to v1.3.1 #100
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #97
OWNERS: cleanup #96
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #95
Update to v1.2.2 #94
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #93
Bug 1984030 : netclass: retrieve interface names and filter before parsing #90
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter images to be consistent with ART #89
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #87
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #88
Bug 1957179 : Update to 1.1.2 #86
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #80
Bump node_exporter to 1.1.1 #84
Bug 1917683 : text_collectors: do not use space as a replacement for escape characters #79
Bug 1917683 : Remove escape characters #78
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #76
Bug 1906570 : Capture the number of boots by reading wtmp #74
Update OWNERS file #73
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #72
Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48171 : Update go 1.23 and ocp 4.19 #254
OCPBUGS-40772 : Bump go to 1.22.0 #248
NO-JIRA: fix outdated doc links #241
OCPBUGS-24916 : Bump to rhel9 #240
OCPBUGS-29583 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #234
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #235
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #230
API-1673 : Add description annotations to service CA secret and configmap #225
add ownership for unshared secrets and configmaps #220
OCPBUGS-21798 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #223
OCPBUGS-19176 : Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #221
OCPBUGS-8512 : fix admission webhook CA injection #219
OCPBUGS-16536 : bump lib-go to get rid of the goproxy dep #213
OCPBUGS-12662 : bump kube to 1.27.1 #212
Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #211
API-1525 : Add openshift_service-ca namespace yaml to manifests dir #208
OCPBUGS-3195 : Return nil from start funcs after context is cancelled. #202
Bug 2048349 : make the operator react to workload logLevel configuration #196
Quality of life changes, fix e2e tests failing too often #197
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator images to be consistent with ART #192
Bug 2101880 : operator NS manifest: Set empty #194
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #190
Bug 2034484 : feat: library-go bump #185
Golang bump 1.17 #183
Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #176
OWNERS: Add Bugzilla component #153
OWNERS: remove s-urbaniak #175
Bug 1987029 : Support external control plane topology #171
Bug 1984644 : bump lib-go to get 60s leaderelection tolerance for API outage + bump k8s #174
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #173
Add s-urbaniak, remove marun from OWNERS #163
Bug 1981498 : add vulnerable legacy injector to allow for upgrade clusters to use … #167
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #164
readme: update references to developer guide #161
Bug 1948012 : Report the operator status as always upgradeable in serviceCA/cluster #154
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #158
Rename workload annotations #156
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #157
Add management workload annotations #152
IBM Cloud manifest profile patch #151
Generate wildcard certificates matching pod host names for headless services #149
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #148
Various e2e test fixes and cleanups #147
Random cleanups #150
Don’t ignore the minTimeLeft parameter to requiresRegeneration #143
Bug 1914446 : manifests: run the operator’s pod as non-root user #136
Fix (make verify) with Go 1.16 #142
Remove cleanup of 4.3 deployments that was safe to remove in 4.5 #141
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #139
Bug 1887392 : bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #134
Bug 1806915 : remove runlevel=1 from service-ca-operator owned namespaces #109
Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #132
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #131
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #130
Bug 1895141 : prevent panics in service-ca injectors #129
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #128
move controller boilerplate to lib-go controller factory #121
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48381 : rename doc references to master branch to main #553
OCPBUGS-45763 : Updating telemeter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #552
NO-JIRA: use steps:count1h
recording rule #549
NO-JIRA: add steps:count1h
recording rule #547
OSD-25491 & OSD-25492: Comments fix #546
OSD-25491 , OSD-25492 : New recording rules averaging CPU consumption for ROSA HCP & ROSA classic clusters #544
OCPBUGS-39435 : Updating telemeter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #543
OCPBUGS-33285 : Add metricsclient_http_requests_total
metric #500
MON-3890 : add recording rule acm_capacity_effective_cpu_cores #534
