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Team Approvals:
- Blocking jobs
- Informing jobs
- aws Succeeded periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.7-e2e-aws
- aws-serial Succeeded periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-4.7-e2e-aws-serial
Upgrades from:
Upgrades to:
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Changes from 4.6.13
Created: 2021-02-08 07:16:32 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:497fa748b89619aba312a926a0be0ad155c4b894ca3e2824a00167421e3441b0
Release 4.7.0-rc.0 was created from
New images
Rebuilt images without code change
- machine-os-content
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #178
- Bug 1913289: Rebase to v0.8.0 for OCP 4.7 #176
- Bug 1872251: Upstream: 555: Vendor deps #172
- vendor: bump aws sdk for sts webhook authentication #175
- Bug 1876935: UPSTREAM: 568: Apply extra volume tags to EBS snapshots #174
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #173
- Full changelog
- Bug 1905119: dynamically update controller asset for custom CA bundle #111
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #109
- Bug 1912945: Set proxy config in Deployment containers #106
- Bug 1898045: redeploy CSI Controller Deployment when secret changes #107
- Bug 1898045: redeploy CSI Controller Deployment when secret changes #104
- support custom CA bundle for AWS API #102
- assets/controller.yaml: support using aws config for credentials #99
- Bug 1898851: Add multipods tests #100
- Bug 1898851: Enable topology tests for the driver #98
- Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #96
- Bug 1840759: Pass cluster ID to CSI driver #83
- Full changelog
- Bug 1915114: use separate client for accessing openshift-config-managed namespace #382
- Bug 1909108: Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #381
- Bug 1906740: Ensure the region is valid when creating AWS client #380
- Bug 1907286: Ensure Machine is marked interruptible as well as Node #379
- Bug 1903424: Ensure MAO dependency is up to date to include newest metrics #378
- support custom CA bundle for AWS API #372
- use shared credentials file for session creation #374
- Bug 1902157: Mark node with condition when due for termination #332
- Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #375
- Move instance tenancy under placement field #370
- Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #368
- add elmiko to OWNERS file #366
- bump AWS SDK to v1.35.20 #365
- Add support for dedicated instance tenancy #360
- add bugzilla component and subcomponent to OWNERS #359
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-aws-pod-identity-webhook builder & base images to be consistent with ART #129
- Full changelog
- Bug 1924701: Fix cluster destroy when byo is used with Kuryr #4616
- Bug 1909978: update ignore-volume-az documentation #4617
- Bug 1916692: OpenStack: Delete leftover LBs when destroying cluster #4563
- Bug 1919407: openstack/validation: enforce control plane size #4585
- Bug 1909978: update documentation for ignore-volume-az usage #4603
- Bug 1896218: remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4602
- Bug 1921911: Revert “Merge pull request #4589 from patrickdillon/bz-1896218-gcp-se… #4600
- Bug 1921655: OpenStack: fix error handling for cloudinfo #4599
- Bug 1896218: remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4589
- Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4546
- maintenance: remove pools and volumes #3620
- Bug 1810438: oVirt: Add missing piece for gathering bootstrap IP info #4524
- Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4544
- Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4543
- Bug 1920243: disable anonymous auth on bootstrap nodes #4590
- Bug 1917101: UPI ovirt - remove RHCOS image from Network req #4577
- Bug 1893117: terraform/vsphereprivate: ignore hosts in maintenance mode #4566
- Bug 1919072: AWS cloudformation change protocol from ESP to 50 #4583
- Bug 1916938: tolerate equal APIFloatingIP and LbFloatingIP #4575
- Bug 1907822: Don’t panic on bad data in quota validations #4483
- Bug 1912828: Rebase on the latest terraform provider/go-ovirt #4562
- Bug 1916373: upi: allow IPsec ports #4552
- Bug 1915460: ovirt: validate cluster name during install #4537
- Bug 1910244: Go mod update for golang crypto #4569
- Bug 1915617: update boot images for various fixes #4540
- Bug 1909502: pkg/asset/manifests: remove etcd records from proxy config #4518
- Bug 1915998: Set Additional Control Plane Security Groups on Bootstrap Node #4551
- Bug 1916271: openstack known issues: ControlPlane anti-affinity #4548
- Bug 1813949: ignore local env variables when we create a service client #4426
- Bug 1916505: AWS IPI: Add IPsec master-to-worker flows #4554
- Bug 1908468: azure/validation: some memory values are float and not int #4530
- Bug 1908583: Set same additional networks on Bootstrap as Control Plane #4528
- Bug 1914439: OpenStack Port Create Typo in SRIOV Docs #4529
- Bug 1909587: openstack: Create Control plane nodes sequentially #4522
- Bug 1910127: ovirt: UPI doc improvements #4498
- Bug 1913151: KubeVirt user docs: change role example - add “update” verb to VM #4521
- Bug 1910070: Set termination_grace_period_seconds to 10 minutes #4511
- Bug 1786314: bump gophercloud/utils #4486
- Bug 1911819: Fix docs/user/kubevirt/install-config.yaml to pass ./hack/ #4519
- Bug 1911819: Add kubevirt user documentation #4516
- Bug 1908743: Add validation that the KubeMacPool component is enabled for the namespace #4509
- Bug 1910049: Revert “openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy” #4506
- Bug 1882022: installconfig: enable vsphere folders for datacenters and clusters. #4493
- Bug 1908782: terraform: Add rules to allow internal IPsec traffic #4491
- Bug 1908171: fix Terraform issue with GCP custom machine types #4496
- Bug 1907947: cloud-creds-secret creation with current context info only #4484
- Bug 1907628: OpenStack Documentation for MachineSets with Multiple Networks #4463
- Bug 1906517: OpenStack: Skip collecting info for empty subnet IDs #4474
- Bug 1908280: update docs for Cinder AZs #4487
- Bug 1907621: Bump cluster-api-provider-kubevirt version #4479
- Bug 1890228: pkg/destroy/aws: Pass destroy if HostedZone does not exist #4477
- Bug 1906459: openstack: fix quota checks when they’re unlimited #4470
- Update GCP Customization doc to reflect CMEK additions #4468
- Openstack: describes how to enable qemu agent for UPI. #4441
- oVirt: update team members #4464
- Bug 1904663: Fix comparison in pointer ignition customization asset #4455
- openstack: Test Nova AZ manifest generation #4459
- do not generate the cloud cred secret when credentialsMode is Manual #4416
- update gophercloud/utils & terraform/provider-openstack #4457
- hack/ Fail early if error #4421
- Bug 1899175: data/rhcos.json: Update boot images for RHEL 8.3 #4414
- Openstack primary subnet using machine spec #4346
- Deprecate computeFlavor in OpenStack platform #4321
- openstack: Test manifest creation #4431
- openstack: Allow to skip pre-flight validations #4452
- Bug 1900138: Removed support for insecure mode for oVirt/RHV installation #4404
- openstack: check quotas before creating cluster #4432
- OpenStack: Adds clusterOSImageProperties to install-config.yaml #4401
- Bug 1904125: Ensure the bootstrap ignition libvirt pool defaults to <clustername>.<id>.bootstrap rather than ‘default’ #4448
- Bug 1868748: baremetal: rename JSON field for ClusterProvisioningIP #4053
- Add KubeVirt platform as infrastructure for Openshift installation #4350
- cloudproviderconfig: Refactor openstack #4447
- Pass CLUSTER_PROFILE env var to CVO render #4444
- vSphere Destroy: add log messages for tag destruction #4407
- baremetal: send full ignition to masters #4427
- asset/installconfig/Azure: Validate install-config instance types #4419
- Update MCO doc references #4445
- baremetal: Add ironic logwatch containers #4437
- Create SR-IOV UPI Docs #4439
- docs: update docs/design/resource_dep.svg #4443
- Bug 1903277: destroy/aws: remove rules from default security group #4440
- Set default release image to 4.7 #4409
- baremetal: make cluster provisioning IP optional #4429
- pkg/asset/quota: Typo in warning message presented to user #4430
- Create a machineconfig for IPI pointer ignition customizations #4413
- vSphere Docs: Update to include Permissions #4393
- OSASINFRA-902: Update OpenStack Custom External LB and DNS Docs #4389
- baremetal: correct the cacheImageURL when we don’t have a provisioningIP #4408
- Bug 1895874: Use oVirt Engine certificate verified by the user for installation #4387
- Bug 1899853: openstack: CP nodes port to use addtional SGs #4411
- baremetal: Handle xz filenames for OKD #4392
- Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #4373
- pkg: validation for previously existing ovirt configuration #4354
- Bug 1898194: installconfig/gcp/validation: handle custom machine types #4386
- baremetal: when networking is disabled make the bootstrap provisioning ip optional #4390
- Bug 1898238: Validate the the API and Ingress FIPs are not the same #4385
- Bug 1848945: OpenStack - Documentation for adding worker nodes using ansible #4205
- Bug 1813012: Remove unused etcd discovery domain #4067
- Bug 1894432: oVirt, add timeout to tmp_import_vm #4341
- baremetal: validate that macs are EUI-48 and unicast #4378
- Bug 1855351: standardize interrupt error messages #4360
- Stop validating DefaultMachinePlatform #4391
- Bug 1889779: vSphere destroy: handle failed clusters #4388
- openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy #4379
- Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4370
- Correcting normal typos #4363
- Bug 1891543: openstack: remove platform flavor validation #4383
- baremetal: remove root_gb from tfvars #4319
- Cleanup: make conversion functions private #4376
- Bug 1888464: add tag:UnTagResource perm for aws shared networks #4371
- Remove the secrets directory recursively #4369
- doc/openstack: update quota reqs for kuryr #4362
- Fix ‘troubleshooting’ typo #4365
- libvirt: Bump bootstrap size (primarily for OKD) #4364
- data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for us-iso-east-1 region #4367
- Bug 1886435: Fix azure UPI az group deployment deprecation #4366
- asset/installconfig/gcp: Validate install-config instance types #4329
- Use ‘’ instead of SecretTypeTLS which is not being substituted #4342
- aws: support custom trust bundle for c2s regions #4335
- pkg/asset/cluster/aws: switch to ec2 tagging API #4356
- Bug 1867165: baremetal: allow configuring bootstrap mac addresses #4052
- doc/openstack/UPI: improvements #4355
- Small corrections in ovirt/ #4353
- data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-gather: Tee logs into tarball #4345
- data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.7 #4347
- owners: Add mdbooth to openstack-approvers #4348
- owners: add dhellmann to baremetal-approvers/reviewers #4343
- data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Drop the explicit upstream #4112
- Bug 1891543: openstack: consider volumes for storage requirements checks #4323
- Document how to deploy cluster with BM and VM workers #4336
- Wrap errors after OpenStack creds validation #4338
- Bug 1855351: Handle CTRL+C in GCP survey #4334
- Bug 1894144: baremetal: pin libvirt to 4.5.0 #4339
- cmd/openshift-install/create: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #4245
- Bug 1888378: Ignore error if resource group already deleted #4325
- Bug 1887863: Patch Flavor Not Found validation for OpenStack Install Config #4289
- Use authentication for Ironic on baremetal bootstrap host #4256
- Bug 1841381: oVirt, add memoryMB validation #4309
- Bug 1878374: Adding more nitro and the AMD instance types (AWS, UPI) #4327
- Bug 1866925: display Azure destroy auth error #4331
- openstack: fixup markdown #4328
- Revert “[Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists” #4322
- Add Encryption Key reference to GCP MachinePool API #4318
- aws: block cluster destroy in c2s region #4316
- aws: ensure users set ami id for c2s regions #4315
- Bug 1891702: pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: exit loop if pem.Decode() fails #4317
- Bug 1888378: [Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists #4320
- oVirt: change owners #4311
- Code cleanup and optimizations #4272
- Bug 1889267: oVirt, increase terraform template and release image timeout to 20m #4285
- install-approvers: add staebler #4297
- Bug 1880443: allow providing client options when generating OpenStack MachineSets #4196
- openstack: Update CI base image #4291
- pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Validate install-config instance type #4258
- go.mod Update #4294
- Bug 1836017: Configure haproxy to check /readyz #4012
- Bug 1870728: pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: Display warning if certificates are expired #4287
- Bug 1889852: add new AWS regions #4288
- Bug 1877116: aws: use file for bootstrap ign when uploading to s3 #4281
- Bug 1886553: GCP - Increase worker NAT min ports #4273
- cmd: split newlines in logrus stderr output to new entry #4282
- openstack: Add a new team member #4290
- Bug 1882649: Determine Glance disk format based on file extension #4279
- vSphere: Update dockerfile removing certificate #4274
- Update - Broken Link - Spelling #4278
- OpenStack: remove legacy image validation #4277
- Bug 1882844: vsphere destroy: delete tag category created by installer #4265
- Bug 1878900: openstack: Fix error messages in flavor validation #4269
- OpenStack UPI: Custom API and Ingress vip addresses #4092
- Bug 1888671: openstack: Document Cinder’s ignore-volume-az #4271
- Bump version to v0.19.0 #4266
- destroy: return aws resources that could not be deleted #4270
- install-complete: provide troubleshooting info when operators fail #4259
- OpenStack: add clusterOSImage validations #3964
- Bug 1887525: baremetal: Wait for master-bmh-update script to succeed #4262
- openstack: Bump Ansible to 2.9 in UPI #4261
- Bug 1874248: types/vsphere/validation: ensure vcenter is all lower case #4254
- Bug 1884691: types: allow manual cred mode for gcp and azure #4238
- Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4250
- Remove dead code #4252
- Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4251
- openstack privileges documented #4214
- OpenStack: Rename lbFloatingIP to apiFloatingIP #4244
- Bug 1882191: Add GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 to systemd DefaultEnvironment #4248
- Bug 1884435: vsphere - add delay if resolv.conf is not available; wait for dhcp #4237
- Bug 1777224: pkg/asset: metadata to depend on ignition #4223
- Bump RHCOS images for Ignition entropy fix #4241
- Bug 1859174: Upgrade Terraform provider OpenStack #4216
- Fix json tag for GCP auth service account #4166
- installer/pkg/quota/gcp/limits.go: fix minor typo in comment #4160
- IP address should be specified without underscore. #3204
- Docs: OpenStack: Remove mention of cluster failing to destroy #4208
- Bug 1876815: OpenStack: unset OS_CLOUD #4231
- Full changelog
- Bug 1907614: Update kubernetes deps to 1.20 #132
- Allow actuator.Exists() to find a host in the unmanaged state #130
- Bug 1868104: Make use of errors and Failed phase to handle failed machines #113
- Bug 1903424: Ensure MAO dependency is up to date to include newest metrics #129
- Fall back to deleting Machine if remediation fails #119
- Updating baremetal-machine-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #126
- Fix typo in readme - annotation should exist on CR, not CRD #125
- Don’t add a finalizer to the Node #124
- Bug 1886028: Remove Node finalizer first on delete #122
- Full changelog
- Bug 1917484: Don’t adopt after clean failure during deprovisioning #122
- Updating ose-baremetal-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #120
- Bug 1912701: Handle dual-stack configuration in inspection data #118
- Bug 1913112: Allow BMC details to be omitted for Hosts in Unmanaged state #117
- Merge upstream 2020-12-04 #114
- Merge upstream 2020-12-03 #113
- Merge upstream 2020-10-26 #111
- Merge upstream 2020-10-22 #110
- Merge upstream #109
- Downstream dockerfile #108
- Merge upstream 2020-10-08 #103
- Add more approvers and reviewers #107
- Updating ose-baremetal-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #106
- Bug 1884824: Update to k8s 1.19 #105
- Full changelog
- Bug 1915080: add CloseIdleConnections for HTTP K8S API healthcheck #117
- Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #115
- Bug 1905233: get the correct VRRP interface in case of IPV6 overlapping subnets #112
- Bug 1894539: Allow node-ip to function without attachment to VIP network #111
- Update “runtimecfg node-ip” for dual-stack #110
- Set mac address as prefix for unique hostname #109
- Bug 1894539: Allow baremetal-runtimecfg to function when the node isn’t attached to the VIP network #108
- Remove get boostrap IP code #107
- Add image build and push to the Makefile #97
- Bug 1885867: Flip to unicast only when MCO set to desired version in all nodes #103
- Add bz component information #106
- Updating baremetal-runtimecfg builder & base images to be consistent with ART #104
- Change local Dockerfile to use CentOS 8 #95
- Full changelog
- Add missing docs generation tools #725
- Bug 1914894: warn users about using non-groupified resources #693
- Bug 1900989: idle: also annotate the service #720
- Bug 1888192: add rsync & log re-tries #631
- Bug 1907421: Implementing retries during for image mirror #706
- Bug 1920024: debug: Allow pods to keep labels during debugging #613
- Bug 1919862: fix message after oc new-project #715
- Bug 1920427: drop information about prompt for oc login #717
- Bug 1878022: Improving import-image help messages #712
- Bug 1917522: Mark filter-by-os deprecated in oc adm catalog mirror #710
- Bug 1902299: catalog mirror improvements #673
- Updating openshift-enterprise-deployer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #700
- Updating ose-cli-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #702
- Updating ose-tools builder & base images to be consistent with ART #701
- Updating openshift-enterprise-cli builder & base images to be consistent with ART #699
- Bug 1916621: fix oc adm node-logs examples #708
- Bug 1906276: oc image append|extract: clarify help for –filter-by-os #707
- Bug 1890677: oc image: Include error msg when image not found and register oci schema for mediatypes #697
- Bug 1899575: bump discovery burst to 250 #696
- Bug 1890995: oc new-app: provide message for unauthorized error with image lookup #691
- Bug 1911487: make deployment config explicit for prune deployments #683
- Bug 1908697: use wrapper for diff command #682
- Bug 1914452: Fix the manifest list warning when choosing an os/arch digest from list #688
- Bug 1908484: credentials-requests extract only write creds requests not all manifests #687
- Bug 1910840: fix help for rollback #684
- Bug 1880068: Take StatefulSets, Jobs and CronJobs into account during image prune #671
- Bug 1907375: bump deps #689
- Bug 1909289: Should be able to debug an init container #676
- Bug 1878972: pkg/cli/admin/release: Use ‘-’, not ‘=’, for untranslated arches #680
- REVERT: Bug 1812813: oc debug node: create debug namespace with empty node-selector annotation #550 #668
- Bug 1905404: fix append example #664
- Bug 1890951: Improve output of ‘oc image mirror’ with multi-arch images #642
- Bug 1890671: use proper username for image verification #637
- Bug 1906121: Remove duplicates and use k8s methods #649
- Bug 1878972: adm release mirror: add architecture information #646
- Oc 4.7 kubernetes 1.20.0 beta.2 #660
- Bug 1903033: deduplicate imageContentSources printed when mirroring release #661
- observe: support CRDs #650
- Bug 1878823: ‘oc adm release mirror’ add –to-release mirrors to generated ICSP #640
- IR-112: Pruner should be aware of OCI image configs #617
- Bug 1891555: Accept OS_GIT_VERSION to set version information #635
- Bug 1893645: account for nil in LastTransitionTime in route status #632
- Bug 1891555: BuildRequires goversioninfo #629
- Bug 1888738: fall-back must-gather to official RH supported image #627
- show proper wildcard for ‘oc image mirror –help example’ #625
- Bug 1853116: write to files instead of stdout #482
- inspect: add example how to use multiple resources #621
- fix help for ‘oc adm release extract’ #622
- Bug 1891555: Create Windows version information #623
- Bug 1888657: set command name for LoginOptions #616
- Bug 1841885: Support airgapped mirroring with
oc adm catalog mirror
- Updating ose-tools builder & base images to be consistent with ART #607
- Updating openshift-enterprise-cli builder & base images to be consistent with ART #606
- Updating openshift-enterprise-deployer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #608
- Updating ose-cli-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #609
- Bug 1868384: Login: Avoid overwriting same user from different cluster #537
- Bug 1885179: Avoid deadlock by closing pipe reader end #604
- oc login: Show tokenURL message if only IDP is basic and user has not provided username #553
- release: Fix typo in cli argument for release mirror #612
- Bug 1884270: bypass golang url parsing with scp styled ssh git URLs; refactor URL for older git clients #610
- Bug 1885170: fix nil pointer in release code #603
- Refactor deletion of hashed session token on user logout #534
- must-gather: fixed typo when using a plug-in image #481
- cli/admin/release/new: typo fix #558
- Full changelog
- Bug 1916081: MissingTargetNamespace message fix #293
- Bug 1920695: Update OpenShift CI registry in Makefile #288
- Bug 1916454: checking 4.7 creds #280
- Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #282
- Bug 1908747: remove stale S3 CredentialsRequest manifests #278
- Bug 1906880: operator: remove odicdiscoveryendpoint controller #276
- Bug 1903226: exclude run-level 0 namespaces from MutatingWebhook for Pods #275
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #274
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #272
- Bug 1880785: Fix CredentialsRequest missing description in ‘oc explain’ #270
- add new credentials field for AWS Secrets #264
- aws: support custom CA bundle for AWS API #266
- Bug 1889540: manifests: Allow ‘for: 20m’ for CloudCredentialOperatorDown #262
- Revert “Fix /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem permissions issue” #265
- Add kubevirt platform #260
- Fix /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem permissions issue #263
- Redistribute new root creds in passthrough mode #242
- move status calculation into its own controller #255
- enable GCP read only creds to be used when root creds missing #259
- Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #258
- allow skipping leader election #257
- Stop reporting mode metrics for unused modes. #256
- Fix formatting in README #243
- Full changelog
- Bug 1841039: e2e: add a test for password grant checking with keycloak #401
- Bug 1921275: deploymentController: treat error retrieving authentication.operator/cluster #402
- Bug 1917114: proxyconfig controller: match URL to noproxy correctly #400
