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Created: 2022-04-27 10:44:34 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:139e606f1cab16c8cdd64b37ed4b882c574eedf63ba8beabff6dc050f0fbaf56
Release 4.6.57 was created from
New images
Removed images
- local-storage-static-provisioner
Rebuilt images without code change
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #177
- Full changelog
- Bug 1915467: redeploy CSI Controller Deployment when secret change #110
- Bug 1912720: Remove stale ResourceSyncControllerDegraded condition #105
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #108
- Full changelog
- Bug 1976198: update aws-sdk-go to v1.38.25 #414
- Bug 1941563: Ensure response body is closed when we are finished with the request #395
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #388
- Updating ose-aws-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #383
- Full changelog
- Updating baremetal-machine-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #133
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #137
- Bug 1886582: Remove Node finalizer first on delete #123
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-baremetal-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #119
- Full changelog
- Bug 1983124: Keepalived- verify that unicast peers list isn’t empty on master nodes #147
- Bug 1942506: 4.6 EUS node-ip handling extravaganza #133
- Bug 1932967: Allow baremetal-runtimecfg to function when the node isn’t attached to the VIP network #123
- Bug 1926732: add CloseIdleConnections for HTTP K8S API healthcheck #121
- Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #114
- Full changelog
- Bug 2066403: Remove Azure mint mode support as Active Directory Graph API will be sunset #456
- Bug 2028971: Check for aws status in infra platform status field before client setup #430
- Bug 1963421: oVirt credentials secret contains unnecessary “ovirt_cafile” #347
- Bug 1958959: manifests/0000_90_cloud-credential-operator_04_alertrules: Drop CloudCredentialOperatorDown #337
- Bug 1916868: Check 47 creds backport #287
- Bug 1910372: Backport redistribute new root creds in passthrough mode #279
- Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #281
- Bug 1921901: exclude run-level 0 namespaces from MutatingWebhook for Pods #292
- Bug 1896919: [release-4.6] add new credentials field for AWS Secrets #268
- Bug 1907613: operator: remove odicdiscoveryendpoint controller #277
- Bug 1896230: manifests: Allow ‘for: 20m’ for CloudCredentialOperatorDown #267
- Full changelog
- Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #188
- Bug 1927854: VPA: Ignore admission hook failures #186
- Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #189
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #177
- Bug 1905573: [release 4.6] Add warning of the consequences of changing bound token issuer #179
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-csi-snapshot-controller-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #73
- Full changelog
- Bug 1979585: Validate the status of the etcd snapshot during backup and restore #624
- Bug 1987134: Provide an option force backup even when API is not available to check the health. #633
- Bug 1978014: Increase inertia duration for the EtcdMembersDegraded condition #620
- Bug 1965535: [release-4.6] Improve cert controller detection and correction of invalid certs #604
- Bug 1905566: Backup script should get the latest revision of static-pod-resources #508
- Bug 1934342: pkg/operator/metriccontroller: cleanup transports #551
- Bug 1915560: operator: remove EtcdMemberIPMigratorDegraded stale condition #521
- Bug 1918281: *: ensure etcd listens on strong ciphers #526
- Bug 1917411: pkg/operator: ensure etcd endpoints configmap #530
- Updating cluster-etcd-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #520
- Bug 1903353: Use socket readiness probe to avoid generating zombies #503
- Bug 1897542: Revert “Use restore pod yaml from the backup when restoring” #496
- Bug 1888026: bump library-go for static pod uid #479
- OWNERS: change component to Etcd #470
- Full changelog
- Bug 1921193: Fix inconsistent ingress operator status after upgrade #541
- Bug 1927364: Verify that Serivce resources have idle annotations from corresponding Endpoint resources, should they exist. #547
- Bug 1918994: Override termination grace period for the router deployment #539
- Bug 1896167: Back port HAProxy reload failures alert fix #486
- Bug 1918371: Add “” annotation #535
- Updating ose-cluster-ingress-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #528
- Bug 1905490: Revert “Support changing ingresscontroller load balancer scope” #507
- Bug 1904594: Assume ingresscontroller is external absent status #503
- Bug 1893879: Improve status reporting when pods cannot be scheduled #483
- Bug 1891626: Support changing ingresscontroller load balancer scope #482
- Bug 1887935: TestForwardedHeaderPolicy*: Make case-insensitive #475