OCPBUGS-34833 : fix issuer check during JWT authentication #536
OCPBUGS-34431 : Updating telemeter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #533
OCPBUGS-34039 : Updating telemeter-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #532
RHOBS-1036 : Harden integration tests #529
MON-3819 : Update tools go 1.21 #526
MON-3737 : Update binaries to new version #525
OCPBUGS-30724 : CVE-2024-28180 bump go-jose to v3.0.3 #524
OCPBUGS-30832 : bump Go 1.21 #521
OCPBUGS-30544 : CVE-2024-24786 Bump to v1.33.0 #516
MON-3175 : update deprecated link #512
MON-3715 : remove obsolete targets from Makefile #513
OCPBUGS-24983 : Updating telemeter-container image to be consistent with ART #497
OCPBUGS-24983 : Force kill jobs after integration v2 test finish #514
MON-3715 : chore: bump dependencies #511
RHOBS-995 : Simplify cluster:capacity_effective_cpu_cores, add tests #506
MON-3708 : fix test/ #509
MON-3669 : fix join issue in cluster:capacity_effective_cpu_cores #505
OCPBUGS-16397 : update nutanix filter #504
MON-3669 : Removing newlines from the jsonnet configuration for the recording rules.libsonnet #503
MON-3669 : Add rule for effective CPU cores for subscription usage purposes #501
RHOBS-956 : Rename subscription_labels to ocm_subscription #495
OCPBUGS-22744 : go.mod: bump… #493
rhelemeter: Parse org and cn with regex #492
rhelemeter: Validation of incoming metrics #491
add machine424
and rexagod
to OWNERS #478
Bump golang 1.20 #490
OCPBUGS-21636 : Bump to v0.17.0 #483
Server: Add support for shipping traces to an otel collector #482
rhelemeter: support client info file in jsonnet #481
OCPBUGS-19248 : Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #480
Fix: handle authorization server 403 responses #479
RHOBS-870 : Improve logging #477
RHOBS-855 : rhelemeter: Read client info/data from request #476
OCPBUGS-16397 : Nutanix OCP cluster telemetry data “host_type” shows “virt-unknown” #474
chore: bump to v0.45.0 #475
: fix mtls secret generation #473
Revert wrong cert name change of #455 #472
: add secret for external mtls connection #470
MON-3230 : Add TLS auth to telemeter-client #455
jsonnet: Add config to support rhelemeter #468
Improve debug roundtripper logs #467
Fix integration test documentation #461
Fix path benchmark #466
Add RHEL POC server #465
OCPBUGS-12345 : tools: update to golangci-lint v1.51 #464
OCPBUGS-12678 : Update to lastest version #462
add thibaultmg in OWNERS file #459
Update OWNERS #456
Use receive handler logger #450
OCPBUGS-10169 : Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #452
Filter noisy logs from TCP probes #453
Add douglascamata
as reviewer and approver #454
OCPBUGS-6962 : Add ‘agent-installer’ value to ‘install_type’ label #447
OCPBUGS-6477 : Upgrade go version and dependencies #448
server: Ensure logging level is flag is respected #449
Add ‘hypershift’ value to ‘install_type’ label #437
Replace ‘hypershift-unknown’ with ‘unknown’ #438
Fix receive whitelist logic #445
Bump snappy version and add debug logs #444
Add metrics for telemeter receive path #443
Log faulty tokens #441
pkg/receive: Sanitize metric labels #440
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #439
Add Daniel Mellado to OWNERS #436
Add rules for cluster vCPU-hours #435
Fixes typo in telemeter/client/kubernetes.libsonnet #434
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #433
Adds TemeterClientJobFailing alert #431
Add rules for cluster CPU-hours and Instance-hours #418
*: Update docs with latest Telemeter architecture #430
Forward: Add logic to sanitize labels #429
pkg/receive/handler: Add middleware to respect whitelist + elide #427
OWNERS: Add myself to owners file #425
pkg/receive/handler: Use OIDC client #426
pkg/receive/handler: Propagate upstream error message #423
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #424
pkg/server: use v1 forward requests counter #422
Bump Telemeter rules evaluation interval to 4m #420
Bug 1924548 : go.mod: update to v1.3.2 #419
Bump Telemeter rules evaluation interval to 3m #417
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #415
pkg/forwarder: add counter for the total number of requests #416
Updates version of golangci-lint to support GO1.18 #413
Adds PrometheusRule telemetry that was previously hosted in cluster-monitoring-operator #411
Bug 2067888 : update prometheus/client_golang version #409
Use service CA beta annotation #408
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #407
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #404
jsonnet: Add service account for memcached #403
client: Fix invalid serving-certs-ca configmap #402
OWNERS: Add Jéssica Lins #401
benchmark: fix API version for route resources #395
OWNERS: clean up #400
Fix telemeter image location in the CI benchmark job #399
Bug 2016352 : client: don’t create empty service-ca.crt key in configmap #398
test/ print hints in case of error #393
MON-1964 : Increase limit receive bytes default to 128kB #392
Updating telemeter images to be consistent with ART #390