- Bug 1916949: manifests: exclude rbac resources in openshift-oauth-apiserver namespace from hosted profile #399
- Bug 1905329: oauth-apiserver deployment: add cpu and memory requests #395
- Bug 1901774: manifests: add liveness probe to the operator’s deployment #394
- Bug 1887392: bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #392
- Bug 1901057: proxyconfig controller: add router CA to the trusted pool #387
- Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #377
- oauth-apiserver:workload: wait for storage urls before installing the api server #386
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #383
- starts to manage the encryption configuration #379
- always claim control over oauth and user APIs #380
- add RBAC for the new useroauthaccesstokens #381
- pkg/controllers/common: Fix “successfull” -> “successful” typos #382
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #378
- oauthserver: grab unsupported overrides from a prefixed tree #319
- Add a controller to report misconfigured proxy #355
- picks up setting
socket option #372
- Bug 1893386: Fix wrong operator config informer #373
- Restrict log permissions #366
- Bug 1893386: update ingress node available to handle custom placement #370
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #369
- Bug 1891758: deployment: update event spam #365
- Bug 1887428: add ServiceMonitor for the oauth apiserver #361
- BUG 1888311: p&f: make oauth SAR/TokenReview traffic exempt #363
- Bug 1888028: bump library-go to stop waiting on kube-apiserver availability #362
- pkg/controllers: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #358
- BUG 1886449: p&f: assign oauth server traffic to workload-high #359
- remove unused dependency #357
- ingressnodesavailable: fix typo in message #348
- flowschema for oauth server and its operator #356
- Full changelog
- Bug 1913960: rebase on top of kubernetes/autoscaler 1.20 #185
- Bug 1906933: Add upstream patch for update group identifier #184
- Add upstream patch for –cloud-config option #180
- Add upstream patch for node group autodiscovery #179
- BUG 1854256: Bump to v10.1.0 #183
- Add upstream patch to remove internal types in favor of unstructured #177
- Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #181
- Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
- Bug 1891551: Ensure the node template include up to date and informative labels #178
- Full changelog
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #188
- Bug 1907380: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #189
- Bug 1909108: Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #190
- Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #186
- Bug 1879777: Remove namespace manifest #185
- add machineset/scale resource to the cluster-autoscaler role #177
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #179
- Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #181
- update go mod vendor #180
- Bug 1876469: Update generated CRDs #178
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #176
- add bugzilla component to OWNERS #172
- Full changelog
- Bug 1855628: bump and switch to go-mod and build-machinery #37
- Updating ose-cluster-bootstrap builder & base images to be consistent with ART #43
- Full changelog
- Bug 1920619: bump(openshift): remove scheduler default profile from config #181
- Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #178
- Bug 1890038: update AWS platform status migration controller for all platforms #174
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #169
- Bug 1905328: Add warning of the consequences of changing bound token issuer #173
- Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
- Bump openshift/api #168
- Bug 1891952: Bump API For Ingress AppsDomain Field #167
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #164
- Add component to OWNERS #163
- bump( support KubeVirt platform #160
- Full changelog
- Bug 1912522: test/e2e: Re-enable TestCoreDNSImageUprade #230
- Updating ose-cluster-dns-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #229
- Bug 1905323: Request appropriate memory for dns-node-resolver container #225
- Bug 1908891: test/e2e: Block on TestCoreDNSImageUpgrade image revert #226
- Bug 1906860: Bump for kube 1.20 #222
- Bug 1882485: Prevent dig errors from corrupting host’s /etc/hosts #223
- Bug 1880148: Fix DNS DaemonSet’s updateStrategy stanza #221
- Bug 1880148: Set DNS DaemonSet’s maxUnavailable value to 10% #217
- Revert “Configure CoreDNS to shut down gracefully” #213
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #214
- Bug 1896923: Configure CoreDNS metrics plugin to use localhost #210
- addOwners-candita #212
- Bug 1895147: Remove memory limit on the CoreDNS container #207
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #206
- Bug 1884053: Configure CoreDNS to shut down gracefully #205
- Updating ose-cluster-dns-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #203
- Full changelog
- Bug 1920159: CPU requests overstate actual needs #535
- Add summary tables to tls asset docs #529
- Bug 1871170: test/e2e: add etcdctl sanity test #456
- Bug 1907872: Make dual stack bootstrapping more reliable #532
- docs: add maintenance section #519
- Bug 1916853: pkg/operator: ensure etcd endpoints cm #525
- OWNERS: add marun #524
- Bug 1882176: Validate certs for the current IP address of the node #461
- Bug 1851810: *: ensure etcd listens on strong ciphers #523
- Updating cluster-etcd-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #522
- Bug 1851351: Remove stale EtcdMemberIPMigratorDegraded condition #517
- Bug 1913747: bump(*): kubernetes 1.20.1 #518
- Bug 1906875: Provide an option force backup even when API is not available to check the health. #509
- Bug 1898954: Backup script should get the latest revision of static-pod-resources … #504
- Introduce bootstrap scaling strategies #449
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #505
- Bug 1844727: Use socket readiness probe to avoid generating zombies #502
- Remove unused cruft #501
- Revert “Use etcd’s /health endpoint for readiness checking” #500
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #498
- Bug 1895509: Revert “Bug 1837540: Use restore pod yaml from the backup when restoring” #495
- * remove 4.3 tolerations #469
- Bug 1892288: pkg/etcdcli: add IsQuorumFaultTolerant #485
- *: remove all MCO tolerations #482
- picks up setting
socket option #486
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #484
- pkg/operator: remove legacy api #481
- bump library-go for static pod uid #477
- *:bump library-go #476
- Use etcd’s /health endpoint for readiness checking #474
- OWNERS: change component to Etcd #467
- Bug 1888015: bump library-go to pick up static pod graceful timeout workaround #464
- Updating cluster-etcd-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #463
- *: enable pprof profiler for operator #459
- flowschema for etcd operator traffic #462
- Full changelog
- Bug 1917942: canary: Fail on all errors in
- Bug 1917614: get hostedzone tags from route53 on AWS C2S #530
- Bug 1899941: Override termination grace period for the router deployment #534
- Bug 1905778: Fix inconsistent ingress operator status after upgrade #526
- Bug 1917942: canary: Check canary service for nil elements #533
- Bug 1916401: DNS: Skip deleting records that were not published. #529
- Updating ose-cluster-ingress-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #527
- Bug 1915079: Disable canary route churn by default #525
- Bug 1905100: Add “” annotation #522
- Bug 1898417: GCP the dns targets in Google Cloud DNS is not updated after recreating loadbalancer service #500
- Bug 1912922: default_cert.go: Handle redundantly specified default certificate #521
- Bug 1905324: Request appropriate memory for ingress-operator container #515
- Bug 1912916: Set traffic policy to cluster for IBM platform #516
- Bug 1887441: Conditionally delete generated default cert #505
- Bug 1906860: Bump for kube 1.20 #511
- Bug 1906508: test/e2e: Don’t clobber err in TestHeaderNameCaseAdjust #512
- Bug 1908758: Update AWS LB health check interval annotation #518
- Bug 1906560: Revert “Support changing ingresscontroller load balancer scope” #514
- Bug 1906032: Canary: Set daemonset MaxUnavailable to 10% #509
- Bug 1903165: NE-199 Follow Up Fixes. #501
- Bug 1904582: Assume ingresscontroller is external absent status #502
- Implement HTTP header case adjustment API #496
- Bug 1870373: Ingress Operator reports available when DNS fails to provision #495
- NE-199 Phase 2: Add periodic canary route HTTP checks w/ metrics & basic status reporting #493
- hack: should fail on diffs #499
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #498
- Bug 1880902: automatically set the dnsPolicy with ClusterFirstWithHostNet when endpoint publishing strategy type is set to hostnetwork #492
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #494
- dns: Don’t hotloop on updates to DNSRecord status #484
- aws: use shared credentials file instead of static only #485
- Bug 1877693: dnsrecords specify recordTTL as 30 but the value is nul… #491
- NE-199 Phase 1: Add initial Canary Controller and Canary Resources #476
- Bug 1896923: Configure operator metrics handler to use localhost #490
- addowner-candita #489
- Bug 1892338: Fix HAProxyReloadFail alert #481
- Bug 1891625: Support changing ingresscontroller load balancer scope #472
- Fix up ingress controller deployment godocs #418
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #478
- Add run-local steps to hacking doc #406
- NE-425: Add hello openshift to CI #477
- Updating ose-cluster-ingress-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #471
- TestForwardedHeaderPolicy*: Make case-insensitive #474
- deps: Bump Azure/go-autorest #470
- Bug 1881155: Improve status reporting when pods cannot be scheduled #465
- Full changelog
- Bug 1920159: kube-apiservers overstate steady-state CPU needs slightly #1032
- Remove tnozicka and add soltysh to OWNERS #1034
- Bug 1910140: fix the api dashboard with changes in upstream kube 1.20 #1024
- Bug 1914287: bring selflinks back for 4.7, they will be removed in 4.8 #1023
- Bug 1906808: follow-up fixes to SA-issuer observer #1025
- Bug 1887392: bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #1027
- Bug 1906808: configobservation: override service-account-jwks-uri to use LB address #1020
- Bug 1902059: bootstrap: always wire bound SA keys #1019
- Bug 1907951: connectivitycheckcontroller: bump #1016
- add api performance dashbord to openshift console #1005
- remove priority config openshift-aggregated-api-delegated-auth #1007
- clean up: use WaitForAPIServerToStabilizeOnTheSameRevision from library-go #1014
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #1015
- Always set service-account-issuer flag #1013
- Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #1012
- Bug 1900635: Revert “Merge pull request #1006 from abhinavdahiya/user-provided-sa-signing-key” #1011
- Bug 1895959: don’t allow upgrades when webhooktokenauthenticators are set #1009
- Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #1006
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #1008
- token webhook auth: set tokenreview API to v1 #1004
- picks up setting
socket option #1001
- Revert “Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork” #1002
- Use ‘’ instead of SecretTypeTLS which is not being substituted #1000
- Restrict log permissions #995
- bump library-go for static pod uid #993
- Bug 1888861: set servicesSubnet correctly in dual-stack clusters #986
- connectivitycheckcontroller: disable by default #989
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #983
- Bug 1889308: Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork #987
- Revert “connectivitycheckcontroller: disable by default” #971
- Bug 1888015: bump library-go to pick up static pod graceful timeout workaround #981
- Bug 1876166: need to be able to disable kube-apiserver connectivity checks #978
- operator: add kube-system to informers for namespaces #977
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-apiserver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #970
- watch-termination: set graceful termination period explicitly #965
- protect openshift traffic by using dedicated flowschema #966
- Full changelog
- Bug 1920159: Adjust CPU request for controller manager more precisely #500
- Extend OWNERS #499
- Bug 1915304: Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #495
- Bug 1911211: Fix version reporting for recovery-controller #497
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #487
- Bug 1915500: support custom CA bundle for AWS C2S #494
- Bug 1841119: apply extendedArguments directly to kcm in bootstrap #492
- Bug 1887392: bump lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #491
- Bug 1907375: bump(*): k8s 1.20 #489
- Bug 1912888: Add recycler pod template as a ConfigMap #488
- sets cluster-policy-controller log level to Normal (-v=2) #485
- Bug 1898159: do not set allocate-node-cidrs, which is handled by ovn and sdn #480
- bump( to 1.20.0-beta.2 #483
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #481
- Bug 1841119: Apply extendedArguments directly to kcm #471
- picks up setting
socket option #478
- Revert “Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork” #479
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #477
- Bug 1890724: Reduce OperatorStatusChanged event noise for staticpod controller #472
- Bug 1889308: Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork #469
- Bug 1888015: bump library-go to pick up static pod graceful timeout workaround #467
- Transfer build-root control to the repository #466
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #463
- Bug 1886022: add new apigroup to rendered clusterrole copy #462
- Full changelog
- Remove tnozicka and ravi from OWNERS #328
- Bug 1920619: bump(*): remove default scheduler profile #326
- Bug 1920509: Use ss instead of lsof when waiting for ports #324
- Bug 1915304: Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #321
- Bug 1889488: Have probes listen to secure ports #316
- Bug 1891068: manifests: add missing profile annotations #319
- Bug 1887392: bump kube to 1.201 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #313
- Bug 1908145: Change recovery-controller port to avoid conflicts #311
- Bug 1907998: Collect /metrics/resources from scheduler #283
- Bug 1905327: specify cpu and memory resources for initContainers #310
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #309
- Switch to profiles #307
- Bug 1881322: Sync new kube-scheduler-client-cert-key on recovery #288
- bump( to 1.20.0-beta.2 #305
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #304
- Revert “Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork” #303
- picks up setting
socket option #302
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #301
- bump library-go for static pod uid #295
- Bug 1890724: Reduce OperatorStatusChanged event noise for staticpod controller #294
- Bug 1889308: Set dnsPolicy ClusterFirstWithHostNet to match hostNetwork #293
- Bug 1888015: bump library-go to pick up static pod graceful timeout workaround #291
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-scheduler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #289
- Full changelog
- Bug 1920159: CPU request for migrator should not be higher than average use #41
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #35
- picks up setting
socket option #34
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #33
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #32
- Full changelog
- Bug 1909108: Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #100
- Bug 1907380: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #98
- Increase test coverage in CSR approval #95
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #97
- Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #96
- Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #94
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #92
- Full changelog
- Bug 1913386: allow only /metrics for kube-rbac-proxy in front of UWM prometheu #1046
- Bug 1913006: Removing etcd v2 specific alerts #1029
- jsonnet: remove ksonnet #1042
- Bug 1905330: Add missing CPU and memory requests #1041
- Bug 1905141: Add vsphere-problem-detector to telemetry #1037
- Bug 1914090: jsonnet: remove Ceph block devices in rules #1039
- Bug 1915003: Add a rule for calculating rolling node readiness #1032
- Updating cluster-monitoring-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1038
- Bug 1916056: manifest allowlist: add ACM metric #1035
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #1003
- Bug 1905393: manifests: use #1033
- Bug 1913554: Ingress recording rule for error fraction is incorrect #1030
- Bug 1907475: Add recording rules for ingress traffic and error rate #1019
- Bug 1908342: Add pv_collector_total_pv_count storage metric #994
- Bug 1905647: Calculate physical CPU core seconds used for consumption and report via telemetry #1004
- Bug 1899839: jsonnet/thanos-ruler.jsonnet: Set resources to the native spec field #1023
- Bug 1908562: Add a recording rule measuring pod readiness #1020
- MON-1302: hack/tools/go.mod: bump prometheus #1021
- Update release checklist template #1011
- Bug 1906570: Mount /var/log/wtmp into node_exporter init container #1017
- Bug 1829723: Update and pin jsonnet dependencies for release 4.7 #1018
- MON-1302: Bump prometheus-operator and k8s golang dependencies #1009
- jsonnet: bump prometheus-operator to v0.44.0 #1013
- Bug 1903464: jsonnet: fix recording rules with many-to-many matching errors #965
- Bug 1904161: Use alertmanager_integrations metric instead of alertmanager_notifications_total for AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured #992
- Bug 1872786: jsonnet: remove apiserver_request:availability30d #980
- Bug 1904985: fix TLS secrets for Thanos sidecars #1008
- test/e2e: fix port-forward command #1010
- Add Thanos sidecar metrics + alerts #993
- test/e2e: Add Thanos Query Watchdog Alert test #996
- Bug 1899582: Increase rest config burst and QPS rate limits #999
- Add missing default cluster profile annotation #998
- jsonnet: remove unused file #1000
- removal of bindata #985
- Bug 1885856: Exporting registry v1 protocol usage metric #949
- Switch dns resolver to miekgdns #997
- Bug 1897252: Add Thanos query log level #995
- Create pod priority class for user workload monitoring #987
- Bug 1868976: jsonnet: configure SCCs #981
- pkg/operator/operator.go: Adjust log format of resyncPeriod #984
- Remove deprecated user workload configuration #983
- test/rules: remove commented lines #979
- enable hwmon for sensor collection for bare metal clusters #971
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #982
- jsonnet/prometheus-operator-user-workload.jsonnet: Remove as per TODO #974
- Bug 1878772: jsonnet/thanos-querier: exec probes, use correct endpoint for readiness #977
- Fix admission reviews versions #958
- Bug 1885244: fix cluster role for prometheus operator #976
- Bug 1885244: bump prometheus operator to v0.43.0 #970
- make role manifest sort stable #973
- Bug 1883765: Bump Thanos v0.16.0 #969
- jsonnet/jsonnetfile.json: Switch to master #960
- OWNERS: add dgrisonnet #972
- Bug 1882730: fix cluster:cpu_core_hyperthreading rule for s390x #953
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #967
- Bug 1885246: pkg/*: use #968
- Bug 1890808: bump mixins to include new etcd alerts #963
- Allowlist cco_credentials_mode metric from cloud credential operator. #947
- Bug 1812085: restore pod networking dashboards #962
- Bug 1887799: Unset memory limits on config reloader container #959
- jsonnet: Cap total resources:sum series #957
- update go-jsonnet to faster version #924
- Bug 1879930: Preserve labels and annotations during reconciliation #942
- Updating cluster-monitoring-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #950
- jsonnet: Collect all resource counts for telemetry #951
- pkg/operator: fix log msg about reconciliation interval #948
- Full changelog
- Bug 1924383: update the resource requests made by pods in openshift-network-diagnostics namespace #973
- Bug 1920769: Fix the spacing for the node-selector override annotation #972
- Bug 1905730: ipsec: Suppress benign error messages on startup of ovs-monitor-ipsec #966
- Bug 1920769: override the default node-selector for network-connectivity check #965
- Bug 1920159: Reduce CPU requests of ovs daemonset #963
- Bug 1908914: OVN-Kubernetes: upgrade node before master, downgrade master before node Upgrade ovn node first #961
- Bug 1903660: Don’t error when expected master node amount is not met #954
- Bug 1915885: Kuryr: Support multiple nodes subnets #949
- Minor fixups to docs/ #958
- Updating cluster-network-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #951
- Bug 1914402: ipsec: Add liveness probe #952
- Bug 1909502: pkg/util/proxyconfig: remove unused etcd records from proxy config #930
- Bug 1914932: Put correct resource name in relatedObjects #945
- Bug 1915312: Schedule network diagnostics pods on Linux nodes #947
- Bug 1908775: ovn-ipsec: Adjust MTU to account for additional ESP overhead #928
- Bug 1910111: order startup of IPsec components #929
- Bug 1912577: get rid of support for running OVS in a container #932
- Bug 1909791: Fix EndpointSlice addition to standalone kube-proxy RBAC role #931
- Bug 1910097: ovn-ipsec: Add resource limits #927
- Bug 1907644: fix up non-critical / Progressing status handling #911
- Bug 1906650: Add NetworkPolicy, EgressIP, and EgressFirewall to related-objects #919
- Bug 1912409: Fix flow schema deployment #920
- Bug 1909791: Standlone kube-proxy needs to list EndpointSlices now #926
- Bug 1908889: Bump CNO to k8s 1.20 #917
- Bug 1874638: Add -F flag for ovn-nbctl logging #914
- Bug 1907454: install podnetworkconnectivitycheck crd #898
- Bug 1777038: Add alerting rules for subnet allocations #889
- Bug 1906844: Disable EndpointSlice and EndpointSliceProxying feature gates and update to k8s 1.19.4. #905
- Bug 1905792: changes to egressfirewall CRD to accommodate DNS names #908
- hack: fix run-locally #903
- Add connectivity checker controller #856
- Fix IPsec CI #900
- Assign openshift sdn traffic to system priority level #880
- Bug 1890630: Ensure LimitedPortsOnNetwork is only triggered when needed #895
- Enable IPsec #886
- increasing logging when waiting for Masters during bootstrap for OVN #894
- ovn rbac for endpoint slices #891
- Start to move to a library-go style operator #863
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #892
- Kuryr: Allow changes to KuryrConfig #883
- Simplify kube-rbac-proxy startup script #879
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #874
- Build check-endpoints in Dockerfile #881
- Add egress-router-cni init container #815
- Add check-endpoints command #872
- fix CRD / Codegen #865
- Add to relatedObjects for must-gather #873
- Bug 1891716: Remove spurious label in the pod selector of the master daemonset. #867
- Detect Nodes Network MTU on Installations with Kuryr #853
- Bug 1893362: Ensure tail processes exit with parent #859
- Bug 1874638: Fixes missing nbctl daemon logging #772
- Validate poolBatchPorts number against min and max in configuration. #809