- Full changelog
- Bug 1891742: bump(library-go): controller/staticpod: reduce noise of not-ready containers #1029
- Bug 1900270: don’t allow upgrades when webhooktokenauthenticators are set #1010
- Bug 1888862: [4.6] set servicesSubnet correctly in dual-stack clusters #985
- Bug 1888026: [release-4.6] bump library-go for static pod uid #994
- BUG 1888309: p&f: make oas/oauth SAR/TokenReview traffic exempt #984
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Full changelog
- Updating cluster-policy-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #53
- Bug 1904028: The quota controllers should resync on new resources and make progress. #50
- Bug 1891518: openshift-object-counts quota is not dynamically updating as the resource is deleted #45
- Bug 1890532: release lock on graceful shutdown #43
- Full changelog
- Bug 1921599: Add annotations to cluster-csi-drivers namespace #132
- Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #124
- Full changelog
- Bug 1916582: readme: specify which keys are used in nightlies/OKD/OCP builds #30
- Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #29
- Full changelog
- Bug 2014165: pkg/cvo/egress: Load HTTPS proxy from Proxy status #673
- Bug 1943973: pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Skip precreation of baremetal ClusterOperator #540
- Bug 1924194: pkg/payload/task_graph: Require firstIncompleteNode to have tasks #510
- Bug 1925199: add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #512
- Bug 1927515: pkg/cvo: Use shutdownContext for final status synchronization #517
- Bug 1921180: pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Ignore work changes during init #506
- Bug 1918494: use child context to verify payload signature on forced update #504
- *: Replace with #502
- Bug 1896584: pkg/cvo/metrics: Abandon child goroutines after shutdownContext expires #480
- Full changelog
- Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #26
- Full changelog
- Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #497
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins builder & base images to be consistent with ART #40
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-driver-manila builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-attacher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #27
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #35
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-csi-external-resizer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #116
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-csi-snapshot-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Updating ose-csi-external-snapshotter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-livenessprobe builder & base images to be consistent with ART #20
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-node-driver-registrar builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
- Full changelog
- Bug 1946363: move entitlement related secrets back to mounts.conf #242
- Bug 1939219: bump(*): #225
- Bug 1919359: better surface dockerconfigjson errors causing image pull errors #210
- Updating openshift-enterprise-builder builder & base images to be consistent with ART #201
- Bug 1920626: more automount of cluster trust bundle reverts; no longer automount /run/secrets #212
- Bug 1920626: narrow scope of rhsm transient bind mount #211
- Force use of runc, since we know we’re privileged, and customize our seccomp filter #207
- Bug 1889955: Bump dependencies to mitigate CVE-2020-8564 #193
- Bug 1901512: Fix private git clones behind a proxy #192
- Bug 1895093: Do not mount /etc/pki/ca-trust in builds #186
- Full changelog
- ETCD-178: Bug 1951823: openshift-tools: fix on off flow and add unit tests #77
- Updating ose-etcd builder & base images to be consistent with ART #66
- OWNERS: add component #61
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-gcp-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #142
- Bug 1941563: Ensure response body is closed when we are finished with the request #154
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #149
- Full changelog
- Bug 1971013: template helper - generateHAProxyWhiteListFile, use right arg type #303
- Bug 1965329: Add a condition to check if the Endpoints ID is duplicated #292
- Bug 1938922: router/template: Cache compiled regular expressions #270
- Bug 1900991: Move idle check from endpoints to service #253
- Bug 1896167: metrics: Rework template_router_reload_failure metric #215
- Bug 1918194: Prevent unnecessary reloads in router shards #247
- Bug 1918371: Add tunnel-timeout and hard-stop-after options to haproxy template #249
- Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #246
- Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #242
- Bug 1904010: Add unit tests to verify NotReadyAddresses in EndpointSlices #232
- Bug 1904010: Check Ready condition status in Endpointslices #230
- Bug 1886213: haproxy-config.template: Only enable HTX for HTTP/2 #199