MON-1964 : telemeter-server: add –limit-receive-bytes #391
Add trace context to telemeter #386
add label to telemeter client #385
OWNERS: update #388
Bug 1995614 : Update nodeSelector #387
remove AppSRE from owners #383
Add ‘infrastructure-operator’ value to ‘install_type’ label #382
Update dependency to generate UUID in benchmark #379
Remove AppSRE members that have left RedHat #377
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #378
jsonnet/telemeter: Add a recording rule that captures network_type #375
Updating telemeter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #373
Bug 1919360 : Add ACM Managed cluster reporting rule #366
Bug 1905330 : jsonnet: add memory requests to client containers #370
Makefile: enable jsonnetfmt check #365
jsonnet/telemeter: Add a rule for normalizing ebs_account data #363
jsonnet/telemeter: Record which cloudpak a cluster appears to be #361
Updating telemeter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #362
Full changelog
MON-4139 : feat: replace dep with one having an xtra check in the parser to help identify le/quantile selectors misuses in Prometheus v3 #158
OCPBUGS-48730 : Update to v0.33 #156
MON-4117 : Bump to v0.37.2 and use go1.23 #154
OCPBUGS-39470 : Updating ose-thanos-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #151
MON-3967 : [bot] Bump openshift/thanos to v0.36.1 #149
OCPBUGS-34088 : Updating ose-thanos-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #148
MON-3887 : [bot] Bump openshift/thanos to v0.35.1 #147
MON-3851 : Bump openshift/thanos to v0.35.0 #145
MON-3799 : Bump openshift/thanos to v0.34.1 #141
OCPBUGS-30537 : CVE-2024-24786 Bump to v1.33.0 #143
MON-3725 : Update OWNERS: move raptorsun out of reviewer #140
MON-3753 : Increase thanos tests timeout #144
OCPBUGS-29982 : Updating ose-thanos-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #142
MON-3703 : Bump openshift/thanos to v0.34.0 #139
MON-3650 : Bump openshift/thanos to v0.33.0 #136
OCPBUGS-24840 : Updating ose-thanos-container image to be consistent with ART #135
OCPBUGS-24840 : Updating ose-thanos-container image to be consistent with ART #134
OCPBUGS-22741 : Bump from 0.42.0 to 0.44.0 #131
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.32.5 #129
OCPBUGS-21630 : Bump to v0.17.0 #123
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.32.4 #121
OCPBUGS-19406 : Fix rh-manifest.txt generation #120
OCPBUGS-19206 : Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #117
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.32.3 #118
update OWNERS file #119
Bump Thanos v0.32.2 #115
OCPBUGS-12525 : fallback Thanos to 0.30.2. #112
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #107
OCPBUGS-11928 : Build with Go 1.20 (#6126) #106
OCPBUGS-10139 : Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #104
Update to v0.31.0 from upstream #105
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.30.2 #103
v0.30.1 #102
Update to v0.29.0 #96
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #93
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.28.1 #91
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.28.0 #90
OWNERS: Add Joao and myself, and move former team members to emeritus #88
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.27.0 #85
Bug 2067877 : [bot] Bump openshift/thanos to v0.26.0 #83
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.25.2 #80
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.25.1 #79
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.25.0 #78
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.24.0 #76
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #77
Bump openshift/thanos to v0.23.1 #75
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #74
OWNERS: cleanup #73
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #72
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #71
openshift: Add script to generate rh-manifest.txt #65
Bug 1973576 : Bump thanos to v0.22.0 #63
Updating thanos images to be consistent with ART #61
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #59
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #60
Bug 1945500 : Bump downstream thanos to v0.20.2 #58
Bug 1953518 : cmd/thanos: use miekgdns resolver as default #55
Bug 1934325 : bump to v0.19.0 #54
Bug 1926598 : pkg/rules: fix deduplication of equal alerts with different labels #51
Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #50
Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #48
Bug 1929540 : update #49
Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
Bug 1906496 : pkg/rules/proxy: fix hotlooping when receiving client errors #46
MON-1302 : Bump Thanos to v0.17.2 #43
Bug 1897252 : CARRY: cmd/thanos: fix DNS resolution when ctx is canceled #42
Bug 1897252 : CARRY: cmd/thanos/query.go: Timeout DNS resolution with refresh inter… #41
Bug 1883765 : bump Thanos to v0.16.0 #40
Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
Bug 1870287 : pkg/query: eventually update rules client #37
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github