- Simplify CA Bundle injection for multus admission webhook #761
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #846
- Bug 1890130: openshift-sdn: multitenant: join openshift-etcd-operator to etcd #844
- Bug 1891023: Fix ovn rbac proxy init script secret name #841
- Use kube-rbac-proxy for standalone kube-proxy metrics #839
- Bump dependencies of k8s to 0.19.2 #840
- Set image versions of CNO deployment to latest #813
- Updating cluster-network-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #829
- README: document verbosity overrides #838
- Remove operator-sdk dependencies #827
- Bug 1886834: Make ovn-cert secret mandatory for both master and node #834
- Add ovn-db-pod label on the master pods #828
- Allow running openshift-sdn with standalone kube-proxy #820
- Bug 1885002: Fix kube-rbac-proxy startup scripts #822
- Bug 1885165: Fix ovnkube metrics #824
- Full changelog
- Bug 1925072: Remove architecture specific gcc flags. #202
- Bug 1925072: Updating to the latest stalld v1.7.0. #201
- Bug 1923674: Bump vendor dependencies to k8s 1.20.2 #199
- Bug 1924081: Ship the latest tuned-2.15.0 #200
- Bug 1920438: Fix openshift-tuned panic on turning debugging on/off. #195
- Bug 1919970: Recover gracefully after Tuned errors. #196
- Bug 1906228: openshift-tuned and Tuned daemon signal handling fixes. #192
- Bug 1917327: Fix annotation message for NTOPodsNotReady message. #193
- Updating cluster-node-tuning-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #191
- Bug 1907936: Switch to nto_profile_calculated_total. #189
- add ‘single-node-production-edge’ annotations to CVO manifests. #187
- Adjusting annotation. #186
- Updating OWNERS file #184
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #185
- E2e test cleanup. #183
- Allow selective debugging of the Tuned daemon. #174
- Bug 1900196: Automatically restart stalld after exit. #181
- Switch the upstream Dockerfile to CentOS 8. #180
- Switch to the latest Tuned daemon. #179
- NTO Metrics #158
- Updating cluster-node-tuning-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #178
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #177
- Bug 1895919: Add a weak dependency on kmod to tuned. #175
- Change the priorities of example and e2e test profiles. #173
- Generating tuned CRD without any manual intervention. #172
- Set scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO to stalld and lower threshold. #169
- Ship the latest version of stalld. #168
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #167
- Bug 1887088: image-references: no longer require cluster-node-tuned #165
- Update to the latest version of stalld, lowering starving threshold to 30s. #162
- Updating cluster-node-tuning-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #163
- Remove traces of unsigned RPMs from the image. #160
- Remove Docker as image build engine #114
- Full changelog
- Bug 1905298: openshift-apiserver initContainer fix-audit-permissions is not requesting required resources: cpu, memory #428
- Remove tnozicka and add soltysh to OWNERS #429
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #420
- Bug 1887392: bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #424
- Bug 1907956: connectivitycheckcontroller: bump #421
- Bug 1806918: remove run-level=1 from openshift-apiserver-operator NS #330
- Bug 1806918: remove run-level=1 from openshift-apiserver NS #323
- wait for storage urls before installing the api server #422
- updates encryption related components so that CAO can start manage its own encryption configuration #416
- improve e2e tests #419
- don’t claim control over the oauth and user API #417
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #415
- Use more restrictive defaultMode for secret mounts #413
- picks up setting
socket option #412
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #411
- Restrict log permissions #397
- Observe Ingress AppsDomain For Routing Domain Override #409
- enable etcd latency metric #408
- connectivitycheckcontroller: disable by default #407
- BUG 1888311: p&f: make oas SAR/TokenReview traffic exempt #406
- Bug 1888028: bump library-go to stop waiting on kube-apiserver availability #404
- Revert “connectivitycheckcontroller: disable by default” #400
- Bug 1876166: need to be able to disable kube-apiserver connectivity checks #402
- Updating ose-cluster-openshift-apiserver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #399
- flowschema for openshift apiserver and its operator #398
- Full changelog
- Extend OWNERS #195
- Bug 1915304: Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #194
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #187
- Bug 1907948: BUILD-149: bump(*): k8s 1.20.1-rc.0 #189
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #186
- picks up setting
socket option #184
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #183
- Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
- flowschema for openshift controller manager #181
- Full changelog
- Updating cluster-policy-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #54
- the quota controllers should resync on new resources and make progress #48
- runs OpenShift specific ResourceQuota monitors #44
- Bug 1890530: release lock on graceful shutdown #42
- Updating cluster-policy-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #41
- add event when SCC ranges are created for namespace #40
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #352
- Bug 1914723: SamplesTBRInaccessibleOnBoot Alert has a misspelling #351
- Bug 1766287: Improve usability of hello-openshift imagestream #350
- Bug 1907952: BUILD-147: bump(*): k8s 1.20.1-rc.0 #349
- Bug 1905319: request required minimal mem resource per openshift conventions #348
- pull latest openshift/library for updating samples for 4.7 #344
- more readme corrections stemming from skills transfer work #347
- more README updates/fixes #345
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #343
- add ‘single-node-production-edge’ annotations to CVO manifests #342
- Bug 1898745: deprecate ImageChangesInProgress, make sure it stays false #341
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #339
- Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #337
- Bug 1898745: actually set imagestreams in progress to false in imagestream event path #340
- set progressing false on imagestream events as well if no active streams #338
- BUILD-125: move imagestream tracking out of operator config object #313
- Add aarch64 support #335
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #334
- Add hello-openshift imagestream #332
- Bug 1886890: Override jenkins-agent-base imagestream #331
- BUILD-145: store imagestreamtag to image mappings in configmap #321
- Updating ose-cluster-samples-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #330
- Sync w/ library for updating jenkins nodejs agent image #329
- Full changelog
- Bug 1923098: Add replicasets to vsphere permissions #134
- Bug 1883538: Only include the relevant drivers in relatedObjects #133
- Bug 1910581: CSO shouldn’t overwrite clustercsidriver objects #131
- Bug 1917551: Change metric used in alerts for vsphere problem detector #128
- Bug 1912945: Add RBAC to allow operator to update CR’s spec #127
- Bug 1904503: Add prometheus alerts for vsphere #126
- Bug 1914451: Run CSO as non-root user #123
- Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #125
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #106
- Bug 1912944: Set proxy env in vsphere-problem-detector, manila and oVirt deployment containers #122
- Bug 1912945: Add RBAC rules to read proxy resource #121
- Bug 1907812: Use separate RBAC objects for AWS CA bundle retrieval #118
- Bug 1914119: Add RBAC for status field #120
- Bug 1904497: Add vsphere problem detector deployment #111
- Bug 1907329: Add missing default cluster profile annotation #117
- Bug 1904578: Configure metrics scraping #107
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #102
- Add YAMLs for starting vsphere-problem-detector as a deployment #110
- aws: grant ebs operator permission to read configmaps #112
- Bug 1902601: Fix resources in cinder csi deployment template #108
- Add missing default profile annotation #105
- Bug 1902552: Fix cinder-csi images #104
- Add OpenStack Cinder driver startup #103
- Add GCP-PD CSI Operator to CSO #101
- Bug 1894025: Add annotations to cluster-csi-drivers namespace #100
- Remove OpenStack Cinder operator startup #99
- Updating cluster-storage-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #95
- Add OpenStack Cinder driver startup #98
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #97
- Bump OpenShift API to include Cinder CSI driver #94
- Bug 1879365: Move CSO namespace to lower runlevel #89
- Full changelog
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #26
- Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
- Add Apache 2.0 License #20
- Bug 1915217: readme: specify which keys are used in nightlies/OKD/OCP builds #27
- Updating ose-cluster-update-keys builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #23
- Full changelog
- Bug 1921413: pkg/cvo/cvo: Guard Operator.Run goroutine handling from early cancels #508
- Bug 1916384: pkg/cvo: Use shutdownContext for final status synchronization #501
- Bug 1884334: UpdateError: enhance for ability to determine when upgrade failing #486
- Bug 1903382: pkg/payload/task_graph: Require firstIncompleteNode to have tasks #484
- Bug 1921277: pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Fix log statements to handle arguments #507
- Bug 1768255: replace Fraction with Done and Total #497
- Bug 1918085: Fixing the log message in WaitForJobCompletion() #503
- Bug 1905221: pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: Ignore work changes during init #500
- Bug 1905221: pkg/cvo/sync_worker.go: log work change details #492
- *: Replace with #496
- Bug 1906100: use child context to verify payload signature on forced update #493
- Bug 1907329: Add cluster profile support #404
- Bug 1879976: pkg/cvo: Compare Cincinnati data by digest when merging metadata #490
- Bug 1907313: Don’t create ClusterOperator during precreation step if it’s present in overrides #488
- Bug 1906916: bump from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0 #489
- Add ClusterProfile template variable #483
- Modify to use library-go manifest and verify packages #443
- docs/dev/clusteroperator: Fix “he” -> “the” typo #479
- Doc fix for cluster operator creation step #478
- Bug 1891143: pkg/cvo/metrics: Abandon child goroutines after shutdownContext expires #477
- hack/log-explainer: Don’t crash if run on truncated logs #475
- Fixing go doc for equalUpdate() #474
- Bug 1886900: pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Demote “Status change: …” logging to v6 #472
- Bug 1886900: pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Drop “Manifest: …” logging #469
- Updating cluster-version-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #468
- Fix typo in goarch variable #466
- docs: update cluster_installer description #447
- Fixing spelling of notUpradeableCondition #454
- Full changelog
- Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
- Full changelog
- ODC-5487: Temp fix for search-input bug #8071
- Bug 1924387: Fix malformed ja/zh modal delete message #8070
- Bug 1925596: Text overflows Card boundary; Add Commit msg to details #8064
- Bug 1921087: Next quick start link update #7945
- Bug 1925562: Add new ArgoCD link from GitOps application environments page #7798
- Bug 1891951: Compression pool info message #8066
- Bug 1925415: waiting for VM importing before move on #8065
- Bug 1925516: Pipeline metrics tooltips #8062
- Bug 1925200: show warning when alert type cannot be recognized #8058
- Bug 1924083: Stop events related to Object Storage from showing up in Persistent Storage Dashboard #8039
- Template provider tests #7995
- Bug 1920367: When creating localvolumeset instance from the web console, the title for setting volumeMode is
Disk Mode
- Multiple pool cypress test migration #7616
- Bug 1905066: Added smoke suite - monitoring test Scenarios #7984
- Bug 1867400: Not allow creation of second storagecluster #7829
- Make OCS local volume set step responsive in wizard flow #8017
- Bug 1923721: Handle pipeline svg icon spin using a wrapped <g> element #8007
- Bug 1925163: Add info about dev catalog to boot source column #8059
- Bug 1925024: removes form validation from net(sasl/tls) section for kafkaSource #8051
- Bug 1924955: Fix that image containers are fetched from external container registries (which doesn’t work for private image containers) #8046
- Bug 1924143: Create application edit url based on git provider #8028
- Bug 1915176: Update snapshot API CRDs to v1 in web-console when creating volumesnapshot related resource #7801
- Bug 1922911: Query Browser: Fix graph crash after hiding and then showing a series #8056
- Add check errors in add capacity tests #8033
- Bug 1920677: Fix for i18n for dev console guided tour #8032
- CONSOLE-2539: Add Chinese and Japanese translations #7981
- Update gitops backend service namespace #7913
- Add tests for VM template source and VM empty state #7842
- Bug 1925039: Fix Test - ID(CNV-5327) #8054
- Bug 1925020: Console demo plugin deployment image should not point to dockerhub #8052
- Bug 1923911: improve test for vm filter and details page #8014
- e2e automation add wait for RDP data #8042
- Bug 1921023: Disable flexible scaling for internal mode #8043
- Bug 1924046: Avoid checking user settings if url has namespace #8022
- Bug 1874192: Add support for creation of GCP BS with a pre-created secret #8002
- Bug 1907877: Added cypress automation scripts for pipleline builder #7642
- Bug 1923973: Update dynamic plugin demo README to inform about how to enable the ConsolePlugins #8019
- Bug 1797766: Resource Requirements” specDescriptor fields - CPU and Memory injects empty string YAML editor #5525
- Bug 1924583: Deprectaed templates are listed in the Templates screen #8038
- Reduce thickness of donut chart in selected capacity #7986
- Bug 1924078: Make Topology quick search View all results footer sticky #8029
- Bug 1920981: Add capacity changes for arbiter enabled #7996
- Bug 1924480: When creating Snapshoot blockOwnerDeletion is now false #8036
- Bug 1891951: Info message while creating pools with compression on #8013
- Restrict ‘BackingStore’ name to 43 characters #7983
- Bug 1924365: Add blank disk when choosing network boot #8035
- Bug 1915995: - “Edit RoleBinding Subject” action under RoleBinding list page kebab actions causes unhandled exception #7846
- Add noobaa sso test migration to cypress #7570
- For ODC-5460: downgrade pf topology package to fix create of service binding connector. #8030
- Bug 1923894: Listing Subscriptions in OLM should also show them when ‘All Projects’ namespace is picked #8018
- Bug 1924188: Update language selector modal dropdown #8009
- Bug 1920684: Update language preferences modal #7936
- Bug 1906118: Fix Ceph Polling Issue by adding flag guards #8021
- Bug 1923945: Keep PVC name and namespace when os/flavor/workload is changed #8020
- Bug 1923951: fixes eveting menuoptions for create flow for all namespace selection #8016
- Bug 1922911: Query Browser: Show empty state when all series are disabled #8012
- Bug 1922021: i18n three Terminal terms #8011
- Bug 1921949: Fix source code URL for apps created using self-hosted repositories #8006
- Bug 1910492: Fix KMS details getting auto popluated due to incorrect state manipulation. #7998
- Bug 1918438: adds i18n for serving/eventing #7941
- Bug 1891766: Stop non-positive values from being entered by users for min disk size #7890
- Bug 1915200: [OCP 4.7+ OCS 4.6]Arbiter related Note should not show u… #7903
- Bug 1923081: Improve test for checking common templates #8001
- Bug 1905338: updated add flow test scenarios #7989
- Bug 1916888: Modifying OCS wizard Donor chart based on selected device type #7924
- Bug 1908277: Pipeline Actions scripts #7564
- Bug 1921762: Fix knative serving and eventing breadcrumbs #7885
- Bug 1921556: Modified certificate secrets key name as per rook #8008
- Bug 1923003: Update Insights widget state #7997
- Remove anonymous exports in NADs plugin #8005
- Bug 1919387: Wait till the DOM is loaded when writing to the body localStorage issue #7925
- update scenarios #7897
- Bug 1913969: Fix edge case exception for fieldDependency spec descriptor #7957
- Bug 1921253: i18n TextFilter placeholder #7953
- Bug 1921774: fix delete app modal error when resource not found #7948
- Bug 1922015: prevent catalog modal header from collapsing #8004
- Remove Kanika from Maintainers file #8000
- Bug 1916747: Dont link to missing quickstarts #7999
- Bug 1920200: Throw error if ConfigMap creation fails with unexpected response #7918
- Bug 1918639: add missing trigger types and update the optional fields #7889
- Bug 1908375: added pipelines workspaces scripts #7574
- Bug 1908367: pipeline triggers scripts #7572
- Bug 1920912: Fix poweroff modal #7993
- Bug 1921644: [e2e][automation]revert endlines to backslach #7992
- Bug 1922782: Data sanity was false #7988
- Bug 1922098: project dropdown should close after user pick a project #7987
- Bug 1922066: Search for boot disk by boot order, not PVC value #7980
- Bug 1922075: Fix kubevirt flavor string #7978
- Bug 1921836: Internationalize AccessTableRows #7971
- Bug 1919876: Updated accessMode and volumeMode for common-template without source pvc from storage class if exist #7966
- Bug 1921713: Fix migration tests #7965
- Bug 1921541: skip guide page if it presents #7960
- Bug 1920320: Show link to common template in vm details view #7949
- Bug 1920248: fix pipeline rerun when pipelineSpec is embedded #7923
- Migrate storageclass tests to cypress #7789
- Bug 1921880: Load all dynamic plugins enabled on the cluster upon Console startup #7972
- Bug 1911129: Fix Monitoring charts renders nothing when switching from a Deployment to “All workloads” #7659
- test: don’t hard-code artifact dir path #7990
- Bug 1922099: updated Readme with QE code review and automation process #7979
- Bug 1920655: only show Cluster autoscalar on Cluster Settings if Clu… #7973
- Bug 1921644: [e2e][automation] tests errors with wrong cloudInit new line syntax #7964
- Bug 1921572: fixes form view for sources contributed via external sources #7962
- Bug 1921258: use sessionStorage for user-settings when impersonating #7958
- Bug 1908353: pipline run automation scripts #7933
- Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #7830
- Bug 1921610: fix pipeline metrics font size issue #7961
- Bug 1920390: Query Browser: Fix X-axis being updated when no new data fetched #7977
- Check PVC is in bound state before expanding #7975
- Bug 1918826: Adjust Insights popover icon to center align vertically #7934
- Bug 1922050: Improve kubevirt clone tests #7976
- Bug 1918112: Fix custom flavor editing when no template flavors exist #7922
- Bug 1921921: Fix “Global configuration” breadcrumb casing #7974
- Bug 1920519: fix kubectl permission issue in test #7928
- Bug 1893889: Update pf dependencies to 2021-1 to fix a117 issues with disabled dropdown items #7899
- Bug 1880410: convert pipeline visualization node to SVG #6676
- Bug 1921823: Internationalize CheckBoxControls #7970
- Bug 1921806: i18n APIResourceLinks #7969
- Bug 1921580: Test VM detail view actions dropdown does not pass #7963
- Bug 1920771: Internationalize Delete Persistent Volume Claim #7951
- Bug 1918757: added document ready state to fix this page loading issue #7950
- Bug 1920674: Fix missingKey errors #7937
- Update PVC tests to use PersitentVolumeClaim instead of Persistent Volume Claim #7959
- Bug 1919231: fix topology quick search modal layout #7902
- Bug 1920984: [e2e][automation] some menu items names are out dated #7940
- Bug 1920551: Should not allow to edit boot order of common templates #7931
- Bug 1920868: fix cdi upload tests #7939
- Fix flakiness in OCS Operator Installation test #7942
- Bug 1918803: adds details page and handles breadcrumb for knativeServing #7944
- Bug 1919823: Update zh-cn translation for Home #7952
- Bug 1878086: Disables filesystem name input field in StorageClassForm #7947
- Bug 1908370: pipeline secrets scripts #7573
- Bug 1920524: Fix topology crash on install of ODH operator to project #7930
- Bug 1892896: Disables the block radio input if the provisioner is cephfs #7537
- Fix data-test ID used for selecting “Operator recommended Namespace” input button #7938
- Bug 1919750: Fix exception on InstallPlan list page #7932
- Bug 1918019: support rendering markdown inline instead of iframe #7872
- Bug 1917239: fix devconsole monitoring dashboard toolbar #7855
- Bug 1919259: Make ‘Add x’ singular in Pipeline Builder #7904
- Bug 1920430: Fix typo in deployment progress #7926
- Bug 1919877: fix sidebar error for ksvc resource #7909
- Bug 1918185: capitalize pipelinerun details #7877
- Bug 1919945: fix name field to avoid overwriting user input value #7914
- Bug 1919851: fix pipeline visualization with same pipeline & task name #7910
- Bug 1917585: Follow-on for NsDropdown placeholder i18n. #7917
- Update .gitignore to include all cypress-a11y-report.json files. #7916
- Bug 1919396: Fixed a11y violation for Deployment Config Details Pod Status ring #7907
- Bug 1909005: CamelCase and externalize K8s resources #7277
- Bug 1916524: Removed template rootdisk #7915
- Bug 1919260: Fix styling issues in VM Template list #7905
- Bug 1919097: Close bracket “)” missing at the end of the sentence in the UI #7908
- Bug 1918133: improve 4.7 failure tests part2 #7876
- Bug 1916882: OCS 4.7 wizard does not show zone when zone’s are added manually #7888
- Bug 1917372: Monitoring: Change Prometheus UI link text to “Platform Prometheus UI” #7900
- Bug 1916764: Avoid setting application name in edit flow #7847
- Bug 1918132: i18n VolumeSnapshotContents #7906
- Bug 1910753: Check for devfile when context directory changes #7878
- Bug 1915972: Global configuration breadcrumbs do not work as expected #7871
- Bug 1915898: Drop “undefined” and keep empty lines in Pipeline log output #7828
- Bug 1919379: Update dotnet logo for ‘.NET 5’. #7373
- Bug 1918785: Use kube_podresource(request|limit) metric #7894
- CONSOLE-2530: Migrate labels CRUD tests #7834
- Fix to show CRW icon when CRW operator is installed #7895
- Bug 1911269: hide “waiting for builds” info message when a build is present #7665
- CONSOLE-2456: Update OperatorHub detail view to include default catalog sources #7191
- Bug 1915929: CONSOLE-2503: Cypress bump to version 6 #7604
- Update icon tooltip text from “Topology View” to “Graph View” #7896
- Bug 1918748: helmchartrepo is not http(s)_proxy-aware #7892
- Bug 1905416: Fix sandboxed links in MarkdownView iframe #7797
- Bug 1918648: Replace deprecated ‘installplan’ Subscription status field with new ‘installPlanRef’ #7891
- Bug 1916834: Pipeline metrics text updates #7850
- Bug 1908573: Make flavor strings consistent #7836
- Bug 1910501: Use absolute paths when resource creation is cancelled #7694
- Bug 1913306: quick-start-footer #7707
- Bug 1917585: Clean up olm i18n and catch some missed translations. #7858
- Bug 1918068: Fix flaky OLM Cypress tests #7874