- Bug 1896905: Clip annotation values to prevent bricking on upgrade #217
- Full changelog
- Bug 2060538: Backports inotify leak fix into kubelet #1202
- Bug 2051785: UPSTREAM: 101093: Fix startupProbe behaviour changed #1207
- Bug 2059677: UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Retry fetching clouds.conf #1198
- Bug 2026380: Image policy should mutate DeploymentConfigs, StatefulSets, and new CronJobs #1115
- Bug 2023306: UPSTREAM: 106261: Don’t guess SELinux support on error #1056
- Bug 1939541: UPSTREAM: 100678: apf: exempt probes /healthz /livez /readyz #659
- Bug 2021468: Rebase v1.19.16 #1035
- Bug 2008266: Rebase 1.19.14 #962
- Bug 1993752: UPSTREAM: 104340: Pass additional flags to subpath mount to avoid fla… #942
- Bug 1996849: UPSTREAM: 98571: kubelet: Stop probing a pod during graceful shutdown #902
- Bug 1989061: don’t apply defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation:false when container is privileged #939
- Bug 1981784: UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump(apiserver-library-go) #894
- Bug 1951727: Speed up PV provisioning for vsphere driver (ocp-4.6) #691
- Bug 1959420: fix a 4.6 test flake #740
- Bug 1958371: UPSTREAM: 98424: register all pending pod deletions and check for kill #779
- Bug 1966811: UPSTREAM: 102224: Fix expired unit test certs #781
- Bug 1942146: Fix labels of Cinder PVs #636
- Bug 1960002: UPSTREAM: 99393: kubelet: reduce configmap and secret watch #745
- Bug 1951467: fix loop bug for verify attached volume #683
- Bug 1942630: UPSTREAM: 96789: Choosing the right source VIP for local endpoints #639
- Bug 1933624: 4.6: UPSTREAM: 96751: Lower the frequency of volume plugin deprecation warning #596
- Bug 1930960: UPSTREAM: 94087: kubelet: node sync at least once #582
- Bug 1918994: Override termination grace period on annotation #533
- Bug 1913543: UPSTREAM: 97006: kubelet: Fix cadvisor machine metrics #511
- Bug 1924785: UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Fix cinder crash #548
- BUG 1891107: UPSTREAM: 95259: allocate service-account flowschema to global-default #428
- Bug 1926262: Prevent GCP e2e tests from triggering a rate limit on the listZone API #556
- Bug 1919453: Allow test images to be in a single mirror #536
- Bug 1919069: UPSTREAM: 98103: kubelet: Delete static pod gracefully and fix mirrorPodTerminationMap leak #535
- Bug 1900241: UPSTREAM: Skip “subPath should be able to unmount” NFS test #468
- Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube builder & base images to be consistent with ART #519
- Bug 1894916: Panic output due to timeouts in kube apiserver #480
- Merge #540
- Bug 1907461: kubelet: do not rerun init containers if any main containers have status #486
- Bug 1915583: UPSTREAM: 97860: move all variables in sampleAndWaterMarkHistograms::innerSet #521
- Bug 1916335: UPSTREAM: 96310: PV e2e: fix race in NFS recycling test #524
- Bug 1915247: UPSTREAM: 97915: kube-aggregator: fix apiservice availability gauge #518
- Bug 1887308: UPSTREAM: 94712: avoid potential secret leaking while reading .dockercfg #437
- Bug 1912564: UPSTREAM: 97323: fix the deadlock in priority and fairness config controller #501
- Bug 1912564: UPSTREAM: 97206: clean up executing request on panic #502
- Bug 1889936: UPSTREAM: 94774: Fix misusage of RLock in timeCache lru.Cache.Get() #419
- Bug 1887748: [4.6] UPSTREAM: 95245: Mask Ceph RBD adminSecrets in logs when logLevel >= 4 #407
- Bug 1901208: Nodes goes into NotReady state (VMware) #466
- Bug 1896691: UPSTREAM: 96120: kubelet: Expose a simple Get-WinEvent shim on the kubelet logs endpoint #446
- Bug 1885619: fix kube-apiserver termination event(s) validation failures #396
- Bug 1896318: UPSTREAM: 95236: vsphere: improve logging message on node cache refresh event #443
- Bug 1900630: 4.6: Update from Kubernetes 1.19.0 to 1.19.4 #435
- Bug 1899406: HPA: Ignore deleted pods. #465
- Bug 1888847: UPSTREAM: 95561: kubelet container status calculation doesn’t handle suddenly missing data properly #412
- Bug 1891539: UPSTREAM: 95261: test: e2e: fix race in pods test #404
- Full changelog
- [release 4.6] Bug 1891544: Adds ContainerRuntimeConfig gatherer #238
- Bug 1913645: Improved Red Hat image and crashlooping OpenShift pod collection #304
- [release 4.6] Bug 1889676: Gather installplans #243
- [release 4.6] Bug 1887759: Adds MachineConfigPool gatherer #213
- [release 4.6] Bug 1905031: Collect spec config for clusteroperator resources #286
- Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #311
- Bug 1894244: Fixes records index on diskrecorder #261
- [release 4.6] Bug 1888165: Add the namespace to the gatherers reports to avoid conflicts #221
- Bug 1904014: Add hostsubnet to sample archive & fix bug… #276
- [release 4.6] Bug 1888602: Fixes policyClient and the corresponding config. #226
- temporarily remove e2e-tests (delayed upload) #256
- Update owners list #251
- Backport e2e tests #248
