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oc adm release extract --tools Team Approvals:
Blocking jobs Informing jobs Upgrades from:
Untested upgrades:
4.10.20 ,
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4.10.37 ,
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4.10.58 ,
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4.10.60 ,
4.10.61 ,
4.10.62 ,
4.10.63 ,
4.10.64 ,
4.11.10 ,
4.11.11 ,
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4.11.46 ,
4.11.47 ,
4.11.48 ,
4.11.49 ,
4.11.5 ,
4.11.50 ,
4.11.51 ,
4.11.52 ,
4.11.53 ,
4.11.6 ,
4.11.7 ,
4.11.8 ,
4.11.9 Upgrades to:
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Changes from 4.11.1
Created: 2024-01-19 00:11:55 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:e06117543fc10003c12017829bf7707fcc9f847c9aabcc7ac6150f7babf17ed1
Release 4.11.57 was created from
Rebuilt images without code change
Updating ose-agent-installer-node-agent images to be consistent with ART (#381) #381
Full changelog
Updating ose-alibaba-cloud-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #19
Full changelog
HOSTEDCP-1323 : Merge latest code into 4.14 branch #45
OCPBUGS-10187 : Updating ose-apiserver-network-proxy images to be consistent with ART #30
remove alvaroaleman and ironcladlou #28
Updating ose-apiserver-network-proxy images to be consistent with ART #26
Full changelog
Updating ose-machine-api-provider-aws images to be consistent with ART #57
Full changelog
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #221
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler images to be consistent with ART #222
OCPBUGS-2046 : switched policy for PodDisruptionBudget from v1beta1 to v1 in time for 1.25 #244
Full changelog
: OCPBUGS-20839: bump library-go to include switch to HTTP/1.1 #1575
OCPBUGS-7756 : Guard pod set readiness probe endpoint explicitly #1448
OCPBUGS-2938 : Duplicate prometheus rules for API SLOs after upgrade #1397
OCPBUGS-4551 : guard controller: set an explicit hostname to avoid name collisions #1429
OCPBUGS-4301 : bootstrap-kube-apiserver: specify resources.requests #1412
OCPBUGS-3290 : routes/status resources can leak sensitive data, exclude it from audit #1422
OCPBUGS-2160 : [release-4.11] serviceaccountissuer: fix case when default value is being used and not trusted after change #1394
OCPBUGS-2199 : [release-4.11] Wire support for trusted service account issuers #1386
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-23321 : IBMCloud specific: patch out management workload for dataplane component thats needed for bootstrapping #2109
OCPBUGS-13661 : AUTH: update cluster-reader to include #1811
OCPBUGS-11763 : HyperShift: Add POD_NAME env to ovnkube-node #1780
OCPBUGS-12277 : remove TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 cipher #1789
OCPBUGS-10487 : Enable configuration of node healthz server on ovnkube #1742
OCPBUGS-5954 : Backport Added missing API field podref to OverlappingRangeIPReservation CRD #1686
OCPBUGS-6993 : HyperShift: Co-locate OVN-Kubernetes master with other hcp pods #1702
OCPBUGS-3462 : CNI binary copy should account for the possibility of symlinks [backport 4.11] #1616
OCPBUGS-6920 : Configure ignored namespaces into multus-admission-controller #1698
OCPBUGS-3971 : HyperShift: Do not accept empty infrastructure name #1635
OCPBUGS-3490 : OVN-Kubernetes: Prefer oldest nodes #1641
OCPBUGS-4137 : ipsec: Run ovs-monitor-ipsec in the foreground and change probes #1640
Jira OCPBUGS-3852: IPsec: Fix broken counter++ expression #1638
Bug OCPBUGS-945: Add EgressQoS DstCIDR format validation #1551
OCPBUGS-3911 : SDN: /var/run mount cleanup #1631
Bug OCPBUGS-1075: HyperShift: Differentiate resources deployed by different CNO instances #1555
Bug OCPBUGS-1367: Hypershift: Allow configuring hostname and labels on the route #1559
OCPBUGS-393 : Setting disableNetworkDiagnostics: true does not persist when network-operator pod gets re-created #1530
Bug OCPBUGS-500: Kuryr: Bump timeoutSeconds for livenessProbe #1535
Bug 2096456 : Add init container to ensure that Status.podIP is set before postStart hooks run #1512
Full changelog
: OCPBUGS-20679: bump library-go to include switch to HTTP/1.1 #557
OCPBUGS-3290 : routes/status resources can leak sensitive data, exclude it from audit #513
Full changelog
Adding rpm-build to the Dockerfile (#119) #119
Adding kernel-rpm-macros to the Dockerfile. (#108) #108
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-11608 : properly reconcile with user specified changes for in proxy configuration #2396
install: add flag to wait for HyperShift operator rollout #2370
OCPBUGS-10823 ensure well known public domains do not get proxied on image imports #2352
cherry-pick #2006 #2028
Bug HOSTEDCP-604: Don’t store machine payload in token secret for replace node pools (#1873) #1880
Add missing rbac for authentication reader #1822
update OLM catalogs to 4.11 #1786
Bug OCPBUGS-1367: CNO: Handle long OVN SBDB route hostnames #1747
Add rbac so route-to-ingress controller can do its leader election #1728
fix(oauth): Do not proxy IBM Cloud IAM endpoints #1723
Ingress endpoint #1667
Self image lookup: Retry on empty string #1695
Full changelog
adds helm information gather (#891) #891
OCPBUGS-20715 : update dependencies (#856) #856
Add cherry-pick from 4.12 (#855) #855
Add workload repo image gathering (#829) #829
OCPBUGS-15459 : gather PDBs only from openshift namespaces (#804) (#806) #804
OCPBUGS-15446 : extend configmap gatherer to get gateway-mode-config (#788) (#791) (#802) #788
OCPBUGS-7872 : Collect info about monitoring pods pv (#773) #773
OCPBUGS-11818 : update the cluster transfer interval to 12h (#765) (#766) #765
OCPBUGS-6832 : feat(recent_metrics) adds openshift_apps_deploymentconfigs_strategy_total (#726) (#739) #726
OCPBUGS-6783 : Create gatherer for gathering machines. (#737) #737
OCPBUGS-3380 : fix storage/ceph path structure (#698) #698
OCPBUGS-6025 : operators gatherer - handle ingresscontroller relatedObject & simplify (#719) (#722) #719
OCPBUGS-5349 : do not periodically update Available clusteroperator co… (#718) #718
OCPBUGS-2346 : refactor(dvo_metrics): remove name and namespace from dvo metrics (#685) (#689) #685
OCPBUGS-1355 : update the DVO metrics gatherer (#664) (#677) #664
manifests/02-namespace: Explicitly clear run-level label (#676) #676
backport helm upgrade and uninstall metric (#662) #662
Gather status of the resources (#654) (#655) #654
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-14931 : KuryrPort cleanup: Fix issue of subport not found #733
Bug OCPBUGS-13428: Fix ValueError when Pod has no IP address #727
OCPBUGS-12840 : Fix VIF revert on KuryrPort status update error #725
Bug OCPBUGS-1713: Cleanup KuryrPort when Pod is missing #694
Bug OCPBUGS-577: Fix unbound router_id variable while creating event #687
Full changelog
Update to v0.17.0 (#85) #85
Update to 0.7.0 (#67) #67
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github