- CONSOLE-2464: Automatically collapse metadata.managedFields #7144
- Bug 1917117: Template parameters are valid names #7880
- Bug 1910409: Add externalized strings for i18n for notification drawer #7649
- Bug 1915674: Get pvc storage size from template #7884
- Bug 1918318: show kameletbinding in eventsource list and filters #7883
- Bug 1910666: Apply var pf-global–FontFamily–monospace to the create secret textarea input #7873
- Bug 1917660: Dont use the /scale endpoint for Job resource #7867
- Bug 1917656: fix the url for context menu event source url #7864
- Bug 1917124: Use name parameter to every DVTemplate in VM Template #7870
- Bug 1917814: adds create option for broker from admin serverless eventing #7869
- Bug 1916580: Fix default VM Template YAML #7856
- CONSOLE-2487: Combine i18n namesapces into public json file #7831
- Bug 1917658: add tech preview badge for camel K operator instances #7865
- Bug 1908997: Add more provisioners with their accessmode mapping #7597
- Bug 1917679: hide double CTA in admin pipelineruns tab #7866
- Bug 1899627: Update project status icon and text in the dashboard Status panel to match health-item display #7849
- Bug 1917272: Should update the default minSize to 1Gi when create localvolumeset on web console #7857
- verify os template test #7838
- CONSOLE-2396: Add skip to content component #6596
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize olm OperatorHub strings #7501
- CONSOLE-2371: Externalize olm nav items. #7809
- Bug 1916642: Remove period in Chinese key/value translation #7848
- CONSOLE-2376: Console plugins #7360
- add Andrew Ballantyne as an approver #7844
- Bug 1916099: Allow replacing first boot disk in customization wizard #7840
- Bug 1915939: Resizing the browser window removes Web Terminal Icon #7832
- Update web-Terminal-adminuser.feature with actual admin flow #7532
- Fix broken olm cypress tests and add them to CI script. #7835
- Bug 1915879: Change Pipeline Details Dashboard tab to Metrics #7824
- CONSOLE-2393: i18n user management page #7098
- Bug 1907660: Render pod list cell height correctly when pod names are long #7821
- Bug 1915220: Drop localStorage workaround after namespaces are now stored in user settings, use favorite from user settings #7440
- Bug 1880389: fix skipped tasks in conditional pipelines #7833
- CONSOLE-2522: Migrate CRD CRUD tests to Cypress #7827
- Bug 1915685: Tweak message for not supported template #7820
- Bug 1907480: fix query browser prometheus URL for non admin user #7826
- Fix redirect loop when running local bridge without valid auth token #7251
- Bug 1915793: Disable syncing of quick start all states #7825
- Bug 1911212: Monitoring dashboards: Support $__autointerval* variables #7823
- Bug 1915694: Add immediate request annotaion to auploaded dvs #7822
- Bug 1915647: adds check for drophint for eventSource connector #7816
- Bug 1914941: VM Template rootdisk is not deleted after fetching default disk bus #7793
- Bug 1909043: Show an info instead of warning for flexible scaling on internal mode #7762
- Bug 1909027: Modifying selected disk count based on selected disk type #7759
- Bug 1912523: Fix to update standalone pods and pods side panels for topology #7735
- Bug 1913196: handle resizing of browser for guided tour #7718
- Bug 1912907: Helm chart repository index can contain unresolvable relative URL’s #7711
- Bug 1910805: add translation for pipeline status #7657
- Bug 1908687: Use localstorage fallback when running a local bridge #7586
- Bug 1913608: Query Browser: Fix bug where
table values were not cleared #7813
- Bug 1886977: show correct VM Import Provider in status #7725
- Bug 1873480: Fix accessibility issue on Topology page #7562
- Bug 1904713: Fix issue getting kubernetes cluster version from API Server. #7548
- Bug 1915654: Add a verification for Affinity match hint #7819
- Bug 1915649: template support message is not a warning #7818
- Bug 1915624: Template provider name is required field only for vm templates #7817
- Bug 1915627: translate all of guided tour text #7814
- Bug 1915594: add test for disk validation #7812
- Bug 1915277: [e2e][automation]fix cdi upload form test #7802
- Bug 1888554: Improve help text for label selectors on PVC creation form #7810
- Bug 1913660: update location and text of Pipeline edit flow alert #7733
- CONSOLE-2521: Migrate Role Binding CRUD tests to Cypress #7756
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize olm operand related strings #7500
- Bug 1915187: remove ‘TechPreview’ badge from VolumeSnapshot* #7808
- Bug 1911307: scale pods using the ‘scale’ subresource #7807
- Bug 1915357: Only show load error in catalog when no items are loaded with error #7805
- Bug 1915379: Make template provider mandatory. #7803
- Bug 1909790: fix pipeline yaml edit flow #7618
- Bug 1915133: Fix missing default pinned nav items in dev perspective #7799
- Bug 1914926: Upgrade Protractor to pick up webdriver-manager fix for… #7792
- CONSOLE-2523: Add resource requests to cluster and project overview #7786
- Bug 1914257: Fix test for NAD on ocp 4.7 #7771
- Bug 1914196: Use route port field for docker container port in Dockerfile import #7767
- Bug 1913331: Remove master as default branch and use only when ref is given #7730
- Bug 1913332: Fix pipeline visualization issue when taskspecs is used #7729
- Bug 1910859: breadcrumbs and nav doesn’t use last namespace #7714
- Bug 1909836: Re-enable and update operator-install-* tests to add catalog-source #7699
- Bug 1914209: Associate image secret name to pipeline serviceaccount imagePullSecrets #7769
- Bug 1894020: fix Internal registry deploy flow #7727
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize olm package descriptor strings #7498
- Bug 1906898: Missing User RoleBindings in the Project Access Web UI #7488
- Bug 1910753: Use context directory to find devfile #7655
- Bug 1908296: Fix pipeline builder form yaml switcher validation issue #7565
- Bug 1891189: Stop non-positive values from being entered by users for max disk size and limit #7783
- Bug 1905370: Fix catalog dropdown alignment for firefox #7794
- Bug 1914938: Selected PVC from short wizard is not passed to advanced wizard #7791
- Bug 1914309: Redirect user to root when terminal operator is not installed #7774
- Bug 1913851: sort cluster task in pipeline builder #7754
- Bug 1912730: create visual connector if service binding is not available for operator backed resource #7704
- Bug 1912558: Show pending status for taskRuns that haven’t started #7701
- Bug 1867965: Don’t override volumes and volumeMounts in D/DC #7515
- Bug 1912852: Show not available when storage is not available #7790
- Bug 1914793: HW devices dont need to be translated #7788
- Bug 1913563: Dont break h1 line in action dropdown #7787
- Bug 1914427: Use kube_running_pod_ready to exclude terminal pods #7779
- Bug 1914301: Use custom template provider as provider for source too #7773
- Bug 1883388: Show maintenance and power status in BMH status card #7764
- Bug 1913807: Show support badge only for Full support #7752
- Bug 1914405: Fix to keep quick-search modal opened with previous input on coming back from a selection #7723
- Bug 1883614: Warn user when restarting BMH #7765
- Bug 1911465: Fix humanize IOPS function #7784
- Bug 1914642: Customize Wizard Storage tab does not pass validation #7782
- Bug 1911382: If source PVC is selected, volumeMode changes to source volumeMode. #7749
- Bug 1912852: Use value of value for disk size #7781
- Bug 1914212: Add test to validate bootable disk souce #7770
- Bug 1914060: choose first boot disk when not using PXE #7780
- Bug 1914183: Link to NAD Quickstarts #7766
- Bug 1914204: Set TemplateItem metadata to default template #7768
- Bug 1914349: Fix alignment of plus and minus icon in number spinner #7778
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize strings in olm root components #7497
- Bug 1914334: Sort items alphabetically in samples catalog #7775
- chore: add OWNERS files to locale folders #7772
- Bug 1913585: fix text for
Create a Project
- Bug 1913567: Monitoring: Change stacked graph tooltips to not use cumulative values #7763
- CONSOLE-2391: Monitoring: i18n for kebab menus and silence create / edit form #7386
- Bug 1913725: Refactor Insights Operator Plugin states #7747
- Bug 1911280: Use context directory when selecting Builder images #7470
- (bug-fix): Fixes warnings and errors for OCS in console #7761
- Bug 1913864: Update ImageStreamTag in sample BuildConfig YAML #7758
- Bug 1913783: To fix the merging pr issue, commenting the afterEach() block #7751
- Bug 1886154: - System roles are not present while trying to create new role binding through web console #7755
- Bug 1913285: VM list empty state links to virtualization quick starts #7724
- Bug 1913951: Swap Devfile Sample for an official repo #7757
- Fixed issue: Not able to select access modes for snapshot and clone #7650
- Bug 1913420: Fix i18n display of seconds #7753
- Bug 1913568: Normal user cannot create URL template #7750
- Bug 1895169: VM Template does not properly manage Mount Windows guest tools check box #7745
- Bug 1913685: disable OS field when creating a VM from a template #7744
- Bug 1909004: make filesystem queries compatible with both RHCOS and RHEL nodes #7739
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize strings in ./packages/operator-lifecycle-manager/src #7496
- Bug 1913560: Make DataVolumes and DV pods optional when fetching base images #7748
- Bug 1907908: VM Wizard always uses VirtIO for the VM rootdisk #7746
- Bug 1913209: Adjust messaging in support modal for community supported templates #7719
- Bug 1912938: Update texts of confirmation modal for quick starts #7713
- Bug 1912434: update the guided tour modal heading #7698
- Bug 1911434: update Enviroment empty state icon #7674
- Bug 1909276: Fix for a11y errors in project dropdown #7608
- Bug 1909236: Fix for overlapping remove pin icon on long nav items #7606
- Bug 1909207: Fix accessibility issues on monitoring page #7603
- Bug 1907307: Check DV provider if PVC does not have any #7743
- Fix for Storage cluster creation failed with ‘Cannot read property “protocol” of null ’ on adding& then cancelling Encryption #7688
- Bug 1913297: Remove restriction of taints for arbiter node #7726
- Bug 1911474: Delete Devfile Application Group without any errors #7677
- Bug 1913292: Fix flexible scaling when arbiter enabled #7734
- Bug 1908650: The title of customize wizard is inconsistent #7728
- Bug 1907892: Hide edit app action for apps created using devfile flow #7542
- CONSOLE-2024: Add popover for Unschedulable Pending, CrashLoopBackoff, ErrImagePull, ImagePullBackOff statuses #7302
- Export zh-cn and zh-tw po files #7732
- Bug 1913371: Fix Administrator missing key error #7731
- Bug 1913249: Update info text alerting this template can’t be adited #7722
- Bug 1911809: [interop-ui-tests] update steps in install helm chart feature file #7680
- Bug 1899725: Reduce Quickstart side panel width when browser widths between 769 - 1600px to prevent usability display issues #7607
- Bug 1912703: Query Browser: Hide graph empty state when hideGraphs is true #7717
- Bug 1913210: fix failure test for 4.7 part1 #7697
- CONSOLE 2505: Check in Sprint 193 translations #7578
- CONSOLE-2479: Add YAML Sample for QuickStart CRD #7457
- Query Browser: Redesign tooltips and add stacked graph option #7408
- Bug 1912381: Add id to nad form inputs #7721
- Fix error message title #7648
- Bug 1912849: Use default os variant label #7712
- Cypress: Re-enable Monitoring test suite #7417
- tests: fix timeout loading logs in CRD extensions test #7709
- Bug 1887797: asing masquerade to pod interface in VMware import #7706
- Bug 1912536: Put correct version on the console-demo-plugin CR #7700
- Bug 1910829: Cannot delete a PVC if the dv phase is WaitForFirstConsumer #7695
- Bug 1878953: Fix RBAC with upload form and golden images #7685
- Bug 1784298: Query Browser: Fix “reduced resolution” showing unnecessarily #7654
- Bug 1909958: Add QuickStart highlight labels #7625
- Bug 1908983: i18n Deployments/DeploymentConfigs dropdowns #7605
- Bug 1906879: Fix missing i18n key error #7529
- Bug 1888036: Only show latest version for each CSV and PackageManifest provided API. #7305
- Bug 1889213: The error message of uploading failure is not clear enough #7710
- Bug 1766287: Fix use of hello-openshift imagestream #7646
- Bug 1907459: The Boot source is also maintained by Red Hat. is always shown for all boot sources #7708
- Bug 1912115: Fix analyze command #7702
- Selects the default class or the first item in SnapshotClassDropdown #7050
- Bug 1905253: update events timeline empty state and end messages #7467
- Bug 1872124: Adds a dropdown for device type selection. #6893
- CONSOLE-2371: [i18n] Externalize olm modal strings #7499
- Bug 1911574: Expose volume mode on Upload Data form #7691
- Bug 1905128: Fix prow’s e2e test script #7446
- CONSOLE-2457: Modify CatalogSource Details view and include new #7430
- Bug 1907908: VM Wizard always uses VirtIO for the VM rootdisk regardless what is defined #7696
- Bug 1912115: Increase heap memory size for analyze job to 8GB #7692
- Bug 1910024: fallback to localstorage for 404 on create ConfigMap #7628
- Bug 1888544: Stop OBC creation page from accepting whitespace #7693
- Bug 1908717: Monitoring Dashboards: Add support for $__rate_interval variable #7651
- Bug 1911387: Hit error - “Cannot read property value of undefined” while creating VM #7690
- Bug 1911796: uploading flow being displayed before submitting the form #7689
- Bug 1911617: Failure to add source to VM template when no default sc #7687
- Bug 1911796: uploading flow being displayed before submitting the form #7686
- Bug 1911443: Remove optional email from ssh key validation #7684
- Bug 1908180: Add source for template is stucking in preparing pvc #7681
- Bug 1911443: Validate SSH public key in cloud init form #7678
- Bug 1911418: default storage class is not used in rootdisk #7679
- Bug 1907767: update kubevirt-gating #7535
- Bug 1911381: Clone available operating system source to this Virtual Machine checkbox should hide select PVC field #7676
- Bug 1894041: VM import wizard: The target storage class name is not displayed #7675
- Bug 1908180: Add source for template is stucking in preparing pvc #7671
- Bug 1911408: Add autoClone cli tests and new flow of VM creation #7669
- Bug 1909981: Improve statement in template select step #7668
- Bug 1908557: Miss css id on bootsource wizard #7672
- Bug 1890731: Migration status title is now showing state of migration #7664
- Bug 1895908: virtio option is not available when modifying a CD-ROM #7673
- Bug 1910829: Cannot delete a PVC if the dv phase is WaitForFirstConsumer #7667
- Bug 1910866: Unify templates string #7666
- Bug 1911213: VM with default flavor should not show a pending changes warning #7661
- Bug 1910870: Translate create vm action label #7662
- Fix Installation Tests for Ceph #7639
- Bug 1909070: Fix logs streaming issue in multistream logs #7598
- Bug 1907989: dataVolumeTemplates can be empty #7660
- Bug 1908557: Miss css id on bootsource wizard #7658
- (bug-fix): Guard 4.7 fetaures for 4.6 #7633
- Bug 1907989: Added support for dataVolumeTemplate in yaml #7645
- Bug 1910263: Adjust wizard to make existing tests to be able to run #7627
- Bug 1907793: Show support info in VM template details #7644
- Bug 1909096: Fix missing key errors for noobaa and ceph #7626
- Bug 1906896: show empty message for no alerts #7523
- Bug 1909821: Fix flexible scaling enablement #7643
- Bug 1910036: Gherkin Script Scenario for epic ODC-4504 #7632
- Bug 1909681: Remove extension guards for feature detectors in Ceph Plugin #7619
- Bug 1909815: Internationalize Admin perspective in switcher #7622
- Bug 1908746: Fix for SVG filters in topology for Safari #7590
- Bug 1907459: The Boot source is also maintained by Red Hat. is always shown #7588
- Bug 1907453: Pod is now availble in Dev view , topology , machine detail #7575
- Bug 1889213: The error message of uploading failure is not clear enough #7567
- Bug 1897003: VNC console main window can auto reconnect when full screen vnc console tab is closed #7505
- Bug 1908918: Fix Pipeline builder yaml view layout #7595
- Bug 1906356: Unify Clone PVC boot source flow #7541
- Bug 1853352: update CDI version to v1beta1 #7640
- Bug 1909792: Internationalize details page empty states #7621
- Bug 1885319: Revise DataVolumeTemplate API field #6846
- Bug 1907307: Propagate provider and support annotations #7641
- Bug 1910201: Add capacity changes for arbiter #7638
- Disable operator-install-* Cypress tests #7623
- Bug 1894041: VM import wizard: The target storage class name is not displayed #7634
- CONSOLE-2381: Support dynamic demo plugin deployment on cluster #7471
- Bug 1866298: Fix namespace labeling issue when storage cluster is created #7630
- CONSOLE-2432: Add i18n externalized strings for events page #7130
- Bug 1908545: Clone modal fails to open #7612
- Add missing tooltips for KMS advanced modal #7582
- Bug 1907888: Fix pipeline list page loader #7547
- Bug 1907518: adds rbac for eventSource, KameletBinding and removes camelSource unwanted changes #7543
- Bug 1909610: Fix available capacity when no storage class selected #7402
- Bug 1888551: Fix review page for creation of bucket class flow #7620
- Bug 1909739: Arbiter request data modification #7613
- Bug 1903164: fix yaml editor from remounting #7609
- Bug 1909198: fixes move sink modal for sources #7602
- Bug 1909116: fix alignment of catalog sort dropdown #7601
- Bug 1909092: adds feature flag with channel CRD for add action and route #7600
- Bug 1908960: Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4791 #7566
- CONSOLE-2467: i18n localization for project dashboard #7474
- Cypress: Remove OLM(full) test suite from console e2e tests #7614
- Bug 1909067: Keep pod terminal output after connection closes #7528
- Bug 1908971: Gherkin script for pipeline tech debt 4.7 #7596
- Bug 1907896: Update PF React Topology for new item placement issue #7557
- Bug 1903255: Add tolerations for ocs taint in localvolumeset and localvolumediscovery #7551
- Bug 1908868: add empty state message for Event sources and Chanels #7594
- Bug 1908323: Add create button for pipelinerun in devconsole search page #7568
- Bug 1908437: Fix to show default operator icon for topology OBS group node w/o icon #7580
- Bug 1907863: Update quick start actions to handle concurrent state updates #7553
- Bug 1906118: Fix polling issues in OCS feature detector #7593
- Bug 1882658: Add information realated to Volume Snapshots in Project Details Page #7563
- Bug 1908716: passes loadError message and handled same in pods-overview #7589
- Bug 1908434: Remove &apos from metal3-plugin internationalized strings #7583
- Bug 1908641: Show breadcrumb on empty state of catalog as well #7585
- Bug 1908715: Add fix to loop back to last quick-search list item on pressing arrow up key when on top #7576
- Bug 1822744: Cypress command updated to be a function from an object value #7587
- Bug 1908598: Fix events filter for persitent dashboard #6856
- Bug 1908467: Sentence case Zoom In and Zoom Out #7584
- Bug 1908425: - Create Role Binding form subject type and name are undefined when All Project is selected #7581
- Bug 1908410: Exclude Yarn from VSCode search #7577
- Bug 1907893: Fix nav items sort algorithm to work with latest node/browser versions #7556
- Bug 1906866: Add translation for sample-utils.ts #7495
- Bug 1906872: Fix Pipeline Tech Preview badge alignment #7461
- Bug 1905074: Added gherkin linter #7432
- Bug 1906877: Update name filter placeholder for vulnerability list #7421
- Bug 1908381: Update devfile handler #7424
- Bug 1908035: Fix issue with dynamic-demo-plugin webpack build #7516
- Bug 1907972: Update OCM UI link to open Insights tab #7391
- Bug 1897830: Fix cluster creation when using localvolume #7552
- Bug 1908135: move quick search modal inside topology container #7560
- Bug 1907874: Gherkin Script Scenarios for epic ODC-5057 #7554
- Bug 1898679: Fix .co-required class styling #7450
- Bug 1907890: Fix to show correct alert when required in pipeline parameters and resources forms #7486
- Bug 1906871: Fix white screen issue of devconsole monitoring alerts #7480
- Bug 1822744: Add Internal Mode Installation Test to Cypress #7265
- Bug 1888551: Show Backingstores as list in the review step of creation flow of BucketClass #7155
- Bug 1907875: Expand pvc should respond with an invalid size #7559
- Bug 1906120: - Create Role Binding’ form not setting user or group value when created from a user or group resource #7546
- Bug 1907543: Set “en” as default for Moment.js #7545
- Bug 1907295: Gherkin script for improve management for helm ODC 2994 #7536
- Bug 1907883: Fix Pipleine creation without namespace issue #7530
- Bug 1906864: Fix vertical spacing for quick start tour failed error box #7527
- Bug 1905610: Fix typo in export script #7431
- Bug 1906685: show sinkbinding as resources in sidebar if owned by source #7520
- Bug 1904305: add scroll for monitoring dashboard dropdown menu #7414
- Bug 1907299: Add badge for OCS Advanced Subscription #7489
- Bug 1906835: Improve no model detection in k8s watch hook #7358
- Bug 1907399: Do not reload page on a decorator click for internal links #7540
- Bug 1903400: Migration cannot be when machine is off or in error #7539
- Bug 1894013: VMware URL IP address is required without https:// #7533
- Bug 1907310: Rename pin action to favorite #7512
- Bug 1907312: Add misssing date info to source popover #7484
- Bug 1907282: fix topology page white screen, use ternary operator instead of logical operator #7534
- Bug 1907305: Tweak cdrom boot source messages #7525
- Bug 1907304: Update select template page style #7524
- Bug 1907303: Vertically align table items by baseline #7513
- Bug 1906684: handles application group issue with EventSource creation #7481
- Bug 1906840: Change ClusterOperator status ‘Updating’ to ‘Progressing’ #7531
- Bug 1906766: Truncate pod ring inner labels to prevent overflow #7447
- Bug 1906770: Hide topology shortcuts in mobile view #7518
- Bug 1906745: Upgrade Helm to 3.4.2 #7517
- Bug 1906899: fix offset in quick start highlight bounding box #7475
- Bug 1905696: i18n ClusterMoreUpdatesModal #7473
- Bug 1906768: Fix to correctly sort nav items dependent on non-plugin items #7469
- Bug 1906760: Fixes to prevent topology from unnecessary updates/renders #7465
- Bug 1906689: Fix user can pin to nav configmaps and secrets multiple times #7507
- Bug 1905977: Gherkin script pipeline metrics odc 3711 #7482
- Bug 1906769: Fix for topology load for users without access to all resources #7511
- Bug 1905621: Protractor login test fails against a 4.7 (nightly) Power cluster #7502
- Bug 1906718: Use chart repository spec name when available #7466
- Bug 1906683: fixes issue with kn resources if trigger goes to ksvc and IMC from same broker #7519
- Bug 1906691: Added doc for disabling helm chart repository #7509
- Bug 1906679: Fix QuickStartPanelContent style #7508
- Bug 1905347: Gherkin Scripts Scenarios epic ODC-1052 #7451
- Bug 1906441: fix keys for HorizontalNav and NavBar #7514
- Bug 1906186: use ‘the’ instead of ‘this/these’ in alert message #7510