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-hardware-inventory-recorder-image builder & base images to be consistent with ART #503
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-inspector builder & base images to be consistent with ART #55
- Bug 1918178: Explicitly set minimum versions of python libraries #60
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #35
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-prometheus-adapter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Bug 1895532: Populate both CPU and Memory resource container metrics if one is specified #36
- Full changelog
- Bug 1926267: Egress router: Add iptables package to Dockerfile #78
- Updating openshift-enterprise-pod builder & base images to be consistent with ART #66
- Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #64
- Full changelog
- Updating kube-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #216
- Bug 1939259: [release-4.6] Update MAO and set metrics on :8081 address #220
- Full changelog
- Bug 2022840: GCP CI runs are complaining about APIs not being enabled #955
- Bug 1993120: Make sure nodes don’t have attached volumes before vm deletion #905
- Bug 1947813: vSphere, detach virtual disks before virtual machine destroy if node not available #845
- Bug 1916772: Inject the cluster-wide proxy environment variables in the baremetal pod #808
- Bug 1933676: Cherry-pick: Azure disconnected reject publicIP setting #812
- Updating ose-machine-api-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #786
- Bug 1912531: 4.6: Update kubectl dep #782
- Bug 1890452: Bump Azure dependency to include BYOK encryption fields #763
- Bug 1908316: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #779
- Bug 1908316: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging for operator #784
- Bug 1896705: Inject cluster-wide proxy configuration in to machine-api-controller deployment #756
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-multus-admission-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Full changelog
- Updating multus-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #85
- Bug 1905230: Multus should exit zero on DEL when cache file is missing [backport 4.6] #84
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #11
- Full changelog
- Bug 2028968: Whereabouts should reconcile IP addresses [backport 4.6] #80
- Bug 1931953: [backport 4.6] Fix for IPv6 when leading hextets equal zero #50
- Bug 1898616: Excluded subnet handling for ipv6 [backport 4.6] #37
- Bug 1898672: Removes error when deallocating IP errors out, instead just warns [backport 4.6] #40
- Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #36
- Bug 1919966: fixes a data race in SerializeObject function #38
- Bug 1905195: Detecting broken connections to the Kube API takes up to 15 minutes #34
- Bug 1894345: [release-4.6] register api groups to
early #27
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #199
- Bug 1915667: remove logging when authz header is present but basic auth is not attempted #200
- Bug 1891725: don’t segfault on wrong option combination #193
- Bug 1893969: fix e2e tests to use aws cluster supplied by the CI #194
- Full changelog
- Updating oauth-server images to be consistent with ART #89
- Bug 1905195: Detecting broken connections to the Kube API takes up to 15 minutes #64
- Full changelog
- Bug 1955211: fixed LANG for the builder container #181
- Bug 1935362: Listing All Events with Chunking #170
- Bug 1900991: unidling: switch away from endpoints to the service #167
- Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #157
- remove use of BUILD_ISOLATION env var (no longer inspected in openshift/builder) #161
- Full changelog
- Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #65
- Full changelog
- Bug 2002752: Adds Proxy to provider client http transport #201
- Bug 1933667: Update ose-openstack-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #154
- Bug 1933667: Updating ose-openstack-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #164
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #81
- Bug 1910104: Node is not removed when VM has been removed from oVirt engine #79
- Bug 1909990: Port to machine-api-operator #78
- Full changelog
- Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #331
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #71
- Bug 1889711: bump Prometheus to v2.22.2 #62
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Full changelog
- Bug 1935586: pkg/prometheus: remove liveness probe #110
- Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #103
- Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #104
- Full changelog
- Bug 1928073: text_collectors: do not use space as a replacement for escape characters #85
- Bug 1928073: Remove escape characters #83
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #77
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #135
- Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github