- Bug 1905941: Add optional chaining to catalog source Status field #7494
- Externalize the recent changes on kms and flexible scaling #7506
- Bug 1888544: Trim user provided name for OBC before attempting creation #7504
- Bug 1879013: Improve CD-ROM interface selection #7483
- Bug 1906318: kubevirt: use proper term for Authorized SSH Keys #7503
- Bug 1866298: Label namespace during storage cluster creation #7487
- fix quick start catalog tile icon alignment #7492
- Add missing OS name to details popover. #7485
- Bug 1905348: Gherkin Script Scenarios for epic ODC-4658 #7441
- Use kubevirt sc config map #7170
- Remove border rule since upstream fix has merged #7493
- Fixed endless loading state for insights plugin #7491
- Cypress Annotations tests #7448
- Fix pipelinerun visualization inprogress crash #7438
- CONSOLE-2399: Update yarn to latest stable 1.22.10 #7280
- Bug 1900377: Add selector for active users on Overview tab #7462
- Adds default label to snapshot class with the correct annotation #7052
- Improve secret hostname hint #6873
- Bug 1879419: Improve boot source description for Container and URL #7479
- Show error if common template does not have SRC_PV params #7459
- Fix to not show misleading alert message in Project Access Page #7443
- Bug 1905380: Default to Red Hat/KubeVirt provider if common template does not have … #7453
- Add feature guard for Multus #7419
- Bug 1881268: Image uploading failed but wizard claim the source #7458
- add minwidth to taskBar #7460
- Bug 1903192: - Role name missing on create role binding form #7427
- Show type badge on every tile in all catalogs #7468
- Bug 1905542: Replace ‘Baremetal’ with ‘BareMetal’ in the supported platforms for I… #7463
- Bug 1905146: Fix helm unit test failures #7455
- Bug 1904244: Drop usage of i18next.t from plugin.ts files #7454
- Check certificate before uploading #7269
- Hide scale buttons of pod donut for Pod resources #7444
- CONSOLE-2475: Check in Japanese and Chinese translations #7224
- route eventsource from Admin to catalog for source and workload on create #7452
- Bug 1904993: Remove & in strings #7449
- Bug 1882268: Add snapshots integration test #6314
- convert last used namespace local storage to userSettings #7433
- Bug 1872166: Fix Silences link redirection from developer perspective #7248
- Bug 1905104: Snapshot modal disk items missing keys #7442
- CONSOLE-2477: Improve OperatorHub -> Sources view #7259
- Cypress: do not test for i18n pseudo-translation of timestamps #7445
- CONSOLE-2391: Monitoring: Add i18n for Metrics and Dashboards pages #7266
- Bug 1892198: Fix runtime error on operand details page. #7038
- CONSOLE-2431: i18n for home/api-explorer #7009
- Bug 1902981: Namespace is passed differently when using create vm from template. #7439
- Bug 1904776: Snapshot modal alert is not pluralized #7434
- Cypress Automation - Pipelines for add options-odc-5188 #7375
- (feat): Enable flexible scaling in storage cluster deployment #7416
- Do not load topology resources when in all namespaces project is selected #7428
- Provide code snippet for default console catalog categories #7297
- Get customized catalog categories in dev catalog from server flags #7196
- Revert “remove tech preview badge from web terminal” #7425
- gherkin_usability_enhancement_for_quick_start-ODC-4653 #7409
- Cpress automation scripts for Add Flow catalog scenarios-odc-5184 #7357
- Cypress Automation - Add flow docker flow scenarios-ODC-5182 #7356
- KMS flow for storage class creation #7330
- Bug 1903172: Background shadow appears under datalist in column management modal #7413
- Save dropdown bookmarks and favoriteKey in user settings #7390
- Fix sorting of nav section items #7379
- Localize more kubevirt strings #7423
- i18n for dropdown object enums #7422
- add sc detection to vm snapshots #7418
- Use extensions to add decorators to topology nodes #7410
- Create stretch cluster with arbiter node. #7376
- Bug 1856803: Fix cluster monitoring link #7426
- Move gitops code out into its own monorepo package #7420
- Fix error state for Raw Capacity Card #7415
- Gherkin Scripts for ODC-4181 and ODC-3954 #7401
- Bug 1897354: make CRDCard display consistent with tabs #7393
- Bug 1897008: Cypress: reenable check for ‘aria-hidden-focus’ rule & checkA11y test for modals #7382
- Cypress automation add flow container image scenarios - odc 5181 #7354
- convert last used perspective local storage to user settings #7407
- Localize remaining kubevirt-plugin modals #7337
- Move helm from dev-console into its own monorepo package #7412
- i18n ocs day1 and day2 operations #7406
- Gherkin display task runs associated with pipeline run odc 3712 #7377
- Convert custom table column configuration from localStorage to user settings #7339
- kubevirt i18n Actions #7394
- Devfile Add Flow #7299
- Add ArgoCD application links to GitOpsDetailsPage cards #7288
- Allow cluster admins to create terminals #7145
- Bug 1902595: Fix to show alerts in topology list view #7392
- Convert Pinned Resources local storage to user settings #7291
- Bug 1874968: Pressing escape key doesn’t exit the dropdown list #6907
- Changes to Capacity Metrics in OCS Persistent Storage Dashboard #7404
- Fix common template providers #7403
- remove vm templates from template catalog #7398
- Bug 1901531: Fix runtime error in create CR form #7397
- Bug 1903196: Position Overview status popovers to display on top #7395
- i18n for advanced wizard #7378
- Helm chart list should not return helm charts if the repo is disabled. #7369
- Added init state to insights plugin #7351
- Update associated pipeline during the edit flow #7346
- add pipeline metrics dashboard #7345
- Localize the Bare Metal Hosts side nav name #7336
- Validation on storage & nodes install step #7389
- Bug 1899200: - In Installed Operators page I cannot search for an Operator by it’s name #7319
- Bug 1882057: Fixes access mode support for PVC creation #6882
- Standardize Capitalization knative , devconsole, pipelines, topology, console app, container security and console shared #7374
- adds feature flag to catalog item provider #7400
- add Kamelets- schema generated forms & yaml/form switching #7344
- Add support for samples & snippets in pipeline builder yaml editor #7396
- Enable quickstart hints in quickstart sidepanel #7281
- Add missed i18n strings #7388
- Bug 1903402: Added isVMPage boolean to choose correct links for Nics and Disks #7387
- setting storage class when selectedKey is set in storageClassDropDown #7383
- Bug 1901594: bump node-sass to 5.0.0 #7365
- Localize Virtualization nav name #7335
- Bug 1891314: Return helm charts based on the installed kubernetes version #7012
- gherkin script for quick search to add project in topology view- ODC-2925 #7240
- Add VM Create to Dev console #7188
- i18n ocs dashboards #7368
- Metal3 i18n form #7333
- Kms cluster encryption #7153
- Bug 1896302: Fix 4.6 test failures #7169
- Update user settings hook to use bridge call to create ConfigMap #7327
- Add i18n to topology package #7315
- Custom support statement for templates #7311
- GitOps- Renamed Application Stages in nav to Environments #7272
- i18n overview dashboard health state messages #7372
- Bug 1902969: Added a check on the value return from getOwnerReferences #7371
- Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4645 #7312
- Gherkin script for Pipelines - Improve Pipeline Creation Process- ODC… #7310
- Add ability to filter quick starts catalog #7223
- Use User settings hook for topology layout data, topology view state (graph/list) and cloudshell terminal #7051
- Bug 1901395: Remove edit template link #7370
- Bug 1898532: Remove _.startCase from FieldSet title #7366
- Import console i18n instance #7362
- guest agent test: alert when delete vm while user is logged in #7355
- Removing Protractor annotations test from e2e, crud, and all test suites due to flakyness #7322
- Unify advanced/simple flow boot sources #7303
- Edit backing store in bucket class modal #5439
- Catalog-Operator Hub: remove local storage and user filter preference #7328
- Add quick-search and add functionality in topology #7323
- Bug 1902123: Bump gorilla/websocket #7361
- Generate assets on postinstall hook #7332
- convert Topology filters localStorage to userSettings #7326
- generic component to highlight any part of the ui #7131
- feature flag Helm based on HelmRepository CRs #7035
- i18n for kubevirt basic VM wizard #7349
- Add event sources in catalog using catalog extension API #7338
- Convert QuickStarts localstorage to user settings #7258
- Use console.flag/model extension in console-app package #7231
- Add API to create user settings #7095
- Cypress: disable Monitoring test suite #7367
- Bug 1901395: Fix broken link of edit vm template of a user #7353
- Cypress Scripts - Create from git add flow ODC-4976 #7103
- kubevirt wizard custom flavort memory lable #7348
- Bug 1901373: Removed brackets typo #7347
- Convert OperatorHub from localStorage to user settings #7314
- Convert Guided tour data from local storage to user settings #7222
- ODC-4372: Gherkin Script - Viewing App Dependency vulnerabilities in Project Dashboard #7020
- Convert Hide Alert Checks from localStorage to user settings #7282
- i18n support in devconsole Gitops and Guided tour components #7137
- Translated devconsole Getting Started text in order to pass Cypress login test #7331
- customize dev catalog tile descriptions #7342
- : Update web terminal to explain the reason why the workspace was stopped #7199
- localize navigation #7341
- allow providers to override catalog items #7334
- Bug 1899128: Show info message only when vmi not controlled #7320
- create new test to verify logged-in users #7238
- Updated test-prow-e2e file to accommodate ceph #7308
- adds fallback to localstorage for usersettings if 403 for configmap #7301
- CONSOLE-2405: Allow Console static plugins to use dynamic extensions #7163
- Unify create VM flow #7204
- topology white screens when selecting a VM node #7329
- Bug 1900022: Search Page - Top Name/Label filter is not applied to selected Pipeline resources #7318
- add non blocking pipeline creation flow #7241
- add default workspace when auto starting pipeline from Add flow #7237
- localize git-service package #7324
- UI crashes on opening topology #7325
- tests: Don’t run Protractor for olmFull suite #7321
- Bug 1766287: - “hello-openshift” template application wrong binary format #7186
- Update clone OS message, add link to base PVC #7257
- Show ‘Clone and boot’ if VMT disk will be cloned #7205
- i18n support in devconsole helm components #7117
- Remove customize link when creating VMs #7209
- Update Dockerfile.product for nodejs v14.15.0 #7304
- visualisation of KameletBiding in topology #7239
- Metal3 i18n ii #7309
- added form yaml switcher for eventSources #7181
- Bug 1889724: When LocalVolumeDiscovery CR is created form the LSO page , user must Disk tab #6986
- Localize VM NICs and disks modals #7307
- Metal3 plugin i18n i #7300
- Bug 1899949: Remove restriction on disk type selection for LocalVolume Set #7290
- Maintain state in wizard flow for storageClass selected #7142
- Move topology from dev-console to its own monorepo #7254
- Add catalog controller and generic view components #7233
- Bug 1900020: Remove &apos from internationalized keys #7286
- CONSOLE-2420: Added i18n testing to cypress crud test suite #7213
- Add Multus Configuration option for Attached Mode #7152
- kubevirt i18n vm and vmt lists #7295
- Bug 1879056: Added eviction strategy support #7276
- i18n main vm list #7292
- Kubevit i18n overview page i #7271
- Add support for Multus(Network) in storage cluster creation under configuration #6974
- Remove PF3 components from metal3 and NAD plugins #7283
- UI enhancement to support Quickstarts as CRs #6979
- Bug 1888874: Update yaml language server to 0.13.0 to allow for better support for hovering #7279
- Add ability to specify nav section ordering by plugins #7275
- CONSOLE-1916: Make visual updates to inventory card #7289
- add quick starts card on cluster overview #7150
- Bug 1900010: Fix i18n sentence fragment #7285
- Add ArgoCD dashboard link to GitOpsListPage #7127
- Bug 1900008: Fix i18n sentence fragment #7284
- Update IMV details page #7104
- CONSOLE-2485: Add Cypress descriptors test #7261
- adds useUserSettings hook and associated HOC #7242
- Query Browser: Add gap between graph legend columns #7235
- New VM from template flow #6937
- Add Subscriptions tab to Channel details page #7105
- Bug 1893601: fix filesystem queries #7201
- More i18n for vm details page #7250
- Bug 1895263: Allow creating storage cluster irrespective of LSO namespace #7184
- Add Encryption workflow for storage cluster creation #7062
- Cypress: test for existance of ‘cypress-a11y-report.json’ before running ‘yarn cypress-a11y-report’ #7262
- Fix UI crash on opening topology sidebar when a pipeline is associated with an app #7252
- Add Pipeline Idle Icon & Add OnClick Start Pipeline Modal #7246
- Correct the order of dev perspective nav for pipelines #7220
- CONSOLE-2429: i18n for namespace with table / col management titles #6953
- CONSOLE-2447: i18n for secrets #7047
- Add Cypress OperatorHub test #7244
- Fix pipeline builder sidebar crash #7253
- Add Broker details page #6945
- Bug 1896511: Fix the request for lvs and lvd #7249
- Fix issue using ‘byTestDropDownMenu’ in a chain #7243
- Query Browser: Remove Y-axis ticks #7236
- Cleanup OverviewItem removing unnecessary fields, retrieve data as necessary #7207
- CONSOLE-2461: Add infrastructure for Korean #7226
- Bug:1898357 Address operatorhub image name overlap bug. Enable overflow-wrap on string. #7230
- add translation capabilities to extensions #7234
- Bug 1898320: - Incorrect Apostrophe Translation of “it’s” in Scheduling Disabled Popover #7232
- Add Cypress Operator global install mode test #7225
- i18n support in devconsole Pipeline components #7143
- Fix i18n file diff test #7187
- Add Cypress Operator single install mode test #7214
- Bug 1890235: update Protractor’s checkErrors logging #7019
- add error status popover in the pipleline, pipelinerun and taskrun list #7160
- Hide edit icon for nodes without vcs URI #7216
- show image vulnerability in status under project details #6934
- kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7203
- CONSOLE-2438: i18n common components: environment tab #6891
- Fix loading errors for i18n keys #7212
- Fix continual poll for pod graph data in pod details page #7210
- Cypress fixes: ‘Create Project’ timing issue and temporarily disable a11y check for ‘aria-hidden-focus’ #7193
- Update i18n scripts #7030
- CONSOLE-2437: i18n common components: dropdowns #6993
- Bug 1897423: Update dc strategy type and rolling params #7200
- CONSOLE-2439: i18n common components: list view/details components #6888
- Bug 1896296: Ensure correct git URL for topology edit icon #7158
- add i18n for kubevirt-plugin [details page] #7168
- tests: disable Cypress colors in CI #7198
- Refactor dev-console pipeline code into pipelines-plugin mono repo #7190
- gherkin script- adding event tab in pipeline run and task run pages #7065
- Topology, fetch jobs for cronjobs when necessary #7164
- Remove reviewer Abhishek from the DevConsole packages #7197
- Topology, fetch service and route data when necessary #7159
- Add YAML switcher to pipeline builder form #7028
- kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7195
- add support for Operator Backed SBR through topology inContext #7084
- Topology, fetch build config data when necessary #7162
- Bug 1887651: Add support for phase values of CephObjectStoreKind CRD used in OCS 4.5 #6977
- Bug 1894810: removes techpreview badge from eventing #7110
- i18n support in devconsole health checks components #7115
- Gherkin Script for epic ODC-3396 #7156
- Add Japanese to language switcher #7189
- CONSOLE-2445: deploymentConfig i18n #7057
- Add cypress integration test support for Ceph plugin #7165
- i18n support in devconsole Project and QuickStart components #7151
- CONSOLE-2390: i18n build page and image stream page #6949
- Update i18n json files #7185
- Bug 1896732: disable os upload if no os avaliable #7183
- kubevirt: update integration tests dockerfile #7182
- Bug 1882660: Show all operators that will be approved with manual ins… #7076
- Fix i18n key in ResourceQuotas #7176
- CONSOLE-2325: Add machine translations for Japanese #7092
- Bug 1889928: add more tests for golden os #6967
- Bug 1896229: Hide empty cards #7174
- Change PodRingSet to fetch pods, remove PodRingController #7077
- Gherkin Scripts for scenarios in ODC-4419 #7101
- i18n support in devconsole hpa components #7126
- Bug 1894374: prevent prevent loading by type #7099
- Determine metrics status in list view nodes #7074
- Add new catalog extensions and catalog service provider #7023
- Bug 1888530: [RHOCS Usability Study]No clear statement what rules users violated when failed the naming requirements #7173
- Bug 1895372: Tolerate missing
on OperatorGroups #7172
- Wait for models to be loaded #7171
- Fix to use graph view for default for dev perspective topology page #7157
- Bug 1888870: Remove resolveCompletionItem from yaml editor since it’s not needed #7167
- add support for customSchema in resource sidebar for helm charts #7154
- remove tech preview badge from web terminal #7106
- Consistency display resource details in a two equal column layout #7166
- Bug 1896529: Updates to the serverless quicks starts content to fix errors and update areas that have changed based on the new operator release. #7033
- i18n support in devconsole Import components #7139
- Bug 1890104: update apiVersion for eventing resources wrt serverless 1.10 #7134
- Bug 1896101: Added negative tests for migration from VMWare and RHV #6249
- CONSOLE-2444: deployment i18n #7058
- add expect library to kubevirt tests #7146
- Fix to allow in context create after page reload #7129
- i18n support in devconsole monitoring components #7124
- Bug 1894860: Correctly report errors when backend tests fail #7116
- add to application support for required resources #7097
- Add quick search button and keyboard shortcut in topology #7088
- CONSOLE-2443: pod i18n #7060
- Fix application dropdown to fetch resources based on extensions. #7034
- Bug 1893351: Determine Secret type upon the save #7071
- Bug 1891498: Show additional machine config pools while updating #6992
- Ensure Console plugin init logic is executed only once #6963
- Add option for Deep Compare hook to use JSON.stringify. #6464
- CONSOLE-2466: Bump i18n dependencies #7128
- Bug 1882653: Convey automatic subscriptions in same namespace as a m… #7054
- CONSOLE-2452: i18n for replicationControllers #7042
- add validation for RHV certificate #7100
- CONSOLE-2453: Hpa i18n #7043
- Bug 1878701: Filter out events from old VM with the same nam #7140
- Bug 1894860: fixed test “returned merged index file for all accessible helm repos” #7111
- CONSOLE-2395: Add language switcher #7094
- Add tests for guest agent data #6871
- Bug 1893944: Update Multi Cloud Gateway brand name to Multicloud Object Gateway #7138
- Bug 1895065: Fix sample / snippet toggle in resource sidebar #7125
- Bug 1894519: Enable external mode for OpenStack and oVirt platform #7136
- Fix typo in error message #7120
- Fix edit flow in case of custom template application #7121
- Bug 1894330: update channels list #7096
- CONSOLE-2392: i18n: externalize strings in Compute nav section #6929
- fix quickstart subtitle #7114
- CONSOLE-2449: cron jobs i18n #7031
- update pipelinerun graph to show past pipeline structure #6960
- Add Vulnerabilities tab in project details page #6854
- Bug 1891047: Access server API via kubernetes.default.svc from Helm endpoints #7112
- Show custom builder image in edit flows BuilderImage section #7021
- Make the ‘Reveal Values’ match the string from locales/en #7118
- CONSOLE-2448: i18n for configmaps #7045
- Fetch pods when displaying pods resources in overview pages #7070
- Add graph view to project overview workloads tab #6901
- Knative Test Cases Rearrangement #7081
- Console-2450: i18n for jobs #7036
- Bug 1894503: add automated test for Polarion CNV-5045 #7102
- add pipelinerun watcher to add or remove the last run menu item #7037
- Bug 1856354: Keep swagger definitions up to date #6857
- CONSOLE-2391: Monitoring: Initial i18n for list & details pages #7067
- not all disk types can be selected as the boot source #7080
- TaskRun details and log page #6851
- i18n support for knative-plugin package #6885
- Create an extension to support inContext for import Flows #7013
- Fix to maintain data on the graph element on a settings restoral #7093
- Fix to warn user when creating an application grouping that exists #7029
- CONSOLE-2442: i18n for replicasets #7025
- check for taskRef kind in the TR spec #7005
- Bug 1878873: cypress-cucumber-automation-framework #6776
- Fix status icon size in topology and alignments #7041
- i18n common components: PVC modals #6933
- Create buildConfig or pipeline based on user input #6874
- Add descriptions to flavor, workload dropdowns #7006
- Add Eventing tab and Event Source, Broker, Channel pages under Serverless for Admin perspective #6939
- Bug 1894110: Handle values of 0 for maxUnavailable and maxSurge #7083
- CONSOLE-2446: statefulset i18n #7056
- Bug 1893963: Dont use lookbehinds regexp #7082
- Update kubevirt-plugin OWNERS file #7079
- Gherkin Scripts for epic ODC-4388 #6941
- E2E test: Use KUBEADM_PASSWORD_FILE by default #7075
- Add start button to fresh start pipeline from sidebar #6955
- CONSOLE-2426: Cypress & Protractor: Optimized shell and yarn scripts #7053
- update pending Icon in Pipeline Run visualization #6970
- CONSOLE-2451: i18n for daemonsets #7039
- add cloudinit doc link #7015
- Bug 1889348: Remove Project link from Application Details page #6969
- Bug 1893724: Use correct service account for operator monitoring #7068
- Bug 1866087: Fix crash when helm manifest yaml contains duplicate keys #7066
- Remove Tech Preview badge from dev console monitoring #7048
- Bug 1886766: Changes ‘Persistent Volume’ to ‘Persistent Volume Claim’ for PVC dropdown in snapshot create page #6796
- Monitoring: Fix graph refresh on alert and rule details pages #6881
- packages/console-shared localization #6956
- CONSOLE-2296: Update node-sass version #7040
- Updating openshift-enterprise-console builder & base images to be consistent with ART #6861
- use FocusTrap for popover and remount StepComponent to remove the focus from Next button #7014
- Bug 1891999: Fix compression card metrics for Persitent dashboard #6989
- Cover static and dynamic plugin SDKs with unit tests #6886
- Fix po-to-i18n script #7016
- Bug 1892358: update feature gate for kubevirt-gating job #7017
- Bug 1884629: pf update to fix dropdown accessibility bug #7024
- fix pod donut information #6864
- CONSOLE-2390: i18n build config page #6913
- Bug 1887465: Fall back to “all namespaces” when currently active namespace is deleted #6975
- CONSOLE-2297: Added Create Namespace option during operator install #6765
- CONSOLE-2372: i18n - Networking pages #6928
- Bug 1856351: Fix build details page charts #6879
- Bug 1885676: Minimal deployment warning message is corrected #7011
- Add Owner Reference to VM Snapshots #6995
- Bug 1889529: Check for any CR name versus a specific name #7003
- pass copied secret to the vmimport object instead of the original one #7000
- fix cnv base images loading #6999
- Bug 1812412: Monitoring: Increase Prometheus query_range timeouts to 30s #7004
- Bug 1891376: Extra text in Cluster Utilization charts #7001
- CONSOLE-2423: upgrade yaml language server #6483
- Bug 1875516: - disabled scheduling is easy to miss in node page of OCP console #6900
- i18n common components: logs #6890
- Bug 1887864: Update library-go and replace runc module for v1.0.0-rc8 version #6990
- Treat console-extensions.json file as JSON with Comments (jsonc) #6799
- Bug 1891419: Wrong detail head on network policy detail page #6996
- Made singulars for Insights plugin #6991
- Query Browser: Small clean-up of legend CSS #6994
- Bug 1883563: Handle promise rejection error #6818
- CONSOLE-1523: Switch logging to klog #1862
- (feat) : Updated baremetal install wizard flow #6976
- Bug 1889515: - Accessibility - The checkmark in the Node > overview page has no text description, label, or other accessible information #6971
- Bug 1890145: Add classname to decrease font size for Status Ready #6973
- i18n common components: modals #6887
- Bug 1889692: Fix selected capacity to reflect correct disk size #6984
- Monitoring: Add legend to alerting rule details page graph #6980
- Add useResolvedExtensions hook and improve related code #6655
- i18n common components: YAML #6889
- CONSOLE-2394: i18n administration pages #6883
- Re-enable Snapshots tab #6807
- Add missing key when mapping urls #6964
- add details page for eventing trigger and subscription #6921
- Save/Restore topology graph layout during current session #6919
- Bug 1881881: Replace route dropdown input with typeahead select menu in import/edit flow #6719
- Fix edit app flow in case service not available #6952
- CONSOLE-2428: i18n for search section of home nav #6948
- Only re-create pod donut if data changes #6899
- CONSOLE-2378: Add infrastructure for Console dynamic plugins #6101
- Bug 1889698: Fix form re-render on cancelling #6968
- Localize the console-app package #6903
- Bug 1885173: Add VM next run configuration test #6829
- Add Node qualifier to Affinity table #6865
- Bug 1886452: Fix for topology layout options style on select #6872
- Handle missing labels as empty #6940
- Move topology monitoring data fetching into Hooks #6875
- Bug 1889630: - Scheduling disabled popovers are missing for Node status in Node Overview and Details pages #6961
- Bug 1886168: Check if the label exists before comparing its value #6954
- adds serving in admin to show services, revisions, routes as tab views #6848
- Query Browser: Fix tooltips next to the edge of the graph #6959
- Bug 1872923: Fix cancel button to return to operator details #6957
- Add events tab in pipelinerun and taskrun details page #6867
- Bug 1887472: Fix to allow shift-drag to regroup knative services in topology #6909
- Cleanup unused topology resources #6897
- Update TaskRun List Page Columns & PipelineRun Tab #6840
- Bug 1883766: Adjust tests due to UI changes #6850
- Bug 1887375: Add volumeMode to the create form and yaml of a pvc #6912
- Query Browser: All pressing Escape key to cancel zoom #6914
- Bug 1888985: Fix Cypress test flake and accesibility violation: ‘Ensures buttons have discernible text’ #6951
- (feat): Add wizard flow for internal mode cluster creation #6892
- make KUBEVIRT_PROJECT_NAME customizable in kubevirt-plugin tests #6946
- Remove cluster credentials download action for Internal Mode #6935
- i18n: update namespace consolidator #6930
- Bug 1888363: log namespaces errors instead of crashing in dev #6926
- Bug 1888150: Format markdown text in Install Operand Form #6927
- Increase timeout in dashboard test for better stability #6924
- Bug 1887797: asign masquerade to pod interface in RHV import #6925
- Bug 1885702: Cypress: Fix ‘aria-hidden-focus’ accesibility violations #6910
- Bug 1887783: PVC upload cannot continue after approve the certificate #6922
- Bug 1886168: Hide Terminal tab from the NodeDetailsPage if Windows on the Node #6876
- add Channels, EventSources, OperatorBacked, HelmCharts menu action to Add To Project context menu #6838
- Avoid traversing node_modules when running i18next on packages/* #6920
- Fix topology to layout updated graph when application changes #6898
- Rearranged Helm Test Cases and added E2E for Helm #6847
- Bug 1885138: Include CDI disk cloning to VM status #6916
- Bug 1886524: Change default terminal command for Windows Pods #6906
- Remove notification drawer header override fix #6904
- Bug 1887380: Add additional provisioners to their AccessMode mapping #6902
- Bug 1885706: Cypress: Fix ‘link-name’ accesibility violation #6878
- Bug 1886423: New Affinities dont contain ID until saving #6870
- Bug 1876701: Fix some spec descriptor widgets inline edit behavior #6824
- Bug 1854567: Dont list Subscrition when matching CSV exists on the Installed Operators page #6862
- i18n support #6194
- Query Browser: Remove SeriesButton’s key prop #6895
- Added Kanika(a2batic) to list of approvers #6896
- fixes issue with containersource selection #6894
- Don’t attempt to retrieve pipeline data in topology when unsupported #6842
- Refactors feature enable code for OCS #6884
- Bug 1847074: PF fix for filter bar layout issues at some screen widths on search page #6771
- Bug 1883847: Fix subscription name issue for OCS #6860
- Bug 1886397: Move object-enum to console shared #6869
- Bug 1885676: Update trigger limit for Minimal Deployment #6845
- Bug 1886353: Add amd64 URL for virtctl binary in kubevirt-gating job #6868
- update subscriber message if none exists #6863
- Bug 1881898: fix Quickstart subtitle block #6692
- Bug 1878301: Improve display of node unschedulable status #6852
- Simplify topology component structure #6837
- Added insights-plugin #6660
- Append ‘\n’ to ssh private key, if it ends without one. #6859
- Bug 1884654: show vmi utilization data #6827
- Bug 1885315: specify full regex for jest transform #6841
- update kafkaSource v1beta1 spec to remove resources #6828
- Bug 1879282: Update doc links in installed operators page #6820
- test: Account osd sizing in add capacity tests #6826
- Use better fix for messed JSON output in yarn analyze command #6577
- Remove Snapshot related components from OCS Plugin #5968
- Query Browser: Keep tooltip constrained to graph frame #6831
- Bug 1884724: quickstart update of serverless install steps #6823
- Bug 1852743: Show total cores in node list #6816
- Bug 1884664: Start the install status page as soon as subscription exist #6801
- Bug 1885343: Fallback to GQL HTTP on iOS devices #6778
- Report actual vendors bundle limit #6579
- Bug 1870800: Explain namespace missing namespace column in column management #6825
- add password type to StatusDescriptors #6697
- Bug 1885218: Add virtctl binary to kubevirt-plugin gating script #6832
- Bug 1884613: Fix runtime error for basic users creating Prometheus instance #6821
- Full changelog
- fix consistency issues with QS displaynames and incorporate highlight… #503
- Improvements to the Install Serverless Operator quick start #502
- New 4.7 Quick Starts focusing on the developer experience #501
- Bug 1917759: Dont panic after setting plugin that does not exists to the console-operator config #499
- Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #498
- CONSOLE-2376: Console plugins #478
- Bug 1894216: Improve OpenShift Console availability #483
- Bug 1907280: Adds quickstart for ocs install tour #492
- Bug 1906713: Logged user should be able to get consolequickstarts #496
- Bug 1906798: Export operator dev catalog customization to console-config ConfigMap #495
- Update Serverless Quick Start #494
- Bump openshift/api to get customize catalog categories changes #484
- CONSOLE-2472: Add initial quick starts #490
- Bump(api) to get HelmChartRepository changes #489
- Add ROKS profile annotation to recently added manifests #491
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #488
- Move the consoleoperator controller to lib-go controller factory #487
- Fix user settings role definition for console service account #486
- Add namespace and role resources for user settings #479
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #482
- Bug 1896645: Bump DEFAULT_DOC_URL for ocp 4.7 #481
- Bump openshift/api to get QuickStarts changes #480
- CONSOLE-1523: Change log level values to use klog types #250
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #477
- Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #476
- Full changelog
- Re-align with upstream VRF changes #39
- Cherry pick commits related to adding the VRF CNI plugin #38
- Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins builder & base images to be consistent with ART #35
- Sync with upstream v0.8.7 #36
- Bug 1879244: ipvlan - make master config as optional #37
- Full changelog
- Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #50
- Bug 1906860: Bump for kube 1.20 #47
- addowner-candita #46
- deps: Bump go autorest #44
- Updating coredns builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
- OWNERS: Add component #29
- Update owners #43
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-driver-manila builder & base images to be consistent with ART #41
- Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #40
- Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Bug 1820238: Fetch latest changes from upstream #38
- owners: Add mdbooth to shiftstack-team #37
- Updating csi-driver-manila builder & base images to be consistent with ART #35
- Add a new ShiftStack team member #36
- Fetch latest patches from upstream #30
- Full changelog
- Bug 1917587: disable Manila operator in case of 404 error #84
- Bug 1918716: increase Keystone timeout to 2 minutes #85
- Bug 1918140: Fix sync of informer #82
- Bug 1917587: disable Manila operator in case of 403 error #81
- Bug 1915643: revert setting metadata in the storage classes #77
- Bug 1912948: Include proxy ENV in CSI driver #79
- Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #78
- Bug 1820238: add metadata with cluster ID to generated storage classes #73
- Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #71
- go.mod: Remove unused dependencies #74
- Bug 1894025: Add annotation to operand’s namespace #72
- owners: Add adduarte and mdbooth as approvers #70
- Add a new ShiftStack team member #69
- Full changelog
- Bug 1916164: Updating csi-driver-nfs builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Updating csi-driver-nfs builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Update shiftstack-team membership #35
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-attacher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v3.1.0 for OCP 4.7 #26
- Updating csi-attacher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #36
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v2.1.0 for OCP 4.7 #34
- Updating csi-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #33
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-csi-external-resizer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #117
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v1.1.0 for OCP 4.7 #115
- Updating ose-csi-external-resizer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #114
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-csi-external-snapshotter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #40
- Updating ose-csi-snapshot-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Updating csi-snapshot-validation-webhook builder & base images to be consistent with ART #41
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v4.0.0 for OCP 4.7 #36
- Rebase v3.0.2 #35
- UPSTREAM: <carry>: Add Dockerfile for the admission webhook #33
- Bug 1893739: UPSTREAM: 423: Get credentials before checking if the SnapshotClass exists #34
- Updating ose-csi-external-snapshotter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #32
- Updating ose-csi-snapshot-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-livenessprobe builder & base images to be consistent with ART #21
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v2.2.0 for OCP 4.7 #19
- Updating csi-livenessprobe builder & base images to be consistent with ART #18
- Full changelog
- Updating csi-node-driver-registrar builder & base images to be consistent with ART #26
- Bug 1912237: Rebase to v2.1.0 for OCP 4.7 #24
- Updating csi-node-driver-registrar builder & base images to be consistent with ART #23
- Full changelog
- Bug 1921909: vendor in updated openshift/docker-distribution #257
- IR-114: Adding support for OCI schema #255
- Bug 1905502: Polling route until registry is available #259
- IR-172: Run remote registries for pull-through tests as pods #258
- IR-52: docker/distribution v2.7.1 #252
- Workaround /etc/pki/ca-trust bug on OpenShift 4.6 #254
- Bug 1883502: Migrating from v1 to v2 #249
- Updating openshift-enterprise-registry builder & base images to be consistent with ART #251
- Bug 1883853: Replace with its mirror #250
- Full changelog
- OWNERS: add component #60
- Updating ose-etcd builder & base images to be consistent with ART #59
- Full changelog
- Bug 1909108: Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #141
- Bug 1907286: Ensure Machine is marked interruptible as well as Node #140
- Bug 1903424: Ensure MAO dependency is up to date to include newest metrics #139
- Vendor: downgrade gcp sdk to v0.57.0 #138
- Bug 1902157: Update termination handler to use node conditions #134
- Bump scripts to Go 1.15 #136
- Updating ose-gcp-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #135
- Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #133
- Enable Machine API to support Customer Managed Keys #132
- add bugzilla component and subcomponent to OWNERS #128
- Full changelog
- Bug 1900989: Move idle check from endpoints to service #225
- Bug 1896977: Enhance host name validation in router #238
- Bug 1905748: Prevent unnecessary reloads in router shards #243
- Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #244
- Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #245
- Bug 1905100: Add tunnel-timeout and hard-stop-after options to haproxy template #239
- Bug 1906860: Bump for kube 1.20 #236
- Bug 1903821: Pass stop channel to RouterControllers #233
- Bug 1903206: Add unit tests to verify NotReadyAddresses in EndpointSlices #231
- Allow configuring HTTP header name case adjustment #224
- Bug 1903206: Check Ready condition status in Endpointslices #229
- Revert “images/router: Update to haproxy22 package” #226
- addowner-candita #219
- Bug 1861383: Clip annotation values to prevent bricking on upgrade #196
- Address gosec G601 issues #210
- Bug 1892338: metrics: Rework template_router_reload_failure metric #209
- images/router: Update to haproxy22 package #214
- Bug 1889863: Fix logging of namespace label selector #204
- Allow configuring dontlognull/http-ignore-probes #174
- Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router builder & base images to be consistent with ART #198
- Updating ose-haproxy-router-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #197
- Bug 1885414: haproxy-config.template: Only enable HTX for HTTP/2 #194
- Full changelog
- BUG 1924870: UPSTREAM: 96901: plumb context with request deadline #549
- Bug 1915085: UPSTREAM: 98424: register all pending pod deletions and check for kill #551
- Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube builder & base images to be consistent with ART #449
- Bug 1894645: UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Fix cinder crash #510
- Revert OWNERS changes #544
- Bug 1917803: UPSTREAM: 98187: Skip PD tests on 1 node cluster #546
- Bug 1896558: Revert undesired multi az skip #545
- Bug 1920368: UPSTREAM: 98019: specify the container CPU set during the creation #541
- Bug 1868645: UPSTREAM: 94087: kubelet: node sync at least once #522
- Bug 1896558: Skip multiaz e2e #525
- Add DOWNSTREAM_OWNERS as preparation for #537
- Bug 1870342: UPSTREAM: 94684: e2e: Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation: clean remaining pods #534
- Bug 1882750: UPSTREAM: 98103: kubelet: Delete static pod gracefully and fix mirrorPodTerminationMap leak #531
- Bug 1899941: Override termination grace period on annotation #527
- Bug 1915945: UPSTREAM: 96990: Increase preemption timeout from 1 minute to 2 minutes #530
- Bug 1889420: Add dangling volume check for vsphere #445
- Bug 1841119: UPSTREAM: <carry>: kube-controller-manager: allow running bare kube-controller-manager #415
- Bug 1908880: UPSTREAM: 97980: kubelet: revert checking sandbox deletion #523
- Bug 1915582: UPSTREAM: 97860: move all variables in sampleAndWaterMarkHistograms::innerSet #520
- Bug 1903999: Httplog response code is always zero #494
- UPSTREAM: <carry>: (squash) Add detail to rebase doc #487
- adds a unit test for checking if graceful shutdown of HTTP2 server works #483
- Bug 1877812: UPSTREAM: 96889: Fix loopback device lookup #512
- Bug 1899760: UPSTREAM: 96754: reduce buckets for etcd_request_duration_seconds #515
- BUG 1913525: UPSTREAM: 97820: handle webhook authenticator and authorizer error #516
- Bug 1908407: UPSTREAM: 95269: Fix panic when kubelet register if a node object already exists with no Status.Capacity or Status.Allocatable #493
- Bug 1895329: UPSTREAM: 96751: Lower the frequency of volume plugin deprecation warning #491
- Bug 1912563: UPSTREAM: 97206: clean up executing request on panic #509
- Bug 1912563: UPSTREAM: 97323: fix the deadlock in priority and fairness config controller #508
- Bug 1913096: UPSTREAM: 97006: kubelet: Fix cadvisor machine metrics #507
- Bug 1908389: UPSTREAM: 97635: Cherry pick 443 and 448 from cloud provider azure #500
- Bug 1896244: UPSTREAM: 96467: Add GinkgoRecover to a local storage go routine #492
- Bug 1903346: UPSTREAM: 97013: Fix FibreChannel volume plugin corrupting filesystem on detach #489
- add sjenning and mrunalp to approvers and reviewers #505
- Bug 1897603: UPSTREAM: 96673: Fix Cinder volume detection on OpenStack Train #490
- Fix vendoring of shared libraries missed by 1.20 rebase. #488
- Bug 1907373: Rebase to kube v1.20.0 #471
- Bug 1770017: kubelet: do not rerun init containers if any main containers have status #481
- Bug 1903248: UPSTREAM: 87461: kubelet: ensure pod UIDs are unique #474
- Bug 1873114: Nodes goes into NotReady state (VMware) #472
- UPSTREAM: 94693: test/e2e: Busybox image is not being templatized #452
- Bug 1884800: Reduce volume name length for vsphere #461
- Bug 1893972: UPSTREAM: 96144: Skip the sig-storage e2e test as early as possible #451
- UPSTREAM: <carry>: Skip “subPath should be able to unmount” NFS test #450
- Bug 1897754: HPA: Ignore deleted pods. #462
- Bug 1893776: UPSTREAM: 96054: Allow debugging kubelet image pull times #460
- OCPCLOUD-914: UPSTREAM: 94526: Add vCenter info metric #447
- Bug 1877681: UPSTREAM: 95174: Don’t add empty AZ labels to OpenStack pre-provisioned PVs #440
- UPSTREAM: 96571: Use the busybox shim image constant #455
- scc-admission: add audit annotations with reason #444
- UPSTREAM 95002: no stack on panic timeout #456
- Revert “UPSTREAM: revert: <drop>: don’t use dynamic tokens for KCM” #459
- UPSTREAM: revert: <drop>: don’t use dynamic tokens for KCM #448
- Bug 1862643: UPSTREAM: 96120: kubelet: Expose a simple Get-WinEvent shim on the kubelet logs endpoint #383
- Bug 1870337: UPSTREAM: 96310: PV e2e: fix race in NFS recycling test #441
- UPSTREAM: <carry>: stop overriding flags that are explicitly set #439
- Bug 1887278: UPSTREAM: 95236: vsphere: improve logging message on node cache refresh event #432
- Revert “UPSTREAM: 95252: Kube-proxy: Perf-fix: Shrink INPUT chain” #434
- Bug 1816812: Allow test images to be in a single mirror #291
- Bug 1873043: Rebase to 1.19.2 #361
- Bug 1891459: UPSTREAM: 95867: Log PodExec stdout + stderr #427
- Bug 1884041: UPSTREAM: 95233: Add error text to kube-system wait error #395
- Bug 1879607: UPSTREAM: 95252: Kube-proxy: Perf-fix: Shrink INPUT chain #425
- UPSTREAM: 95495: remove secondary client retries in e2e tests #405
- Add component to OWNERS #422
- Bug 1889891: UPSTREAM: 94774: Fix misusage of RLock in timeCache lru.Cache.Get() #418
- Bug 1889786: UPSTREAM: 94712: avoid potential secret leaking while reading .dockercfg #417
- Bug 1887026: UPSTREAM: 95451: Fix fcpath #413
- Bug 1868527: Fix vsphere disk detach failing #408
- Fix networking-related test exclusions #382
- Bug 1888041: UPSTREAM: 95561: kubelet container status calculation doesn’t handle suddenly missing data properly #411
- Bug 1888663: wait for oauth-apiserver accessibility #403
- Bug 1887292: UPSTREAM: 95245: Mask Ceph RBD adminSecrets in logs when logLevel >= 4 #406
- Bug 1884035: set lastterminationstate for container status even when CRI fails to return termination (or any) data #393
- Bug 1884697: UPSTREAM: 95261: test: e2e: fix race in pods test #385
- Bug 1874583: fix kube-apiserver termination event(s) validation failures #336
- Bug 1848358: Show error in status if preserve unknown fields is true for nonstructural schemas #355
- Full changelog
- Bug 1925408: Remove StatefulSet gatherer & replace it with gathering “cluster-mon… #329
- Bug 1923892: Updates #323
- Bug 1922267: collect invalid resource name error from logs #327
- Bug 1923888: Fixes error metadata gathering #325
- Bug 1917799: Gather list of OLM operator names and versions & minor clean up #316
- Bug 1919778: Monitors how many gatherings failed in a row, and applies degraded status accordingly #320
- Bug 1921013: Gather PersistentVolume definition (if any) used in Image registry st… #319
- Bug 1918351: Gather SAP configuration (SCC & ClusterRoleBinding) #291
- Bug 1916843: collect logs from openshift-sdn-controller pod #314
- Bug 1918129: Update the sample archive and remove IP anonymization in clusteropera… #317
- Bug 1917367: Refactor periodic.go #302
- Bug 1917371: Adds docs for using the profiler #313
- Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #312
- Bug 1914975: Collect logs from openshift-sdn namespace #309
- Bug 1915188: Remove HostSubnet anonymization #310
- [release 4.7] Bug 1913356: Implemented gathering specific logs from openshift apiserver operator #273
- [release 4.7] Bug 1913343: Added changelog file #300
- Bug 1908400: tests-e2e, increase timeouts, re-add TestArchiveUploadedAndResultsReceived #298
- Bug 1882210: Upgrade OpenShift & K8s API versions #285
- Bug 1907876: Refactoring record and gatherer #279
- Bug 1907378: Gather netnamespaces network info #297
- Bug 1907293: e2e tests - increase timeouts little bit #296
- Skip TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived #295
- Adds github pull request template. #282
- Diskrecorder simplify the Summary function #255
- Update initial waiting times and give TestIsIOHealthy more time #292
- Check context status when checking container is running OK #289
- Adding a metrics report to IO gatherers #275
- First check IO container status and optionally delay first gathering #270
- Fix bug in statefulset gatherer & minor doc fix #281
- Cleanup clusterOperatorInsights helper function #267
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #277
- Bug 1900496: Collect complete spec info for cluster operator resources #266
- Bug 1903639: Add hostsubnet to sample archive & fix bug in the hostsu… #274
- Reuse archives & refactor archive checks + some fixes #264
- Fix clusteroperators serialization #272
- Init health status metrics to distinguish no report state vs 0 problems #271
- fix typos in docs and unused variable #268
- Improve container image collection #174
- Add IO Architecture doc and metrics sample #230
- Skip TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived #265
- Separating the gather logic into separate files #257
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #259
- Fix TestProxy in clusterauthorizer_test.go #260
- Update owners list #249
- Refactor isOperatorDegraded and isOperatorDisabled to operatorConditionCheck #236
- Add pattern/patterns to TestArchiveContains #196
- Bug 1893766: IO archive contains more records of than is the limit #246
- Gather clusteroperator resources #223
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #235
- Added TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived #241
- Simplify/generalize host subnet pattern #234
- Add more verbosity to the tests #237
- Gather StatefulSet configs from default & openshift namespaces #218
- Bug 1888172: Updates the sample archive. #220
- Bug 1888601: Fixes policyClient and the corresponding config. #225
- Fix test: Increase allowed delay in TestUploadNotDelayedAfterStart #173
- Bug 1883425: Gather installplans #192
- Bug 1887778: Adds ContainerRuntimeConfig gatherer #216
- Fix error in default Smart proxy report endpoint #212
- Take default support instead of rely on existence of config #211
- Bug 1882361: Get report from smart-proxy and expose overview as a metric #163
- Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #207
- Bug 1886751: Gather MachineConfigPools #210
- Bug 1886462: Add the namespace to the gatherers reports to avoid conflicts #209
- Report the returned response body to log the error detail from #142
- Bug 1884221: IO becomes unhealthy due to a file change #198
- Gather ServiceAccounts stats from cluster namespaces #200
- Full changelog
- Bug 1918558: Update ironic version with Supermicro boot fix #145
- Bug 1910739: Update ironic version to fix idrac bug #143
- Bug 1920294: Update version of pyghmi library #137
- Bug 1915828: Latest Dell firmware ( fails to install IPI on BM using idrac-virtualmedia protocol #142
- Updating ironic builder & base images to be consistent with ART #118
- Bug 1917938: Update dnsmasq version #140
- Bug 1916145: Explicitly set minimum versions of python libraries #132
- Bug 1902653: Wait for expected number of drivers starting API #134
- Bug 1909730: Prevent unbound variable error in prepare-image #133
- Bug 1906806: Introduce separate ARG for extra packages list #129
- Bug 1906397: Fix incorrect IPA option #131
- Add options to disable TLS validations #127
- Merge metal3-io/ironic-inspector-image as of Nov 30, 2020 #126
- Add additional drivers to enabled BIOS interface #124
- Bug 1894146: Limit the default number of API workers to 4 #119
- Bug 1893648: Secure boot compatible ESP image #114
- Ironic log watch cherry-pick #121
- Use [] around IPv6 address for conductor host config #113
- Bug 1862608: Install syslinux-nonlinux #112
- Revert “Bug 1862608: Install and configure for syslinux-nonlinux” #111
- Sync upstream patches down to openshift #110
- Re-enable automated_clean #109
- Updating ironic builder & base images to be consistent with ART #108
- Bug 1862608: Install and configure for syslinux-nonlinux #106
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-hardware-inventory-recorder-image builder & base images to be consistent with ART #501
- Use dnf and clean cache #498
- Full changelog
- Bug 1916145: Explicitly set minimum versions of python libraries #56
- Updating ironic-inspector builder & base images to be consistent with ART #54
- Remove chmod command in Dockerfile #53
- Take advantage of multi files COPY to simplify Dockerfile #52
- Add options to disable TLS validations #51
- Merge metal3-io/ironic-inspector-image as of Nov 30, 2020 #50
- Add entry point to dump ramdisk inspection logs #47
- Updating ironic-inspector builder & base images to be consistent with ART #46
- Updating ironic-inspector builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
- Full changelog
- Bug 1908493: Update version of ironic-images package #57
- Trigger a build #55
- Use new ironic-python-agent images #49
- Bug 1894992: Add tenacity to installed packages, and hack eventlet to workaround a bug #47
- Copy images to shared volume #33
- Updating ironic-ipa-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
- Full changelog
- Allow uncompressed input URL #32
- Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Updating ironic-rhcos-downloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #30
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-static-ip-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #15
- Bug 1911664: Toggle addr_gen_mode to 1 and back #14
- Bug 1901040: Force addr_gen_mode to “0” on PROVISIONING_INTERFACE #12
- Updating ironic-static-ip-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #11
- Updating ironic-static-ip-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #10
- Full changelog
- Bug 1923036: Fix monitored Jenkins templates display names #1208
- Bug 1918623: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1199
- Bug 1918622: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1198
- Bug 1918625: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1200
- Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1197
- Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1196
- Bug 1899111: Update Maven version to 3.6 in maven agent #1195
- Bug 1904307: Update ant plugin CVE-2020-11979 #1192
- Bug 1896404: various fixes #1187
- Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1164
- Bug 1897584: add casc plugins #1184
- Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1167
- Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1168
- Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1166
- Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1165
- Bug 1888900: Align plugin version #1173
- updating the scl_source enable from rh-maven35 to rh-maven36 #1169
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-prometheus-adapter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #43
- Bug 1907390: bump to k8s 1.20 #41
- MON-1302: Bump k8s-prometheus-adapter to v0.8.2 #40
- Populate both CPU and Memory resource container metrics if one is specified #33
- Bug 1885243: bump to prometheus-adapter 0.8.1 #35
- Bug 1819053: bump to v0.8.0 #32
- Updating ose-prometheus-adapter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Full changelog
- Updating openshift-enterprise-keepalived-ipfailover builder & base images to be consistent with ART #46
- Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #63
- Bug 1907924: enable madvdontneed for golang #61
- Update owners for Net Edge components #59
- Bug 1896170: Egress router: Add iptables package to Dockerfile #55
- Revert “Merge pull request #52 from jupierce/bump_haproxy” #58
- Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #51
- haproxy22 is currently tagged in for 4.7 builds #52
- Updating ose-egress-http-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
- Updating openshift-enterprise-egress-dns-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #49
- Updating openshift-enterprise-pod builder & base images to be consistent with ART #47
- Updating openshift-enterprise-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #44
- Full changelog
- Bug 1903414: Do not use egressIP on reply packets #236
- Updating ose-sdn builder & base images to be consistent with ART #245
- Updating kube-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #246
- Bug 1905761: Fix empty egress policy connectivity #239
- Bug 1915027: Fix MCS-blocking iptables rules #243
- Bug 1914284: Don’t try to generate NetworkPolicy flows for non-pod-network pods #240
- Bug 1905761: Fix IP list for empty Egress network policy #233
- Bug 1906844: Handle unsupported EndpointSlice and EndpointSliceProxying feature gates #230
- update to kube 1.20 #227
- Bug 1897073: Don’t throw an error for control plane VNID #220
- Bug 1896958: NetworkPolicy performance (pod caching) #226
- Make binaries not stripped #221
- sdn: update to OVS 2.13 #162
- Dockerfile: add tcpdump for debugging #201
- Bug 1892376: Ignore if netns is already deleted while deleting ns #214
- Modifications for klog v2. #207
- Bug 1890130: fix pod creation deadlock #209
- Owners: Remove Phil from reviewers #208
- Bug 1878845: Fix ruleversion #204
- Run metrics when using standalone kube-proxy #202
- Updating ose-sdn builder & base images to be consistent with ART #199
- Updating kube-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #200
- Allow running openshift-sdn with standalone kube-proxy #198
- update egress dns code for dual-stack… #164
- Add documentation to openshift/sdn #185
- Full changelog
- Updating kube-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #43
- MON-1208: Fix unit tests #41
- Update OWNERS file #40
- Bug 1885245: Bump klog to v2 and client-go to v0.18.9 #38
- Updating kube-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
- Full changelog
- Set firmware attribute in libvirt domain for aarch64 #214
- Use SPICE graphics only for x86_64 #215
- Full changelog
- Updating local-storage-static-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #30
- Bug 1912977: rebase static-provisioner against 2.4.0 release #28
- Bug 1913037: Updating local-storage-static-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #27
- Full changelog
- Bug 1918524: Update Makefile to work with containers #789
- Bug 1915114: allow machine-api-controllers to access configmaps in openshift-config-managed #787
- Bug 1915962: Add exclusion annotation for machine health check on ROKS #788
- Bug 1915473: Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #774
- Bug 1907380: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging for operator #781
- Bug 1905709: Drain: ignore gracePeriod on unreachable kublets #780
- Bug 1909108: Upgrade dependencies to controller-runtime v0.7.0 and K8s 1.20 #705
- Bug 1907380: Reduce verbosity of kube-rbac-proxy logging #776
- Bug 1903733: MachineSet: Prefer to delete non-Running machines during scale down #772
- Bug 1805639: Validate credentialsSecret #673
- Bug 1882723: vSphere: Create warning on invalid specs and remove defaults #732
- Update kubectl dep #771
- Refactor webhook syncronization to work with library-go implementation #642
- add bound serviceaccount token to machine-controller #743
- Bug 1882608: Add warning when govcloud and spot are enabled in Azure #765
- Add missing default cluster profile annotation #775
- add mapi_machinehealthcheck_short_circuit metric #755
- Update RBAC to enable access to machineconfig object for the baremetal controller #766
- Bug 1880161: Set retry timeout for actuator.Update() failures #759
- Add missing default profile annotation #769
- Don’t use external remediation on failed Machines #688
- Ensure provider dependencies are up to date #768
- Bug 1880787: Remove changes required to deploy metal3 pods from MAO #767
- Bug 1902253: Ensure zero value of remediationsAllowed is printed #762
- Bug 1902157: Fix spelling of automountServiceAccountToken #761
- Add Kubevirt provider #716
- Add machine API hacking guide #726
- add mapi_machinehealthcheck_remediation_success_total metric #754
- update openshift/library-go #757
- add mapi_machinehealthcheck_nodes_covered metric #752
- add more FAQ information about annotations, labels, and taints #582
- Bug 1890456: Cleanup and refactor vSphere metrics #733
- Add simple overview user document #731
- Add
field to MHC status #652
- Bug 1895838: Remove extraneous code comments #745
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #750
- Bug 1889620: Warn MachineSet with publicIp set in disconnected install #749
- Bug 1896704: Inject cluster-wide proxy configuration in to machine-api-controller deployment #725
- Update resources to allow termination handler to apply conditions #627
- Bug 1889620: Azure disconnected reject publicIP setting #746
- Add verify-diff check in generate task and enable in CI #744
- Bug 1820083: configure metal3 metrics collection #671
- OCPCLOUD-898: Use klog/controller runtime-logger in mao #624
- Validate AWS instance tenancy in webhook #742
- Update Cloud Provider dependencies #741
- Bug 1876469: Fix link on MachineSet Spec Metadata description #739
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #738
- vSphere: Enter Failed phase on invalid configuration #735
- Add documentation section for ‘mapi_instance_OP_failed’ metrics #717
- Bug 1884632: Bump Azure dependency to include BYOK encryption fields #730
- Add HistogramVector to track transition into different Machine phases #640
- Add TroubleShooting Guide #721
- Bug 1876469: Fix MHC annotation and update generated artifacts #719
- add tool for pushing vendor updates to consuming repos easier #687
- Full changelog
- Bug 1925319: configure-ovs: fix bash syntax error #2392
- Bug 1921248: KubeletConfig: validation warning in CRD and Docs #2391
- Bug 1923874: KubeletConfig: Drop validation for kubeletconfig #2390
- Bug 1919271: NM resolve prepender: Update for systemd-resolved logic. systemd-resolved requires restart after dropin created #2377
- Bug 1923874: KubeletConfig: Revert “Fix KubeletConfig validation for invalid values” #2383
- Bug 1920027: templates: split crio dropins into separate files #2378
- Add platform aliases #2280
- Bug 1916363: Fix how files from system-connections-merged get copied into system-connections #2362
- Bug 1904133: kubeletcfg: fix repeated status error msg #2369
- Bug 1919271: [on-prem] NM resolve prepender: support appending a nameserver for systemd-resolved #2359
- Bug 1922454: Enable crio pprof profile over unix socket #2372
- Bug 1920027: use separate dropin files for kubelet #2365
- Bug 1840881: Make the kubelet config CR to MC mapping 1:1 #2366
- Bug 1920027: daemon: handle zero-length dropins/units #2363
- Bug 1921248: KubeletConfig validation warning in CRD and Docs #2358
- Bug 1913536: update.go: add broken symlink check + removal during unit enable #2338
- Bug 1915235: add imagefs.inodesFree to resourceFields #2361
- Bug 1825417: Make the ctrcfg CR to MC mapping 1:1 #2310
- Bug 1918415: check dropins for nil-pointers #2351
- Bug 1907929: enable madvdontneed in system components #2299
- Bug 1882674: use environment file for proxy settings #2342
- Bug 1918471: fix custom featuregates and add a unit test #2352
- Bug 1882209: baremetal & friends: Set coredns forward policy to sequential #2122
- Bug 1918440: daemon: add check before updating kernelArgs #2349
- Revert “Bug 1909502: pkg/operator: tolerate removal of etcd records from proxy config” #2346
- Bug 1873593: fix error args paring causing unresolved string #2339
- Bug 1916711: vendor: update kubernetes and dependencies to 1.20.0 #2344
- Bug 1909502: pkg/operator: tolerate removal of etcd records from proxy config #2315
- Bug 1891825: Mode mismatch fix for confusing strings #2340
- Bug 1913582: fix IsLikeTraditionalRhel7() to account for minor versions #2332
- Bug 1910738: [on-prem] fix nodeip-configuration.service template #2326
- Bug 1907639: Pass dual-stack node IPs to kubelet in dual-stack clusters #2277
- Bug 1911632: daemon/update: fix regression in realtime upgrades #2329
- Bug 1865743: Add a prestart line to change ownership of openvswitch dir #2316
- Bug 1910165: [baremetal] Correctly handle multiple ipv6 addresses on interface #2312
- Bug 1913154: update.go: only set BFQ scheduler for masters #2325
- Bug 1911468: [baremetal] Handle OVNKubernetes on ipv4 correctly in static-dhcp #2323
- Bug 1891460: KubeletConfig: Allow only positive values for KubeReserved, SystemReserved, EvictionHard and EvictionSoft #2314
- Bug 1882140: KubeletConfig: Add the description to kubelet config CRD #2320
- Add Ben Howard (darkmuggle) to OWNERS #2322
- Bug 1909943: check for scheduler support before setting #2317
- Bug 1844990: Bump GoLang to 1.15 for improved TLS Security #2303
- Bug 1908648: [test] Skip TestKernelType on OKD #2256
- Bug 1908159: operator: fix error syncing cloud config with CA data but no cloud config #2305
- Bug 1901376: Fix upgrade issue with DNS controllerconfig field #2306
- Bug 1880259: Fixes setting route metric for ovs-config #2304
- Bug 1907671: Handle keepalived hangs in liveness probe #1972
- Bug 1907333: daemon: Revert code to remove rollback #2302
- Bug 1885365: daemon: properly handle unit enable/disables #2145
- Revert “Bug 1888565: daemon: Explicitly start rpm-ostreed” #2296
- Bug 1888565: daemon: Explicitly start rpm-ostreed #2291
- Bug 1886636: update ctrcfg crd to make spec & containerruntimeconfig required #2156
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #2221
- Bug 1904124: [baremetal] Add check for default connection id to static DHCPv6 script #2285
- operator: allow kube-cloud-config cm with CA data but no cloud config #2208
- Bug 1899350: Include dhcp client-id and bond options during ovs-configuration #2264
- Bug 1903290: kubelet: refactor KUBELET_LOG_LEVEL into KubeletConfig field #2262
- templates: Set vSphere hostname from guestinfo before NM starts #2282
- Create drop in file for ContainerRuntimeSearchRegistries #2276
- daemon: Rework operating system conditionals #2242
- [baremetal and friends] Drop unnecessary readiness probes #2073
- *: switch to v3.2.0 Ignition configs instead of v3.1.0 #2248
- templates: add apiserver-url.env file #2232
- templates: use Afterburn for setting GCP hostnames #2217
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #2268
- Add dispatcher script to statically configure DHCP address #2188
- daemon: selectively reboot based on diffs of applied MCs #2259
- Add ipv6 support to static DHCP configuration #2275
- Bug 1873556: [on-prem] inject the proxy into the env for NetworkManager.service #2266
- Bug 1898036: Copy files from NM overlay onto /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections #2263
- docs: Fix broken ostree url #2270
- Bug 1901472: Only enable unicast mode on platform that asked for it #2255
- operator: prevent upgrades on degraded pools #2231
- Bug 1879099: Inject version into controllerconfig, refuse mismatches #2206
- Bump openshift/api and openshift/client-go #2253
- Bug 1899600: daemon: Only switch to bfq scheduler when we have an OS update #2243
- Bug 1899603: daemon: do not roll back on non-*COS machines #2241
- templates: move recycler pod out of kubelet manifests directory #2238
- Move MDNS config file to common directory #2234
- Bug 1880259: ovs-configuration: use NM default ethernet route metric #2136
- Add kubevirt platform #2098
- Bug 1895360: pkg/daemon: don’t delete a file if its replaced with a dropin #2196
- templates: Disable SSH keys lookup from authorized_keys.d on FCOS #2087
- Fix CRIO PidsLimit json tag #2104
- daemon: Remove rollback deployment #2220
- controller: cleanup: Remove unnecessary patch methods #1981
- Bug 1897361: ctrcfg_test: Wait for our prior target config #2229
- FAQ: Add a “debugging node join” section #2219
- Move some deduped templates back to where they belong #2209
- Bug 1895099: Fix VSphere UPI not populating PlatformStatus #2207
- Bug 1896898: Fix awk syntax in #2228
- Bug 1894477: Fix bash in nodeip-configuration.service #2199
- Bug 1895385: Drop kubelet logging back down to level 3 #2211
- Bug 1873288: server: Target the spec configuration if we have at least one node #2035
- owners: Add mdbooth to approvers #2201
- Revert “crio: drop infra container when possible” #2204
- FAQ: add entry about RHEL worker nodes #2203
- Bump to the latest Ignition 2.7.0 #2197
- templates/master/00-master/_base/files: remove etcd-root-ca #2183
- crio: drop infra container when possible #2177
- Dedupe on-prem templates #2079
- Create and enable overlay mount point for NetworkManager #2017
- Bug 1889912: vendor in drain fix for using high cpu #2191
- Bug 1892448: daemon: add back metrics for pivot error #2189
- controller: Reflect pool paused status in Updating #2095
- Remove BootstrapIP from Keepalived template #2185
- Bug 1891460: kubelet: add eviction hard validation #2182
- Dedupe on-prem bootstrap manifests #2071
- Bug 1866873: update MCDDrainErr to reduce cardinality & fix nodename #2044
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #2180
- Bug 1890074: daemon: allow one to one mapping of extension on OKD #2181
- update owners file #2186
- Updating ose-machine-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #2144
- Bug 1890074: daemon: allow an extension to install group of packages #2170
- Bug 1887545: Fix ovs-configuration detecting bond and vlan interfaces #2152
- docs/OSUpgrades: Doc /etc/ignition-machine-config-encapsulated.json #2172
- server: More unit testing for MCS Ignition version #2171
- Bug 1879283: *: add nil check when decoding File.Contents.Source #2123
- Bug 1890250: mcs: Ensure that the encapsulated config is spec 2 if requested #2167
- Add a new ShiftStack team member #2165
- Bug 1872001: Stop using EtcdDiscoveryDomain in templates #2025
- Bug 1867608: ds/machine-config-daemon: Set maxUnavailable 10% #1992
- docs/custom-pools: Describe a little about nodes and pools and updates #2135
- Bug 1887040: OVS config: check if OVS is installed #2154
- Bug 1884165: firstboot.service: disable existing repos before pivot #2092
- Bug 1877071: vSphere - Limit the number of nameservers to 3 #2064
- Fix example to include directives required for alerting #2149
- Bug 1849543: Use mc name as finalizer for kubelet config #2076
- Bug 1865839: daemon: better error reporting for rpm-ostree operations #2097
- Bug 1882191: Add GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 to systemd DefaultEnvironment #2141
- baremetal: bootstrap api vip until down #1995
- Expand question/answer section #2129
- FAQ: Discuss changing partitioning #2128
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #23
- Bug 1898097: Update zeroconf to pull in rate-limiting fix #21
- Add component details to OWNERS #19
- Updating ose-mdns-publisher builder & base images to be consistent with ART #18
- Full changelog
- Bug 1900835: Multus should exit zero on DEL when cache file is missing and pod cannot be found. #82
- Sync for OpenShift 4.7 (includes Device ID changes) #83
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #10
- Full changelog
- Bug 1916417: Gather Kuryr CRDs data #201
- Bug 1906655: Add openvswitch services to must-gather #199
- Bug 1906968: Add kubernetes-nmstate resources to must-gather #198
- NE-356: Add HAProxy config files to must-gather #189
- Add Data collection for ovn-ipsec encrypted clusters #196
- Bug 1862643: Collect docker logs from WinEvent log on Windows machines #195
- Remove namespace #194
- Updating ose-must-gather builder & base images to be consistent with ART #193
- Adding Bugzilla component information to must-gather #190
- Split resources to named and groups #136
- Enhance must-gather for networking #187
- Add olm resources to default must-gather #182
- adding collection script for validation and mutatin admission webhooks #124
- Fix broken link #148
- gather_network_logs: specfiy sdn container for sdn pods #180
- Fixed core dumps message #181
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon builder & base images to be consistent with ART (#29) #29
- Modify the owners file to accomodate bz component. (#30) #30
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Bug 1913325: bump kube to 0.20.1 #35
- move username and groupname validation to apiserver-library-go #32
- allow users list their own access tokens #24
- Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #29
- Makefile: prepare test-e2e endpoint #31
- bumps kubernetes-apiserver #30
- brings TokenReview client timeout #28
- register api groups to
early #26
- pin to #25
- bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #23
- Full changelog
- Bug 1879878: remove logging when authz header is present but basic auth is not attempted #197
- Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #196
- Bug 1884131: fix e2e tests to use aws cluster supplied by the CI #148
- Bug 1884565: don’t segfault on wrong option combination #191
- Full changelog
- Updating oauth-server builder & base images to be consistent with ART #62
- brings TokenReview client timeout #61
- pin to #60
- bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #59
- Full changelog
- Bug 1912590: Populate publicDockerImageRepository for new image streams #181
- Bug 1896977: Enhance API host name validation #167
- Bug 1900989: policy/unidling-controller: allow get/update on services #180
- Bug 1915661: update image-pruner role to include jobs, cronjobs and statefulsets #177
- Bug 1910257: bump( #174
- Bug 1913325: Bump to 1.20.1 #171
- Bug 1867380: When using webhooks in OCP 4.5 fails to rollout latest deploymentconfig #165
- Updating ose-openshift-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #159
- Remove the code serving the oauth and user APIs #154
- Use imageapi with custom v1.SecretList type #158
- bumps kubernetes-apiserver #160
- brings TokenReview client timeout #157
- pin to #155
- bumps (library-go) #153
- IR-113: OCI Schema support for ImageStream import #145
- checking conversions for upstream changes. #150
- Bug 1866605: metadata.generation not getting set/updated #149
- bumps to kube 1.19.2 and picks up our carries to apiserver package #148
- Bug 1884270: bypass golang url parsing with scp styled ssh git URLs; refactor URL for older git clients #147
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #158
- Bug 1900989: unidling: switch away from endpoints to the service #165
- remove use of BUILD_ISOLATION env var (no longer inspected in openshift/builder) #160
- Bug 1908459: BUILD-148: bump(*): k8s 1.20.0 #151
- Bug 1860136: Fix for Annotation was not propagated to the route when changes made to existing ingress object #149
- BUILD-187: Detect if image trigger ID was cleared #150
- Bug 1887745: Listing All Events with Chunking #145
- Updating ose-openshift-controller-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #148
- Bug 1891362: Remove the openshift_build_result_total metric #143
- Add Build Result Counter Metric #125
- Full changelog
- Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #66
- Update OWNERS file #64
- Bug 1885249: Replace klog with klog v2 #63
- Bug 1885249: Replace glog with klog v2 #62
- Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #60
- Bug 1886111: Revert “Merge pull request #59 from paulfantom/klog” #61
- Bug 1885249: Replace glog with klog v2 #59
- Full changelog
- Bug 1921954: Clarify subscription constraint strings in resolution failures. #1990
- Bug 1899588: Only re-create operator resource if it has existing components #1938
- Bug 1917537: Fix time comparison in CSV reconcile loop #1974
- Bug 1920526: Fix zero-delay resyncs for certain registry update policies. #1982
- Use docker driver for minikube installation test. #1983
- fix: improve stalebot configuration for github issue tracking #1975
- Bug 1916021: Fix infinite loop when a CSV replacement chain contains a cycle. #1966
- Bug 1909992: Allow private bundle images within private indexes #1941
- Bug 1910160: Update OperatorCondition controller to watch deps #1942
- Bug 1913085: use OLM client when installing CRDs #1888
- Add joelanford to OWNERS as reviewer #1948
- Bug 1913132: Create CSV Deployments with OpCond EnvVar #1943
- Bug 1905850: Fix operatorcondition role verbs #1939
- Bug 1912565: update moby/term dependency #1918
- Bug 1908596: Use correct caBundle for ‘olmcahash’ annotation #1933
- Bug 1907329: Update /manifests with default cluster profile annotation #1887
- Bug 1907792: Change the OperatorUpgradeable condition to Upgradeable #1911
- Bug 1910160: Create OperatorConditions for CSVs being installed #1900
- Bug 1907381: CSV Annotations override pod annotations #1913
- Bug 1908471: Bump deps k8s 1.20 #1903
- Docs channel naming design #1905
- Bug 1905299: fix(olm): Verify ServiceAccount ownership before installing deployment #1904
- Bug 1906134: Don’t create OperatorConditions for copied CSVs #1899
- Bug 1903034: Reduce log noise from OLM #1901
- Bug 1905599: Preserve original .status.lastUpdateTime in copied CSVs. #1892
- Bug 1905640: fix(e2e): Fix subscription manual approval flaky test #1896
- Add OLM support for the Upgradeable OperatorCondition and Admin overrides #1885
- Bug 1857877: check the service account owner in the requirement #1881
- Create operatorcondition for operator #1875
- Add authentication for private index images #1878
- Bug 1898500: Support InstallPlan steps upgrading existing ClusterIP Services. #1884
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #1832
- Bug 1899835: fix(catalog): be defensive about directly indexing catalog pods #1876
- (chore): add default label to issues #1873
- Bug 1841175: Recreate pending installplan if deleted before approval #1843
- Bump k8s dependencies to v0.19.3 #1862
- Allow ConsoleYAMLSample resources from bundle manifests #1616
- Bug 1819457: Services should not have duplicate ownerrefs #1855
- fix the comment in package-server #1844
- Generate changelog for v0.17.0. #1850
- Replace assertions for csv-e2e to use Gomega’s matcher library #1507
- Bug 1891995: Add spec hash to service’s label to ensure service is correct #1848
- Generate manifests for v0.17.0. #1849
- Bump version to 0.17.0. #1842
- Convert scoped_client_test to ginkgo #1500
- Replace assertions in Catalog-e2e to use Gomega’s Matcher library #1502
- Bug 1891898: Set default, min, and max values on Webhook ports #1835
- Bug 1889838: fix race in Operator reconcilation #1823
- Bug 1888073: prevent no-op hotlooping on Operators #1816
- fix typo #1807
- Bug 1875247: Add package check for the channel head querying #1748
- Bug 1879248: OLM mounts CA Certs where Kubebuilder expects #1808
- Bug 1885403: Improve transitionCSVState error logs #1803
- fix typo in the error message #1741
- Updating operator-lifecycle-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1799
- Bug 1885398: Retrieve CA from conversion webhooks for CA Hash #1797
- Bug 1880473: remove extraneous manifests in installplan #1798
- doc: add reporting bugs doc and small nit improvements in the README #1480
- Full changelog
- Bug 1908431: Preserve custom catsrc w/ default catsrc name on restart #373
- Fix upstream deployment #342
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #355
- Format logs info #361
- Bug 1896160: Marketplace should report when it is degraded #364
- Bug 1868770: Allow catsrc with default catsrc name in disconnected env #359
- Bug 1891993: clean up child resources for old opsrcs #358
- Bug 1838352: Don’t report OperatorExited to ClusterOperator #354
- remove the unused resyncInterval #352
- Add bugzilla component to OWNERS file #353
- Bug 1885376: Remove condition around marketplace OperatorAvailable status update #347
- Full changelog
- fix: use none driver without sudo in upstream minikube e2e tests #572
- Bug 1920205: use secure local registry for e2e tests #552
- Bug 1904297: Unexpected images left in
after pruning #556
- Bug 1915408: load required docker images for kind cluster in e2e test #548
- Bug 1909464: Fix windows build with golang 1.15 #541
- Bug 1907632: Bump k8s deps to 1.20 #537
- chore: move upstream tests from travisCI #536
- Bug 1883560: Avoid duplicate registry binaries across downstream image layers. #531
- Disable broken ppc64le and s390x release builds. #530
- Bug 1902824: fix(index): account for default channel in index add order #528
- Bug 1895367: Include the bundle image itself as a related image. #527
- feat: add opm support for optional validators and custom category validation #495
- fix(indexing): respect strict mode #523
- copy .git directory for build tag info #509
- Bug 1885425: fix(indexing): order bulk add by version field #503
- fix the description of validation “RegistryV1” format #480
- Add ConsoleYamlSamples to the supported resources #432
- Updating operator-registry builder & base images to be consistent with ART #516
- Bug 1889388: Reconstruct replaces and skips for ListBundles from channel_entry. #512
- Bug 1889721: add skippatch unit test #505
- Bump k8s dependencies to v0.19.3 #515
- Fix Go version used by release job to 1.14.z. #508
- Bug 1894278: (fix) close connection to db #506
- Build upstream releases with Go 1.14 instead of 1.15. #501
- Produce opm linux release binaries for ppc64le and s390x. #500
- Add Github Actions release workflow. #496
- Completely populate test database before executing tests. #494
- Remove unused file. #493
- Add coverage report job. #490
- Bug 1889388: Set replaces in ListBundles query result using channel entries. #483
- Start listening on test server port before running tests. #491
- Bug 1889721: Check prerelease version for semver-skippatch mode #486
- Bug 1881527: fix(opm): properly deprecate export flag ‘-o’ #485
- Bug 1883773: Fix path separator in generated bundle Dockerfiles on Windows. #481
- Add writable workdir to configmap registry image. #475
- Fix test flake based on random aggregate error order. #477
- Make the inability to create /etc/nsswitch.conf non-fatal. #474
- Bug 1883905: (fix) concurrent writes during image pulls #464
- Bug 1883560: fix(dockerfile): clean out tmp directory after binaries are placed #461
- update the help info of the export subcommand #290
- Add USER for non-root image usage #425
- fix the comments of LabelDependency in the type definition #454
- OWNERS: add operator-sdk reviewers estroz, joelanford, jmrodri #469
- Full changelog
- Bug 1918287: pass ovirtClient to identity and remove redundant call to Test connection #67
- Bug 1904385: make ControllerPublishVolume idempotent #63
- Revert “Abstract all NodeService tools call” #60
- Abstract all NodeService tools call #59
- disable metrics #53
- Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #54
- Bug 1899565: support raw block devices #57
- Add bugzilla info to OWNERS #58
- bump go-ovirt and run make vendor #55
- Remove all deployment yamls and reffer to the operator #52
- Full changelog
- Bug 1918395: increase livenessProbe period #43
- Updating ose-cluster-ovirt-csi-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #34
- Bug 1912949: Set proxy config in CSI driver containers #40
- Add bugzilla info to OWNERS #36
- bump go-ovirt to 2020-10-23 #35
- Bug 1896320: Bail immediately if we failed to create an OvirtClient #33
- check FollowLink errors #31
- Full changelog
- Bug 1917872: Rebase on latest go-ovirt sdk 2021-01-12 #84
- Bug 1912567: handle node removal from oVirt #82
- Bug 1898487: Node is not removed when VM has been removed from oVirt engine #77
- Bug 1897138: Port to machine-api-operator #75
- Update OWNERS with bugzilla info #74
- Update OWNERS #73
- Update OWNERS #72
- Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #71
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
- Update OWNERS #67
- MON-1175: Revert “web/ui: disable React-based UI” #66
- Bump v2.22.2 #65
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #64
- Bump Prometheus to v2.22.1 #63
- Bug 1885235: bump Prometheus to v2.22.0 #61
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #60
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #41
- Update OWNERS file #40
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
- Full changelog
- Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #106
- Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #105
- MON-1302: Bump prometheus-operator to v0.44.1 #102
- Update OWNERS file #100
- Bug 1893798: MON-1302: Bump prometheus-operator to v0.44.0 #101
- Bug 1885244: bump to v0.43.0 #98
- Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #96
- Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #97
- Full changelog
- Bug 1917683: text_collectors: do not use space as a replacement for escape characters #79
- Bug 1917683: Remove escape characters #78
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #76
- Bug 1906570: Capture the number of boots by reading wtmp #74
- Update OWNERS file #73
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #72
- Updating golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #70
- Full changelog
- Bug 1887392: bump kube to 0.20.1 and lib-go to master to pick up authn/z caching #134
- Bug 1806915: remove runlevel=1 from service-ca-operator owned namespaces #109
- Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #132
- Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #131
- Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #130
- Bug 1895141: prevent panics in service-ca injectors #129
- add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #128
- move controller boilerplate to lib-go controller factory #121
- Full changelog
- Bug 1919360: Add ACM Managed cluster reporting rule #366
- Bug 1905330: jsonnet: add memory requests to client containers #370
- Makefile: enable jsonnetfmt check #365
- jsonnet/telemeter: Add a rule for normalizing ebs_account data #363
- jsonnet/telemeter: Record which cloudpak a cluster appears to be #361
- Updating telemeter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #362
- Full changelog
- tests: Double up the network stress test pressure #25859
- Bug 1915912: Fix CSI snapshotter image version #25862
- Bug 1924128: Allow RHE7 /run contents for build fs test #25854
- tests: Upgrade tests should always include success output #25860
- Updating openshift-enterprise-tests builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25788
- Bug 1917803: Bump( #25852
- Bug 1900989: test/extended/router: add idle/unidle e2e test #25850
- test: Upgrade should prereq early tests #25849
- Bug 1922991: allow OKD /run contents for build fs test #25845
- Bug 1923737: Add
to the tests command #25837
- Bug 1900989: Drop endpoints mocks from idle tests #25844
- Bug 1921857: Router should require multiple 200 responses (hit multiple instances of the router) before continuing the test #25835
- test: Use wildfly 20 since 19 can no longer be accessed at quay #25846
- test/cmd/ create imagestreamtag –from is a tag #25841
- Bug 1904684: fix missing bits in tests #25839
- Bug 1914894: get stdout only when invoking oc process #25826
- test: etcd leader changes should be measured over the test, not the run #25834
- Bug 1921088: don’t wait for PV removal in #25827
- Bug 1904684: get rid of in tests #25746
- Bug 1916897: add test to verify build /run fs contents #25810
- Bug 1913751: Add openshift/network/third-party suite, for CNI plugin conformance #25785
- Bug 1870342: UPSTREAM: 94684: e2e: Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation: clean remaining pods #25820
- Bug 1896188: bump build timeout to 10m and deploy to 2m in oc debug #25823
- add additional settling debug information #25819
- test/ginkgo: When –count is used tests all fail together #25813
- tests: Synthetic tests moved up and out of test infra #25811
- Bug 1915945: UPSTREAM: 96990: Increase preemption timeout from 1 minute to 2 minutes #25809
- Bug 1852289: Add libvirt to the list of unsupported platforms for LB service #25586
- Bug 1896188: wait for RC presence before starting debug session #25803
- Bug 1914894: make tests more resilient #25807
- Bug 1902702: fix ldap group sync tests and move them from bash to golang #25738
- test: Fail if nodes go unready during a normal parallel run #25787
- Bug 1896244: Bump( #25792
- Updating ose-hello-openshift builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25793
- Bug 1915907: replace test/cmd/ direct/indirect refs with imagestream image refs #25798
- Bug 1914894: make cmd tests more resilient #25802
- test: Only consider rule evaluation failures in current window #25789
- Bug 1916419: broaden acceptance of scl sample s2i image usage messages #25799
- Bug 1914343: Replacing centos with ubi in image-annotation test. #25786
- Add consoleplugins to list of console resource exceptions #25794
- Bug 1908217: server-side apply e2e: fix oauthclientauthorization race with KCM #25780
- Bug 1904679: drop from image tests #25744
- test: Allow tests that check invariants over time to be constrained #25784
- test: Assess average series rather than max over the test window #25783
- Bug 1908675: Re-Enable fsgroup policy test #25775
- Bug 1896977: Match e2e test to new enhanced host name validation #25770
- Bug 1907373: Tests for kube rebase to 1.20.0 #25764
- Bug 1904683: add build s2i as root uid image for associated tests #25745
- Bug 1886160: Improve reliability of e2-aws-disruptive #25707
- test: Update images README and add OWNERS #25769
- Bug 1903674: Revert “Temporary disable tests broken upstream” #25735
- Skip table tests broken by 1.20 rebase #25766
- Bug 1907373: Fix build test CM count #25761
- extended-tests: kube-apiserver: switch flowcontrol storage to alpha #25760
- Bug 1901982: clean up remaining build busybox refs after claytons overhaul #25740
- Bug 1906588: normalize ginkgo structuring so we avoid timing windows with k8s e2e setup when changing user #25754
- Bug 1906713: Add consolequickstarts to list of console resource exceptions #25756
- allow operators to settle after MCPs are done upgrading #25755
- add kubevirt as a provide to openshift tests #25743
- Updating openshift-enterprise-tests builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25685
- Bug 1905232: Append image test should be relative to the tools image #25749
- Fix minor bit to make oc validation possible & remove unused test files #25718
- e2e/cli: move to proper e2e #25710
- Fix panic dereferencing nil #25737
- Tolerate 1.20 error message in test-cmd #25731
- Fix cluster quota test to tolerate a new default config map in every namespace #25730
- Bug 1816812: Enable mirroring test images offline #24887
- [Feature:LDAP][Serial] ldap group sync can sync groups from ldap: do not oc cp nonexisting folders #25715
- Replace oc –config with oc –kubeconfig #25725
- Temporary disable tests broken upstream #25732
- Bug 1887488: e2e: node: fix ping tester pod #25688
- Update etcd data locations for kube 1.20.0-beta.2 #25717
- Update oc explain tests #25708
- e2e/cli: move to proper e2e & drop #25712
- e2e: add useraccessoauthtokens RBAC #25709
- Bug 1900030: Fix monitoring availability of image registry #25702
- [Feature:LegacyCommandTests][Disruptive][Serial] test-cmd: adjust tests to rebased 1.20-beta.2 oc command #25704
- Bug 1900239: bump(*): Skip “subPath should be able to unmount” NFS test #25701
- Bug 1887509: e2e: node: filter out worker nodes without MCD #25689
- Bug 1898118: Logging more during ephemeral registry deployment #25690
- hello-openshift: Make request-port header spec compliant #25703
- IR-152: Monitor availability of image registry during upgrades #25679
- Reword CNV as OpenShift Virtualization #25687
- Make oc mirror tests aware of HTTP/2 #25680
- Add e2e testing of server-side apply for openshift types #25652
- hello-openshift: Set BZ component in OWNERS #25693
- Updating ose-hello-openshift builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25684
- Bug 1895537: Image extract tests should check results of ImageStreamImport #25678
- IR-137: Awaiting for operators rollout to complete #25497
- Bug 1896188: bump wait timeout for build completion in oc debug test #25673
- Bug 1873043: Rebase to kube 1.19.2 #25659
- rename ‘foo’ build arg to avoid conflicts with ‘foo’ env’s in the tools image #25671
- Remove CSI driver installation from openshift-tests #25653
- Bug 1838751: oVirt, enable Skipped network tests #25574
- Bug 1891459: bump( #25646
- Report API server unavailability in e2e tests #25602
- add cakephp back in with upstream fix landing #25650
- Evaluate storage metrics of an e2e test. #25614
- move cakephp e2e skip down a level to make openshift-tests happy #25644
- an e2e for testing “” count quota #25645
- Bug 1882556: Access git over https for tests #25625
- disable cakephp while cuppett/scl sort out new upstream regression #25640
- Move & to a proper e2e #25638
- Bug 1883642: Give informers time to observe limitrange #25633
- check apiserver uptime with both new and re-used connections #25620
- Bug 1886620: deflake e2e test “Application behind service load balancer with PDB is not disrupted ” #25606
- Bug 1887850: update SCC test to either pass or fail, but never flake #25628
- Fix skipping of SDN tests #25588
- Fix network test exclusion #25581
- tighten scc test to start failing on more than six pods failing #25608
- Bug 1890141: move off in templates/builds/jenkins tests #25595
- fix typo in word: strategy #25615
- handle cases where pod sandboxes fail after pod deletion #25610
- fail on pods moving back to pending in 4.7 and later #25607
- tests/extended/OWNERS: add ashcrow to approvers #25605
- add a security test to verify capabilities #25295
- hello-openshift: Echo listening port in HTTP responses via headers #25609
- Add a new FIPS test #25362
- Move to a proper e2e #25169
- test: Increase allowed telemetry series by 100 #25592
- Bug 1879057: e2e: skip write/read cache when running Block-mode RWX PVC tests #25566
- test: improve handling of pending pods crashloop detection test #25471
- Bug 1886488: move jenkins e2e nfs setup from to image #25469
- add event monitor test for kube-apiserver not being shutdown gracefully #25594
- Bug 1855325: Move checking telemetry data sending to later stages #25496
- hello-openshift: fix base images #25583
- Update hello-openshift OWNERS files #25584
- image_ecosystem: reinstate nodejs test with postgresql based app #25552
- skip service type load balancer upgrade test on ovirt #25582
- test: add error output for build logs #25437
- test: extended: add Late systemd timeout test #25564
- Update OWNERS #25494
- Full changelog
- Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #45
- Bug 1906496: pkg/rules/proxy: fix hotlooping when receiving client errors #46
- MON-1302: Bump Thanos to v0.17.2 #43
- Bug 1897252: CARRY: cmd/thanos: fix DNS resolution when ctx is canceled #42
- Bug 1897252: CARRY: cmd/thanos/query.go: Timeout DNS resolution with refresh inter… #41
- Bug 1883765: bump Thanos to v0.16.0 #40
- Updating thanos builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Bug 1870287: pkg/query: eventually update rules client #37
- Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github